Levis Strauss - 2020 RSL Final
Levis Strauss - 2020 RSL Final
Levis Strauss - 2020 RSL Final
In addition, Suppliers and Sources must ensure that the chemicals used or supplied in the
Please note that the RSL applies to all materials, parts, manufacture of LS&CO. labeled/or and distributed products are used in a manner
chemicals, components, packaging and other goods consistent with any Safety Data Sheet (SDS), Technical Data Sheet (TDS) and any other
(including sundries), that are sourced or supplied for specifications and warnings provided by any Supplier or Source.
direct or eventual use in products to be labeled and/or Moreover, by agreeing to furnish any Materials, Chemicals or Other Goods to LS&CO. or by
distributed by LS&CO. This listing includes, but is not agreeing to comply with this RSL, each Supplier and Source must ensure that each Material,
limited to, finished products, including apparel, non- Chemical and Other Goods, supplied for use in the manufacture and distribution of any
apparel, footwear, accessories, packaging and other LS&CO.-labelled and LS&CO.-distributed product does not contain any substance in any
products1. Throughout the remainder of this RSL, all manner which would violate (a) this RSL or (b) the applicable law of any country and
jurisdiction in which the Supplier, Source or LS&CO. conducts business and in any
such materials, parts, chemicals, components,
jurisdiction in which it ships Materials, Chemicals or Other Goods. In addition, each Supplier
packaging and other goods (including sundries), will be is similarly responsible and also liable to LS&CO. for ensuring that each of its Sources
referred to, collectively, as “Materials, Chemicals and similarly complies with this RSL and the aforesaid applicable laws.
Other Goods”.
Any violation of the RSL or of the aforesaid applicable laws is a violation of all contracts to
Products that are subject to the RSL also include LS&CO. promotional items and nominal supply Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods to LS&CO.
“give-away” items provided to customers and business partners.
s Appoint a liaison (designated as the Point Person under RSL or Technical Representative s Purchase only Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods which comply with LS&CO.'s RSL
under RSSP – Restricted Substances Stewardship Program) in the Suppliers and Sources. requirements.
s Contact LS&CO.'s RSL team with any questions or to request training. s Request updated Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) ,Technical Data Sheets (TDSs) and
Chemical Information Log information (CIL) for every chemical used by or purchased
s Communicate with and educate all personnel concerning the RSL whose acts or omissions
from any Source.
could affect compliance with the RSL
s Be sure that employees are familiar with the precautions set out in the SDSs or TDSs.
s Communicate copies of all appropriate information concerning the applicable RSL to all of
s Understand all the chemical inputs to your production by requesting fully completed
your Suppliers and Sources whose acts or omissions could affect compliance with the
Chemical Information Logs (see Section 4 of this RSL) from your chemical Sources.
Contact all your Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods Suppliers and Sources to ensure
Management System
s Ensure that you and your Suppliers and Sources comply with all applicable legal their understanding of LS&CO.'s RSL and their commitment to supplying only RSL-
requirements of the countries and other jurisdictions in which you/they do business, as compliant chemicals and materials.
well as all countries to which they ship any Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods which s Conduct internal staff training.
may be used with respect to LS&CO. labeled and/or distributed products.
s Document and retain all dyeing, coating, finishing, printing formulations.
s Follow the parameters as listed on the latest TDSs and document all chemicals use and
process control variables (e.g. pH, curing temperatures, durations, liquor quantities and
ratios) as actually used in production with retention of the documentation.
s Assess the chemical product safety risk that may encounter
s Implement the processes as defined in the chemical recipes or their equivalents.
s Ensure that only materials and chemicals meeting the RSL requirements are used in the s Replace Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods of unknown chemical constituents with
production of LS&CO.-labeled and LS&CO.-distributed products. Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods that meet LS&CO.'s RSL.
s Conduct inspections, audits and other control practices, to ensure compliance with your s Do not ship Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods if you are in doubt about compliance.
obligations under the applicable RSL. Verify RSL compliance through laboratory testing and other appropriate quality
control/quality assurance procedures and consult LS&CO. RSL team at the same time.
s Regularly check process control variables (e.g. pH, curing temperatures, duration, liquor
quantities and ratios as per recipes) to validate proper chemical application. s Investigate the root causes of any actual or potential RSL non-compliance situation and
act timely, effectively and efficiently to both notify LS&CO. and restore full compliance.
s Follow LS&Co. Performance standards guideline and perform analytical testing at
LS&CO.-approved laboratories with random sampling as a routine and random RSL
compliance verification processes.
I: Solvents..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
J: Phthalates................................................................................................................................................................. 18
K: Components and Residuals from Auxiliary Manufacturing................................................................................ 19
L. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)............................................................................................................. 21
M: Restriction on Packaging,...................................................................................................................................... 21
N: Alkyl Phenols and Alkyl Phenol Ethoxylates (APs & APEOs).............................................................................. 22
O: RoHS—Electrical and Electronic Equipment........................................................................................................ 22
P: N-Nitrosamines........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Q: PVC:........................................................................................................................................................................... 23
R: PFASs (Perfluoroalkyl / Polyfluoroalkyl Substances)……………………………............................................................. 23
S: Skin Sensitizers .................................................................……………………………............................................................ 25
Section 2: Other Substances........................................................................................................................................................ 26
A: Dioxins and Furans.................................................................................................................................................. 26
B: Asbestos................................................................................................................................................................... 27
C: Pesticides.................................................................................................................................................................. 28
D: Other Organic Chemicals........................................................................................................................................ 30
E: Monomers................................................................................................................................................................. 31
F: Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases.............................................................................................................................. 31
Section 3 : Obligation to Comply with REACh and All Other Governmental Requirements.................................................. 33
Section 4 : Chemical Information Log......................................................................................................................................... 35
Appendix 1: Contact Information................................................................................................................................................. 37
Appendix 2: Definitions.................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Appendix 3: Product Testing & Data Management.................................................................................................................... 40
Appendix 4: Azo Dyes which, through reductive cleavage, may form restricted substances (amines).............................. 45
Appendix 5: Pigments which, through reductive cleavage, may form restricted substances (amines)............................. 47
Appendix 6: Approved Laboratories............................................................................................................................................ 48
Any biocide used to impart properties to the final products is not allowed to be used without prior approval of LS&CO. In case of requested biocide finishing by LS&CO. used biocides have to be approved acc. to EC
528/2012 and approval of LS&CO.
In case chlorinated phenols are to be tested together with OPP, analysis by 1 M KOH extraction, 12-15 hours at 90°C, derivatization and analysis according § 64 LFGB B 82.02-08 or DIN EN ISO 17070:2015 is also possible.
D: Chlorinated Aromatics
Limit Value
Chemical Substance CAS Number Final Product Test Method
Chlorinated benzenes*
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1
1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene 108-70-3
1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene 634-66-2
1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 634-90-2 Usage Ban [TR=1] DIN EN 17137
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3
Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5
Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 Usage Ban [TR=10]
Chlorinated toluenes*
2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 Usage Ban [TR=1]
3-Chlorotoluene 108-41-8
E: Isocyanates10
Limit Value
Chemical Substance CAS Number Final Product Test Method
11 Free: 1
Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) Various
Blocked: 50
Free: 1
Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) 822-06-0 Analysis of free isocyanates:
Blocked: 50
Solvent extraction / HPLC
Free: 1
Isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) 4098-71-9 Analysis of releasable (blocked)
Blocked: 100
isocyanates: Solvent extraction/
Free: 1
Tetramethylxylene diisocyanate (TMXDI) 2778-42-9 GC-MS with injector block
Blocked: 100
temperature at 300ºC,
12 584-84-9 Free: 1
Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) confirmation at 180ºC
91-08-7 Blocked: 15
Free: 1
Napthylene-1,5,di-isocyanate (1,5-NDI) 3173-72-6
Blocked: 50
Use of blocked diisocyanates (oxime/pyrazole- or self-blocked) based on any other diisocyanates and pre-polymers (than listed) on the garment / fabric finishes and / or prints needs prior approval from LS&CO. Product
MDIs include monomers, isomers, oligomers and polymers with various CAS Numbers.
TDI restriction applies to both 2,4-TDI (584-84-9) and 2,6-TDI (91-08-7), individually.
No Flame Retardants are allowed on LS&CO. products. Upon request, the absence of the flame retardants are to be tested for confirmation of RSL compliance.
Isomers of HBCDD: Alpha-hexabromocyclododecane (CAS 134237-50-6), Beta-hexabromocyclododecane (CAS 134237-51-7) and Gamma-hexabromocyclododecane (CAS 134237-52-8)
Metal restrictions are separated into 2 major categories: (1) Restrictions for textiles and leather (artificial, natural & coated leather), (2) Restrictions for Sundries and Jewelry (children & adults). The concentration is
calculated at element level. However, metals can be found in products both at element level and in ionised form(s) (including metal compounds) with various CAS numbers.
Total digestion metal content—the sample is digested by concentrated acid and the total metal content in the sample is measured.
Applicable for Leather (artificial, natural and coated) only.
Chromium (Cr) total means all including Cr (III) and Cr (VI) as determinated by EN 16711-2. When the test result may exceed 1 mg/kg, a second test is needed on chromium (Cr6+) hexavalent test.
This restriction is applicable to all materials except leather.
Restriction for Nickel (Ni) is applicable only for Textiles and Artificial Leather.
Chromium (Cr6+)-hexavalent restriction is applicable only for leather. Testing is to be performed after aging [aging condition: 24 hours with 80°C & 10% relative humidity (RH)].
Jewelry includes stones and crystals. Man-made leaded crystals are prohibited from use on any children's products.
Children's products are defined as products designed or intended primarily for children age 12 and below.
Applicable to metallic parts when the metallic part surface has direct and prolonged skin contact. According to the new reasoning, the limit of 0.5 μg/cm²/week shall be considered exceeded only in case the quantified
values are greater or equal to 0.88 μg/cm²/week (or 0.35 μg/cm²/week in case of piercing items with a nickel release limit of 0.2 μg/cm²/week).
For metallic parts without a surface coating or plating, test in accordance with method EN 1811. For metallic parts with a surface coating or plating, perform EN 12472, then test in accordance with method EN 1811. The
same limit value of 0.5 µg/cm2/week applies regardless of the test method used.
Extractable Metal Content Restrictions applicable for Sundries and jewelry for Children only.
Chromium (Cr6+)-hexavalent restriction is applicable only for leather. Testing is to be performed after aging [aging condition: 24 hours with 80°C & 10% relative humidity (RH)].
I: Solvents
Limit Value
Chemical Substance CAS Number Final Product Test Method
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 15
Ethoxyethanol 110-80-5 80
Ethoxyethanol acetate 111-15-9 80
2-Methoxyethanol 109-86-4 25
2-Methoxyethanol acetate 110-49-6 40
2-Methoxypropanol 1589-47-5 1,000
2-Methoxypropanol acetate 70657-70-4 1,000 Solvent extraction / GC-MS or LC-MS
2-Phenoxyethanol 122-99-6 400
N-Ethylpyrrolidone (NEP) 2687-91-4 30
Tetrachloroethene (Perchloroethylene) 127-18-4 Usage ban (TR = 1)
Trichloroethylene (TCE) 79-01-6 Usage ban (TR = 10)
1,2-Bis(2-methoxyethoxy)ethane (TEGDME, triglyme) 112-49-2 1,000
1,2-Dimethoxyethane, ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 110-71-4 1,000
1,2-Diethoxyethane 629-14-1 500
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) 78-93-3 1,000
Methanol 67-56-1 1,000
2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)-ethanol 111-77-3 1,000
N-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP) 872-50-4 Usage Ban [TR=10]
ISO/TS 16189:2013 with methanol
Formamide 75-12-7 1000
27 extraction at 70oC 1 hour*
N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMFa) 68-12-2 500*
Test method ISO/TS 16189 for footwear materials.
J: Phthalates
Limit Value
Chemical Substance CAS Number Final Product Test Method
All esters of Ortho-phthalic acid. Including, but not limited to, the following:29
Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 84-74-2
Di(ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) 117-81-7
Dimethyl phthalate (DMP)* 131-11-3
Di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP) 117-84-0
Di-iso-butyl phthalate (DIBP) 84-69-5
Usage Ban
Di-iso-nonyl phthalate (DINP) 28553-12-0 & 68515-48-0 30 CPSC-CH-C-1001-09.4 ISO 14389
TR=500each ; 1,000 total*
Di-iso-decyl phthalate (DIDP) 26761-40-0 & 68515-49-1
Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) 85-68-7
Diethyl phthalate (DEP) 84-66-2
1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C6-8 branched alkyl phthalate
esters, C7-rich (DIHP)
LS&CO. indicates that Usage Bans will be imposed upon all esters of ortho-phthalic acid however; Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods are to be tested for one or more of the listed phthalates upon LS&CO.'s request.
These phthalate limits do NOT apply to DBP and DEHP when used in the manufacture or finishing of fabric intended for apparel (except pockets). For such fabric (main components and lining), the limit for DBP is 120
mg/kg. The limit for DEHP is 300 mg/kg.
M: Restriction on Packaging36
Limit Value
Chemical Substance37 CAS Number Final Product Test Method
Cadmium (Cd) Various
CEN/TR 13695-1
Lead (Pb) Various Usage Ban
6+ Acid digestion
Chromium (Cr ) – hexavalent Various [TR= 100 total]
with ICP analysis
Mercury (Hg) Various
Usage Ban Beilstein Test for screening,
PVC 9002-86-2
FTIR for confirmation
Dimethyl fumarate (DMFu) 624-49-7 Usage Ban [TR=0.1] CEN ISO/TS 16186:2012*
Packaging means transportation packaging as well as product packaging, i.e., any material used for the containment, protection, handling, delivery, and presentation of finished goods (article).
For metals, concentration is calculated at element level. However, metals can be found in both at element level and in ionised form(s) (including metal compounds) with various CAS numbers.
For NP analysis by GC-MS, LC-MS confirmation is needed in case of positive findings of NP.
Limit Value
Chemical Substance42 CAS Number Final Product Test Method
Cadmium (Cd) Various 20
EU Battery Directive 2006
Lead (Pb) Various 40
/66/EC, Total digestion, ICP
Mercury (Hg) Various 5
Regarding batteries, for metals, concentration is calculated at element level. However, metals can be found in both at element level and in ionised form(s) (including metal compounds) with various CAS numbers.
The test method has been quoted under GB25038-2010 " Rubber shoes healthy and safety specification and GB25036-2010 " Children's Canvas Rubber Footwear"
Limit Value
Chemical Substance/Material CAS Number Final Product Test Method
Limit Value
Chemical Substance CAS Number Test Method
Final Product (mg/kg)
LS&Co. restricts the use of Skin Sens. 1, 1A or 1B substances listed in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 in final products which come into contact with the human skin under normal or reasonably foreseeable
conditions of use under 100 mg/kg for both textile and for leather products.
Reference: https://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/7dc24b9e-263e-a9d7-756c-c6e228e018d1
Additional note: Some of the skin sensitizers such as formaldehyde, disperse dyes etc are either listed, restricted or banned in the LS&CO. RSL list already under
various categories and for those listed substances the skin sensitizers limit value of 100 mg/kg will not apply but instead specific limit value mentioned must be
The prohibitions and restrictions listed in this section apply to all Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods supplied for the production of LS&CO. labeled and/or
distributed apparel, non-apparel, footwear, accessories, packaging and other products.
The purpose of this section is to identify certain substances not commonly found in apparel, footwear, non-apparel, accessories, or other products but
nonetheless might infrequently be unintentionally or inadvertently introduced into these goods. As with Section 1, this section notes each substance and
details the appropriate test method for determining RSL compliance. Suppliers and Sources commit to implementing best business processes to achieve
compliance with the restrictions in this section.
B: Asbestos
Limit Value
Chemical Substance CAS Number Final Product Test Method
Various Usage Ban U.S. EPA/600/R-93/116
E: Monomers
Limit Value
Chemical Substance CAS Number Final Product Test Method
Acrylamide 79-06-1 0.1 Solvent extraction / GC-MS
Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 1 Multiple headspace / GC-MS
Butyl acrylate 141-32-2
Butyl methacrylate 97-88-1
Ethyl acrylate 140-88-5 10 Solvent extraction / GC-MS
Ethyl methacrylate 97-63-2
Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6
Styrene 100-42-5 500 0
Methanol extraction at 60 C / GC-MS
While for convenience this section of the RSL discusses some of the requirements of REACh, the obligation remains with Suppliers and Sources to identify and
comply with all applicable requirements as set out in REACh and in the applicable laws of each country and other jurisdictions in which each Supplier and
Sources conducts business as well as each country into which each Supplier and Source ships any Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods.
REACh: The European Union's Regulation Concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals
This section applies to all Suppliers and Sources manufacturing or supplying Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods for use in LS&CO. labeled and/or distributed
products, including, but not limited to, apparel, non-apparel, footwear, accessories, packaging and other products which are intended for distribution or sale in any
country within the European Economic Area.
The information provided below is intended to assist our Suppliers and Sources to comply with REACh [Regulation (EC) Number 1907/2006 of the European
Parliament and of the Council] Every LS&CO. Supplier and Source agree to inform LS&CO. of any substances listed in the candidate or pre-candidate list in European
Chemicals Agency (ECHA website: www.echa.europa.eu) present in any and all Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods intended for use in any LS&CO. labeled and/or
distributed apparel, non-apparel, footwear, accessories, and other products. In supplying this information, LS&CO. does not intend to assume all or any part of our
Suppliers' and/or Sources'duty to comply with the regulation.
What Suppliers and Sources Should Do:
All LS&CO. Suppliers and Sources shall visit the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) website (http://www.echa.europa.eu) regularly and comply with the published
obligations and guidance regarding chemicals and consumer articles.
To help ensure that all products supplied to LS&CO. comply with REACh, each Supplier and Source is obligated to track not only the current SVHCs, as listed on the
ECHA website, but also the entire list of potential SVHCs .
Suppliers and Sources shall map each step in their supply chains, including the sourcing and processing of Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods ingredients, and
immediately inform LS&CO. according to the Information Duty (Article 33) of all cases where a substance listed in the “Candidate List of Substances of Very High
Concerns for Authorization" is present in the product or other Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods provided for use in any LS&CO. labeled or distributed product.
Additionally, authorization requirements (as per Annex XIV) and restriction requirements (as per Annex XVII) in REACh regulation shall be followed by any Suppliers or
Sources situated in Europe.
Substances of Very High Concerns (SVHC) are defined as CMR 1, CMR 2, PBT or vPvB substances as given in the legal text of REACh, Annex XVII for CMR, and on the European Chemicals Agency website,
http://echa.europa.eu/ . The listing is inclusive of candidate substances of Substances of Very High Concerns (SVHC) for Authorization and Registry of intentions list, as defined below:
Candidate substances can be found at http://echa.europa.eu/candidate-list-table
Registry of intentions list are found at http://echa.europa.eu/registry-of-current-svhc-intentions
The Oregon Health Authority website for the current High Priority Chemicals of Concern for Children's Health (HPCCCHs) as listed.
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection website for the current Priority Chemicals as listed.
The Minnesota Department of Health website for the published obligations and guidance regarding chemicals and children's products.
The Vermont Department of Health website for published obligations and guidance regarding current chemicals of high concern to children's products (CHCC).
The Washington Department of Ecology website with the published obligations and guidance regarding chemicals and children's products.
Suppliers and Sources shall map each step in their supply chains, including the sourcing and processing of Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods ingredients, and
immediately inform LS&CO. of all cases where a priority chemical, HPCCCH, or CHCC is present in the product or other Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods provided
for use in any LS&CO. labeled or distributed product.
Other countries or states have developed or are developing similar laws and regulations, such as, but not limited to, US, China, Canada, Mexico, Indonesia, Serbia,
Vietnam and South Korea. These and other regulatory requirements are incorporated into the RSL.
Lists of restricted substances are constantly changing as more information from scientists and health professionals becomes available, leading to an enhanced
understanding of chemicals and their effect on human health and the environment. Accordingly, LS&CO. will endeavor to publish an updated list on a regular basis.
That said, it remains the responsibility of each Supplier and Source to identify and comply with all applicable requirements as set out under these regulations /
requirements by each country and other jurisdictions in which each Supplier and Source conducts business and into which it ships any Materials, Chemicals and Other
LS&CO. Suppliers and Sources must communicate with their chemical Sources
about the content and requirements of the LS&CO. RSL. Suppliers and Sources
must request a comprehensive Chemical Information Log (“CIL”) from each and
every chemical Source. Chemical Sources must review LS&CO.'s RSL to
determine which substance(s) in their preparations (chemical mixtures), if any,
has the potential to violate any provision of the applicable LS&CO. RSL.
The CIL must be completed for each substance used in the manufacture of any
LS&CO. product. The CIL includes 7 columns. The first column must be completed
with the chemical trade name, as indicated on product packaging documents,
SDS and label. For each preparation, the chemical supplier shall indicate whether
such chemical:
LS&CO. acknowledges that superior knowledge of specific chemical data and
characteristics is likely to reside with the chemical Source. It is therefore
imperative that each chemical Source properly communicates to each of its
customers (each Supplier) the existence of any RSL listed substances in any
Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods it furnishes to the Supplier.
Date of Log:.................................................................................................................................................................................................
Address of Source:......................................................................................................................................................................................
If any Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods which you furnish to the LS&CO. Supplier, Source or to LS&CO. constitute,
contain, or form any substance whose nature or concentration might exceed or cause the concentration on the final
consumer product to exceed any prohibition, limitation, other requirement in the LS&CO. RSL or other applicable legal
requirement, please provide the following information:
Yes –
Constitutes or Yes – Forms
Contains RSL Concentration Intentional Use
Trade Name
Separately RSL Substance CAS No.
of Substance Identifiable Substance in preparation or Contaminant
RSL Substance [check if true]
[check if true]
I certify that the information above is true and correct and that the Chemicals of Interest declaration provided by me on
this form are either not in the material supplied to LS&Co or are disclosed on this form. If the above product information
provided on this form changes, I agree to update and inform LS&Co, 30 days prior to the change.
The undersigned is an owner, director, officer or managing agent of the Chemical Source, authorized to sign this document
on behalf of the Source identified below:
Company Stamp:
Zheng Billy
Room3,Floor 26th, Zhongtian Building,
No 200 Qifeng Road, Guancheng District,
Dongguan City, Guangdong province, CHINA
Email : bzheng@levi.com
Accessories — Products other than typical pants and shirts. Accessories can include both apparel and non-apparel products such as belts, caps, shoes, handbags,
gloves, socks, scarves, eyewear, watches, home textile products, and wallets. The examples covered here are neither exhaustive nor all inclusive; they simply provide
examples of products defined as accessories. All accessories are covered by LS&CO.'s RSL.
Allowable Trace (TR) — The Allowable Trace is identified by the TR designation in the Limit Value column. The Allowable Trace [amount] represents the
[permitted unavoidable trace presence] amount of a substance that has been added unintentionally or unavoidably to a Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods, but is
nonetheless [is] allowed to be [found] detected in [on the garment] the Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods when otherwise the substance has been prohibited from
Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Number — A unique number that identifies a particular chemical structure. While there may be various synonyms for a
substance using different naming conventions, there is only one CAS number. Mixtures do not have CAS numbers, only individual chemical components have CAS
numbers. When there is doubt about the chemical name used in the RSL, always check the CAS number.
Children's Products — An article which is designed for or intended primarily for use by children age 12 and under. All Girls size 0-16 and Boys size 0-20 are
presumptively included within this definition of children's products.
Concentration Limit — The concentration limit is set for each substance as measured in each of the Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods supplied to LS&CO.
and in the final product. It represents the maximum allowable amount of the respective substance which can be found in a RSL compliant product. The concentration
limit is shown in the Limit Value column. The limit is specified as the amount of the substance on the amount of substrate, by weight (e.g., milligrams substance per
kilogram of product [mg/kg]). Concentration limits are applicable to any single part of a garment or accessory, not an average over the whole product. If the limit is
given for a group of substance with various CAS numbers, the concentration should be calculated on basic substance of the group generally given with its name in the
name column. For example, with regard to methylene diphenyl diisocyanates (with isomers, homologs, oligomers and polymers), all MDI type isocyanates must be
measured and calculated to the monomer 4,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate). Another example is the metals which may be present in the apparels in the form of
several salts which are measured together and must be calculated as the elemental metal content. On the other hand, sometimes the analytical method measures a
substance containing many chemicals.
Detection Limit — Specifies the test method detection sensitivity that a laboratory must be able to achieve when measuring the substance in the product.
LS&CO. Product(s) — LS&CO. final products covered by the RSL include all LS&CO. branded products, including Levi's®, Dockers®, DENIZEN® and Signature by
Levi Strauss & CO.™ products as well as LS&CO. distributed products. LS&CO. Products include those sourced directly by LS&CO., products sourced by an agent, and
those designed and sourced by our licensee partners.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) — Polyvinyl chloride, or PVC for short, is a hard plastic that may be found in packaging materials, flashers and screen printing. PVC is
prohibited for use in packaging for all LS&CO. products. Alternatives to PVC packaging include polyurethane (PU), polyethylene (PE) and polyethylene terephthalate
(PET). In addition, PVC screen printing, which utilizes phthalates, is prohibited for products.
Source(s)— Business partners of Suppliers that provide Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods or other goods for direct or eventual use in fabricating,
manufacturing or other processing of LS&CO. labeled and/or distributed apparel, accessories, and other products.
Substance— A chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or obtained by any manufacturing process, including any additive necessary to preserve
its stability and any impurity deriving from the process used, but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of the substance or
changing its composition.
Sundries — Items that are permanently attached to the garment or footwear and may include zippers, rivets, buttons, care labels, name labels, and tags.
Supplier(s) — include factories and other businesses, including licensees, that contract with LS&CO. to produce finished products, apparel, accessories and other
products for LS&CO. Suppliers may also contract with Sources for Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods for direct or eventual use in fabricating, manufacturing or
other processing of LS&CO. labeled and/or distributed apparel, accessories and other products.
Usage Ban — A prohibition of any use of the substance during any and all stages of product manufacturing. However, the RSL identifies an Allowable Trace (“TR”)
amount of the substance to be detected if caused by unintentional or unavoidable contamination.
Product Testing
LS&CO. currently maintains various product testing programs to validate RSL compliance. Notwithstanding LS&CO.'s testing programs, the Suppliers and Sources are
fully responsible for obtaining all necessary knowledge and information required to understand and execute business processes that ensure RSL compliance. The
Suppliers and Sources are also responsible for performing analytical testing on Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods to verify their compliance to all RSL
requirements. The Suppliers and Sources must test Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods only at LS&CO. approved laboratories (Appendix 6).
As a general matter, Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods should be tested as indicated in the following tables. Table A provides general testing guidance based on
material type. Table B provides general testing guidance based on finish type; Table C provides general testing guidance for print type. Table D provides general testing
guidance for footwear material. Given the risk that a particular Source or Supplier might use an unanticipated ingredient in the formulation, manufacture or processing
of any given type of Materials, Chemicals and Other Goods, these tables necessarily suggest, but do not definitively prescribe the tests necessary to ensure compliance
with the RSL. It is the Source's and Supplier's absolute and non-delegable duty to ensure compliance with the RSL. Moreover, LS&CO. may at any time require
additional testing to validate compliance with the RSL. All costs associated with testing are the responsibility of the Suppliers and Sources.
When using recycled or re-used material, the supplier has to ensure consistence of conformity within all used material batches. Additional assessment and testing
may be needed.
Chromium (VI) X
Total Cadmium X X X X X X X
Total Lead X X X X X X X
Nickel Release X X
Formaldehyde X X X X X X X
58 59
Phthalates X X X X X
Organotins X
PCP/TeCP/TriCP/ DiCP/ 61
MCP / Dimethyl fumarate
4-chloro-3-methyl phenol /
OPP / Isothiazolinones /
2-Thiacyanomethyl- X X
Chlorinated Aromatics X X X
Chlorinated Paraffins X X
N,N-Dimethyl-formamide X
Flame retardants67 X X X X X X
X indicates applicable test.
Testing is applicable for PU materials, PU foam or with the use of blocked diisocyanates chemistry cross-linkers.
Testing is applicable for wool, polyamide and silk dyes with use of metal complexes acid dyes.
Testing is applicable for leather materials, dyes polyamide buttons. For paper patch, this should include extractable heavy metals under Table G of Section 1 Metals – Sundries.
For metal components with direct and prolonged skin contact.
Testing is applicable for plastics, synthetic leather (like PU), surface coating, paper patch and lacquered embellishments and trims.
Testing is applicable for all lacquered and surface coated metallic embellishments and trims.
Testing is applicable for plastics, synthetic leather (like PU), rubber, adhesives, paper patch.
Testing is applicable for natural leather and paper patch.
Testing is applicable for natural leather and paper patch.
Testing is applicable for synthetic textile trims and embellishments.
Testing is applicable for natural leather and plastics materials.
Testing is applicable for PU contained or coated trims and embellishments.
Testing is applicable for post-consumer recycled from unknown or inconsistent sources.
Testing is applicable for post-consumer recycled from unknown or inconsistent sources.
Testing is applicable for paper patch.
Aromatic Amines X X X
Other Dyes X X
69 70
Isocyanates X X X
Metals (Extractable) X X
Metals (Total) X
Formaldehyde X X X X
Organotins X X
Phthalates X X X
X indicates applicable test (also depending on the chemical use in the recipes)
Testing is applicable for blocked di-isocyanates chemistry.
Testing is applicable for blocked di-isocyanates chemistry.
Testing is applicable for silicone chemistry.
Plastisol / Screen /
Glitter / Puff / Foil Ink-Jet Pigment
Water-base Prints Flock Prints Heat Transfer (Digital Print) Discharge
/ Pigment / Graphics
Aromatic Amines X X X X X X
Disperse Dyes X X X
Metals (Total) X X X X X X
Nickel (Extractable) X
Formaldehyde X X X X X
Chlorophenols X
Organotins X X
Isocyanates X X X X
Phthalates X X X
N,N-Dimethylformamide X
X indicates applicable test
This is due to leaching from the metal roller.
Testing is applicable for PU coating or use of PU cross-linkers.
All plastisol prints must be phthalates and PVC free.
Testing is applicable for PU contained or coated materials.
Dye Name CAS Number Dye Name CAS Number Dye Name CAS Number
Color Index # (if available) Color Index # (if available) Color Index # (if available)
Acid Black 94 6358-80-1 Direct Blue 9 No CAS number Direct Orange 7 2868-76-0
Acid Black 131 12219-01-1 Direct Blue 10 4198-19-0 Direct Orange 8 64083-59-6
Acid Black 132 12219-02-2 Direct Blue 14 72-57-1 Direct Orange 10 6405-94-3
Acid Black 209 No CAS number Direct Blue 15 2429-74-5 Direct Orange 108 No CAS number
Acid Brown 415 No CAS number Direct Blue 22 2586-57-4 Direct Red 1 25188-24-3
Acid Orange 24 1320-07-6 Direct Blue 25 25180-27-2 Direct Red 2 992-59-6
Acid Orange 45 2429-80-3 Direct Blue 35 No CAS number Direct Red 7 No CAS number
Acid Red 4 5858-39-9 Direct Blue 53 314-13-6 Direct Red 10 25188-29-8
Acid Red 5 No CAS number Direct Blue 76 16143-79-6 Direct Red 13 25188-30-1
Acid Red 24 No CAS number Direct Blue 151 110735-25-6 Direct Red 17 No CAS number
Acid Red 73 5413-75-2 Direct Blue 160 No CAS number Direct Red 21 6406-01-5
Acid Red 85 3567-65-5 Direct Blue 173 No CAS number Direct Red 22 No CAS number
Acid Red 114 6459-94-5 Direct Blue 192 159202-76-3 Direct Red 24 No CAS number
Acid Red 115 No CAS number Direct Blue 201 60800-55-7 Direct Red 26 No CAS number
Acid Red 116 No CAS number Direct Blue 215 6771-80-8 Direct Red 28 573-58-0
Acid Red 128 6548-30-7 Direct Blue 295 6420-22-0 Direct Red 37 3530-19-6
Acid Red 148 No CAS number Direct Brown 1 3811-71-0 Direct Red 39 6358-29-8
Acid Red 150 No CAS number Direct Brown 1:2 2586-58-5 Direct Red 44 6548-29-4
Acid Red 158 8004-55-5 Direct Brown 2 25255-06-5 Direct Red 46 2302-97-8
Acid Red 167 No CAS number Direct Brown 6 25180-39-6 Direct Red 62 No CAS number
Acid Red 264 No CAS number Direct Brown 25 33363-87-0 Direct Red 67 No CAS number
Acid Red 265 6358-43-6 Direct Brown 27 No CAS number Direct Red 72 8005-64-9
Acid Red 420 No CAS number Direct Brown 31 25180-41-0 Direct Violet 1 25188-44-7
Acid Violet 12 6625-46-3 Direct Brown 33 No CAS number Direct Violet 12 2429-75-6
Basic Brown 4 5421-66-9 Direct Brown 51 No CAS number Direct Violet 21 No CAS number
Direct Brown 59 6247-51-4 Direct Violet 22 25329-82-2
Basic Red 42 No CAS number Direct Brown 79 6483-77-8 Direct Yellow 1 No CAS number
Basic Red 111 113741-92-7 Direct Brown 95 16071-86-6 Direct Yellow 24 6486-29-9
Direct Black 4 25156-49-4 Direct Brown 101 No CAS number Direct Yellow 48 No CAS number
Direct Black 29 No CAS number Direct Brown 154 6360-54-9 Disperse Orange 149 85136-74-9
Direct Black 38 1937-37-7 Direct Brown 222 No CAS number Disperse Red 151 No CAS number
Direct Black 91 6739-62-4 Direct Green 1 3626-28-6 Disperse Yellow 7 6300-37-4
Direct Black 154 54804-85-2 Direct Green 6 4335-09-5 Disperse Yellow 23 6250-22-3
Direct Blue 2 2429-73-4 Direct Green 8:1 No CAS number Solvent Orange 7 3118-98-6
Direct Blue 3 No CAS number Direct Green 85 72390-60-4 Solvent Red 19 6368-72-5
Germany X
US – Norwood, MA X
Germany X
Turkey X
Mexico X
Guatemala X
US – Chicago, UL X