TP - Foundation of Ethics
TP - Foundation of Ethics
TP - Foundation of Ethics
Foundation of Ethics
Catalog Course Code: T6274
Course Code: 0102230106/0102240106
Credit: 2
Semester I
Batch 2024-29
Dr. Krishna Raina
The nature and characteristics of a life of excellence; the ultimate worth of the
goals we seek; and the right path to obtain those goals are simple questions
that cloud the mind of every reasonably rational individual and answers to
these questions are most difficult to find. The course is an attempt to logically
seek answers to these questions backed with in depth knowledge of popular
ethical theories.
The course is also designed to help students develop their ability to read,
explicate, analyze and evaluate philosophical literature, write and express their
ethical positions, as well as think critically and analyze ethical issues. A skill
that is expected to incur wide ranging benefits for a professional in the field of
Some may question the value benefit of studying ethics and living an ethical
life. If we could ignore ethics, we will lead a life addressing all personal
demands and that certainly makes life simpler. However, there are reasons
that can make one resist this line of thought.
Ethics allows an authentic life: An authentic and meaningful life requires you
to live with a sense of integrity. Integrity stands for making commitments and
sticking to them in all circumstances. Having a firm character or set of
principles to guide your life and the choices you make is what ethics is all about.
Ethics lead to success: It may seem that ethical behaviour is a limitation, but
the truth is quite different. Ethical people embody traits that unethical people
have to work at to fake — they are honest, trustworthy, loyal, and caring. As
a result, ethical people are perfectly suited not only for interpersonal
relationships generally, but also more specifically for the kinds of interactions
that make for a thriving business or profession.
Ethics allow cultivation of inner peace. Lives led ethically tend to be calmer,
more focused, and more productive than those lived unethically. Most people
cannot turn off their sympathy for other human beings. Hurting people leaves
scars on both the giver and the receiver. As a result, unethical people have
stormier internal lives because they have to work to suppress their consciences
and sympathies to deal with the ways they treat others. When they fail to
suppress their sympathy, the guilt and shame within the wrongdoer takes a
toll over him.
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Ethics promote a stable society: Leading ethical lives, people tell the truth,
avoid harming others, and are generous. Working with such people is easy. On
the other hand, callous and insensitive people are distrusted, so it is difficult
for them to be integrated well into social arrangements. A stable society
requires a lot of ethical people working together in coordination. An unethical
society would easily crumble.
Ethics is an important factor for theists and theologists: No one can be sure
about an eternal life, however almost every faith promotes ethical living for
reaping benefits in the next life.
• To explain the basic concepts of Ethics that are part of daily life.
• To make students understand ethical behavior through different moral
philosophies. (Skills)
• To summarize different Ethical Theories and enable students to logically
interpret ethical questions accordingly. (Skills and Employability)
• To introduce students to methods that categorize one’s values (Knowledge)
Two to three lectures per week have been allocated for this course for each
division. Please verify the specific schedule from the timetable assigned to
your division. Additionally, check the ‘Academic Support’ and ‘Posts’ sections
on Microsoft Teams for any related notifications. It is the student's
responsibility to stay informed regarding notifications.
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According to Symbiosis International (Deemed University) Regulations,
students must attend at least 75% of all scheduled sessions and other forms
of instruction as defined by the programme of study. Students who do not meet
the attendance criteria will not be eligible to appear for the examination.
Students can monitor their attendance daily through the Learning Management
System (LMS). Please keep track of your attendance regularly to meet the
required criteria.
Please adhere to the specified process. After the specified period, no concerns
or grievances regarding attendance will be considered or addressed.
B. Mode of Delivery
The pedagogy for teaching Foundation of Ethics will be direct instruction using
PowerPoint presentations, class discussions, case studies, debates, and
Seminar Assignment combined with the Socratic method to engage students
in critical thinking, real-world applications, and in-depth understanding
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C. Notification
Week 7 11 Deontology
August 19, 2024 12 Analysis / Ethical Dilemmas
5. Indian Moral Philosophy
13 6. Concept of Dharma – Dharma in Vedas and
Week 8
its Evolution
August 26, 2024
Stages of Purusharthas: Dharma, Artha,
Kama, Moksha
15 5.3 Mahabharata and Ethical Dilemmas
Week 9
September 02, 2024 7. Ethical Theories
6.1 Ethical Hierarchicalism
Week 10 17 6.2 Moral Absolutism
September 09, 2024 18 6.3 Graded Moral Absolutism
Week 11 19 6.4 Moral Relativism
September 16, 2024 20 6.5 Moral Legalism
Week 12 21 6.6 Moral Realism
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September 23, 2024 22 8. Seminar Presentation
Week 13 7. Seminar Presentation
September 30, 2024 24 8. Course Review
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16 Answer Scripts
Week 17
A. Textbook
B. Supplementary Materials:
Reference Book
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Other Reading Material shall be notified and whenever possible shared with the
learners by the Course-in-Charge throughout the semester.
C. Online Resources
This is a two-credit Fully internal course, so you will be examined in this course
by 50 marks. In totality, you will be examined in this course by the Internal
Continuous Evaluation (100%) assessment format.
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Assessment Criteria:
Criteria Marks %
Depth of Analysis 10 – 40
Marks are awarded based on the student’s ability to analyse the scenarios
and provide insightful, well-reasoned answers.
Relevance 7.5 30
Answers must be directly relevant to the questions and effectively apply the
course concepts.
– Logical Structure 7.5 – 30
Responses should be logically structured, with arguments presented and
supporting them with evidence from the course materials.
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The Seminar Assignment is aimed at improving the research and analytical
skills of the Learner and to make learning academically more challenging and
General Guidelines:
The Seminar Assignment should state the details of the learner like Name, PRN,
Division, Batch, Programme, and Academic Year. The Seminar Assignment
must be accompanied by a Turnitin Plagiarism Checker Report. No submission
will be accepted without the aforesaid report. This Seminar Assignment with
more than 10% plagiarized content shall be marked zero.
Assessment Criteria:
The learners shall be evaluated based on the following headers of the Seminar
Assignment & Presentation:
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Written Submission Criteria
Parameter Parameter Brief Explanation Marks %
Research, Depth and cross-functional references, 9 60
Analysis type of research method used
Conclusion Originality and individual learning 6 40
Please note that the Faculty, through the Officer in Charge, will notify students
of the respective class as soon as possible about the emergency and the
contingency plan in place. Don’t worry; you will be provided with clear
instructions on how you should proceed during the scheduled class time.
Classroom Conduct:
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• Regular attendance is expected unless excused for valid reasons.
Punctuality is appreciated to minimise disruption.
• Use of electronic devices should be limited to permitted activities related
to the course. Disruptive use (e.g., texting, browsing social media) is
discouraged during class sessions.
• Raise hands or use designated methods to seek permission to speak or
ask questions during lectures or discussions.
• Follow any prescribed dress code guidelines that contribute to
maintaining a professional atmosphere conducive to learning.
If you have any doubts regarding the topics covered, please get in touch with
the Course In- Charge Dr. Krishna Raina as required via email during office hours (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
You can expect a response within 48 hours.
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If you wish to meet the Course In-Charge in person, please request an
appointment by emailing for a slot on between 2:00 PM and 3:30 PM on
teaching days as mentioned in Time Table for the week.
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