Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Iot: © Mar 2019 - Ire Journals - Volume 2 Issue 9 - Issn: 2456-8880

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© MAR 2019 | IRE Journals | Volume 2 Issue 9 | ISSN: 2456-8880

Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using IoT

ECE Department, Valliammai Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India.

Abstract -- The aim for a developing nation is the smart done Sauro Longhi, Davide Marzioni, Emanuele
city. Crucial effects on the health of living beings are being Alidor, Gianluca Di Bu` o, Mario Prist, Massimo
caused by the environmental pollution. Improper waste Grisostomi and Matteo Pirro[2] proposed, garbage
management and transports creates huge pollution in the
collector supported by using sensor motes which is
atmosphere which are harmful to both living and non-
providing information and status about the bin and
livings creatures and to the layers of the atmosphere.
Theimproper waste management has been continuing over also sending the retrieved data through DTN (Data
years to disturb the environment and also has adverse Transfer Nodes). This bin has a custom prototype
effects on it. The detection and monitoring of wastes in the instead of basic installation of sensor nodes. The
locality are such a difficult process being carried and faced whole system is designed for allowing heterogeneous
by the corporation. Hence it is not possible with our ancient sensor for communication. A wireless sensor network
day’s technologies because of the need of more human is helped for controlling bin by gathering data from
effort, time and cost . The proposed system is an advanced motes. The limitation here is that the information
method in which waste management is easy to handle. IoT
about the bin is not directly transferred to the server or
is an emerging technology with an increasing range of
to the client; it needs to be sent through the Data
applications leads to development of new advanced
technologies and methods for the enhancement of IoT Transfer Nodes [1]. Shubham Thakker, R.
environment. In this system, objects are connected and Narayanamoorthi, in this paper [3], using the Near
controlled by the internet. Smart Garbage monitoring Infrared Reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy we can
system using IoT is an effective design which will help the identify the type of plastic. The alienated dissipate
cities to keep the environment clean. equipment from MSW (municipal solid waste) can be
Indexed Terms: Wi-Fi, ultrasonic sensor, GPRS module, place in a needy area. By Using a dissenter material
Buzzer, Arduino UNO which can be mix into a uniform material. The entire
process is repeated every hour. The fermentation
I. INTRODUCTION mechanism took place in a sealed atmosphere, where
bacteria converted into undividable enzymes which
results in biogas [2]
IoT based Garbage Monitoring system is a very
innovative system which helps in keeping the city Andrei Borozdukhin, Olga Dolinina and Vitaly
clean. This system monitors the garbage bins and Pechenkin, [4] this proposed system consists of two
informs about the level of garbage collected in them parts: software and special signaling equipment. The
via a SMS and Live Update using IoT. The system equipment is placed on the side walls of the bin which
uses an ultrasonic sensor which is placed over the bins consists of two parts: one is the receiver-transmitter
to detect the garbage level and compare it with the and sensor. Sensor is used to indicate the level of the
garbage bins depth. The system makes use of Arduino bin which is connected to the transmitter that transmits
UNO board, IoT Module for sending data. The system a signal of fullness of the bin to the receiver at the
is powered by a 12V transformer. The SMS consists server host. A manager is appointed at the server side
of text related to all garbage bins and Location of bins whose job is to find the shortest route and intimate it
(latitude and longitude). The system has an Monitor to the truck driver to collect it in a short interval of
continuously monitoring the garbage with the help of time [3].
Arduino board.
Thompson A.F, Afolayan A.H, Ibidunmoye E.O
II. LITERATURE REVIEW projected work about the internet-based platform for
the organization and monitoring of waste collection,
The literature surveyed some different papers to get
discarding and carrying etc. This is comprised of the
information about the existing work which have been


© MAR 2019 | IRE Journals | Volume 2 Issue 9 | ISSN: 2456-8880

client, server and storage. The client is the device Receiver Side
which can access the pages and forms used by web
application e.g. PDAs, phones, laptops etc. the desktop
is a program that launches the application and makes
it performs over the internet. In this, the back-end
system is the web server and database management
system that supervise the data used by the function to
monitor the movement of data between user and
system. The limitation of this paper is that it only
shows the location of the bin in the web page [4].


In existing-Implementation of real time waste

management system using GSM system. These can give any microcontroller access to your
systems use automation technique reduces human
efforts. Ultrasonic sensor is provided for detection of BLOCK DIAGRAM EXPLANATION
garbage levels and passes signal to the microcontroller
which is finally given to the GSM system. GSM The system makes use of Arduino microcontroller,
module sends message to the authorized person. LCD screen, Wi-Fi modem for sending data . The
scheme is powered by a 12V transformer. A web page
IV. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY is being built to obtain the status of the garbage level
to the user monitoring it. The web page gives a
System is divided into two units, slave unit and master graphical view of the garbage bins and climaxes the
unit.Slave unit is placed in the garbage bin and the garbage collected in color in order to show the level of
master unit is placed at the control room. The working garbage collected. The LCD monitor shows the
objects of the slave unit are Arduino Uno, ultrasonic condition of the trash level. The scheme indicates a
sensor, IoT module. The entire unit is kept at the top signal when the level of trash composed crosses the
of the dustbin. The ultrasonic sensor time lagging threshold limit. This scheme aids to remain the city
between the sent and received sound signal is used to spotless by updating about the trash levels of the bins
determine the distance to the object. It continuously by providing graphical representation of the bins via a
checks the level in the dustbin The wastages reach the web page. The IoT Module is a self-contained SOC
specified threshold values, ultrasonic sensor gives with combined TCP/IP decorum stack that Wi-Fi
indication to the Arduino UNO. IoT is connected with network. The IoT Module is talented of either hosting
the Arduino Uno for passing the message with live an submission or unburdening all IoT networking
location (latitude and longitude). functions from another application processor. IoT
Module comes pre-programmed with an AT command
V. BLOCK DIAGRAM customary firmware. The IoT module is an extremely
price effective board with an enormous, and ever
Transmitter Side
increasing, community.


Microcontroller receives information from the sensor
and processes on it. It compares the received data with
the threshold level and output is generated
accordingly. The generated output is transferred to
Wi-Fi IOT. The IoT transmit the data to Server. The
received Data’s can view using the PHP web page. The
stored data’s is used to process the receiver side IoT.


© MAR 2019 | IRE Journals | Volume 2 Issue 9 | ISSN: 2456-8880

Receiver side IoT receives the data’s and turn on the 6.3 Adapter:
alarm automatically.
A transformer in which these condary voltage is less
than its primary voltage is called a step-down
6.1 Arduino microcontroller: transformer. The number of turns on the primary of the
transformer is greater than the number of turns on the
Arduino is an open-source platform that is used for secondary side of the transformer, i.e., T 2 < T1. The
developing electronics projects. Arduino consists of step-down transformer voltage turn ratio is 2:1. The
microcontroller and software/IDE that runs on the voltage turn ratio determines the magnitude of voltage
computer, to write and upload computer code to the transforms from primary to secondary windings of the
physical board. The The Arduino does not need a transformer. It converts 230 volt to 12volt.
separate piece of hardware (called a programmer) in
order to load new code onto the board can simply use
a USB cable. The Arduino uses a simplified version of
C, making it easier to learn to program. Arduino
provides a standard form that breaks out the functions
of the micro-controller into a more accessible

6.4 IoT:

The IoT provides internet connections beyond

common devices like desktops , laptops, computers
and smart phones to a diverse range of devices and
everyday things that utilize embedded technology for
communicating and interacting with the external
6.2 Ultrasonic sensor: environment via the Internet.

Ultrasonic sensors are also called as transceivers but

more generally they are called as transducers since it
works on a principle similar to radar or sonar. Its
evaluate attributes of a target by interpreting the
choose from radio or sound waves respectively.
Ultrasonic sensors generate high frequency sound
waves and evaluate the echo which is received back by
the it. Finally, it also calculates the time interval
between sending the signal and receiving the echo to
determine the distance to the object.

The optimization of solution for the waste
management is decided upon the results of the correct
data obtained from the filling and the level of waste in
the bins located at different places of the society. The


© MAR 2019 | IRE Journals | Volume 2 Issue 9 | ISSN: 2456-8880

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