BMAO Unit 1-1
BMAO Unit 1-1
BMAO Unit 1-1
The Materials which are used for structural applications in the fields of medicine
are known as biomaterials. These materials are used to make devices to replace
damaged or diseased body parts in human and animal bodies. A variety of devices and
materials are used in the treatment of disease or injury. Common place examples
include suture needles, plates, teeth fillings, etc.
Wolfe’s law states that: “Bone in a healthy person is capable of adapting loads that
is placed under. If loading on a particular bone increases, the bone will remodel itself
over time to become stronger to resist the loading. Conversely, if the loading on a bone
decreases, the bone will become weaker”.
Based on the application in the medical field biomaterial are classified into:
Many factors controlling the efficacy, speed, and manner of wound healing fall
under two types: local and systemic factors.
Local factors
Mechanical factors
Ionizing radiation
Faculty technique of wound closure
Ischemia and necrosis
Foreign bodies.
Low oxygen tension
Systemic factors
Nutrients Metabolic diseases
Immuno suppression
Connective tissue disorders
8) What are the factors from the choice of material can affect local tissue response
to an implant? (May 2018)
Local effect of implant on host:
Blood material interaction
Modification of normal healing
Protein absorption, coagulation, fibrinolysis, platelrt adhesion, complement
activation, leukocyte adhesion, hemolysis
Encapsulation, foreign body reaction, pannus formation
Local events following implantation:
Acute inflammation
Chronic inflammation
Granulation tissue
Foreign body reaction
9) Define viscoelasticity. (Nov 2017, May 2018)
Creep (sometimes called cold flow) is the tendency of a solid material to move
slowly or deform permanently under the influence of persistent mechanical stresses. It can
occur as a result of long-term exposure to high levels of stress that are still below the yield
strength of the material.
1) a. Elaborate in detail about the classification of biomaterials and their biomedical
applications (Nov 2018)
b. Classify the biomaterials giving emphasis on the properties and applications
of each. (Nov 2019)
c. How are biomaterials classified? Mention the merits and demerits of each
category with their application in detail. (May 2018)
The Materials which are used for structural applications in the fields of medicine
are known as biomaterials. These materials are used to make devices to replace damaged
or diseased body parts in human and animal bodies. Common place examples include
suture needles, plates, teeth fillings, etc.
Based on the application in the medical field biomaterial are classified into following 4
Metals and alloys are used as biomaterials due to their excellent electrical and thermal
conductivity and mechanical properties. Types of Metal and alloys are cobalt based
alloys, titanium, stainless steel, protosal from cast alloy, conducting metals such as
High strength
Fatigue resistance
Easy to sterilize
They are used as biomaterials due to their high mechanical strength and
biocompatibility. Types of Bio-ceramic materials are tri calcium phosphate, Metals oxides
such as Al2O3 and SiO2, Apatite ceramics, Porous ceramics, Carbon and Alumina.
High E modulus
Applications of Ceramics
Al2O3 and SiO2 - used to make femoral head
Apatite ceramics - bio active ceramics-used as synthetic bone
Carbon good biocompatibility, wide application in heart valves
Percutaneous carbon – stimulation of cochlea and visual cortex for artificial hearing
and aid the blind respectively.
Biopolymers are macromolecules (protein, nuclei ,acids and polysaccharides) formed
in nature during the growth cycles of all organism
Surface modification
Surface contamination
Difficult to sterilize
Application of Biopolymers
Synthetic polymeric materials have been widely used in medical disposable supplies,
prosthetic materials, dental materials, implants, dressings, extracorporeal devices,
encapsulates, polymeric drug delivery systems, tissue engineered products
The term “composite” is usually reserved for those materials in which the distinct
phases are separated on a scale larger.
Biomaterial applications of composite biomaterials
Dental filling composites
Orthopedic implants with porous surfaces
1. Biotolerant
Implant separated from the surrounding bone by a layer of soft tissue over the
interface. No contact in the osteogenesis. The layer is induced by the implant release
of monomers, ions, and/or corrosion products. Almost all synthetic polymers and most
metals are this category.
2. Bioinert
Implants in direct contact with bone tissue, occurring involvement in the
osteogenesis. However, there is no chemical reaction between the tissue and the implant.
There is not, at least in amounts detectable by cells, the release of any component.
Examples of bioinert biomaterials are: alumina, zirconia, titanium, tantalum, niobium, and
3. Bioactive
There is the interaction between the implant and the bone tissue, interfering
directly in the osteogenesis. By chemical similarity, the mineral part of bone tissue binds
to the implant, promoting osteoconduction. The main materials of this class are: Ca-
phosphate, vitro-ceramic, and hydroxyapatite.
4. Bioresorbable
Materials that, after a certain period of time in contact with the tissues, end up by being
degraded, solubilized, or phagocytosed by the body. They are of interest in clinical
applications where it is inadvisable the reoperation to remove the implant. Representative
of this class are tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and PLLA (poly-L-lactic acid).
2. List and discuss the sequence of steps occurring during wound healing and
examine the tissue response to body implants. (Nov 2019)
Wound healing refers to a living organism's replacement of destroyed or damaged
tissue by newly produced tissue.
During Phase 2, a type of white blood cells called neutrophils enter the wound to destroy
bacteria and remove debris. These cells often reach their peak population between 24 and
48 hours after injury, reducing greatly in number after three days. As the white blood
cells leave, specialized cells called macrophages arrive to continue clearing debris. These
cells also secrete growth factors and proteins that attract immune system cells to the
wound to facilitate tissue repair. This phase often lasts four to six days and is often
associated with edema, erythema (reddening of the skin), heat and pain.
Once the wound is cleaned out, the wound enters Phase 3, the Proliferative Phase,
where the focus is to fill and cover the wound.The Proliferative phase features three
distinct stages: 1) filling the wound; 2) contraction of the wound margins; and 3) covering
the wound (epithelialization). During the first stage, shiny, deep red granulation tissue fills
the wound bed with connective tissue, and new blood vessels are formed. During
contraction, the wound margins contract and pull toward the center of the wound. In the
third stage, epithelial cells arise from the wound bed or margins and begin to migrate
across the wound bed in leapfrog fashion until the wound is covered with epithelium. The
Proliferative phase often lasts anywhere from four to 24 days.
During the Maturation phase, the new tissue slowly gains strength and flexibility. Here,
collagen fibers reorganize, the tissue remodels and matures and there is an overall increase
in tensile strength (though maximum strength is limited to 80% of the pre-injured
strength). The Maturation phase varies greatly from wound to wound, often lasting
anywhere from 21 days to two years. The healing process is remarkable and complex, and
it is also susceptible to interruption due to local and systemic factors, including moisture,
infection, and maceration (local); and age, nutritional status, body type (systemic). When
the right healing environment is established, the body works in wondrous ways to heal and
replace devitalized tissue.
3. Calcification
1. Blood material interaction
2. Toxicity
3. Modification of normal healing
4. Infection
5. Tumorigenesis
6. Protein absorption, coagulation, fibrinolysis, platelet adhesion, complement
activation, leukocyte adhesion, hemolysis
7. Encapsulation, foreign body reaction, pannus formation
Surface topology
Dipole‐dipole type interactions;
Electrostatic forces resulting from charged molecules
Hydration or solvation force that results from expulsion of water between the two
Hydrophobic effects that non‐polar molecules tend to form intermolecular
aggregates in an aqueous medium
Repulsive steric forces that arise due to proteins on both surfaces forming spikes of
up to 10 nm.
The electronic and atomic structures, and almost all the physical properties, of
solids depend on the nature and strength of the inter‐atomic bonds:
1. Ionic Bonding
2. Covalent Bonding
3. Metallic Bonding
4. Weak Bonding – Vander Waals and hydrogen bonding
Topological features occur at different length scales:
1. Sub‐cellular level (< 10 μm)
2. Cellular level (10‐100 μm)
3. Multi‐cellular level (>100 μm)
Modulate protein adsorption
Constrain receptor binding and related signaling pathways – cell attachment,
spreading, migration, and function
Contact Angle Methods
Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA)
X‐ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Infrared Spectroscopy (IRS)
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
It is the electrical potential difference between the inner and outer surface of a
Surface charge on biomaterials is emerging as a crucial determinant of regulating
cells responses impacting cells signaling in tissue treatment.
Charges allocated at the surface determine cells adhesion and later tissue
4. a. Discuss about viscoelastic property of biomaterials. (May 2019)
b. With an example explain and describe the components of stress strain curve of
a ductile metal. (Nov 2016)
Viscoelasticity is the time-dependent and elastic behaviour of materials. This
means that the response to a stimulus is delayed, and there is a loss of energy inside the
Viscoelastic behaviour normally occurs at different time scales (relaxation times)
in the same material.
Viscous materials, like water, resist shear flow and strain linearly with time when
a stress is applied.
Elastic materials strain when stretched and immediately return to their original
state once the stress is removed.
Viscoelastic materials have elements of both of these properties and, as such,
exhibit time-dependent strain.
Whereas elasticity is usually the result of bond stretching along crystallographic
planes in an ordered solid, viscosity is the result of the diffusion of atoms or molecules
inside an amorphous material.
Depending on the change of strain rate versus stress inside a material the viscosity
can be categorized as having a linear, non-linear, or plastic response.
Linear viscoelasticity is when the function is separable in both creep response and
load. All linear viscoelastic models can be represented by
a Volterra equation connecting stress and strain:Linear viscoelasticity is usually
applicable only for small deformations.
Nonlinear viscoelasticity is when the function is not separable. It usually happens
when the deformations are large or if the material changes its properties under
The secondary bonds of a polymer constantly break and reform due to thermal
motion. Application of a stress favors some conformations over others, so the molecules
of the polymer will gradually "flow" into the favored conformations over time.
There are mainly five regions (some denoted four, which combines VI and V
together) included in the typical polymers
Region I: Glassy state of the polymer is presented in this region. The temperature
in this region for a given polymer is too low to endow molecular motion. Hence the
motion of the molecules is frozen in this area. The mechanical property is hard and brittle
in this region
Region II: Polymer passes glass transition temperature in this region. Beyond Tg,
the thermal energy provided by the environment is enough to unfreeze the motion of
molecules. The molecules are allowed to have local motion in this region hence leading
to a sharp drop in stiffness compared to Region I.
Region III: Rubbery plateau region. Materials lie in this region would exist long-
range elasticity driven by entropy. For instance, a rubber band is disordered in the initial
state of this region. When stretching the rubber band, you also align the structure to be
more ordered. Therefore, when releasing the rubber band, it will spontaneously seek
higher entropy state hence goes back to its initial state. This is what we called entropy-
driven elasticity shape recovery.
Region IV: The behavior in the rubbery flow region is highly time-dependent.
Polymers in this region would need to use a time-temperature superposition to get more
detailed information to cautiously decide how to use the materials. For instance, if the
material is used to cope with short interaction time purpose, it could present as 'hard'
material. While using for long interaction time purposes, it would act as 'soft' material.
Region V: Viscous polymer flows easily in this region. Another significant drop in
b) Compression Testing
Performed mainly for biomaterials subjected to compressive forces during
operation. E.g. orthopedic implants.
Stress and strain equations same as for tensile testing except force is taken negative
and l0 larger than li.
Negative stress and strain obtained.
c) Shear Testing
Forces parallel to top and bottom faces
Shear stress (τ) = F/A0
Shear strain (γ)=tanθ ; θ is the deformation angle.
d) Torsion Testing
Torsion is the twisting of an object due to an applied torque.
The stress is perpendicular to the radius
A temporary shape change that is self-reversing after the force is removed, so that the
object returns to its original shape, is called elastic deformation.
When the stress is sufficient to permanently deform the metal, it is called plastic
Material 1: Ceramics
Stress proportional to strain.
Governed by Hooke’s law: σ = ԑE; τ=Gγ
E Young’s modulus G: Shear modulus - measure of material stiffness.
Fracture after applying small values of strain: ceramics are brittle in nature.
Material 2: Metal
Stress proportional to strain with small strain; elastic deformation.
At high strain, stress increases very slowly with increased strain followed by
fracture: Plastic deformation.
Material 3: Plastic deformation polymer
Stress proportional to strain with small strain; elastic deformation.
At high strain, stress nearly independent of strain, shows slight increase: Plastic
at the interface of the matrix and the filler. This micro crack can initiate permanent
plastic deformation which results in large crack propagation or failure.
During the cyclic load several factor also contribute to microcrack generation such as
frictional sliding of the mating surface, progressive wear, residual stresses at grain
boundaries, stress due to shear.
6. What are the various types of tissue response to implants and what are the
factors affecting the performance of implants? (Nov/Dec 2017)
All implants interact with the biological environment around them.Effects go both
ways “Effects of tissue on the implant and Effects of implant on the tissue”.
All materials intended for application in humans as biomaterials, medical devices,
or prostheses undergo tissue responses when implanted into living tissue.
These actions involve fundamental aspects of tissue responses including injury,
inflammatory and wound healing responses, foreign body reactions, and fibrous
encapsulation.Secondly the in vivo evaluation of tissue responses to these materials
is important for performance, safety, and regulatory reasons.
1. Abrasive wear
2. Fatigue
3. Stress-corrosion
4. Cracking
5. Corrosion
6. Degeneration and dissolution
1. Absorption of substances from tissue
2. Enzymatic degradation
3. Calcification
1. Blood material interaction
2. Toxicity
3. Modification of normal healing
4. Infection
5. Tumorigenesis