IQ (The Intelligence Quotient) : Louis D Matzel Bruno Sauce
IQ (The Intelligence Quotient) : Louis D Matzel Bruno Sauce
IQ (The Intelligence Quotient) : Louis D Matzel Bruno Sauce
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All content following this page was uploaded by Louis D Matzel on 13 October 2017.
The rationale for most psychometric tests is might be interested in large numbers of cognitive
roughly based on Spearman’s early observation tasks, some of which represent clusters of what are
that performance on a wide range of cognitive presumed to be specialized abilities. In these
tasks is positively correlated (i.e., if you perform cases, the factor analysis might extract a general
well on one, you tend to perform well on others) factor, as well as secondary factors, which explain
and, as such, can be reduced to a single index of relationships between only subsets of the tasks
aggregate performance across a battery of diverse being considered. Of course, if no single source
tests. In fact, psychometric tests (e.g., the of variance was common to all tasks, a factor
Stanford-Binet, the Wechsler or WAIS, and the analysis might reveal no common factor at all.
Raven’s Progressive Matrixes or RPM) do differ When factor analyses are performed on human
in their content and structure. For instance, the intelligence test data (such as from the WAIS), it
Stanford-Binet includes questions that are cultur- is typical to find a general factor (i.e., general
ally relevant and thus is best suited to predict intelligence) as well as secondary factors that
performance in a particular culture’s school sys- describe specific cognitive domains (e.g., spatial
tem. The WAIS is less culturally biased but, like abilities; see Fig. 1).
the Stanford-Binet, includes categories of ques- Remember that the Stanford-Binet and the
tions that are presumed to reflect domains of abil- WAIS include tests of many different abilities,
ities (verbal comprehension, working memory, and an individual’s aggregate performance across
perceptual reasoning, processing speed). An indi- all of these tests is used to estimate that individ-
vidual’s performance on tests within a particular ual’s intelligence. In contrast, the RPM is an intel-
domain (e.g., reasoning) tends to be highly corre- ligence test that is based exclusively on only one
lated, while performance on tests across domains ability and, accordingly, includes only progres-
(e.g., a reasoning task and a spatial task) is usually sively difficult tests of perceptual (analogical) rea-
less correlated. Nevertheless, positive correlations soning. This test structure is based on an
are observed between performance on all tests in assumption that reasoning is representative of
the battery. This is in line with the conclusion that the core ability that regulates all intelligence
all cognitive abilities are regulated (to varying (Raven et al. 1998). Because of its format, the
degrees) by one general factor, or Spearman’s RPM requires no knowledge of culture or
“g,” while other specific abilities might influence language.
performance within a particular domain. These Unlike a qualitative description of intelligence,
kinds of observations have led to the development the IQ score is a quotient, that is, it is an individ-
of hierarchical models regarding the structure of ual’s score on a standardized test relative to that
intelligence, where g influences domains of spe- individual’s age-matched peers. It is true that an
cific abilities, which influence tasks within those individual’s IQ score will tend to remain stable
domains. An illustration of a hierarchical model is across the lifespan, i.e., the IQ scores of a group of
provided in Fig. 1. 8-year-olds will be highly correlated with their
Since many studies on intelligence use factors scores at 90 years of age (r = ~.80). This does
analyses, a brief explanation of this technique is not mean that individual’s raw cognitive ability is
warranted. Briefly, a factor analysis is a statistical the same across the lifespan. For example, were
method which reduces a large number of correla- we to administer an RPM to one individual at 8,
tions into as few explanatory factors as possible. 25, 50, and 90 years of age, the number of correct
If, for example, all of the correlations across sev- answers would be about the same at 8 and 90 years
eral tests of cognitive ability are strongly positive, of age, while at 25, the individual would answer at
the factor analysis recognizes that a common least twice as many questions correctly (with the
source of variance contributed to performance on 50-year-old somewhere in between). So why do
all tasks, and this would be described as a general we say that an individual’s IQ remains constant
factor. In reality, the outcome of such an analysis across the lifespan? Because IQ is approximately
can be much more complicated, and of course we unchanging relative to persons of a similar age,
IQ 3
Level 3:
General ability
Level 1:
reasoning speed memory spatial ?
Specific tests
tasks tasks tasks tasks tasks
IQ, Fig. 1 The hierarchical model of intelligence. Level one domain tend to perform well on tasks from other
1 represents specific tests that are emblematic of various domains. This suggests the existence of a general influence
domains of cognitive ability. Some potential domains are on cognitive abilities, represented in Level 3. This general
illustrated in Level 2. The number and content of these influence is commonly referred to as general intelligence or
domains is a matter of some debate, although there is wide simply “intelligence.” This model does not require only
agreement on the existence of the four domains that are one type of intelligence. Rather, it assumes that a general
illustrated. The fifth domain (?) acknowledges that other ability influence other more domain-specific abilities.
domains may exist. People who perform well on tasks from
i.e., a person who is smarter than most of his/her opportunities to acquire knowledge are severely
peers at 8 years of age will be smarter than his/her limited. This is exactly why an IQ test such as the
peers at 50 and 90 years of age (Deary 2014), RPM has no measures of knowledge (only per-
despite the inevitable truth that our cognitive abil- ceptual reasoning) and is considered by many to
ities decline with age. be a more pure measure of innate ability.
Regarding the nature of intelligence or IQ, Given the different content and structure of
many persons will incorrectly assume that high psychometric intelligence tests, it might be sur-
intelligence is necessarily reflected in a high level prising to find that individuals’ scores on these
of knowledge. In fact, high intelligence promotes tests are strongly correlated (rs will typically
the ease with which we acquire knowledge, but range from 0.8 to 0.9). Even more surprising is
intelligence itself is independent of knowledge. the popular assertion (sometimes even by some
Why then do some IQ tests (such as the with advanced degrees in psychology) that “IQ
Stanford-Binet) have components that test knowl- tests measure nothing of functional significance.”
edge? Simply because all other things being Standardized intelligence tests first received wide-
equal, a smarter individual is likely to acquire spread recognition owing to the US government’s
more knowledge. Learning is easier for that indi- use of a modified version of the early Stanford-
vidual than it might be to someone of lesser intel- Binet to determine assignments of new recruits in
ligence. In this regard, scholastic aptitude tests World War I. These assignments were highly
such as the SAT are often a good approximation effective (relative to the previous practice of
of intelligence as measured on a knowledge-free assignments based on patronage or chance) and
test such as the RPM (r = .5–.6). However, are widely regarded as having contributed to the
knowledge and intelligence need not always be USA’s success in WWI. Since that time, we have
related. For instance, an individual with innately collected a wide array of data regarding the pre-
high intelligence might (through some act of fate) dictive capacity of IQ tests. For instance, a child’s
live in an impoverished environment where the IQ score is highly predictive of obvious outcomes
4 IQ
such as educational and career success, as well as Genetically heterogeneous mice (i.e., mice
lifetime income. But IQ test performance predicts with genetic variability that translates into mea-
many less obvious outcomes such as the distance surable individual differences) have been tested
one will travel from his/her place of birth, the on large batteries of cognitive tasks to determine
likelihood of incarceration, the likelihood of the existence of a general cognitive ability in mice
drug addiction, the age of death, incidence of analogous to IQ. In one such study (Kolata et al.
type II diabetes, ratings of happiness, and even 2008), 241 mice were tested on seven cognitive
your spouse’s income and IQ (for a comprehen- tasks, which included tests of working memory
sive review of the predictive capacity of the IQ capacity, associative learning, operant learning,
test, see Gottfredson 1998). IQ scores are even and spatial learning abilities. Using factor analy-
inversely related to the likelihood that an individ- sis, it was observed that a general factor
ual will murder their spouse! To quote influenced performance in these mice and this
Gottfredson (1998, page 24), “No matter their factor accounted for 38% of the variance across
form or content, tests of mental skills invariably tasks. This is comparable to what is known from
point to the existence of a global factor that per- tests of humans’ abilities, where it is believed that
meates all aspects of cognition. This factor seems general intelligence accounts for 40–50% of the
to have considerable influence on a person’s prac- variance in performance across a broad array of
tical quality of life. Intelligence as measured by IQ cognitive tests. In addition, a domain-specific fac-
tests is the single most effective predictor known tor was found to account for the performance of
of individual performance at school and on the mice on a subset of tasks that shared a dependence
job” as well as many other aspects of well-being. on spatial processing. These results provide evi-
Thus, far from being a “social construct” with no dence for a general learning/cognitive factor in
functional significance, the modern IQ test is a genetically heterogeneous mice. Furthermore
highly effective (and widely used) diagnostic (and similar to human cognitive performance),
and predictive tool. these results suggest a hierarchical structure (see
Fig. 1) of cognitive abilities in mice, where a
general factor influences performance on sub-
Intelligence in Nonhuman Animals
domains of abilities. Importantly, mice also
Although studies of individual differences in ani-
exhibited considerable variability in their general
mal intelligence had been frequent early in the
cognitive performance. In fact, the general abili-
twentieth century (Thorndike 1911, 1935; Tolman
ties of mice were normally distributed, such that
1924; Tryon 1940), the emergent focus on exper-
most mice expressed average abilities, while some
imental (rather than correlational) studies tended
were “bright” (performing well on all tasks),
to limit the interest in this topic in the later part of
while some were “dull” (performing poorly on
that century. However, during the past two
all tasks).
decades, interest in individual differences in ani-
As described above, reasoning is considered to
mal intelligence has seen a dramatic reemergence.
be a hallmark of intelligence and is considered by
As discussed above, contemporary definitions of
some to be the general factor that underlies varia-
intelligence tend to be vague, broad, and, to some
tions in intelligence. It has previously been
degree, a matter of debate (Sternberg 1985). Nev-
established that humans are capable of “fast map-
ertheless, psychometric tests of intelligence do
ping” (Carey and Bartlett 1978), a process whereby
appear to characterize a trait captured in both
a new concept can be acquired based on a logical
colloquial and empirical definitions of intelli-
inference, corresponding with Aristotle’s descrip-
gence, i.e., the ability to understand, learn, and
tion of deductive reasoning. Fast mapping is
reason. To explore a trait analogous to intelligence
believed to play a critical role in the extraordinarily
in nonhuman animals, researchers have developed
rapid acquisition of information during early
tests to characterize a similar set of skills, most
human development and explains (in part) the pro-
notably in mice and monkeys.
digious rate at which children gain vocabulary. For
IQ 5
example, when faced with a group of familiar items described above. All measures of cognitive per-
described by familiar words, an infant will quickly formance loaded positively on a principal compo-
associate an unfamiliar word with a novel item nent that accounted for 31% of the variance across
added to the set of familiar items, and this associ- mice, again suggesting the presence of a common
ation requires no overt “pairing” of the novel word influence on performance on all tasks. In addition,
and its corresponding novel item. Galsworthy et al. calculated the heritability of this
Fast mapping based on responses to human general cognitive ability in mice. (This was
language has also been demonstrated in dogs accomplished through a classic sibling analysis,
(Tomasello and Kaminski 2004; Pilley and Reid which assesses the degree of relatedness between
2011), where border collies can successfully find a siblings on some variable of interest, in this case
novel object when commanded (with a novel general cognitive ability.) The heritability of the
word) to retrieve that novel object from within a general cognitive ability of mice was estimated at
large set of familiar objects. Using a similar strat- approximately 0.4 (on a scale of 0–1), suggesting
egy, fast mapping has been assessed in mice, a moderate genetic contribution to the expression
although the task was not based on responses to of this trait. These results of Galsworthy et al. are
language. Mice were first trained to associate pairs quite informative. They indicate that the “intelli-
of objects, where, upon exposure to a sample gence” of mice is moderately heritable, at a level
object, the correct choice of a target object earned that is comparable to what is observed among
the mouse a food reward. Following training, the teenage humans. Note that the heritability of
mice could successfully use the sample object to human intelligence actually increases across the
guide its choice of a target object out of a set of lifespan, reaching a plateau of approximately
familiar objects. (This type of performance is .80 at 50 years of age. This increase in heritability
emblematic of “paired associate learning.”) To is presumed to reflect the interactions of genes
test “fast mapping,” the animal was then presented with the environment, where persons of similar
with a novel sample object and allowed to choose IQ become even more similar as they gravitate to
a target object from a set containing several famil- similar cognitive challenges. Unlike typical
iar objects and one novel object. If the mice were humans, laboratory mice are maintained in a
capable of fast mapping (inference by exclusion), behaviorally sterile and homogeneous environ-
they should choose the novel target object ment. Consequently, these mice cannot select the
(in response to the novel sample) since all other environments or challenges that might maximize
objects in the set had a previously established cognitive differences, thus constraining the gene-
meaning. Mice perform quite well in this task, environment interaction.
choosing the novel object at an average rate far In addition to rodents, individual differences in
better than chance. However, not all mice perform a general cognitive ability have been observed in
similarly, and while some exhibit perfect perfor- several species of nonhuman primates. While
mance, some consistently make incorrect choices. most studies of nonhuman primates have been
The likelihood of a mouse’s success in this fast designed to compare differences in intelligence
mapping task is correlated with their performance between species (leading to a popular hypothesis
on other more elemental cognitive tasks (e.g., that brain size is related to intelligence; Burkart
associative learning, spatial learning, operant et al. 2016), at least one study was designed
learning), suggesting that as in humans, this explicitly to assess individual differences in the
form of reasoning ability is related to more general expression of a general cognitive influence within
cognitive abilities (Wass et al. 2012). a single species. Banerjee et al. (2009) adminis-
General cognitive abilities of mice have also tered a large and diverse battery of cognitive tests
been described by Galsworthy et al. (2002), who to 22 tamarin monkeys (Saguinus oedipus). The
compared the performance of 40 genetically het- cognitive tasks covered a wide range of cognitive
erogeneous mice across a battery of cognitive skills and domains, including occluded reach,
tests distinct from those reported in the studies targeted reach (reward retrieval from a moving
6 IQ
pendulum), adaptation to an observed change in (e.g., the number of items from a briefly studied
reward location (a measure of executive control), list that an individual can correctly recall). Some-
reversal learning, novel object recognition, what surprisingly though, this seemingly elemen-
numerical discrimination, acoustic habituation, tal ability has only a weak relationship to general
object tracking (an index of attention), social intelligence. In 1980, an important observation by
tracking (gaze at a conspecific), hidden reward Daneman and Carpenter (1980) shed light on the
retrieval after various delays, and a food retrieval relationship between memory and intelligence.
puzzle (which was asserted to tax reasoning). Daneman and Carpenter found that simply
Banerjee et al. observed positive correlations in remembering a list of words was only weakly
the monkeys’ performance across all tasks. Using related to general intelligence (in this case, esti-
a type of factor analysis, all tasks loaded posi- mated through reading comprehension). In con-
tively on a common factor. The weight of these trast, if the same words appeared at the end of
loadings (an index of the degree to which a vari- sentences, the ability to remember those words
able is impacted by that factor) could be described was strongly correlated with general intelligence.
as “weak” to “moderate.” Expectedly, the tasks This led to the hypothesis that simple retention
with the least obvious cognitive demands had only a small (if any) role in the regulation of
(targeted reach and social tracking) loaded most intelligence, while “working memory capacity”
weakly. In total, these results provide evidence for had a more central role.
individual differences in the expression of a gen- While short-term memory simply holds infor-
eral cognitive ability among tamarins, and more- mation, the working memory system is one which
over, that the general factor’s influence is directly stores information while manipulating and utiliz-
related to the level of the cognitive demand. ing that information (often during conditions of
high interference) for a particular goal. Working
What is the Latent Factor that Regulates memory is employed for most cognitive tasks. For
Intelligence? instance, your ability to read and comprehend this
Many factors, such as speed of processing or brain paragraph requires that your remember words,
size, have been suggested to underlie variations in synthesize the meaning of strings of words, and
intelligence. However, correlational analyses try to extract the overall message embedded in
have typically found only weak relationships those strings of words. Obviously, your memory
between these factors and intelligence. Two clear and manipulation of words and thoughts can
exceptions should be noted. Both reasoning abil- become confused depending on the content of
ity and working memory capacity are strongly the paragraph. A similar rationale for the imple-
predictive of IQ (and as noted previously, the mentation of working memory can be applied to
RPM intelligence test is based solely on perfor- virtually any task; imagine doing a mental math
mance on analogical reasoning tasks). Although it problem or solving a spatial puzzle. In this regard,
was once commonly asserted that reasoning abil- an analogical reasoning problem (such as might
ity was the latent factor which regulated individ- appear on the RPM test of intelligence) requires
ual differences in intelligence, it has been more the individual to hold potential solutions in mem-
recently hypothesized that working memory may ory, compare the utility of those solutions, revise
serve such a function. In his classic textbook on the solutions, and store the revised solutions in
intelligence, Mackintosh describes the full ratio- temporary memory. But while analogical reason-
nale for this hypothesis and points out that it is ing depends on the efficient application of work-
easy to surmise the way that working memory ing memory, it is not clear that the application of
could influence reasoning, as will be seen below, working memory has any dependence on reason-
while it is more difficult to imagine the opposite ing abilities. It is this ubiquitous demand for
being true (Mackintosh 1998). working memory that has led to the assertion
Since their inception, intelligence test batteries that working memory may be the basis for the
commonly included tests of simple memory span overall performance on an intelligence test.
IQ 7
Since the original report of Daneman and Carpen- The work by Jaeggi et al. (2008) is by no
ter, many studies have found evidence for the means conclusive. While it has been replicated
relationship of working memory capacity to gen- several times, others have failed to replicate
eral intelligence (for a brief review, see Engle these results, often after extensive attempts to do
2002). so (Redick et al. 2012; Shipstead et al. 2012).
Unlike human research, only limited work has Relatedly, commercial “brain training” devices
been done to assess the relationship between based on working memory training have been
working memory and intelligence in nonhuman widely criticized as ineffective (Simons et al.
animals. Some studies have found a relationship 2016). Although this controversy has not been
between working memory and intelligence in resolved, it is clear that training working memory
mice, but such correlations cannot be assumed to in humans is complicated by the fact that humans
reflect a cause-and-effect relationship. The direc- regularly engage in the use of working memory
tion of cause between working memory and intel- outside of the laboratory (e.g., your comprehen-
ligence cannot be determined, and moreover, both sion of this paragraph), and so any working mem-
traits might be influenced by a third, hidden var- ory training that occurs in the laboratory is small
iable. It should be noted that the same difficulties in comparison. To this end, it might be useful to
exist when interpreting this relationship in consider the effects of working memory training
humans. However, in both humans and mice, a on laboratory animals that live in sterile cognitive
causal relationship between working memory and environments. Light et al. (2010) developed a task
intelligence has been explored. For instance, to train working memory in mice. In this task, the
Jaeggi et al. (2008) exposed humans to intensive mice were required to perform simultaneously in
working memory training by having them per- two mazes, and each maze required the animals to
form a “dual n-back” task for several weeks. The keep track of eight locations. Since the locations
dual n-back task requires the subject to simulta- were marked by a common set of visual cues, the
neously monitor a stream of visual and auditory mice become very confused (presumably owing
cues (a sequence of visual locations and a to an overload of working memory). Like n-back
sequence of auditory letters). The subject’s task training, mice get better at these mazes over a
is to identify matches that occur in each stream of period of weeks and, when later tested, exhibit
information (e.g., auditory “B” matches auditory improvements in working memory. Likewise,
“B,” or upper right grid location matches upper they exhibit improvements in general cognitive
right grid location) that occur a specific number of performance, suggesting that the efficacy of work-
places back in the stream of information, e.g., ing memory can under certain circumstances have
2-back, 3-back, and 4-back. Humans typically a direct causal impact on a mouse’s intelligence.
find this task to be extremely difficult (and even In the case of both humans and mice, these studies
stressful), and the larger the n-back requirement of the impact of working memory training on
(e.g., 4-back rather than 2-back), the more diffi- intelligence provide further evidence that intelli-
cult the task becomes. This task is considered to gence is malleable. That is, although intelligence
tax working memory capacity, and humans will is heritable, genes interact with environmental
typically improve across days of training; they experience to regulate an individual’s IQ.
may initially find 2-back to be very difficult but Space does not permit a detailed explanation of
might eventually master 6-back. Jaeggi et al. the neuroanatomical systems that contribute to the
observed that several weeks of such training expression of intelligence or working memory.
improved working memory and had positive However, these kinds of analyses also suggest
(although small) effects on intelligence test per- that these abilities are strongly related. Brain
formance. This suggests that working memory areas that are active during tests of general intel-
has a direct causal influence on an individual’s ligence overlap considerably with brain areas
intelligence. active during performance of a working memory
task (Jung and Haier 2007), and the same brain
8 IQ
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