Simulation of A Single-Stage Evaporator System Integrated With A Mechanical Vapor Compressor For Concentrating The Electrolytic System KNO - H O

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DOI: 10.

7251/JEPM2002050K Journal of
UDC: 621.514]:544.653:546.11 Engineering & Processing


Simulation of a single-stage evaporator system integrated with a

mechanical vapor compressor for concentrating the electrolytic
system KNO3 – H2O
Ervin Karić1 | Rejha Alić2

Department of Chemical Engineering,
Faculty of Technology, University of
Tuzla, Urfeta Vejzagića 8, Tuzla, A simulation of a single-stage evaporator system integrated with a mechanical com-
Bosnia and Herzegovina pressor for a case study (concentrating the electrolytic system KNO3 – H2 O) was
performed. A mathematical model of the subsystem of a single-stage evaporator,
Correspondence a mechanical compressor, and superheated steam seeding is presented. Microsoft
E. Karić Excel with VBA (Visual Basic for Application) was used to solve the mathematical
Email: model. The model was solved by an iterative method where the values of the in-
let stream temperature and the salt concentration in the concentrated stream at
the evaporator outlet were assumed. The process parameters of the system have
been determined. Since the goal of any industrial process is to minimize costs and
maximize products, the impact of mean temperature difference changes on satu-
ration water consumption and molar salt content in the concentrated stream was
presented. 106.92 kg/h of freshwater are required to obtain 18% by weight of salt
in a concentrated stream, while 432.30 kg/h of fresh water are required to obtain
25% by weight of salt in a concentrated stream. Consumption of heating steam
ranged from 1760.31 to 4473.4 kg/h depending on the average temperature dif-
ference. By increasing the temperature differences from 10 to 25 ◦ C, the amount of
transferred upper lines increases from 1025 to 2750 kW, which is an advantage of
increasing the mean temperature difference. The disadvantage of the larger tem-
perature difference is the increase in the power of the mechanical compressor from
97.02 to 384.12 kW.

Keywords: Evaporation, mechanical vapor compressor, modeling, simulation, elec-

trolyte system.

1. INTRODUCTION a mechanical or thermal steam compressor. The mechan-

ical vapor compression can also be used in the desali-
Evaporation processes are the processes of removing a nation process. El-Dessouky, Alatiqi, Bingulac, and Et-
part of the initial rare solution and production of con- touney (1998) presented a mathematical model of the
centrate with different dry matter content (Ahmetović multiple effect evaporation desalination process to deter-
2010). One way of concentrating salts from electrolytic mine the effects of the important design and operating
systems is to use a mechanical vapor compressor inte- variables on the parameters controlling the cost of produc-
grated with a single-stage or multi-stage evaporator sys- ing fresh water. The mechanical vapor compressor uses
tem. Dinnage (1975) stated that the use of a mechani- secondary steam from the evaporator, which increases the
cal compressor can reduce energy consumption equal to pressure and temperature. Compressed steam at the out-
the use of 30 or more evaporating degrees. Since single- let of a mechanical compressor is superheated steam that
stage evaporators use heating steam to concentrate salt mixes with condensate in direct contact and is conducted
from an aqueous salt solution, one way to reduce en- into saturated steam, which is a heating medium of the
ergy consumption is to connect the evaporator system to

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Simulation of a single-stage evaporator system integrated … Karić & Alić 51

evaporation stage (Ahmetović 2010). Karić and Mustafić this process from the point of view of energy savings and
(2018) performed an analysis of a two-stage evaporator increasing the amount of final product. The developed
system and a vacuum crystallizer for the KNO3 – H2 O elec- model can be applied to any two-component electrolyte
trolyte system. Karić and Mustafić (2018) showed that system but requires the introduction of physicochemical
the amount of heat transferred in the first evaporation properties of the tested electrolyte system.
stage is higher than the amount of heat transferred in
the second evaporation stage because the second evap-
orator uses secondary steam from the first evaporation
stage as heating steam. Saline water refers to an aque-
ous solution that contains a significant concentration of
In the single-stage evaporator system integrated with
dissolved salts (Ahmad & Williams 2011). Fan and Pash-
the mechanical compressor, the electrolytic system
ley (2015) presented a method for determining the en-
KNO3 – H2 O is concentrated. Fresh water is introduced
thalpy of vaporization of concentrated salt solutions using
across the system boundaries (from the side). Flow pa-
a bubble column evaporator.Ettouney, El-Dessouky, and
rameters are: flow - 10000 kg/h, salt content - 0.15 wt.
Al-Roumi (1999) analyzed the characteristics of a single-
part. It is necessary to create an algorithm and software
stage evaporator with mechanical steam compression as
that determines the parameters of the process system, if
a function of system design and operating parameters.
the pressure in the evaporator is 0.5 bar. The size of the
The basic separation processes, whose synthesis and anal-
heating surface is 100 m2 , while the heat transfer coeffi-
ysis can be performed using commercial process simu-
cient is 1100 W/(m2 · K ). The average temperature dif-
lators, belong to distillation processes, and research re-
ference on the heating surface of the evaporator is 10 ◦ C,
lated to the creation of process simulators for the sepa-
and the temperature of the water entering the saturator
ration of electrolytic systems is more recent (Suljkanović,
is 25 ◦ C. The efficiency of the mechanical compressor is
Jotanović, Ahmetović, Tadić, & Ibrić 2013).Hong, Li, and
85%. Microsoft Excel with VBA (Visual Basic for Appli-
Gu (2018) investigated the thermal performance of a me-
cation) was used to solve the mathematical model. The
chanical vapor compression system.Hong et al. (2018) de-
model was solved by an iterative method where the values
scribed the mathematical and experimental study of the
of the inlet stream temperature and the salt concentration
MVC system, focusing on mathematical models that were
in the concentrated stream at the evaporator outlet were
established based on the energy and mass balance equa-
tions as well as correlations of the thermo-physical prop-
erties and heat-transfer coefficients. In this research, a
mathematical model of the subsystem of a single-stage
evaporator, mechanical compressor, and saturation is pre- 2.1. Mathematical model
sented.Khanam and Mohanty (2010) developed energy
reduction schemes, used to reduce the consumption of In accordance with the description of the problem above,
steam for a multiple-effect evaporator system. Walms- the process scheme shown in Figure 1 was created.
ley (2016) presented a new Total Site Heat Integration
method for the design of integrated evaporation systems,
including vapor recompression that minimizes energy use
and/or cost objective functions. The design of integrated
evaporation systems is a common industrial chemical and
process engineering problem (Walmsley 2016). The aim
of this work is to model a single-stage evaporator with a
mechanical vapor compressor and to determine the con-
sumption of utilities.A simulation of the concentration of
the KNO3 – H2 O electrolyte system was performed. The
process parameters of the system have been determined.
Since the goal of each industrial process is to minimize
costs and maximize products, the influence of the mean
temperature difference on the compressor power, satura-
tion water consumption and molar salt content in the con-
centrated stream was monitored. Since each experiment Figure 1. Process scheme of a single-stage evaporator
at these plants is expensive, the results of this research integrated with a mechanical vapor compressor.
can be used as useful guidelines for improving the work in

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52 Karić & Alić Simulation of a single-stage evaporator system integrated …

2.1.1. Evaporation subsystem 2.1.2. Mechanical vapor compressor subsystem

Evaporator material balance equation: Compressor energy balance equation:
m̄1 = m̄2 + m̄3 (1) Ò2 + Nk = m̄2 · Ĥss
m̄2 · H (16)
Evaporator balance equation in relation to salt:
(1) (3) Superheated steam:
m̄1 · c1 = m̄3 · c1 (2)
Evaporator heat balance equation: Ĥsss − Ĥ2
Ĥss = Ĥ2 + (17)
m̄1 · ĥ1 + Q T R = m̄3 · ĥ3 + m̄2 · Ĥ2 (3)
Specific entropy of the secondary vapor (Kozić, Bekavac,
Specific enthalpy of the inlet stream:
Z t1 & Vasiljević 1979):
ĥ1 = c p,1 (t)d t (4) 
ŝ = pevap (18)

Specific heat capacity of the inlet stream (Abdulagatov, Specific enthalpy of superheated steam for adiabatic com-
Dvoryanchikov, & Kamalov 1997): pression conditions (Kozić et al. 1979):
€ Š
c p,1 = f c1 , t 1 (5) Ò′ = f (phs , ŝ)
H ss (19)
Specific enthalpy of the concentrated stream:
Z t evap
ĥ3 = c p,3 (t)d t (6) 2.1.3. Mixer subsystem
Mixer material balance equation:
Specific heat capacity of the concentrated flow (Abdula-
gatov et al. 1997): m̄2 + m̄w = m̄hs (20)
€ Š
c p,3 = f c1 , t evap (7) Mixer heat balance equation:
Specific enthalpy of the flow of generated secondary
steam (Ahmetović 2010): m̄2 · Ĥss + m̄w · ĥw = m̄hs · Ĥhs (21)

Ĥ = f (pevap ) (8) Specific enthalpy of saturated steam (Ahmetović 2010):

Secondary steam temperature (Ahmetović 2010): Òhs = (phs )
H (22)
t s = f (pevap ) (9)
Specific enthalpy of fresh water for saturation (Ahmetović
Evaporator temperature: 2010):
€ Š
t evap = f pevap , c1 (10) ĥw = f (t w ) t ≤ 85◦ C
ĥw = f (t w ) t > 85◦ C
Transferred heat in the evaporator:
QTR = K · A · ∆t mean (11)
2.2. Algorithmic steps for determining process
Mean temperature difference on the heating surface of the parameters
1) The values of known parameters are entered:
∆t mean = t hs − t evap (12)
The steam temperature at the inlet to the evaporator (Ah- (1)
m̄1 , c1 , pevap , A, K, ∆t mean , t w′ ηi
metović 2010):
t hs = f (phs ) (13) 2) The specific enthalpy of the generated secondary va-
Mass flow of heating steam: por in the evaporator is determined Ĥ2 , from equa-
tion 8.
m̄hs = (14) 3) The temperature of the generated secondary steam
∆Ĥ v
in the evaporator t s is determined, from equation 9.
Enthalpy of condensation of heating steam (Ahmetović
2010): 4) The value of the transferred heat of the evaporator
Ĥ v = (phs ) (15) Q T R is determined, from equation 11

J. eng. process. manag. 12 (2) 50–56 (2020) Open Access Journal Journal homepage:
Simulation of a single-stage evaporator system integrated … Karić & Alić 53

5) The value of the specific entropy of the secondary 23) The specific enthalpy of the inlet stream ĥ1 is deter-
steam ŝ is determined, from equation 18. mined, from equation 3.

6) The specific enthalpy of water for saturation ĥw is de- 24) An iterative loop is opened for the inlet temperature
termined, from equation 23. t 1 , and the iterative variable is assigned an initial
value of t 1(0) .
7) An iterative loop for the salt content in the concen-
trated stream c1(3) is opened, and the initial value 25) The value of the specific heat capacity of the inlet
(3)(0) stream c p,1 is determined, from equation 5.
c1 is assigned to the iterative variable.

8) The evaporator temperature t evap is determined, 26) The adjusted value for the inlet temperature t 1(r) . is
from equation 10. determined, from equation 4.

9) The value of the specific heat capacity of the concen- 27) The calculated value of the iterative variable is com-
trated flow c p,3 is determined, from equation 7. pared with the assumed value. If the set tolerance is
achieved, the next step is taken to calculate the ac-
10) The steam temperature at the outlet of the compres- curacy. Otherwise, a new value is assigned to the
sor t h,s is determined, from equation 12. iterative variable and the computer cycle is repeated
by returning to the algorithmic step 24.
11) The specific enthalpy of the concentrated flow ĥ3 is
determinated, from equation 6.
12) The steam pressure at the outlet of the compressor
phs is determined, from equation 13. The simulation results for the system of equations (1-
23) are shown in Table 1. Microsoft Excel with VBA
13) The enthalpy of condensation of heating steam ∆Ĥ v (Visual Basic for Application) was used to solve the sys-
is determined, from equation 15. tem of equations shown in the mathematical model. The
model was solved by an iterative method where the val-
14) The specific enthalpy of superheated steam Ĥss′ is de-
ues of the inlet stream temperature and the salt concen-
termined, from equation 19.
tration in the concentrated stream at the evaporator out-
15) The specific enthalpy of saturated vapor Ĥhs is deter- let were assumed. For the difference between the initial
mined, from equation 22. and final values of the iterative variable, a tolerance of
0.00001 was used. In contrast to the greater than the tol-
16) The saturated steam flow m̄hs is determined, from erance shown, a new value of the iterative variable was
equation 14. assumed and the procedure was repeated from the begin-
ning. Suljkanović and Ahmetović (2008) utilized a three-
17) The specific enthalpy of steam at the outlet of the
component NaCl – KCl – H2 O system using seven variants
compressor Ĥss determined, from equation 17.
of the evaporation-crystallization system. Suljkanović and
18) The system of equations ( f20 and f21 ) with respect to Ahmetović (2008) determined the consumption of fuel va-
the variables (m̄2 and m̄w ) is solved simultaneously. por in the evaporator whose value ranged from 423.57
kg/h to 1504.35 kg/h, while the concentration of KCl
19) Concentrated stream at the outlet of the evaporator ranged from 7% to 14.72% at the outlet of the evapo-
m3 is determined, from equation 1. rator, and the concentration of NaCl ranged from 15%
to 25%. In this study, the consumption of heating steam
20) The compressor power Nk is determined, from equa- ranged from 1760.31 to 4473.4 kg/h.The differences in
tion 16. consumption between the work of Suljkanović and Ahme-
21) The adjusted value for the salt content in the concen- tović (2008) and this research are in the use of different
(0) systems (two-component and three-component) and the
trated stream c1(3) , from equation 2.
fact that in this research a single-stage evaporator inte-
22) Calculated value of the iterative variable is com- grated with a mechanical steam compressor was used.
pared with the assumed value. If the set tolerance Suljkanović et al. (2013) presented a methodology
is reached, the accuracy of the calculation is taken for the separation of salts from three-component elec-
to the next step. Otherwise, a new value is assigned trolytic systems. They created process simulators for the
to the iterative variable and the computer cycle is re- separation of salts from the NaCl – Na2 SO4 – H2 O system
peated by returning to algorithmic step 8 for different process structures using different process

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Table 1. Simulation results for the system of equations (1-23).

Process parameters Mean temperature difference, ◦ C

10 15 20 25
Stream 1
Stream flow, kg/h 10000 10000 10000 10000
Salt concentration,mass fraction 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Temperature, ◦ C 84.05 79.95 75.24 69.95
Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg 302.90 288.09 271.09 252.02
Stream 2
Stream flow, kg/h 1653.44 2462.63 3261.43 4050.10
Temperature, ◦ C 90.4 90.57 90.80 91.10
Pressure, bar 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg 2631.31 2631.31 2631.31 2631.31
Stream 3
Stream flow, kg/h 8346.56 7537.37 6738.57 5949.90

Temperature, C 90.4 90.57 90.80 91.10
Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg 316.09 310.58 304.08 296.32
Fresh water stream

Temperature, C 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0
Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg 104.97 104.97 104.97 104.97
Heating steam stream
Stream flow, kg/h 1760.31 2653.35 3557.10 4473.40
Temperature, ◦ C 100.40 105.57 110.80 116.10
Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg 2676.27 2684.94 2693.39 2701.38
Evaporation heat, kJ/kg 2249.54 2238.68 2226.53 2213.08
Transferred heat in the evaporator,
3690000 5940000 7920000 9900000
Transferred heat in the evaporator,
1025 1650 2200 2750

structures that included an evaporation-crystallization fresh water consumption on the mean temperature dif-
system. They managed to increase the NaCl concentra- ference, respectively.
tion from 1.3% to 9.3% in the evaporator, while they in- Based on Figures 2, 3, and 4, a trend of increasing
creased the Na2 SO4 concentration in the evaporator from compressor power, salt concentration, and fresh water
2.5% to 17.88% in the acyclicstructure with water evap- consumption can be observed by increasing the average
oration. In the structure with concentration with water temperature difference. Increasing the mean tempera-
evaporation and saturation with NaCl, the concentration ture difference increases the salt concentration, but also
of NaCl in the evaporator increased from 1.3% to 6.28%, increases water consumption and compressor power. The
while the concentration of Na2 SO4 increased from 2.5% goal of this process is a higher concentration of salt at a
to 12.07% (Suljkanović et al. 2013). minimal cost. Given that the consumption of utilities is
In this study, the salt concentration increased from increasing, but the salt concentration is also increasing, it
15% to 25%. In the structure with concentration with is necessary to make an economic justification of this pro-
water evaporation and saturation with NaCl, the concen- cess, including the prices of the final product and utilities.
tration of NaCl in the evaporator increased from 1.3% to Increasing the mean temperature difference from 10 to 25

6.28%, while the concentration of Na2 SO4 increased from C, the amount of heat transferred increases from 1025 to
2.5% to 12.07% (Suljkanović et al. 2013). In this study, 2750 kW, which is an advantage of increasing the mean
the salt concentration increased from 15% to 25%. Fig- temperature difference.
ures 2, 3, and 4 show the dependence of the compressor The disadvantage of the larger mean temperature
power, salt concentration in the concentrated flow, and difference is the increase in the power of the mechani-

J. eng. process. manag. 12 (2) 50–56 (2020) Open Access Journal Journal homepage:
Simulation of a single-stage evaporator system integrated … Karić & Alić 55

Figure 2. Dependence of the compressor power on the mean

temperature difference. Figure 4. Dependence of the fresh water consumption on the
mean temperature difference.

were assumed. The developed mathematical model can

be applied to any two-component electrolyte system but
requiring the introduction of physicochemical properties
of the corresponding electrolyte system. Consumption of
heating steam ranged from 1760.31 to 4473.4 kg/h. The
salt concentration increased from 15% to 25%. Increas-
ing the mean temperature difference from 10 to 25 ◦ C,
the amount of heat transferred increases from 1025 to
2750 kW, which is an advantage of increasing the mean
temperature difference. The disadvantage of the larger
mean temperature difference is the increase in the power
of the mechanical steam compressor from 97.02 to 384.12
Figure 3. Dependence of the salt concentration in the
kW, which affects the price of the mechanical compressor.
concentrated flow on the mean temperature difference. Further research could go in the direction of determining
the cost of increasing compressor power and increasing
water consumption relative to increasing the final prod-
cal steam compressor from 97.02 to 384.12 kW. A higher uct.
amount of heat transfer affects the generation of a larger
amount of secondary steam and higher consumption of
heating steam, but there is a reduction in the flow of the Nomenclature
concentrated stream, which results in a smaller amount
• hˆ3 - specific enthalpy of concentrated stream (kJ/kg)
of salt in the concentrated stream.
• K - heat transfer coefficient (W /(m· 2K))

4. CONCLUSIONS • m¯hs - flow of saturated steam at the inlet to the evap-

orator heating chamber (kg/h)
The process of salt concentration in a single-stage evap-
oration system with mechanical steam compression has • m¯w - mass flow of water for saturation (kg/h)
been successfully simulated. A mathematical model of
the subsystem of a single - stage evaporator, a mechani- • m̄1 - inlet mass flow (kg/h)
cal vapor compressor, and superheated steam seeding are • m̄2 – mass flow rate of secondary vapor(kg/h)
presented. Microsoft Excel with VBA (Visual Basic for Ap-
plication) was used to solve the mathematical model. The • m̄3 – mass flow of concentrated stream (kg/h)
model was solved by an iterative method where the values
• Nk – compressor power (kW)
of the inlet stream temperature and the salt concentra-
tion in the concentrated stream at the evaporator outlet • pevap – evaporator pressure (bar)

J. eng. process. manag. 12 (2) 50–56 (2020) Open Access Journal Journal homepage:
56 Karić & Alić Simulation of a single-stage evaporator system integrated …

• phs - heating steam pressure (bar) Ettouney, H., El-Dessouky, H., & Al-Roumi, Y. (1999). Analy-
sis of mechanical vapor compression desalination process.
• Q T R - transferred heat in the evaporator (kJ/h) International journal of energy research, 23(5), 431–451.
• ŝ - specific entropy of secondary steam (kJ/(kg · K)) Fan, C., & Pashley, R. (2015). Precise method for determining
the enthalpy of vaporization of concentrated salt solutions
• t evap – evaporator temperature (◦ C) using a bubble column evaporator. Journal of Solution
Chemistry, 44(1), 131–145.
• t hs – heating steam temperature (◦ C)
• t s – secondary vapor temperature generated in the Hong, H., Li, W., & Gu, C. (2018). Performance study on a me-
chanical vapor compression evaporation system driven by
evaporator (◦ C)
roots compressor. International Journal of heat and mass
• t w – saturation water temperature (◦ C) transfer, 125, 343–349. https://doi .org/10 .1016/
• t 1 – temperature of the inlet stream (◦ C) Karić, E., & Mustafić, N. (2018). Analysis of evaporation and
crystallization of potassium nitrate from water solution
in two-stage evaporation system and vacuum crystallizer.
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