Tirupati NRW DPR
Tirupati NRW DPR
Tirupati NRW DPR
OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................. 1
1.1 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 NON-REVENUE WATER (NRW) AT A GLANCE .............................................................................. 1
NRW levels in the World ..................................................................................................... 2
NRW levels in India ............................................................................................................. 2
NRW losses......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 NECESSITY OF WATER LOSS REDUCTION..................................................................................... 4
1.4 REASONS BEHIND NRW ............................................................................................................ 4
1.5 WHY APPARENT LOSSES OCCUR ............................................................................................... 5
1.6 WHY REAL LOSSES OCCUR ....................................................................................................... 6
1.7 BENEFITS OF NRW REDUCTION ................................................................................................. 8
Increased Revenue ............................................................................................................. 8
Energy Conservation ........................................................................................................... 8
Reduced Carbon Footprint .................................................................................................. 9
Social and Environmental Benefits ..................................................................................... 9
1.8 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 9
1.9 ABOUT DELIVERABLES ....................................................................................................... 9
1.10 STRUCTURE OF REPORT .................................................................................................. 10
PROJECT BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE ........................................................................... 12
2.1 BACKGROUND OF TIRUPATI CITY .............................................................................................. 12
2.2 GEOGRAPHY: .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 CLIMATE ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.4 ACCESSIBILITY ........................................................................................................................ 13
Roadways .......................................................................................................................... 13
Public Transport ................................................................................................................ 13
Railways ............................................................................................................................ 13
Airways .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.5 SEWAGE AND DRAINAGE ......................................................................................................... 14
2.6 CIVIC ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................ 14
2.7 CITY STATISTICS ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.8 POPULATION COVERAGE AND ACCESS TO WATER SERVICES .................................................... 15
2.9 POPULATION PROJECTION ....................................................................................................... 15
Projections on Water Demand .......................................................................................... 16
2.10 TIRUPATI WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 16
TECHNICAL APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ..................................................................... 17
3.1 TEAM AND STAKEHOLDERS MOBILISATION ............................................................................... 17
3.2 ASSESSMENT OF NRW LEVELS ............................................................................................... 17
Data Collection of Existing Systems ................................................................................. 17
Survey and Measure the Supply ....................................................................................... 17
Official Unit of Measurement ............................................................................................. 18
Setting Study Period ......................................................................................................... 18
Formation of Water Audit Team ........................................................................................ 18
Establishment of Worksheet ............................................................................................. 19
Flow Measurement ............................................................................................................ 19
3.3 DMA ESTABLISHMENT AND STUDY .......................................................................................... 20
3.4 CURRENT WATER BALANCE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 22
Importance of Measurement and Metering ....................................................................... 22
TOC- 2
Water Balance ................................................................................................................... 22
Physical Loss Analysis (Leakage Assessment) ................................................................ 24
Top Down Leakage Assessment ...................................................................................... 24
Bottom up Leakage Assessment ...................................................................................... 24
Commercial Loss Analysis ................................................................................................ 25
NRW Estimation and Breakup .......................................................................................... 25
3.5 NRW REDUCTION SOLUTIONS AND OPTION M APPING .............................................................. 25
3.6 FINANCIAL MODELLING AND EVALUATION ................................................................................ 26
3.7 NRW REDUCTION BUSINESS STRATEGY .................................................................................. 26
3.8 STAKEHODLERS CONSULTATION .............................................................................................. 26
3.9 FINAL CONSOLIDATION ............................................................................................................ 26
EXISTING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM- AS-IS SITUATION ....................................................... 27
4.1 SOURCES OF WATER SUPPLY .................................................................................................. 27
Surface Water ................................................................................................................... 27
Ground Water .................................................................................................................... 29
4.2 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM ......................................................................................................... 29
Production ......................................................................................................................... 29
Mangalam WTP................................................................................................................. 30
Alipiri WTP......................................................................................................................... 31
Kalyani Dam WTP ............................................................................................................. 32
Transmission ..................................................................................................................... 32
Storage and Distribution .................................................................................................... 35
Water Connections ............................................................................................................ 36
Consumption ..................................................................................................................... 36
Existing Distribution Network ............................................................................................ 38
ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING NRW LEVELS ............................................................................. 39
5.1 IDENTIFICATION OF FLOW MEASUREMENT POINTS .................................................................... 39
5.2 FLOW MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................................. 39
DMA-1 Medical College .................................................................................................... 40
Medical college DMA Inlet-1 ............................................................................................. 40
Medical college DMA Inlet-2 ............................................................................................. 41
Total Input @ Medical College DMA ................................................................................. 41
DMA-2 Municipal Park ...................................................................................................... 41
Municipal Park DMA (Part-I) ............................................................................................. 42
Municipal Park DMA (Part-I) Outlet ................................................................................... 43
Total Input @ Municipal Park DMA (Part-I)................................................................... 43
Municipal Park DMA (Part-II) ........................................................................................ 44
Municipal Park DMA (Part-II) Outlet-1 .......................................................................... 44
Municipal Park DMA (Part-II) Outlet-2 .......................................................................... 45
Total Input @ Municipal Park DMA (Part-II).................................................................. 46
DMA-3 Palani ELSR-1 .................................................................................................. 47
Palani ELSR-1 DMA Inlet-1 ........................................................................................... 47
Total Input @ Palani ELSR-1 DMA ............................................................................... 48
DMA-4 Palani ELSR-2 .................................................................................................. 48
Palani ELSR-2 DMA Inlet-1 ........................................................................................... 48
Palani ELSR-2 DMA Inlet-2 ........................................................................................... 49
Total Input @ Palani ELSR-2 DMA ............................................................................... 49
DMA-5 TMC ELSR ........................................................................................................ 49
TMC ELSR DMA Inlet-2 ................................................................................................ 50
Total Input @ TMC ELSR DMA .................................................................................... 50
5.3 CURRENT WATER BALANCE UPTO ELSR / GLSR....................................................................... 52
5.4 IDENTIFICATION OF FLOW MEASUREMENT POINTS ...................................................................... 52
5.5 RAW WATER TRANSMISSION LOSSES ...................................................................................... 52
Mangalam WTP................................................................................................................. 52
Alipiri WTP......................................................................................................................... 58
Kalyani Dam WTP ............................................................................................................. 62
5.6 LOSSES WITHIN WTP.............................................................................................................. 64
Mangalam WTP................................................................................................................. 64
Alipiri WTP......................................................................................................................... 64
Kalyani Dam WTP ............................................................................................................. 65
5.7 PURE WATER TRANSMISSION LOSSES ..................................................................................... 66
From Mangalam WTP to Leela Mahal Pump House ........................................................ 66
From Leela Mahal PH to ELSR/GLSR .............................................................................. 73
From Alipiri WTP ............................................................................................................... 77
From Kalyani Dam WTPS ................................................................................................. 78
From Zoo Park to ELSR .................................................................................................... 79
5.8 TOTAL SYSTEM INPUT VOLUME (SURFACE + GROUND) WATER ................................................. 81
5.9 DMA ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 84
5.10 CONSUMER SURVEY:............................................................................................................... 85
5.11 CONSUMER METERING: ........................................................................................................... 86
5.12 ANALYSIS OF DMA RESULTS................................................................................................... 88
Analysis of DMA Results ............................................................................................... 88
DMA-1 Medical College DMA Analysis ......................................................................... 88
DMA-2 Municipal Park DMA Analysis (Part-I &II) ......................................................... 88
DMA-3 Palani ELSR-1 DMA Analysis ........................................................................... 89
DMA-4 Palani ELSR-2 DMA Analysis ........................................................................... 89
DMA-5 TMC ELSR DMA Analysis ................................................................................ 90
5.13 EXTRAPOLATION TO ENTIRE CITY............................................................................................. 91
5.14 WATER BALANCE .................................................................................................................... 91
Authorized Consumption ............................................................................................... 92
Billed Authorized Consumption ..................................................................................... 92
Billed Metered Consumption ......................................................................................... 92
Billed Unmetered Consumption .................................................................................... 92
Unbilled Authorized Consumption ................................................................................. 93
Unbilled Metered Consumption ..................................................................................... 93
Unbilled Unmetered Consumption ................................................................................ 93
Stand Post Consumption: ............................................................................................. 93
Tanker Supply Consumption: ........................................................................................ 94
Water Losses ................................................................................................................ 95
Apparent Loss ............................................................................................................... 95
Un-authorized Consumption: ........................................................................................ 95
Metering Inaccuracies: .................................................................................................. 95
Real Losses ................................................................................................................... 96
Leakages in Raw Water Transmission losses / Treatment Losses & PW Transmission
Losses: 96
Leakages in Pure water transmission and Distribution Losses & leakages on service
connections up to point of customer connections using top down approach. .............................. 97
5.15 OVERALL WATER BALANCE .................................................................................................... 97
OVERALL FINANCIAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 99
6.1 AVERAGE EXPENDITURE .......................................................................................................... 99
6.2 AVERAGE INCOME ................................................................................................................... 99
6.3 AVERAGE DEFICIT ................................................................................................................... 99
6.4 COST RECOVERY .................................................................................................................. 100
6.5 AVERAGE ANNUAL RECOVERY .............................................................................................. 100
6.6 COLLECTION EFFICIENCY....................................................................................................... 100
6.7 COST OF WATER ................................................................................................................... 101
SERVICE LEVEL BENCHMARKS FOR WATER SUPPLY ...................................................... 102
7.1 INTRODUCTION: ..................................................................................................................... 102
7.2 BENCHMARKING:................................................................................................................... 102
Coverage of water supply connections ........................................................................... 103
Per Capita Supply of Water ............................................................................................. 103
Extent of Metering of Water Connections ....................................................................... 103
Extent of Non - Revenue Water ...................................................................................... 104
Continuity of Water Supply .............................................................................................. 104
Quality of Water Supplied ............................................................................................... 104
Cost Recovery in Water Supply Services ....................................................................... 105
Efficiency in Redressal of water supply services ............................................................ 105
Efficiency in Collection of Water Supply Related Charges ............................................. 106
7.3 COMPARISON OF EXISTING WATER SUPPLY STATUS WITH (SLB) ............................................. 106
NRW REDUCTION STRATEGY................................................................................................. 107
PART-1 INITIAL NRW ASSESSMENT (REFORM WORKS) ............................................................ 108
8.1 ENTERPRISE GIS IMPLEMENTATION & UPDATION. .................................................................... 108
Preparation of GIS Base map ......................................................................................... 111
Set up of GIS platform ..................................................................................................... 111
8.2 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY ..................................................................................................... 111
8.3 CONSUMER SURVEY .............................................................................................................. 112
8.4 NETWORK M APPING .............................................................................................................. 112
8.5 ASSET M APPING/CONDITION ASSESSMENT ............................................................................ 113
8.6 ENERGY AUDIT...................................................................................................................... 114
Efficiency Evaluation of the Pumping Station ................................................................. 114
Tod Analysis .................................................................................................................... 115
Contract Demand Revision ............................................................................................. 115
Power Factor Improvement ............................................................................................. 115
Energy Conservation Measures (ECMS) ........................................................................ 115
8.7 WATER AUDIT ....................................................................................................................... 116
8.8 HYDRAULIC MODEL ............................................................................................................... 116
PART-2 IMPLEMENTATION OF NRW REDUCTION ACTIVITIES (CAPEX) ................................... 118
8.9 REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING ASSETS ..................................................................................... 118
8.10 CAPITAL WORKS (STRENGTHENING AND EXTENSION OF NETWORK):....................................... 120
8.11 BULK METERING ................................................................................................................... 120
Source & Transmission line Metering ......................................................................... 120
8.12 CONSUMER METERING .......................................................................................................... 121
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) ................................................................................ 121
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) ..................................................................... 122
Cyble Technology for Consumer Meters .................................................................... 122
Other Data Collectors for Cyble .................................................................................. 124
Benefits of Wireless Solution ...................................................................................... 124
8.13 DISTRICT METER AREAS (DMA) ............................................................................................ 125
DMA Establishment Criteria and Process ................................................................... 125
Improved Pressure Management ................................................................................ 126
8.14 SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) ..................................................... 127
8.15 SMART WATER M ANAGEMENT, INTEGRATION WITH SCADA: .................................................... 129
Application of Smart Water Management in Distribution Network .............................. 129
How does it Work? ...................................................................................................... 130
Approach and Methodology: ....................................................................................... 131
Major Inputs Required for SWMS: .............................................................................. 131
Solution and Integration of SWMS: ............................................................................. 131
System Platform: ......................................................................................................... 132
System Platform Key Value Drivers ............................................................................ 132
Smart Decisions, anywhere, anytime, any device ...................................................... 132
Integrated Smart Water Management System (SWMS) ............................................. 132
The Benefits of the system is: ..................................................................................... 133
Model Building ............................................................................................................. 133
Network Analysis ......................................................................................................... 134
The Hydraulic Model ................................................................................................... 137
Operational Data ......................................................................................................... 138
Smart Water Management in Water Treatment Plants ............................................... 138
Asset Management System ........................................................................................ 138
SWMS Architecture ..................................................................................................... 140
Benefits of Smart Water Management System ........................................................... 141
8.16 SMART WATER BILLING SYSTEM (SWBS) ................................................................................. 142
Why SWBS?................................................................................................................ 142
Components of SWBS: ............................................................................................... 143
Benefits of using SWBS .............................................................................................. 145
PART-3 NRW REDUCTION & MONITORING (O&M) ACTIVITIES (OPEX) ..................................... 146
SECTION-A PROCESS FOR STRATEGY DEVLOPMENT .............................................................. 146
8.17 ESTABLISHING THE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT TEAM .............................................................. 146
Water Balance Components: Where is your Losses Occurring? ................................ 147
Improving the Accuracy of Water Balance Results ..................................................... 148
Typical Measurement Points: ...................................................................................... 148
Flow Measurement ...................................................................................................... 149
Water Balance Diagram .............................................................................................. 149
8.19 IMPORTANCE OF SETTING APPROPRIATE NRW REDUCTION TARGETS ..................................... 149
8.20 PRIORITISING NRW REDUCTION COMPONENTS ...................................................................... 150
8.22 BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGY .............................................. 152
8.23 NRW AWARENESS PROGRAM ............................................................................................... 153
Utility Staff Awareness and Consensus ...................................................................... 154
Consumer Awareness ................................................................................................. 155
Quality Check of Water Supply ................................................................................... 155
Consumer redressal management system ................................................................. 156
SECTION-B LOSS ELEMENTS AND MANAGEMENT STRATAGY ................................................ 157
8.24 COMMERCIAL LOSS ELEMENTS AND M ANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ............................................ 157
Metering ...................................................................................................................... 158
Unauthorised Consumption ......................................................................................... 160
Avoiding Corrupt Meter Readers ................................................................................. 162
Tariff Structure............................................................................................................. 162
Meter Reading Errors .................................................................................................. 162
Data Handling and Accounting Errors ......................................................................... 162
8.25 PHYSICAL OR REAL LOSS ELEMENTS AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ...................................... 163
Real Losses Are Made Up of Three Components: ..................................................... 164
Leakage from Transmission and Distribution Mains ................................................... 165
Basic Management Activities for Effective Control of Real Losses ............................ 166
Pressure Management ................................................................................................ 167
Speed and Quality of Repairs ..................................................................................... 168
Selection, Installation, Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement .............................. 168
Asset Management ..................................................................................................... 168
Active Leakage Control (ALC) ..................................................................................... 169
Availability of Detailed Plans, Drawing, O&M Manual: ................................................ 173
8.26 USING DMA RESULTS TO REDUCE NRW LEVELS .................................................................. 173
Estimating Physical Losses ......................................................................................... 174
Step Test ..................................................................................................................... 175
Determining Commercial Losses ................................................................................ 176
Improved Pressure Management ................................................................................ 176
Safeguarding Water Quality ........................................................................................ 177
Schedule of Maintenance ............................................................................................ 177
NRW Performance Trigger & Trouble Shooting .......................................................... 177
Contingency Plans ...................................................................................................... 178
Leakage Detection & Rectification .............................................................................. 178
Deployment of Manpower & Equipment’s during Leak Detection Activities ............... 179
Providing Continuous (24/7) Water Supply ................................................................. 179
SECTION-C LEAK DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION PROCESS .............................................. 180
8.27 UNDERSTANDING LEAKAGES ................................................................................................. 180
Background Leakage .................................................................................................. 180
Bursts .......................................................................................................................... 180
Reported Bursts .......................................................................................................... 180
Unreported Bursts ....................................................................................................... 180
Active Leakage Control (ALC) ..................................................................................... 180
Leak Duration .............................................................................................................. 180
Awareness Time.......................................................................................................... 180
Location Time .............................................................................................................. 181
Repair Time ................................................................................................................. 181
N1 Factor ..................................................................................................................... 181
N1 Step Test ............................................................................................................... 181
Pressure Step Test...................................................................................................... 181
Average Zone Point (AZP) .......................................................................................... 181
Critical Point (CP) ........................................................................................................ 181
Regular Survey............................................................................................................ 181
Leakage Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 182
Leak Localizing and real-time network optimization. .................................................. 182
Leakage Mapping ........................................................................................................ 182
8.28 QUANTIFYING LOSSES ........................................................................................................... 183
Physical Loss Component Analysis ............................................................................ 183
Babe Concepts ............................................................................................................ 183
Leakage Modelling ...................................................................................................... 183
Equivalent Service Pipe Bursts (ESPBS) ................................................................... 183
Hidden Losses (Excess losses) .................................................................................. 183
District Metered Area (DMA) ....................................................................................... 183
Night Flow Test (NFT) ................................................................................................. 183
Average Zone Night Pressure (AZNP) ........................................................................ 184
Minimum Night Flow (MNF) ........................................................................................ 184
Minimum Night Consumption ...................................................................................... 184
Net Night Flow ............................................................................................................. 184
SECTION-D LEAK REPAIR PROCEDURES .................................................................................... 185
Leak Repair (Wet) ....................................................................................................... 185
Extent of Repair Work and Availability of Repair Fittings and Tool ............................ 185
Bedding Material ......................................................................................................... 185
Report to Control ......................................................................................................... 185
Repair of small, Local Defects - ‘Wet Repair’ ............................................................. 185
Cut out – ‘Dry Repair’ .................................................................................................. 185
Replacement Repairs- following Observations are Important .................................... 185
Record of Repair ......................................................................................................... 186
Record of Pipe............................................................................................................. 186
Give Additional Support to repaired pipe portion, if necessary (Dry Repairs) ............ 186
Renew Bedding and Compact .................................................................................... 186
Arrange air bleeding and slowly refill isolated section ................................................ 186
Restore valves and the system in accordance with the original operational plan ...... 186
Checking Restoration .................................................................................................. 186
Removal of Temporary Supplies ................................................................................. 186
Notification ................................................................................................................... 187
Site Cleanliness........................................................................................................... 187
Storage of Tools and Equipment ................................................................................. 187
Prevention of Contamination During Repair Work ...................................................... 187
Disinfection Procedure ................................................................................................ 187
Finishing Touches ....................................................................................................... 187
Side Filling Work Should be Suitably Accomplished ................................................... 187
Clear Site ..................................................................................................................... 187
Notice of Completion ................................................................................................... 188
Repair Method for Different Types of Pipes ................................................................ 188
Repair Problems Specific to Pre-Stressed Concrete Pipes ........................................ 189
Extensive Damage to a PSC Pipe Length .................................................................. 189
Damage Restricted to a Small Length only ................................................................. 190
Leakage Through Socket/ Spigot Joint due to Displacement of Rubber .................... 190
Leakage Through Damaged Socket ........................................................................... 190
Leakage Through Hole ................................................................................................ 191
Generation of Data and Life Cycle Analysis ............................................................... 191
SECTION-E PERIODICAL REPORTS ............................................................................................... 192
Revenue Protection Plan to Control Apparent Losses................................................ 193
Leakage Management Plan to Control Real Losses.............................................. 197
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR NRW .............................................................................. 203
9.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ................................................................ 203
9.2 EXPRESSING NRW AS A PERCENTAGE................................................................................... 204
9.4 INFRASTRUCTURE LEAKAGE INDEX (ILI).................................................................................. 206
Minimum Achievable Annual Physical Losses (MAAPL) ................................................ 206
9.5 PHYSICAL LOSS ASSESSMENT M ATRIX .................................................................................. 208
INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT.............................................................................................. 211
10.1 IMPROVEMENT AREAS IN TIRUPATI .............................................................................. 211
NRW MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES............................................................................................ 213
11.1 NRW STRATEGY ............................................................................................................... 213
Holistic NRW Strategy ................................................................................................. 213
Holistic NRW Management ......................................................................................... 214
Holistic NRW Activities for Tirupati .............................................................................. 215
Management Concept ................................................................................................. 216
Funding FOR NRW Reduction Activities .................................................................... 217
Effective Mechanism for Monitoring of NRW Management ........................................ 217
Development of Effective Organization Structure ....................................................... 218
Human Capacity Building in Managing NRW ............................................................. 219
Improvement of Research Development and Innovation in Managing NRW ............. 220
GANTT CHART FOR NRW REDUCTION ................................................................................. 221
PROPOSED NRW REDUCTION FORECAST ........................................................... 223
PROPOSED NRW REDUCTION ACTIVITIES VS OUTCOME ................................................. 224
13.1 PART-1 INITIAL NRW ASSESSMENT (REFORM) FOR TIRUPATI CITY .......................................... 224
13.2 PART-2 IMPLEMENTATION OF NRW REDUCTION ACTIVITIES (CAPEX) ..................................... 225
13.3 PART-3 NRW REDUCTION & MONITORING (O&M) ACTIVITIES (OPEX) ................................... 226
ONGOING SCHEME DETAILS .................................................................................................. 227
14.1 SCHEME DETAILS: FY 2015-16........................................................................................... 227
14.2 SCHEME DETAILS: FY 2016-20........................................................................................... 231
COST ESTIMATES & CONTRACT PACKAGES ...................................................................... 233
15.1 COST ESTIMATES .................................................................................................................. 233
15.2 CONTRACT PACKAGES .......................................................................................................... 233
15.3 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ........................................................................................ 233
15.4 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: ........................................................................................ 234
15.5 PROPOSED COST OF THE SCHEME ......................................................................................... 235
15.6 TARIFF RATIONALISATION ...................................................................................................... 237
16.1 PROPOSED NRW IMPLEMENTATION OF MCT............................................................... 238
Option A ...................................................................................................................... 238
Advantages ................................................................................................................. 238
Risks ............................................................................................................................ 238
Option B ...................................................................................................................... 238
Advantages ................................................................................................................. 238
Risks ............................................................................................................................ 239
Option C ...................................................................................................................... 239
Advantages ................................................................................................................. 239
Risks ............................................................................................................................ 239
Municipal bonds .......................................................................................................... 239
Revenue Bonds ........................................................................................................... 240
General Obligation Bonds ........................................................................................... 240
Pool Finance Development Fund ................................................................................ 241
Public Financing Institution/Bank Finance .................................................................. 241
Multilateral Financial Institutions ................................................................................. 241
16.3 FINALIZED NRW IMPLEMENTATION OPTIONS BY MCT ............................................... 246
16.4 FINALIZED NRW FUNDING OPTIONS BY MCT ............................................................... 246
ANNEXURES .............................................................................................................................. 248
17.1 DATA CONSTRAINTS FOR NRW ASSESSMENT ............................................................ 248
17.2 POPULATION PROJECTION WORKINGS ....................................................................... 248
17.3 CASE STUDY 1 – MANILA (RANHILL) .............................................................................. 249
17.4 CASE STUDY 2 - NAGPUR ................................................................................................ 250
17.5 CASE STUDIES FOR NRW REDUCTION IN INDIA........................................................... 252
Bengaluru .................................................................................................................... 252
17.6 CONSUMER AWARENESS PROGRAM: .......................................................................... 252
17.7 DMA 1 – MEDICAL COLLEGE ................................................................................................ 254
17.8 DMA 2 – MUNICIPAL PARK GLSR DMA................................................................................ 255
17.9 DMA 3 – PALANI ELSR-1 ..................................................................................................... 256
17.10 DMA 4 – PALANI ELSR-2 ..................................................................................................... 257
17.11 DMA 5 – TMC ELSR ........................................................................................................... 258
17.12 FLOW DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................... 259
17.13 NRW MONITORING & MAINTENACE FLOW CHART. ..................................................... 260
17.14 OBSERVATION OF SITE .......................................................................................................... 261
17.15 LEAKAGE OF WATER AT SITE ................................................................................................ 262
Figure 1: The Vicious NRW Cycle ......................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: The Virtuous NRW Cycle ....................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Ward Boundary Of Tirupati................................................................................... 14
Figure 4: Census Data On Tirupati Population .................................................................... 15
Figure 5: Organization Structure Of MCT ............................................................................ 16
Figure 6: Typical flow measurement points ......................................................................... 19
Figure 7: NRW Consumer Survey Application ..................................................................... 21
Figure 8: NRW Consumer Survey Application ..................................................................... 21
Figure 9: NRW Projects Volumetric And Pressure .............................................................. 21
Figure 10: NRW Projects Volumetric And Pressure ............................................................ 21
Figure 11: Water Balance ................................................................................................... 23
Figure 12: NRW Components Flow Chart ........................................................................... 25
Figure 13: KP Canal Pump House ...................................................................................... 28
Figure 14: Primary Source of Water-KP Canal .................................................................... 28
Figure 15: Kalyani Dam....................................................................................................... 28
Figure 16: Mangalam WTP ................................................................................................. 30
Figure 17: Alipiri WTP ......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 18: Kalyani Dam WTP .............................................................................................. 32
Figure 19: Site Surveys and Flow Measurements ............................................................... 37
Figure 20: Ramapuram Pump House Flow Measurement ................................................... 58
Figure 21: Mangalam Pump House Flow Measurement ...................................................... 58
Figure 22: Kalyani Dam Raw Water for Alipiri WTP ............................................................. 61
Figure 23: Alipiri WTP inlet flow measurement by Rectangular Notch Method .................... 61
Figure 24: Kalyani Dam WTP Flow Measurements ............................................................. 64
Figure 25: Flow Measurements activities ............................................................................ 64
Figure 26: Alipiri WTP ......................................................................................................... 65
Figure 27: Kalyani Dam WTP .............................................................................................. 65
Figure 28: Flow Measurement at Zoo Park from Kalyani Dam WTP.................................... 79
Figure 29: Sample DMA Boundary ...................................................................................... 84
Figure 30: Collection Efficiency ......................................................................................... 101
Figure 31: Reducing NRW Is Everyone’s Responsibility ................................................... 107
Figure 32 : Proposed NRW Reduction Phases.................................................................. 107
Figure 33: Typical Diagram Of Offline Model ..................................................................... 117
Figure 34: Electromagnetic Flow Meters (Left) And Transmitters (Right)........................... 121
Table 1: Population Projection For The Year 2020 .............................................................. 15
Table 2: Details of Water Source (2011 Data) ..................................................................... 27
Table 3: WTP Details at MCT .............................................................................................. 29
Table 4: Mangalam Old and New WTP Specifications ........................................................ 29
Table 5: Kalyani Dam WTP 1 and 2 Specifications ............................................................. 30
Table 6: Alipiri WTP Specifications...................................................................................... 30
Table 7: KP Canal to Mangalam WTP RW Transmission Main ........................................... 33
Table 8: Kalyani Dam to Alipiri WTP RW Transmission Main .............................................. 33
Table 9: Kalyani Dam WTP to BP Tank PW Transmission Main ......................................... 33
Table 10: Mangalam WTP to ELSR/GLSR Transmission Main ........................................... 33
Table 11: Pumping Station Specifications ........................................................................... 34
Table 12: ELSR / GLSR Details of Tirupati.......................................................................... 35
Table 13: ELSR and GLSR Specifications .......................................................................... 35
Table 49: LPCD Calculations from DMA Study and Analysis .............................................. 90
Table 50: LPCD Extrapolation and Revenue Water Calculations ........................................ 91
Table 51: Raw Water Intake from 1st Interim ...................................................................... 91
Table 52: Billed Metered Consumption ............................................................................... 92
Table 53: Billed Un-Metered Consumption .......................................................................... 92
Table 54: Raw Water Transmission Losses ........................................................................ 96
Table 55: Treatment & PW Transmission Losses................................................................ 96
Table 56: Overall Losses .................................................................................................... 96
Table 57: Water Balance..................................................................................................... 97
Table 58: Average Annual Recovery ................................................................................. 100
Table 59: Pipes Of Cast Iron ............................................................................................. 188
Table 60: Pipes Of Ductile Iron ......................................................................................... 188
Table 61: Pipes Of Steel ................................................................................................... 188
Table 62: Pipes Of Asbestos Cement ............................................................................... 188
Table 63: Pipes Of Prestressed Concrete ......................................................................... 189
Table 64: Pipes Of P.V.C .................................................................................................. 189
Table 65: Pipes Of Glass Reinforced Plastic Pipe ............................................................. 189
Table 66: Apparent Loss Performance Indicators of Tirupati Municipality.......................... 209
Table 67 Real/ Physical Loss Performance Indicators of Tirupati Municipality .................. 209
Table 68: NRW performance Indicators of Tirupati Municipality ........................................ 210
Table 69: Economic Losses To Utility Due To NRW ......................................................... 210
Table 70: Key Improvement Areas For Tirupati ................................................................. 211
Table 71: Part-1 Key Improvement Areas For Tirupati ...................................................... 224
Table 72: Part-2 Key Improvement Areas For Tirupati ...................................................... 225
Table 73: Part-3 Key Improvement Areas For Tirupati ...................................................... 226
Table 74: General Considerations For Tirupati .................................................................. 234
Table 75: Example Of Indian Cities Who Received Funding From Municipal Bonds ......... 240
Table 76: Indian Cities Who Received Funding Through Pool Finance Development Fund
......................................................................................................................................... 241
Table 77: Example Of Indian Cities Who Received Funding From MFI ............................. 242
Table 78: Key Details Of Various Mfis ............................................................................... 243
Table 79: Finalized NRW Project Implementation Options ................................................ 246
Table 80: Finalized Funding Options ................................................................................. 246
Table 81: Population Projection For Year 2020 ................................................................. 248
AC Asbestos Cement
ALC Active Leakage Control
ALR Awareness, Location and Repair
AMRUT Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
ARV Annual Rental Value
AZP Average zonal pressure
Acronym Expansion
CDP City Development Plan
CGRS Consumer Grievance Redressal System
CI Cast Iron
CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
CPP Critical pressure point
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DM District meter
DMA District Metered Area
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
ESR Elevated Service Reservoir
FEED Front End Engineering and Design
GIS Geographic Information System
GOI Government of India
GPR Ground Penetrating Radar
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global System for Mobile
GSR Ground Service Reservoir
ICT Information and Communication Technology
ISO International Organization for Standardization
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
JUSCO Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company limited
MCT Municipal Corporation of Tirupati
MDB Multilateral Development Bank
MFI Multilateral Financial Institution
MLD Million Litres per Day
MoUD Ministry of Urban Development
MS Mild Steel
NA Not Available
NABL National accreditation board for testing and calibration laboratories
NRW Non-Revenue Water
OHT Over Head Tank
POS Point of Sale
PPP Public Private Partnership
PS Pumping Station
PSC Pre-Stressed Concrete
PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
ROA Return on Assets
RW Raw Water
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SLB Service Level Benchmark
SLIP Service Level Improvement Plan
SWB Smart Water Billing
SWMS Smart Water Management System
The Urban population in India is growing at a rate faster than ever and the services in cities
are crumbling to the increasing pressure. Along with other key services of the city, water
supply is also struggling to maintain adequacy and quality of services provided to the citizens.
Few of the major problem faced by Water Supply sector is the large proportion of water loss
in distribution and poor collection of revenue for the supplied water. This situation is common
in majority of Indian cities and has led to inefficient performance of water supply services.
To overcome the challenge, the city needs to identify the losses and take necessary measures
to reduce it. Non-Revenue Water (NRW) is a good indicator to measure the losses and high
NRW typically indicate a poorly managed water utility.
Non-revenue water (NRW) is water which is supplied (produced and purchased) but not paid
for, including technical losses (leakage), not billed water, Illegal connections, poor water meter
performance and inaccurate reading and accounting of metered flows. The impacts of NRW
are the loss of scarce resources and financial revenue in a cash strapped water sector.
The central government under AMRUT mission has aimed to reduce the NRW in cities, and
has included the same as a priority reform.
It includes
Details of options for implementations of NRW strategy along with outcomes.
Road map for rationalization of user charges
Details of improvement required to achieve the objectives
Preparation of details for funding options for implementation
With this project, MoUD aspires to enable provision of continuous pressurized water supply
services to the customers. It plans to provide seamless convergence with “AMRUT” for
implementation of NRW Reduction Strategies.
NRW is water that has been produced but does not result in revenues for the utility. NRW may
be due to “real losses” (as a result of leaks and wastage, sometimes called as “physical
losses”) and “apparent losses” (as a result of metering inaccuracies, theft, meter taping, etc.
sometimes called as “commercial losses”). High levels of NRW are detrimental to the financial
viability of the utility as well as to the quality of water. NRW is thus calculated as volume of
water lost.
{𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 (𝑚^3)−𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(𝑚^3)}
NRW (%) = 𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 (𝑚^3)
𝑥 100%
The total quantity of water in the world is roughly 1357.51 million cubic kilometers (Mkm3).
About 97% of this water is contained in the oceans as saline water and only 37.5 Mkm3 is
fresh water. Out of this about 8.5 Mkm3 is both liquid and fresh and the remaining is contained
in frozen state as ice in the Polar Regions and on mountains tops and glaciers. Water demand
is increasing day by day due to increase in population, urbanization, agriculture,
industrialization etc. The groundwater table is falling rapidly throughout the world due to wide
IOSR Report on NRW, 2013
spread over pumping using powerful pumps. More than 2.6 Billion people – over 40% of the
world’s population do not have access to safe drinking water. Water Scarcity in India is
widespread in all states.
The World Bank has estimated the total cost of NRW to utilities worldwide at US$14 billion per
year. Reducing by half the current levels of losses in developing countries, where relative
losses are highest, could generate an estimated US$ 2.9 billion in cash and serve an additional
90 million people. Most available data on NRW levels are expressed in percentage terms,
ranging from 7% in Germany to more than 90% in Lagos, Nigeria. NRW levels are 10% in
Denmark, 19% in England and Wales, 26% in France, 29% in Italy. In Asian large city NRW
varies from 10% to 60%. According to a report by the European Environment Agency NRW in
Yerevan, Armenia, was almost 80%.
In developing countries, roughly 45 2 million cubic meters of water are lost daily with an
economic value of over US$3 billion per year.
A World Bank study puts the global estimate of physical water losses at 32 billion cubic meters
each year, half of which occurs in developing countries. Water utilities suffer from the huge
financial costs of treating and pumping water only to see it leak back into the ground, and the
lost revenues from water that could have otherwise been sold. If the water losses in developing
countries could be halved, the saved water would be enough to supply around 90 million
From the study3 conducted in India, components of NRW are 1.5 to 3.5% public use, 3.5 to
6.5% illegal / unmetered connection, 10 to 15% meter under registration and 75 to 85% is
water-service, 2016
water-service, 2016
NRW losses
NRW related inefficiencies are displayed in below diagram. It is called Vicious NRW Cycle.
Desired state is Virtuous Cycle; this requires transformation as described below.
Expenditure is
on meeting
budgets are
decrease and
especially in
areas of
costs increase
The challenge for water utility managers is to transform the Vicious Circle into the 'Virtuous
Circle'. In effect, reducing NRW releases new sources of both water and finances. Reducing
excessive physical losses results in a greater amount of water available for consumption and
postpones the need for investing in new sources. It also lowers operating costs. Similarly,
reducing commercial losses generates more revenues.
increase and
cost decrease
Expenditure is
increased to
are made
further in NRW
Poor governance also affects NRW reduction. Utility managers often lack the autonomy,
accountability, and technical and managerial skills necessary to provide reliable service. The
utility's management should also tackle organizational challenges, such as policy barriers,
inadequate technical capacity, and aging infrastructure. Finally, poor project design hinders
efforts to reduce NRW, particularly underestimating the required budget
Every ULB’s aim to reduce NRW and improve sustainability but reduction in NRW also helps
to reduce water losses which will be reduce for future water scarcity. Water is a precious
natural national resource with almost fixed quantum of availability.
With continuous growth in country’s population, per capita availability of utilizable water is
going down, whereas with ever rising standard of living of people, all around rapid
industrialization and urbanization, demand of fresh water is going up continuously. Unabated
discharge of industrial effluents into water bodies is further aggravating the situation of scarcity
of water of acceptable quality.
Water losses include the water volumes that do not achieve beneficial use or that cost utilities
a portion of the revenue to which they could otherwise recover. Water losses in drinking water
utilities occur as two distinct types. Real losses are the physical losses from distribution
systems, and include leakage and overflows of treated drinking water from storage
reservoirs/tanks. Apparent losses are the nonphysical losses that occur when water is
successfully delivered to a water user but, for various reasons, is not measured or recorded
accurately, thereby inducing a degree of error in the amount of actual customer consumption.
When apparent losses occur systematically in an appreciable volume, the aggregate measure
of water consumption can be greatly distorted and cause significant revenue loss.
Water that leaks from the water distribution system between source and customer occurs in
all utilities only the volume varies. The annual volume of leakage losses is the difference
between the water supplied volume minus the sum of authorized consumption (billed and
unbilled), apparent losses, and water lost to storage overflows. There are numerous types of
leaks in water supply distribution systems, each with different typical ranges of flow. Leakage
in water distribution systems can be attributed to the following
Inferior or defective materials, whether of the pipes and jointing or in the bedding or support
Pipe breaks resulting from poor workmanship or materials handling in pipe laying
unsupported lengths of pipe, stones in contact with pipes, non-adherence to required
joint gaps, poor backfilling of trenches, excessive joint deflection, plastic pipe exposed
to sunlight during storage, and similar occurrences
Operational errors excessive pressure, filling pipelines too rapidly, closing valves
and/or hydrants too rapidly, incorrect operation (starting and stopping) of pumps, water
Corrosion internal corrosion caused by aggressive water, external corrosion caused
by insufficient protection of metallic materials from aggressive soils, groundwater’s, or
stray electric current
Seasonally induced stresses frost loading, soil expansion, thermal effects during
extreme temperatures, including pipe expansion/contraction due to winter cold water
in the pipe (from surface water sources groundwater maintains a more constant
temperature throughout the seasons)
Leaking fittings and appurtenances valves, air valves, saddles, hydrants, leaking
stuffing boxes, drain or blow-off valves that are closed but passing water
Changing stresses in the pipe environment: pipe installed in bygone eras met the
design standards of the day. As fire protection became more important and systems
grew, flow rates and pressure levels may have increased, placing greater loads on
piping systems. Light vehicular traffic may have evolved to heavy truck traffic on
roadways and greater stress on buried pipelines.
The total volume of leakage losses occurring in a particular water distribution system over a
given period of time depends on
the operating pressure in the piping distribution system;
whether the geology, soil type, and road cover material allow water to be visible at the
the frequency and scope of active leakage control to detect, locate, and repair
unreported leaks; and
the integrity of the piping infrastructure and its degree of upkeep via best practice
rehabilitation and renewal programs.
The extent of the occurrence of leakage within a water utility depends on the
characteristics of the water distribution system;
importance attached to loss control by the water utility;
It is evident that there are many factors that influence the level of leakage occurring in a
drinking water utility. These factors can be aggregated to three primary categories:
1. The characteristics of the water distribution system
2. The stresses produced in the local environment—weather extremes as well as traffic, soil
conditions, etc.
3. The level of proactive leakage management employed by the water utility
Reducing water loss directly improves water utilities’ bottom line, in addition to offering social
and environmental benefits.
Increased Revenue
Water loss is always very costly to water utilities. It impacts every part of the utility’s business.
The water lost, if saved, would result in –
Less treatment required,
Less operation finance,
Reduced debt and depreciation,
Longer life of existing water resources without the need to supplement,
Capital deferments,
Asset life is increased,
Organizational speed increases,
Improved measurement knowledge, and
Positive impact on management success planning and all corporate decisions
It is mostly found that the water loss reduction and the associated revenue loss recovery are
among the most promising areas of water resource improvements. Based on a simple
assumption of a water loss tariff of 13/m3 and 19.5/m3 of water for developing and developed
countries, respectively, a total cost 4 of 948.78 billion was estimated for annual water loss
around the world.
Energy Conservation
Energy is consumed at every step of water supply scheme. It is used to extract water from
source, treat and then distribute the water to the consumers depicts a typical water distribution
system. The raw water from water body is lifted through pumps or gravity from source to water
treatment plant. After being treated, the water is then pumped to the ELSR / GLSR which
helps in storage and used for distribution further. The water is then pumped or through gravity
flows to the consumer end. At every stage, water is transmitted or distributed by pumping
which requires electric energy.
Therefore, the leaks and breakages in the distribution system also consumes electricity and
incurs costs. Thus, reducing water losses will help save the costs on energy.
Water Loss Reduction, Bentley Institute Press (2011)
Energy consumption due to water loss is increasing the carbon emission, namely the carbon
Many large scale resource development options such as pumped storage reservoirs and
distribution are recognized as energy intensive activities in terms of construction and
The studies have shown that the carbon footprint of water losses is proportional to the
pressure head and the magnitude of the losses. The greater the pressure head and water
loss, the greater the carbon footprint. Reducing water loss directly reduces the carbon
In addition to reducing the carbon footprint, reducing NRW also gives social and environmental
benefits. By actively detecting and repairing leaks, pipeline integrity will be improved to avoid
possible contamination ingress; thus, water quality is better assured as leaks are detected and
repaired. The improved pipeline integrity will effectively reduce the possibility of pipe bursts. It
will thus, minimize the disturbance of social life in local communities.
Reduced water loss also means an increased water supply that allows more people to be
served with drinking water. This is particularly important for developing countries like India
where there is high water loss and scarce fresh water availability. Research6 suggest that in
developing countries, reducing NRW to just half the current level would deliver 8 billion m3 of
already treated water to 90 million more people without increasing the demand for endangered
water resources. The increased supply with socially uplift the standard of living of people
improving their quality of life.
The unauthorized consumption of water resources forms a large chunk of total water loss for
a utility. It is important to eliminate the unauthorized use and give fair and equal treatment to
all. There are number of tapings thefts and illegal consumption cases, which is a cost to the
utility as well as to the authorized consumers. All efforts to remove this will increase revenue
efficiency of the utility along with improvement of public reputation and ability to serve its
consumers with better facilities transparently.
To achieve the assigned objective of NRW assessment activities such as AS-Is situation of
water supply system, water balance as per IWA, present level of NRW losses, NRW reduction
strategy, Funding option has been assessed, to enable continuous pressurized water supply
to the consumers.
Water Loss Reduction, Bentley Institute Press (2011)
Water Loss Reduction, Bentley Institute Press (2011)
Inception Report
This report consists of approach and methodology of NRW assessment work, and detailed
work break down structure and manpower proposed in align with the ground reality of the
1st Interim Report
The report consists the detailed results of the collection and analysis of existing data,
assessment of existing situation, sample survey conducted detail, development of a strategy
for structural control and reduction of NRW in phased manner. Preparation of the proposed
reduction losses. Bulk water audit up to WTP outlet.
2nd Interim Report
The report consists the detailed results of the detail of area wise water loses (in each DMA or
supply zone), detail of identified reasons for water losses, detail of physical and commercial
losses. Physical and commercial reduction forecast. It contains distribution losses,
transmission losses, DMA losses, liters per capita demand of water, and its water balance.
3rd Interim Report
The report consists the detailed results of the details of options for implementations of NRW
strategy along with outcomes and details of improvement required to achieve the objectives,
preparation of details for funding options for implementation.
Draft Detailed Project Report
This report consists of all necessary technical information in comprehensive and coherent
appendices. It shall include summary of methodologies used, assumptions made, input data
and results of such studies. Further the report will summarize results of an IWA standard water
balance; based on the usual data collection and verification (The strategy for reduction of
NRW shall include description of the NRW assessment activities & their results, water balance
and performance indicators, institutional and human resource capacity issues. Non-Revenue
Water Management, analysis of alternatives and options for physical and commercial loss
reduction; a phased NRW reduction activity plan including physical and commercial loss
reduction forecasts; Roadmap for improvement in current system. Funding options proposed
and finalized for implementation. Preparation of draft contract documents on performance
based NRW reduction framework.
Detailed Project Report
This report is an umbrella report with comprehensive summaries of previously submitted
reports and appendices
The structure of the report is guided by the need for convenience of compiled the core
engineering proposals in one volume and providing the details in separate volumes.
The report is divided in to four volumes as below-
1. Part 1- Detailed Project Report
2. Part 2- Cost estimates & Assumptions, Project Implementation & Funding option.
3. Part 3- Annexures
4. Part 4-Drawings
Tirupati is a vibrant pilgrimage town located in Chittoor district of Rayalaseema region in the
state of Andhra Pradesh. It is a municipal corporation and the headquarters of Tirupati (urban)
mandal, and of the Tirupati revenue division. The Municipal Corporation of Tirupati was
established on 1/4/1886 as a Class “C” municipality and later upgraded as Municipal
Corporation on 2/3/2007. Municipal Corporation is spread over an area of 27.44 sq.km with 23
Revenue Wards and 50 Election wards with 42 Poor slums.
The population of Tirupati which was 65,843 in 1971 increased to 2, 28, 202 by 2001 and 3,
74,260 (UA) in 2011.
Tirupati is situated at the foothills of Seshachalam hills. The Geological monument is in the
Tirupati valley, which is bounded between (13.50’ N 79.79.375 E) and (13.45 N 79.75 E). The
basin is delimited between the Palakonda – Velikonda and Sanainbatla Srikalahasthi and
Nagairi ranges of the eastern ghats. Tirupati is surrounded by Srikalahasti towards the East,
Puttur towards the South, Poothalapattu towards the west and the Seshachalam hills towards
the North. The maximum elevation difference is in the order of 50mtr and the town is hilly terrain
and, it is a very deep slope from south west to North east of the city. Due to hilly terrain, the
velocity of runoff is very high. Tirupati is situated in a seismic zone -2.
Tirupati region is semi-arid with pronounced variation in temperature. The temperature is high
during March – May and low during November – January. The yearly average minimum and
maximum temperatures are about 25°C and 35°C. Difference in minimum and maximum
monthly temperatures remain, in general, less than about 20°C for the entire year. Variations in
minimum and maximum temperatures and during different months of the year reflect typical
semi – arid climate. The variations in the relative humidity throughout the year reflect tropical
semi – arid climate. Between July and December, the relative humidity is about 70% to 80% in
the morning and about 60 to 65% in the afternoon. During summer, the relative humidity in the
afternoon is about 25 to 40%. The annual rain fall in the region varies between 860 and
1050mm. Rain fall occurs as high as 1450mm with a recurrence interval of around 4 years. The
South West monsoon (June – September) receives about 45-55% and the North-East Monsoon
(October-December) receives about 30-45% of annual rainfall. The annual rainfall in the region
varies between 860 and 1050mm.
The city is well connected to major cities through national and state highways. The National
highways passing through Tirupati are, National Highway 71 which connects Madanapalle and
Nayudupeta, National Highway 140 connecting Tirupati with Puthalapattu. Constructed one in
1944 and the other in 1974, there are two all-weather, asphalt Ghat Roads between Tirupati
and Tirumala. There is a total of 449.44 km of Roads within the Tirupati Municipal Corporation
Public Transport
APSRTC is the state-owned transport service, which operates buses to various destinations
from Tirupati bus station complex. The bus station comprises of three mini bus stations to
various destinations, such as Srinivasa bus station for westbound destinations, Sri Hari bus
station for east bound destinations and Yedukondalu bus station is utilized for bus services to
Tirumala. Balaji Link bus station at Alipiri is also used for bus services to Tirumala. Tirumala
Tirupati Devasthanams runs free buses from the railway station and Central bus stand to Alipiri
for pilgrims. The buses to Tirumala are known as Sapthagiri Express. Tirupati is in close
proximity to the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Hence, buses from KSRTC, TNSTC, and
SETC also operate their services. There is also private transport which operates in the city.
Tirupati Main is classified as an A1 station in the Guntakal railway division of South Central
Railway zone. Tirupati West Halt and Tiruchanur are the satellite stations, used for decongesting
rail traffic at the main station.
Sri Venkateswara Airport is located 15 km from the city centre and has regular flights to
Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam. The
closest international airport is Chennai International Airport which is 130 km (81 mi) from
Tirupati. Tirupati Airport is being upgraded to international airport.
An extensive underground sewer network was completed in 1999 within MCT. The existing
network coverage with underground drainage covers almost the entire municipal area with
sewers except for few pockets i.e., at about 42 Km of main sewers and 182 Km of sub-main
sewers, branch sewers, lateral sewers and sub laterals sewers. This system has a capacity to
serve 90,000 sewerage connections and has been designed to serve a population of 4.5 lakh.
There are four major storm water drains originating from Tirumala hills which pass through
different localities of Tirupati town. During the rainy season, it is a common sight that most of
the important roads are flooded with water, but the floodwater is drained out quickly to the
outskirts owing to the natural slope of the town from Tirumala hills (200mts.) from north to
Renigunta road towards East (180mts). The surface drains in Tirupati town follow the existing
natural drainage patterns from the north towards the southeast. The town has 450.0 km length
of drains (including 28.25 Km kutcha drains, 421.75 km pucca drains and 12.25 trunk mains).
Around 90% of the area covered with drains in the town. The town has nine stretches of storm
water drains spread across North-West to South-East directions which ultimately confluence in
the South-East direction and finally connected to Swarnamukhi River. Nearly 30 - 40 per cent
area is not covered with drains.
MCT is consisting of 23 Revenue wards. Always taking council resolutions to take steps to
resolve the complains from the public. The council took various initiatives, which are helpful for
the public, like online grievance system where public can put there complain by online and can
check about the process, and steps taken for that complain. Introduced a 24/7 help desk system
and 24/7 public help line system. People can call directly to Help line with provided help line no
and will be benefited. People do not have to wait in queue, as there is help desk to guide and
for the People inside the premises.
As per Census 2011, total population of Tirupati is 3.74 lakhs with total area of 27.44 sq. km.
Tirupati city is divided into 23 Municipal wards.
3,50,000 45.00%
3,00,000 39.03%
2,50,000 33.89% 2,28,202 30.00%
2,00,000 1,74,393 25.00%
1,50,000 20.00%
65,843 10.00%
50,000 5.00%
0 0.00% 0.00%
1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
The projection of population for next Census year – 2020 is done using four different methods
as below. Detailed information is added to Annexures.
Table 1: Population Projection For The Year 2020
Projections on Water Demand
As per the global standards, for household, water consumption is around 148 LPCD. Thus,
based on population projections, appropriate water demand can be projected. Further, the
estimated water demand for a city can be broadly classified as domestic and non-domestic
water supply. The domestic water demand includes per capita consumption and system losses,
while non-domestic water demand includes industrial, commercial and institutional consumption
along with usage for firefighting situations.
Projections on Water Demand
All figures are in numbers
Year Census Arithmetic Geometric Incremental Average Population
Population Increase Progression Increase Growth Rate
1971 65843
1981 115292 75%
1991 174393 51%
2001 228202 31%
2011 374260 64%
2020 430399 592691 455375 492821
2035 523964 1275222 643147 814111
2050 617529 2743742 896646 1419306
Source: MCT
The gross demand as given by the Municipal Corporation of Tirupati is 135 LPCD for future
years, and water requirement of Tirupati (MCT) for 2017 is 64.27 MLD with the total requirement
for the residential population being 57.52 MLD and 6.75 MLD for pilgrim population.
Accounts Engineering Town planning Public Healsth Fire
As part of the initial set of activities, the consultant has mobilized team of experts to effectively
deliver the report. Consultation meetings were conducted with the Executive Engineer of the
MCT and Water Utility teams, seeking their support and collecting existing water system.
As part of the assessment, the survey team visited the raw water sites, water treatment plant,
OHT and GSR sites. The team prepared flow diagram for the water supply scheme and noted
key parameters like metering status, pump house details, electrical systems and pipe details.
The team also quizzed the operating staff on site to gauge proper understanding of the
operational aspects on the field and noted challenges associated with the same. Key information
on water requirement, population statistics, WTP specifications, ground water extraction, etc.
were noted by the primary team and have been incorporated in the report.
Data related to water audit will be required for all components of water supply scheme and the
system input volume for the past and current year will be collected from the MCT. Some of the
data required that will be collected is as below.
Drawings/ Log Book for Raw/ Clear Water Pumping
Raw/Clear Water Billing Record
Pump House Details
Condition of the pipelines
Budgetary Records for Water Supply Department
Water Tariff Structure (Raw/Clear Water)
Population Details
Consumption Details
O&M Record
On review of existing system & collection of existing system data, engineering survey for
Raw/Pure/Distribution system shall be started. This will involve capturing details on production
meters, zonal meters, customer meters and unmetered areas.
After finalization of the flow diagram various entry points of the system will be selected for the
measurement. In case of absence of fixed type meters portable UFM meters will be used for
Supply Side (Source to OHT)
This study shall be conducted in following manner:
Installation of Bulk Flow Meters and Pressure Gauges, at inlet / outlet flow
measurement points defined in contract or as finalized by authority. Activity is
targeted for 15 days.
Recording hourly data of flow & pressure, at each monitoring point.
Analysis of above data to work out inflow, outflow and corresponding pressure
at each component of the system. Pressure measurement will be done where
ever possible and required as per site condition.
Visual inspection of all the water supply assets from source to OHT for the
identification of the visible leakages.
Demand Side
Measure the inflow/outflow of the selected DMA and sub DMA using fixed or
portable flow meters.
Sample DMA of up to 5% connections of DMA will be taken up for measurement
which will be further analysed and might be changed as per site condition.
Measurements will be recorded for 20 days.
Before starting of water audit, it is very important to first decide the measurement unit to be
followed. It helps to compare the measurement and outputs in a better way and it is easy to
understand and analyse. We will be using the MLD (Million Litres per Day) and M3/Hr. (Cubic
metre per hour) in the calculation, analysis and demonstration of the results in the report.
Every Water supply system has its unique features, once the existing system is clear, it is easy
to decide the work plan as per the available time frame and the different activities will be planned
and approved accordingly. Assessment of (flow measurement of) Bulk water supply system will
be done based on operational Hours & flow pattern. However, DMA study of this system will be
done as per the study period mentioned in contract document.
Agency will form the Water Audit Team which involves water utility persons. The team will co-
ordinate throughout the process of water audit. The team will work on taking measurements and
conduct inspection of condition of the pumps and pipelines. While measuring the flow data, the
pressures will also be noted.
Establishment of Worksheet
The worksheet development helps in recording and maintaining vital information in consistent
format. It helps in better planning of the entire approach and analysis becomes easier and
effective with better comparison done.
Water Audit requires large volume of data of the past and present trends in existing water supply
scheme. Based on our experience work sheets are already available which shall be approved
and revised accordingly if required before data collection of existing system. Some of the work
sheets are listed below
Pump house
Distribution System
Consumer End
Flow Measurement
After finalization of the flow diagram various entry points of the system will be selected for the
measurement. In case of absence of fixed type meters portable UFM meters will be used for
Considering the supply timelines and pressure details, flow meters will be installed for decided
period to have right measurements for further analysis.
Following steps will be considered to identify DMAs for conducting OHT to end-customers water
supply assessment, along with inputs from MCT and local authorities.
Size of the area: Geographical area should be favorable and minimum 1000-2000
number of house connections should be available in the selected DMA
Hydraulically isolated: The area should have the infrastructure to isolate hydraulically to
calculate volume of water lost
Consumer Category: A particular DMA should consist consumers of all categories
Variation in ground level: Area with high variation in ground level should be omitted.
Flatter the area, more stable the pressure and the easier it is to establish pressure
Pressure requirements: Need to ensure that pressure requirement is fulfilled
Number of valves to be closed: The number of valves to be closed to isolate the DMA
should be minimum
Number of DMA Meters: Minimum meters to measure inflows and outflows to increase
the accuracy of measurements
Service to the customer: Selecting the DMA should not affect the service to the
Areas satisfying all above parameters will be shortlisted and along with suggestions from MCT
and local authorities, appropriate DMAs will be finalized. The team will then focus on
preparations for selected DMAs with appropriate meter installations on network lines and
sample house service connections to study water balance. Once losses at DMA level are
computed, extrapolation at city level will be done and analyzed.
As part of DMA study, the team will design and conduct sample end-customer App based
surveys for determining their connection status, consumption volumes etc. The consultant team
will organize a customer sampling survey to assess the consumption pattern in the city. The
sample will be chosen in such a manner that it is a representative of the whole city portraying
the picture of all consumer profiles in the city.
There will be 2 programs used for data collection from the field through mobile application:
NRW Consumer Survey will consist of general details like Zone/OHT command area
name, name and area of the locality, DMA number to trace back the consumer to a
particular DMA, Sub-DMA number, Name of the surveyor, Supply period in the morning,
supply period in the evening, supply data gaps, number of properties in DMA, total
number of connections, number of domestic connections, number of commercial
consumers, number of institutional consumers, number of industrial consumers, number
of unregistered consumers. This app is developed to increase the accuracy of results
and minimize human intervention.
Figure 7: NRW Consumer Survey Application Figure 8: NRW Consumer Survey Application
NRW Projects Meter Reading, Volumetric and Pressure will consist of details related
to volume and pressure of the water at consumers’ premises. The details collected will
include Consumer house number/GIS plot ID, name of consumer, plot number,
Consumer number, meter number, type of connection, reading of meter, date and time
of reading, along with photograph of the meter to maintain credibility of the data. Along
with above mentioned data, flow of water will also be measured along with pressure.
Photograph is mandatory to build reliability in the process of data collection.
The application has a feature by which the surveyor has the option to send the recorded data
at the time of recording or he can save the details at that time and send all details at later point
of time. This will help the surveyor to continuously carry on with the data collection without
wasting any time for synchronizing with the cloud based database.
Figure 9: NRW Projects Volumetric And Pressure Figure 10: NRW Projects Volumetric And Pressure
We shall follow IWA standard Methodology for conducting Water Audit. Water Audit for water
supply is done by calculating the difference between the amount of water produced and the
amount sold i.e. metered and unmetered sales and then calculating the difference.
Method to conduct Water Audit:
1. Determine total System Input Volume – annual amount of water to the supply system
2. Determine authorized consumption
3. Estimate Losses
Any discussion related to losses will be preceded by a clear definition of the Water Balance
components and supplementary data used in Water Supply. The IWA ‘Best Practice’
terminology has been selected from countries, which already have their own well-documented
(but different) standard national procedure and terminology for Water Balance.
Reliable metering of all water volumes should and must be an integral component of water
supply, water demand management and loss determination. The most important part of
determining how much water is being lost in a system is to accurately quantify the volume of
water, which is entering that system. Metering of source meters for abstraction, treatment works
production, imported and exported water, input volumes and inflows to sectaries’ distribution
systems is essential for water balance calculations.
Whenever actual metering is not possible, for example in activities such as stand post, etc. every
effort shall be made to estimate each component of water use accurately to determine realistic
quantities for the water balance.
Water Balance
Water Exported
Billed Water Exported
Water balance is a useful tool to understand the hydrologic behavior of a study area. It also
enables one to get an assessment of the quality of the data and detect discrepancies. Water
balance can be carried out for a small area, e.g. a plot of a few square meters in area to a large
contingent of millions of square kilometers. The time of analysis can vary from a second to a
year or more.
The definitions of the principal components of the IWA water balance are as follows:
System input volume is the annual volume input to that part of the water supply
Authorized Consumption is the annual volume of metered and non-metered water
taken by registered customers, the water supplier, and others who are implicitly or
explicitly authorized to do so (e.g. water used in government offices or fire
hydrants). It includes exported water and the leaks and overflows after the point of
customer metering.
Non-Revenue Water (NRW) is the difference between system input volume and
billed authorized consumption. NRW consists of unbilled authorized consumption
(usually a minor component of the water balance) and water Losses.
Water Losses is the difference between System Input Volume and Authorized
Consumption, and consists of apparent (commercial) losses and real (physical)
Commercial Losses, sometimes referred to as ‘apparent losses’, consist of
unauthorized consumption and all types of metering inaccuracies
Physical Losses, sometimes referred to as ‘real losses’, are the annual volumes
lost through all types of leaks, bursts and overflows on mains, service reservoirs
and service connections, up to the point of customer metering.
Non-Revenue Water
Non-revenue water is the difference between the volume of water put into a water distribution
system and the volume that is billed to customers. NRW comprises three components: physical
(or real) losses, commercial (or apparent) losses, and unbilled authorized consumption.
Physical losses comprise leakage from all parts of the system and overflows at the
utility’s storage tanks. They are caused by poor operations and maintenance, the
lack of active leakage control, and inferior quality of underground assets.
Commercial losses are caused by customer meter under registration, data-handling
errors, and theft of water in various forms
Unbilled authorized consumption includes water used by the utility for operational
purposes, water used for firefighting, and water provided for free to certain
consumer groups.
Real or physical losses are incurred majorly due to leakages along the water pipe network,
these losses shall be assessed by 3 methodologies namely 1) Top Down assessment 2) Bottom
up assessment 3) Component analysis (BABE analysis).
In this method, the volume remaining after the volumes of authorized consumption and apparent
losses have been deducted from the system input volume is the real loss component. However,
this analysis does not provide any information about the components of the total volume of real
losses. Also, it does not give information about the quantum of losses due to detectable bursts
(which can be reduced by active leakage control) or due to background losses (which can only
be reduced by pressure management or infrastructure renewal) in the total real loss.
Despite the simplicity of a top-down type assessment, the leakage estimate obtained via this
method is referred to as a crude estimate. So, it is recommended that, the top down annual
water balance be undertaken along with the other two assessment methods.
Bottom-up assessment calculations are based on analysis of flows into District Metered Areas.
This analysis, if carried across the entire distribution system, the areas of high real losses can
be identified and prioritized for active leakage control. This method provides an independent
determination of the volume of real losses.
Bottom-up type leakage assessment can be considered the second part of the audit process.
The audit’s main purpose is to find out the efficiency of the water distribution system and the
measures needed to achieve these. Bottom-up audits require the most accurate and up-to-date
data possible.
Bottom-up real loss assessment can be carried out using following methods:
24 Hour Zone Measurement (HZM)
Night Flow Analysis
Commercial Loss Analysis
After the DMA is finalized, following procedure could be carried out to calculate the NRW in
distribution system
Meter at inlet / outlet of selected DMA as finalized by client
Recording hourly data of flow, at this point during period of supply
Installation of consumer meter in Sub DMA area
Recording of daily consumption & flow during supply hours
Analysis of above data to workout inflow & out flow to DMA
Analysis of data to work out consumption, physical losses, LPCD rate & other statistical
Extrapolate the DMA data to work out NRW in distribution system.
Completing Source to end-customers current water balance following the standard
Establish current annual levels of NRW with breakup of commercial and physical losses and
evaluate the total economic loss to the utility
Identify strategic options for implementation of NRW reduction for physical losses (from Source
to OHT) and for commercial losses reduction (from OHT to end-customers).
Physical Losses:
Once the leaks are identified, it needs to be repaired and maintained. Leak detection test,
connection replacement and pressure management techniques can be implemented per
availability of network map and key information availability.
Commercial Losses:
The analysis of metered connections, billing structure, tariff structure, billing frequency and
collection will compute the commercial losses. Once computed various options of having a
proper tariff structure and efficient billing and collection mechanisms will be studied.
Build and update financial model to evaluate costs and impact of identified strategic options for
NRW reduction. The capital expenditure and operational expenditure for the water supply
scheme will be studied for past 3 years and further projections will be done for years considering
the NRW reduction program.
City and Utility Administrators shall be consulted on potential business models and options for
financing NRW reduction and their point of view on user charges rationalization.
Designing of recommend improved water tariffs through rationalization of user charges will be
done. The report will cover strategy for progressive reduction of NRW with targeted outcomes
and detailed action plan. It will have roadmap for improvement in current system to achieve the
objectives of the assignment.
This involves review and finalization of business model for NRW reduction, setting up of
reduction target numbers, approach and investment size with involvement of MCT and Utility
It will be followed by designing TOR/ RFP/ Contract documents for finalized and recommended
business model for NRW reduction. In case, the utility decides on implementing the model on
their own, then there will be no TOR/RFP/Contract documents designed.
This will be the final step of data collection, analysis and studying of various NRW reduction
options. Once, the model is finalized with the MCT and other officers, all the findings will be
reported in the consolidated report with all conclusions and assumptions stated. This will be
reviewed with the help of key stakeholders for the engagement.
The city’s water needs are fulfilled through surface water and ground water. The water supply
system for MCT comprises three distinct sources: A Reservoir at Kalyani Dam, Satya Sai
Ganga Canal (SSGC), and scores of “power-bore wells” spread across the city. Of these three
sources, SSGC has been the only reliable source for the past several years owing to the failure
of monsoon rains in the catchment area of Kalyani Dam and a significant drop in water table
within MCT limits as well as chronic repairs associated with power-bore well motors.
Though water needs are met from both surface and ground water sources of water, the city is
largely dependent on two surface sources, namely, Kandaleru Poondi reservoir (KP Canal)
and Kalyani Dam reservoir, located at 32 km and 17 km from Tirupati respectively. Three
ULB’s – Tirupati, Srikalahasti and Venkatagiri are lifting water from KP canal for their drinking
water needs. About 63 MLD is sourced from Kandeluru reservoir.
In addition, MCT supplies water through power bores and hand bores.
The gross demand as given by the Municipal Corporation of Tirupati is 135 LPCD for future
years, and water requirement of Tirupati (MCT) for 2017 is 64.27 MLD with the total
requirement for the residential population being 57.52 MLD and 6.75 MLD for pilgrim
Table 2: Details of Water Source (2011 Data)
Source Name Location WTP Capacity
Surface Water KP Canal Mangalam (2 x 31.5 MLD) 63
Kalyani Dam Kalyani Dam WTP (2 x 7.5 15
Alipiri WTP (1 x 10 MLD) 10
Surface Water
The primary source of raw water for Tirupati city is the Kandeluru Poondi Canal Reservoir
which is also known as KP canal. Another surface water source, Kalyani Dam reservoir, is
located at 17 km from Tirupati.
There are five dams in the vicinity9: Kalyani Dam, Papavinasanam Dam, Gogurbham Dam,
Pasupudara Dam, Kumaradara Dam, Akash Ganga all in the Tirumala Hill ranges.
Primary data collection from MCT
Figure 14: Primary Source of Water-KP Canal Figure 13: KP Canal Pump House
Ground Water
According to the Andhra Pradesh State Groundwater Department publication, the total annual
available groundwater is 17.23 million cu. m. in Tirupati Urban Mandal, of which only 3.24
million cu. m. (19 p.c.) is under-utilization.
The depth of ground water level in Tirupati is 33.97 m. In addition, MCT supplies water through
power bores and hand bores.
6 power bore-wells and 6 hand bore-wells have become defunct as groundwater had gone
down below 600 feet in the city outskirts. The total requirement of the residential, as well as
pilgrim population, is 64.27 MLD as per consultation with MCT.
At present, there are 5 WTPs in MCT - 2 WTPs (31.5 MLD each) (Mangalam) from KP Canal,
2 WTPs (7.5 MLD each) from Kalyani Dam and one Alipri WTP (10 MLD) from Kalyani Dam
are operational.
Table 3: WTP Details at MCT
WTP Source Capacity (MLD)
Mangalam – I KP Canal 31.5
Mangalam – II KP Canal 31.5
Alipiri (Science Centre) Kalyani Dam 10.0
Kalyani Dam WTP – I Kalyani Dam 7.5
Kalyani Dam WTP – II Kalyani Dam 7.5
Total 88
Table 5: Kalyani Dam WTP 1 and 2 Specifications
Specifications Kalyani Dam WTP 1 Kalyani Dam WTP 2
Capacity 7.5 MLD 7.5 MLD
Electrical System 0.75 kW motor- 1 No 0.75 kW motor- 1 No
Flash mixer
Alum Tanks 0.75 kW motors – 2 No 0.75 kW motors – 2 No
Clariflocculator 1.5 kW motors- 1 No 1.5 kW motors- 1 No
0.75 kW motors- 2 No
3.7 kW mono-block pump
Filter Bed 11 kW air blower motors- 1 No 11 kW air blower motors-
1 No
Power Supply Arrangement and Source 11 kV, 3-Phase, 50 Hz line of APSPDCL
Distribution Transformer 415 kV, 3-Phase, 50 Hz from an 11/0.433kV
LT PMCC Panels
Table 6: Alipiri WTP Specifications
Specifications Alipiri WTP
Capacity 10 MLD
Electrical System 0.75 kW motor- 1 No
Flash mixer
Alum Tanks 0.75 kW motors – 2 No
Clariflocculator 1.5kW motors- 2 No
2.2 kW motors- 1 No
Filter Bed 7.5 kW mono-block pump motor- 2 No (for
11 kW air blower motors- 1 No
Power Supply Arrangement and Distribution Source 11 kV, 3-Phase, 50 Hz line of APSPDCL
Transformer 11/0.433 kV, 100 kVA, ONAN,
Dyn11 transformer
LT PMCC Panels
Mangalam WTP
Water is brought to MCT from Kandaleru Poondi Canal Reservoir through a multi-stage
pumping process through transmission network covering more than 32 km of pumping main
Figure 16: Mangalam WTP
The water from KP canal is lifted to the KP canal sump (capacity - 900 KL) and is situated at
34.50 meter from KP canal. The water is then pumped through KP Canal Pump House from
KP Canal Sump to SS Tank - Kailasagiri reservoir through 1200 / 1000mm dia PSC: 2385
meters. There are total of 4 pumps in this pump house, out of which, 3 pumps have flow rate
of 2293 m3/hr., while 4th pump has flowrate of 1170 m3/hr.
Kailasagiri reservoir was commissioned in the year of 1999 with a storage capacity of
5660ML/200 MCFT. The Kailasagiri reservoir is situated at 2385 meter from the KP canal sump.
Kailasagiri reservoir is a summer storage tank which holds water for 8 months during the lean
period (when water quantity is high). The water from Kailasagiri reservoir is pumped through
the Ramapuram pump house; out of the 4 pumps here, 2 pumps have flowrate of 1512 m3/hr.
and other 2 pumps have flow rates of 1476 m3/hr. and 756 m3/hr. respectively. The water is
pumped to Yenadula Sump through a pipe of diameter 1100 mm having length of 2790 m.
Yenadula Sump has an installed capacity of 1500 KL and is situated at an elevated level. As
Yenadula Sump is situated at an elevated level, the gravity force makes the water flow to the
MD Puttur Sump through 1200 mm diameter. The MD Puttur Sump is situated 10 km away and
has total capacity of 1500 KL.
The water from MD Puttur Sump is pumped through 4 pumps of MD Puttur pump house to the
Mangalam Sump through 1100 mm diameter pipeline and length of 13517 m. Out of the 4
pumps here, 3 pumps have flow rate of 1476 m3/hr., whereas 1 pump has flow rate of 738
m3/hr. The Mangalam Sump has capacity of 1500 KL.
The raw water flows for a total distance of about 32 KM from KP Canal Sump to Mangalam
WTP. The Mangalam pump house has 4 pumps which helps lift the water to the Mangalam
WTP through 1200 mm diameter pipeline of length 2925 m. Mangalam WTP has 2 plants of
31.5 MLD capacity each. The treated water flows to clear water reservoir having a capacity of
1200 KL. The water further flows to the Leela Mahal pump house having total capacity of 1000
The Leela Mahal pump house pumps water to 3 ELSR’s i.e. Municipal office ELSR (Capacity
1100 KL), Palani-1 (Capacity 1200 KL) and Palani-2 ELSR (Capacity 1200 KL), hence, total
water to ELSRs through Leela Mahal Pump house is 3600 KL. The water into Palani ELSRs
flows through 600 mm diameter pipeline. The common pipeline for Palani ELSR stretches to
2285 meters. The Leela Mahal pumping station also supplies water to the Municipal Park pump
house having capacity of 2300 KL. It is supplied through a 600-mm diameter pipeline and is
situated at 950 m from Leela Mahal.
The Municipal Park pump house pumps water to the medical college GLSR (Capacity 2000
KL) through 3 pumps, out of which 2 pumps have flow rate of 810 m3/hr. and 1 pump has
capacity of 191.5 m3/hr. The water from Municipal Park pumping house flows for distribution
purpose through 600 mm diameter pipe.
The water from Medical College GLSR is supplied to Central Zone and Central Area through
600 mm diameter pipeline with total length of 950 m. It is also supplied to the Town service at
University GLSR.
Alipiri WTP
A raw water main from Kalyani Dam of 28 km brings raw water from Kalyani Dam to the Alipiri
WTP is located within MCT with a capacity of 10 MLD. The pipeline of 300 mm diameter of
PSC material flows from the Kalyani Dam to the WTP.
Raw water transmission network from Kalyani dam is very close to the WTP, well within the
vicinity of 1 km. There is also a clear water transmission Main of 28-30 km after treatment at
the WTPs I and II at source each having a capacity of 7.5 MLD.
Water from KP Canal is drawn by pumping and from Kalyani Dam by gravity. The size of
transmission lines from the KP Canal source is 1200 mm dia and Kalyani Dam Source is 600
mm dia. All the pipelines in the transmission network are of PSC material.
Table 7: KP Canal to Mangalam WTP RW Transmission Main
1200 MM PSC Pumping Main-1 2.68
1000 MM PSC Pumping Main -2 2.68
1100 MM PSC Pumping Main 2.804
1200 MM PSC Gravity Main 10.934
MD PUTTUR PH TO MANGALAM PH 1100 MM PSC Pumping Main 13.517
Sum length
Description Dia & Material Machinery Details
Table 11: Pumping Station Specifications
Specification Mechanical Electrical components Power Supply Arrangement and
components Distribution
KP Canal 1 No, Pump sets - 200 kW motor, 415V, 3- Source 11 kV, 3-Phase, 50 Hz line
Raw water Discharge – 325 Phase, 50 Hz - 1 No. of APSPDCL
pumping LPS, Head – 32 m 265 kW motors, 415V, Transformer 11/0.433 kV, 500
station- (1W+0S) 3-Phase, 50 Hz - 3 No. kVA, ONAN, Dyn11 – 4 No.
135.28 MLD 3 Nos. (2 w+1 s), 3.7 KW Vacuum motor - Oil Circuit Breaker (OCB) 400 A
for 23.5hours (Discharge – 1 No
pumping 636.7 LPS, Head 1.1 kW motor to control
– 32 m) the operation of the
delivery valve.
Capacitor banks - 100
kVAR (1 number) and
50 kVAR (3 numbers)
Kailasa Giri 1 No, Pump sets - 220 kW motor, 415V, 3- Source 11 kV, 3-Phase, 50 Hz line
Raw Water Discharge – Phase, 50 Hz -1 No of APSPDCL
Pumping 225LPS, Head – 132 kW motor. 415V, 3- Transformer 11/0.433 kV, 500
Station 41 m (1w+0s) Phase, 50 Hz – 3 No kVA, ONAN,
90.00MLD for 3 No, Pump sets - Capacitor bank of 50 Dyn11 outdoor transformer – 1
23.5hours Discharge – 420 kVAR No,11/0.433 kV, 400 kVA,
pumping LPS, Head – ONAN, Dyn11 outdoor
41.83 m (2w+1s) transformer- 1 No.
M D Puttur 3 No, Pump sets - 315 kW motor - 415V, Source 11 kV, 3-Phase, 50 Hz line
Raw Water Discharge – 410 3-Phase, 50 Hz. of APSPDCL
Pumping LPS, Head – 130 kW motors -415V, Transformer 11/0.433 kV, 500
Station- 41.83 m (2w+1s) 3-Phase, 50 Hz, kVA, ONAN, Dyn11 outdoor
86.71 MLD 1No, Pump sets - 3.7 kW Vacuum Motor transformer, 3 No. Soft Starter
for 23.5hours Discharge – 205 MCC Panel panels 315 kW
pumping LPS, Head – 45 m Capacitor banks of 25
Mechanical (1w+0s) kVAR (10 numbers) and
components 25 kVAR (2 numbers)
Mangalam 3 No, Pump sets - 315 kW motor ,415V, 3- Source 11 kV, 3-Phase, 50 Hz line
Raw Water Discharge – 410 Phase, 50 Hz- 2 No of APSPDCL
Pumping LPS, Head – 55 m 180 kW motors 415V, Transformer 11/0.433 kV, 500
Station- (2w+1s) 3-Phase, 50 Hz, - 2 No kVA, ONAN, Dyn11 outdoor
88.50MLD for 1 No, Pump sets - 3.7 KW Vacuum motor transformer- 3 No., LT MCC Panel
23.5hours Discharge – Capacitor banks of 25
pumping 225LPS, Head – kVAR (9 numbers)
55m (1w+0s)
Leela Mahal 225LPS Motors for the pump Source- 11 kV, 3-Phase, 50 Hz,
Water (1W+1S); Head – sets overhead line of APSPDCL
Pumping 15 m; pumping to 2 numbers of 415V, 3- Transformer- 11/0.433 kV, 250
Station Park sump Phase, 50 Hz, 55 kW kVA, ONAN, Dyn11 outdoor
Type of 100LPS (1W+1S); motors transformer
pump: Head – 30 m; 3 numbers of 415V, 3- LT MCC panel- 3 Nos
Horizontal pumping to Phase, 50 Hz, 45 kW
centrifugal Municipal office motors
split case 110LPS (1W+1S); 2 numbers of 415V, 3-
pumps Head – 30 m; Phase, 50 Hz, 37 kW
pumping to Palani motors
talkies 1 number of 415V, 3-
Phase, 50 Hz, 30 kW
There are six existing service reservoirs (3 - ELSR’s and 3 - GLSR’s) of various capacities at
various locations for storage purpose. Details of existing service reservoirs are described in
Table 12
Table 12: ELSR / GLSR Details of Tirupati
SN Location of ELSR / GLSR Capacity (kl)
1 ELSR at Palani talkies – I 1200
2 ELSR at Palani talkies – II 1200
3 ELSR near Municipal office 1100
4 GLSR at Municipal park 2300
5 GLSR Medical college 3000
6 GLSR at S.V University Campus (BP Tank/TSR) 1600
Total capacity 10400
Water Connections
Revenue Ward no. Total no. of records Total Water Tax Amount* (Rs.)
21 39 1,16,582
22 3 13,800
23 26 1,06,450
Total 2318 137,37,715
*Values mentioned are half yearly from Oct’16 to March’17
Detailed survey of source and WTPs along with transmission line was conducted by the team,
above are few pictures from the site.
The details of the 5 DMAs finalized in consultation with MCT are tabulated below:
The Details of Existing distribution pipe line network in Tirupati is tabulated below:
The primary objective of the activity was to identify all flow measurement points of the system
to be able to assess the volume of water supplied into the project area. Following methodology
was adopted while implementing the activity –
Identification of all pipes crossing the boundaries of the project area from the
existing map of the system. Conduct field investigations and discussions with MCT
Identification of the trunk mains crossing the project area without tapping points in
the area
Identification of the inlet pipes crossing the project area with an objective to limit
the number of flow meters to be installed to assess input volume to the project area
Identification and excavation of the best location to install flow meters considering
traffic and technical constraints for flow measurement
Assessment of flow input in the project area
As per above strategy we are conduct site survey with MCT officials and installed UFM meters
at all selected locations with the presence of MCT representative
Temporary meter was installed at the entry point of DMA to measure the total inflow of water
for the DMA. This measurement was done for the same number of days as DMA study period
to get the average flow measurement for all considered DMAs.
At Medical Park GLSR DMA-1, it was observed that there are 2 no’s of inlet of water for DMA.
The readings from meters installed at inlet are tabulated below,
At Municipal Park GLSR DMA-2, there are 2 nos of inlet of water for DMA. (One from Municipal
Park GLSR and another from Medical College GLSR).and 3 nos of Outlets. It is observed that
from Municipal Park GLSR, supplied daily water to the consumers and from Medical College
GLSR alternate day supply. Hence we are segregate DMA into Two parts. (i.e. Municipal Park
DMA Part-I & Part-II) The readings from meters installed at inlet are tabulated below,
Table 24: Municipal Park DMA (Part-I) Inlet study & Analysis
Table 28: Municipal Park DMA (Part-II) Inlet study & Analysis
Location Total per day Supply (MLD)
DMA Inlet_1 (From Medical College GLSR) 0.482
(A) Total Water at entry point of DMA (MLD) 0.482
DMA Outlet_1 0.116
DMA Outlet_2 0.056
(B) Total Water Output in DMA (MLD) 0.173
Total Water Available for consumer in DMA (MLD) (A-
At Palani ELSR-1 DMA-3, it was observed that there are 2 no’s of inlet of water for DMA. The
readings from meters installed at inlet are tabulated below,
At Palani ELSR-2 DMA-4, it was observed that there are 2 no’s of inlet of water for DMA. The
readings from meters installed at inlet are tabulated below,
At TMC ELSR DMA-5, it was observed that there are 2 no’s of inlet of water for DMA. The
readings from meters installed at inlet are tabulated below,
This is as follows
The primary objective of the activity was to identify all flow measurement points of the system
to be able to assess the volume of water supplied into the project area. Following methodology
was adopted while implementing the activity –
Identification of all pipes crossing the boundaries of the project area from the
existing map of the system. Conduct field investigations and discussions with MCT
Identification of the trunk mains crossing the project area without tapping points in
the area
Identification of the inlet pipes crossing the project area with an objective to limit
the number of flow meters to be installed to assess input volume to the project area
Identification and excavation of the best location to install flow meters considering
traffic and technical constraints for flow measurement
Assessment of flow input in the project area
As observed, the project area is being supplied by two sources i.e. Kalyani dam and
Kandaleru-Pondi (KP) Canal.
There is SCADA system installed in the line from KP Canal to Leela Mahal Pump house. The
system is used for monitoring purpose.
Please note that as per discussion with Municipal Corporation of Tirupati, no flow
measurements were done from KP Canal to Ramapuram Pump house inlet. At Ramapuram
Pump house outlet, the meter was installed.
Clamp on type ultrasonic flow meters were installed at the inlet points to measure / compare
the actual flow.
Ceinsys Tech has performed flow measurement activity at various inlet and outlet points of
the project area to assess the total system input volume in the project area and results for the
same are mentioned in following sections.
Mangalam WTP
Section wise flow measurement has been carried out at various stages from the Ramapuram
raw water pump house to the mangalam WTP inlet. Flow measurement Readings at these
points are tabulated below,
Flow Measurement at Ramapuram raw water pump house
Flow Measurement Sheet
Location:- Ramapuram Pump House Outlet
Time Flow (M3/hr.) Totaliser (M3) Remarks
08:00 2411 291 Pump No. 1 & 2 Running
09:00 2423 2706 Light off @ 9:44, Light on @ 9:55
10:00 2432 5135 Pump No. 2 off @ 10:24
11:00 1715 6847 Pump No. 2 on @ 11:05
12:00 2397 9236 Pump No. 2 off @ 12:17
13:00 1665 10898
14:00 1732 12627 Pump No. 2 on @ 14:00
15:00 2433 15053 Pump No. 2 off @ 15:35
16:00 1664 16712 Light off @ 16:43, Light on @ 16:48
17:00 1683 18392
18:00 1677 20061
19:00 1668 21718
20:00 1657 23368 Pump No. 2 on @ 20:12
21:00 2421 25783
22:00 2430 28209 Pump No. 2 off @ 22:20
23:00 1719 29922
00:00 1698 31609 Pump No. 2 on @ 00:40
01:00 1692 33300 Pump No. 2 off @ 00:45
02:00 1690 34987
03:00 1678 36655
04:00 1692 38343 Pump No. 2 on @ 04:05
05:00 2417 40750
06:00 2419 43159 Pump No. 2 off @ 06:30
07:00 1678 44828
08:00 1663 46482
1685.69 1 Pump Running
Avg. Flow (M3/hr.)
2420.33 2 Pumps Running
Total Flow 46.191 MLD
As per above measurement Ramapuram pump House lifted water to Yenadula sump is 46.191
Figure 20: Ramapuram Pump House Flow Measurement Figure 21: Mangalam Pump House Flow Measurement
Alipiri WTP
The total capacity of Kalyani Dam is 25 million cubic meters. The raw water from Kalyani Dam
flows by gravity to the existing Kalyani Dam and Alipiri WTP.
Flow measurement readings were taken at Kalyani Dam outlet. At Alipiri WTP inlet, since no
meter could be installed due to PSC pipeline, Rectangular notch method was used to take the
measurements. Readings are tabulated below,
Figure 22: Kalyani Dam Raw Water for Alipiri WTP Figure 23: Alipiri WTP inlet flow measurement by
Rectangular Notch Method
There are 2 WTPs at this location of 7.5 MLD capacities each supplying water to Tirumala
and other areas. The distance between the dam and inlet of the WTP is very less and hence,
it is assumed that there is no water loss between Kalyani Dam outlet to WTP inlet.
Ultrasonic flow meter was installed on inlet line of 400 mm dia CI pipe at both WTPs for 24
hrs. The results of flow measurement activity are as below; -
Flow Measurement at Kalyani Dam New WTP Inlet
Flow Measurement Sheet
Kalyani New WTP Inlet
Time Flow (M3/hr) Totaliser (M3) Remarks
11:00 250.8 110
12:00 270.3 370
13:00 305.6 700
14:00 308.4 1012
15:00 313.3 1306
16:00 250.3 1602
17:00 301.2 1892
18:00 296.6 2152
19:00 297.9 2434
20:00 304.1 2702
21:00 301.8 2975
22:00 297.6 3333
23:00 303.5 3487
0:00 294.7 3662
1:00 260.1 3931
2:00 259.3 4196
3:00 232.8 4426
4:00 266.5 4696
5:00 241.6 4950
6:00 243.2 5195
7:00 261.3 5468
8:00 253.2 5711
9:00 249.1 5962
10:00 228.9 6196
11:00 259.1 6463
Avg. Flow (M /hr) 274.05 6353 m3
Total Flow 6.353 MLD
As per above measurement at Kalyani Dam New WTP Inlet is 6.353 MLD.
Mangalam WTP
Mangalam WTP outlet is 800 mm diameter PSC pipeline. No meter could be installed and
hence WTP outlet reading couldn’t be measured. Backwash Losses: 0.9 MLD
Alipiri WTP
Alipiri WTP outlet is PSC pipeline, hence, no meter could be installed. Backwash Losses:
0.2 MLD
Since, meter installation was not possible, exact losses within WTP could not be computed.
Section 5.7.3 notes losses within this WTP and PW transmission loss cumulatively.
From Mangalam WTP, MCT has provided for clear water supply to Daminedu Village and
other area like Auto Nagar etc. 450 mm dia AC pipeline from clear water sump for supply to
Daminedu village and other area. Since, meter installation was not possible due to AC
pipeline, hence ultrasonic flow meter was installed on 250 mm DI line tapping from 450 mm
AC for Auto Nagar & Other Area supply and Daminedu ELSR inlet 400 mm CI pipeline. There
are 6:00 am to 1:00 pm supply for 1st day and 6:00 am to 11:00 am supply for 2nd day.
Flow meters were installed at both locations. Details readings are tabulated below,
Flow Measurement @ Auto Nagar & Other Area Tapping
Flow Measurement Sheet
Location:- Daminedu Tapping for Auto Nagar & Other Area
Time Flow (M3/hr) Totaliser (M3) Remarks
6:20 224.7 7
6:30 216.8 65
7:00 171.9 165
7:30 142.5 238
8:00 157.8 306
8:30 161.3 389
9:00 157.9 468
9:30 153.6 547
10:00 156.7 621
10:30 144.3 698
11:00 149.5 774
11:30 148.3 848
12:00 168.3 927
12:30 226.3 1023
13:00 223.5 1137
13:30 50.60 1221
Avg. Flow (M3/hr) 165.9 1156 m3
1.16 1.156 ML for 6-7 Hrs. (1st Day Supply)
Avg. Flow (ML)
1.82 1.82 ML for 11 Hrs. (2nd Day Supply)
Avg.Flow Per Day 1.49 1.486 MLD
Hence, The Average flow per day for Auto Nagar & other area is 1.486 MLD.
Hence the total clear water available for palani ELSR is 14.196 MLD.
3 TTD 2.489
Total 43.524
Thus, total loss from Mangalam WTP inlet to the pump houses after pure water transmission will be
Mangalam WTP inlet reading – (Back wash loss + Pump house readings)
= 44.625 – (0.9+43.524)
= 0.201 MLD (0.45%)
Please note, above mentioned losses include losses within WTP as well.
Leela Mahal pump house water flows into Municipal Park GLSR, Palani Office ELSR and
Municipal Office ELSR. Flow measurement readings are tabulated below,
Flow Measurement at Palani-1 & 2 ELSR
Palani ELSR received water from leela Mahal pumping station. Palani-1 and Palani-2 ELSR
having Capacity is 1200 KL each is located at Tirupati city. Ultrasonic flow meter was installed
at Palani-1 & 2 inlets. Details of measurement are given below,
Flow Measurement for Palani-1 ELSR
Flow Measurement Sheet
Palani ELSR-1 Inlet
Time Flow (M3/hr.) Totaliser (M3) Remarks
17:30 284.3 118
18:30 286.2 407
19:30 279.5 681
20:30 284.9 971
21:30 281.4 1252
22:30 283.3 1535
23:30 277.6 1813
0:30 279.0 2092
1:30 281.1 2374
2:30 284.8 2657
3:30 284.2 2941
4:30 278.7 3221
5:30 281.4 3503
6:30 280.6 3778
7:30 285.9 4068
8:30 277.6 4348
9:30 284.5 4632
10:30 296.9 4927
11:30 285.3 5214
12:30 284.0 5497
The pure water from WTP flows to Medical GLSR. Bulk meter was installed at the inlet of
Medical GLSR. Readings and loss computations are tabulated below,
Flow Measurement at Medical college GLSR
Medical College GLSR received water from Alipiri WTP. Medical College GLSR having
Capacity is 3000 KL is located at Tirupati city. Ultrasonic flow meter was installed at Medical
College. Details of measurement are given below,
Flow Measurement Sheet
Medical GLSR Inlet (Alipiri WTP Supply)
Time Flow (M3/hr) Totaliser (M3) Remarks
11:00 813.4 12387
12:00 807.8 13197
13:00 814.2 14011
14:00 822.1 14828
15:00 813.4 15647
16:00 810.3 16452
16:30 789.4 16854
17:00 3.76 16872
18:00 4.83 16879
19:00 3.97 16885
20:00 4.08 16889
21:00 4.91 16893
22:00 4.66 16898
23:00 4.32 16902
0:00 3.96 16905
1:00 3.57 16909
2:00 4.73 16915
3:00 4.31 16919
3:56 783.7 16951
4:00 772.2 17010
5:00 788.4 17797
6:00 790.3 18563
7:00 795.3 19387
8:00 782.5 20163
9:00 812.2 20981
10:00 828.3 21809
11:00 795.2 22606
Avg. Flow (M /hr) 801.17 10219 m3
Total Flow 10.219 MLD
As per above measurement total inlet Supply from Alipiri WTP to Medical College GLSR is
10.219 MLD.
No meters could be installed at Kalyani Dam WTP outlet due to PSC pipeline. Instead, an
ultrasonic flow meter was installed inside Zoo Park where a DI pipeline (dia 600mm) was
available instructed by MCT officials. Readings are tabulated below,
Flow Measurement at ZOO Park (Kalyani Dam WTP Outlet Line)
Flow Measurement Sheet
Kalyani Dam WTP common Outlet @ Zoo Park
Time Flow (M3/hr) Totaliser (M3) Remarks
11:00 424.6 764
12:00 431.5 1189
13:00 428.2 1613
14:00 424.7 2033
15:00 398.1 2449
16:00 331.1 2813
17:00 402.1 3200
18:00 407.7 3609
19:00 410.3 4016
20:00 430.9 4451
Avg. Flow (M3/hr) 408.92 3687 m3
Total Flow 9.832 MLD
As per above measurement total outlet Supply from Kalyani Dam WTP received at Zoo Park
is 9.832 MLD.
Sectionwise water losses (Kalyani DAm WTP TO Zoo Park)
SN Location Flow (MLD)
1 Kalyani Dam WTP inlet 11.745
2 Backwash Losses 0.25
4 Zoo Park DI Pipeline 9.832
Thus, total loss from Kalyani Dam WTP inlet to the Zoo Park (in the pure water transmission line) will
Kalyani WTP inlet reading – (Back wash loss + Zoo Park Reading)
= 11.745 – (0.25 + 9.832)
= 1.663 MLD (14.15%)
Figure 28: Flow Measurement at Zoo Park from Kalyani Dam WTP
Please note, above mentioned losses include losses within WTP as well.
Through the zoo park pipeline, the water gets supplied to BP tank, TSR and LS Nagar ELSR
Readings are tabulated below,
Flow Measurement at BP Tank / TSR
Flow Measurement Sheet
BP Tank Location
Time Flow (M3/hr) Totaliser (M3) Remarks
11:00 391.6 3238
12:00 385.2 3644
13:00 395.3 4010
14:00 381.6 4389
15:00 368.9 4752
16:00 295.5 4086
17:00 369.4 5421
18:00 374.1 5777
19:00 375.3 6152
20:00 400.5 6535
21:00 400.6 6929
22:00 414.5 7329
23:00 402.6 7725
0:00 405.6 8116
1:00 405.9 8530
2:00 411.2 8919
3:00 401.5 9308
4:00 405.9 9732
5:00 371.1 10132
6:00 376.1 10505
7:00 371.2 10871
The volume of treated water input to that part of the water supply system to which the water
balance10 calculation relates.
System Input Volume = Own Sources + Water Imported
Own Sources: The volume of (treated) water input to a distribution system from the
water supplier’s own sources allowing for known errors (for example source meter
inaccuracies). The quantity should be measured after the utility’s treatment plant(s). If
there are no meters installed after the treatment plant, the output must be estimated
based on raw water input and treatment losses. In case of Tirupati, we are taking raw
water intake as system input volume to the water supply system
It is important to note that water losses at raw water transmission pipelines and losses
during the treatment process are not part of the Annual Water Balance calculations
shown in this report. However, a separate audit of the transmission system and water
treatment works can be performed if desired.
Water Imported: The volume of bulk supplies imported across operational boundaries.
Water imported can be either
o Measured at the boundary meter (if already treated)
o Measured at the outflow of the treatment plant (if raw water is imported and
there is a separate treatment plant)
o In either case, corrected for known errors (for example transfer meter
Real Loss Component Analysis by Water Research Foundation
to note that water losses at raw water transmission systems and losses during the
treatment process are not part of the Annual Water Balance calculations. In case the
utility has no distribution input meters, or they are not used, and the key meters are
the raw water input meters, because these are the meters that they buy the raw water
on, the system input must be based on the raw water meters and treatment plant
use/loss has to be considered
As per as Is Assessment, Tirupati water supply scheme draws water from two sources – KP
Canal & Kalyani Dam. Here, system input volume is considered as sum of both –
During the study, portable clamp on type portable ultra-sonic flow meters were used for taking
the reading on quantum of water flowing through. The readings were taken by deploying teams
with the instruments at various stages for measurement for total of 24 hours period. The
results of the study on surface water were elaborated in the 1st interim report summarized
Table 40: Raw Water Intake from 1st Interim
S. N. Water Source Raw water Intake (MLD)
System Input Volume = 70.777 MLD
Following photographs and flow diagram shows our physical efforts at the time of flow
measurement activity.
Leakage monitoring requires the installation of flow meters at strategic points throughout the
distribution system, each meter recording flows into a discrete district which has a defined and
permanent boundary. Such a discrete district is known as District Metered Area. Each DMA
should have a boundary with permanently closed boundary valves with one or more inflow
points equipped with bulk meters. Each DMA is a hydraulically separate portion of the
Studying above criteria and as per present existing properties (i-e 91811 Nos) the
proposed DMA for NRW reduction are 37 Nos, hence following 5 DMAs (as per RFP
sample DMAs shall be minimum 5% of proposed DMA) have been identified in
consultation with MCT.
No. of
DMA Zone No. of HSC DMA Study DMA Study
DMA name Population Properties
no. No. in DMA Start date End date
in DMA
Medical ELSR
1 4 3920 694 512 30-Jan-18 5-Feb-18
Municipal Park
1806 295 168 5-Jan-18 7-Jan-18
DMA (Part-I)
2 5
Municipal Park
1451 269 172 14-Feb-18 18-Feb-18
DMA (Part-II)
3 Palani-1 DMA 2 2680 388 218 23-Feb-18 28-Feb-18
4 Palani -2 DMA 2 5270 1174 804 2-Mar-18 6-Mar-18
5 TMC DMA 2 1223 231 143 21-Feb-18 26-Feb-18
Total 16350 3051 2017
Table 41: Identified Dmas In Tirupati
Initially we started consumer survey at selected DMA’s for understanding the consumer
behavior as well as basic information which is useful for NRW analysis.
The collected survey data included:
Name of the consumer
Consumer house number/GIS plot ID
Water supply timings
Number of persons per connection
Number of domestic, industrial, institutional and non-domestic consumers
Distribution of consumers based on the floor levels of their properties
Date and time of survey
Consumer survey was conducted in both DMAs to gauge the demand and supply side
parameters from end users’ perspective. The survey helped build understanding on
interruptions, continuation, connection, billing, etc.
The survey is conducted with the help of a mobile application. The mobile application is GIS
enabled which tracks the properties surveyed in real time. This app is developed to increase
the accuracy of results and minimize human intervention.
Based on the above information and consumer survey results for study of DMA analysis is
tabulated below.
We have conducted detailed study including measurement of discharge at household level for
NRW assessment. The area for the study has been finalized in consultation with the MCT.
Temporary Consumer meters were installed at sample connections. Temporary water meters
were installed at entry point of the selected DMA. Water supplied to the sub DMA and water
consumed by the consumer in that sub DMA was quantified on top priority as these are
important quantities of the water audit. Based on above activity we have installed consumer
water meters in both DMA’s and taken readings for the mentioned time duration on daily basis.
Following snap shows installation of consumer meters:
Table 42: Consumer Survey Statistics
Grand 82 71 33 10 103
1945 0 1 31 41 2018 22 12
Total 3 9 5 7 3
DMA No. DMA Name Supply (MLD) Loss (MLD) Losses in %
Medical ELSR
1 1.018 0.741 0.277 27.23%
Municipal Park
2 0.948 0.604 0.344 36.25%
DMA (Part-I & II)
3 Palani-1 DMA 0.353 0.251 0.103 29.05%
4 Palani -2 DMA 1.304 0.922 0.382 29.31%
5 TMC DMA 0.128 0.116 0.012 9.41%
The DMA study shows that TMC DMA has LPCD of 95.37 and Palani-1 DMA has LPCD of
103.75 which is 29.35% and 23.15% respectively below standard LPCD of 135. When
compared with other 3 DMAs, Medical College has LPCD of 180.26, Municipal Park (Part-I)
has LPCD of 171.85, Municipal Park (Part-II) has LPCD of 182.68 and Palani-2 has LPCD of
151.65. This proves that Tirupati doesn’t have equitable water supply system.
MCT water supply scheme should take this up on priority to resolve the issues on ground by
taking corrective action.
As per above study there is 147.59 LPCD rate which is extrapolated to 40886 connections as
per data which is provided by MCT, also it is clear that there is average 6.911 persons per
property/per connection and results are extrapolated below:
Table 50: LPCD Extrapolation and Revenue Water Calculations
No of Connections Average population Total authorised
as per MCT per property consumption (MLD)
147.59 40886 6.911 41.708
Data and measurement is analyzed to develop the water and cost balance sheet.
As per as Is Assessment, Tirupati water supply scheme draws water from two sources – KP Canal &
Kalyani Dam. Here, system input volume is considered as sum of both –
During the study, portable clamp on type portable ultra-sonic flow meters were used for taking the
reading on quantum of water flowing through. The readings were taken by deploying teams with the
instruments at various stages for measurement for total of 24 hours’ period. The results of the study
on surface water were elaborated in the 1st interim report summarized below.
Table 51: Raw Water Intake from 1st Interim
S. N. Water Source Raw water Intake (MLD)
1 Ramapuram PH for Mangalam WTP 46.191
2 Kalyani Dam for Alipiri WTP 12.841
3 Kalyani Dam for Kalyani Dam WTP 11.745
Total (MLD) 70.777
Authorized Consumption
The volume of metered and / or unmetered water taken by registered customers, the water
supplier and others who are implicitly or explicitly authorized to do so by the water supplier,
for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. It also includes water exported across
operational boundaries.
Authorized consumption may include items such as firefighting and training, flushing of mains
and sewers, street cleaning, watering of municipal gardens, public fountains, frost protection,
building water, etc. These may be billed or unbilled, metered or unmetered.
Those components of Authorized Consumption which are billed and produce revenue (also
known as Revenue Water). Equal to Billed Metered Consumption plus Billed Unmetered
Please note that average quantity is considered for billing as per consumer data.
All metered consumption which is also billed. This includes all groups of customers such as
domestic, commercial, industrial or institutional and includes water transferred across
operational boundaries (water exported) which is metered and billed.
In Tirupati with 2318 metered at consumer end as per data provided by MCT.
Table 52: Billed Metered Consumption
No of Metered Average Total authorised
LPCD Connections as population per consumption
per MCT property (MLD)
147.59 2318 6.91 16017 2.365
Billed metered consumption is 2.365 MLD
All billed consumption which is calculated based on estimates or norms but is not metered.
This might be a very small component in fully metered systems (for example billing based on
estimates for the period a customer meter is out of order) but can be the key consumption
component in systems without universal metering. This component might also include water
transferred across operational boundaries (water exported) which is unmetered but billed.
In Tirupati 40886 connections as per data which is provided by MCT, out of these 2318
connection are metered and remaining 38568 connections are unmetered.
Table 53: Billed Un-Metered Consumption
No of Un-Metered Connections Connected authorised
LPCD population
as per MCT population consumption
per property
147.59 38568 6.91 266505 39.344
Those components of Authorized Consumption which are legitimate but not billed and
therefore do not produce revenue. Equal to Unbilled Metered Consumption plus Unbilled
Unmetered Consumption.
Public stand post water supply
Tanker water supply
Corporation offices, Schools, Hospitals.
Public Parks & Gardens (old)
Public Urinals and toilets.
There are total 3196 stand posts in Tirupati city. Average consumption of Stand post as per
DMA Study is 1304.51 Liters
Total consumption of all Stand Post = 3196 X 1304.51
= 4169205 Liters = 4.169 MLD
MCT supplies the water to consumers and for public toilet using tanker supply as per demand,
Medical College GLSR only used for emergency for Tanker Supply.
TMC ELSR not used for Tanker Supply.
Billed Metered
Billed Consumption
Authorized Authorized (2.365 MLD)
System Consumption Consumption 3.34% Revenue Water (41.708 MLD)
Input (46.375 (41.708 58.93%
Volume MLD) MLD)
70.777 65.52% 58.93% Billed Un
MLD Metered
(39.344 MLD)
Water Loss Unbilled Metered Non-Revenue Water (29.069
(24.402 Authorized Consumption MLD)
MLD) Consumption (NIL) 41.07%
34.48% (4.667 MLD) 0.00%
6.59% Unbilled Un
(4.667 MLD)
Water Losses
The difference between System Input Volume and Authorized Consumption. Water losses can
be considered as a total volume for the entire system, or for partial systems such as
transmission or distribution systems, or individual zones. Water Losses consist of Real Losses
and Apparent Losses.
Water Losses = System Input Volume - Authorized Consumption
= 70.777 – 46.375
= 24.402 MLD
Apparent Loss
Includes all types of inaccuracies associated with customer metering as well as data handling
errors (meter reading and billing), plus unauthorized consumption (theft or illegal use). It is
important to note that reducing apparent losses will not reduce physical water losses but will
recover lost revenue. Note: Over-registration of customer meters, leads to under-estimation
of Real Losses. Under-registration of customer meters, leads to over-estimation of Real
Apparent Losses = Un-authorized Consumption + Metering Inaccuracies
Un-authorized Consumption:
Metering Inaccuracies:
Raw Water Measurement Losses
Losses at Pump House
Measurement Losses in Distribution System
In Tirupati city, there are 2318 metered connection at consumer end as per data provided by
MCT. Mostly meters are damaged, not working condition. Hence we have considered 7%
metering inaccuracies across the water consumer metered.
Customer Billing Inaccuracies = 7% (Billed Metered consumption) = 2.365 X 7% = 0.165 MLD
Real Losses
Physical water losses from the pressurized system and the utility’s storage tanks, up to the
point of customer use. In metered systems this is the customer meter. In unmetered situations
this is the first point of use within the property. The annual volume lost through all types of
leaks, breaks and overflows depends on frequencies, flow rates, and average duration of
individual leaks, breaks and overflows.
Note: Although physical losses, after the point of customer use, are excluded from the
assessment of Real Losses, this does not necessarily mean that they are not significant or
worthy of attention for demand management purpose.
Real Losses = Water losses – Apparent losses
=24.402 – 2.132 = 22.270 MLD
Leakages in Pure water transmission and Distribution Losses & leakages on service
connections up to point of customer connections using top down approach.
Following table shows the Water Balance Diagram in this we calculate combine pure water
transmission loss including leakages and overflow and distribution loss.
At present it has been observed that Tirupati water supply utility supplying water in intermittent
supply hour pattern. Hence obtaining minimum night flow condition not possible, due to that
assessment of leakage level not possible vide bottom up leakage assessment. Hence in this
study water balance derived by Top down approach. Also comparison of error margin between
both approaches cannot be derived.
Particulars Units
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Average
Fixed Cost
Establishment Cost (Permanent) Lakhs Rs. 53.18 41.59 0.00 31.59
Establishment Cost (Contract) Lakhs Rs. 300.00 259.89 352.30 304.06
O & M Cost Lakhs Rs. 329.28 326.76 331.29 329.11
Administration Cost Lakhs Rs. 12.40 12.40 16.20 13.67
Fixed Cost (A) Lakhs Rs. 694.86 640.64 699.79 678.43
Variable Cost
Energy & Fuel Cost Lakhs Rs. 950.00 1339.30 1274.97 1188.09
Chemical Cost Lakhs Rs. 60.00 75.00 69.46 68.15
Variable Cost (B) Lakhs Rs. 1010.00 1414.30 1344.43 1256.24
Total Expenditure (A+B) Lakhs Rs. 1704.86 2054.94 2044.22 1934.67
Particulates Units
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Average
Water Tax Lakhs Rs. 440 1158.37 974.27 857.55
Connection related Fee Lakhs Rs. 327.5 736.16 615.53 559.73
Total Revenue 767.50 1894.53 1589.80 1417.28
For self-sustainability of scheme deficit should be Zero. Statements of Expenditure & Revenue
collection of Water supply section for last three financial years are as follows.
Particulates Units
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Average
Total Revenue Lakhs Rs. 767.50 1894.53 1589.80 1417.28
Total Expenditure Lakhs Rs. 1704.86 2054.94 2044.22 1934.67
Deficit Millions Rs. (937.4) (160.4) (454.4) (517.4)
% 54.98% 7.81% 22.23% 26.74%
As per above table average deficit of water supply is 517.4 lakh which is 26.74%.
99 | P a g e
The MCT has been operating with cost recovery of 77.77% in 2015-16. The financials at the
operation level and budget trends can be seen in the following table.
Particulates Units
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Average
Water Tax Lakhs Rs. 440 1158.37 974.27 857.55
Connection related Fee Lakhs Rs. 327.5 736.16 615.53 559.73
Total Revenue 767.50 1894.53 1589.80 1417.28
Particulars Units
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Average
Fixed Cost
Establishment Cost (Permanent) Lakhs Rs. 53.18 41.59 0.00 31.59
Establishment Cost (Contract) Lakhs Rs. 300.00 259.89 352.30 304.06
O & M Cost Lakhs Rs. 329.28 326.76 331.29 329.11
Administration Cost Lakhs Rs. 12.40 12.40 16.20 13.67
Fixed Cost (A) Lakhs Rs. 694.86 640.64 699.79 678.43
Variable Cost
Energy & Fuel Cost Lakhs Rs. 950.00 1339.30 1274.97 1188.09
Chemical Cost Lakhs Rs. 60.00 75.00 69.46 68.15
Variable Cost (B) Lakhs Rs. 1010.00 1414.30 1344.43 1256.24
Total Expenditure (A+B) Lakhs Rs. 1704.86 2054.94 2044.22 1934.67
Demand & Recovery statements are collected for three years from MCT for analysis of
average annual recovery and results are tabulated below.
Table 58: Average Annual Recovery
It is also important that the revenue is collected in the same financial year, without allowing
for dues to get accumulated as arrears. It is therefore critical to monitor this indicator. The
benchmark value for Collection Efficiency may be considered at 90%, since it is possible
that about 10% of the dues may be delayed to the next year.
100 | P a g e
800.00 30.0%
400.00 15.0%
0.00 0.0%
(upto 14th March 2018)
Demand 1088.96 1005.21
Recovery 361.87 424.09
% Recovery 33.23% 42.19%
As per above Figure collection efficiency is 42.19% for the current financial year i.e. 2017-
18. (Up to 14th March 2018)
Calculation of cost is based on actual system input which is (70.777 MLD X 1000 X 365 days
= 25833605 m3/year)
Particulars Units
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Fixed Cost
Establishment Cost (Permanent) Rs./M3 0.21 0.16 0.00
Establishment Cost (Contract) Rs./M 1.16 1.01 1.36
O & M Cost Rs./M 1.27 1.26 1.28
Administration Cost Rs./M 0.05 0.05 0.06
Fixed Cost (A) Rs./M3 2.48 2.32 2.71
Variable Cost
Energy & Fuel Cost Rs./M3 3.68 5.18 4.94
Chemical Cost Rs./M 0.23 0.29 0.27
Variable Cost (B) Rs./M 3.91 5.47 5.20
Cost of Water A+B Rs./M 6.39 7.79 7.91
As per above table, 7.91 Rs. /M3 is production cost of water in the year 2015-16.
101 | P a g e
The urban sector is being increasingly recognized as a critical growth driver for the Indian
economy. The share of population residing in urban areas is also witnessing rapid growth—
from 28 per cent in 2001, it is projected to rise to 38 per cent by 2026. Basic service levels,
however, remain well below desired levels.
Investment in infrastructure has not always resulted in commensurate outcomes. There is
a need for a shift in focus from infrastructure creation to delivery of service outcomes. The
service level benchmarks for the urban water sector have been formulated in this context.
Service level benchmarks can broadly be defined as a minimum set of standard
performance parameters that are commonly understood and used by all stakeholders
across the country.
Benchmarking is now well recognized as an important mechanism for performance
management and accountability in service delivery. It involves the measuring and
monitoring of service provider performance on a systematic and continuous basis.
Sustained benchmarking can help utilities to identify performance gaps and introduce
improvements through the sharing of information and best practices, ultimately resulting in
better services to people.
Recognizing its importance, the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government
of India, has launched the Service Level Benchmarking (SLB) initiative covering water
supply, wastewater, solid waste management (SWM) and storm water drainage.
A Handbook on Service Level Benchmarking has been developed and released by the
MoUD. It seeks to:
Identify a minimum set of standard performance parameters for the water and sanitation
sector that are commonly understood and used by all stakeholders across the country;
This report provides the assessment of baseline service level benchmark which is summarized
as following:
1) Coverage of Water Supply connections
2) Per Capita Supply of Water
3) Extent of Non-Revenue Water
4) Extent of Metering
5) Continuity of Water supplied
6) Efficiency in Redressal of customer complaint
102 | P a g e
This refers to the percentage of households having direct water service connections in the
service area. This gives the number of houses having water connection out of 100 houses.
The minimum level acceptable standard for a water supply service should be a direct piped
connection for water supply in every house. Thus, benchmark value for this performance
indicator should be 100 percent.
The total number of households (not properties) in the service area can be calculated from
cadastre maps supplemented through actual ground level surveys. Data can be collected
during surveys carried out for property tax, or other such purposes. The households having
water supply connection should also be calculated. In this, the households supplied water
through public stand posts or tankers and those completely dependent on other water sources
such as bore wells, open wells, etc., should not be included as water provision to households
(urban poor or otherwise), at common public stand posts cannot be considered as an
acceptable/long-term permanent service provision standard.
Coverage = (b/a) * 100
Where a = Number of households in service area
b = Total number of households with direct water service connections
It implies the total amount of water (in litres) supplied per person per day in the service area
served by the urban local body. This frequently used performance indicator provides an overall
indication of the efficiency of the water supply to meet the needs of the citizens in the city. The
benchmark value for this indicator is 135 LPCD.
Daily quantities of water supplied to the service area should be measured through metering,
and records maintained. The total supply for month is aggregated from daily quantum and
then divided by number of days in that month. The number of people in the service area served
by the utility should be obtained. Also, tourist population estimates should also be included
which can be computed based on bed capacity of hotels, and occupancy rates.
Per capita water supplied = (b/a) * 100
Where a = Daily quantity of water put into the distribution system excluding bulk water supplied
in litres
b = Total number of people in the service area served by the ULB
This indicates the total number of functional metered water connections expressed as a
percentage of the total number of water supply connections including public standpost
connections i.e. the number of metered water supply connections among 100 water supply
connections. The supply of potable water to citizens at their doorstep involves significant costs
for building, operating and maintaining a system. Metering will induce efficiency in use of
water, reveal physical and administrative leakages in the system, and enable high-end
103 | P a g e
This can be defined as the difference between the total water produced and the total water
sold expressed as a percentage of the total water produced. This indicator highlights the
extent of water produced which does not earn the utility any revenue. The reduction in NRW
to acceptable levels is vital for the financial sustainability of the water utility. The benchmark
value for NRW is considered as 20%.
Daily quantities of treated water input into the distribution system should be measured through
metering, and records on the transmission and distribution system. The total supply for the
month should be based on the aggregate of the daily quantum. Similarly, the actual volume of
water supplied to customers who are billed for the water provided should be calculated.
NRW = [(a - b) / a] * 100
Where a = Total System Input Volume treated and distributed into the transmission and
distribution system
b = Total water sold
It is measured as the average number of hours of pressurised water supply per day with water
pressure equal to or more than a head of 7 metre at the meter point for the connection. A
number of studies have demonstrated the negative fallouts of designing and operating a
system for intermittent water supply. So, the benchmark value for this indicator is 24 hours.
The number of hours of supply in each operational zone (or DMA) should be measured
continuously for a period of seven days. The average of the seven days should be considered
for that month. Measurement should exclude hours of supply where the pressure is less than
the minimum standards for piped water supply.
Calculations –
a) Number of hours of supply in each zone (or DMA)
This is measured as the percentage of water samples that meet or exceed the specified
potable water standards, as defined by the Central Public Health and Environmental
Engineering Organization (CPHEEO) i.e. the number of samples which satisfy the specified
potable water standards out of 100 tested samples. Poor water quality can pose serious public
104 | P a g e
health hazards. Therefore, this performance indicator must be regularly monitored, the
benchmark value for which is 100 percent.
The actual number of water samples (drawn at both points—outlet of the treatment plant and
at the consumer end) that are taken for testing in the month should be noted. The number of
samples that have met or exceeded the specified potable water standards should be identified
for calculations. All parameters of the quality standards should be met. Even if one standard
is not met, the sample cannot be assumed to have met the standards.
Quality = (b / a) * 100
Where a = Total of samples tested per month
b = Total number of samples that meet the specific potable water standards per month
It implies the total operating revenues expressed as a percentage of the total operating
expenses incurred in the corresponding time. Financial sustainability is critical for all basic
urban services. Therefore, through a combination of user charges, fees and taxes, all
operating costs may be recovered. The benchmark value for this indicator is 100 percent.
All operating expenses (for the year) such as electricity, chemicals, staff, outsourced
operations/staff related to water supply, bulk water purchase costs and other operations and
maintenance (O&M) expenses should be calculated excluding interest payments, principal
repayments and other capital expenses. All water supply-related revenues (billed) during the
corresponding time, including taxes/cess/surcharges, user charges, connection charges, sale
of bulk water, etc. needs to be calculated excluding capital income such as grants, loans, etc.
Cost recovery = (b /a) * 100
Where a = Total annual water operating expenses
b = Total annual operating revenue
This is a measure of the total number of water supply-related complaints redressed within 24
hours of receipt of complaint, as a percentage of the total number of water supply related
complaints received in the given time. It is important that, in essential services such as water
supply, the ULB/water utility has effective systems to capture customer
complaints/grievances, escalate them internally for remedial action and resolve them. The
benchmark value for this indicator is set at 80 percent.
The total number of all supply-related complaints from consumers received during the month
should be noted. Systems for receiving and logging in complaints should be effective and
easily accessible to the citizens. Points of customer contact will include common phone
numbers, written complaints at ward offices, collection centres, drop boxes, online complaints
on the website, etc.
The total number of water supply-related complaints that are satisfactorily redressed within 24
hours or the next working day, within that month should also be identified. Satisfactory
resolution of the complaint should be endorsed by the person making the complaint in writing,
as a part of any format/proforma that is used to track complaints.
Efficiency = (b/a) * 100
Where a = Total number of water supply related complaints received per month
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This is defined as current year revenues collected, expressed as a percentage of the total
revenues billed for the corresponding time. The benchmark value for collection efficiency may
be considered at 90 percent, since it is possible that about 10 percent of the dues may be
delayed to the next year.
The required data includes total revenues collected from customers for bills raised during the
year and the total quantum of revenues related to water supply services that are billed during
the year, including revenues from all sources related to water such as taxes, charges, cess,
surcharges, sale of bulk water, etc.
Collection Efficiency = (a/b) * 100
Where a = Current revenue collected
b = Current revenue billed
106 | P a g e
Management Capacity
Support Know how
Financial Commercial
Allocation NRW Operations
Customer Assest
Support Management
Further reference to NRW assessment along with field visits and site surveys, the NRW
reduction shall be implemented in following phases,
107 | P a g e
Enterprise GIS
& updation.
Hydraulic Consumer
modelling survey
Initial NRW level
Water supply
assets survey
Energy Audit
and condition
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer application for spatial information and
computational procedures that enables and facilitates analysis, management and
representation of an area and events which occur in it. The GIS separates information on
different thematic layers and stores them independently, allowing quick and easy
manipulation. It thus provides the user with the ability to relate information from the existing
position and topology of network features, in order to generate new information.
When applied to a water utility, GIS adds information (attributes) regarding the supply system
infrastructure, including both its correct geographical location and physical/non-physical
characteristics. This application requires constant maintenance for updating information. In
general, basic and essential information in the water utility registration includes the following
Mains – year of installation, material, diameter, length and working order;
Pumping Groups – year of installation, capacity curves and working order;
Valves – year of installation, diameter, type and condition of operation;
Reservoirs – year of installation, type and height, minimum and maximum level,
maximum volume and working order;
Service connections – association with Consumers, year of installation, material,
diameter, length and operating status;
Flow meters – year of installation, diameter, type and condition of operation;
Location and characterization of hydrants, air vents, discharge valves and other network
108 | P a g e
DMA boundaries (virtual polygons that delimit DMAs, which should intercept flow meters
and all boundary valves) – DMA Code and name and implementation date.
Indexed with all this information, it becomes possible to visualize the spatial scope of the
network sectarisation project, including the DMA set-up master plan. Advantages of GIS is
explained in following points
GIS is defined as a system of capturing, storing, manipulating, analyzing, and displaying
spatial information in an efficient manner.
It can be characterized as a software package that efficiently relates graphical information
to attribute data stored in a database and vice-versa.
Also all the topographical survey carried out with high end technology and the results will
be directly incorporated in GIS.
GIS provides tools to improve efficiency and effectiveness when working with map and
non-graphic attribute data.
A data input subsystem which collects and/or processes spatial data derived from existing
maps, remote sensors, etc. The data input is usually accomplished
using computer tapes, digitizers, scanners or manual encoding of geographically
registered grid cells, points, lines, polygons or tables.
A data storage and retrieval subsystem which organizes the spatial data in a form that
permits it to be quickly retrieved by the user for subsequent analysis, as well as allows for
rapid and accurate updates and corrections to be made to the spatial database.
Typical directories include: land cover, soils imagery, topography, roads, land marks, and
water network information such as reservoirs, transmission & distribution pipelines,
associated valves, consumer locations, leakage hotspots etc. as well as sewage network
details can be incorporated.
A data manipulation and analysis subsystem which converts data through user defined
aggregation rules, or produces estimates of parameters and constraints for various space-
time optimization or simulation models.
A data reporting subsystem which displays all or part of the original database, as well as
manipulated data, and the output from spatial models in tabular or map form.
The entire GIS database related to water supply is in one place and can be updated at
any point of time. All the consumers are now uniquely numbered and same reference can
be used for further monitoring work.
A sustainable and a centralized water supply network can be used for hydraulic modelling
for design of strengthening of network and new augmentation based on future demand
and monitoring of real-time flow and pressure as well as improvement in distribution
network, analysis of time of rehabilitation of assets and active leakage control as well as
pressure management by integration with software and SCADA. The schematic diagram
of GIS web based system as mention below.
109 | P a g e
GIS Server Network
GIS Admin optimization
110 | P a g e
The digital elevation model (DEM) is a raster-based digital dataset of the topography of all or
part of the Earth. The pixels of the dataset are each assigned an elevation value, and a header
portion of the dataset defines the area of coverage, the units each pixel covers, and the units
of elevation (and the zero-point). DEMs may be derived from existing paper maps and survey
data, or they may be generated from new satellite or other remotely sensed radar or sonar
data. Once DEM is prepared all available network data should be transposed as overlays
using AutoCAD software.
GIS platform shall integrate the hardware, software, and data management process for
capturing, managing, analyzing and displaying all forms of geographically referenced
information for the water network. GIS shall allow the user to view, understand, question,
interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the
form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.
GIS can link the asset and infrastructure information of the entire water supply scheme with
consumer data including metering, billing, collection and complaints data.
A ground profiling topo-survey using Total Station equipment shall capture all the ground
features like road width, property boundaries, valve chambers, transformers, trees, culverts
etc. including spot elevations of each of the water supply or sewerage node.
A geographic information system (GIS) can recognize and analyze the spatial relationships
that exist within digitally stored spatial data. These topological relationships allow complex
spatial modelling and analysis to be performed. Topological relationships between geometric
entities traditionally include adjacency (what adjoins what), containment (what encloses what),
and proximity (how close something is to something else).
Note: - topographical survey is applicable only when 2D satellite image is used instead of
stereo pair satellite image for GIS base map creation
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Another and very important part for the NRW reduction process is door to door consumer
survey. Consumer survey is used for identification of following features:
1. Details of consumption of water by different beneficiaries
2. Determine the perception of water services received
3. Provide information to improve the efficiency and financial performance of the water
distribution system
4. Evaluate quality of service when reporting problems or making enquiries
5. Identify Issues relating to payment and billing for services
Survey of household and every consumers including residential and commercial consumers,
survey of institutions like schools, hostels, bus stand, government offices, hospitals etc.,
survey of industrial area, survey of all public stand posts. Advantages of consumer survey
explained in following points:
1 To know your consumers
2 Consumer survey data is useful in Hydraulic Modeling, Water Audit, Demand Supply
Analysis, and Integrated Water Billing Software.
3 Tracing out irregular connections to reduce water theft.
4 Find out target customers interested in new connection to raise revenue.
5 Water connection requirement for new consumers
Adoption of network mapping by preparing “as built” drawings and carrying out hydraulic
modelling from time to time can facilitate NRW reduction. This will come in handy during
regular O&M operations and during emergency breakdowns. Network drawings also enable
the maintenance staff to get accurate information about the location of valves, joints, flow
meters and alignment of water lines even after a long time, which will in turn save time and
money in repairs etc.
112 | P a g e
Asset management is good engineering and business practice, and it includes all aspects of
utility management and operations. Good asset management is a necessity for long-term
economic leakage management, and the objective is to tackle leaks in the most cost-effective
way. This requires priority setting and decisions on whether to repair, replace, rehabilitate, or
leave the assets as they are, while simultaneously implementing pressure management and
improving the operation and maintenance program. The critical factors of asset management
Understanding how assets are currently performing
Collecting data and turning it into useful information for planning
Good information systems
Particularly relevant to developing an NRW reduction strategy is the aging of the pipe network
and making decisions on when to replace or renew the network infrastructure. This requires
an understanding of the assets conditions and deterioration rates. Burst frequency modelling,
using data from burst records, helps prioritize pipe rehabilitation, renewal, or replacement. In
addition, active leakage control will identify clusters of pipes in the network where bursts and
repairs are a continuous occurrence.
When these activities do not lead to reduced leakages, utility managers should undertake a
condition assessment program to decide whether to replace pipes or conduct further repairs.
113 | P a g e
Water supply is one of the major functions of ULB in terms of providing safe water to its
residents. The water supply pumping systems include the potable water supply stations and
power bores. The energy charges on water supply pumping systems also covers a major
portion of the electricity billing of the ULB. Hence, special attention has to be paid for energy
conservation and system improvement in the water supply system.
Components of a Water Supply Scheme
Efficiency needs to be calculated at all the actual operating conditions condition by observing
the following:
a) Measurement of Electrical Input parameters
Electrical input parameters like input to motor, voltage, current, power factor & KW hats. Can
be measured by portable clamp on type power line meter
b) Measurement of Pump Head
For measurement of flow, Clamp on Type Ultrasonic flow meter will be used during operation
of pump. This instrument works on the transit time principle and is compatible with any pipe.
This meter measures water velocity, instantaneous flow rate and totalized flow for a specified
d) operational Hours
This will be asses on the basis of operating data from log data maintained at respective
pumping station.
{𝑸𝒙(𝒉𝒅−𝒉𝒔)𝒙𝒑𝒙𝒈}𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
Pump Efficiency = (𝟑𝟔𝟎𝟎 𝒙𝒌𝑾𝒎𝒙𝛈𝐦)
114 | P a g e
Tod Analysis
TOD is the parameter which indicates the peak operating time and non-peak operating time
period for energy supply. Pumping stations peak hour operation pumping shifted to non-peak
hour which gives Time of Day (TOD) savings.
The energy conservation measure with negligible investment is TOD rebates for Water
Pumping Station. We study and analyze the saving opportunities by TOD. For getting TOD
rebates for pumping station, changes in operations shall be studied. The savings can be
realized by immediate effect after implementation and this will identify and studied by us.
Contract demand means demand in Kilowatt (kW)/Kilo-Volt Ampere (kVA), mutually agreed
between Energy Distribution Companies and the consumer as entered into the agreement or
agreed through other written communication. After Bill analysis we ensure the maximum
demand required and available contract demand. With comparative study of requirement of
contract demand as per load and savings from contract demand revision shall carried out.
Penalty for exceeding Contract Demand:
In case, a consumer (availing Demand base tariff) exceeds his contract demand, ULB will be
billed at the appropriate Demand charge rate for the demand actually recorded and will be
additionally charged at the rate of 150% of the prevailing demand charges (only for the excess
demand over the Contract demand). In case any consumer exceeds the contract demand on
more than three occasions in a calendar year, the action taken in such cases would be
governed by supply code. Contract Demand revision; revise Contract Demand for Water
Pumping Station as per requirement.
A vast majority of electrical loads in industry & utility are inductive in nature. Typical examples
are Motors, Transformers, Drives, Fluorescent lights, etc. Such loads consume both active
and reactive power. The active power is used by the load to meet its real output requirements
and reactive power is used by the load to meet its magnetic field requirements.
Power Factor Calculations:
Whenever, the average power factor measurement is not possible through the installed meter,
the following method for calculating the average power factor during the billing period shall be
Average Power Factor = Total (kWh)/Total (kVAH)
Where in kVAH is square root of the summation of the squares of the kWh and RkVAh.
Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) are divided into three parts ECM-1, ECM-2 & ECM3
Energy savings by revision in Contract demand, TOD & Operation without any investment.
Energy savings with medium investments by Power factor improvement by installing fixed
capacitor / APFC and payback period in months. The saving potential given in this case is with
115 | P a g e
assumption of unity power factor. Changes in Lighting provided; replacement of lighting from
conventional to LED / energy efficient lighting.
Energy savings with major investment is considered under ECM-3. It involves Pump-Motor
replacement for energy savings.
Water audit with Initial NRW study is conducted as a part of this project.
This is required to simulate the operation of the real network in all its key elements. In Indian
water utilities, network future design is often interpreted as hydraulic modelling. The design is
primarily for sizing of pipes for future projected demand capacities. Hydraulic modelling is
simulating the network for the current consumption pattern which is developed through an
iterative simulation process duly capturing the flow and pressure data of the current network
functioning scenario. When the network has been properly calibrated, it enables the current
operation of the network to be fully understood, identify anomalies and most importantly
optimize the design of any modifications to the configuration of the network before they are
created in the field, thus assuring pipes are correctly sized and customer complaints are
Brief on Hydraulic Modelling:
GIS based study of existing water supply system and analysis using international standard
design software. It is the calibration of distribution network to find out lacunas in the system. It
involves preparation of rehabilitation plan for existing system while additional components
were proposed to cater the demand of future population.
Hydraulic modelling which is heart of water network is used to evaluate important elements of
free surface fluid flow. Generally, hydraulic modelling can refer to both numeric modelling (in
which a simulation is performed on a computer), or physical modelling (where the physical
flow geometry is scaled in such a way that it can be modelled in the laboratory). Numeric
models are usually two- or three-dimensional, whereas physical hydraulic models are always
three-dimensional. Geometry is sometimes easier to manipulate and modify in a numeric
model, and wider areas (larger volumes) can often be more cost-effectively simulated in a
numeric model. Physical hydraulic modelling, however, must be used when unsteady vortex
dynamics is a concern, such as in pump or turbine intakes. Hydraulic modelling is often most
cost effective when the two methods are used together, simulating wide areas with a numeric
model, using results to develop boundary conditions for a smaller physical hydraulic model in
locations where vortexing or some other physical phenomena not easily captured by numeric
modelling is of interest.
Hydraulic models are often used to validate the design of new or rehabilitated pipelines. They
are also used to verify the system capacity or to analyze the effect of modified infrastructure
within the context of the entire water distribution system or its sub-system. They provide
understanding of the distribution system such as flow patterns and pressure variations. It can
also simulate impacts of new customers. It helps in identifying the operation and maintenance
needs and future improvements.
116 | P a g e
To develop Hydraulic model, GIS mapping is required along with historical data, network and
physical data and field data. Physical information such as dimensions, main sizes,
connectivity, mapping, closed valves, pump curves, control valves locations are required.
Water demands of residential, commercial, industrial, wholesale consumers are also required.
117 | P a g e
of assets
Smart billing
of existing
Smart water
management CAPEX Bulk metering
118 | P a g e
diameter can be replaced with 100 mm diameter DI pipeline. As per CPHEEO manual the
considerable design life of water system is 30 years only. Hence it is recommended to replace
the corroded and frequently leaking CI pipeline to achieve and maintain the targeted NRW
It is mandatory to replace all the corroded house service connection since leakages in house
service connection contributes NRW more since the network length of the house service
connection is more than rest of the pipelines, also identification of leakage in house service
connection also quite difficult than rest of the higher size pipelines. However open sounding
method is one of the good solutions to identify the house service connection leakages. In
general, Indian scenario it is advisable to replace the House service connection above 10
years old, since in India in past periods house service connections provided by GI pipeline
and life time of the GI pipeline is very less, since it will corrode quickly. Also, due to
replacement of house service connection the distribution network can identified and
permanently disconnect un-authorized connection. Hence it is recommended to replace the
house service connection with MDPE/ AL-PE-AL pipes since MDPE/ AL-PE-AL pipes are long
lasting and non-degradable.
Further to the survey undertaken along the sample DMA within municipal limit, it was observed
more quantity of PVC/AC pipeline along the distribution network. Hence it is strongly
recommended to replace the PVC/AC and corroded pipelines to achieve the targeted NRW
as well as sustainability. Also, it will improve the customer satisfaction due to improvement in
pressure. It was observed city having intermittent water supply pattern, since it will lead
sedimentation inside the pipe which causes encrustation of scales inside the pipe, which
results huge head loss, especially corroded and aged CI pipelines.
It is observed in many cities air valves are leaking hence it is recommended to utility to replace
traditional air valve with temper proof kinetic air valves. Performance of Kinetic air valve gets
severely affected by tampering the valve with an external mechanism. Conventional Kinetic
air valves have been found misused by people on many occasions by tempering the valves to
collect water. Also there is no control on valve performance after tampering.
Kinetic Air Valves are commonly found tempered:
By pressing the float form large Orifice, water comes out due to high internal pressure.
By loosening/removing the cowl and inserting rod or other similar objects.
By removing high pressure air release orifice.
Tamper Proof Kinetic Air Valve is a combination of a small and a large orifice air valve.
A separate conventional isolating Sluice Valve is provided for inspection/maintenance of
the air Valve without closing the main line.
Non-clogging and self-sealing float for trouble free operation.
Perfect guide for small orifice float and guide ribs with minimum clearance for large orifice
float for smooth movement without wobble during operation.
Suitably shaped and precisely finished small orifice to enhance small orifice float life.
Specially designed cowl to prevent unauthorized access to the large orifice float life.
Innovative design of high pressure cover and orifice.
Provision of Tamper Proof hexagonal cap screws.
Kinetic air valves are commonly used in air venting/air admission services in water pipelines.
Performance of a kinetic air valve is severely affected by tampering the valve with an external
119 | P a g e
mechanism. Tamper proof Kinetic Air Valves provide longer service life and cost effective
maintenance with cast iron body, cover and cowl.
Capital works are the works which involve expansion of distribution network, new
augmentation for sources, strengthening of distribution/feeder pipeline based on future
demand with consideration of increase in population.
The monitoring and control of losses require rigorous flow measurement, hence the proper
selection and installation of meters to be installed in each monitoring location is of great
importance. In planning a water loss control strategy, the first premise to consider is the correct
measurement, depending on which the tasks of qualification, identification and subsequent
correction can be developed.
The most common scheme for monitoring any water system seeking to locate potential
leakage is based on flow meters or water meters located throughout the system, from the
source, service reservoirs, DMA inputs and consumption by consumers.
Accurate measurement of water volumes is an essential element of our strategy to meet the
targets for reducing NRW. It is proposed to install appropriate measurement infrastructure
wherever required. However, some sub‐elements of the water balance will require estimation
either because sufficient measurement infrastructure is not yet available or measurement is
impractical. Different meter types have different accuracies as per following table:
Equipment/Method Approximate Accuracy Range
Electromagnetic Flow Meters <0.15 -0.5%
Ultrasonic Flow Meters 0.5 - 1%
Insertion Meters <2%
Mechanical Meters 1.0 - 2%
Venturi Meter 0.5 - 3%
Meas. Weirs in open channels 10 - 50%
Volume calculated with pump curves 10 - 50%
Further reference to the As-Is situation of MCT water supply system, it is strongly
recommended to establish metering system in the Transmission and Production lines, since
to monitor the actual water in to supply to the system as well as to monitor the pressure
variations in real time based. For measurement of flow globally In-line Electromagnetic flow
meters are being used due to the accuracy of the meters also non-movable parts of the meters.
The examples of some Electromagnetic flow meters showed as below.
120 | P a g e
One of the essential strategies of NRW is consumer metering, as of now in city, metering
system not established and at present the water bill is being recovery on flat rate basis. Hence
it is strongly recommended to change the billing system from flat rate to metering system. After
installation of the consumer meter NRW team can derive the absolute water balance and real
losses. Hence it is strongly recommended to install consumer meters before starting the NRW
reduction activities, due to this utility can derive the actual water balance as well as can
improve the revenue. Herewith it is recommended to install Class B or AMR/AMI – UFM/EMF
type meters to increase the accuracy of the measurement which will improve the revenue.
AMR is a technology which automatically collects metering data and transfers that data to a
central database for analysis and billing purposes, generally called “smart meters”. Detailed
water usage data can be collected continuously at regular intervals (for example, every 30
minutes) and can be read remotely via an automated process, with the usage data sent to the
utility’s management and billing system. AMR can consist of a number of various methods,
ranging from a simple drive-by meter (where the meter reader cruises down the street
automatically downloading the meter data) to one-way communications with the utility.
AMR, is the technology of automatically collecting consumption, diagnostic, and status data
from water meter or energy metering devices (gas, electric) and transferring that data to a
central database for billing, troubleshooting, and analyzing. This technology mainly saves
utility providers the expense of periodic trips to each physical location to read a meter. Another
advantage is that billing can be based on near real-time consumption rather than on estimates
based on past or predicted consumption. This timely information coupled with analysis can
help both utility providers and customers’ get better control over the use and production of
electric energy, gas usage, or water consumption.
AMR technologies include handheld, mobile and network technologies based on telephony
platforms (wired and wireless), radio frequency (RF), or power line transmission.
Originally AMR devices just collected meter readings electronically and matched them with
accounts. As technology has advanced, additional data could then be captured, stored, and
transmitted to the main computer, and often the metering devices could be controlled remotely.
This can include events alarms such as tamper, leak detection, low battery, or reverse flow.
Many AMR devices can also capture interval data, and log meter events. The logged data can
be used to collect or control time of use or rate of use data that can be used for water or energy
usage profiling, time of use billing, demand forecasting, demand response, rate of
121 | P a g e
flow recording, leak detection, flow monitoring, water and energy conservation enforcement,
remote shutoff, etc.
This will keep a check on the water lost at every stage and if that is above permissible limit
then strict actions need to be taken at that processing stage to analyze the causes of the
losses and arrest them.
AMI starts with smart meters and adds two-way communication between the meter and utility,
and between the meter and consumer. This means that in addition to providing readings, the
meter can also receive (and often act on) instructions sent from the utility or consumer.
AMI data’s gives very detailed information where the utility can run hourly consumption reports
that pinpoint miniscule leaks, or tell customers how much water they have used.
AMIs are comparatively expensive. If there are constraints in the budget, then AMR can be
installed to start with. AMR installations can be done after analyzing all performance
parameters, evaluation and implementation schedule.
After graduating to AMI, further enhancements that can be taken up are –
Integrate distribution system (remotely identify location and extent of water
main breaks, control water loss during breaks, restore service after outages)
Reduce electricity use and cost (increase off peak pumping and treatment, leak
Provide increase customer support and involvement (web access)
Reduce chemical use (predict changes in water use and timing)
Monitor compliance with watering restrictions/conservation programs
Increase theft detection
Remote turn-off/on
Cyble technology has been designed to fulfil requirements of all water management utilities
willing to remote read their water & gas meters by radio a fixed network to improve their
productivity and sell extra services to their customers. Cyble creates a set of granular data
that is automatically communicated daily to the utility back office server. Its radio function
remains on duty during working hours to reply to on-request reads from utility operators.
Cyble provides powerful smart functions, adding value for customers:
122 | P a g e
Cyble module transfers meter reading data to the collector from its integrated radio module
The Collector receives and stores data from its assigned meters on a daily basis and transfers
it to the access point directly or through other collectors that serve as transmitters. The Access
Point installed in a central location of each district constitutes the heart of the wireless mesh
network. It acquires and stores data from the meters and transmits it to the utility’s FTP server
on a pre-assigned schedule (typically every day) through a GPRS connection.
123 | P a g e
The software drives the data acquisition system from the utility’s offices, downloading the daily
data from the FTP server to be processed by the operators or exported to application systems.
The data is automatically filtered and exported to the invoicing system and to the data center.
Customer service software can be utilized to combine the invoicing and consumption
information on the utility’s website.
The hardware uses devices such as:
meter and radio transmitter (Cyble);
first stage transmitters (Collectors);
data collection equipment (Access point);
a dedicated management server.
Bluetooth master (handheld devise) this radio Bluetooth master unit can read meters equipped
with radio interface units, using any kind of reading terminals equipped with Bluetooth
Advanced mobile data collection and management solution which gives water companies a
real opportunity to optimise their operations and develop new customer services. New
functionalities based on geolocation and Cloud technology make this solution a genuine
innovation accessible to every water company.
» Automatic radio meter reading increases the reading reliability and significantly enhances
the data acquisition speed.
» The radio reading also opens accessibility to all meters’ even if the customer is absent or in
hard to read locations.
124 | P a g e
Division of the distribution system into small geographic areas of manageable size (known as
District Meter Areas), DMAs is generally considered to be essential for effective control of
NRW. This enables water supply authority to gain an understanding of the performance of the
network, actively target areas with high losses and manage pressures.
Generally, the DMAs are isolated from the neighboring distribution network by boundary
valves which are kept shut except for operational reasons such as a burst main or routine
maintenance of the system. All inflows (and if appropriate outflows) from the zone are
continuously monitored using flow meters.
Active NRW Management is only possible using zones, where the system as a whole is
divided into a series of smaller sub-systems for which NRW can be calculated individually.
These smaller sub-systems, often referred to as District Meter Areas (DMAs) should be
hydraulically isolated so that utility managers are able to calculate the volume of water lost
within the DMA. When a supply system is divided into smaller, more manageable areas, the
utility can better target NRW reduction activities, isolate water quality problems, and better
manage overall system pressure to allow for 24/7 water supply throughout the network.
DMAs can be established on an area by area basis. As far as possible, the boundaries of the
DMAs will follow existing system divisions. All boundary valves will need to be checked for
water tightness. The condition of boundary valves is fundamental to the success of the
proposed monitoring.
These criteria include:
Size of DMA (e.g. number of connections—generally between 1,000 and 2,500)
Number of valves that must be closed to isolate the DMA
Number of flow meters to measure inflows and outflows (the fewer meters required,
the lower the establishment costs)
Ground-level variations and thus pressures within the DMA (the flatter the area the
more stable the pressures and the easier to establish pressure controls)
Easily visible topographic features that can serve as boundaries for the DMA, such as
rivers, drainage channels, railroads, highways, etc.
To divide a large open system into a series of DMAs, it is essential to close valves to isolate
a certain area and install flow meters. This process can affect the system’s pressures, both
within that particular DMA as well as its surrounding areas. The water utility therefore must
ensure that the water supply to all customers is not compromised in terms of pressure and
supply hours.
Using a calibrated hydraulic network model of the supply system to simulate possible DMA
designs will enable analyses of system pressures and flows without affecting supply to
customers. However, many water utilities do not have existing calibrated hydraulic network
models. Rather than wait for a model to be developed, which can take up to one year or more,
a water utility should begin establishing DMAs in network areas that can be easily isolated,
i.e. areas with a separate supply zone.
In establishing a DMA, the water utility should limit the number of inflows, which also helps to
reduce the cost of flow meter installation. To achieve this, it is necessary to close one or more
boundary valves, which must remain shut permanently to ensure that any flow data accurately
represents the total inflow for the DMA.
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Utility managers will ensure that all pipes into and out of the DMA are either closed or metered
by performing an isolation test as follows:
Close all metered inlets.
Check whether the water pressure within the DMA drops to zero, since no water should
now be able to enter the area.
If the pressure does not drop to zero, then it is likely that another pipe is allowing water into
the area and therefore needs to be addressed.
If the budget is limited, the water utility should initially establish larger zones of 5,000 or more
connections. It can subsequently subdivide them into DMAs and sub-DMAs of 1,000 or fewer
connections for those DMAs with high NRW and long lengths of pipework, as detailed in above
Establishing a DMA and the subsequent reduction in NRW will improve the water pressure
within the DMA. As leaks are repaired, the flows within the DMA will decrease and thus the
friction head losses are reduced, which has the effect of increasing DMA system pressures.
These increases in pressure will become even more pronounced at night when demands are
low and friction head losses are even lower.
Improved pressure control presents dual benefits of reducing leakages and stabilising system
pressures, which increase asset life. Most pipe bursts occur not because of high pressure but
rather due to ongoing pressure fluctuations that force the pipe to continually expand and
contract, resulting in stress fractures. Installing a pressure control device, such as a pressure
reducing valve (PRV), helps to reduce pressure throughout the day, stabilise fluctuations, and
reduce stress on pipes.
By design, PRVs reduce pressure to a set level during the day and night-time. A pressure of
30 m is sufficient for most customer demand. However, the pressure in a gravity system can
be much higher at night when there is little customer demand. To activate a lower pressure at
night and during periods of low demand, and to further reduce leakage levels, water utilities
should install a timer device with two set levels—one for daytime when customers need water,
and the second for night-time when demand is low. The night-time setting, generally adjusted
between 15 m and 20 m pressure, is typically lower than the daytime setting,
126 | P a g e
The SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system is an industrial computer-
based control system which gathers and analyze the real-time data to track, monitor and
control industrial equipment's across various industries. SCADA components are easier to
integrate and provide improved capabilities and functionalities which help for a faster response
in real time processes. SCADA system has the capacity to support higher-level operational
improvement applications and mostly used for control and automation across various sectors
such as electrical power, water & wastewater, oil & gas, transportation, telecommunication
In traditional drinking water supply system is facing many problems related to pumping of
water, filtration, distribution of water and testing of water in the plant. Conventional water
supply department comprises three different sections for supplying waters on it. First is the
pumping station unit, which does the sucking of water from water source. The second section
is a filtration department unit in which measurement of pH and chlorine is done. Third section
is the distribution section through which water is distributed in the entire municipal ward.
Currently these three sections are working independently. The major problems in water supply
system are wastage of water and these distributed places are using suction motors to suck
water from main supply connection in these systems, which produces results decrease in
water pressure.
The global online supervision of the water distribution network is realized by the central
dispatching operator as well as the remote control of the actuators installed into the most
important points of the system to be worked. Depends to the requirements of the water flow
of condition, the pressure transducers and flow transducers are installed in booster stations
or measuring points throughout the entire network. These electronic devices are connected to
the RTUs which transmit the data to the central dispatching station in order to offer dynamic
behaviour in nature.
The RTUs provide the data acquisition facility for different sensors (specific for pressure level,
water flow, level or chemical component concentration) using digital and analog modules;
which insure the preliminary signal treatment and wireless data communication. This SCADA
system implemented to the central dispatching unit manages the data communication with all
the Remote Terminal Units and Programmable Logic Controllers, which store the received
data from measuring points and the pumping station. It offers advanced analysis functions as
well as the remote control of the major technological parameters.
Programmable Logic Controller is the heart of automated water supplying system. PLC has
been help in controlling pump station motor contactors, stirrer motors, distributed valves as
well as measure pH of the water. PLC programming is done using a Ladder Diagram
Language among several languages. Ladder diagram is specialized schematic language
commonly used to document industrial control logic systems. It is called “ladder” diagram
because it resembles a ladder with two vertical rails (supply power) and as many “rungs”
(horizontal lines) as there are control circuits to represent.
The water supply system is a part of the urban infrastructure which must assure the water
quality control, continuity of the water distributions, and the monitoring process. The system
having storage of tanks, piping network process, filtering processing utility functions, central
dispatching functional units. These Programmable Logic Controller(s) handle the direct control
of the technological process whereas the central dispatching unit user.
127 | P a g e
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system structure includes one or more central main-
station (PC based) that communicates with more PLC’s implemented into the pumping
stations or RTUs located in control panels throughout the entire network. This contributes for
the optimization of the functional exploitation strategy and the optimization of equipment
usage. Working cost can be minimized as well as reduction in the water losses is now possible
by the implementation of intelligent control system units.
The purpose of integrated automation system is to have following for effective utilization of
resource and handling emergencies centrally and stop pilferages and distribution losses.
Automation Level control & operation of Pumping Machinery at RW Pumping
Online Data Acquisition of Pumping machinery
Automatic Operation of WTP
On Line Data Collection of Water Quality Parameters and Flow.
Monitoring of Water Level at each ESR.
Online metering of Water discharge from each ESR.
Monitoring and control of discharge of each ESR.
Automatic generation of real time reports without intervention of operator and User
Defined graphics and reports.
A Water Treatment Plant SCADA System design varies requirements and technologies being
utilized. However, a typical SCADA System usually consists of the following major
SCADA Control Centers in most cases are equipped with a single front-end processor / a
server handling the communications with the PLCs at plant level and processing the data
collected from the plant instruments, Pumps, motors, valves and other components. One or
more Operator Workstations with Human Machine Interface HMI functions and graphics
capabilities are supplied for operations personnel.
SCADA System is installed at 3 Levels I) SCADA between RWRM i.e. Headwork’s outlet to
WTP inlet II) SCADA for water treatment plant. i.e. WTP inlet, treatment and WTP outlet. III)
SCADA for Service Reservoir, Booster pumping Stations and Distribution System (DMA)
128 | P a g e
50% of world population is going to be under high water scarcity according to World Water
Development (UN) report. Countries of Africa and Asia like Cambodia, Bangladesh, China,
and India who is still developing are likely to face water scarcity more. It was expected that till
2050, 70% of population will leave in city of India. With shrinking of water reservoir, low rainfall,
etc. is hard to feed and provide resources like water, electricity to such high population. Using
sensor, Information and communication Technology (ICT) water resources can be managed
and be saved for future use. Sensors provide real time monitoring of hydraulic data with
automated control and alarming in case of events such as water leakages etc. Analysis of data
will help in taking meaningful actions. Smart water system provides reduced water non-
renewable water losses and reduced water consumption in field of agriculture.
Pressure plays an important role so controlling pressure also reduces the NRW losses. Real
time monitoring network can be employed for detection of NRW losses and manage it.
Commercial loss can be reducing by identifying out the illegal connections that is using water
supply. Smart meters can play important role to reduce NRW losses. Flexibility and services
will improve. Lack of skill labors and not able to understand the depth of problem. To deal with
NRW team of skill labors required. There is lack of monitoring devices which will help in
understanding the depth of NRW losses. There is also no standard is available for NRW losses
like how much is NRW losses per hour, per liter, per house.
An optimization model helps optimize the real time data received from all the transmitters
along the water supply system. It enables an advanced level of modelling process for entire
water supply system and for effective leakage management and control. Also, recent days
advanced real-time network optimization tools are discovered. This will collect all the real-time
date from flow meters, pressure loggers, transmitters etc., and the same data will be simulated
by the software and it provides the optimized network model. This optimized model results can
be applied for number of purposes such as,
129 | P a g e
It is a hydraulic modelling tool which simulates the flow and pressure in water supply
distribution network. This will use real-time data to analyze and track the current situation,
enabling operators to make better and smarter decisions to optimize production and enhance
economic performance.
Also this software helps to maintain the desired water quality, it tracks the water through its
entire network and gives an at-a-glance overview of the chemical composition, age, taste and
An intuitive button interface lets you scroll back and forth to obtain data for pressure, flow and
water quality at any given time – in the past, now or in the future, anywhere in the network.
Real-time data from the SCADA system is fed into the model. It’s possible to combine this with
weather forecast data. It will predict future consumption – even during periods of changeable
or extreme weather conditions.
It allows viewing different areas, sections, zones and even details of the network. It can easily
simulate interventions such as opening or closing of valves, or starting or stopping of pumps,
and assess their impact on consumer supply. This can be help full guide the leakage prone
area. Optimization of system pressure, the system pressure can be optimized by placing
PRV’s such that resulting leakage can minimize.
130 | P a g e
The solution for water utility Smart Water Management System. The software platform should
comprise of following modules.
131 | P a g e
o Master Platform
o Operators platform
o Pump & Reservoir Optimizer
o Pressure Optimizer
o Transmission Line Leak detection
Geographical Information System
Asset Management System
Integration of Existing Water Billing software.
System Platform:
The scalable platform for Supervisory, SCADA, MES and IoT applications that integrates the
process with the Enterprise. System Platform provides a collaborative, standards-based
foundation that unifies people, processes and assets for continuous operational improvement
and real-time decision support.
The System Platform provides common services such as; configuration, deployment,
communication, security, data connectivity, people collaboration, and many others. These
services allow to build a single, unified “Plant Model” that logically represents the processes,
physical equipment and industrial systems, even legacy systems, making the design and
maintenance of these systems more efficient, more flexible and with less risk.
The object-based application development environment provided by System Platform enables
to build, test, deploy and maintain a wide range of industrial applications using re-usable
application objects. The object approach, coupled with application services, enables the user
to add functional capabilities, typically found in point solutions, directly to the supervisory/HMI
Imagine having access to your most important plant poor data from anywhere, at any time,
using your mobile smart phone or tablet. Not browser based reports with their inherent delays
and viewing problems, but a native phone application that presents your data in a format you
can easily read and manipulate using your phone or tablet’s native screen and touch
navigation features.
Without intelligence about operational performance, network status, and customer demand,
water utilities face the challenge of reacting swiftly to any change in these conditions.
132 | P a g e
It is an operation system that expands your water distribution network SCADA capabilities. It
forecasts the behavior of the distribution network and anticipates the impact of planned and
unplanned events before they happen. By using real time data, it takes into consideration the
ever changing condition of the network, so the actions are always based on the most updated
In doing this, it also enables water distribution network operators and managers to make better
and smarter decisions faster, reduce the risk and cost of operation and maintenance activities.
It reduces operation and energy costs associated with water distribution activities by providing
operators with information about the impact of planned and unplanned events, even before
they happen, through real-time network behavior forecasting capabilities.
It shall offer an off-line platform as well as a real-time (On line) platform that can be modified
and customized to each group of users in a water utility. The user interface can easily be
customized to reflect the qualifications and information requirement of each user whether it
Man in the field
Maintenance staff
Model Building
Model building shall be automatic using a Model Manager importing and building the model
from the following data:
GIS/mapping data
Demand data/profiles/geocoding
Elevation data
Calibration data – pressure, flow, level and water quality
133 | P a g e
Network Analysis
The water network management platform shall be able to perform feasibility studies and
scenarios to evaluate the effect of:
New residential areas
New industrial sites
Increased demands
Maintenance and rehabilitation jobs
Fluctuations in consumption
This is to design the network to meet future demand or to comply with regulations while
improving service, and to avoid bottlenecks and optimize your investment.
A Hydraulic analysis shall allow you to quickly evaluate the effects of modelling changes.
Dynamic network elements such as valves, pumps and reservoirs are color coded to reflect
current operational status. Pressure prediction allows you to identify how to operate the
network at exactly the necessary operating pressure. In this way, you will be able to reduce
the effect of existing leaks.
Water Quality analysis shall allow you to quickly evaluate how various operating conditions
Influence water quality. Common water quality problems such as taste and odor can be
tracked down using the age-of-water model.
Water Quality can be used to determine mean, true, and maximum water ages. You can also
use the water quality module to track any pollutant in the system, and to separate the zones
to avoid spreading of the pollutant.
Network Management – Real-time Application The water network management system
shall provide a better overview and improved operation by running the water network
modelling tool in real-time mode.
By using live SCADA data the model shall be transformed from a planning tool to a decision
making tool, integrated in your day-to-day operations – with instant and clearly identified
benefits and economic advantages.
The SCADA data shall be automatically loaded into the model, after having been pre-
processed and validated to avoid flawed data or replacing faulty instrumentation with emulated
The real-time system shall be provided in a graphical user interface that is easy to operate by
the operator, but that can also be configured in the same tool to run more complex scenarios
requested by the engineer and planner.
The real-time system shall be able to combine historic view, real-time views and predictions
in the same user interface – easily accessible.
The operator shall not be required to possess any in-depth knowledge of modelling to use the
water management system. By scrolling back and forth on a simple button interface he shall
be able to obtain the information he need such as pressure, flow and quality for any given
point in time - in the past or in the future.
The model shall be fed with live information from the SCADA system as well as forecast
information about weather conditions. This will enable the model to predict future consumption
even during periods of quickly changing or extreme weather conditions.
134 | P a g e
Different variables, such as supply pressure, age of the water, amount of chemicals in the
water or flow shall be displayed. Effects of interventions, such as opening or closing of valves
shall be easily simulated, to reveal any disturbances in consumer supply.
The information shall be made available to the call center. Error conditions or temporary
problems shall be evident. The call center shall be able to click on any node in the network to
see measurements such as the water pressure at the specific location. Alarm set points for all
parameters shall be pre-configurable.
The management system shall be fully integrated with SCADA and shall be prepared to send
an alarm to SCADA if error conditions in the network are predicted.
The management system shall be visualized in a control room atmosphere with focus on
simplicity and easy access to information – enabling everyone to obtain qualified information
about the network – now and in the future.
In the main view it shall be possible to scroll in and out – visualizing what is relevant for the
specific water utility; i.e. that GIS data suddenly materializes.
It shall be possible to generate VIEWS for each of the zones that the water utility wishes to
focus on. It shall be possible to pre configure the themes the user wishes to see, whether it is
related to:
o Pressure
o Flow
o Velocity
o Flow Directions
o Water Quality: Age
o Chlorine concentration
o Water Balance (Water Loss-NRW and Revenue Water)
o Leakage as in Minimum Night Flow (MNF)
o Pipeline Leak Likelihood, Criticality & Replacement prioritization
o Other simulated parameters
Contingency Management – Pollutants Water network management system shall with basis
in the real time data be able to perform:
A trace, performing a forward analysis of a situation from any given time
A diagnostic trace, performing a backward analysis of a situation from any given
The trace analysis shall be based on the real-time data, hence done on what actually has
occurred. It is not needed to upload the model – it is ready for this analysis right away.
Production Planning This system shall combine the knowledge about the water producers
within the network with hydraulic constraints and water supply. Subsequently, the most
economical way of operating the utility shall be identified leading to significant cost reductions.
Leakage management to ensure that you will quickly detect new leaks in your network, the
system shall provide a leak detection system integrating the Integrated Flow Measurement
(IFM) and Nightline Measurement (NLM) philosophies. These two methods shall be directly
linked to the SCADA data. Zones with leaks are identified by the leak detection system, and
an alarm shall be forwarded to the SCADA system to make sure that proper action is taken
135 | P a g e
a. Optimization Modules:
The water network management system shall be able to include optimization modules such
Pressure Optimization
Pump and Reservoir Optimization
b. Transmission/Trunk Line Module:
Leak Detection and Location for Trunk lines
The water network management system should be equipped with a pressure optimization that
utilizes the real-time hydraulic model for set-point generation.
Reduces electricity consumption and CO2 emission with 10-15% Secures stable operation
with sufficient pressure to prepare the model.
This ensures:
Optimization using fluctuating electricity prices
Correct calculation of required flow to network
Correct calculation of network capacities and reservoir flexibilities, ensuring
required minimum pressures
Easy, quick and affordable start-
136 | P a g e
In water distribution systems, the pumping costs often constitute the major part of the
operating costs. In order to minimize the pumping costs an Add on Pump and Reservoir
Optimization module should be included.
The Pump and Reservoir Optimization module enables you to determine the optimal pumping
schedule for a pipeline system for a given period of time (user defined), while taking the
following points into account:
Demand schedules
Storage capacities of reservoirs
Power costs (unit costs may vary over time)
Time dependent pressure constraints
Capacity and availability of pumps and other equipment
Leakage Management runs a dynamic real-time simulation model to generate leak responses.
This means that your Leakage Management System will work under all operating conditions,
including periods with starting and stopping of pumps, opening and closing of valves, etc.
137 | P a g e
Operational Data
The model will run in real-time (cyclic) mode, for a time step that is configurable by the user:
i.e. every 30minutes. Hydraulic results are generated for the current state of the model
(boundary conditions loaded from SCADA). Simulated results generated from the cyclic
calculation will be stored in the internal memory for direct and quick access. The number of
hours to be stored is configurable by the user: i.e. last 24h.
From an Operator station, the user will be able to run the real-time model to reproduce a past
situation: re-run simulations using historic data as long as they are stored in the Data Manager
database (for more details, please consult Section of this document). In addition, the user will
be able to simulate any changes to the current network operation under the context of “What-
If” scenario analysis.
The hydraulic model will be initially calibrated based on measurements from SCADA. The
parameters to be fine-tuned in the model to mimic SCADA results are usually reduced to
elevation and pipe roughness. It is important to clarify that calibration is directly related to the
quality of the data used to build the model: the higher the accuracy and precision of the data
to be imported, the better the results obtained.
In the real-time operation mode, the model is automatically adjusting demands in every Flow
Control Zones (FCZs, equivalent to DMAs) by using the current SCADA flow measurements.
Therefore, the zone flow is automatically adjusted in every simulation.
High infrastructure is required to provide water services from door to door in cities. Maintaining
such infrastructure having challenges like linkages, purity of water etc. It is important to
maintain the quality of water from source to tap hence real time surveillance is required. Water
contamination causes diseases like cholera, hence there is need to identify harmful
components present in water. Water treatment plan (WTP) provide clean water supply to the
city or locality but consume high energy and have large carbon foot print. High monitoring is
requiring for proper functioning of plant. Development of ICT devices makes online monitoring
possible by optimizing device utilization with real time alarming.
The data will be monitored with help of quality & operational sensors/transmitters such as PH
transmitter, Residual chlorine transmitter, Turbidity transmitter, Level transmitters, vibration
system etc. The data form the transmitter will be integrated with the centralized software,
which provide the alarm based on real timing data.
138 | P a g e
139 | P a g e
SWMS Architecture
140 | P a g e
141 | P a g e
Commercial losses, sometimes called as apparent losses include water that is consumed but
not paid for by the consumer. This leads to loss in revenue for the utility as the cost of
production is already incurred whereas no collection done against that consumption.
Commercial loss reduction can be accomplished in lesser time than physical loss correction
and recovery. The impact can thus be higher with quicker return on investment. It is always
advisable hence, to focus on commercial losses in the initial phase of NRW reduction.
SWBS will send the monthly water meter readings corresponding to the user’s water
consumption to the water company wirelessly. The consumer side meters will be indoor
meters for each apartment for protection and safety. Once the water consumption is received
by the water company, an acknowledgement will be sent to the user as an SMS notification
and then saved in the data base of the water electronic water meter has a water flow sensor
used to sense the flow of water, then this value is taken by the microcontroller to compute its
equivalent water consumption volume. The total water consumption displays continuously on
the LCD, while the monthly water consumption is sent wirelessly to the base station using a
GSM signal. The receiving mobile phone at the base station receives the monthly
consumption. The worker at the base station selects an automatic program that is specially
designed to save these values automatically to a database. Then, the values are uploaded to
the designed website and bills are created automatically and sent to the user through email
without interference of any employees, where it can be paid online.
Figure 38: Flow Chart Of Smart Water Billing System
142 | P a g e
Above mentioned flow chart is based on incorporation with AMI/AMR meters. As per proposed
project it was proposed for class B meters. Hence the meter reading will be collected by meter
reader and the data will be fed in POS devise, finally the data will sync with centralised
Components of SWBS:
Software for billing
Nowadays, there is cloud based water billing software used by cities. The complete utility
billing toolkit offers a flexible solution for governments looking to both increase their efficiency
and simplify their workflow.
Many governments are stuck using outdated water billing software, suffering every day from
a lack of features yet unable to upgrade. The standard features of the software include meter
integration, eBilling, a customer portal, and details on meter records, owner and tenant
account, etc. Water billing thus becomes as easy as uploading a meter file, clicking a few
buttons, and printing out bills.
POS device
POS devices are handheld computers for meter reading. The devices can be programmable
and used for setting specific number of consumers to be read. For example, the zone has
2000 connections. The device can be programmed to read 100 connections a day, thus,
needing total of 20 days for completing the activity. The 100 connections to be read in a day
will also be set so that readings for those 100 must be taken on the same day. If the executive
fails to complete reading for those 100 consumers, an explanation needs to be given to the
concerned authority.
143 | P a g e
Consumer App
The system will have a mobile application which will be easy to use to consumers to have their
information about consumption added. The consumers can also check historical consumption
and understand highs and lows as observed in their data. This will give transparency to the
consumers and enable them to monitor and check their consumption.
Figure 40: Consumer App
144 | P a g e
Online and physical one stop office for payment collection of all utilities
There is a need for one place solution for payment of all utilities. An excellent example for this
is Bangalore One – One Stop Non-Stop Service. Bangalore One project is to provide various
citizen centric services across multiple domains through a single point of access located
across the city of Bangalore. It renders one-stop services to the public eventually through
multiple delivery channels like ICSCs and Bangalore One Portal. The Citizen's interaction with
the Government Departments will be under a single umbrella. These services are incorporated
under the Government to Citizen (G2C) facilities provided by the Government of Karnataka.
145 | P a g e
of stretagy
Existing NRW
Periodic water levels after
audit reports Implementation
Leak detection
& rectification
Establish separate NRW monitoring & training cell at ULB level for imparting training to all
water supply system staff and for monitoring reduction of NRW in each
zone/DMA/system/plant/unit/facility etc. The NRW reduction strategy cell ensures that all
components of NRW are covered and that the proposed strategy is feasible in terms of
physical application and financial requirements. The team should comprise of members from
each operational department, including production, distribution, and customer service. It may
also include members from the finance, procurement, and human resource departments.
Choosing the right members promotes ownership by the utility’s various departments involved
in the strategy’s implementation, and also ensure consensus by senior management.
The main objective of this cell is to enhance the efficiency of the transmission and distribution
network, ensure equitable distribution of water and conduct water audit every 3 years. Strategy
development team must work out an annual NRW reduction plan which will document the
actual steps that will be taken to reduce NRW. This plan should be reflected in the performance
targets assigned to each zone or any other unit and taken into account for performance
appraisal of staff.
146 | P a g e
Based on part 2 activities utility manager must be conduct water audit activity once again to
find out existing NRW levels. After completion of water audit and preparation of water balance,
utility manager has clear figures of existing NRW which will be reduced as per priority and
The utility manager needs to have certain information about the network to conduct a water
System input volume
Billed consumption
Unbilled consumption
Unauthorized consumption
Customer metering inaccuracies and data handling errors
Network data
Length of transmission mains, distribution mains and service connections
Number of registered connections
Estimated number of illegal connections
Average pressure
Historic burst data
Level of supply service (24-hour, intermittent, etc.)
Confidence limits of 95% should be applied to all water balance data. These define the
boundaries within which utility managers can be 95% sure that the true value for that particular
component lies. Although the water balance is an important tool for understanding inflows,
consumption, and losses, the general lack of data leads to problems.
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The accuracy of flow meters, customer meter reading, and billing are the main factors affecting
the NRW volume calculation.
Bulk Flow Meter Accuracy
The accuracy of bulk flow meters is critical to calculating system NRW. Generally, the number
of bulk flow meters is relatively small, meaning that a greater proportion of the flow is measured
by each meter. This means that an error on one of these meters has a great impact on the
total production measurement.
Customer meter accuracy
The accuracy of customer meters is equally important, with the main difference being that
there are many more customer meters in operation—and each measures a relatively smaller
flow—than production meters. The accuracy of customer metering depends on several
factors, including meter type, brand, and replacement policy, maintenance, and water quality.
The water utility should establish guidelines for all of these factors to ensure accuracy of
customer consumption data.
Customer billing cycle
When calculating the NRW value, many water utilities simply subtract customer consumption
data from the production meter volume, and then are satisfied with the low result. However,
this is often a false measurement of NRW because, unlike with the production meters, which
are usually read on the same day of every month, customer meters are read over the full
month. Information on the average billing cycle, or the time in days between meter reads, is
critical. Utility managers should then factor the total consumption down to get the true
consumption volume for the exact time period as the production meter volume measurement.
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Flow Measurement
The monitoring and control of losses require rigorous flow measurement, hence the proper
selection and installation of meters to be installed in each monitoring location is of great
importance. In planning a water loss control strategy, the first premise to consider is the correct
measurement, depending on which the tasks of qualification, identification and subsequent
correction can be developed.
The most common scheme for monitoring any water system seeking to locate potential
leakage is based on flow meters or water meters located throughout the system, from the
source, service reservoirs, DMA inputs and consumption by consumers.
Accurate measurement of water volumes is an essential element of our strategy to meet the
targets for reducing NRW. It is proposed to install appropriate measurement infrastructure
wherever required. However, some sub‐elements of the water balance will require estimation
either because sufficient measurement infrastructure is not yet available or measurement is
Water Exported
Billed Water Exported
The Strategy development team should first set a target for NRW reduction, taking into
account the utility’s other goals or policies that will either complement or conflict with NRW
reduction. In addition, water utilities may have an active regulator who will set performance
indicators for NRW and other targets. Often, the NRW target is chosen arbitrarily, without any
real consideration of cost implications or whether it is achievable. Identifying the economic
level of NRW is essential to setting the initial NRW target, and it requires a comparison of the
cost of water being lost versus the cost of undertaking NRW reduction activities.
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Above fig. highlights how the economic level of NRW is determined. The two components that
must be determined are the cost of water lost and the cost of NRW management:
The cost of water lost is the value of the water lost through both physical and commercial
losses. The volume of physical losses should be multiplied by the variable operational
costs, including manpower, chemicals, and electricity. The volume of commercial losses
should be multiplied by the average customer tariff. As NRW increases, the cost of water
lost increases proportionally.
The cost of NRW management is the cost of reducing NRW, including staff costs,
equipment, transportation, and other factors. As NRW decreases, the cost of NRW
management increases.
Adding the two cost components together gives the total cost. In above Figure, the
intersection of the two component lines coincides with the minimum total cost (cost A),
which is the economic level of NRW.
The graph shows that letting NRW increase past the economic level reduces the cost of NRW
management, but the total cost for the utility (cost B) will rise. Similarly, reducing NRW lower
than the economic level of NRW will cost more than the potential savings. However, utility
managers may sometimes decide to push NRW below the economic level, for example in
areas where raw water is scarce or the image of the country requires low losses. In such
cases, the difference between the cost of NRW management and the savings are usually
subsidised by the government.
The economic level of NRW constantly changes with shifts in water tariffs, the cost of electricity
and chemicals, staff salaries, and equipment supply costs. Managers should assess the
economic level of NRW on a yearly basis and adjust the NRW target accordingly to ensure
the efficient use of resources.
Once the utility-wide NRW target is set, utility managers should calculate the proposed volume
of water saved by comparing the NRW baseline with the target level. The various components,
as detailed in the water balance, are then prioritized according to how the required total
reduction can be most cost-effectively achieved. That is, some components may comprise a
significant volume, but would not be targeted because of the high cost to achieve reductions
in that component. On the other hand, focusing on another component may cost less while
reducing the same volume.
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A smaller volume of commercial loss may have a higher financial value, so if increasing
financial resources is the objective, then commercial losses should be prioritized. Where a
water utility has a shortage of treated water, and thus some customers receive less than a 24-
hour supply or the supply coverage is less than 100%, then a reduction in physical losses
would effectively create additional water supply. If increasing water supply is the objective,
then prioritizing physical losses could enable customers to receive water 24 hours a day, or
for new customers to be connected to the supply system.
Leakage on Service
Consumption (C) Consumption (U)
Connections (P)
Customer Metering
Once the utility-wide NRW target is set and the different components analysed to prioritise
areas for achieving the desired reduction, then individual activities will be identified. The
development of the strategy should be based on the concept of Awareness, Location, and
Repair, or ALR. This concept states that any loss occurring from leaks, overflows, faulty
customer meters, or other sources will have three stages as shown in the diagram below.
1. Awareness time. This is the time needed for a water operator to become aware that a leak
exists, a parameter strongly influenced by the presence or absence of an active leakage
control program.
2. Location time. This is the time taken to pinpoint the source of the leak once the operator
is aware of its existence.
3. Repair time. This is actually the time to halt the leakage flow once the leak position has
been identified. This is not just the time of the shutoff of the leakage flow, but all preceding
time (while the leak is still running) needed to route the repair work order, schedule the repair,
notify customers, and other activities, which can take days or weeks depending on the policies
of the water utility and the severity of disruption caused by the leakage.
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The volume of water lost will continue to increase until the water utility is aware of the problem,
locates or pinpoints it, and finally repairs or resolves it. An underground leak could run for
several months or even years without anyone being aware that it exists. Therefore, the NRW
strategy must ensure that the company reduces its awareness, location, and repair times for
all NRW components. Many losses occur because of poor or limited maintenance, so in
addition to reducing ALR, a fourth element of the NRW strategy should be system
maintenance. This is critical to maintaining good asset condition and reducing the incidence
of new leaks, meter failures, reservoir leaks, and other problems.
When developing an NRW management strategy, remember that reducing NRW is not a short-
term process, especially in aging, large, open, or high pressure systems. The timeframe for
implementing each strategy component should be outlined, with some activities possibly
spanning years rather than months. NRW strategies spanning between four and seven years
are reasonable any less is ambitious, and any more will not be as cost-effective.
The development and implementation of activities to achieve the targeted level of NRW incurs
a financial cost. With some NRW management strategies lasting years, the overall cost could
be quite substantial. A long term budget that is thoroughly discussed with key stakeholders
will ensure that all parties are aware of the costs required and that the strategy is financially
viable. Many NRW strategies start off at full speed but often fail due to budget cuts over time.
Undertaking pilot projects to demonstrate the effectiveness of the NRW strategy is useful. The
pilot should cover a smaller area, be substantial enough to ensure that all components of the
NRW strategy are tested, and operate under financial conditions that can be replicated when
activities are implemented throughout the entire network. The analysis of the pilot results
should be used in the development of the economic level of NRW for the entire system.
In preparing a budget, the utility manager needs to identify the following costs:
Staffing Include staff for both direct NRW works (e.g. leakage technicians) and indirect
support (e.g. procurement staff).
Equipment Include equipment installed permanently (e.g. DMA meters) and those
used on a day-to-day basis (e.g. leakage detection equipment).
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Effectively addressing NRW requires a combined effort from management and staff
throughout the utility. However, the number of staff with a good knowledge of NRW is usually
limited to engineers or others working at an operational level. Everyone, from the City Engineer
to the meter readers and crew, should understand the importance of NRW and how it affects
their daily work and the utility. More specifically, the following groups should understand NRW
and their role in reducing water losses:
Top decision-makers, including the Board of Directors, mayors, or political leaders
All levels of the utility’s management and staff
The general public, or consumers
The public’s perception of NRW is shaped by information presented through the media, which
often does not include full explanations of the complex issues involved. During the initial
implementation period of the NRW reduction strategy, the public will be greatly affected when
water supply is stopped to install meters, repair leaks, or undertake other work. The utility must
ensure that the public is aware of the strategy and understands that service interruptions will
result in long-term benefits for all.
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The utility’s staffs need to understand NRW and how the NRW reduction program will improve
the organization. In certain cases, savings from the NRW reduction program may be shared
with the staff through bonuses or other incentives.
Physical Losses
Distribution System
Leaks from:
Service Pipes
Booster pump
Air Valve
Control Valve
Consumer Meter
Violations &
Commercial Losses
Reading errors
Tempered Meter
Broken Meter
No Meter Admin errors
Data entry errors
Loss of bill
All staff, from senior management to the crew, should understand the NRW reduction strategy
and their role in achieving the NRW target. Middle managers should participate in briefing
sessions to raise their NRW awareness and to provide input to strengthen the strategies.
Managers should then brief their operational staff on upcoming activities and changes in
policies and practices. Some examples of how individuals in various departments are involved
in the strategy’s implementation include:
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Meter readers must provide accurate readings as this will immediately affect the NRW
Purchasing officers must complete equipment orders as quickly as possible, since
delays in the purchasing process will then hinder these necessary installations and
upgrades in the system. As a result, district meter areas (DMAs), which can play a key
role in reducing NRW, will not be established in a timely manner.
Financial officers must not delay payments to suppliers, as this may disrupt future
equipment or meter supplies.
Crew must repair burst pipes as quickly as possible so that water losses and water
supply disruptions are minimal. Fast repairs increase the utility’s efficiency and
promote customers’ willingness to pay their water bill.
Consumer Awareness
One of the goals of reducing NRW is also to provide better and more efficient services to the
public. To accomplish this, the public must also understand how they can help manage NRW
by reporting burst pipes, faulty valves, leaks, or other problems that limited utility crews may
not detect. The earlier the utility becomes aware of a burst pipe or leak, the faster it will be
repaired, thus reducing the losses
Awareness programs should be organized with a variety of stakeholders from the public,
including politicians, community leaders, and household and industrial consumers. Programs
generally focus on basic NRW concepts and how reducing NRW helps ensure that
communities receive better water supply and services. All urban dwellers should be made
aware of the source from which water is being brought to the city and from which additional
water will have to be brought in future. They should be aware of the costs involved, not only
in financial terms, but also the costs that other communities have to incur in terms of
opportunity lost by not using the water. Public awareness needs to be created for reducing
water consumption. Women's participation is particularly important and needs to be
encouraged to the maximum as they are the major users and have to fetch water from a
distance if the local system does not work. Congenial environment has to be created for
motivating people, community, and local governments to come forward and take up operation,
maintenance, and management of the system.
After awareness programs are conducted in each community, all staff should work to ensure
that customer confidence in the utility’s services is maintained. A key element in this is open
communication. For example, the public should be able to easily contact the utility to report
burst pipes, leakages, or other concerns. The utility should establish a system to receive
information or complaints from customers, and then to disseminate it to the relevant
operational units so action is taken quickly.
Water utility should conduct water quality testing on demand and supply side both. This is an
important parameter that should be tested to have good quality of water produced and
supplied. There are instances when consumers receive bad quality water and raise
complaints. This will result in health problems, wastage of water, etc. It will have cascading
effect on willingness to pay by the consumers.
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Indoor leak detection: A great deal of water is lost in homes through leaks in pipes, plumbing
fixtures and toilets. The real solution is the manufacture of leak proof fittings.
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Commercial losses can be broken down into four fundamental elements, which are:
Customer meter inaccuracy
Unauthorized consumption
Meter reading errors
Data handling and accounting errors
Following figure is a graphic that represents a conceptual approach to loss control interventions
applied to apparent losses. The center boxes represent three levels of apparent losses, as
defined in the following list:
•The outer box perimeter represents the current volume of apparent losses listed in the water
• The perimeter of the middle box represents the utility-specific target level for apparent
losses. Conceptually, this is the economic level of apparent losses (ELAL) or the level at which
the cost of the loss control efforts equals the savings garnered from the loss recovery. The
ELAL represents a breakeven point, beyond which the effort to control apparent losses costs
more than the likely recoveries of revenue.
• The inner box is defined by the unavoidable annual apparent losses (UAAL) as the quantity
representing its perimeter. This is a conceptual level of loss representing the lowest level that
could be attained if all possible loss controls could be exerted. Unlike the unavoidable annual
real losses (UARL) that has an established calculation, an established formula or reference
value for the UAAL does not currently exist. Discussion on the means to develop a calculation
for the UAAL has been underway for a number of years.
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• The four arrows represent the mechanisms by which apparent losses occur. The dual
directions of the arrows reflect the fact that by exerting control in each component of loss, the
total annual volume of losses (outer box) can be reduced. The arrows also reflect that lack of
control of these components results in the total volume of apparent loss increasing.
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Unauthorised Consumption
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should also report cases of direct connections without accompanying meters that they see
during their rounds.
Water theft
While meter under-registration is more of a technical problem, water theft is a political and
social issue. Reducing this part of commercial losses is neither technically difficult nor costly,
but it requires making difficult and unpleasant managerial decisions that may be politically
unpopular. The reason is that illegal connections are nearly always wrongly associated with
only the urban poor and informal settlements. However, water theft by high-income
households and commercial users, sometimes even large corporations, often accounts for
sizable volumes of water lost and even higher losses of revenue.
In addition to illegal connections, other forms of water theft include meter tampering and meter
bypasses, meter reader corruption, and illegal hydrant use. Another common problem is
“inactive accounts.” In cases where a customer’s contract has been terminated, the physical
service connection, or at least the tapping point on the main, still exists and is easy to re-
connect illegally. A stringent inactive account management and verification program can easily
solve this problem.
Tackling meter bypassing
Some customers try to reduce their water bills by using a meter bypass, which is an additional
pipe installed around the meter. This bypass pipe is often buried and very difficult to detect.
This type of unauthorized consumption is usually committed by industrial and commercial
premises, where only a small volume of the consumption goes through the meter and the rest
through the bypass pipe. Because large customers tend to steal large volumes of water, the
discrepancy will show up when the utility conducts a flow balance analysis. The utility should
then undertake customer surveys and leakage step tests to determine where the missing flow
Preventing illegal use of fire hydrants
Although the only legal use of fire hydrants is for firefighting, some use them illegally to fill
tankers (normally at night) or to provide water supply to construction sites. The utility staff can
detect these flows, often high volume over a short period of time, through appropriate flow
measurements at DMA meters. Such high flows are not only incidences of water theft, but also
a detriment to the pipe network and water quality, which affects the service to the customer.
Through customer awareness programs, the utility staff should encourage customers to report
cases of illegal uses of fire hydrants. In addition, the utility manager needs to cooperate with
relevant local agencies or departments to identify owners of tankers suspected of drawing
water illegally and without proper permission. Developing and enforcing regulations to
penalize water thieves together with local agencies will also deter unauthorized consumption.
Actively checking the customer billing system
Sometimes connections are made legally, but the billing department is not notified of the new
connection; therefore, the customer is never billed. These unregistered customers can be
detected during the regular meter reading cycle when diligent meter readers find meters that
are not in their reading book. However, this process may not identify all of the errors in the
billing system.
Conducting a complete customer survey within each DMA, whereby utility representatives visit
every property in the DMA—whether or not they are recorded in the billing system—is the best
method of comprehensively identifying billing system errors. The survey should include the
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following information: property address, name of owner, and meter make and number. The
representative should also conduct a meter test to ensure that the accurate flow is recorded.
For metered areas, utilities should focus on large users by encouraging good customer
relationships through frequent visits. Checking large customers’ accounts monthly will help
detect anomalies, which may be due to water theft. In areas of suspected high commercial
losses, temporary DMAs can be established to analyze flows through standard monitoring
activities, such as step testing and flow balancing, to pinpoint problematic areas.
Corrupt meter readers can significantly impact a utility’s monthly billed consumption. For
instance, the same meter reader who walks the same route for an extended period of time,
thus becoming familiar with the customers and their monthly billed consumption, may collude
with those customers to record lower meter readings in exchange for a monetary incentive.
To reduce this risk, the utility manager needs to rotate meter readers to different routes on a
regular basis.
Tariff Structure
A tariff structure is a set of procedural rule that determine the service and charges for various
categories of users. Tariff should reflect the true cost of consuming water so as to avoid
wastage. An efficient tariff should be affordable but should also be efficiently designed to cover
the cost of production incurred by the utilities. Tariff structure should be telescopic and should
incorporate the principle of “Increasing block tariff” in order to incentivize conversion.
Errors can be easily introduced through negligence, aging meters, or even corruption during
the process of reading the meters and billing customers. Incompetent or inexperienced meter
readers may read the meter incorrectly or make simple errors, such as placing a decimal in
the wrong place. Dirty dials, faulty meters, and jammed meters can also contribute to meter
reading errors. The meter readers should immediately report any observed problems, and the
maintenance team should take action to remedy the problem immediately. If remedial action
is too slow, meter readers may become demoralized and less inclined to report problems.
Because meter readers are the utility’s frontline in liaising with customers, their activities have
an immediate impact on cash flow. Utility managers should therefore invest in training and
motivating their meter readers to record and report information effectively and efficiently. The
manager should also establish systems and procedures to prevent meter reading errors by
improving its meter reading and billing processes through greater supervision of meter
readers, implementation of rotating reading routes, and frequent spot checks.
The typical method of data handling and billing requires a meter reader to visit each property
and read the customer meter. The data is then recorded by hand on a form, taken back to the
office, given to the billing department, and typed into the billing system. A bill is then printed
and mailed to the customer. In this scenario, a variety of errors may occur at the different
stages: the meter reader writes down incorrect data; the billing department transfers incorrect
data into the billing system; or the bill is sent to the wrong address.
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A robust billing database is one of the key elements of minimizing these errors and should be
the initial purchase of any water utility striving to improve its revenues. The latest billing
software has built-in analysis functions that can identify potential data handling errors and
report them for verification. In addition, billing software will report monthly estimate readings
and zero reads, both of which may indicate a problem with the customer’s meter. Site visits
will help identify meters needing replacement.
Training of meter readers promotes diligence, good customer meter maintenance, and
decreased meter reading errors. If financially viable, utilities should consider electronic meter-
reading devices, which reduce data handling errors to a minimum since all data transfers to
the billing system are done electronically.
Real Losses also referred to as physical losses, are actual losses of water from the system
and consist of leakage from transmission and distribution mains, leakage and overflows from
the water system’s storage tanks and leakage from service connections. The quantity of real
losses in a given water system is a good indicator of how efficient a water supplier is in
managing its assets (the distribution network) and the product it delivers to its customers.
Volumes of real losses that are significantly higher than what is economically justifiable
indicate that action needs to be taken if the water supplier is to be viewed as water‐efficient,
customer‐responsive, and a responsible steward of water resources.
The first and second types of leakage are usually quite visible to either the public or utility staff,
so they are easy to detect and are repaired relatively quickly. The third type is more difficult to
detect and can therefore lead to a greater volume of physical losses. This chapter describes
these three types of losses and solutions for reducing them.
Leakage ranking results from experience of observing their causes, with the extent of water
loss caused by leakage strongly influenced by system infrastructure characteristics and its
surroundings, as well as leak detection and repair strategy, management and operation of the
utility policy and practices. The most important causes for infrastructure leakage occurrence
Condition of the main transmission and distribution pipelines;
Material, age and attention to the original settlement of pipelines;
Number and quality of service connections or extensions;
Pressure at which the system is operated and pressure fluctuations throughout the day;
Number and condition of network accessories such as valves, hydrants and air vents;
State of hydraulic transient’s protection equipment;
Protection against corrosion;
Materials used for repairs;
State of foundations and walls of the reservoirs;
Surface or overflow discharges;
Geotechnical conditions and instability of the soil;
Road traffic or other vehicles loadings.
Of all the factors noted, the relevance of each is enhanced by the influence of operating
pressures, management of which strongly influences losses in the system, where it is known
that high pressures:
Imply a greater amount of water consumed either by bursts or by the consumer;
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Are associated with a higher rate of damage and breakage in pipes and fittings;
Increase the likelihood of hydraulic transients, particularly in the start and stop events of
pumping groups and of isolating valve operations. Hydraulic transients can cause bursts
in pipelines, shifting stabilizing blocks or damaging joints.
A proper estimate of actual losses in a network can be achieved by applying four different
methods: Top down Analysis of the Water balance, analysis of night flows through the Bottom-
Up analysis of water balance components and a combination these approaches.
In the case of top-down approach, it is assumed that:
Volume of Real Losses = System Input Volume - (Authorized Consumption Volume +
Apparent Losses Volume)
This approach is dependent on knowledge of variables that are not easily measured or
estimated, as is the case of apparent losses, relating in particular to metering losses or theft.
For this reason, in this approach, a portion of the value associated with apparent losses
remains invariably added to the value attributed to the real losses, overestimating the problem
of system leakage. Therefore, assessing the volume of leakage through a combination of other
methods is recommended.
In the case of Bottom-Up approach, applicable to sectorised networks equipped with
continuous monitoring systems, the volume of real losses is estimated based on the
observation of night flow values to the areas in question, typically observed between 2am and
4am and then extrapolated to 24 hours of operation. In this approach, it is essential to calculate
the Night-Day Factor, which corresponds to the ratio between the maximum pressure variation
present in the network (usually during the night which is the best estimate of losses) and the
minimum pressure recorded during peak periods.
In the case of bottom-up approach, it is assumed that:
Volume of Real Losses = (Minimum Night consumption - Authorized Consumption) X
Night Day Factor
An important advantage of this type of analysis is the possibility to calculate the volume of real
losses, either for the whole system or DMAs, enabling the utility to ranking and align areas
according to intervention priorities. This type of calculation provides a check of the values
obtained by the water balance and determining the relationship between network pressure
and the level of losses.
Water loss most commonly occurs due to leakage caused by a variety of factors, including:
Excess pressure
Temperature variations
Seismic activity
Lack of regular maintenance
Excessive traffic loading
Poor design/installation
Inappropriate backfill
Pressure transients/fluctuations
Leakages occurring from transmission and distribution mains are usually large events,
sometimes catastrophic, causing damage to highway infrastructure and vehicles. The majority
of such bursts are usually not very severe although they cause supply disruptions. Because
of their size and visibility, the bursts are reported quickly, and are then repaired or shut off
soon afterwards.
By using data from repair records, Utility can calculate the number of leaks on mains repaired
during the reporting period (usually 12 months) and estimate an average flow rate of the leaks.
This gives the total annual volume of leakage from mains as follows:
Total annual volume of Leakage from mains = Number of reported bursts x Average
leak flow rate x Average leak duration
Utility can then add estimates for background losses and excess losses (current undetected
leaks). Background losses are individual events (i.e. small leaks and weeping joints) that flow
at rates too low for detection by an active leak detection survey. They are finally detected
either by chance or after they have worsened to the point that an active leak detection survey
can discover them. Excess losses include the water lost from leaks that are not detected and
repaired under the current leakage control policy
Excess Losses = Physical losses from water balance - known physical loss
If this equation results in a negative value for excess losses, the assumptions for the physical
loss component analysis (e.g. values for leak durations) should be rechecked, and if
necessary, corrected. If the value is still negative after rechecking the assumptions, this
indicates that faulty data was used in the water balance calculation. For example, ULB may
have underestimated system input or overestimated commercial losses), and all the
components should be checked.
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The four basic of a leak management strategy include pressure management, repairs, active
leakage control, and asset management. These factors influence how leakage is managed—
and therefore the volume and economic value of leakage—in any utility’s distribution network.
The following explains the four basic management activities required for effective control of
real losses.
The large box represents the Current Annual Volume of Physical Losses (CAPL), which tends
to increase as the distribution network ages. But the rate of increase can be constrained by
an appropriate combination of the four components of a successful leakage management
strategy. The middle box represents the Minimum Achievable Annual Physical Losses
(MAAPL), or Economic level of Real losses (ELL), the lowest technically achievable volume
of physical losses at the current operating pressure. Introducing or strengthening any of the
four components will have an effect on the potentially recoverable losses.
The speed and quality of repairs carried out on the leaks detected on the network allow the
reduction of losses volume, ensuring that it is maintained at controlled levels. Implementation
of an integrated asset management system by a utility helps to ensure a balance between
performance, cost and asset risk, contributing to a policy of maintenance, replacement or
renewal effective and sustainable. The last factor focuses on active leakage control, which
calls for a proactive strategy towards the reduction of water losses through the detection of
hidden leaks, for which control is possible through the action of specialized teams and
continuous monitoring of the supply system.
In the short-term, management of real losses must be undertaken to reduce the duration leaks
through the rapid intervention to resolve the detected leakage and improving the quality of
repairs. To achieve results in the medium and long term, thus effectively reducing losses in
the network, action should be promoted towards pressure management, efficient management
of company assets and active leakage control.
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Pressure Management
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Many Water Utilities have a good reputation for ensuring that 'reported' mains breaks are
promptly repaired. However, many are not aware that such events usually account for only a
small part (typically 15% or less) of the Current Annual Real Losses volume. The majority of
Annual Real Losses volume consists of:
background leakage (small hidden undetectable leaks at joints and fittings, running
continuously), which are sensitive to pressure
unreported leaks and breaks (see 'Active Leakage Control')
known leaks which are not repaired for various reasons (often because of their low
flow rates)
Consider the relative influence on known un-repaired small leaks on annual Real Losses
volume. An un-repaired small leak running at 0.25 m3/hr for 1 year will lose around 2200 m3,
or almost 5 times the volume of a reported mains breaks running at 20 m3/hour for 1 day (480
m3 lost). It is not only the flow rate of an individual leak that matters, but also the run-time.
Speed and quality of repair of ALL detectable leaks – reported and unreported is a prerequisite
for effective leakage management.
The length of time a leak is allowed to run affects the volume of physical losses, so repairs
should be completed as soon as possible once a leak is detected. Repair quality also has an
effect on whether the repair is sustained. Key issues to consider when formulating a repair
policy include:
Efficient organisation and procedures from the initial alert through to the repair itself
Availability of equipment and materials
Sufficient funding
Appropriate standards for materials and workmanship
Committed management and staffs
PRVs installed in meter chambers
Good quality of service connections is often the ‘weakest link’
Pipeline and asset management is also fundamental to the process of leakage management,
but replacement of mains and services tends to be much more expensive than the other three
options described above. The increasing evidence that pressure management can
substantially reduce new break frequencies is also the most relevant.
Internationally, many water utilities have tried to reduce their leakage by relying on a high rate
of mains replacement; this usually has little effect because in well managed systems, only a
minority of annual real losses occurs from reported mains burst (in some cases the real losses
increase because other leakage management activities are not being done). Component
analysis of annual real losses, using the Bursts and Background Estimates (BABE)
consistently shows that, in most distribution systems, the majority of Annual Real Losses
volume is associated with leaks (background, reported and unreported) on service
Asset Management
Asset management is good engineering and business practice, and it includes all aspects of
utility management and operations. Good asset management is a necessity for long-term
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economic leakage management, and the objective is to tackle leaks in the most cost-effective
way. This requires priority setting and decisions on whether to repair, replace, rehabilitate, or
leave the assets as they are, while simultaneously implementing pressure management and
improving the operation and maintenance programme. The critical factors of asset
management are:
Understanding how assets are currently performing
Collecting data and turning it into useful information for planning
Good information systems
Particularly relevant to developing an NRW reduction strategy is the aging of the pipe network
and making decisions on when to replace or renew the network infrastructure. This requires
an understanding of the assets conditions and deterioration rates. Burst frequency modelling,
using data from burst records, helps prioritize pipe rehabilitation, renewal, or replacement. In
addition, active leakage control will identify clusters of pipes in the network where bursts and
repairs are a continuous occurrence.
When these activities do not lead to reduced leakages, utility managers should undertake a
condition assessment program to decide whether to replace pipes or conduct further repairs.
The adoption of a supply system monitoring policy to control losses considers sectorisation
into DMAs. To this end, it becomes imperative to consider a series of conditions and actions
to be implemented in the network that require the prior profound network knowledge, namely
on characteristics and operation. The implementation, without jeopardizing the quantity and
quality of water supply, of a monitoring system aimed towards active leakage control, requires
the existence of some basic tools, namely:
Geographic Information System (GIS) – computer application to visualize all infrastructure,
which are geo-referenced and which must be updated regularly and also include terrain
mapping representation;
Network Mapping - It is recommended to water utility that update GIS base map time to time
so updated consumer data, connections data and pipe network will have used for future
projects. Adoption of network mapping by preparing “as built” drawings and carrying out
hydraulic modelling from time to time can facilitate NRW reduction. This will come in handy
during regular O&M operations and during emergency breakdowns. Network drawings also
enable the maintenance staff to get accurate information about the location of valves, joints,
flow meters and alignment of water lines even after a long time, which will in turn save time
and money in repairs etc.
The GIS map should also be linked to other data base such as property map data by linking
the house service connection numbers to the property numbers. By achieving this data
connectivity billing, consumption analysis, payment potential could be easily ascertained.
These will also yield valuable information when it comes to tariff revision.
There are very few distribution systems that do not experience unreported leaks, to a greater
or lesser extent. The leaking water flows into drains, permeable ground or underlying fractured
rocks, without causing any immediate problem. Active Leakage Control (ALC) is the activity of
identifying the presence of such events, and going out to locate them (intervention), so as to
control their average run time.
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Active leakage control (ALC) is vital to cost-effective and efficient leakage management. The
concept of monitoring flows into source, production, Junction points, storage tanks and zones,
or district meter areas (DMAs), where bursts and leaks are unreported is now an internationally
accepted and well-established technique to determine where leak location activities should be
undertaken. The quicker the ULB can analyse DMA flow data, the quicker bursts or leaks can
be located. This, together with speedy repair, limits the total volume of water lost. There are
many points in a distribution network where leakages can occur and where they are best
monitored as per following fig:
Flow Measurement
Modern flow metering and data capture
technologies play a major part in quickly
identifying bursts and in estimating the gradual
accumulation of smaller leaks. Many water
utilities integrate data from DMAs via telemetry
into their supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) systems. This approach is
particularly effective when implemented
together with an analysis package that helps the
utility manager identify DMAs that requiring leak
location work.
Leak localizing, locating, and pinpointing
Utility managers need to ensure a detailed process is undertaken to locate leaks:
Use flow meter data to identify DMAs that contain unreported bursts or an
accumulation of leaks.
Narrow down the area of leakage within the DMA.
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This process requires reasonable accuracy at each step to avoid high excavation costs and
‘dry holes’ (excavations at suspected leak points that reveal no obvious leak). The basic
method of detecting and locating a leak is to listen for the noise of the water being released
from the pipe under pressure. The effectiveness of this activity is dependent on the system
pressure, the size and shape of the leak and the pipe material.
For ensuring accuracy the utility has a wealth of acoustic equipment’s to pinpoint leaks and
bursts, including noise loggers, leak noise correlators, ground microphones, and sounding
sticks. Although these tools are extremely helpful for ALC, utility managers must understand
the proper applications and maintenance requirements of each tool to maximize their use.
Multi-correlating Noise loggers: - Noise loggers
narrow down areas of a DMA that contain suspected
bursts or number of leaks. A cluster of loggers,
usually 6, 12, or 18, is deployed in the survey area,
with each logger placed on a hydrant, meter, or other
surface fitting. Noises that are suspected of being
caused by leaks can be confirmed, and the leak is
located using other location equipment as described
below. Some noise logger systems also incorporate
data from multiple points to ‘instantly’ locate leaks.
position. When a leak is detected by the leak noise loggers or leak noise correlator, the
utility manager may use either mode to locate the leak.
Typically, following material is being used for leak rectification works in project area.
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When a water works will be taken over for O&M, it should be ensuring that at least 5-6 sets of
the detailed drawing maps of each of the components of the water works along with all relevant
O&M manual will be available with the GP. One of the set may be preserved as a reference
set in apex office for reference. The other sets must be corrected and updated whenever any
addition/alterations/deletions will be done to nay of the structures and equipment.
Hydraulic System Model – a software tool that allows analysis and prediction of the system
hydraulic behavior, from the characteristics of its components, mode of operation and required
These tools, whilst not being essential to monitoring system implementation, are very
important for the quality of results and overall optimization of the monitoring system and water
losses control, maximizing their results and speed at which they can be obtained by enhancing
process efficiency.
The proposed scheme includes DMA establishment on proposed water supply network, once
the DMA has been established, it becomes an operational tool for monitoring and managing
both of the major components of NRW, physical and commercial losses. The calculation for
NRW within a DMA is defined as follows:
DMA NRW = Total DMA Inflow - Total DMA Consumption
After flow meters are installed on all inlets to the DMA, the Total DMA Inflow can be measured
using the increase in the totaliser, or the meter counter measuring the volume of water passing
through the meter, for the calculation period.
The Total DMA Consumption will depend on the customer meter coverage. If the DMA has a
100% domestic meter coverage, meaning all customers within the DMA have a meter, then
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the total DMA Consumption can be calculated through a simple summation of all meter
measurements for the calculation period.
If 100% domestic meter coverage does not exist within the DMA, then the Total DMA
Consumption can be estimated by using per capita consumption figures. Initially, a survey of
all properties within the DMA should be undertaken; this survey may be limited to counting the
number of properties and estimating the average number of occupants per property. For a
more detailed estimate, surveyors will interview all households and ask how many occupants
live within each property.
Most DMAs will not contain any reservoirs or trunk mains, so these components are not usually
considered when analysing physical losses within a DMA. Physical losses within a DMA are
effectively pipe leaks on the main pipes and customer connections. Leakage occurs through
holes or cracks in the main pipes or at pipe joints, which will leak water constantly over a 24-
hour period. In contrast, leaks from customer connections fluctuate with customer demand
throughout the day, with peak demand in the morning and evening, and a minimum demand
at night when most customers are asleep and not using water.
Because leakage from the main pipes is continuous, while customer demand is minimal at
night, water operators should monitor leakage during the night period. Following fig. shows
the flow pattern into a typical DMA with mainly domestic customers.
To estimate the level of leakage in the DMA the operator needs to calculate the system’s Net
Night Flow (NNF), which is determined by subtracting the Legitimate Night Flow (LNF) from
the Minimum Night Flow (MNF). The MNF is the lowest flow into the DMA over a 24-hour
period, which generally occurs at night when most consumers are inactive.
This MNF can be measured directly from the data logging device or the flow graph. Although
customer demand is minimal at night, water operators still have to account for the small
amount of legitimate night flow, i.e. the night-time customer demand, such as toilet flushing,
washing machines, etc. In a system with 100% metering, LNF is calculated by measuring the
hourly night flow for all nondomestic and domestic demand within the DMA. The utility will then
estimate the total LNF in terms of liters per hour and liters per second.
For systems without 100% customer metering, water operators can approximate LNF based
on estimated per capita night consumption. Utility managers should conduct a customer
survey of all the properties, both domestic and non-domestic, within the DMA, and then
determine the total number of connections per demand group (domestic, industrial,
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commercial, or others). Based on data from other areas with 100% customer metering, the
utility can estimate a night-time flow rate for each demand group and multiply that by the
number of connections within the demand group to get the total LNF.
To determine the level of Net Night Flow (NNF) or the portion of night flow directly attribute to
leakage, subtract the LNF from the recorded MNF.
Leakage is proportional to the pressure in the system. Similar to water flows into the DMA, the
DMA average pressure will change over a 24-hour period. Pressure is directly proportional to
flow due to frictional head losses within the system, and thus when the DMA has its lowest
inflows, the pressure will be at its highest. This is because frictional head loss is proportional
to velocity, so when flows are low, the velocities in the pipes are also low and less head loss
Therefore, the NNF or leakage calculated for the minimum night flow period will not be a true
representation of leakage across a 24-hour period. Utility managers must also determine a
pressure factor, or T Factor, that creates a true average 24-hour leakage value when applied
to the NNF. The T Factor is calculated by using a data logger to record pressure over a 24-
hour period, and then using those measurements to calculate the average 24-hour pressure.
This average 24-hour pressure is compared to the system pressure during the minimum night
period and a factor applied.
Step Test
Step testing is an effective, flow based method of localizing flow loss within the DMA. To
perform a step-test the inflow in to the zone must be monitored through the installed flow
meters and valve operation activities to cut of the zones i.e. steps within the DMA. This
demonstrates how much water in consumed in each step. Each step has an estimated
consumer consumption which is compared to the drop-in flow at the inlet meter. If the
difference between actual drop and consumption is significant, this provides an indication of
leakage within that step.
Generally, step should be carried out when the demand is at the lowest i.e. at night time
between 1.00 am to 4.00 am.
There are three types of valves when operating a step test –
a) Valves permanently shut to create DMA/ Zone called Boundary Valves
b) Valve needs to shut to create a step are called step valves
c) Valve that needs to be operated to isolate step from zone / inlet
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It is important to allow setting time (minimum 15 minutes) between each step closure to have
a stable and realistic flow rate. All the network events should be recorded to analyze as
Figure 45: Typical Step Formation And Drop In Flow Rate Per Step
The level of NRW within a DMA can be calculated by subtracting the recorded consumption
from the inflow. As per above fig. how to determine the leakage level or NNF within each DMA
using the minimum night flow. This section discusses how to calculate commercial losses
through a simple subtraction of leakage from the NRW, as follows:
Commercial loss = NRW - NNF
Once utility managers identify the DMAs with significantly high commercial losses, they should
investigation for faulty meters, tampered meters, and illegal connections. They may also
conduct a series of customer surveys of each property within the DMA to verify the property’s
inclusion in the billing database, interview the occupants, and assess the water meter.
Establishing a DMA and the subsequent reduction in NRW will improve the water pressure
within the DMA. As leaks are repaired, the flows within the DMA will decrease and thus the
friction head losses are reduced, which has the effect of increasing DMA system pressures.
These increases in pressure will become even more pronounced at night when demands are
low and friction head losses are even lower.
Improved pressure control presents dual benefits of reducing leakages and stabilising system
pressures, which increase asset life. Most pipe bursts occur not because of high pressure but
rather due to ongoing pressure fluctuations that force the pipe to continually expand and
contract, resulting in stress fractures. Installing a pressure control device, such as a pressure
reducing valve (PRV), helps to reduce pressure throughout the day, stabilise fluctuations, and
reduce stress on pipes.
By design, PRVs reduce pressure to a set level during the day and night-time. A pressure of
30 m is sufficient for most customer demand. However, the pressure in a gravity system can
be much higher at night when there is little customer demand. To activate a lower pressure at
night and during periods of low demand, and to further reduce leakage levels, water utilities
should install a timer device with two set levels—one for daytime when customers need water,
and the second for night-time when demand is low. The night-time setting, generally adjusted
between 15 m and 20 m pressure, is typically lower than the daytime setting,
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Establishing DMAs helps water utilities to prevent water quality deterioration in the distribution
network. Closing a number of boundary valves to isolate each DMA, as per standard DMA
establishment protocol, reduces the ebb and varying flow of water within the pipe network. As
a result, sediments accumulated in the bottom of pipe will be disturbed less, thereby reducing
water discolouration.
Water utilities benefit from decreased pipe leaks and repairs as a result of a more stable
system pressure. Utilities can better locate pipe leakages that commonly cause infiltration of
dirt and potentially contaminated groundwater into the pipes. The need for fewer repairs
results in fewer system shutdowns, which in turn keeps sediments undisturbed. Each DMA
should include a water sampling point. Regular sampling and testing will help to identify water
quality issues and assist asset rehabilitation teams in identifying pipes that need replacement
or repair.
Schedule of Maintenance
Once the DMA is brought to the agreed NRW level, this needs to be maintained during the
entire O&M period. Each DMA’s NRW will be managed using intervention policy. The level of
intervention is generally described below –
S.N. Intervention Activity Detailed Action
1 Up to 5% Regular Swipe DMA for Visible leaks
increase in Maintenance
Validate leakage prone areas based on past records
target NRW
level Check on inlet pressure and supply hours / schedule
Observe consumption data
2 From 5% to Active Swipe DMA for visible and invisible leaks in each and every
10% increase Sweeping supply
in target NRW
Validate leakage prone areas by opening manhole covers /
drain slabs
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Contingency Plans
Occasionally an event happens to disrupt normal operations. For these situations, contingency
plans should be in place to provide clear guidance to team to effectively address operations.
detailed contingency plan to be prepared & operated by O&M in case of emergency.
Emergency situations may happen due to few of the following conditions.
Water Distribution Low / High System Pressure
Water Main Breaks
Valves Operations
Poor Water Quality Incidents
The physical works during O &M period can be summarized as follows:
a) Leak detection and repair of leaks in the water supply system
b) Consumer meter testing and replacement of damaged meters and installation of
new meters for new customers.
c) Water quality monitoring and testing
d) Maintenance of Instrumentation system and Communication equipment such as
SCADA center, water billing system, all flow meters, loggers, sensors/transmitters
etc. inclusive of associated accessories.
Leak detection work to be carried out in each DMA by observing night line flows between 2am
to 4am i.e. during Minimum Night Flow (MNF) condition. If the flow during MNF exceeds the
accepted flow limits, it will be notified by NRW engineer and he will arrange a team to carryout
step test to identify leak pocket / pipe stretch. Once the leaky pocket / pipe stretch is identified,
leak detection engineers will pin point the leak using acoustic based equipment’s i.e. Listening
Stick, Ground Microphone, Leak Noise Correlators etc. After pin pointing, leak will be rectified
by leak repair team by closing supply in that particular stretch. Once the leak is rectified, flow
during MNF will be observed again. Leak detection & rectification activity will continue till MNF
reduces to acceptable flow rate. Restoration of leak pit will be done by road restoration team
immediately after confirmation from leak rectification team.
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For continuous leak detection and monitoring, we have deployed team of trained Engineers.
A team of 2 to 4 engineers will be deployed to one pocket with necessary equipment’s for leak
detection. During night time, team will visit the part of DMA where leaks are suspected (based
on result of step test) and they will observe for visible leaks and will also try to pin point for
invisible leaks if any.
The Distribution of water in the Zones is currently very unequal and intermittent with
administrative zones receiving 2 to 3 hours a day on alternate day basis. Water supply to the
consumer-end from ESR & direct distribution and due to limited hours of supply, there is
general tendency to fetch water with small booster pump in individual property as a result
unbalancing the system flow & pressure.
In some systems, the water supply is not continuously available to customers 24 hours a day,
so they tend to hoard water whenever it is available in case of delays in getting reconnected.
As a result, they often store more water than is required for the period of non-supply. When
the water supply is reconnected, they then discard the old water and hoard fresh water once
Water consumption per capita per day is therefore often much higher in intermittent supply
systems compared to continuous supply systems. Converting to a 24-hour supply will result
in lower water consumption and lower demand from the water production plant. However,
turning the entire network into 24-hour supply remains challenging since the process normally
requires five to seven days for the water consumption to decrease to normal (or actual use)
levels. During this period, the demand would be so high that the system pressure would be
greatly reduced, causing people to continue hoarding water.
DMA principles can be applied to convert from an intermittent to continuous water supply
system. First, the water utility should consider installing a small number of DMAs that gradually
feed continuous water supply, leading users in those DMAs to adjust to the new system and
reduce excessive collection of water. Once consumption stabilises, the inflow volume into the
DMAs should decrease within the five to seven-day period. The water utility should then
undertake leak detection activities and customer surveys to reduce water losses to an
acceptable level, creating spare capacity at the production plant. This spare capacity
represents additional water that can be supplied to other areas. Once these first DMAs have
successfully supplied water continuously and effectively reduced water losses, then the next
set of DMAs can be established for conversion to 24-hour supply.
The additional benefit of having 24-hour supply is that the pipe will be constantly pressurised,
meaning that infiltration from outside the pipe is minimal. This will ensure that the quality of
the water is kept to a premium and that the customer receives water of an acceptable quality.
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Background Leakage
Background leakage (also called background losses) are individual events (small leaks and
weeps) that will continue to flow, with flow rates too low to be detected by an active leakage
control campaign unless either detected by chance or until they gradually worsen to the point
that they can be detected. As the term is nearly untranslatable, it is often referred to as
“unavoidable losses”. The level of background leakage depends on the overall infrastructure
condition, the pipe material(s) and the soil. It is furthermore heavily influenced by pressure
(N1=1.5 or even higher). Procedure
Events with flow rates greater than those of background losses and therefore detectable by
standard leak detection techniques. Bursts can be visible or hidden.
Reported Bursts
Reported Bursts are visible leaks that are brought to the attention of the water utility by the
general public or the water supply organization’s own operatives.
Unreported Bursts
Unreported bursts are those that are located by leak detection teams as part of their normal
everyday active leakage control duties. These breaks go undetected without some form of
active leakage control.
ALC is the policy a water utility implements if it decides to pro-actively search for hidden leaks.
ALC in its most basic form consists of regular sounding (e.g. listening to leak noise on fire
hydrants, valves and accessible parts of service connections (e.g. stop cock) with listening
sticks or electronic devices.
Leak Duration
The length of time for which a leak runs consists of three separate time components -
awareness, location and repair time.
Awareness Time
Awareness Time is the average time from the occurrence of a leak until the water utility
becomes aware of its existence. The awareness time is influenced by the type of applied ALC
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Location Time
For reported bursts, this is the time it takes for the water utility to investigate the report of a
leak or break and to correctly locate its position so that a repair can be carried out. For
Unreported bursts, depending on the ALC method used, the location duration may be zero
since the burst is detected during the leak detection survey and therefore awareness and
location occur simultaneously.
Repair Time
The time it takes the water utility to organize and affect the repair once a leak has been located.
N1 Factor
N1 Step Test
The N1 Step Test is used to determine the N1 value for areas of the distribution network.
Inflow to the area as well as pressure at the Average Zone Point are recorded. During the test
supply pressure into the area is reduced in a series of steps. This pressure reduction together
with the corresponding inflow reduction forms the basis for the calculation of N1.
The AZP is the point in a certain zone or area of the distribution network which is
representative for the average pressure in this particular part of the distribution network.
The critical pressure point is the location in a zone or pressure managed area of the water
distribution system with the lowest pressure caused by topography and/or hydraulic losses
through the distribution system. It is critical to ensure that adequate pressures are maintained
at this point when introducing pressure management.
Regular Survey
Regular survey is a method of starting at one end of the distribution system and proceeding
to the other, using one of the following techniques:
Listening for leaks on pipework and fittings
Reading metered flows into temporarily zoned areas to identify high-volume night flows
Using clusters of noise loggers
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Leakage Monitoring
Leakage monitoring is flow monitoring into zones or district metered areas (DMAs) to quantify
leakage and to prioritize leak detection activities. This has now become one of the most cost-
effective activities (and the one most widely practiced) to reduce real losses. The most
appropriate leakage control policy for a utility will mainly be dictated by the characteristics of
the network and local conditions, which may include financial constraints on equipment and
other resources.
It is a methodology which can be applied to all networks. Even in systems with supply
deficiencies, leakage monitoring zones can be introduced gradually. One zone at a time is
created and leaks detected and repaired, before moving on to create the next zone. This
systematic approach gradually improves the hydraulic characteristics of the network and
improves supply. Leakage monitoring requires the installation of flow meters at strategic points
throughout the distribution system, each meter recording flows into a discrete district which
has a defined and permanent boundary. Such a district is called a district metered area (DMA).
A leakage monitoring system will comprise a number of DMAs where flow is measured by
permanently installed flow meters. The DMA meters are sometimes linked to a central control
station via telemetry, so that flow data are continuously recorded.
Analysis of these data, particularly of flow rates during the night, determines whether
consumption in any one DMA has progressively and consistently increased, indicating a burst
or undetected leakage. It is important to understand the composition of night flow, as this will
be made up of customer use as well as losses from the distribution system. DMA maintenance
is crucial to maintain the accuracy of the data. It includes maintaining the integrity of the DMA
boundary as well as plant and equipment, i.e. it involves checks on the accuracy of meters
and secondary instrumentation.
Once the network is divided into DMAs, those showing a greater volume of night flow per
connection than the others, can then be inspected more thoroughly by carrying out a leak
localizing exercise. Nowadays new software’s developed to localizing the leaks prone area by
analyse the real-time flow and pressure data of the DMAs. Also, the software can automatically
simulate the hydraulic modelling and provides the solution for leak localizing. Also, the recent
hydraulic software can identify the leak location in transmission mains also based on
difference in pressure.
Leakage Mapping
Leak repair is the costlier step in the process. Repair clamps, or collars, are the preferred
method for repairing small leaks, whereas larger leaks may require replacing one or more
sections of pipe. On average, the savings in water no longer lost to leakage outweigh the cost
of leak detection and repair. In most systems, assuming detection is followed by repair, it is
economical to completely survey the system every year.
Pipe condition shall be identified from actual number of complaints received and the type of
complaints viz. no water, low pressure, leakage on transmission main/feeder main/ distribution
main/service connection and water quality, this data mark on network map to help the actual
condition of pipe. If more complaints marked on particular pipe, then it will nominate for
replacement. Replacement of pipe as per network map reduced the consumer complaints and
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The full details of the failed pipe and/or fitting should be noted including material type,
approximate age, class and general condition. Reasons for failure should be established as
accurately as possible and recorded. Check actual external dimensions of the pipe and
determine any tendency to quality for effective repair.
Babe Concepts
The Bursts and Background Estimates (BABE) concepts were developed by the UK National
Leakage Initiative between 1991 and 1993. The concepts were the first to model physical
losses objectively, rather than empirically, thus permitting rational planning management and
operational control of strategies for their reduction.
Leakage Modelling
Leakage modelling is a methodology to analyse 24h inflow and pressure data of a hydraulically
discreet part of the distribution system. Using the N1 pressure: leakage relationship principles
and the results of the N1 Step Test the measured inflow can be split into:
Consumption; and
Leakage; and further into:
Background Losses
Losses from Bursts (= losses which can be recovered)
The number of ESPBs is an indication of how many hidden leaks can be expected in a certain
part of the distribution network. It is calculated by dividing the volume of excess (or hidden)
losses by the volume of water lost through an average service pipe burst.
Physical loss component analysis is used to determine the part of physical losses which is in
“excess” of all other leakage components. The volume of Hidden (Excess) Losses represents
the quantity of water lost by “hidden” leaks that are not being detected and repaired with the
current leakage control policy.
A discrete zone with a permanent boundary defined by flow meters and/or closed valves.
Zone inflow and pressure measurement carried out during night hours, usually between 02:00
and 04:00 hours to measure Minimum Night Flow and corresponding Average Zone Night
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The AZNP is the average pressure during (low consumption) night hours measured at the
Average Zone Point.
The Minimum Night Flow (MNF) in urban situations normally occurs during the early morning
period, usually between around 02:00 and 04:00 hours. The MNF is the most meaningful piece
of data as far as physical loss levels are concerned. During this period, consumption is at a
minimum and therefore physical losses are at the maximum percentage of the total flow. The
estimation of the physical loss component at Minimum Night Flow is carried out by subtracting
an assessed amount of Minimum Night Consumption for each of the customers connected in
the zone being studied.
Minimum Night Consumption is part of the Minimum Night Flow and is normally composed of
three elements:
Household night use
Non-household night use
Exceptional night use
Net Night Flow
Net Night Flow is the difference between Minimum Night Flow and Minimum Night
Consumption and is equivalent to Night Leakage
[Net Night Flow] = [Minimum Night Flow] - [Minimum Night Consumption]
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A ‘wet’ repair is defined as a repair which can be achieved while maintaining a nominal
pressure in the pipeline. Split collars or identical fittings can be installed in this way if the
conditions are favorable.
A ‘dry’ repair is defined as one in which the main is completely isolated and drained out. ‘Cut
out ‘repairs necessitating the removal of a section of the pipe and/or joints will require ‘dry’
main on which to work and the pipeline should be drained out.
The replacement pipe and/or repair fittings should be selected and their dimensions marked
on the pipeline. For a ‘dry’ repair a final check should be made that all the required fittings and
materials are available and are compatible before any attempt to cut the same is made.
Bedding Material
Report to Control
For small local defects such as pinholes a single split collar or wraparound clamp may be all
that is required. The repair can be carried out at as a ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ operation. In case of ‘wet’
repair care should be taken to maintain a steady, gentle flow so as not to dislodge the sealing
For a more extensive damage e.g. a longitudinal fracture, a section of pipe is cut out and
replaced by the use of two appropriate couplers. If full extent of the fracture is not clearly
defined cuts should be made at least 300mm beyond each end of the visible crack or defect
and in case of any doubt the full length of damaged pipe should be replaced. This necessitates
cutting out the joint at both ends of the affected pipe, thus the repair normally requires two
replacement pipe sections and three couplers.
While the repair is still visible the details of repair should be recorded.
Record of Pipe
All wet slurry should be removed to the extent possible, and the bottom of the excavation
should be filled and the exposed pipe work rebidded, with suitable material sufficiently
compacted to give adequate support to the invert and lower quadrants of the pipe and any
Additional material may be placed to support the repaired pipeline when under test pressure,
but it is advisable to leave all joints visible in case of leakage.
Refilling the isolated section of the main with water should be done slowly and from one
direction only. Arrangements should be made for the expulsion of the air by means of any
convenient air valves, hydrants, washouts or taps. The repaired pipe is subjected to a pressure
equivalent to the normal working pressure. The repaired pipe should remain under such
working pressure until it is adjudged to be satisfactory. Some minor re-tightening of the joints
may be necessary due to slight expansive movement of the assembly on being subjected to
increase in pressure.
Restore valves and the system in accordance with the original operational plan
The repaired section of main is reintroduced to the system by restoring all valves to them
original status.
Checking Restoration
The restoration of the supplies to the normal situation supplied at important points should
be checked.
All standby pipes, temporary supplies and emergency tankers should be removed.
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Notification and acknowledgments should be made wherever necessary. During the execution
of the repair work hygienic conditions must be made to prevail at various stages till the
completion of work.
Site Cleanliness
During the repair work the area should be kept as clean as possible. All debris and
contaminants should be removed from the site and the contamination of the trench from plant,
equipment or any other potentially hazardous materials must be avoided.
All pipes, fittings, tools, equipment and vehicles to be used on site should be regularly
maintained and cleaned. Equipment used for disinfection and sampling should be kept for this
purpose and regularly maintained.
Clean and spray with disinfectant, on all surfaces that come into contact with potable water
including the broken main, repair fittings and replacement pipe. Ensure that the contaminants
do not enter the main where it is cut for repair. After completing the repair, flush the main at
the nearest hydrant to remove any dirt etc.
Disinfection Procedure
For small repairs which do not require the main to be cut, the fracture should be cleaned and
this along with the repair collar should be sprayed with disinfectant. For more major repairs
requiring cut out, every care must be taken to prevent contamination.
Finishing Touches
Wherever joints have been left exposed for testing purposes these should be restored to their
original position. The bolts, bare metal surfaces etc. should be properly protected prior to side
The dug material should be returned to the trench and placed in layers. The first side fill layer
should be placed and compacted under the lower quadrants of the pipe and up to the springing
level of the pipe. Successive layers of up to 100 mm thickness may then be placed and
compacted to a maximum height above the crown of 250 mm. Light vibrating machinery may
be used but not directly above the pipe or the fittings.
Clear Site
On completion of the work all materials and protective barriers should be removed from site
and the working area left clean and tidy. All records should be completed and submitted.
187 | P a g e
Notice of Completion
Some of the methods of repair for different types of pipes are given in the following tables.
Table 59: Pipes Of Cast Iron
Material Steel
Burst Action Repair
Extensive pin holing Rehabilitation technique Slip lining etc.
Remove section/ joint Two couplers and new section
Joint failure Remove section/ joint Two couplers and new section
Enclose joint Special joint clamp
Localised pin holing Enclose burst Patch and weld Repair collar or clamp
188 | P a g e
Material Polyethylene/P.V.C
Burst Action Repair
Fast crack Remove damaged Two couplers and new pipe
propagation section section
Brittle failure Remove damaged Two couplers and new pipe
section section
Enclose burst Repair collar and clamp
Joint Failure Cut out joint Two couplers and new pipe
Table 65: Pipes Of Glass Reinforced Plastic Pipe
The most difficult and time consuming repair problems relate to PSC Pipes, particularly the
bigger diameter pipes. Some of the cases connected with the damage and leakage of such
pipes along with their suggested methods are discussed below:
Sometimes the damage is so extensive that the entire length of a pipe needs replacement.
The replacement is done by inserting a steel pipe which shall be fabricated in three pieces.
One piece shall consist of a spigot machine end, another of steel shell and the third a spigot
machine end. The middle portion shall be of steel barrel with an integral manhole. This man
hole may be meant for temporary use only so as to be covered and re-welded suitably after
the repairing operation has been satisfactorily carried out. The thickness of steel plate used
for this purpose shall be equal to the design thickness plus 2 mm extra to take care of
corrosion. A minimum of 10 mm may, however, be used. The burst pipe may be broken by
taking due precautions and replaced with this set of three pieces. The two machine ends shall
be fixed as per normal procedure for laying PSC pipes. The steel barrel shall be introduced in
between and duly welded internally and externally.
189 | P a g e
Sometimes the damage is along a length of 1 m to 1.5 m only and the remaining portion of the
pipe remains in a sound condition. To make the damaged portion functional, two plain M.S.
Barrels shall be inserted into the pipe, to suit the internal diameter with a gap of 25 mm. on
either side of the pipe, 50 mm less than the internal diameter of the pipe, to facilitate jointing
with jute and cement mortar. The barrels shall have 2 nos. 12 mm dia. M.S. rings to fix over
the shell at the ends. At least 500 mm of overlap on either side of the pipe, length wise, is
provided for jointing.
After following the normal procedure (as already discussed at length), break the damaged
portion of the pipe to the extent (length wise) of cracks developed in the pipe for more than
half of the pipe (diameter wise).
Cut the H.T. wires core reinforcement.
Clean the pipe internally, remove the broken debris and dewater the pipe. Insert one piece of
the M.S. Barrel, duly fabricated with a temporary manhole for entry into the pipe for internal
caulking, welding etc.
Shift barrel to one side so as to facilitate the insertion of the second barrel. Join the two pieces
and weld the joint internally and externally.
Keep the barrel in position by covering the damaged portion duly keeping at least 500 mm of
overlap for jointing with P.S.C. pipe. Insert the M.S. ring at the ends and place at 150 mm from
the outer ends of the barrels and tag weld the rings to the barrel to caulk the jute firmly.
Caulk both the ends of the barrel with spun yarn for 3 layers and with cement mortar 1:1 duly
mixing quick setting cement solution. Clean the pipe internally and paint with epoxy paint.
Close the manhole made on the M.S. pipe by welding and strengthening the joint with
additional plates.
Weld angles on the barrel and support the edges of the PSC pipe.
Caulk the joints with cement mortar and cover the MS barrel with cement mortar. Embed the
damaged portion of the pipe in cement concrete to avoid movement of the M.S. barrel during
(As alternatives to the above procedure, there are other methods in use, depending upon the
local conditions and the diameters of the pipes).
Follow other prescribed procedure for completion.
The joint has to be exposed. A medium leakage can be attended without taking the shut down
by pushing the rubber gasket to the original position with the help of wooden caulking tools
and also inserting lead pieces in the joint. Afterwards, caulking with cement mortar 1:1 will
further strengthen the joint. The entire joint has to be caulked with cement mortar.
Such leakage can be attended only by taking shut down and draining the pipe line. The joint
shall be exposed by excavating the trench around the joint. The crack and joint shall be filled
with lead wool, quick setting cement mortar and the stepped split collar fixed over the joint and
filled with cement slurry or cement mortar mixed with quick setting solution.
190 | P a g e
The hole can be covered with a plate and bolted to a flat inserted through the hole. The hole
shall be covered with a lead washer under the plate and annular gap to be filled with mseal
compound or other suitable sealing material. If the hole is very close to the joint, a plane cover
or a stepped split collar can be fixed and caulked with cement mortar after caulking the joint
with lead pieces or lead wool.
Record of repair carried out with costs should be maintained systematically. This will help in
assessing the useful life of different materials of pipelines. This data will be useful in carrying
out Life Cycle Cost analysis of competing materials and take decision regarding replacements.
191 | P a g e
192 | P a g e
meter under-registration
Customer metering
inaccuracies (sum of above
two items) data transfer error
Systematic data analysis error
Data policy/procedure impacts
I-b. From the water audit Reporting Worksheet, list the retail unit rates charged to customers. Note: A single composite
unit retail charge for all accounts can be used if individual unit rates are not available.
Customer retail unit rate—residential accounts—applied to Apparent Losses (cost/volume)
Customer retail unit rate—industrial, commercial, and agricultural accounts—applied to
Apparent Losses (cost/volume)
Customer retail unit rate—composite unit rate—applied to Apparent Losses (cost/volume)
I-c. Assigning priority actions for apparent loss control
The recommended first action that water utilities should take in the Revenue Protection Program is an analysis of the
customer billing system to come to understand its workings and reveal the extent of systematic data handling errors that
exist in the billing process.
Following the customer billing system analysis, create a priority list of actions to address the components of apparent loss.
The priority might not be based solely on the cost impact of the loss component. It might instead be based on scheduling
logistics (e.g., meter replacement might be scheduled to coincide with automatic meter reading installation). Include target
years, even if they are tentative and subject to change at a later time.
Cost Impact Target
Priority Action (Revenue Recovery Potential) Year
193 | P a g e
II-a. Staffing costs, including wages and benefits for utility personnel:
II-b. Duration:
III-a. Customer water meters must be carefully selected and appropriately sized to provide accurate measures of
customer consumption, which is the basis for billing for most North American water utilities. The status of customer
metering should be evaluated to determine if customer metering inaccuracies are a significant source of apparent loss.
Meter inaccuracy can occur from meter wear from high cumulative consumption, inappropriate sizing, use of the wrong
type of meter for the application, or malfunction. It is recommended to perform meter accuracy testing of a sample of
customer meters. Select meters in several size categories; including some meters selected at random and some meters
that have registered high cumulative consumption. List the anticipated meter test schedule and costs.
194 | P a g e
III-c. List utility staffing costs for meter accuracy testing, including wages and benefits:
III-d. Estimated costs of meter testing service, if outside test facility is employed:
Meter Testing Services Cost, `/small meter # of tests Cost of small meter tests, `
Meter Testing Services Cost, `/large meter # of tests Cost of large meter tests, `
Total Meter Testing Service Cost, `
III-e. Total Cost for annual meter testing program (utility and testing service), `
IV. Customer Account Investigations for Systematic Data Handling Errors Correction and
Recovery of Unauthorized Consumption
IV-a. All customer populations encounter some amount of consumption that is lost to inefficiencies of the billing process
(systematic data handling errors) and illegal activities (unauthorized consumption). The Customer Billing Process
Analysis (Section II) gives insight into suspect billing trends (e.g., accounts that show many consecutive months of zero
consumption due to meter tampering or a flaw in the billing system programming). The Revenue Protection Program
should individually investigate a sample of suspect accounts to assess the potential of apparent losses due to the above
causes and to recoup revenue from these accounts.
IV-b. Identify trends of suspect accounts, as well as a sample of individual accounts to be field inspected for apparent
losses. Trends might include multiple billing cycles of zero consumption or the same consumption, unusually low
consumption, or other suspect data.
IV-c. List utility staffing costs for suspect account investigations, including wages and benefits:
IV-d. For accounts discovered to be a source of apparent loss, list the total revenue recovered for the initial field
investigations. Total recovered revenue will depend on the volume of missed consumption that is recouped and the water
utility’s policy on back-billing.
195 | P a g e
meter under-registration
Unauthorized consumption
The findings of the activities in Sections I through IV will reveal sources of apparent loss. Corrections to accounts that
are incurring loss include replacement of inaccurate meters; procedural, programming, or billing process corrections for
systematic data handling errors; and field investigations to detect/thwart unauthorized consumption. The costs of these
corrections should be shown in the right column above, along with the investigative costs (meter accuracy testing, etc.).
If the benefit–cost ratio is greater than one (benefit is greater than cost), the Revenue Protection Program gives a successful
payback by recouping its costs within the first year. The inverse of the above ratio gives the payback period, in years.
196 | P a g e
A-1. Based on records of previous leaks, type and age of piping, soil conditions, high pressure and faulty
installation practices, list the portion of the distribution system to be surveyed. List the survey frequency.
List percentage of system to be surveyed: _____________ List frequency of surveys: ___________________
Describe each area to be surveyed under item B-2 of this plan.
A-2. Total Km of main to be surveyed:
When calculating pipeline length, include the total length of pipe and exclude customer service connection piping. If only a
portion of the system is surveyed, calculate the benefit-to-cost ratio for only the portion surveyed.
A-3. Average length of pipeline surveyed per day: ___________________
The average survey crew can survey about 2 Km of main per day. Factors include distances between services, traffic and
safety conditions, and number of listening contact points. Explain if more than 3 Km per day are
A-4. Number of working days needed to complete survey (divide line A-2 by line A-3): __________________
B-1. Describe the procedures and equipment for detecting leaks. The best results are obtained by listening for leaks at all
system contact points (such as water meters, valves, hydrants, and blow-offs).
B-2. Describe why the areas noted on the map in step A-1 have the greatest recoverable leakage potential.
B-3. If listening for leaks will not include all contact points, describe your plan for detecting leaks.
B-4. Describe the procedures and equipment you will use to pinpoint the exact location of detected leaks.
197 | P a g e
198 | P a g e
A-3. Describe the pressure optimization potential across the distribution system. First, list the pressure reduction
potential for each zone (e.g., none, 15 psi reduction, 30 psi reduction). Next, describe the method to be employed to
attain the improved pressure management (e.g., create/reconfigure pressure zone or DMA, install pressure reducing
valves, install variable frequency drives on pumps).
199 | P a g e
200 | P a g e
Total number of visible leaks reported since survey started, from other sources (not discovered during leak detection
surveys): ___________
Number of Repairs Needing Number of Repairs Not Needing Total Number of Repaired Leaks:
Excavation: Excavation:
Total Water Losses From Total Water Losses From Total Water Losses: Lpm
Excavated Leaks: Lpm Non-Excavated Leaks: Lpm
Excavated Leak Repair Costs Non-Excavated Leak Repair Costs Total Repair Costs
Materials ` ` `
Labor ` ` `
Equipment ` ` `
Other ` ` `
Subtotal ` ` `
201 | P a g e
Step 3. Divide Vwr (from Step 1) by the total costs (calculated in Step 2).
For planning continuing leak detection efforts, you can calculate average survey costs per mile.
Step 4. Determine average survey costs per mile of main surveyed (C/mi).
Step 3. Divide Vbr (from Step 1) by the total costs (calculated in Step 2).
program costs
Step 4. Payback period for pressure control equipment = = _________, year
202 | P a g e
A good NRW PI should be clear and easy to understand and have a rational basis. It should
also be easy to calculate using data that the utility gathers regularly. Finally, utilities should
include standard performance indicators to measure performance to facilitate comparisons
with other utilities. Tools such as decision trees are available for managers to select
appropriate performance indicators for their utility’s needs and operating context.
The below figure helps to choose PIs for the network. For example, in an urban network,
where the housing density is usually greater than 20 connections per kilometer of mains, the
most appropriate PI would be liters/ service connection/day and if the density of connections
is less than 20 the m3 per km of mains per day should be used. To take account of networks
with varying pressures, the utility can enhance the PI by expressing losses in liters per
connection per day per meter of pressure (l/connection/day/m).
203 | P a g e
Specify: Number of
Connections Length
of Mains
Calculate: Density
of Service
Connections per
kilometre (km)
Density < 20
YES / km NO
NRW has traditionally been expressed as a percentage of input volume. Although this is
preferable to setting no targets at all, it is misleading as a PI because it favors utilities with
high consumption, low pressure, and intermittent supply. In addition, it does not differentiate
between physical losses and commercial losses. Nevertheless, NRW as a percentage of input
is some-times useful for its ‘shock value’—a high result can be a spur a utility to initiate a study
of the network’s operational performance and to conduct a water balance calculation. It is also
useful as a measure of the utility’s year-on-year financial performance, as long as the
measurement principles are consistent. In that case, it should be expressed as the value, not
the volume, of water lost.
Appropriate indicators of physical losses include:
• Liters per service connection per day (l/c/d)
• Liters per service connection per day per meter of pressure (l/c/d/m pressure)
• Liters per kilometer of pipeline per day (l/km/d)
Malcolm Farley and Stuart Trow, Losses in Water Distribution Networks, IWA
Publishing, 2003.
204 | P a g e
Table shows the Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) and other recommended NRW and
physical loss performance indicators based on the IWA’s Performance Indicators for Water
Supply Services: IWA Manual of Best Practice.
L/c/d gives a more accurate picture than NRW as a percentage of input volume, but taking
system pressure into account (l/c/d/m pressure) is an even better indicator. The PIs are
categorized by function and level, defined as follows:
Level 1 (basic): A first layer of indicators that provides a general management
overview of the efficiency and effectiveness of the water undertaking.
Level 2 (intermediate): Additional indicators that provide a better insight than the
Level 1 indicators; for users who need to go further in depth.
Level 3 (detailed): Indicators that provide the greatest amount of specific detail, but
are still relevant at the top management level.
Function Level Performance Indicator Comments
Financial: NRW 1 (Basic) Volume of NRW [% of Can be calculated from simple
by Volume System Input Volume] water balance not too meaningful
Operational: 1 (Basic) [Litres/service Best of the simple ‘traditional’
Physical connection/day performance indicators, useful
Losses for target setting, limited use for
[Litres/km of mains/day]
comparisons between systems
(only if service connection
density is < 20/km)
Operational: 2 [Litres/service Easy to calculate indicator if the
Physical (Intermed.) connection/day/m pressure] ILI is not known yet, useful for
Losses comparisons between systems
[Litres/km of mains/day/m
pressure] [only if service
connection density is <
Financial: NRW 3 Value of NRW [% of annual Allows different unit costs for
by cost (Detailed) cost of running system] NRW component, good financial
Operational: 3 Infrastructure Leakage Index Ratio of current annual Physical
Physical (Detailed) (ILI) losses to unavoidable annual real
Losses losses, most powerful indictor for
comparisons between systems
Source 12
Alegre H., Hirner W., Baptista J.M. and Parena R. (2000) Performance Indicators for
Water Supply Services: IWA Manual of Best Practice. ISBN 900222272.
205 | P a g e
A key component of a water balance and a System Loss Management Plan (SLMP) is the
Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI). The ILI provides guidance as to how well real losses are
being managed (in terms of repairs, active leakage control and infrastructure management) at
the current operating pressure.
The Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) is an excellent indicator of physical losses, one that
takes into account how the network is managed. The ILI is particularly useful in networks
where NRW is relatively low, for example below 20%, as the ILI can help to identify which
areas can be reduced further. The ILI is a measure of how well a distribution network is
managed (i.e. maintained, repaired, and rehabilitated) for the control of physical losses, at the
current operating pressure. It is the ratio of Current Annual Volume of Physical Losses (CAPL)
to Minimum Achievable Annual Physical Losses (MAAPL).
Being a ratio, the ILI has no units and thus facilitates comparisons between utilities and
countries that use different measurement units.
Physical Losses cannot be totally eliminated. The volume of Minimum Achievable Annual
Physical Losses represents the lowest technically achievable annual volume of Physical
Losses for a well- maintained and well-managed system.
Reported breaks and leaks: They typically have high flow rates, are visibly evident and
disruptive, and have a short run time before they are reported to the water utility by
customers or water utility personnel since they cause nuisance to the customer (pressure
drop or supply interruption).
Unreported breaks and leaks: They are typically hidden from above‐ground view, have
moderate flow rates, and a long run time since water utility must seek out these leaks to
become aware of them. They are difficult to locate through active leak detection.
Background Leakage: These are the weeps and seeps in pipe joints and connections. They
run continuously until they gradually worsen to the point they affect the quality and quantity
of water supply to consumers. The complaint of polluted water or absence of residual
chlorine is one of the indicators that background seeps are increased and it converts in to
a point of ingress during non-supply hours in intermittent water supply.
Pressure/leakage rate relationships (a linear relationship being assumed)
206 | P a g e
207 | P a g e
rough guide and should not be taken as strict limits. In many parts of Africa and Asia, very
high ILI values are often experienced and the limits given in Table tend to become
meaningless. The main purpose of the ILI indicator is to help identify areas where
leakage/losses are abnormally high to ensure that action is taken in the most appropriate
areas. Once the ILI value is above 10 or 20 for example, it is clear that the area being
investigated requires attention. In some cases, values in excess of 100 are experienced
and once again this simply highlights that there is a severe problem that should be
NRW Team can use the matrix to guide further network development and improvement:
World class leakage management performance; only marginal further
reductions theoretically possible
Further loss reduction may be uneconomic unless there are shortages; careful
analysis needed to identify cost effective improvement
Potential for marked improvements; consider pressure management; better
active leakage control practices, and better network maintenance
Poor leakage record; tolerable only if water is plentiful and cheap; even then,
analyze level and nature of leakage and intensify leakage reduction efforts
Horrendously inefficient use of resources; leakage reduction programs
imperative and high priority
Technical Litres/connection/day
Performance ILI (when the system is pressurised) at an average
Category 10 m 20 m 30 m 40 m 50 m
D > 16 > 200 > 400 > 600 > 800 > 1000
208 | P a g e
Following table shows ILI of existing water supply system with performance group
Apparent Loss Performance Indicators
Best Estimate Error Margin Lower Upper
[+/- %] Bound Bound
Apparent Losses expressed in % of 5% 12% 4% 4%
Authorised Consumption
litres/connection/day 50 5% 47 52
liters/customer/day 23 5% 22 24
209 | P a g e
210 | P a g e
The water balance for Tirupati has shown 41.07% of water as non-revenue water.
Table 70: Key Improvement Areas For Tirupati
Intervention areas Targeted Outcome Recommended set of activities for
for NRW Reduction realizing objectives and outcomes
Non-availability of Updated and accurate On site verification and GIS
updated and detailed knowledge of the system for digitalization of existing pipelines and
information of the efficient NRW reduction & other distribution works
Water Supply monitoring O&M. Updated database of the connections’
System location and related user data
Inadequacy of the Achieve efficient NRW Training of existing staff and hiring new
available human monitoring and O&M of the expert
resources at MCT system, billing and collection Re-organization and strengthening of
of water charges, improved the Water Supply Department
relation with the consumers Special training on NRW management
and latest adopted practices globally
Outsourcing of specialized activities
with knowledge transfer and training
modules designed
Total revenue losses Reduction of revenue Installation of meters for all
of 29.069 MLD with losses consumer connections (suggested
2.132 MLD as AMI/AMR/ AMR Compatible Class B
apparent loss. meter)
Setting of efficient reading method
for water consumption volumes
Regularize all illegal connections
(1.967% of actual consumption illegal
connection as informed by MCT)
Correct classification of commercial
Billing of authorized consumers
Drawbacks in water Achieve cost efficiency with Revision of tariff structure from flat rate
billing and collection consumption based billing based to telescopic model
Implementation of Smart Water
Management System (SWMS)
Total Real loss of Overall NRW to be reduced Implementing Leak Detection and
22.27 MLD (91% of up-to 20% (15 % for Rectification activities
total NRW) distribution network and 5 % Active Leakage Management
transmission main) Repair and maintenance of civil
structures like ESRs, GSR, sumps,
WTPs, etc.
Replacement of PVC, PSC, AC pipes to
Rehabilitation/replacement of old CI
Installation of SCADA for systematic
NRW management
211 | P a g e
212 | P a g e
Holistic NRW
Education And
Programmed On
Compared To
Improvement Of NRW
Research MANAGEMENT Funding And
Development And Procurement of
Innovation In STRATEGY NRW Works
Managing NRW
Human Capacity Mechanism For
Building In Monitoring of
Managing NRW NRW
Of Effective
This NRW management strategy it is a Holistic approach which is that, it is the concept
“Preventive Compare to Reactive”. It includes funding and Procurement of NRW works. Then
there is effective mechanism for monitoring NRW Management. Developing of Effective
Organization Structure. It then includes Human Capacity Building in Managing NRW. After
that there is an Improvement of Research Development and Innovation in Managing NRW.
Then there is Public Education and Awareness Programme on NRW Management.
213 | P a g e
Provide an understanding and explanation of
Setup uniform definition of NRW to be adopt
the term 'holistic' in NRW management to
by the water supply industry .
avoid confusion and misinterpretation.
ACTIVITY 3 : Mandating the use of indicators
Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) and
Implement an efforts to reduce NRW in
promote a more appropriate indicator and
'holistic' through methods and best practices
exactly as Economic Network Efficiency
guidelines "NRW Reduction Strategy".
(ENE) etc.. as adopted at the international
level in future.
214 | P a g e
215 | P a g e
Management Concept
ACTIVITY 2: To ensure design and
To ensure all supervision by
contractors licensed consultant meet
by MCT are standard
competent specification and
engineering practice
To regulate handing
To ensure all
over of water supply
product used meet
system by
the standard and
quality approved by
to meet the
Preventive NRW specification
216 | P a g e
MCT funds the NRW Project
Funding for
NRW Reduction
Activities Establishment of
“performance based” or
‘target setting” contract for
effective NRW reduction
To regulate NRW
reduction by imposing
NRW KPI to all NRW
team and monitored by
audit and regulartory
Monitor the internal Effective Mechanism
For Monitoring of Monitor NRW
implementation of NRW Management by NRW
project . NRW Management
Task Force Team
To categories all
teams/areas by NRW
performance and focus
on the weak teams/area
217 | P a g e
Development of
Establishment of Establishment of
Supporting Unit in each NRW Special Team
zones in each zones
218 | P a g e
Producing effective, well
trained and competency
staff in managing NRW by
continuous internal training
Develop competency by HUMAN CAPACITY
attending program BUILDING IN
provided by Training MANAGING NRW
Establishment of leak
management guideline
which can be used as a best
practice .
219 | P a g e
Implementation of Understanding NRW Collaboration with
Managing NRW pilot performance in other Research agencies,
project as a showcase urban/city which will consultancy and
in determine be used as gauge/ Institutional Body in
effectiveness of NRW comparison for developing
activity which can be implementation of understanding of
use as a reference. NRW activity like Managing NRW
national/international activities .
220 | P a g e
221 | P a g e
Year - 2 Year - 3 Year - 4 - 5
NRW Reduction Activities
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4
222 | P a g e
N 40.00%
V 20.00% 41.07% 41.07%
10.00% 20% 20%
223 | P a g e
Initial NRW assessment activity status at Tirupati city as per following table.
Table 71: Part-1 Key Improvement Areas For Tirupati
Sr. Activity Targeted Status Through Project
No. Outcome
224 | P a g e
225 | P a g e
226 | P a g e
227 | P a g e
Status of work
S.No Description Quantity
Unit (as on Apr’18)
Construction of 1500 KL ELSR in Zone - II MR palli 3rd brace work
11 1500 KL
(Padmavati Mahila university) 15 m Staging in progress
up to Ground
Construction of 500KL ELBR 35mts staging at Head
12 500 KL level
Works (mangalam)
III. Feeder mains to ELSRs (17.79 KM):-10.57KM
100% of
Laying of 600 MM DIA K7 Gravity main from Jn at supplied ,
1 8860 M
RTO office to Prposed Jn at Srinivasa puram park. 4290mts laid &
remain work is
in progress
100% of
Laying of 600 mm Dia K9 Garvity main from
2 existing 63.00 MLD WTP to proposed ELBR at Head 100 M
supplied, to be
Works (Mangalam)
start laying
100% of
Laying of 500 mm Dia K7 Garvity main fromJn at Supplied,
3 Srinivasa puram park to 1000KL ELSR MR Palli 2490 M 2096mtrs laid
park remaining
work in
100% of
Laying of 400 mm Dia K7 Garvity Main from JN Supplied, 1162
4 Between MRPALLi park to Padmavathi Mahila 1210 M mtrs laid
University remaining
work in
100% of
Laying of 250 mm Dia K7 Garvity Main from
5 Padmavathi Mahila university to proposed 1500 Kl 50 M
Supplied, to be
ELSR @ Padmavathi Mahila University
start laying
100% of
Laying of 200 mm Dia Di K7 at Jn at Autonagar to
6 1050 M 742mtrs laid
Proposed 1000 KL ELSR at Autonagar
work in
100% of
Laying of 200 mm Dia Di K7 at Jn at NH71 to Materials
7 100 M
Proposed 600 KL ELSR at Autonagar-II Supplied, to be
start laying
100% of
Laying of 200 mm Dia Di K7 at Jn at SGS arts
8 college to Proposed 1000 KL ELSR at 650 M
Supplied, 262
Srinivasapuram Park
mts laid
228 | P a g e
Status of work
S.No Description Quantity
Unit (as on Apr’18)
work in
100% of
Supplied, 156
Laying of 200 mm Dia DI K7 at Jn at MRPalli jn to
9 210 M mts laid
proposed 1000 KL ELSr at Panchayathi office
work in
100% of
Laying of 200 mm Dia DI K7 at Padmavathi park to Materials
10 50 M
proposed 1500 KL ELSr at Padmavathi park Supplied, to be
start laying
100% of
Laying of 600 mm dia DI K7 Gravity main from materials
11 1100 M
existing 63.00 MLD WTP to Jn Near RTO office supplied, 1100
mts laid,
100% of
Laying of 250 mm dia DI K7 Gravity main from Materials
Junction at (From 800 mm dia PSCC 8kg/sqcm Supplied, 390
12 425 M
Gravity main) to Proposed 1000 KL ELSR Bhoopal mts laid,
housing colony remain work is
in progress
98% of
Laying of 400mm dia DI K9 pumping main from Materials
13 existing 400 mm dia DI K9 pumping main to 140 M supplied, to be
Proposed 1x1350 KL ELSRs Zone 9 Rajeev Nagar started laying
98% of
Laying of 350 mm dia DI K9 pumping main from
Existing 700mm PSCC Pipes 12 kg/sqcm near
14 50 M supplied, to be
Municipal park khadi colony jn to proposed 1700 KL
started laying
ELSR at park
100% of
Laying of 350mm dia DI K9 pumping mains from Materials
existing 600 mm dia PSCC Pumping main to supplied, 368
15 1490 M
proposed 1800 KL ELSR NGO Colony and mts laid,
Proposed 1x1150 KL ELSR at SPGN School remain work is
in progress
IV. Pump house:-
Construction 12.00 m dia(271 KL) clear water sump to be start
1 1 No.
at proposed in Mangalam WTP construction
Construction of 7.50 x 10.50 m Pump House for clear
1 water at proposed 271 KL proposed in Mangalam
1 No Yet to be start
229 | P a g e
Status of work
S.No Description Quantity
Unit (as on Apr’18)
Supply and erection of 3 no of 93.25 Kw Centrifugal
Pumpsets with a duty of 96LPS and a total head of
71m (two simaltaneously working and one stand bye)
to proposed 600 KL ELSR Auto Nagar-2, 1500 KL
1 ELSR MR Palli Mahila University ,proposed 1000 3 No
under process
KL ELSR Lakhimipuram-1,proposed 1000 KL ELSR
Lakhimipuram-2 and proposed 1500 KL ELSR
Padmavathi park Zone-III at Auto Nagar clear water
Supply and erection of 2# of 18.65 Kw CF Pumpset
with a duty of 60LPS and a total head of 22m ( one Procurement
2 2 No
working and one stand bye) 1700 KL ELSR at park under process
from park GLSR
230 | P a g e
Name of the Work: "Providing Water Supply House Service Connections, Clear Water
Transmission Mains, Distribution Lines & Reservoirs where ever Source is available
in Tirupati Municipal Corporation under AMRUT(2016-20)Project.
231 | P a g e
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The proposed cost of this NRW Reduction & Distribution network Improvement project in
Tirupati City has been performed based on the following sources:
a. Andhra Pradesh Standard Schedule of Rates (SOR).
b. Consultant’s experience on similar projects.
c. For items not present in the aforementioned SOR, market rates
have been taken.
Block rates have been determined for reform works, Installation of EMF meters DMA level,
Leak detection & rectification etc. the activities which were not considered in proposed/
sanctioned projects at present. For projecting the cost of each activity as these works are
proposed to be put to bidding on performance based contract also it is recommended to
implement the NRW project after completion of all ongoing/sanctioned project.
It has been observed that implementing agencies tend to split the work in small packages
which results in too many contracts to be procured and monitoring of contract administration,
work progress and quality control becomes cause of concern in addition to problem of
coordination amongst different contractors.
Also at Tirupati new augmentation & Rehabilitation work is under progress Hence it is
recommended to provide the single package of NRW reduction performance based contract.
Performance based contract for Reduction of NRW and improvement of distribution network
with O&M (monitoring & maintenance of NRW) for 5 years which including GIS platform
establishment, DMA establishment, installation of DMA meters, installation of consumer
meters, Leak detection & rectification, updation of GIS & integration with SCADA, reduction
and monitoring of NRW to targeted level. Also conversion of Intermittent supply to 24X7
supply etc.
233 | P a g e
234 | P a g e
The Cost for Source sustainability and calculation of Capacity for ESR/GSR for future
demand as well as new augmentations are not a part of NRW reduction activities,
hence the quantity and cost didn’t consider in this report.
Cost for installation of consumer meters and one-time implementation of smart water
billing considered in this report, hence periodic billing and collection shall be carried
out by MCT.
After completion of project and maintenance & monitoring of NRW (i.e 03 yrs.), MCT
to be carried out the NRW reduction & monitoring.
Also the below estimation and quantity prepared in consideration with ongoing /
sanction projects in Tirupati.
MCT shall develop the NRW cell to monitor the project.
Quanti Cost in
Unit Rate
Sr.No. Description ty Lacs.
1 Consumer Awareness Program & Capacity Development LS 20.00
2 Survey and Investigation work
235 | P a g e
Quanti Cost in
Unit Rate
Sr.No. Description ty Lacs.
6 DMA level Bulk metering
Procurement & Installation of EMF meters along DMA's
with all necessary fittings pressure transducers ,sluice
LS 35.00 191.15
valves,air valves, Cabin box and integration with SCADA
(Including all Diameters) for existing network only
Design, Procurement, Implementation & Integration with
existing SCADA with all pressure loggers , Real time
management platform etc. Including all fittings, controllers, LS 40.00
communication accessories etc. additional provision for DMA
and consumer meters etc
Design, Procurement, Installation & Integration of SCADA of
pressure reducing valves (PRVs) with Including all fittings,
LS 8 34.07
controllers, communication accessories, construction of
chamber etc. at DMA.
Implementation & Integration of SWMS, having capability of
real time monitoring and simulation of network components,
optimization of pumps, reservoirs and network also having LS 510.69
the capability of leak localization and prediction of the
network behaviour etc. complete.
9 Establishment of Smart Water Billing System
Design, procurement and one time establishment of Smart
Water Billing System including Consumer App, establishment LS 80.00
& Integration with server
10 Consumer metering
Procurement & installation of AMR meter Including Reading
device, AMR software basic set, mobile software, data
hosting, SIM cards for handheld unit and Lap top's etc.
including additional connections.
20 mm No's 62642 12017.7 7528.14
11 House service connection Replacement
Procurement & execution of new house service
connection and replacment of exsisting house service
connection with MDPE pipe up to consumer meter
including all fittings up to restoration. No's 23440 5000 1172.00
236 | P a g e
Quanti Cost in
Unit Rate
Sr.No. Description ty Lacs.
Reduction, Monitoring & Maintenance of targeted NRW
level for 5 years
Periodical Report (for NRW assessment , reduction & real
No's 60 250000 150.00
time monitoring) Cost
13 Leak Detection & Rectification Cost
Leak detection and rectification of pipe line leakages with
necessary fittings, road cutting, excavation, back filling, Km 60 175.00
disposal and restoration.
14 Training to operators
Two training program per year for period of 5 year total 10
No's 10 3.50
training program.
As per the site observation of Tirupati. It has been observed that there is metering for bulk
and commercial buildings and non-metering for domestic connections throughout the water
supply system. Billing has been carried out by flat rate basis and meter reading basis. Various
projects related to improvement of water supply system such as rehabilitation and expansion
of network was already awarded and execution of the work under progress. Hence it is
recommended to derive/revise the user charges for bulk & domestic connections by MCT
Division with consideration of all the ongoing/upcoming projects.
237 | P a g e
Option A
MCT has been active and has expert personnel on the board knowledgeable in the water
segment. There is a need to setup and deploy NRW core team taking responsibility for
implementing the reduction interventions for a period of around 4 years.
Staff has inertia to change daily course of action and take initiatives out of their profile
Reluctance to accept any sort of change in work, hierarchy, re-structuring, etc.
Low financial freedom on the management decisions and budget sanctioned
Measuring performance on the basis of target NRW is a challenge as the staff is not
used to be scaled upon that
Option B
The team could be structured so as to have 2 arms – one is the management team which is a
private contractor and other is the implementation team which is in house Jal Kal staff. The
staff needs to be handle all the field work with all decisions around identification of proper
instruments, timelines and plan. The management team will monitor the overall program,
evaluate performance of the interventions and take appropriate measures for effective
delegation and roles.
Skillsets and expertise with the right team will lead to effective implementation
Relatively higher financial and operational stability
Good technical competence and experience in project implementation
Will ensure overall service improvement in the entire value chain from source to
238 | P a g e
Option C
Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) is a mix of BOT Annuity and EPC model. Here, first 40% payment
or as per the adjustment, specific % payment is made as fixed amount in five equal instalments
whereas remaining % is paid as variable annuity amount after the completion of the project
depending upon the value of assets created and performance exhibited.
Under HAM, the toll collection is done by the government and later the variable annuity is
being paid to the implementing agency in instalments for 15-20 years.
The implementing agency will be accountable for achieving the performance i.e. NRW
reduction targets
Equity portion is narrowed down to 10-15% of the project cost as against 20-25% in
of BOT (annuity) projects
Adopts rational approach for allocation of risks between PPP partners – the
and the private partner i.e. the develop / investor
Gives enough liquidity to the private partner / developer
Difficulties faced in getting money from lenders i.e. banks who are not that comfortable
Long periods for recovery of remaining amount in the form of variable annuities
Over ambitious targets like 15% make be difficult to achieve in the local operating
Municipal bonds
Municipal bonds are debt instruments issued by municipalities or other state agencies
which use the money to build schools, water supply systems, sewer systems, and other
projects for public good. When someone purchases a municipal bond, they are lending
money to a state or local government entity, which in turn promises to pay a specified
239 | P a g e
amount of interest and return the principal amount on a specific maturity date. Municipal
bonds can be of two types, namely:
Revenue Bonds
Revenue bonds are bonds supported by the revenue from a specific project, such as a
water supply project or a sewer systems project. Such bonds finance income-generating
projects and are secured by a specified revenue source. For example, if a revenue bond
is issued to upgrade a water supply network, the water charges collected from users
would be used to pay off the bond.
General Obligation Bonds
General obligation bonds are issued in the belief that a municipality will be able to repay
its debt obligation through taxation or revenue from projects. Unlike revenue bonds,
general obligation bonds can be paid through a variety of tax sources. These therefore
may not be for specific revenue-generating projects.
By taking advantage of the measures adopted by the central government, the 14th
Finance Commission, and SEBI, municipalities will be able to fund infrastructure projects
in their cities, and improve service delivery. Municipalities can raise money in the form of
debentures that are traded across stock exchanges and use the money to invest in
projects on water supply, storm water drains, roads and other public infrastructure. To
successfully raise money from bond markets, municipalities must ensure that their
accounts are prepared on time, audit of accounts is carried out by an independent
agency, financial and operational data is made public, and that they comply with all
eligibility requirements put forth by SEBI and their state governments. Additionally,
municipalities can comply with disclosure standards adopted by the private sector to
boost investor confidence and bond subscriptions. Example of municipal bonds based
funding in Indian cities is tabulated below,
Table 75: Example Of Indian Cities Who Received Funding From Municipal Bonds
240 | P a g e
241 | P a g e
Table 77: Example Of Indian Cities Who Received Funding From MFI
242 | P a g e
Multilateral Development Banks – A Short Guide, Dec 2015
243 | P a g e
MDB16 Instrument Maturity Grace Interest and other Eligibility criteria Who can borrow
(years) period features
and maturity countries and
premium fixed. non-regional
Local currency Varies N/A Floating or fixed developed
loan rate, contractual countries which
are members of
spread and
maturity premium the UN.
ADF (Asian Group A (ADF- 32 8 1% during grace
Development only): Project period; 1.5%
Fund) loans beyond grace
period. Equal
amortisation; no
commitment fee.
Group A (ADF- 40 8 1% during grace
only): period; 1.5%
Programme beyond grace
loans period. Equal
amortisation; no
commitment fee.
Group B (Blend) 25 5 2%. Principal
repayment at 2%
per year for the first
10 years after the
grace period and
4% per year
thereafter; no
commitment fee.
244 | P a g e
MDB16 Instrument Maturity Grace Interest and other Eligibility criteria Who can borrow
(years) period features
Emergency 40 10 1%. Principal
assistance repayment at 2%
loans per year for the first
10 years after the
grace period and
4% per year
thereafter; no
commitment fee.
245 | P a g e
Further the discussion with MCT, it has been finalized that the NRW implementation will
carried out with Performance based contract.
Table 79: Finalized NRW Project Implementation Options
Finalized Implementation
Project Phases Remarks
NRW reduction &
Monitoring, Maintenance
Performance based
up to 3 years ( Conversion
of Intermittent to 24/7
246 | P a g e
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Manilla Philippines
Manilas department for water supply MWSS17 was losing 1,000 MLD from physical leaks and
pilferage in 1996. At 150 litres per capita per day (LPCD), the 1,000 MLD could have served
around 6.7 million people. This amount to 1 billion plastic bottles of soda (1-liter size) being spilled
every day. Almost two-thirds of water supply was lost daily. It was imperative for the water utility
to work on Non-Revenue Water.
The reasons were identified as below:
System Losses
Non-Existent Wastewater management
Low Tariffs
Maintenance Issues
Low Productivity
To improve and expand the availability and coverage of water in Metro Manila, the government
initiated reforms of water services through the implementation of the public-private partnership
(PPP). The company’s NRW reduction programs across Metro Manila’s East Zone and the
various subsidiaries incorporate a mix of technology and community partnership solutions to
address losses in the water distribution system from pipe leaks and pilferages.
249 | P a g e
Nagpur, Maharashtra
Nagpur is the 3rd largest city in Maharashtra state with a population of over 2.5 million people. It
became the first city of its size in the country to outsource its water supply to a private operator
under the PPP model for 25 years.
NMC (Nagpur Municipal Corporation) is responsible of providing water supply services to the city
of Nagpur. The total water supply to the city was 500 MLD per day through nearly 225 thousand
connections in 2008, now water supply capacity upgraded to 765 MLD and about 350 thousand
connections in 2015. The distribution network consists of over 3000 Km of pipe line network.
The existing
situation in 2008 had intermittent water supply with ma areas getting alternate day supply & Non-
Revenue Water was well above 50%. It was imperative to reduce the NRW of Nagpur city. The
steps taken by NMC are stated below:
Because of PPP model, there was tremendous increase in customer satisfaction and consumer
Entire zone experienced improve pressures eliminating the use of booster
Coverage improved with an incremental 5000 connections being given in
slum households
Billed water volume increased from 22 MLD to 33 MLD
NRW reduced from 50 % to 38 % and was attributed to reduction in illegal
connections and improved accuracy of meter reading.
The contract was awarded to a private contractor – a 50:50 joint venture SPV company
incorporated with equal equity stake of a private limited company and water expert global
PPP Model
250 | P a g e
The private entity brought 30% of the investment of the estimated project cost, 70% was brought
by the public entity’s contribution under MNURM + 100% escalation. The project was supposed
to be operative for 25 years of O&M including 5 years of capital rehabilitation.
Scope of work
The project covered management of the entire water cycle from production, treatment (657 MLD),
transport (2100 km of network), storage and delivery to the last point of usage i.e. the customers
tap. This involves replacement of more than 3,00,00 HSC, rehabilitation of treatment facilities,
service reservoirs and pipeline.
Customer-centric Approach
24×7 call centre for customer grievances, photo billing, online billing and customer service centre
to be made open for all 7 days of the week
By the end of 3 years, total 10,51,849 citizens benefitted significantly. Under Rehabilitation:
480.00 km pipe line laid; 96,059 connections replaced.
Below is the snapshot of key strategies adopted to achieve NRW reduction target.
251 | P a g e
There ought to be reluctance amongst consumers when asked for change in the system. There
needs to be proper education campaign before implementing the projects. The awareness
program may increase the willingness to pay among consumers.
MCT should undertake structured consumer awareness program for educating the
masses on importance of careful use of water and its scarcity foreseen for future
Campaigns, advertisements, skits, roadshows, etc. must be used as a medium of
communication for making people understand importance of conversation of water
Consumers having records of high consumption will be tested for leaks or breaks in the
distribution network to their end
In addition, the consumers should be informed about the NRW reduction project and
associated changes to take place from construction and renovation activities
In Tirupati, people need to be made aware of the incorrect ARV based billing and be
informed about importance of metering and billing based on consumption.
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260 | P a g e
Depth of HSC
connection is more
than 2m
Illegal Connection
(meter removed during
Overflow of Water from supply hours)
the sump
Losses of
water from
abundant HSC
262 | P a g e