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Johnson 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 993 012022

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ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

Integration of Total Quality Management with

Total Productive Maintenance to develop
Maintenance Quality Function Deployment model
and its implementation study in food industry

Jeffin Johnson1 and V.K. Pramod2

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Rajagiri School of Engineering &
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Government Engineering College,
Idukki, Kerala, India
E-mail: jeffinj@rajagiritech.edu.in, vkpramodgec@yahoo.com

Abstract. In today’s modern and highly competitive world, the quality of products as well as
the quality in maintenance is of great importance. For that, the involvement of customers is
very necessary. To convert these customers’ vague languages into technical data, a tool called
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is available in Total Quality Management (TQM). But in
order to have quality in maintenance, no such tools or techniques are not available in Total
Productive Maintenance (TPM) model. So, a model called Maintenance Quality Function
Deployment (MQFD) was developed by incorporating TQM with TPM. Model study was carried
out in a food industry; especially in an ice cream industry and suggested action plans for the
implementation process for the quality enhancement was done through this study. Details
about the machineries involved in the making of the food have been collected and processed
for TPM parameter calculations. In food industry the MQFD model is not implemented yet. So,
a model study in the food industry is very much useful especially in an ice cream industry due
to the fact that, it is one among the most consumed food product all over the world.
Keywords: MQFD, TQM, TPM, QFD, Quality management, Maintenance
Abbreviations - QFD – Quality Function Deployment, TQM – Total Quality Management, TPM –
Total Productive Maintenance , HOQ – House of Quality, MQFD – Maintenance Quality
Function Deployment, MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure, MDT - Mean Down Time, MTTR -
Mean Time To Repair, OEE - Overall Equipment Efficiency

1. Introduction
In today’s global and highly competitive market, identification of customer voice or
requirements and simultaneous designs of multiple products/services are very important
issues of any business. In Total quality management (TQM), Quality Function Deployment
(QFD) is well established as a powerful tool to find out the Voice of Customer (VOC), but in
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) such tool is not available to find out the VOC. In this
direction, by integrating QFD with TPM a new model named MQFD is derived to resolve this

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ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

problem. In order to employ MQFD model in an ice cream processing industry integrated
QFD of TQM with TPM.
The efficient ways and implementation strategies to manage maintenance has been
well described in [1] and the field of maintenance quality engineering evolved in the mid
twentieth century [2]. New methodologies and implementation strategies were developed [3].
Researchers started to believe total quality management (TQM) principles have to be
interpreted together with total productive maintenance (TPM) and the model was developed
[4]. Table 1 and 2 shows articles which report the link of TPM and QFD with other
manufacturing strategies. To obtain a better quality in maintenance, Total productive
maintenance opens up a way in the field [5]. Capturing customer voice to enhance the quality
of product by collecting the voice of customers is required and thereby the maintenance
quality also can be improved. A work was proposed by using fuzzy numbers and fuzzy
arithmetic which provided great flexibility in decision making [6]. Methodology to carry out
MQFD strategy in an industry was discussed in [7]. The approach of integration between
quality and maintenance was done in [8]. The importance for carrying out TPM studies in an
manufacturing industry and the way by which it could be implemented was revealed in detail
[9]. Studied about maintenance parameters and its relationship with manufacturing
performance method [10]. Attempted to investigate the nourishing of the synergy of TPM,
QFD and AHP and hence, achieving continuous maintenance quality improvement [11]. The
process involved in applying QFD and concludes with a section on the importance of
integrating quality throughout the value chain by starting with the Voice of Customer (VOC)
and working with quality until the positive impact on customer satisfaction is achieved [12]
and [13] focused more on quality matrix problem solving. A QFD based model in
transportation sector was proposed to enhance service quality of the conveyance [14].
Optimum utilization of resources was assured by the implementation study of proposed
model. Investigations were carried out to find out the importance of tolerances given to
customer requirements on a specified product [15]. Customer parameters which directly
interpret the quality of the product need to be carefully monitored while conducting
implementation study on QFD based models.
The purpose of this work is to develop and implement a manufacturing strategy model
named MQFD in a diary industry by integrating TQM with TPM to ensure quality in
maintenance parameters and thereby to enhance the quality of the product as well as the
profit of the organization.

Table 1 Articles reporting the linking of TPM with order manufacturing strategies and
principles [4]
Articles Contribution
Have presented a framework for linking TPM
McKone et al.
with JIT and manufacturing performance

Have presented a framework for linking TPM

McKone et al. with environment, organizational and
managerial concepts

Have presented a framework for linking TPM

Cua et al.
with JIT

ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

Table 2 Articles reporting the linking of QFD with other manufacturing strategies and
principles [4]
Articles Contribution

An improved version of House of quality and

Olhager and West House of flexibility has been presented. QFD
and manufacturing principles are linked.

A model called 'enhance QFD' has been

Witter et al. presented. The concept of reusability has been
linked with QFD.
A model interfacing QFD and FMEA has been
Ginn et al.

2. Materials and methods

MQFD implementation process was started by identifying customer’s requirements
and expectations about the product and their importance. A questionnaire is needed to
design to collect the customer’s voice. It should include the various parameters like sensory,
mouth feel effect, rheological characteristics about the ice cream so that the feedback of the
customers about the product can be obtained. Then after visiting the production manager of
the industry the important parameters about the product which affects the quality of the
product have to be discussed. After detailed visit, the technical parameters which concern
about the quality of the product have to be found out from the literature survey. The
importance of each of the technical parameter thus found out and suggested the organization
personnel on the effectiveness of the methodology and collected parametric values which are
available from the industry. Then the constructed house of quality which customer and
technical parameter. Decisions on the technical parameters which need to be undergoing
TPM pillar action plan was also discussed. Then it is passed via production sector to check its
maintenance quality. Maintenance quality is checked using the parameters such as
Availability, OEE, MTBF. MTTR, MDT.
2.1 TPM Pillars
TPM consists of 8 pillars.
1) Autonomous maintenance: Maintenance activities which are done by the
operators themselves during the time of their work.
2) Individual improvement: Each and every individual's intention to study and
learn during working period so that it may get benefitted to both the individual and the
3) Planned maintenance: Maintenance activities which are actually scheduled
and planned so thereby the unexpected breakdown and related problems may not interfere
the smooth functioning of the industry
4) Quality maintenance: It focused about the components and elements which
directly affect the quality of the product as well the organization.
5) Initial control/Development management:It provides action plan on the
initial involvement of personnel to carry out the process, thus there won't be any
6) Education and Training: Skills of the operators and other responsible
personnel of the organization are very much importent in enhancing the quality of product.
Skill upgradation activities come under this pillar.

ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

7) Office TPM: It brings the whole administration into the process. Decisions
and quality infrastructure provided by the administrators help in the product development.
8) Safety, Health and Environment: Clean and well ordered job locations will
certainly help the workers to involve in the process of producing quality products.
3. MQFD Model
MQFD integrates QFD and TPM. The model shown in figure 1, starts with collecting
the customer languages. The customer languages are then converted into the technical
specifications after the development of House of Quality (HOQ). Then the decisions are made
to find which parameters need to be passing through necessary technical requirements and
action plans. The decisions which are made for actions requiring maintenance quality
improvement will be subjected to TPM implementation. The technical languages are passed
through the eight pillars of TPM. The output will reflect in the production environment.
Quality in maintenance is ensured by estimating the following parameters.
x Availability
x Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
x Mean Time To Repair
x Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE)
x Mean Down Time (MDT)
A properly run and monitored MQFD process is required to result in improved
maintenance, increased profit, upgraded core competence, and enhanced goodwill. Some of
the technical languages drawn out of the HOQ are not passing through TPM after the
decision making process, will indicate the revised targets for the overall business
performance improvement.

Figure 1. MQFD Model [8]

4. Development of HOQ
Six main sub matrices are there for constructing HOQ.
x Matrix 1 - Customer parameters language matrix
x Matrix 2 - Ranking matrix of customer languages
x Matrix 3 - Technical parameters matrix
x Matrix 4 - Customer and Technical parameters relationship matrix
x Matrix 5 - Ranking matrix of technical parameters

ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

x Matrix 6 - Correlation matrix

Customer parameters are interpreted with the technical parameters of the product been in
concern, Then the data collected from the customers, industry, distributors as well as the
organization which are the main stakeholders of the output, was analyzed and values of each
and every parameter was included in the completion of the quality matrix. From the HOQ
and on the basis of the ranks of each parameter, decisions were made to pass the important
technical parameters through the TPM pillars which is the next step towards the MQFD
model implementation. HOQ matrices, developed correlation matrix and relationship matrix
are shown in figure 2, figure 3 and figure 4. Technical parameters and customer parameters
are given in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3. Technical parameters

Technical Parameters
Protein content PH value Proper Shelf life
Maintain stabiliser Lactose Proper mixing Regulate fat
content recrystallisation of ingredients content
Maintain sugar Non – Microbial Air cell In process
content action distribution inspection
Carbohydrate content Amount of air Temperature of Useful testing
added ice cream procedures
Amount of Skimmed Fat Proper Employee
milk powder (SMP) instabilisation weighing awareness
Milk – Solids – Proper Proper aging Include ice
No – Fat (MSNF) % pasteurization process cream recipes

Table 4. Customer parameters

Sensorial Rheological Mouth feel Essential product
characteristics characteristics effect features
Flavour Gumminess Smoothness Quantity
Firmness Viscosity Sweetness Scoop ability
Creaminess Consistency Sandiness Overrun
Overall Addition of food
Melting feel
Appearance items
Texture Eating Colour
Packing design

ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

Figure 2. HOQ Matrices [8]

Figure 3. Correlation matrix

Figure 4. Relationship and ranking matrix

ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

Using these data customer technical interactive scores and correlated scores of technical
language are calculated.
Customer technical interactive score can be calculated by summing up all the relationship
values between customer voice and technical languages after multiplying it with expected
value of customer voice.
e.g. Matrix 1 score for 'regulate fat content' =
1×54+3×84 = 3687
% normalized value of scores of matrix 1 = (Score of matrix 1/sum of scores)×100 (1)
e.g. % normalized value of score of matrix 1 for the customer parameter ‘regulate fat content’
= (3687/74559)×100 = 4.9
% normalized value of scores of matrix 3 to correlate technical parameters is done by (2).
% normalized value of score of matrix 3 =
(Score of matrix 3/sum of scores)×100 (2)
e.g. for technical parameter ‘regulate fat content’ (109/1882)×100 = 5.8
% normalized value of scores of matrix 1 and % normalized value of scores of matrix 3
have been summated and included in correlation matrix. HOQ was constructed using every
values each parameter. Technical descriptors and their computed scores are given in Table 5.

Table 5. Technical descriptors and their computed scores

normali Corre
Matrix 1 zed Matrix 3 lated
Technical Descriptors value of
score (1) value of score (3) value
matrix 3
matrix 1 =2+4
score (4)
score (2)
Regulate fat content 3687 4.9 109 5.8 10.7

Protein content 1252 1.7 54 2.9 4.6

Maintain stabiliser content 3943 5.3 42 2.2 7.5

Maintain sugar content 3242 4.3 74 3.9 8.2

Carbohydrate content 835 1.1 45 2.4 3.5

Amount of Skimmed Milk

3597 4.8 95 5 9.8
Powder (SMP)

Milk Solids – No – Fat %

2713 3.6 67 3.6 7.2
PH value 817 1.1 33 1.7 2.8

Lactose recrystallisation 1950 2.6 33 1.7 4.3

Non microbial action 619 0.8 80 4.2 5

Amount of air added 6822 9.1 89 4.7 13.8

ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

normali Corre
Matrix 1 zed Matrix 3 lated
Technical Descriptors value of
score (1) value of score (3) value
matrix 3
matrix 1 =2+4
score (4)
score (2)
Fat instabilisation 2410 3.2 49 2.6 5.8

Proper pasteurization 3979 5.3 120 6.4 11.7

Proper homogenization 3655 4.9 109 5.8 10.7

Proper mixing of
4929 6.6 118 6.3 12.9
Air cell distribution 3102 4.1 36 1.9 6
Temperature of ice cream
2700 3.6 100 5.3 8.9
Proper weighing methods 2433 3.3 94 5 8.3

Proper aging process 3143 4.2 118 6.3 10.5

Shelf life 5094 6.8 58 3.1 9.9

Packaging size 2736 3.7 43 2.3 6

In process inspection 2660 3.6 118 6.3 9.9

Useful testing procedures 2848 3.8 72 3.8 7.6

Employee awareness 3611 4.8 107 5.7 10.5

4.1 Implementation of technical requirements

Decisions have to be made in regard with the ranking of parameters which obtained
from HOQ matrix. Those decisions with the consultation of the organization personnel about
those significant parameters which need to pass through the TPM pillars were made. Some of
the insignificant parameters which recognized from the HOQ were not passed through the
TPM, because when it compared with the significant parameters on the basis of ranking,
those had a very little influence on the quality of the product. Separate action plan was
prepared for every parameter which are considered to be significant. Among those one of
them is explained by Table 6. Five of the technical parameters were not passed through the
TPM pillars - 'Protein content', 'Carbohydrate content', 'MSNF %', 'pH value', 'Lactose
recrystallisation', the rest have been passed via TPM pillars.

ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

Table 6. Action plan recommended in TPM pillars for technical parameters

Action Plan
A proper scedule should be made for maintenance. Cleaning,
lubrication, tightening of the pasteuriser should be done by the
equipment operators themselves.
Employees should their own way of maintaining the pasteuriser
so that no breakage of the operation of the equipment could
Proper schedule of maintenance of the equipment which has to
Planned be carried out daily, weekly, and monthly as well as yearly and it
maintenance should be planned prior to the operation of the equipment, so
that the working of the equipment is not disturbed.
By means of proper inspection and maintenance, pasteuriser
down time can be reduced. This helps the better schedule of the
Initial Suitable target has to be made in order to avoid rush of making
control/Developm ice creams of different order size by proper time managment.
ent management Thus reduces the machine downtime.
Staff learning programs should be conducted with in the
organization to upgrade skills of the operators also training
Education and
about how to operate the pasteuriser and awareness should be
given to the employees so that any danger can be easily handled
also minor repairs can be done by themselves.
By means of modern instruments like digital thermometers the
temperature of the operation of pasteuriser can be easily
Office TPM maintained. Pasteurising temperature range is 30 - 70 degree
celsius. Also using new and very precise instruments, the
maintenance can be done fast.
Working environment should be clean so that it provide better
Safety, health and
health and safety of the employees. Safety dresses like gloves,
hair clothes, etc. should be given to the workers.
5. Analysis of maintenance parameters
Efficacy of TPM implementation was done by the analyzing maintenance
parameters such as time for failure and repair, efficiency of machines, down time, availability
of machines. The values of each parameter for three machines (namely, pasteurizer,
homogenizer, and Aging Vat) for a year was provided by the machine supervisors and
analyzed it to decide on the quality of maintenance for the improvement of the product
5.1 Calculation of maintenance parameters
Parameter 1 - Availability is a estimate of accessibility of machine's total useful time
during the making of product
Availability = (Scheduled running time-Down time)/Scheduled running time (Figure 5)
e.g., for Pasteuriser during the month March is given by
Availability = (8820-1740)/8820 = 80.27 %

ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

Figure 5. Availability of machines

Parameter 2 - Mean time between failures (MTBF) is the mean time the equipment
would work in between consecutive failures (Figure 6).
MTBF = Summation of time between failures/Number of failures
For Pasteuriser in March,
MTBF = 7080/1 = 7080 mins

Figure 6. MTBF
Parameter 3 - Mean down time (MDT) is the mean time of the machine break down
and idle time due to some unplanned failures happened to machines as well as lack of proper
maintenance. (Figure 7)
MDT = Total down time/Number of breakdowns
MDT = 29/31 = 0.94 hrs
Parameter 4 - Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) is the average time for a machine repair
or the time for equipment service. (Figure 8)
MTTR = Total repair time/No. of break down
MTTR = 12/1 = 12 hrs

Figure 7. MDT Figure 8. MTTR

ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012022

Parameter 5 - Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is an effective way of analyzing

any machine. It is a product of availability, performance rate and quality rate.
Overall effectiveness = Parameter 1 × Rate of performance × Rate of quality (Figure 9)
OEE = 0.802 × 0.9 × 0.95 = 68.63 %.

Figure 9. Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) of machines

Forecasting of the computed and interpreted action plans mentioned in the work
would benefit the industrial organisations to enhance their quality of their product by passing
through maintenance parameters.

5. Results and Discussions

For integrating TQM with TPM, details like machines involved and its run time, down
time, maintenance details, idle time, product characteristics, technical parameters which
favors the quality interpretation were collected. A questionnaire was designed based on these
characteristics of the product and given to 10 distributors for gathering the voices of
customers. HOQ construction was completed by correlating customer and technical
languages. Strategic decision was taken after discussing it with the production manager that
which of the parameters should go through TPM pillars and which of them don't. Technical
requirements were implemented by allotting proper action plans through TPM pillars. The
results are directed to the production system and evaluated the results using the parameters
namely (OEE, MTBF, MTTR, MDT and availability) of machines.
6. Conclusion
Due to the global competition developed in the recent era, new models or techniques
are necessary for the smooth functioning of an industry. Quality is one of the main aspects
that have to be considered by the industry ahead to satisfy the customer satisfaction. So,
MQFD model is seemed to be a good method that can be introduced in many industries.
Although QFD and TPM are appearing to be separate entities, the contributed MQFD model
proves to be an appropriate device to exploit and share the beneficial features of them. It was
found that the MQFD implementation has necessary importance in the production field. By
incorporating customer views using HOQ matrix of QFD, the quality and efficiency of TPM
can be enhanced to a much larger extent. The model thus developed will certainly be a great
asset in the production sector, especially in the food industry where quality and maintenance
is of great importance.

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