MAGECO Midterm Reviewer
MAGECO Midterm Reviewer
MAGECO Midterm Reviewer
13. It refers to the process of selection from available 6. A table showing the quantity of units would purchase at
14. Adam Smith published his book, An Inquiry into the MORE FIRMS HAVE ENTERED THE MARKET
Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1767. 9. The law of __________ explains the general behavior of
15. The what to produce problem deals with the way in SUPPLY
which output is distributed among the members of the 10. A good whose consumption increases when income
TRUE constant
11. Refers to the amount or quantity of a good which the LAW OF DIMINISHING MARGINAL UTILITY
buyer is willing and able to purchase at a given price, 3. Which of the following is not the property of indifference
12. If there is a shortage, firms must decrease its price until highest indifference curve and the budget line are tangent.
13. If coffee and milk are complements, then which of the greater than the percentage change in price is known as:
DEMAND FOR MILK WILL DECREASE 6. Income elasticity of demand measures the
14. An increase in the demand for a good will cause: responsiveness of demand to a change in:
15. Leftward shift of the demand curve shows that demand 7. Demand does not change when price changes is known
16. When quantity supplied is less than quantity demanded 8. Price elasticity of supply measures the responsiveness
17. If there is an increase in supply, the curve shifts to the 9. When the proportion of change in demand is exactly the
18. A situation in which quantity supplied is greater than 10. A good with a horizontal demand curve has a demand:
19. People buy more of good A when the price of good B consumers from consuming an additional quantity of that
2. It states that as the quantity consumed of a good between the two selected points.
is called:
14. A situation where there is no change in quantity ON THE HIGHEST ATTAINABLE INDIFFERENCE
can afford given his income and the prices of the two
15. The total satisfaction derived from consuming a total BUDGET CONSTRAINT
quantity of goods and services. 25. It is a curve that shows the consumption bundles that
16. When the elasticity coefficient of supply is more than 1, INDIFFERENCE CURVE
17. When the percentage change in price is less than the 1. It illustrates all possible combinations of two inputs that
percentage change is quantity supplied is known as results in the same level of total cost.
18. The cross elasticity of demand between Coke and product of the input on the horizontal axis divided by the
19. Cross elasticity of demand measures the percentage in mix of labor and capital produces output at the lowest cost.
price for a good over the percentage change in the quantity COST MINIMIZATION
when the price of the preferred good increases. 6. The point of tangency between a convex isoquant and
decreased purchasing power. 7. Specifies relationship that exist between inputs and
9. It states that ceteris paribus, as the quantity employed of SUPPLY AND DEMAND
LAW OF DIMINISHING MARGINAL RETURNS Higher demand leads to higher equilibrium price and
10. Isoquant curves do not intersect to each other. higher equilibrium quantity.
11. It is the additional output resulting from employing one equilibrium quantity.
MARGINAL PRODUCT Lower demand leads to lower price and lower quantity
FALSE exchanged.
production which give the same level of output per unit of RELATIVE MAGNITUDES OF CHANGE
14. Stage II of production begins at a level of output where *When supply and demand both increase, quantity will
the average product of the variable input is at a maximum increase, but price may go up or down.
15. Are inputs whose quantities can't be readily changed in other things remaining constant
16. The short run is a time period in which: CHANGE IN QTY. SUPPLIED - changes in price and other
17. When marginal product reaches its maximum, what can the price of good
TOTAL PRODUCT MUST BE AT ITS MAXIMUM *changes in PRICE does not shift demand and supply
LAW OF DEMAND- inverse/negative relationship bet. price - how responsive they are to other changes in various
EQUILIBRIUM- qty. demanded = qty. supplied - measures the responsiveness of a good’s demand to
I. PPT (Reporting) LUXURIES - things you like, but you can do without.
- when price elasticity of demand is SUBSTITUTES – goods where you can consume in the
*Price and Total revenue change in the same direction. *The cross-price elasticity of demand for two substitutes is
change at all when price changes *The cross-price elasticity of demand for two substitutes is
- quantity demanded changes a lot when price changes ADVERTISING ELASTICITY DEMAND
- when price elasticity of demand is any negative number - measures the responsiveness of a good's demand to
eventually a point is reached where the marginal utility of units of a commodity for one more unit of another
additional unit of the good decreases. commodity to keep him/her at the same level of utility.
combinations of goods that someone can afford, given the 2. convex to the origin
SLOPE OF THE BUDGET CONSTRAINT – represents 4. IC to the right represents a higher level of satisfaction
how many goods on the y-axis the consumer must give up 5. cannot touch either axis
in order to be able to afford one more of the goods on the 6. need not to be parallel to each other
INDIFFERENCE – exists when the amount of utility from 1. Form Utility – utility can be created by changing the
one situation is equal to the amount of utility you get from form of the products
combinations of two goods that result in the same level of 3. Place Utility – making goods or services physically
CONSUMER THEORY - the study of how people decide comes from owning a product or enjoying a service
I. PPT (Reporting)
level of satisfaction than a lower one and thus a rational VARIABLE INPUTS – inputs whose quantities can be
consumer always tries to reach the highest possible readily changed in response to changes in market
indifference curve to get the highest possible level of FIXED INPUTS - inputs whose quantities can’t be readily
- specifies the relationship that exists between inputs and - The costs of producing a given quantity of output are
outputs for a given technology. minimized at the point where the production isoquant is
COBB-DOUGLAS FUNCTION just tangent —or, in other words, just touching —the
inputs, but not perfect substitutability - Is a concave-shaped line on a graph, used in the study
TOTAL PRODUCT - refers to the entire quantity of output that produce a specified level of output.
produced from a given set of inputs. - This graph is used as a metric for the influence that the
AVERAGE PRODUCT - refers to the output per unit of inputs—most commonly, capital and labor—have on the
that occurs when one additional unit of a variable input is RETURNS TO SCALE
employed. - refers to the changes in output that occur when the scale
LAW OF DIMINISHING MARGINAL RETURNS indicate a proportional change in the quantity employed of
the marginal product of an additional unit of that input ▪ Increasing returns to scale
two inputs that produce a given - is the percentage change in output that results from a
two inputs that result in the same level of total cost. SHORT-RUN - have at least 1 resource
1. Change in total outlay to be made by the firm LAW OF DIMINISHING MARGINAL RETURNS
- as you add variable resources to fixed resources
STAGE 1 - increasing
STAGE 2 - constant
STAGE 3 – decreasing/negative