Electrical System: PART NO. 1638191 2200 SRM 1259
Electrical System: PART NO. 1638191 2200 SRM 1259
Electrical System: PART NO. 1638191 2200 SRM 1259
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this
Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!
Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Electrical System Table of Contents
Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Warning Devices ................................................................................................................................................ 7
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Operator-Controlled Air Horn .................................................................................................................. 8
Reverse Warning Horns/Lights ................................................................................................................ 8
Warning Lights.......................................................................................................................................... 8
Strobe Lights ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Brake Lights.......................................................................................................................................... 10
Hazard Lights ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Replace ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
General .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Horns ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Horn Relay ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Light Assemblies................................................................................................................................... 11
Flashing Unit ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Meters, Senders, and Switches ......................................................................................................................... 11
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7. Frame Harness.......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8. Transmission Harness .............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 9. Engine Harness......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 10. Controller Harness.................................................................................................................. 18
2200 SRM 1259 Description
The main part of the electrical system is the (senders, warning lights, etc.). See Figure 1 and
one-piece, main electrical wire harness. The batter- the section Instrument Panel Indicators and
ies provide the main electrical wire harness with Senders 2200 SRM 1234 for further information
electricity and then the main electrical wire har- regarding senders and indicator functions.
ness transmits the electricity to several components
Description 2200 SRM 1259
2200 SRM 1259 Description
Description 2200 SRM 1259
A power train harness is connected to the main elec- A controller wire harness is connected to the main
trical wire harness at location CPS166 and a trans- wire harness at location CPS15 and CPS152. See
mission harness is connected to the mail electrical Figure 3.
wire harness at location CPS174. See Figure 1. The
power train and transmission harnesses provide the See the section Stabilizer 2120 SRM 1361 for
engine and transmission with electricity. See Fig- further information regarding the Stabilizer (if
ure 2 and the section Instrument Panel Indica- equipped).
tors and Senders 2200 SRM 1234 for further infor-
mation regarding senders and indicator functions.
2200 SRM 1259 Description
Description 2200 SRM 1259
2200 SRM 1259 Warning Devices
Warning Devices
GENERAL illuminated or by energizing a buzzer to sound. A
reverse warning horn automatically sounds a warn-
Electrical warning devices used on the lift truck are ing that the equipment is moving in the reverse
as follows: direction. Warning lights automatically illuminate
• Operator-controlled air horn to warn personnel that the equipment is operating
• Reverse warning horn/lights in a special way. Warning lights are also used to
• Warning lights warn personnel that the equipment is near. Some
of these warning devices need to be energized and
Operator-controlled horns permit the operator to
de-energized at a fast rate. A separate flashing
warn personnel that the equipment is near. System
device does this. Most equipment does not need each
warning lights and buzzers make an important sys-
of these warning devices.
tem condition known to the operator. They do this
by illuminating an indicator that is not normally
Warning Devices 2200 SRM 1259
Warning Lights
The following types of warning lights are attached to
the lift truck:
• Strobe Lights
• Brake Lights
• Hazard Lights
Strobe Lights
2200 SRM 1259 Warning Devices
Warning Devices 2200 SRM 1259
These warning lights will be used when the lift truck 5. Tighten the screws, nuts, or other items fasten-
has problems with driving or when the lift truck is ing the horn to the equipment.
placed at a dangerous location.
6. Connect the wires, as marked, to the electrical
Horn Relay
The horn relay is located in the side console in the
Horns, light assemblies, flashing devices, buzzers,
cab. If necessary, follow the horn electrical leads to
and switches are not repairable items. The most ac-
find the relay. Replace the relay as follows:
curate and usually easiest checks for proper opera-
tion of individual items is direct replacement. How- 1. Disconnect the battery or batteries to remove all
ever, the most common cause of failure are poor con- voltage from the terminals.
nections or defective or improper wiring. Also, there
are no adjustments to perform. Therefore, only re- 2. Mark the wires for reconnection.
placement procedures are given. Before replacing an
item, verify the following: 3. Disconnect the wires.
• Other electrical circuits are operating correctly.
4. Remove the screws, nuts, or other items fasten-
• Battery is fully charged and the cable terminals are
ing the unit to the equipment.
clean and correctly connected.
• Wiring and connections to device are tight and in 5. Remove the unit and install the replacement
good condition. unit.
Horns 6. Tighten the screws, nuts, or other items fasten-
ing the unit to the equipment.
7. Connect the marked wires to the correct termi-
Audible alarms and horns have various levels
nals or connectors.
of output. Be certain that any replacement
alarm or horn has an output that can be heard
in the area where the lift truck will be used.
2200 SRM 1259 Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements
Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements 2200 SRM 1259
2200 SRM 1259 Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements
Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements 2200 SRM 1259
2200 SRM 1259 Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements
Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements 2200 SRM 1259
2200 SRM 1259 Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements
Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements 2200 SRM 1259
2200 SRM 1259 Diagrams, Schematics, or Arrangements