Sed Cross - Curricular Lesson Group 7

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Analyzing Ancient Egypt

Teachers: Subjects:
Kat, Kyleigh, Jasmine, Kellen English, Math, Music, History

AZ State Standards:

● 9-10.RL.6:
Analyze how points of view and/or cultural experiences are reflected in works of
literature, drawing from a variety of literary texts.
● 9-10.RL.9:
Analyze seminal/primary documents of historical and literary significance, including
how they address related themes and concepts.
● G.N-Q.A.3:
Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting
quantities utilizing real-world context.
● G.N-Q.A.:
Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. Include problem-
solving opportunities utilizing real-world context.

● MU.CN.11.8b:

Identify and explain how context (e.g. social, cultural, and historical) can inform a

● MU.CN.10.8b:

Reflect on and discuss the roles and impact various music plays in one's life and the
lives of others.

● HS.H1.6:
Analyze the relationship among different regional, social, ethnic, and racial groups and
explain how these groups’ experiences have related to national identities.
● HS.SP1.1:
Evaluate how events and developments were shaped by unique circumstances of time
and place as well as broader contexts.

Learning Objectives:
● Students will analyze information from multiple sources to form a general
understanding of several subjects present in ancient Egypt and how they affected
society then.
● Students will compare and evaluate this information to determine how it has affected
the evolution of the human race and their own lives.
● Students will use inverse operations to find the adjacent numbers on the lower layers to
determine the numbers above them.
● Students will use number pyramids to practice non-calculator addition.
● Students will demonstrate their knowledge through class activities and a multimodal
● Students will analyze pictures to deepen their understanding of aspects of life in ancient
● Students will analyze the role music plays in society from a cultural and performance

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

Student learning will be assessed through multiple small assessments and a final project that
will be completed at the end of the lesson. They will demonstrate their mastery by creating a
presentation in the form of their choice (oral, PowerPoint, essay, poster board, etc.) presenting
their understanding of what they have learned in the subject. This presentation will include
something new they have learned, how they can connect what they have learned to today’s
world, and why what they have learned is important. Their presentation will include evidence
to supplement their claims.

Materials Needed (Day One)

Photographic Analysis PowerPoint
Crash Course video
Internet access to view video and PowerPoint
Opening Activity (Day One)
Students will watch an introductory Crash Course video.

Teacher Will: Student Will:

● Explain to students the purpose of ● Answer analysis questions about all
photographic analysis and how it will photographs
be conducted during class ● Participate in a small discussion about
● Showcase Photographic Analysis the introductory video and the
PowerPoint and complete steps with PowerPoint

Closing Activity:
Students will be given a Pyramid worksheet that has the students find adjacent numbers that
their sum is equal to each other. When they find that number, it goes into the block above
creating a completed pyramid. They may use inverse operation in addition to help find the
numbers within the pyramid. This assignment can be done individually or as a group, this can
serve as an Exit Ticket or a practice worksheet after reviewing the crash course linked above.

They will be given a different page of pyramids for High School level students.
Materials Needed (Day Two):

● PowerPoint presentation with links to student resources.

● Materials for whatever mode the student has chosen for their presentation (if they are
using poster board they will need markers, poster board, construction paper, ect.).
● Computer
● Internet Access

Opening Activity (Day Two):

● Students will post answers to a padlet to the opening question:
○ “In what ways did those in ancient Egypt communicate with each other?”
○ “Where do we see proof of writing and reading in Ancient Egypt?”

Padlet Link : opening padlet to activate prior knowledge

Teacher Will: Student Will:

● Pose the engaging questions: ● Participate in a short class discussion

○ “Where do we see writing and answering the prompt questions and
reading in ancient Egypt?” sharing their padlet answers
● Give a small introduction to ● Take brief notes on the introductory
hieroglyphics and brief history on the information
Rosetta stone ● Review the articles given
Teacher’s Powerpoint: ● Chose one of the articles and
annotated them to highlight key pieces
● powerpoint of information that they find
● powerpoint.pt2 interesting or find relating to the class

Provide students with the resources to

research the topic: ● Participate in small groups about when
1. they experience music and why
decipher-ancient-languages.html ○ Family
2. ○ Personal
○ In-School ● Apply that Discussion to how music
riting/ functions in society/culturally

● Play music written for the Egyptian Gods

● Guide them through their experience of
music, allowing them to make
connections themselves

Closing Activity:

Students will participate in a small closing activity where they will attempt to translate their
own hieroglyphics. They will be given a small strip of hieroglyphics (see example below) and
then translate it as accurately as they can with the information given from their resources and
the teacher's presentation. This can be an individual or partner activity, and can also serve as an
exit ticket.

Example : worksheet
Evidence of Mastery

Final Project/Evidence of Mastery

Students will create a final project synthesizing and analyzing what they
learned from the two days. They can choose whatever format they like for the
project, and multimodality is welcomed.


- Accurately demonstrates what students have learned

- Sources are correctly cited in MLA format
- Includes a small paragraph/section of the project on each subject and
a concluding paragraph/section stating what they would like to know
more about and why

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