Comparative Analysis of Three Typical Cantilever Scaffold Supporting Systems
Comparative Analysis of Three Typical Cantilever Scaffold Supporting Systems
Comparative Analysis of Three Typical Cantilever Scaffold Supporting Systems
Research Article
Keywords: Cantilever scaffold, Comparative analysis, FEM, Analytical formula, Bene t comparison
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Comparative Analysis of Three Typical Cantilever Scaffold
Supporting Systems
Dajiang Geng1, Ning Dai2, De Zhang3, Xuesheng Jin1, Minjian Long4
(1China Construction 4th Engineering Bureau 6th Co., Ltd. Shanghai 201100, China
Key Laboratory of Rail Infrastructure Durability and System Safety,
Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Shanghai Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd. Shanghai 200433, China
China Construction 4th Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. Shanghai 201100, China)
Abstract: In order to effectively guide the selection of scaffold in designing the cantilever scaffold,
comprehensive analyses of three typical scaffold supporting systems (including fully cantilever,
bottom-supporting cantilever and pull-up cantilever) are carried out. The calculation formulas of the
internal force for the three scaffold supporting systems are proposed based on the theoretical
analysis, which are effectively verified by the finite element method (FEM). In addition, the force
mechanism and benefits of the three scaffold supporting systems are compared and analyzed
combined with actual engineering. The results indicate that there is high calculating accuracy for
the proposed internal force and deflection calculation formulas about the scaffold supporting
systems. According to the distribution uniformity of the internal force and controlling of the
deformation of the main girder, the bottom-supporting cantilever system is undoubtedly the best
choice. While the pull-up cantilever supporting system is the best choice when considering the
aspects of cost, construction period and social benefits, which ought to be popularized in
engineering practice.
Key words: Cantilever scaffold; Comparative analysis; FEM; Analytical formula; Benefit
1 Introduction
Scaffold plays an important role in the building construction, based on the principles of action,
scaffold currently includes attached lifting frames, climbing frames and cantilever frames [1-3].
According to the classification of the force systems, the scaffold includes fully cantilever, bottom-
supporting cantilever, pull-up cantilever and bottom-supporting pull-up cantilever systems [4-6].
Even though the fully cantilever scaffold is widely used in actual engineering [7], this type of
scaffold requiring holes left ahead of time in the walls and floors, which do harm to the building
structure and may lead to later leakage. In order to solve these problems when using fully cantilever
scaffold, the bottom-supporting cantilever scaffold [4,5,8] and pull-up cantilever scaffold [9-12]
were effectively put forward. So far, much work has been done on the designing, installation, using
and monitoring of the fully cantilever scaffold [13-20], and rich experience has also been
accumulated on the actual engineering application. However, even though the bottom-supporting
cantilever scaffold and pull-up cantilever scaffold are widely used, as well as current research
focuses on the engineering construction, the designing method of these two types of scaffolds
remain referring to the designing of fully cantilever scaffold. Because the supporting systems of
fully cantilever scaffold, bottom-supporting cantilever scaffold and pull-up cantilever scaffold are
different, it is obviously unreasonable to design these two scaffolds according to the method of fully
cantilever scaffold.
In addition, cutting cost is hoped when erecting and dismantling scaffolds. Therefore, this
research try to evaluate the differences of three typical cantilever scaffold supporting systems on the
structures, forces and benefits, which provide a valuable reference for the engineering designing
and choosing of scaffold supporting systems.
Fig.1 Comparison of three types of scaffolds
The load on the bearing beam in Fig. 1(a) is directly transmitted to the structure floor and wall,
and the load-bearing beam and structure floor are generally fixed by 3 U-shape bolts. While the load
on the cantilever bearing beam of bottom-supporting cantilever scaffold (see in Fig. 1(b)) is partially
transmitted to the bottom-supporting beam, which is eventually transmitted to the building structure
by the bottom-supporting beam and cantilever beam. The fixing bolts are used between bottom-
supporting beams and building structure walls, between cantilever beams and building structure
walls, between bottom-supporting beams and cantilever beams, respectively. As to the pull-up
cantilever scaffold in Fig. 1(c), the load on the cantilever bearing beam is partially transmitted to
the upper tie rod and then transmitted to the structure through upper tie rod and cantilever beam. It
is notable that the cantilever beams and building structure walls are fixed by bolts, and the upper tie
rods and structure walls are articulated, the articulated connection is also used for the upper tie rods
and cantilever beams.
Therefore, the most obvious differences among the three scaffold systems are the supporting
systems, and the difference in supporting system will inevitably lead to different force transmission
paths and force on the scaffold, different installation and disassembly construction procedures, as
well as different construction periods, economic benefits and social benefits.
woh =
4lb3lc 3lb 4 lc3lb + n 2lblc lni lno 3lb lni 2 lno 2 lni 3 +lno 3
Where, x represents the distance between the section of cantilever main beam and the anchor
point center. E means the elastic modulus of the cantilever main beam, and I represents the
inertia moment of the cantilever main beam.
3.1.2 FEM verification
FEM is an effective way for the modern numerical calculation, which has been widely used in
engineering practice [21,22]. Hence, the FEM was used in this research to verify the accuracy and
precision of the force of fully cantilever supporting system before calculating it by eqs. (1) to (3).
As table 1 shows the geometric parameters, the cantilever main beam is an articulated unit with
a cantilever on one side, which was set as I16 steel. A 2-node linear beam element and ideal
elastoplastic constitutive model were used in the simulation, with the elastic modulus 206 GPa,
Poisson's ratio 0.30, and the yield stress 235 MPa. The value of concentrated load Fn =20.00kN ,
and the self-weight load q =0.246kN / m .
lc 1.75 lb 1.40
lni 0.38 lno 1.18
As shown in Fig.3 the bending moment results by eq. (1) and FEM, the deflections of eq. (3)
and FEM are 17.86 mm and 18.79 mm, respectively. And the results indicate that the internal force
and deformation of the fully cantilever supporting system by eqs. (1) to (3) has a higher calculating
32 Analytical Method
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
C10C21C33 C10C23C31 +C11C23C30 C13C21C30
FV (5)
C11C22C33 C11C23C32 C12C21C33 + C12C23C31 + C13C21C32 C13C22C31
The process variables C11 、 C12 、 C13 、 C10 、 C21 、 C22 、 C23 、 C31 、 C32 、 C33 、 C30 are as
h l 3
C11 bs cos (7)
ldb3 l 3
C12 sin bs sin (8)
3E I 3EI
ldb 2 l 2
C13 sin bs (9)
2 E I 2EI
Fn lni 2 Fl 2 ql 2
C10 (3lbs lni )+ n no (3lbs lno )+ bs (lbs 2 +6lb 2 4lblbs ) (10)
6 EI 6 EI 24EI
lbs l
C21 sin bs sin (11)
ldb3 l
C22 cos bs cos (12)
ldb 2
C23 cos (13)
2E I
lbs 2
C31 cos (14)
2 EI
ldb 2 l 2
C32 bs sin (15)
2 E I 2 EI
ldb l
C33 bs (16)
Where, represents the angle between the axial direction and vertical direction of the
bottom-supporting beam, which satisfies tan lbs h . ldb is the length of bottom-supporting
beam, E means the elastic modulus of bottom-supporting beam, I indicates the inertia moment
of bottom-supporting beam, A and A are the cross-sectional area of the cantilever main beam
and bottom-supporting beam, respectively.
When obtaining the force of the node, the bending moment of the cantilever main beam can be
obtained by eq. (18).
2 q(lb x) FN cos FV sin (lbs x)+Fn (lni x) Fn (lno x) M 0 x lni
q(lb x)2 FN cos FV sin (lbs x) Fn (lno x) M lni x lno
M bmb = (18)
q(lb x)2 FN cos FV sin (lbs x) M lno x lbs
q(lb x)2 lbs x lb
Where, x represents the horizontal distance between the internal force section point and the
fixed end of the cantilever main beam.
The bending moment of the bottom-supporting beam is
Vbdb = FV (23)
Nbdb = FN (24)
Where, x is the horizontal distance between the internal force section point and the fixed
end of the bottom-supporting beam.
3.2.2 FEM Verification
Similarly, the I16 I-beam and I10 I-beam are used for the cantilever main beam and bottom-
supporting beams, respectively, with the 2-node linear beam elements adopted in the simulation. In
addition, the boundary conditions of fixed connection were used among the cantilever main beams,
bottom-supporting beams and building structures. The ideal elasto-plastic model was also selected
in the simulation with the value of elastic modulus 206 GPa, Poisson's ratio 0.30, yield stress 235
MPa, concentrated load Fn =20.00kN and self-weight load q =0.246kN / m . More parameters
can be seen in table 2.
h 1.40 lb 1.40
lni 0.38 lno 1.18
lbs 1.30
Figure 5 shows the bending moments between cantilever main beam calculated by eq. (18) and
FEM, and the deflections by eq. (21) and FEM are 0.36 mm and 0.25 mm, respectively. According
to Fig. 5, even though the bending moment by the analytical method is slightly higher, the maximum
error is less than 10, which undoubtedly meet the requirements of engineering design.
7 Analytical Method
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
3.3 Force analysis and verification of the pull-up cantilever supporting system
3.3.1 Force analysis
The supporting system of the pull-up cantilever scaffold in Fig. 1(c) can be simplified to Fig.
6. h represents the vertical distance of the articulated point between tie rod and building structure
to the fixed point between the cantilever main beam and building structure, and lppo is the
horizontal distance of connecting point between tie rod and building structure to the fixed point
between the cantilever main beam and building structure. In addition, lpro denotes the length of the
tie rod.
4 Fn lni 2 (3lppo lni )+4 Fn lppo 2 (3lno lppo )+qlppo 2 (lppo 2 6lb 2 4lb lppo )
Fpro = (25)
24 EIh
+8sin(o )lppo3
Epro Apro
With o satisfies
tan(o ) (26)
Where, Epro and Apro represent the elastic modulus and the cross-section area of the tie rod,
After obtaining the tension of the tie rod, when treating the tension as an external force, the
bending moment of the cantilever main beam is
2 q(lb x) Fn (lni +lno 2 x)+ Fprosin(o )(lppo x) 0 x lni
1 q(l x)2 F (l x)+ F sin( )(l x) lni x lppo
b n no pro o ppo
M pmb 2 (27)
q(lb x)2 Fn (lno x) lppo x lno
q(lb x)2 lno x lb
However, if a horizontal distance x between one point and the fixed end of the cantilever
main girder is seen as a variable, when the derivative of eq. (27) is obtained, the shearing force of
the cantilever main girder can be
Fpro 0 x lppo
N pmb lpro (29)
0 lppo x lb
And the maximum deflection of the cantilever main beam at the free end of the beam is
h 3.00 lb 1.40
Figure 7 shows the bending moments between cantilever main beam calculated by eq. (27) and
FEM, and the deflections calculated by eq. (30) and FEM are 1.61 mm and 1.78 mm, respectively.
According to the results, the differences of the internal force and deformation obtained by the
analytical method and FEM are very small, which indicates the analytical formula has higher
calculation accuracy.
9 Analytical Method
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
32 Fully cantilevered
Bottom-supporting cantilevered
28 Pull-up cantilevered
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
According to the results, the deflections of free end of the cantilever main beam for the fully
cantilever, bottom-supporting and pull-up cantilever supporting systems are 17.86 mm, 0.36 mm,
and 1.61 mm, respectively, which means the existence of the bottom-supporting beam and pull-up
tie rod effectively reduced the deformation of the cantilever main beam, and the restricting effect of
the bottom-supporting beam on the main beam is stronger than the pull-up tie rod. Therefore,
regardless of the cost, the bottom-supporting cantilever bearing system is undoubtedly the best
Supporting system Calculation details
I18 for the main beam and 20 mm
Pull-up cantilever 42617
diametral tie rod (round bar)
Bottom-supporting I12.6 for the main beam and I10 for the
cantilever bottom-supporting beam
Pull-up cantilever 1.5 main beams and tie rods needed to be blocked
through grouting.
Large holes caused by installation and removal of
Fully cantilever 4.0 main beams and tie rods needed to be blocked by
5 Conclusion
The theoretical analysis and FEM are used to compare the structure, force mechanism and
benefits of the three cantilever scaffolds, the conclusions are as follows:
(1) The formulas of the internal force and deflection about the three proposed scaffold
supporting systems have high accuracy, which can be used as a reference for specific designing
(2) The bottom-supporting cantilever supporting system has the best uniformity of the internal
force distribution and deformation controlling of the main girder, followed by the pull-up cantilever
supporting system, and the fully cantilever supporting system lies worst.
(3) Compared with the fully cantilever supporting system, the pull-up cantilever supporting
system can effectively save 48.93% cost and 62.5% construction period, as well as has good social
benefits, which is recommended in engineering practice.
Data availability
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in figures of the current manuscript.
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The authors are grateful to funding received from the Project of China Construction 4th Engineering
Bureau under grant numbers CSCEC4B-2019-KT-16, CSCEC4B-2021-KTB-27, CSCEC4B-2021-
KTB-28 and CSCEC4B-2021-KTB-29.
Author contributions
The study was written by Dajiang Geng and designed and supervised by Ning Dai, data analyzed
by De Zhang, ideals and software provided by Xuesheng Jin and Minjian Long
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.