Change Log
Change Log
Change Log
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-43
- New jitter indicator on FPS / Network display (press backspace in game)
- Fixed TMS34 detectors (umk3, wwf...)
- Support for WWF: Wrestlemania (Acid Clown Edition)
- Support for latest ffightae version
- Support for latest kof99ae version
- Detectors for WWF (not ranked) and WWF Acid Clown Edition (ranked)
- New detectors: wwfmanac wwfmania
- New savestates: kof96ae20 ddsoma4ppdec nbahangt sms_mastcomb wwfmania
- Updated savestates: ddsom md_mmpru pbobble3 umk3 umk3pb1
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-42
- Better audio fix initialization (from FBNeo devs, dlink)
- Wolf unit dipswitches (for midway games, thanks Matt)
- Update kof96ae crc to latest version
- Add support for ddsoma4ppdec
- New savestates: jojobanch jojobanrb jojobanrc kof97ae neobombe(ranked) spf2xpri
ssideki2 ssideki
- Updated savestates: sftm ssideki3 ssideki4 umk3 umk3pb1
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-41
- Restore Fightcade changes to midway drivers/games
- Fixed CRT CGA shader for vertical games
- Save overlay game type info to text (spectator / game)
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-40
- Merge Midway / TMS34 fixes from FBNeo and UMK3 audio fixes (thanks Matt!)
- Revert latest CPS3 optimization due to more visual glitches during rollbacks
- Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Color Blind Hack) support
- Super Puzzle Fighter II X' Balanced Patch (Hack) support
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Rainbow Edition) support
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Roman Cancel Edition) support
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Alessi/Child Mode) support
- Updated CRCs: sf2mix
- Oh My God Dipswitches for online play
- New detectors: md_deadlymv md_eternalcu md_jleague md_mmpru md_sf2j md_sf2u
md_ssf2u md_tmhttf md_tmnttfu miexchng neobombe pbancho popbounc popnpop sf2koryu
- Updated detectors: agress
- New savestates: landmakr(ranked) md_deadlymv md_eternalcu md_jleague md_mmpru
md_sf2j md_sf2u md_ssf2u md_tmhttf md_tmnttfu popbounc sf2koryu simpsons2p tmnt22pu
- Updated savestates: cthd2003 eto gururin kf2k5uni kof2000 kof2001 kof2002 kof2003
kof2k4se kof94 kof97 kof99 landmakr naname ssf2xjr1
ggpofba (fightcade1)
- updated savestates: spf2t
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-39
- New CRT CGA shader with warp and vignette (original by Thimoty Lottes)
- Permanent FPS toggle, better format
- Fix 32 bits memory detector
- Save overlay data files only on content change
- CPS3 optimization (from FBNeo devs)
- New detectors: agress bestbest eto funybubl karianx kf2k23rd kf2k2mp2 kf2k2ru35
kof97t landmakr lastbld2te md_mk md_mk2 md_mk3u md_umk3t md_umk3u md_yuyumte mk mk2
mk2p mk3 ohmygod panicbom pnickj pnyaa puchicar puzzli puzzli2 puzzloop pzloop2
rabbit samsho samsho5x soldam umk3 umk3pb1 umk3uc
- Updated detectors: fatfursp mwarr naname nes_joymechfight shogwarr
- New savestates: eto funybubl kf2k23rd kf2k2mp2 kf2k2pls kf2k2ru35 killbld
killbldp landmakr lastbld2te md_mk2 md_mk3u md_mk md_umk3t md_umk3u mwarr panicbom
pbancho pbobbl2n pbobble4j pnyaa puzzli2 puzzli puzzloop pzlbowl pzloop2 rabbit
- Updated savestates: kof98ae2016 kof98cb martmast ninjamas ninjamas(ranked)
pbobble2 pbobblen sf2mix ssf2xjr1
Flycast-Dojo v0.4.14
+ Still no GGPO suppport (will come in the next update!)
- Disable cheat loading in online games
- Fix game context menu (for verifying checksums)
- Merge with upstream Flycast changes
- new game additions: senkosp, dc_pf2012
- dipswitches: senkosp, vtennis2, dc_pf2012
ggpofba (fightcade1)
- updated savestates: pbobblen, pzloop2, spf2t
frm 0.4.2:
- add missing NES support
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-38
- Updated CRCs: sf2mix (1.0)
- New detectors: cleopatr cthd2003 deroon dharma ghostlop kf2k5uni kof2k4se kof95sp
kof98ae2016 kof98cb naname
- Updated detectors: bloodwar btlkroad fightfev kaiserkn mtlchamp ninjamas sfa
shogwarr spf2t tetrisp2
- New savestates: arabianm bssoccer cthd2003 deroon dharma ghostlop kof2k4se kof97t
naname neobombe sdodgeb tpgolf
Flycast-Dojo v0.4.11
*** Spectating and replays finally working on Flycast games! Please test and report
any issues
*** NOTE: Flycast spectating will always start from the beginning of the match
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-37
- Updated CRCs: kof97t, sfiii4n, ssf2tnl
- Updated detectors: redearth, sfa, spf2t
- New detectors: bloodstm bloodwar breakers btlkroad cutefght fghthist flipshot
gururin jchan karatour lastblad magdrop2 nes_joymechfight puzzledp ringdest sdfight
sfz2al solfigtr ssf2 ssoldier tetrisp2 timekill tkdensho viofight
- Updated savestates: ninjamas ssf2 ssf2tnl
- New savestates: bangbead bstars2 fatfury3 flipshot gowcaizr karatour kf2k5uni
kof95sp kof98cb ninjamas(ranked) megaman2 pnickj samsho ssoldier tetrisp2 wh1
June 8, 2021
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-36
- Allow reset in sf2hf when desync occurs
- Updated dectector: redearth
- Updated savestate: kof98ae2016
Flycast-dojo v0.4.8
- Merged upstream Flycast changes (06/06/2021)
- Controller Mapping gracefully falls back to defaults when system profiles not
- Add multiple save slots to Training Mode, Fixes savestate menus
- Load arcade games with default file format from GameEntry when not available in
reference JSON
- Add definition for Plasma Sword
- VMU Updates
June 4, 2021
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-36
- New detectors: aliencha aodk asurabld asurabus avengrgs cybots daraku dbz dbz2
dinorex drgnmst fatfury2 fightfev galaxyfg gundamex hsf2pp jchan2 jojo jojon
kaiserkn killbld marmatcp martmast mtlchamp mwarr ninjamas plegends powerins
pwrinst2 ragnagrd samsho5 savagere sf2 sfa sfa3aism sfiii sfiii2 shogwarr spf2t
survarts tattass vsavae wh2j whp
- New savestates: asurabus avengrgs avengrgs(ranked) cutefght daraku dbz2 dbz
doubledr(ranked) fatfury2 fightfev gundamex gururin jchan jojo jojon kaiserkn
magdrop2 mslug4lw mtlchamp plegends powerins puzzledp pwrinst2 ragnagrd savagere
sdfight sf shogwarr solfigtr viofight wakuwak7bh xmcotabh
- Updated savestates: asurabld galaxyfg sfiii2 umk3pb1 vsavae
- Many thanks to everyone who contributed on Discord!
Flycast-dojo v0.4.7
- Merged Upstream Flycast Changes (19/05/2021)
- Add Unmap button to inputs
- Separate Dreamcast & Arcade Button Mappings
- No longer have to worry about changing controls between games on different
- Fixes to integrate replay/spectating into fightcade (coming soon!)
- Fix for "mouse not working" when using an old emu.cfg
May 3, 2021
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-35
- New opton to display overlay with inputs: Video -> Fightcade -> Display Inputs.
You can only display your own inputs in online games (not your opponent's), useful
for debugging own inputs or to watch both inputs from replays.
- Prevent resets during ranked games while in the middle of a match. Reset/Test can
be done in select screen.
- Fixed some mslug game names, updated mslug2fm to latest version (thanks KOFKILL!)
- Fixed some more P1/P2 game bindings
- Updated SF2Mix CRC to 0.99a
- New detectors for doubledr, esckids, kabukikl
- New vsavae rom hack (thanks Viper Snake), Aesthetic Edition
- New yumeji HSF2++ rom hack
+ New Savestates: vsavae, hsf2pp
Flycast-dojo v0.4.4
- Validate both ROM & BIOS checksum before every game to mitigate desyncs
- Working training mode for Dreamcast, Atomiswave & NAOMI games
- Dipswitch & metadata changes
+ Working native Linux build:
- Ubuntu 20.10 Dependencies: libcurl3-gnutls, libzip5
- Arch Linux 2021.04.01 Dependencies: libcurl3-gnutls, libzip
April 9, 2021
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-33
- Fixed inputs in neogeo games while inserting coins, no more interruptions while
doing combos (merged from FBNeo, fix by dink & ez2torta)
- Original framerate in all MK games in online play (~54fps)
- Added more MSlug hacks, and a special one tailored for Fightcade (thanks
- Fixed P1/P2 bindings for tumblb games
+ New Savestates:
- kof98ae2016, all mslug hacks, ringdest, sfa3aism, umk3 (hidden characters
unloked), umk3pb1
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-31
- fixed MK spectator mode (thanks to dink), dipswitches fixed for online
- new BH games from Viper Snake (a bunch of them)
- updated umk3uc to Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Cup Edition (2020-12-01)
- added new sf2mix dipswitches (thanks ayanamirei0)
- new detectors (sgemf) and clones (kof99ae, boss hacks)
- added support for filename to lua savestate load/save/create
- added support for emu.speedmode (only normal or turbo)
- added sfa3aism rom hack
- removed tilt in online games (dankuga!)
- speed boost for mslug games(0x400)
- fixed more P1/P2 bindings
+ New Savestates:
- esckidsj: Escape Kids
- sf2mix: SF2Mix 0.97
- cybots: Cyberbots
- vampjbh: Vampire (Boss Hack)
- sfiii4n: 4rd Strike Arranged Edition 2013
- md_yuyumt: Yu Yu Hakusho (Megadrive)
- md_wwfag: WWF WrestleMania (Megadrive)
FcadeFlycast v0.3.2
- Merged with current Flycast upstream changes
- Fixed stuttering, now mutes sound on repeated frame
- Frame timeout introduced to prevent Force Quit situation on lost connection
- Static RNG seed
- Increases game compatibility, making games with previously random game states
deterministic across both clients
- UDP Ping & Delay Detection on host screen
- Guest player now requests repeat frame any time frame timeout exceeds delay
- Guest always adopts host payload settings
- MD5 Checksum Calculation/Validation in ROM menu
- Performance Improvements (fixes slowdown on older machines)
+ Dipswitch Updates:
- King of Fighters XI - Free Play + Characters Unlocked
- King of Fighters Neowave - Free Play
- Metal Slug 6 - Uncensored Blood + Free Play
- Neo Geo Battle Coliseum - Free Play + Characters Unlocked
- Power Stone - Free Play
- Dead Or Alive 2 Millennium - Free Play
- The Rumble Fish 2 - Characters Unlocked + Volume Settings. Now in Stereo at a
lower volume. Default settings were optimized to clip and blast ears.
- Do not create Fightcade1 shortcuts by defalult
- Do not install NullDC anymore, it has been replaced by Flycast
- Added EVENTS tab. Events are shown in the website and in MOTD. Contact us on
Discord if you are a TO and want to add events to Fightcade.
- Added /clear command, to clear the chat history.
December 2, 2020
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-30
- Fix sf2mix, update to v0.97
FcadeFlycast v0.2.4
- Optimized build
December 1, 2020
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-30
- Fixed NES aspect ratio by setting 4:3 Dipswitch as default
- Added hide ROM Warnings toggle (Options -> Hide ROM Warnings)
- Fixed potential crash in sfa3 stage select
- Do not auto switch to fullscreen when spectating a game or if using -w as
- Fix crash in sfiii3nr1 rom if Ken neutral grabs Makoto and kills (the Makoto fix)
- Refactor commandline, now you can load lua + savestate (fcadefbneo.exe
savestate.fs script.lua) or any other combination
- Increased timeout for LUA calls
- Added sf2cemix (hack)
- Added vampjbh (hack)
- Updated ssf2tnl (hack) to v0.4
- Added hsf2 detector and ranked channel
+ Savestate updates:
- ssf2tnl: set to Turbo0 per request by Born2SPD
- nes_joymechfight: all characters unlocked
FcadeSNES9x v1.60-2
- Enable ReduceInputLag & Input:Background on default config for new installs
FcadeFlycast v0.2.4
- Internal Delay Selection & Detection before Game Load
- Explicit Dialogs for Connection Status
- Test Game Mode w/ Settings & Launch Game
+ Dipswitch Updates:
- Marvel vs Capcom 2: Damage Scaling Fixed
- The Rumble Fish 2: All Characters Unlocked
- Allow more than 50 favourites, with search filter options like in regular search
(Patreons only for now, any tier)
- Introducing the report button, this will be a slow rolling out process (and WIP)
- Context menu when hovering user names in chat, so you can easily challenge, view
profile or ignore any user
- Toggle to disable Auto AFK, in settings
- REPLAY and STATS are now permanent links on top, removed from Motd
- Added SNES hacks: TMNTTF Champion Edition, Sailor Moon Fighter S, Sailor Moon S
Big Zam Edition, Ranma ½ Hard Battle II - Super Move Hustle
FRM v0.4.1
- create output folder in "copy_to" if it doesn't exist
FcadeFBNeo v0.2.97.44-29
- load lua from commandline (just specify lua\filename.lua in commandline as last
- send frame inputs to before_emulation step in lua, fixed lua stack in on_gui step
and other hooks
- allow frame advance function (new hotkey in the inputs settings page)
- fix Autoswitch to Fullscreen, working in Test Game and Online play
- fixed China Gate p1/p2 bindings
- fixed Dragon Gun and Violent Storm dipswitches to allow online play
- enabled blood/violence on mk2 online play (forced dipswitches)
- disable runahead in spectator mode
- new game detectors (list WIP, thanks all!)
- added Mortal Kombat arcade support
- added more NES games
FcadeSNES9x v1.60-2
- fix compatibility for Windows7
- improved GGPO netcode, better rollback implementation, new render loop
- still needs more polish, especially during rollbacks, and sound may crack a bit
- make sure to disable sound sync
FcadeFlycast v8.1-1843
- Sega Dreamcast, Naomi and Atomiswave emulator
- Added delay-based netplay support to Flycast (thanks @blueminder!!!)
- Still WIP (spectate/replay will come soon!)
FRM v0.4
- add support for Flycast
FBNeo (v0.2.97.44-28)
- Partial revert of input polling during rollbacks (will happen only on last frame)
- Added 32:9 aspect ratio to auto detection (by request, please if you have a
custom monitor with unsupported aspect ratio share in feedback channel)
- Fixed mk2 netplay (disabled forced test dipswitch)
- Added missing "Mute ingame chat" option in Fightcade / Video menu options
FBNeo (v0.2.97.44-28)
- LUA support
- Kof98 random mood (thanks hiihii)
- Sfa3 stage select (thanks volkann)
- Add mute option to ingame chat (Video / Fightcade / Mute Chat toggle)
- Preemptive fix for m68000 cpu savestate, might fix some desyncs?
- Preemptive fix for input drops during rollbacks + faster input polling
- Fix gaiden and taitoF3 p1/p2 bindings
- Fixed slowdown during chat
- Character detectors for various games (thanks all!)
- RAW memory detector for game detectors (please ask in detector channels)
- Ssf2xj1 set to Turbo1 again
Snes9x (v1.60-1)
- Updated to Snes9x 1.60, improved GGPO netcode
- Replaced tws96 for twsoc96
- Added mk2 (Mortal Kombat II arcade) channel, untested
- Added tgm2p detector and ranked channel
- Added aof2 detector and ranked channel (thanks Killerjag)()
Emulator -
- Fixed subpixel accuracy render in UI (to accomodate custom UIs properly)
- Fixed drivers galaxian and sys18 P1/P2 binding issues (online)
- Fixed SMS P1/P2 binding issues (online)
- Fightcade overlay text saver will save game characters detected in sfiii3nr1 and
- New detectors and ranked channels -> kizuna, msh, mshvsf, mvsc, redearth, xmcota,
xmvsf (thanks everyone involved!)
- Debug detector mode can count scores now, and can detect characters too (ask on
#fbneo-detectors if you want to extract character information from any game, multi
character games like kof not supported yet)
- Merged from FBNeo: thread priority is now process priority (might help boosting
the game if you have performance issues)
- Merged from FBNeo: k054539: add delay(echo) effect
- Copy flag contents and trigger file timestamp change when saving overlay flags
(so OBS updates properly)
- Toggle to log ingame chat to a file, check Video -> Fightcade options
- Made emulator version compatibility fix, so replays prior to 3/9 can still be
replayed without desyncs
Other fixes
- Fix updater for install paths with weird characters
- Fix for rare edge case when connecting 2 players
- Osx: updated digital signature
- New smkartu savestate
- Added tgm2p, replace for tgm2
- New kof98 savestate (no blood)
- Removed some old fc1 channels()
September 3, 2020
- New savestate for kizuna
- New savestate for aof: Mr. Big and Mr. Karate unlocked
- New savestate for smkartu (snes): 150cc Cup and Special Cup unlocked, all gold
- New savestate for sfa3 ranked: only Classic Mode unlocked (green screen unlock)
- Updated savestate for ssf2xjr1: changed speed to JP turbo2
- Updated savestate for kof98: max credits
(Thanks to everyone who contributed in #fbneo-savestates )
Emulator -
- Fixed P1/P2 player mappings in more games (wwfwfest, system18, galaxian, suna16)
- Fix to ignore runahead setting in tgm2 & tgm2p to avoid desync
- New detectors (Thanks to everyone who contributed in #fbneo-detectors )
- Make DSound the default audio plugin on both updates & new installs
- Make AutoFrameskip=OFF the default setting on new installs
- Improved user profile pages (still work in progress )
- Notify outdated clients that require a manual update
+ Other minor fixes and enhancements...()
19/08 Update
Emulator -
- Fixed frameskipping, now smoother than before, even on slow PCs. If it was
working slow for you, try again
- Fixed some rare input drops
- New revamped renderer, please use the DX9Alternate version from now on, much
better than SoftFX, and now more compatible
- New renderer is capable of using custom resolutions for CRT users
- New non exclusive fullscreen for streamers. If that still desyncs for you, use
the new Borderless Window option in the DX9 blitter options
- Added vsync option to both windowed and fullscreen (doesn't interfere with
netplay, but adds 1f of lag at least)
- Refactored DX9 renderer so it doesn't produce black backgrounds when streaming in
- Refactored menus, now visible in OSX and Linux. Use modeless menu option in Misc
if menus don't work in OSX/Linux
- Fightcade overlay exports now saves country as name and as png flags, ranks saved
as letters
- New CRT Bicubic shader (DX9Alt)
- Fix for ingame chat unicode text not rendering completely (DX9Alt)
- Add score overlay and ping to SoftFX (not that you will want to use this ever
- F3 resets detector status so it doesn't trigger random wins in specific games
- Added support for MartialMaster Community Patch (
- Fixed WWF games for p1 / p2 online play, and also a good chunk of taito games
with the same issue
- Fix crash when fcade.exe can't reach backend
- Add snes9x support to frm
- Fixed win8.1 issues in frm
- Fightcade1: fix "can't execute script main" error when darkorange theme was
August 18, 2020
18/08 Update
- Fixed frontend chat range issues: disappearing challenges, disappearing/locked
- Remove @channel notification
- Better anti spam
- Fixed a rare crash in the backend and other bug fixes
- Performance tools for heavy load diagnose
Current plan is to only update backend mid week, being it Tuesday or Wednesday.
This involves booting people, and private lobbies need to be recreated.
Game services can be hot live updated and games won't be interrupted()
Investigate heavy load bottlenecks, slow server responses (ddbb, backend)
Investigate failed punch hole (black screens)
Investigate spec slow downs in CPS3 games
Waiting to deploy
Motd, savestates()