Leather Product Range
Leather Product Range
Leather Product Range
for leather
Our products are used for all the most commonly produced leather articles:
NovoCor® S
NueTM (Novo Unhairing Enzyme)
Greasex® Ultra
NovoCor® AD
NovoBate® WB
NovoCor® AB
NovoCor® AX
Novozymes products are all produced by fermentation of specially selected microorganisms to ensure:
• Consistently high standard for the products, and consistent performance from batch to batch
• No material of animal origin used in the production, nor contained in the product
• Halal approval available for some products
• Microbially stable; consistent enzyme stability based on Novozymes’ long experience of stabilizing technology
Novozymes’ Technical Sales representatives offer you innovative biosolutions for the leather industry to improve
finished leather quality, production efficiency, and environmental compliance.
For concentrated products we offer advice on how to dilute/mix solid enzymes into filter because it is extremely
important that the resulting system prevents the enzyme from moving inside the matrix. To achieve an effective
system with concentrated products, a significant portion of the filler must be milled into a very fine consistency – less
©Novozymes A/S · Customer Communications · No. 2008-22887-02
than 50 µ – so it becomes cohesive.The filler should also be nonhygroscopic, free of lumps, and inert to enzymes.
Some products are available as diluted and ready-to-use products.
Laws, regulations, and/or third party rights may prevent customers from importing, using, processing, and/or reselling the products described herein in a given manner. Without separate, written
agreement between the customer and Novozymes to such effect, this document does not constitute a representation or warranty of any kind and is subject to change without further notice.