Key Elements of Shareholder Agreement
Key Elements of Shareholder Agreement
Key Elements of Shareholder Agreement
The agreement can also cover the activity of the company, such as the right of a minority share
holder to nominate a director to the board of the company or to the board of directors. While
shareholders directly influence the company's operations by selecting senior management staff,
they also influence the company's operations in other ways. For example, most investors tend
to invest in stocks that can meet their earnings targets, thus holding businesses under constant
pressure to reach their revenue and profit forecasts.
4. Vetoes
The incorporation of these clauses protects shareholders who own less than 50 % of the shares
in the company by allowing them more insight into fundamental decisions. Such minority
shareholders typically have very little say in the company's operations if they are out-voted by a
majority, so veto rights in the Shareholders' Agreement are used to empower minority
shareholders. One of the most important sections of a shareholders’ agreement is a vetoes
section which lists out a series of transactions which cannot be carried out without the consent
of the protected minority shareholder
5. 50/50 shareholders and deadlock
A critical part of any agreement will also deal with a situation in which there are two
shareholders with 50 per cent each and no agreement on the substantive course of action.
6. Non-compete covenants
It is normal to have a non-competition arrangement to prohibit shareholders from interfering
with the company as long as they are shareholders. This will include rivalry with the company
customers, the recruitment of the company's suppliers and the recruitment of company
workers.Some of the most common provisions in the shareholder agreement are set out above.
7. Other
Other problems that should be dealt with include
Privacy procedure,
Arbitral trials,
There is no alliance,
Allocation of rights and
Conflict with the terms of the Association of the Company
CONCLUSION : One must understand the need for a shareholder agreement, and why it is
important to strike a balance between the interests of the shareholders and the interests of
the company .Do not make the words vague, but keep them correct, which restricts the
interpretation of the words. Broad interpretations are creating problems in the long run.It
is clear that the rights and obligations of both parties – i.e. shareholders and shareholders
– are specified. Some of the major benefits of a shareholder agreement can be
summarized as follows:
•When the parties enter into business, there is usually a lot of trust and goodwill between the
shareholders at the outset. All parties are looking for a successful business, and often little
attention is paid to what would happen if there were a difference of opinion. Also, a lot of
•By having specific discussions on what to do with the shareholder agreement, it focuses on the
minds of parties who may not have previously thought about addressing specific scenarios.
•In contrast to the articles of association, the shareholder agreement is a private document that
can be of benefit to the parties , especially if there are very sensitive commercial details that need
to be included. Without a shareholder agreement, in the event of a dispute or a breach of trust
between the shareholders, there will be no agreement on how to resolve the dispute or on how to
terminate the relationship between the shareholders (other than the statutory provisions and the
terms set out in the articles of association).
Without a shareholder agreement, in the event of a dispute or a breach of trust between the
shareholders, there will be no agreement on how to resolve the dispute or on how to terminate
the relationship between the shareholders (other than the statutory provisions and the terms set
out in the articles of association).If all shareholders approach the problem in a fair and
reasonable manner, a solution may be documented and all parties may be able to move forward
happily. However, when shareholders have dropped and are no longer on the talking terms,
negotiations to agree a separation may prove stressful, time-consuming and costly. In addition,
disputes over company assets, repayment of loans and share prices are more difficult to resolve,
particularly in smaller companies where directors and shareholders work full time in the
company and shareholdings are held on an equal footing. This situation is known as a deadlock,
and without a mechanism to decide on a deadlock, the parties may need to consider winding up.
The terms of the shareholder agreement and the articles of association of the company are very
much tailored to the company's share and management structure and the company's future plans.
Agreements are not "one size fits all" and receiving advice that is appropriate to the
circumstances of your company is imperative to avoid creating more problems than the
agreements solve .We can negotiate and draught on your behalf all terms of the shareholders'
agreement and articles of association. We have extensive knowledge and experience in drawing
up simple and complex agreements and articles to meet your needs. Getting the right legal advice
at the right time can help keep your business running smoothly in order to achieve long-term
An examples of a shareholder agreement;