LP Y5m11.8
LP Y5m11.8
LP Y5m11.8
Year : 5 Mutiara
Date : 11/08/09
Time : 9.15-10.15 am
No of Students : 36 pupil
west to east. .
Prior knowledge : Pupils have the idea about the shadows and direction.
,attributing ,visualizing.
Orientation The picture of Students view picture that shown using LCD
sundial the LCD. Appreciating
Teacher asks few question related with contribution
(5 minutes)
the topic. of science
Q1- Can you state what it is?. technology.
-Eliciting idea a) The earth Teacher asks few question related with Prior
rotates. the topic. knowledge
Closure Pupils feeling 1. Pupils explain what they had learns communicatin
today. g
2. Teacher asks the pupils their
(5 minutes) feeling of learning the topic.