Psych 130 - Exam 2 Study Guide
Psych 130 - Exam 2 Study Guide
Psych 130 - Exam 2 Study Guide
Lecture Notes:
Lecture 13: ✅
Depressive Disorders:
Etiology of Depression:
1. Diathesis / stress (most critically)
2. Predisposition (genes / neurobiology / cognitive style)
3. Triggering stressor
Cognitive Theories:
1. Aaron Beck (1967) — Negative Triad Theory
a. Depression is caused by maladaptive thought processes.
i. Negative triad: negative views of self, world, and future
ii. Acquired as a result of negative experiences in childhood which led to
negative schemata which, when reactivated by related events, leads to
negative cognitive biases.
iii. Negative experiences -> negative triad -> negative schemata -> negative
cognitive biases (-> negative triad…) = depression
c. Empirical Evidence:
i. Metalsky et al (1993):
1. Students taking Intro to Psychology completed the ‘Attributional
Style’ questionnaire and other questionnaires assessing grade
aspirations, self esteem, hopelessness, and depressive
2. They were then given a test, and the students whose grades were
below expectations AND who attributed this to global and stable
factors experienced more hopelessness and depressive
3. This was ONLY true for students with low self esteem
- Current thinking is that individuals with MDD may have less sensitive serotonin receptors
- They may also have altered dopamine receptor function
- Dopamine thought to play a key role in brain reward system
- Dysfunction of the DA system might account for deficits in pleasure, motivation,
energy in MDD (Treadway & Zald, 2011)
- MDD is associated with:
- Increased amygdala activity to negative stimuli (e.g. negative words or faces) —
Siegle et al 2002, 2007
- Decreased dorsolateral prefrontal cortical activity when doing cognitive tasks,
regulating response to emotional stimuli
- Also, decreased hippocampal activity.
Lecture 14:
1. Pharmacological treatments
a. Tricyclic antidepressants (discussed below)
b. MAO inhibitors
i. The monoamine hypothesis:
1. Depletion in the levels of monoamine neurotransmitters (serotonin,
norepinephrine/adrenaline, and/or dopamine) underlies
2. 1950s: accidental discovery that MAOIs (TB) and tricyclics
(imipramine — sedative) had side effects of improving patients’
mood; thus these drugs were introduced as the first real
treatments for depression in the 1950s.
3. 1990s saw success of SSRIs
2. Electroconvulsive therapy
a. Reserved for:
i. Severe depression with high risk of suicide
ii. Depression with psychotic features
iii. Treatment non-responders
b. Induces brain seizures by passing electrical current through the skull
c. Side effects:
i. Memory loss
ii. Long term effects… associated with deficits in cognitive functioning 6
months after treatment (Sackeim, Prudic, Fuller, et al., 2007)
3. Psychotherapy
a. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
i. Cognitive therapy:
1. Aims to alter maladaptive thought patterns
2. To identify and challenge negative automatic thoughts; behavioral
tests ‘to disconfirm negative beliefs’; other behavioral components
to increase positive experiences
ii. Behavioral activation
iii. Process:
1. precisely identify the belief/thought/process
2. Brainstorm ideas for an experiment to test the thought/belief (very
3. Make predictions about the outcome & devise a method to record
the outcome
4. Anticipate problems and brainstorm solutions
5. Conduct the experiment
6. Review the experiment and draw conclusions
b. Interpersonal (IPT)
i. Focuses on identifying and resolving current interpersonal problems (role
transitions, interpersonal conflicts, bereavement, interpersonal isolation)
c. Psychodynamic
Lecture 15:
Bipolar Disorders:
1. Bipolar I
a. Diagnostic criteria:
i. At least one manic episode
ii. Not better explained by schizophrenia or related (schizophrenia spectrum)
disorder during lifetime
b. Most also experience depressive episodes— 50% experience 4+ episodes
2. Bipolar II
a. Must have experience at least one major depressive episode and one episode
HYPOmania (current or past)
Mania vs Hypomania:
Manic episode: Hypomanic episode:
● Prevalence rates lower than MDD:
○ 0.6 - 1% for Bipolar I
○ 0.4 - 2% for Bipolar II
○ ~4% for cyclothymic disorder
● Average age of onset in late teens/ 20s
● No gender differences in prevalence, but more depressive symptoms in women
● Comorbid with anxiety disorders (66%) and substance abuse (more than 33%)
- Distress / functional impairment:
- 33% unemployed one year after hospitalization (Harrow et al., 1990)
- Unemployed ~ 25% of the time
- 25% BP I and 20% BP II report history of suicide attempts (Merikangas et al.,
- Actual suicide rates high (Angst et al., 2002)
- High risk for other medical conditions (2x as likely to die from medical illness in a
given year, (Osby et al., 2001)) — heart disease, thyroid disease, diabetes,
- Among the most heritable of disorders:
- 85% heritability estimate (McGuffin et al., 2003)
- 93% (Kieseppa er al., 2004)
- Little success in identifying the specific genes — many non replications
- Why? It’s likely a polygenic disorder, gene x gene and gene x environment
- Neurotransmission
- Dopamine important in process reward (nucleus accumbens and frontal cortex)
- Nucleus accumbens activity increased in mania, elevated reward sensitivity
reported in BP
- Serotonin — processing threat (amygdala)
- DA and 5HT modulation of frontal function also influences impulsivity
- Original models
- Depression: low levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
- Mania: high levels of NE, dopamine, low levels of serotonin
- New models
- Focus on sensitivity of postsynaptic receptors
- In bipolar disorders, Increased sensitivity of dopamine receptors (Anand
et al. 2000), and decreased of serotonin receptors
- Also decreased sensitivity of serotonin receptors as in MDD, suggest that
less sensitive serotonin receptors → stronger response to serotonin levels
being lowered
- Evidence
- Drugs that increase dopamine levels trigger manic symptoms in indiv. w/
- Relatives of patients with BP show stronger mood changes to tryptophan
depletion relative to controls
- Alteration of serotonin receptors and dopamine receptors lead to bipolar
symptoms developing risk taking, sensation seeking, changes in energy,
- Triggers / predictors of episodes
- Depressive episodes - negative life events (and poor social support)
- Manic episodes - sleep disturbance
- Sleep loss high correlated with daily manic symptoms, most common
prodrome of mania, induced sleep deprivation triggers hypomania or
mania in proportion of patients
- Can follow life events, positive life events - goa
- Treatment
- Pharmacology
- Lithium - mood stabilizer mainly reduces mania
- 80% of bipolar patients experience at least some benefit
- Few experience full remission of symptomatology
- 40% lithium relapsed within 1 year, 60% on placebo
- Lithium toxicity risk of serious fatal side effects - careful monitoring via
blood tests
- Continuous treatment for life recommended
- Antipsychotics may be given as immediate calming effects
- Depression often still experiences not clear if antidepressant is beneficial
for indivs. On lithium and may trigger manic symptomatology, best
practice unclear
- Psychological
- As supplement to drugs
- Psychoeducational
- Teaches about symptoms, course, triggers, treatment
- Helps compliance up to 50% do not take meds regularly
- Family focused therapy
- Educate family, enhance communication, developing problem
solving skills
- CT - useful supplement to meds to relieve depressive symptoms
- Ethical Issues
- BP associated with high rates of suicide
- Civil commitment
- a person can be committed to psych hospital against will if judged to be
mentall ill and danger to self (suicidal or unable to provide basic needs of
food, clothing, shelter) or others
- Formal by court at request of police/family/friend
- Informal by hospital board
- Least restrictive alternative should be provided, outpatient commitment like
halfway house, supervised setting
- Right to refuse treatment unless pose clear and imminent threat
- Right to treatment like psychotherapy
- Informed consent
1. Dopamine theory
a. Schiz. may result from excess dopamine activity
b. Antipsychotic drugs
i. can produce parkinsonian type side effects as parkinsonism known to be
caused partially by low levels of dopamine
ii. Block post synaptic receptors (D2 receptors)
iii. Antidote to amphetamine psychosis
c. Amphetamine psychosis
i. Release catecholamines (norepinephrine and dopamine) into synaptic
cleft, prevent inactivation, induce paranoia, exacerbate schiz. Symptoms
2. Seeman et al., 1976
a. Across range of antipsychotic, daily clinical dosage is inversely related to drugs
effectiveness at blocking D2 receptors
b. However, the major metabolite of dopamine is homovanillic acid are not elevated
in schiz.
c. Increased no. of dopamine receptors in patients w/ schiz, revealed by
post-mortem and PET scans
e. Not linked to excess dopamine activity but to increased number or oversensitivity
of dopamine receptors
f. Only account for positive and disorganized symptoms, antipsychotics have little
to no effect on negative symptoms
3. Dopamine hypothesis revised (level of stimulation, dopamine activity imbalance)
a. Excessive subcortical (mesolimbic dopamine) → D2 over-stimulation → positive
b. insufficient dopamine in FC → D1 under-stimulation → negative symptoms
c. A and B reciprocal relationship, B release of inhibitory control towards A
4. Problems of theory
a. Antipsychotics
i. block dopamine receptors rapidly yet symptoms only reduce gradually
ii. reduce dopamine levels to below normal
iii. Implicate serotonin as well as dopamine, block serotonin and dopamine
iv. Street drug PCP can cause psychosis, interferes with glutamate receptors
v. Very complex neurochemistry of schiz. besides just dopamine
1. Pharmacological treatment
a. 1st generation antipsychotic (phenothiazines)
i. Block dopamine D2 receptors, tranquilizing effects
ii. Improve positive and disorganization but not negative symptoms
iii. Unwanted side effects
1. parkinsonian symptoms
2. Dyskinesia (involuntary movements)
3. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (1%)
4. Severe muscular rigidity, heart rate increase, coma
b. 2nd generation drugs
i. May improve positive and disorganization, as well as negative and
cognitive symptoms better
ii. Better compliance, less side effects
iii. Clozapine
1. risk/side effects ~1% - affects immune system, increase risk of
infection, induce seizures
2. Psychotherapy
a. Addition to drugs
b. Educational approaches
i. Family therapy to reduce EE (understand disorder, improve
communication, avoidance of blame)
ii. Include educating patient and family about importance of taking
iii. Social skills training
3. CBT
a. Randomized trials suggest CBT can help reduce hallucinations and delusions
i. Evaluate evidence for delusions
ii. Highlight inconsistent features
iii. Develop alternative perspectives
iv. Conduct behavioral experiments
Personality Disorders:
1. Enduring Problems of Personality Disorders (PDs):
a. Having a stable & positive identity
b. Sustaining close & constructive relationships
c. Moderately Heritable:
i. ~Ranging from 0.55 to 0.77
d. Prevalence estimates ranging from 10-15%
2. Challenges: Reliability? Validity?
a. Research shows that PDs are unstable over time
i. Low test-retest stability
b. PDs have high comorbidity - with other PDs (as much as 50%) and other DSM
3. Antisocial Personality Disorder:
a. DSM tries to classify antisocial behavior in terms of a psychiatric disorder
i. Disorders of Childhood & Adolescence ‘disruptive behavior disorders’
1. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
2. Conduct Disorder (CD)
ii. Disorders of Adulthood
1. Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)
b. Etiology of Antisocial Personality Disorder
i. DSM-V
1. A pervasive pattern of disregard for & violation of the rights of
others that happens since age 15
2. At least 18 years old
a. The ONLY personality disorder with this required criteria!
3. Evidence of CD before the age of 15
ii. And 3 or more of:
1. Failure to conform to social norms or lawful behaviors that are
grounds for arrest
2. Irritability & aggressiveness, shown by repeated physical fights or
3. Consistent irresponsibility; failure to maintain work behavior or
honor financial obligations
4. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
5. Deceitfulness; repeated lying, using aliases, or conning others for
pleasure or profit
6. Lack of regard for personal or other’s safety
7. Lack of remorse; being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt,
mistreated, or stolen from another person
4. Psychopathy:
a. NOT a DSM diagnostic category
b. Poverty of emotions (Positive and Negative ones)
c. Lack of shame or guilt
d. Positive emotions are an act, even though they are convincing
e.Superficially charming
f.Manipulates others for personal gain
g.Lack of anxiety
h.Cruel behavior
i.Antisocial behavior may be impulsive, and may done for the thrill of it
“Psychopathy” as a concept discussed in Hervey Cleckley’s classic book
The mask of sanity (1977)
No age requirement, also gender bias (more in males), more ‘internal’
differences (i.e. thoughts, feelings, motives - not just about behavior)
5. Hare’s Psychopathy Checklist (1990)
a. Identify two main clusters:
i. Emotional Detachment
1. Selfish, remorseless, inflated self-esteem, exploitation of others
ii. Anti-social lifestyle
1. Impulsive & Irresponsible
iii. Only about 20% of people with APD score high on this Hare Checklist
(Rutherford et al, 1999)
iv. 80% of convicted criminals meet the criteria for APD but only about
15-20% meet the criteria for psychopathy (Hart & Hare, 1989)
6. The Making of a Psychopath?
a. Fathers of psychopaths are also likely to be antisocial
b. Lack of family’s affection & severe parental rejection is seen as casual
c. Early abuse or parental loss linked to the development of psychopathy
d. Inconsistent discipline by parents - cause or effect?
7. Learning Theory of Psychopathy:
a. Psychopaths have no anxiety/no conditioned (learnt) fear responses
b. No “brakes” on hurting others or breaking the law
c. Unresponsive to punishment for antisocial behavior; it does not lead to strong
1. Diagnosis
a. Inattentive cluster - 6+ inattention for 6+ months to a maladaptive degree and
greater than given person’s development level expectation (e.g. easily
distracted, forgetful in daily activity, not listening well, etc.)
b. Hyperactivity-impulsivity disorder - 6+ hyperactivity-impulsivity for 6+ months to a
maladaptive degree and greater than given person’s development level
expectation (e.g. fidgeting, running around inappropriately, restlessness,
interrupting, incessant talking, etc.)
c. Symptoms before age 12 i and/or ii
d. Present in 2+ settings
e. Clear functional impairment
f. 17+ 5 symptoms from i and/or ii
2. Specifiers
a. Predominantly inattentive presentation
b. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation
c. Combined presentation both criteria met 6+ months
3. In partial remission: full criteria previously met, w/in last 6 months full criteria not met but
symptoms still impair functioning
4. Current severity: mild (symptoms needed to meet diagnosis only or few in excess, no
more than minor impairment in functioning), moderate, severe(many symptoms in
excess, marked impairment)
5. Prevalence
a. 3 to 11% worldwide
b. Potential over diagnosis
c. More common in boys than girls
d. Symptoms persist beyond childhood
6. Comorbidity
a. ~75% have co-morbid psychiatric disorder
b. Substantial co-occurence of ADHD and conduct disorder
c. Outcomes significantly worse for these indiv. (increased likelihood of substance
abuse, poorer academic performance, more interpersonal issues)
d. Hyperactive symptoms predict subsequent substance use, even after controlling
for symptoms of conduct disorders, both in girls and boys
e. ~30% have co-morbid internalizing disorder (childhood anxiety, depression,)
7. Girls
a. Viewed more negatively by peers than girls without ADHD
b. More likely to be anxious or depressed
c. Exhibited neuropsychological executive function deficits
d. More likely to have symptoms of eating disorder and substance abuse by
8. Etiology of ADHD
a. Behavioral genetics
i. Currently heritability estimates ~70% to 80%
ii. Early studies suggested that ADHD aggregates in families
iii. 4 to 8 fold increase in risk for ADHD among first degree relative of male
ADHD probands
iv. 76% of variance is explained by genetic factors
v. Degree of relationship between proband and relative affects probability of
ADHD diagnosis
vi. Thapar 1999: 75+ variance genetic factors, 0-6% variance due to shared
environment, 9-20% variance due to unique environment
b. Molecular genetics
i. Prominent role for gene influencing function of dopamine system
ii. Transporter gene DAT1 (influence reuptake mechanism) and receptor
genes DRD4, DRD5 (efficacy of DA receptors on post-synaptic
membrane) associated with ADHD
iii. Likely to be polygenic disorder (influence by multiple genes)
iv. May interact with environmental factors
v. PFC and caudate nucleus (controlling voluntary movement) volume
reductions - children with ADHD perform worse on tasks of frontal
function (PFC governs attention, response inhibition, impulse control)
c. Environmental factors
i. Low birth weight
ii. Food colorings
iii. Maternal smoking
iv. Negative family interactions (possibly maintain/exacerbate role)
9. Treatment
a. Stimulant medications
i. impact neurotransmission
ii. Ritalin, adderall, concerta, strattera
b. 75% children
i. Reduce disruptive behavior
ii. Improve interactions with parents, teachers, peers
iii. Improve goal-directed behavior and concentration
iv. Reduce aggression, impulsivity
v. Side effects - loss of appetite, weight, sleep problems
c. Psychological treatment
i. Parental training
ii. Change in classroom management
d. Behavior monitoring and reinforcement or appropriate behavior
i. Based on operant conditioning principles, positive reinforcement
engagement in desired behaviors
e. Supportive classroom environment
i. Brief assignments, immediate feedback, task-focused style, breaks for
10. Multimodal Treatment of children with ADHD (MTA) study
a. 6 sites over 14 months with 600 kids
b. Compared community based (standard) care with
i. Medication along
ii. Behavioral treatment alone
iii. Combined medication plus behavioral treatment
c. Findings
i. Combined treatment worked best compared to community based care
ii. Held across 14 months
iii. At 3, 6, and 8 yrs, no differential effects of treatment type
Conduct disorder
1. Diagnosis
a. Repetitive and persistent behavior pattern that violates basic rights of others or
conventional social norms as manifested by presence of 3+ of following in 12
months, and at least one in the previous 6 months
i. Aggression to people and animals (bullying, initiating fights)
ii. Destruction of property (vandalism)
iii. Deceitfulness or theft (shoplifting)
iv. Serious violation of rules (running away from home overnight)
b. Significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning
c. If over 18 criteria not met for antisocial personality behavior
d. Onset: before 10 in childhood, adolescence or unspecified
e. Limited prosocial emotions 2+ of:
i. Lack or remorse or guilt
ii. callous/lack of empathy
iii. Unconcerned about performance/blames others
iv. shallow/deficient affect
f. Children w/ CD and high levels of callous and unemotional traits have more
problems with symptoms, peers, and family than children with low levels of traits,
related to distinct etiologies
g. Current symptom severity: mild, moderate, severe
2. Prevalence
a. Rate of 6-10% found in school age children
b. More common in boys
3. Co-morbidity
a. Risk for depression & anxiety also elevated and substance abuse
b. Prognosis is worse for childhood onset
i. Indivs. will go on to show Antisocial behavior disorder as adults, CD
linked to poorer educational outcome, increased in substance use, violent
behavior, psychopathology
4. Subtypes (Moffitt 1993)
a. Pattern 1
i. seen by age 3, continues into adulthood (DSM V childhood onset)
ii. more common in boys
iii. Neuropsychological deficits and family psychopathology linked to pattern
1 and holds cross cultures
b. Pattern 2
i. limited to adolescence
ii. May be distinct due to gap between adolescent’s maturation and
opportunities for adult responsibilities/behaviors
c. Follow up study results suggest pattern 2 conduct issues may continue into
adulthood (adolescent onset)
5. Etiology of CD
a. Genetics
i. Findings from behavioral genetics studies (like twin studies) are mixed
ii. Early onset subtype may be more heritable (Taylor et al., 2000)
iii. Also argument we need to look at particular symptoms not overall
diagnosis (aggression vs property destruction or stealing)
iv. Serotonin receptor implicated in impulsive aggression
1. 5 HT agonists have anti-aggressive effects
v. Monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) point mutation linked with reactive
b. Gene x environment interactions
i. Caspie et al 2002
1. Interaction between MAO-A genotype and early maltreatment
2. Those with low activity of MAO-A were more likely to be
diagnosed with CD, even more so when childhood maltreatment is
c. Environmental influences
i. Parental discipline - lack of monitoring
ii. Peer influences associated with CD
1. Rejection by peers
2. Affiliation with deviant peers (reinforcing behavior, modeling,
iii. Sociocultural influences
6. Diminished emotional responsivity hypothesis
a. CD associated with reduced emotional responsivity
b. Acts of violence are less aversive and more palatable
c. CD associated with structural alterations in brain regions used to generate
emotional response
d. fMRI studies needed
e. Herpertz et al., 2005
i. CD boys show reduced psychophysiological responses to images from
IAPS regardless of valence
7. Treatment
a. Family interventions
i. Parental management training (operant based)
ii. Shows decreased in antisocial and aggressive behavior
b. Multisystemic treatment
i. Targets multiple factors (family, school, peers)
ii. Incorporates multiple therapeutic strategies, taking into account individual
and family strengths and social context for conduct problems, conducted
in ecologically valid everyday life settings
Psychological theories
1. Affective disorder theory
a. Hobson (1993)
i. Social deficits derive from inability to respond to other’s emotions
b. Evidence
i. Empathy deficits (yirmiya et al., 1992)
ii. Indivs. w/ ASD pay attention to different parts of faces than do people w/o
autism; focus on mouth, neglect eye region (may be due to difficulty in
perceiving emotion in other people)
iii. HOWEVER emotion recognition deficits are not specific to autism and
evidence for them in autism is mixed
iv. Ashwin et al 2006 Social neurosci
1. Autism < control for all aspects, fear, disgust, angry, sad, surprise,
2. More so for fear, disgust, and angry
3. Could be that it is just harder to distinguish between thhem
v. Indivs. w/ ASD do not activate normal face processing neural circuitry
(regions) when viewing faces, impaired normal recognition, using other
compensatory mechanisms
1. Fusiform face area - face
2. Amygdala - facial expression
3. Superior temporal sulcus - facial expression
c. Pierce et al. 2001
i. Showed participants faces and controlled shapes
ii. Those without autism using FFA, STS, amygdala
iii. Those with autism using different neural systems to identify faces
d. Indiv. w/o ASD constantly trying to read people’s expressions, w/ ASD can't
understand expressions so unable to utilize proper neural regions
2. ‘Theory of mind’ deficit (mindblindness)
a. Ability to understand other people’s wants and needs different to ours
b. Crucial for understanding and successfully engage in social interaction
c. Develop around 3 to 5
d. Children w ASD unable to achieve developmental milestone
e. Baron-Cohen et al., 1985
i. inability to attribute mental states (beliefs, desires, knowledge, intentions,
emotions) to others
ii. Inability to make sense and predict actions of others
iii. Evidence
1. Seeing leads to knowing test (1994)
a. One touch, one sees, who knows what is in the box
2. False belief test (1985)
a. A put marble in basket, B move A marble from basket to
box, where will A look for marble
3. Pragmatics beliefs
f. Castelli et al., 2002
i. STS and MPFC activated known to be critical in social cognition
ii. Not activated in indivs. w/ ASD when looking at the social brain video
3. Weak central coherence theory
a. Frith (1989)
i. Inability to see the whole, not just the parts
b. Evidence
i. Navon test (Mottron and Belville, 1993, Rinehard et al 2000)
ii. Those w/ ASD can't see things as a whole but see in parts
iii. A made up of letter H, more interference for those w/ ASD
Lecture 20:
● Anorexia Nervosa
○ Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading to significantly low
body weight
○ Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat or persistent behavior that
interferes with weight gain
○ Distorted perception of body weight or shape, undue influence of body weight or
shape on self-evaluation or lack of recognition of seriousness of current low
■ Restricting subtype (dieting / fasting / excessive exercise )
■ Binge- eating / purging subtype (can be just purging)
■ Partial remission — weight gained but 1 of other criteria still met
■ Full remission
■ Severity: mild BMI <= 17 ; extreme BMI < 15
○ Personality:
■ Perfectionism has been found to predict onset of AN
● Also been found to remain high even after successful treatment
● Mothers of girls with anorexia also score higher on measures of
○ Prevalence:
■ Found in many cultures
■ Rarer in Hispanic women (not well studied); less body dissatisfaction in
African American women
■ 1% lifetime prevalence in general population
■ Typical onset adolescence
■ Women 10 x more likely to develop disorder, but increasing prevalence in
■ Often comorbid with depression, OCD, phobias, panic, alcoholism &
personality disorders
○ Etiology:
■ Predisposed by genetic predisposition & societal pressures
■ Precipitating factors/ triggers: life stress; puberty; dieting episode
■ Prognosis: 50-70% eventually recover (6-7 years, relapse common),
death rates 10 times higher than in general population due to physical
complications and suicide.
■ Mortality rates 3-5% (women)
■ Sociocultural factors:
● Societal emphasis on thinness
● Unrealistic media portrayals
● Body dissatisfaction and preoccupation with thinness
● Webgroups (proana)
○ Physical and cognitive effects:
■ Low blood pressure, heart rate decrease, kidney & gastrointestinal
problems, loss of bone mass, hair loss, depletion of potassium & sodium
■ Lanugo (soft, downy body hair)
■ Lack of libido, tiredness, weakness
■ Slowed information processing, disrupted executive functioning, impaired
short term memory, preoccupation with food
○ Genetics:
■ Family and twin studies support genetic link— first degree relatives 10
times as likely to have anorexia nervosa
■ Higher MZ than DZ concordance rates
■ Non-shared environment also appears important
○ Neurobiology:
■ Serotonin promotes satiety
■ Some evidence for altered serotonergic function in AN but not clear if
■ Endogenous opioids: substances produced by the body that can reduce
pain sensations, enhance mood, and suppress appetite
■ Opioids are released during starvation and have been hypothesized to
play a role in eating disorders
■ Starvation among people with anorexia may increase the levels of
endogenous opioids, resulting in a positively reinforcing positive mood
state (Marrazzi & Luby, 1986)
■ Excessive exercise seen among some people with eating disorders may
increase opioids and thus be reinforcing
○ Neuroimaging:
■ (Foerde, Steinglass, et al., 2015): eating habits may be important in
anorexia— dieting or restrictive eating may become habitual, and these
habits may themselves become rewarding
○ Cognitive Theories:
■ People with eating disorders may have maladaptive schemata that narrow
their attention towards thoughts and images related to weight, body
shape, and food (Fairburn, Shafran, & Cooper, 1999)
■ Many people who develop anorexia symptoms report that the onset
followed a period of weight loss and dieting
■ Behaviors that achieve or maintain thinness are negatively reinforced by
the reduction of anxiety about gaining weight as well as positively
reinforced by comments from others
■ Dieting and weight loss may also be positively reinforced by the sense of
mastery or self-control they create (Fairburn et al., 1999; Garner,
Vitousek, & Pike, 1997)
○ Role of Family Environment:
■ Not widely supported.
■ Psychodynamic view:
● Overly controlling parent? -> dieting as a means to gain control
and identity (Baruch, 1980)
■ Dysfunctional family structure? -> not well tested
● Conflict may be consequence not cause of family member’s
○ Treatment:
■ Phase 1: weight restoration
● May require hospitalization
■ Phase 2: weight maintenance
● A challenge; CBT can help reduce relapse.
● Supportive psychotherapy + education can be just as effective
● Family therapy— helping parents restore child, building up family
functioning = some indication lower levels of remission than
individual therapy
Lecture 22: Bulimia Nervosa & Binge Eating Disorder ✅
Eating disorders in DSM V continued:
● Bulimia Nervosa
○ Uncontrollable eating binges followed by compensatory behavior to prevent
weight gain
○ DSM V criteria:
■ Recurrent episodes of binge-eating
● An excessive amount of food consumed in under 2 hours
● A feeling of loss of control over eating as if one cannot stop
■ Recurrent compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain
● Purging (vomiting), fasting, excessive exercise, use of laxatives
and/or diuretics
■ Body shape and weight are extremely important for self-evaluation
■ The binge-eating and compensatory behaviors both occur, on average, at
least once a week for three months
○ Recurrent episodes of binge-eating:
■ Typical food choices:
● Cakes, cookies, ice cream— easily consumed high calorie foods
■ Avoiding a craved food can later increase likelihood of binge
■ Shame & remorse often follow
○ Severity ratings:
■ Number of compensatory behaviors
● Mild: 1-3 per week
● Moderate : 4-7
● Severe: 8-13
● Extreme: 14+
○ Bulimia (with purging) vs Anorexia with binge-eating-purging:
■ Extreme weight loss in anorexia
■ At or above normal weight in bulimia
○ Prevalence:
■ Onset late adolescence or early adulthood
■ 90% women
■ 1-2% prevalence among women
■ Typically overweight that led to dieting
■ Comorbid with depression, PDs, anxiety, substance abuse, conduct
■ Not clear if any specific temporal order
■ Suicide attempts and completions higher than in general population but
much lower than in anorexia nervosa
○ Physical changes:
■ Menstrual irregularities
■ Potassium depletion from purging
■ Laxative use depleted electrolytes, which can cause cardiac irregularities
■ Loss of dental enamel from stomach acids in vomit
■ Mortality rate up to 4%
○ Prognosis:
■ ~75% recover
■ 10-20% remain fully symptomatic
■ Early intervention linked to improved outcomes
■ Poorer prognosis when depression and substance abuse are comorbid or
more severe symptomatology
Eating Disorders:
- Cognitive formulation of bulimia nervosa
Differential Diagnosis:
Discussion Notes:
Discussion 7:
Discussion 8:
Discussion 9:
Discussion 10:
Discussion 11:
Key Studies:
Fairburn (1997): discussed in a lecture for anorexia nervosa here is the link: (Fairburn, Shafran, & Cooper…
Journal Articles:
Example questions:
Is there evidence for genetic factors influencing this disorder?
How much of the variance in population diagnosis is due to heritability (know if it is low (<=20),
middling or high (e.g. 80%+)
Are there alterations in cognition or cognitive biases linked to this disorder? What?