Hbet4303 - Introduction To Novels and Short Stories
Hbet4303 - Introduction To Novels and Short Stories
Hbet4303 - Introduction To Novels and Short Stories
WHATSAPP 010-2504287
1. Answer in English.
1. Number of words: 3000 – 5000 words excluding references for EACH question (Question
1 and Question 2).
5. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.
WHATSAPP 010-2504287
The purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate the ability to discuss the
different elements of novels and short stories.
Based on your reading of the novel, write a critical review essay on the suitability of its use
in the Malaysian classroom by considering the following THREE (3) criteria:
(25 marks)
For Task 2, you are required to discuss the use of symbols in novels and short stories in
Task Requirement:
(b) As an extension to the above explanation, describe the following symbols found in A
Dill Pickle:
i. caviare
ii. fruit
iii. Kew Gardens
iv. gloves
(25 marks)
[Total: 50 marks]
WHATSAPP 010-2504287
Discuss the following topics in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online
1. Share your thoughts on why there are only a few (known) Malaysian literature
writers of novels and short stories.
2. Discuss the nature of ‘good’ vs ‘evil’ in short stories or novels. What is your opinion
on the distinction between the two? Is it implied or clearly understood?
(10 marks)
[Total: 60 marks]
Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Critical Reflection: Fully addresses all Adequately addresses Generally, writes Some attempt to A weak attempt
Language of the aspects of the writing the writing about the topic but address the writing at addressing the
novel assignment. assignment. with a few digressions assignment. written
in parts of the writing. assignment.
Ideas are very Some ideas may not be Organisation of ideas
comprehensive, arranged logically and The development of lacks clarity and may No or very
coherent, and coherently. ideas is adequate. lead to confusion. limited discussion
organised logically.
Rationale reflects good Rationale reflects Rationale vaguely
Rationale reflects in- knowledge and logical satisfactory reflects the
depth knowledge and thinking of the knowledge and knowledge, thought
2 1.25 5
logical thinking of the suitability of using the logical thinking of the process and
suitability of using novel in the Malaysian suitability of using authenticity of the
the novel in the classroom. the novel in the suitability of using the
Malaysian classroom. Malaysian classroom. novel in the Malaysian
Explanations and classroom.
Explanations and descriptions of the Explanations and
descriptions of the language used in the descriptions of the Explanations and
language used in the novel are clearly language used in the descriptions of the
novel are very clearly reflected. novel are sufficiently language used in the
reflected. reflected novel are very limited
in the report.
Critical Reflection: 1.25 Fully addresses all Adequately addresses Generally, writes Some attempt to A weak attempt 5
Culture portrayed aspects of the writing the writing about the topic but address the writing at addressing the
in the novel assignment. assignment. with a few digressions assignment. written
in parts of the writing. assignment.
Ideas are very Some ideas may not be Organisation of ideas
comprehensive, arranged logically and Development of ideas lacks clarity and may No or very
coherent, and coherently. is adequate. lead to confusion. limited discussion
organised logically.
Rationale reflects good Rationale reflects Rationale vaguely
Rationale reflects in- knowledge and logical satisfactory reflects the
depth knowledge and thinking of the knowledge and knowledge, thought
logical thinking of the suitability of using the logical thinking of the process and
suitability of using novel in the Malaysian suitability of using authenticity of the
the novel in the classroom. the novel in the suitability of using the
Malaysian classroom. Malaysian classroom. novel in the Malaysian
Explanations and classroom.
Explanations and descriptions of the Explanations and
descriptions of the culture portrayed in descriptions of the Explanations and
culture portrayed in the novel are clearly culture portrayed in descriptions of the
the novel are very reflected. the novel are culture portrayed in
clearly reflected. sufficiently reflected the novel are very
limited in the report.
Critical Reflection: Fully addresses all Adequately addresses Generally, writes Some attempt to A weak attempt
Moral values in the aspects of the writing the writing about the topic but address the writing at addressing the
novel assignment. assignment. with a few digressions assignment. written
in parts of the writing. assignment.
Ideas are very Some ideas may not be Organisation of ideas
comprehensive, arranged logically and Development of ideas lacks clarity and may No or very
coherent, and coherently. is adequate. lead to confusion. limited discussion
organised logically.
Rationale reflects good Rationale reflects Rationale vaguely
Rationale reflects in- knowledge and logical satisfactory reflects the
1.25 depth knowledge and thinking of the knowledge and knowledge, thought 5
logical thinking of the suitability of using the logical thinking of the process and
suitability of using novel in the Malaysian suitability of using authenticity of the
the novel in the classroom. the novel in the suitability of using the
Malaysian classroom. Malaysian classroom. novel in the Malaysian
Explanations and classroom.
Explanations and descriptions of the Explanations and
descriptions of the moral values in the descriptions of the Explanations and
moral values in the novel are clearly moral values in the descriptions of the
novel are very clearly reflected. novel are sufficiently moral values in the
reflected. reflected novel are very limited
in the report.
3 Conclusion 0.75 Conclusion skilfully The conclusion is The conclusion is Conclusion is weak. Conclusion is out 3
reinforces thesis and recognizable and ties recognizable, but of topic /
gives closure to the up almost all the loose does not tie up unrecognisable.
essay. ends. several loose ends.
Language/ Sentence style fits Sentences are Sentence structures Contains several Contains many
Sentence Skills the essay’s purpose. generally clear, well are generally correct, awkward or awkward
Sentences are varied, structured, focused, but sentences may ungrammatical sentences.
yet clearly structured though some may be be wordy or sentences. Sentence Displays general
and carefully awkward or repetitive. structure is simple or inability in
focused. ineffective. monotonous. writing
Frequent errors in grammatical/mea
Language is excellent Language is grammar, lexical Very frequent errors in ningful
with hardly any error satisfactory with some choice, and grammar, lexical sentences.
2 0.5 in grammar, lexical errors in grammar, punctuation, which choice and 2
choice, and lexical choice, and may impede punctuation that Errors in
punctuation. punctuation, which do understanding and seriously impair grammar, lexical
not seriously impede clarity. understanding and choice and
understanding and clarity. punctuation are
clarity. too frequent and
severe, making it
highly difficult to
understand the
3 Coherence and 0.5 Textual evidence is There are clear There are attempts Writing contains major Writing is 2
language placed in a logical attempts to use to link textual mistakes in linking confusing and
order and the way cohesive devices to evidence but writing textual evidence that has a lot of gaps.
they are presented link textual evidence lacks direction that affected general No or limited
effectively keeps the but in one or two affects reader’s understanding. number of
interest of the places, writing appears comprehension. textual evidences
reader. incoherent. Writer makes a lot of used to assist
Writer makes some errors in grammar, comprehension.
Writer makes no Writer makes minimal errors in grammar, structure or spelling
errors in grammar or errors in grammar, structure, or spelling that affect the reader's Writing is
spelling that distracts structure and spelling that affect the comprehension. generally
the reader from the that do not affect the reader's incomprehensibl
content. reader's understanding. e due to
understanding. grammar,
structures, and
spelling mistakes.
Description of The discussions are The discussions reflect Some discussions Discussions showing Discussion is
symbol: fluent and clearly a sound knowledge reflect satisfactory lack of understanding totally inaccurate
i. caviare reflect an in-depth and mostly clear knowledge and of the particular showing a major
TASK knowledge and clear understanding of the understanding of the symbol. lack of
3 1.0 4
2b) understanding of the particular symbol. particular symbol. understanding of
particular symbol. the particular
Description of 1.0 The discussions are The discussions reflect Some discussions Discussions showing Discussion is 4
symbol: fluent and clearly a sound knowledge reflect satisfactory lack of understanding totally inaccurate
ii. fruit reflect an in-depth and mostly clear knowledge and of the particular showing a major
knowledge and clear understanding of the understanding of the symbol. lack of
understanding of the particular symbol. particular symbol. understanding of
particular symbol. the particular
Description of The discussions are The discussions reflect Some discussions Discussions showing Discussion is
symbol: fluent and clearly a sound knowledge reflect satisfactory lack of understanding totally inaccurate
iii. Kew Gardens reflect an in-depth and mostly clear knowledge and of the particular showing a major
knowledge and clear understanding of the understanding of the symbol. lack of
1.0 4
understanding of the particular symbol. particular symbol. understanding of
particular symbol. the particular
Description of The discussions are The discussions reflect Some discussions Discussions showing Discussion is
symbol: fluent and clearly a sound knowledge reflect satisfactory lack of understanding totally inaccurate
iv. gloves reflect an in-depth and mostly clear knowledge and of the particular showing a major
knowledge and clear understanding of the understanding of the symbol. lack of
1.0 4
understanding of the particular symbol. particular symbol. understanding of
particular symbol. the particular
Coherence and Textual evidence is There are clear There are attempts Writing contains major Writing is
language placed in a logical attempts to use to link textual mistakes in linking confusing and
order and the way cohesive devices to evidence but writing textual evidence that has a lot of gaps.
they are presented link textual evidence lacks direction that affected general No or limited
effectively keeps the but in one or two affects reader’s understanding. number of
interest of the places, writing appears comprehension. textual evidences
reader. incoherent. Writer makes a lot of used to assist
Writer makes some errors in grammar, comprehension.
0.75 3
Writer makes no Writer makes minimal errors in grammar, structure or spelling
errors in grammar or errors in grammar, structure, or spelling that affect the reader's Writing is
spelling that distracts structure and spelling that affect the comprehension. generally
the reader from the that do not affect the reader's incomprehensibl
content. reader's understanding. e due to
understanding. grammar,
structures, and
spelling mistakes.
Total 12.5 50
Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab
4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.
PII Online Class Participation (10%)
Marks for the forum will be given based on the following rubric:
Quality of All five comments are Four of the comments Two or three of the One post submitted. Postings done past
Postings good, appropriate, are good, appropriate, comments are somewhat OR All posts done in assignment timeline.
relevant, meaningful, and relevant, meaningful, good, appropriate, one day. OR No postings given
respectful. and respectful. meaningful and OR None of the as proof of
Postings reflect active Postings reflect respectful. comments are good participation in
participation within participation within Postings show relatively and relevant. discussion
assignment timeline. assignment timeline. short participation time. OR Comments are
1, 2 2 2.5 short responses that 10
are not substantial
nor meaningful.
Minimum effort (e.g.
“I agree with Tina”)
Total Mark
2.5 10