Turtle: Turtle, Tortoise, or Terrapin
Turtle: Turtle, Tortoise, or Terrapin
Turtle: Turtle, Tortoise, or Terrapin
Turtles are reptiles of the order Testudines (or Chelonii[3]) characterised by a
special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs and acting as a shield.[4] "Turtle" may
refer to the order as a whole (American English) or to fresh-water and sea-dwelling testudines
(British English).[5]
The order Testudines includes both extant (living) and extinct species. The earliest known members
of this group date from 157 million years ago,[1]making turtles one of the oldest reptile groups and a
more ancient group than snakes or crocodilians. Of the 327 known species alive today, some are
highly endangered.[6][7]
Turtles are ectothermstheir internal temperature varies according to the ambient environment,
commonly called cold-blooded. However, because of their high metabolic rate, leatherback sea
turtles have a body temperature that is noticeably higher than that of the surrounding water.
Turtles are classified as amniotes, along with other reptiles, birds, and mammals. Like other
amniotes, turtles breathe air and do not lay eggs underwater, although many species live in or
around water.
Neck withdrawal
Neck withdrawal in turtles
Most turtles that spend most of their lives on land have their eyes looking down at objects in front of
them. Some aquatic turtles, such as snapping turtles and soft-shelled turtles, have eyes closer to the
top of the head. These species of turtles can hide from predators in shallow water, where they lie
entirely submerged except for their eyes and nostrils. Near their eyes, sea turtles possess glands
that produce salty tears that rid their body of excess salt taken in from the water they drink.
Turtles have rigid beaks, and use their jaws to cut and chew food. Instead of having teeth, which
they appear to have lost about 150-200 million years ago, [20] the upper and lower jaws of the turtle
are covered by horny ridges. Carnivorous turtles usually have knife-sharp ridges for slicing through
their prey. Herbivorous turtles have serrated-edged ridges that help them cut through tough plants.
They use their tongues to swallow food, but unlike most reptiles, they cannot stick out their tongues
to catch food.
Main article: Turtle shell
The upper shell of the turtle is called the carapace. The lower shell that encases the belly is called
the plastron. The carapace and plastron are joined together on the turtle's sides by bony structures
called bridges. The inner layer of a turtle's shell is made up of about 60 bones that include portions
of the backbone and the ribs, meaning the turtle cannot crawl out of its shell. In most turtles, the
outer layer of the shell is covered by horny scales called scutes that are part of its outer skin,
or epidermis. Scutes are made up of the fibrous protein keratin that also makes up the scales of
other reptiles. These scutes overlap the seams between the shell bones and add strength to the
shell. Some turtles do not have horny scutes. For example, theleatherback sea turtle and the softshelled turtles have shells covered with leathery skin, instead.
The rigid shell means turtles cannot breathe as other reptiles do, by changing the volume of their
chest cavities via expansion and contraction of the ribs. Instead, they breathe in two ways. First, they
employ buccal pumping, pulling air into their mouths, then pushing it into their lungs via oscillations
of the floor of the throat. Secondly, when the abdominal muscles that cover the posterior opening of
the shell contract, the internal volume of the shell increases, drawing air into the lungs, allowing
these muscles to function in much the same way as the mammalian diaphragm.
The shape of the shell gives helpful clues about how a turtle lives. Most tortoises have a large,
dome-shaped shell that makes it difficult for predators to crush the shell between their jaws. One of
the few exceptions is the African pancake tortoise, which has a flat, flexible shell that allows it to hide
in rock crevices. Most aquatic turtles have flat, streamlined shells which aid in swimming and diving.
American snapping turtles and musk turtles have small, cross-shaped plastrons that give them more
efficient leg movement for walking along the bottom of ponds and streams.
The color of a turtle's shell may vary. Shells are commonly colored brown, black, or olive green. In
some species, shells may have red, orange, yellow, or grey markings, often spots, lines, or irregular
blotches. One of the most colorful turtles is the eastern painted turtle, which includes a yellow
plastron and a black or olive shell with red markings around the rim.
Tortoises, being land-based, have rather heavy shells. In contrast, aquatic and soft-shelled turtles
have lighter shells that help them avoid sinking in water and swim faster with more agility. These
lighter shells have large spaces called fontanelles between the shell bones. The shells of
leatherback sea turtles are extremely light because they lack scutes and contain many fontanelles.
It has been suggested by Jackson (2002) that the turtle shell can function as pH buffer. To endure
through anoxic conditions, such as winter periods trapped beneath ice or within anoxic mud at the
bottom of ponds, turtles utilize two general physiological mechanisms. In the case of prolonged
periods of anoxia, it has been shown that the turtle shell both releases carbonate buffers and
uptakes lactic acid.[21]
By counting the rings formed by the stack of smaller, older scutes on top of the larger, newer ones, it
is possible to estimate the age of a turtle, if one knows how many scutes are produced in a year.
This method is not very accurate, partly because growth rate is not constant, but also because
some of the scutes eventually fall away from the shell.
Terrestrial tortoises have short, sturdy feet. Tortoises are famous for moving slowly, in part because
of their heavy, cumbersome shells, which restrict stride length.
Turtles are thought to have exceptional night vision due to the unusually large number of rod cells in
their retinas. Turtles have color vision with a wealth of cone subtypes with sensitivities ranging from
the near ultraviolet (UV A) to red. Some land turtles have very poor pursuit movement abilities, which
are normally found only in predators that hunt quick-moving prey, but carnivorous turtles are able to
move their heads quickly to snap.
See also: Animal cognition
It has been reported that wood turtles are better than white rats at learning to navigate mazes.
Case studies exist of turtles playing.[23] They do however have a very lowencephalization
quotient (relative brain to body mass), their hard shells enable them to live without fast reflexes and
elaborate predator avoidance strategies.[24] In the laboratory, turtles (Pseudemys nelsoni) can learn
novel operant tasks and have demonstrated a long-term memory of at least 7.5 months. [25]
Life restoration ofOdontochelys semitestacea, the oldest known turtle relative with a partial
Chart of the two extant suborders, extinct groups that existed within these two suborders
are shown as well
Classification of turtles
Order Testudines
Genus Xinjianchelys
Genus Hangaiemys
Family Thalassemydidae
Genus Solnhofia
Genus Thalassemys
Genus Santanachelys
Family Sinemydidae
Suborder Pleurodira
Family Araripemydidae
Superfamily Pelomedusoides
Family Bothremydidae
Family Chelidae
Suborder Cryptodira
Family Solemydidae
Infraorder Eucryptodira
"Sinemys" wuerhoensis
Genus Judithemys
Genus Osteopygis
Genus Planetochelys
Genus Protochelydra
Genus Platysternon
Family Eurysternidae
Family Macrobaenidae
Family Plesiochelyidae
Family Xinjiangchelyidae
Family Toxochelyidae
Superfamily Testudinoidea
Family Haichemydidae
Family Lindholmemydidae
Family Sinochelyidae
Family Adocidae
Fossil record
Turtle fossils of hatchling and nestling size have been documented in the scientific literature.
Paleontologists from North Carolina State University have found the fossilized remains of the
world's largest turtle in a coal mine in Colombia. The specimen named as Carbonemys cofrinii is
around 60 million years old and nearly 2.4 m (8 ft) long.[47]
On a few rare occasions, paleontologists have succeeded in unearthing large numbers
of Jurassic or Cretaceous turtle skeletons accumulated in a single area (the Nemegt Formation in
Mongolia, the Turtle Graveyard in North Dakota, or the Black Mountain Turtle Layer in Wyoming).
The most spectacular find of this kind to date occurred in 2009 in Shanshan County inXinjiang,
where over a thousand ancient freshwater turtles apparently died after the last water hole in an area
dried out during a major drought.[48][49]
Turtles possess diverse chromosome numbers (2n = 28-66) and a myriad of chromosomal
rearrangements have occurred during evolution.[50]
In captivity
A red-eared slider named Shelton basking on a floating platform under a sun lamp
Turtles, particularly small terrestrial and freshwater turtles, are commonly kept as pets. Among the
most popular are Russian tortoises, spur-thighed tortoises, and red-eared sliders.[51]
In the United States, due to the ease of contracting salmonellosis through casual contact with turtles,
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established a regulation in 1975 to discontinue the
sale of turtles under 4 in (100 mm).[52] It is illegal in every state in the U.S. for anyone to sell any
turtles under 4 inches (10 cm) long. Many stores and flea markets still sell small turtles due to a
loophole in the FDA regulation which allows turtles under 4 in (100 mm) to be sold for educational
Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders as pets
because they are looked upon as invasive species or pests where they are not native, but have been
introduced through the pet trade. As of July 1, 2007, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild type redeared slider. Unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived
from captive breeding, are still allowed for sale.[55]
Left: The window of a restaurant serving guilinggao, decorated with a ("turtle") character
Right: Turtle plastrons among other plants and animals parts are used in traditional Chinese
medicines. (Other items in the image are dried lingzhi, snake, luo han guo, and ginseng)
The flesh of turtles, calipash or calipee, was, and still is, considered a delicacy in a number of
cultures.[6] Turtle soup has been a prized dish in Anglo-American cuisine,[56] and still remains so in
some parts of Asia.[which?] Gopher tortoise stew was popular with some groups in Florida.[57]
Turtles remain a part of the traditional diet on the island of Grand Cayman, so much so that when
wild stocks became depleted, a turtle farm was established specifically to raise sea turtles for their
meat. The farm also releases specimens to the wild as part of an effort to repopulate the Caribbean
Fat from turtles is also used in the Caribbean and in Mexico as a main ingredient in cosmetics,
marketed under its Spanish name crema de tortuga.[59]
Turtle plastrons (the part of the shell that covers a tortoise from the bottom) are widely used
in traditional Chinese medicine; according to statistics,Taiwan imports hundreds of tons of plastrons
every year.[60] A popular medicinal preparation based on powdered turtle plastron (and a variety of
herbs) is the guilinggao jelly;[61] these days, though, it is typically made with only herbal ingredients.
Conservation status
In February 2011, the Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group published a report about the
top 25 species of turtles most likely to become extinct, with a further 40 species at very high risk of
becoming extinct. This list excludes sea turtles, however both the leatherback and the Kemp's
ridley would make the top 25 list. The report is due to be updated in four years time allowing to follow
the evolution of the list. Between 48 to 54% of all 328 of their species considered threatened, turtles
and tortoises are at a much higher risk of extinction than many other vertebrates. Of the 263 species
of freshwater and terrestrial turtles, 117 species are considered Threatened, 73 are either
Endangered or Critically Endangered and 1 is Extinct. Of the 58 species belonging to the
Testudinidae family, 33 species are Threatened, 18 are either Endangered or Critically Endangered,
1 is Extinct in the wild and 7 species are Extinct. 71% of all tortoise species are either gone or
almost gone. Asian species are the most endangered, closely followed by the five endemic species
from Madagascar. Turtles face many threats, including habitat destruction, harvesting for
consumption, and the pet trade. The high extinction risk for Asian species is primarily due to the
long-term unsustainable exploitation of turtles and tortoises for consumption and traditional Chinese
medicine, and to a lesser extent for the international pet trade.[62]
Efforts have been made by Chinese entrepreneurs to satisfy increasing demand for turtle meat as
gourmet food and traditional medicine with farmed turtles, instead of wild-caught ones; according to
a study published in 2007, over a thousand turtle farms operated in China. [63][64] Turtle farms
in Oklahoma and Louisiana raise turtles for export to China as well.[64]