National Library Copyright Form

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T.M. Kalaw Street, Ermita, Manila, 1000 Philippines

(Please Read Instructions Carefully Before Filling Blanks)

__(Published) ___________________
__(Unpublished) FILING DATE

PAPER NO. ____________

The Director, The National Library, Manila Date _________________

SIR: I have the honor to apply for the copyright registration of the (a) unpublished (b) Published work named herein
of which (c) 2 complete copies are herewith deposited compliance with the provisions of REPUBLIC ACT 8293. The
amount of P200.00 for the registration fee and twenty pesos worth of documentary stamp to be affixed to the
certificate and application form are also enclosed. The data required by the rules and regulations of that office are
the following:
1. Name and address of copyright owner:_________________________________________________
(Claimants full legal name)
(Street number, municipality and provinces)
2. Name of author: ___________________________________________________________________
3. Country of which the author is a citizen: ________________________________________________
4. If alien author, state Alien Certificate No. and where domiciled in the Philippines: ______________
5. Title of the Work: _________________________________________________________________
(Title as it appears on the front part of the title page of the work followed by the edition number, if any)
6. Class to which the work belongs: _____________________________________________________
7. If copyright is claimed upon a new matter in a reissued work, state new matter specifically: _______
(Additional chapters by numbers followed by inclusive pages in parenthesis; other more or less short but materials alterations)
8. (d) Completed (e) Printed or Reproduced in copies on the ____day of _______________, _______
(Date when the work or its printing was completed)
at ____________________________________ by _______________________________________
( Municipality, Province) (Person or Establishment making the printing or reproduction in copies)
9. First published or sold to the public in the Philippines on the _____day of ______________, ______
(Day the work was placed on sale, sold or publicly distributed)
________________________________________________________ by ____________________________________________________________
(Municipality, Province) (Persn or Establishment)
10. Send certificate of registration to: ____________________________________________________
(Name and address)
11. Unit price if reproduced in copies for sale: P_____________
Very Respectfully,
(Signature of Applicant)
Deposit received on________________________ Certificate issued on _______________________
Application received on_____________________ Signed by________________________________
Affidavit received on_______________________ Certificate mailed by_______________________
Fee received P_______O.R. _________________ Certificate received by _____________________
(Signature of receiver)
Date of Registration _______________________ XXc___________________________________
 Of the lines marked (a) to (e) use the ones which apply and cross out the lines not used
** The word author embraces a translator, a composer, painter, sculptor or other artists, or a photographer or a producer of a
cinematographic film or publisher of a periodical, or an editor of work without known authors.
+ In case of periodicals, the title includes the volume and number as well as the date of each issue separately registered e.g. Philippine
Magazine Vol. XXX No. 2, July 1933.
++ See class designations at the bottom of the reverse or back side hereof. A representative may sign the application under the name of the
claimant Accomplish this form in duplicate;

NLP-034 Application for Copyright Registration 1 of 3 Rev. 1
T.M. Kalaw Street, Ermita, Manila, 1000 Philippines



(IMPORTANT- This affidavit must be executed by individual -an official of a corporation or firm may act-and must be under the seal of an
officer authorized to administer oaths within the Philippines. In case of published works the execution must be subsequent to the date of publication . The affiant
must fill in the required statements to accord with the fact concerning the work named, and draw pen through statements not intended to be made.)


Municipality of ___________________________
Province or City of _________________________ S.S.

I _________________________________ being duly sworn, depose do solemnly affirm and say:

That I am the (a) person claiming copyright (b) printer who printed (c) duly authorized agent or
representative residing in the Philippines of the claimant of copyright in the Work named herein;
That (d) I am a resident of the municipality of ____________________________Province of
_______________ and (e) __________________________________________ of
____________________________________ claim/s
(name of claimant if other than affiant) (municipality, province)
ownership of copyright in the said work (f) as (g) by assignment (h) by inheritance from the author hereof,
that said work is ( i) original, not copied from any work whether published or unpublished (j) a work falling
under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been secured of which 2
complete copies have been deposited, is entitled
(Title as it appears on the front part or title page (if book)
of the work, edition number if any; author`s name if he is different from claimant)
and have been (k) completed (l) printed or reproduced in copies at
( Municipality, Province)
by ______________________________________, the work or its printing or reproduction having been completed
on the __________ day of _______________, ___________, and the sid work was first published or sold to the
public in the Philippines on the ___________ day of _____________________________, ________,
( same date given in the application)
at ______________________________________ by _______________________________________________
(Municipality; Province) (Name of person in the application)

(Signature of person making affidavit)

Subscribed and sworn to before me this _________ day of ________________, _________. The deponent
in the foregoing affidavit exhibited to me his Community Tax Certificate No. ________________
Issued at the Municipality of ___________________, Province of ___________________ Philippines , on
________________, ________.

Notary Public
My commission expires on ___________

Doc. No. __________

Page No. __________

NLP-034 Application for Copyright Registration 2 of 3 Rev. 1
T.M. Kalaw Street, Ermita, Manila, 1000 Philippines

Book No. _________

Series of __________
1. Of the lines number (a) to (1) use the ones which apply and cross out lines not use.
2. See footnote** on the reverse back side hereof.
3. In case of periodicals the title includes the volume and number as well as the date of which issue separately registered ;e.g. Philippine Magazine, Vol.
XXX, No. 2 July 1933.
4. In case of manuscripts or unpublished works, data regarding publication are not involve and the corresponding blanks spaces need only be created


(a) Books, Pamphlets, articles and other writings; (b) Periodicals and newspaper; (c) Lectures, sermons, addresses, dissertations for
oral delivery, whether or not reduced in writing or other material form; (d) Letters; (e) Dramatic or dramatico-musical compositions;
choreographic works or entertainment in dumb shows; (f) Musical compositions with or without words; (g) Works of drawing, painting,
architecture, sculpture, engraving, lithography or other works of arts, model or design for works of arts; (h) Original ornamental designs, or
models for articles of manufacture, whether or not registrable as an industrial designs and other works of applied art; (I) Illustrations maps,
plans, sketches, charts and three-dimentional works relative to geography, topography, architecture or science; (j) drawings or plastic works of
a scientific or technical character, (k) Photographic works including works produced by a process analogous to photography, lantern slide; (l)
Audiovisual works and cinematographic works produced by a process analogous to cinematography or any process for making audio-visual
recordings; (m) Pictorial illustrations and advertisements; (n) Computer Programs; (o) Other literary; scholarly, scientific and artistic works;
(P) Sound recordings, and (q) Broadcast recordings

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