Assignment OUMH2103 English For Science and Technical Purposes September 2021 Semester
Assignment OUMH2103 English For Science and Technical Purposes September 2021 Semester
Assignment OUMH2103 English For Science and Technical Purposes September 2021 Semester
1. Answer in English.
3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file. Adhere to the following structure:
a) Cover sheet
b) Task 1: Cause and Effect Essay
c) List of References
d) Task 2: Compare and Contrast Essay
e) List of References
5. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.
1. Write a cause- and- effect essay on Causes and Effects of Obesity. Your essay should be
around 1300-1500 words long.
2. Refer to these websites and articles for information on obesity.
- Body of essay. You can have three to five paragraphs for the body. Each paragraph
should focus on different aspects of obesity with their consequences. You can focus
on the effects of obesity on the physical health, mental health and national health.
Use appropriate cause-and- effect words/ phrases when describing the effects of
obesity. Please provide your references at the end of your essay as per APA
referencing style
- Concluding paragraph. You can restate the thesis and conclude the essay
appropriately with your final message and some recommendations on prevention of
1. Analyse the content of the diagram in the following link and the articles that follow
on Population Projection (Revised), Malaysia, 2010-2040
2. In a 1000- 1500 words essay, analyze the population projection in Malaysia (2010-
2040). Your essay must elaborate on the comparison and contrast in population
trends in between 2010 and 2040. You are encouraged to find more relevant
information in this area to enrich your knowledge and the content of this compare
contrast essay.
5. Visiting the following websites will assist you in writing a compare and contrast
6. You may follow the following structure as guidance to writing your essay.
[Total: 60 marks]
Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
QN CLO Criteria Weight
4 3 2 1 0
TASK 1 1 Introduction 1 The introduction very The introduction states The introduction states There is hardly any Aimless introduction 4
clearly states the thesis the thesis statement and the thesis statement, but introduction on the main
statement and previews previews the structure of does not adequately topic or structure of the
the structure of the the essay on obesity. throw light on the essay on obesity.
essay on obesity. structure of the essay on
1 Content: 3 Fully addresses all Adequately addresses the The write up is not very The write up is neither The write up lacks the 12
Causes and aspects of the writing writing assignment. comprehensive and comprehensive nor basic knowledge in
Effects of Obesity assignment. cohesive cohesive terms of writing skills
and subject content to
A detailed development A workable development A marginal development Lack of understanding of analyze the causes and
of causes and effects of of causes and effects of of causes and effects of causes and effects of effects of obesity.
obesity obesity obesity obesity
Ideas are very well Ideas are organized in a Ideas are not very Ideas are disorganized
organized in a comprehensive and organized in a without comprehension
comprehensive and coherent manner with comprehensive and and lacks any personal
coherent manner with some personal examples coherent manner with few examples or experiences
personal examples and and experiences personal examples and
experiences experiences.
1 Conclusion 1 Conclusion reinforces Conclusion tries to Conclusion has some of Conclusion has neither a There is hardly any 4
the main ideas and mention the main ideas the main ideas and gives good closure nor has conclusion nor any
gives a good closure to and gives a closure to a closure to essay with some of the desired takeaways
essay with strong essay with some few takeaways takeaways
takeaways. takeaways
1 Language and 2 Flawless language, Minimal flaws in Some flaws in language, Many flaws in language, Major flaws in 8
Grammar grammar, punctuation language, grammar, grammar, punctuation or grammar, punctuation or language, grammar,
or spelling from the punctuation or spelling spelling from the spelling from the punctuation or spelling
introduction to the from the introduction to introduction to the introduction to the from the introduction to
conclusion. the conclusion. conclusion. conclusion. the conclusion.
1 References 0.5 The write-up has at The write-up has at least The write-up has at least The write-up has neither The write-up has no 2
least 3/4 relevant 1/2 relevant references 1/2 not-so-relevant 1/2 relevant references reference at all
references which have which have been cited as references which have nor have they been cited
been well cited as per per APA style been cited as per APA as per APA style
APA style style
TASK 2 2 Introduction and 2 The introduction is an The introduction is a The introduction is not a The introduction and the There is neither any 8
Conclusion excellent preview of the preview of the essay with good preview of the conclusion are very introduction nor any
essay with an excellent a good thesis statement. essay with a thesis poorly written without conclusion
thesis statement. statement. any preview or review.
2 Main Content of 4 Fully addresses all Adequately addresses the The compare and contrast The compare and The compare and 16
Compare and aspects of the writing a writing a compare and essay are not very contrast essay are neither contrast essay lacks the
Contrast essay compare and contrast contrast essay. comprehensive and comprehensive nor basic knowledge in
essay. cohesive cohesive terms of writing skills
and subject content to
analyze the population
projection on
population projection
Ideas are very well Ideas are organized in a Ideas are not very
organized in a comprehensive and organized in a Ideas are disorganized
comprehensive and coherent manner with comprehensive and without comprehension
coherent manner with some relevant statistics coherent manner with few and any relevant statistics
relevant statistics on on population projection relevant statistics on on population projection
population projection population projection .
2 Language and 1.5 Flawless language, Minimal flaws in Some flaws in language Many flaws in language Major flaws in 6
Grammar grammar, punctuation language grammar, grammar, punctuation grammar, punctuation language grammar,
and spelling from the punctuation and spelling and spelling from the and spelling from the punctuation and spelling
introduction to the from the introduction to introduction to the introduction to the from the introduction to
conclusion. the conclusion. conclusion. conclusion. the conclusion.
Total 15 60
*QN = Question Number