Efficient IOT Based Smart Bin For Clean Environment

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International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 3-5, 2018, India

Efficient IOT Based Smart Bin for Clean

Murugaanandam. S, Ganapathy. V and Balaji. R

Abstract—Dustbins are containers used for collecting

household waste all around the world. In our day to day I. INTRODUCTION
life, we dispose variety of waste materials categorized as
industrial waste, sewage wastes, domestic wastes etc.
Dustbins are used for collecting the domestic waste Rtechnology
ECENT advancements in communication
using wireless sensor devices
materials. Indoor dustbins are used to collect wastes from opened vast opportunities for developers and researchers
household, which are then disposed into the outdoor of many intelligent smart systems developed for social
dustbins maintained by the Corporation or Municipality.
relevant applications. Using this everyone is migrating
Indoor dustbins are smaller in size, whereas municipal
to select only smart mobile phones, smart sensors, smart
dustbins present outdoors are so big in size since it has to
accommodate all the wastes from many household users in
home automation, smart irrigation system etc. The IoT
that area. Hence our main focus is on the dustbins placed permits all individuals and things to be more smart and
outside every corner in the streets in order to keep the connected to the Internet world. Hence, we can call it as
environment clean. Road side dustbins are not monitored Internet of Everything. To facilitate new smart services
and cleaned properly most of the times. In this paper we and redesign the active devices in smart cities are very
propose a new system for managing garbage within Smart effective, when we use IoT [1-6]. In this case garbage
Cities. This Efficient Waste disposal or Management collection is reshaped to Waste Collection as a Service.
System is considered as an essential for Modern Smart Dynamic scheduling and collecting waste are the manual
Cities (MSC). Internet of Things (IoT) can be implemented process, but done efficiently through online using IoT.
both in IS and MSC creating an highly developed proposal
There are two Issues connected to smart waste
for future Operations. Special methods can be applied to
collection. First how frequently collect waste from bins
enhance technology used for high Quality of Service (QoS)
in our waste management system. Specifically, IoT
and secondly how to inform this to the municipal
components like sensors, detectors, and actuators are authorities.
integrated into Intelligent System (IS) and Inspection Smart Bin, is a garbage collecting dust bin,
systems for efficient waste management. We recommend a which is self-aware and detects the level of the waste in
sophisticated IS for efficient waste management in Smart the dustbin, based on that it can send alert messages to
Cities. The proposed system is an automated alert based the municipal authorities, so the authorities make the
smart bin or garbage collection system and to alert the arrangements to replace the dustbin. This type of
authorities like corporation or local waste disposal team. dustbins will be very useful in places where the
Using this, we can monitor the complete waste disposal in frequency of people using the dustbin varies because
an efficient way.
timely checks won’t be sufficient [7]. Other features are
Index Terms—Smart cities, Smart bin IOT Sensors, UV also added, one is automated closing of the doors with
infra-red automated, Aurdino UNO, Ethernet module, the help of motors using Ultra-sonic Sensor, in case the
alert buzzer, cost efficient, Rain detector, Ethernet, Html dustbin is full, another is the detection of objects around
web page. the dustbin using IR Sensor, which in turn can help the
dustbin from accumulating wastes around the dustbin.
Murugaanandam. S, Assistant Professor, is with the Department of An Arduino board is used to send the information to a
Information Technology, SRM University, KTR, Chennai.
server. Power supply of 12V-2 Amps is used for the
Ganapathy. V, Professor is with the Department of Information circuit. An IR Sensor is used for detecting objects and an
Technology, SRM University, KTR, Chennai. ultra-sonic Sensor is used for detecting the height filled
R Balaji, B.Tech Student is with the Department of Information by the dustbin.[8] These Sensors are connected to the
Technology, SRM University, KTR, Chennai. SPI Interface of the Arduino, and a buzzer is added with
balajitheniga@gmail.com relays. Buzzer is used as an alarm in case people throw
wastes around the dustbin. The board also consists of a

978-1-5386-3521-6/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

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voltage regulator, which is used to provide the required fillings using Sensors, and uses GSM to alert the
voltage to the Sensors and the Arduino. [9]. The authorities. Notable disadvantages are usage of RFID for
Arduino consists of an Ethernet module, which is used identification and absence of log to record the data for
for server client communication. Using this, information each overflow. A Graphical user Interface GUI proposed
can be passed from the client to server, and vice versa. in [5], which is able to show the current state of the
This is used for passing info about the current state of dustbins. No efficient alert system is present since it
the dustbin. sends all the alerts to the same person.
The paper is framed as follows: Section II
discusses Literature review in the area of IoT-enabled III. P ROBLEM DEFINITION
waste collection for Smart Cities. Section III describes People dispose domestic wastes in the dustbins placed at
the Problem definition of the system and some scenarios the roadside. This public dustbin gets filled up
of usage. Section IV considers the scope and motivation randomly. Continuous human monitoring is required to
for this work. Section V contains the proposed system control the overflow level of the dustbin, because
which describes the complete system model and sometimes the dustbins fill up faster than usual. When
purpose. Section VI concludes the complete flow chart dustbins overflow people can’t dispose their wastes in
which describes the process. Implementation and the dustbin, so they dispose it outside the bin. In rainy
Methodology are proposed in section VII. In section season, the situation gets worse when rain water enters
VIII, plans for future work is discussed and finally the dustbin, releasing bad odours. In order to prevent the
section IX has conclusion and references. overflow and to avoid people disposing their wastes
II. LITERATURE REVIEW outside the bin, we are proposing a smart bin system,
which can detect overflow and alert the authorities and
This is a unique idea, for the implementation of smart also detect the wastes being placed around the bin, and
garbage bin. This is our plan for designing smart send a buzzer to stop the people from disposing the
garbage bin with Ultrasonic Sensor, IR Sensor and wastes outside. Moreover a water Sensor is present
Ethernet module for transferring of data. We reviewed which detects water and automatically closes the door in
the papers which deal with the smart bin concepts. The case of rain.
review consists of different methods which are proposed
for waste disposal and management. In paper [1] IV. SCOPE AND MOTIVATION
discusses the different methodologies used to manage A. Scope
internet of things and describes the detailed functionality
of IoT, and gives an overall idea of preparing Our proposed system identifies the status of
application related to information management over smart bin and detects whether it is empty or filled to
internet. An overview of the concept for combining user customize the waste collection schedule. Accordingly it
application with IOT [2] and deals with detailed alerts the authorities, thereby reducing the cost and
description about mobile analysis and Sensor saving time [10]. In Real time waste management
information management. They outlined recent system using smart dustbin the level of the dustbin is
advancements by world foremost innovators in checked to find whether the dustbin is filled or not. This
developing IoT Standards, big data management and system provides the information status of the dustbins
mobile analytics, as well as standards and open source and can be accessed from any where you are and any
platforms for developing IoT applications. To realize the point of time by the concerned authorities. It will inform
IoT vision we must address a number of IoT challenges the status of each dustbin to the concerned authority. So,
we have outlined in this paper. Addressing these the garbage collection vehicle can be sent only when it
significant challenges requires both international is needed. By implementing this resource optimization,
collaboration and high impact killer-applications. All cost reduction and effective waste management can be
major successes in IoT research. A new technique was done.
introduced in this paper and implement for smart city
B. Motivation
waste management connected with IOT [3], The
dynamic scheduling concept required for the cleaning of Cleanliness is one of the most important things
dustbin periodically and the Top-k query lead us to which any human being would cherish. In order to be
priority based cleaning of dustbins. City Garbage clean, we must preserve unclean places and make them
Collection Indicator using RF (Zigbee) and GSM tidy and neat. Dustbins are often seen as filthy since it is
technology [4]. In the proposed system uses a RFID to filled with wastes and spreads foul smell around it.
identify a particular dustbin. It detects the dustbin Hence we chose this project which maintains a Fresh

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and untarnished environment around the dustbin. This Software and Hardware Components used are,
also goes well in protecting the serenity of the
environment. 1) Arduino IDE,

V. PROPOSED SYSTEM 2) HTML and embedded C language.

In the proposed method, a Sensor node is

installed in every Smart-bin with a power supply unit (It
consists of a Step down transformer, Bridge Rectifier, a
filter circuit and a Voltage Regulator). The Sensor node
senses bin fullness, reports readings and Sensor statuses
by using Ethernet modem from Arduino UNO. It also
has a function to locks the bin door when it is full and
also at rainy period. The following hardware
components are fixed to the bin. Ultrasonic Sensor is
used to check the level of the dust bin. It can also update
the status of the bin and sends this information to its
nearest corporation office. An effective HTML based
webpage is used to get the status in the office. It works Fig. 1. Proposed Architecture
by sending a sound wave, and it is received back from
the other end. By calculating e time of travel of sound The proposed architecture, ultrasonic sensor and
wave we can figure out the distance by, infrared sensor are shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3
Distance = [Speed * Time];
Sensors are embedded to detect the distances
Where Time = Time taken by the sound wave to between various bins.
reach the bin and return back

Speed of travel is the Velocity of Sound which is

equal to 330m/s. So, Distance = [Total distance
travelled i.e.., required distance * 2].

And it can update the status of bin to corporation office

by using SPI Ethernet shield through html pages. (The
SPI Interface is used as the input output interface for the
Arduino. Ethernet module is the additional module
attached to the board which is to be used to connect with
Fig. 2. Ultra-sonic sensor
other computers/servers. It can provide basic LAN based
internet connection.) This is provided in recent advanced a. Infrared Sensor
IOT methods to identify the bin by its ID. Rain Sensors
are connected to detect rainfall, to avoid entering of rain Infra-red is connected to detect wastes placed around the
water into the bin. It is a group of water Sensors dustbin. When an object is thrown near the bin, the
clustered with an AND gate. So, it detects rain by infra-red sensor detects it and switches ON the buzzer.
placing three sensors around the bin. IR Sensor is used
to detect the nearby objects which are placed closer to
the bin (I= 0 or 1). If any object is placed closer to the
bin, the buzzer will be turned ON to give an alert to the
user and update the status in IOT. Relays and Motors are
used to close the door automatically when it receives bin
full indication of ultrasonic Sensor and rain or water
detection by rain Sensor. Fig.3. Infra Red sensor

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b. Rain sensor 11. The system makes the environment Eco friendly.

Rain sensors shown in Fig. 4 are connected to detect VI. F LOW CHART
rainfall,Rain sensors are a group of water sensors
clustered with an AND gate. So, a rain sensor detects
rain by placing water sensors on the various sides,
and by using the data on all the water sensors, a rain
is detected.

Fig. 4. Rain Sensor

C. Advantages

1. System is used to indicate the level of wastages


2. System is used to identify the waste thrown

around the bin and warn the person who has done it.

3. Entering of Rain water in to the bin is prevented.

4. Dust bin can be Easily Monitored through


5. From the E-Waste Management details of daily

seasonality information are obtained. Cleaning
operators are able to better plan when they should
send their cleaners to empty the bins, and they are Fig. 5. Flow Chart
also able to plan which routes their cleaners need to The Flow chart is shown in Fig. 5.
take for minimal travel.
6. Day to Day monitoring and cleaning can be o keep
the pollution minimal. This smart bin system is very useful in
preventing overflow of dustbins and accumulation of
7. Reduce human monitoring process .
wastes around the dustbin. This prototype model
8. the system can be used to minimize the Cost and monitors the bins and provides details about the level
Time. of garbage collected in the garbage bins via sensors
& Internet. This system uses an Arduino device with
9. System Database can be accessed at any time from a power supply. Ultrasonic Sensors placed over the
anywhere. bins lid to detect the garbage outside bin. IR Sensor
is used to sense near garbage if any.
10. The bin which is full can be easily identified by
its ID using Ethernet Module.

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Fig. 6. Arduino Board

Sensors are used to lock the bin automatically, when

rain is detected. The system makes use of Arduino
board shown in Fig. 6 with microcontroller
connected to the SPI using an Ethernet to the web
page. Table I shows the sample statuses of two bins
located at different places TABLE II

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This is a prototype developed for two bins. This IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management.
system can be easily extended to any number of bins.
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