Bca 2sem Sy

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SESSION 2023-24


Courses of Study and Scheme of Examination
BCA (Second Semester – Computer Application)

Period per Scheme of

Board of Week Examination
Sl. Subject Total
Studies Subject Name Theory/Lab
No. Code Marks
BCA-201 Differential
1 Mathematics 4 1 - 70 21 9 100
Computer BCA-202 Introduction to PC
Application software and
2 4 1 - 70 21 9 100
Computer BCA-203 Object Oriented
Application Concepts &
3 4 1 - 70 21 9 100
using C++
Computer BCA-204
Application Internet and Web
4 4 1 - 70 21 9 100

Computer Object Oriented

Application Concepts
5 BCA-205 - - 2 35 - 15 50
using C++ Lab
Internet and Web
6 Application BCA-206 - - 2 35 - 15 50
Technology Lab
Total Marks 16 4 4 350 84 66 500

Semester II
Subject : Differential Calculus Subject Code :BCA-201
Internal Class Tests : Three ESE Duration : Three Hours

ESE Max. Marks : 70 Minimum Marks : 28

Internal Test+TA : 30 Minimum Marks : 12


Introduction of Function, Types of Functions, Value of Function, Algebra of Function. Concept of Limit, Limit of a
function, Methods of Evaluation Limits, Existence of Limit.

Continuity of Function of one variable, Types of discontinuity, Properties of Continuous Function, Borel’s Theorem,
Boundedness Theorem, Mostest Theorem, Intermediate value Theorem.

Basic Trigonometry, Differentiation of elementary functions by First Principle, Important results on Differentiation,
Differential Coefficient of Sum of two functions, Product of two functions and Quotient of two function.

Differentiation of Functions of Functions, Parametric Functions, Differentiation of Parametric Function. Logarithmic

Higher Order Derivatives, Equation of Tangent and Normal for functions of one variable, Maxima and minima for
functions of one variable.

Text Books:
1. Differential Calculus by Gorakh Prasad
2. Calculus & Statistical Analysis by H.K.Pathak

Reference Books:
1. Differential Calculus by Shanti Narayan
2. Calculus by M. Ray and H. Sharma

Branch : Computer Science & Semester : II
Subject : Introduction to PC Software Subject Code :BCA-202
and Internet Application
Internal Class Tests : Three ESE Duration : Three Hours

ESE Max. Marks : 100 Minimum Marks : 40

Internal Test+TA : 50 Minimum Marks : 30

Course Objectives:
Give students an in-depth understanding of why computers are essential components in business, education and society.
Provide hands-on use of Microsoft Office applications Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Completion of the assignments will
result in MS Office applications knowledge and skills.

Course Outcome:
After completion of this course students will be –
1. Understand the basic terminology of computers
2. Understand the practical concepts of MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Access.

Using Office 2007 MS-Word- Creating and editing word documents, formatting documents –aligningdocuments,
indenting paragraphs, changing margin, formatting pages, formatting paragraph, printing labels,working with tables,
formatting text in tables, inserting and deleting cells, rows and columns, use bulletedand numbering, checking spelling
and grammar, finding synonyms, working with long documents, workingwith header and footer, adding page number and
foot note, working with graphics, inserting clip art, workingwith pictures, Word art, creating flow chart, creating word
templates, creating templates, working with mailmerge, writing the form letter, merging form documents, selecting merge
records, creating macros, running macros.

Working with MS-Excel – Introducing Excel, use of excel sheet, saving, opening, and printing workbook,Apply formats
in cell & text, Divide worksheet into pages , setting page layout, adding Header & Footer.Using multiple documents,
arranging windows i.e. (Cascade, Tiled,and Split), protecting your work, passwordprotection. Working with Functions &
Formulas, using absolute reference, referencing cell by name , usingcell label , giving name to cell and ranges , working
with formulas (mathematical & trigonometric ,statistical, date time , most recently used), Working with Excel graphics,
creating chart & graphs. filtering adatabase ,using auto filter ,criteria range, calculating total and subtotal, creating pivot
table, goal seek,recording & playing macros, deleting and selecting macro location.

Working with MS-PowerPoint & MS-Access - Presenting with PowerPoint – Creating presentation,working with slides,
different types of slides, setting page layout, selecting background and applying design,adding graphics to slide, adding
sound and movie, working with table, creating chart and ginih, playing aslide show, slide transition, advancing slides,
setting time, rehearsing timing, animating slide, animatingobjects, running the show from windows. MS-Access –
Creating tables in Access, defining datatypes,creating relationships, manipulating records.

Introduction to HTML and Designing Web Page using MS-FrontPage – Concept of website, webstandards, what is
HTML, HTML documents/files. HTML Editor, explanation of the structure of home page,elements in HTML document,
HTML elements, HTML tags and basic HTML tags, viewing the source ofwebpage. And downloading the WebPages
source Image, internal and external linking between webpages – IMG elements. Features of Front page 2000, Designing
web page, working with views,Hyperlinks, setting Hyperlink, using List, themes, tables, Frames, style sheet, working with
forms, pageTemplates, frame templates, anchor, working with banners, Dynamic effect, How to publishing webpages
inlocal area network.

Animations and Graphics: Basic Concept of 2D/3D Animation, Principle and application in Multimedia,Hardware &
software resources requirement for animation, steps for creating generic animation. Learn the basic of FlashAnimation;
Creating a new movie: Get set Up, Input Text, Animate Text, drawing and painting with tools, brush,createbasic shapes
like Oval, Rectangle& Polystar Tools, tools working with object & filing the object,Transformation, object properties
dialog box, creating layers motion tweeing, shape tweeing , mask layers,basic action scripts, importing sound through
Flash.Interface of Photoshop: The Photoshop workspace use of menus palettes and toolbox, creating new images,using
selecting tools, lasso tool, Direct select Lasso, convert point tool, image adjustment through Photoshop.

Text Books:
1. Office 2000 made easy - Alan Neibauer, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. An Introduction to HTML -Dr.K.N. Agarwala, Dr.O.P.Vyas, P.A.Agarwala
3. FLASHMX Bible -Robert Reinhart
4. Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Flash 8 in 24 Hours- Phillip Kerman
5. Photoshop Bible -Willey Publication
6. Ms Front page 2000 complete concept and Technical Gary, B.shelly.
7. Complete Reference HTML
8. How to do everything with Macromedia - Bonnie Blake,Doug Sahlin
9. Multimedia Making it works - Tay Vaughan Tata Mcgraw Hills

Branch : Computer Application Semester : II
Subject : Object Oriented Concepts Subject Code :BCA-203
& Programming using C++
Internal Class Tests : Three ESE Duration : Three Hours

ESE Max. Marks : 70 Minimum Marks : 28

Internal Test+TA : 30 Minimum Marks : 12

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce a number of discrete mathematical structures found to be serving as tools in the development of
theoretical computerscience.
2. Course focuses on how discrete structures actually helped computer engineers to solve problems occurred in the
development of programminglanguages.
3. Course highlights the importance of discrete structures towards simulation of a problem in computer

Course Outcome-
After completion of this course students will be –
1. Able to apply mathematical logic and Boolean algebra in switching circuits & logiccircuits.
2. Familiar with set theory, relation andfunctions.
3. Familiar with algebraic structures, graph theory andcombinatorics.
4. Able to solve problems in various fields in computer science, speciallynetworking

Concepts of Object Oriented programming: Object oriented paradigm - differences between Object Oriented
Programming and Procedure oriented programming, Basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming, Encapsulation,
Inheritance and Polymorphism. Benefits of OOP.Structure of a C++ program, namespace, Data types, identifiers,
variables, constants, enum, operators, typecasting, control structures &loops.

Functions, Classes and Objects: Introduction of Classes,Class Definition, Defining a Members, Objects, Access Control,
Class Scope, Scope Resolution Operator, Inline functions, Memory Allocation for Objects, Static Data Members, Static
Member Functions, Arrays of Objects, Objects as Function Arguments, Default Arguments, Friend Functions.

Constructors, Destructors, Inheritance:
Introduction to Constructors, Parameterized Constructors, Multiple Constructors in a Class, Dynamic Constructors, and
Inheritance :Introduction to inheritance, Defining Derived Classes, Single Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Multi-Level
Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, Hybrid Inheritance, Constructors in Derived Classes.

Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism: Introduction, Memory Management, new Operator and delete
Operator, Pointers to Objects, this Pointer, Pointers to Derived Classes, Polymorphism, compile time polymorphism, Run
time polymorphism, Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual Functions, Abstract Classes, Virtual Base Classes, Virtual
Destructors. Function Overloading, Operator overloading, Rules for Operator overloading, overloading of binary and
unary operators.

Exception handling and Graphics: Basics of Exception Handling, Types of exceptions, Exception Handing Mechanism,
Throwing and Catching Mechanism, Re-throwing an Exception, Specifying Exceptions. Graphics basic, graphics library,
graphic function, graphics mode, initializing graphics mode, graphics driver.

Text Books: 1. Lafore R., Object Oriented Programming in C++, Waite Group.
2. E. Balagurusamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, Tata McGraw Hill.

References: 1. C++ Primer, 3rd Edition, S.B.Lippman and J.Lajoie, PearsonEducation.

2. The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition, B.Stroutstrup, PearsonEduc
3. C++, the Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt,TMH.

Branch : Computer Application Semester : II
Subject : Internet and WebTechnology Subject Code :BCA-204
Internal Class Tests : Three ESE Duration : Three Hours

ESE Max. Marks : 70 Minimum Marks : 28

Internal Test+TA : 30 Minimum Marks : 12

Course Objectives:
1. Basic Understanding of computer network and Internet
2. Basic Understanding of protocols
3. Able to analyze the web components of any website.
4. Students will able to develop any dynamic websites
5. Understanding of web hosting

Course Outcome:
After completion of this course students will be –
1. Analyze a web page and identify its elements and attributes.
2. Create web pages using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets.
3. Build dynamic web pages using PHP.
4. Build interactive web applications using AJAX.
5. Host and manage web sites

Computer networks - LAN, MAN, WAN, Topologies, Protocol, Internet & Intranet, ISP,
Client Server Architecture, Web Browsers, Web Servers, World Wide Web, URL, URI OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP
model, protocols HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS,

HTML: basic structure, syntax, tags and attributes basic tags, lists, table, image, form, span, div tag, audio, video, canvas.

CSS: Introduction, syntax, selector, color, background, border, margin, padding, box model, outline, text, font, list, table,
pseudo class, Media query

JavaScript: syntax, variable, operators, data types, loop, function, objects, array, DOM, DOM Manipulation. Form
AJAX, JSON, XML, JQuery: syntax, selector, events, effect, HTML CSS manipulation, traversing, AJAX.

PHP: syntax, variable, data types, if else, switch, loop, function, array, form handling, validation, PHP include, file
handling, file upload, Cookie, Session, MySql with PHP.

Webhosting: managed and unmanaged hosting, cloud hosting. Securing cloud hosting, content management system. Web
Services, API, Oauth. Web Traffic Monitoring, Web Designing, Whois

Text Book:

1. Web Technologies, Ivan Bayross, BPB Publications

2. The Complete Reference PHP Steven Holzner, Tata McGraw-Hill

Reference Books:

1. Java Script, D.Flanagan

2. Beginning Web Programming-Jon Duckett WROX.
3. Programming world wide web, R.W.Sebesta, Fourth Edition, Pearson.
4. Internet and World Wide Web How to program. Dietel and Nieto, Pearson.

Branch : Computer Application Semester : II
Subject : Object oriented concept and Subject Code :BCA-205
programming using C++ lab

ESE Max. Marks : 35 Minimum Marks : 20

Internal Test+TA : 15 Minimum Marks : 10
Course Objective:
The learning objectives of this course are:
1. To understand how C++ improves C with object-oriented features.
2. To learn how to write inline functions for efficiency and performance.
3. To learn the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language.
4. To learn how to design C++ classes for code reuse.
5. To learn how to implement copy constructors and class member functions.
6. To understand the concept of data abstraction and encapsulation.
7. To learn how to overload functions and operators in C++.
8. To learn how containment and inheritance promote code reuse in C++.
9. To learn how inheritance and virtual functions implement dynamic binding with polymorphism.
10. To learn how to design and implement generic classes with C++ templates.
11. To learn how to use exception handling in C++ programs.
Course Outcome
1. To describe the advantages of a high level language like C/C++, the programming process, and the compilation
process. ...
2. To describe and use software tools in the programming process. ...
3. To apply good programming principles to the design and implementation of C/C++ programs.
List of Experiments: (At leastTen experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. Write a Program to check whether number is prime or not.
2. Write a Program to read number and to display the largest value between:
a) Two number, (b)Three Numbers, (c) Four numbers by using switch-case statements.
3. Write a Program to exchange the contents of two variables by using (a)Call by value, (b)Call by reference.
4. Write a Program to perform the following arithmetic operations of a complex number using structure:
(a) Addition of two complex numbers, (b) Subtraction of two complex numbers, (c) Multiplication of two
complex numbers, (d) Division of two complex numbers.
5. Write an object oriented program (OOP) using C++ to exchange the private data members of two different
functions using friend functions.
6. Write an OOP using C++ to count how many times a particular member function of a class is called by: (a) A
particular object, (b) Any objects
7. Write an OOP using C++ to define a constructor for a “Date” class that initializes the Date objects with initial values.
In case initial values are not provided, it should initialize the objects with default values.
8. Write an OOP using C++ to overload = = operator to compare two strings.
9. Write an OOP using C++ to perform simple arithmetic operations of two complex numbers using operator overloading.
10. Write a C++ Program to perform the swapping of two data items of integer, floating point number and character type
with the help of function overloading.
11.Write a C++ program to demonstrate how a pure virtual function is defined, declared and invoked from the object of
derived class through the pointer of the base class.
12.Write a C++ program to open a file and count the number of characters, number of vowels and number of newline
characters present in the file.
List of Equipment/Machine Required Pentium IV machine, Turbo C++ compiler / gcc, windows / Linux environment
Recommended Books :
1. Programming with C++: D Ravichandran. 2. OOP’s with C++: E. Balaguruswamy.

Branch : Computer Application Semester : II
Subject : Internet & Web Technology Lab Subject Code :BCA-206

ESE Max. Marks : 35 Minimum Marks : 18

Internal Test+TA : 15 Minimum Marks :8

Course Objectives:
1. Basic understanding of web pages
2. Basic understanding of html css and js
3. Basic understanding of PHP

Course Outcome:
After completion of this course students will be –
1. Create web pages using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets.
2. Build dynamic web pages using PHP.
3. Build interactive web applications using AJAX.
4. Host and manage web sites

1. Write a program to use basic html tags
2. Write a program to create html list
3. Write a program to create html table
4. Write a program to create html forms
5. Write a program to use basic css properties
6. Desing a basic home page using html and css
7. Create a form and validate with java script
8. Parse a json file/ url using jQuery and show in html
9. Create a login example to process with php file
10. Create a user registration form and process with php
11. Create a php program to perform CRUD operation
12. Create a php paging program with database

Text Book:
1. Web Technologies, Ivan Bayross, BPB Publications
2. The Complete Reference PHP Steven Holzner, Tata McGraw-Hill

Reference Books:
1. Java Script, D.Flanagan
2. Beginning Web Programming-Jon Duckett WROX.
3. Programming World Wide Web, R.W.Sebesta, Fourth Edition, Pearson.
4. Internet and World Wide Web How to program. Dietel and Nieto, Pearson.


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