Sexual Selfhood 4. Psychological: 3. Sociobiological/Evolutionary
Sexual Selfhood 4. Psychological: 3. Sociobiological/Evolutionary
Sexual Selfhood 4. Psychological: 3. Sociobiological/Evolutionary
● Rosenthal (2013) also explained that sexuality
SEXUAL SELFHOOD is not a mere physical response. Rather, it also
is defined as how one thinks about himself or herself involves emotions, thoughts and beliefs.
as a sexual individual. Human sexuality is a topic that
Sigmund Freud was one of the most
just like beauty is culturally diverse. This should be
prominent people to explain sexuality,
understood in varied ways. through his theories. According to him,
1. Historical. human beings are faces with two forces
● In Ancient Greece, it is the male that – sex instinct and libido (pleasure) and
assumes the dominant role. The male symbol, death or aggressive instinct (harm
the penis, was viewed as the symbol of fertility toward oneself or towards others).
and how the male body was structured and Freud also regarded personality as
was greatly admired. composed of three structures: the id, the
- In the Middle Ages (476-1450), bore witness to Ego and the Superego. The id is the part
the strong influence of church particularly in which always seeks for pleasure and
matters of sexuality. The church decreed that all aggression. It follows the pleasure
sexual acts that do not lead to procreation were principle because it wants the person to
considered evil. Women were labelled as either attain gratification immediately. It is
temptress (like Eve) or a woman of virtue (like unconsciously saying ―I want it now!‖.
Virgin Mary). The Superego is the person‘s sense of
- In the protestant reformation of the 16 century
th morality; it follows the moral principle
(1483-1546) Martin Luther, John Calvin and whose role is to restrict demands of the
other Protestant leadersinitiated a movement id. It is developed when children are
against the Roman Catholic Church. taught the difference between right and
- By the 17th and 18th century, the Puritans, a wrong. The ego follows the analytical
group of people who were discontented with the principle. It analyses the need of the id
Church of England rallied for religious, moral and and its consequences as dictated by the
societal reformation. superego and thinks of ways to satisfy
- In the Victorian Era (1837-1901), homosexuality the need in an acceptable manner.
and prostitution were rampant and considered to
be threats to social order. People in this era were 5. Religious
not comfortable in discussing breast or buttocks, ● Judaism holds a positive and natural outlook
they used other terms instead. toward marital sex which they consider as
blessed by God and pleasurable for both
2. Biological. men and women. Sexual connection
● Knowing the structures and functions of the provides an opportunity for spirituality and
reproductive system is essential to the transcendence.
understanding of sexuality. In the nervous ● In Islam, family is considered of utmost
system, it is the brain that initiates and importance, and celibacy within marriage is
organizes sexual behavior. prohibited
● According to Taoism, which originated in
3. Sociobiological/Evolutionary. China, sex is not only natural and healthy,
but a sacred union necessary to people‘s
● this perspective studies how evolutionary physical, mental, and spiritual being. The
forces affect sexual behavior. According to sexual union is a way to balance male and
sociobiological theory, natural selection is a female energy.
process by which organisms that are best suited ● In Hinduism, sexuality is seen as spiritual
to their environment are most likely to survive. force, and the act of ritual lovemaking is a
Beauty is more than just cultural means of both celebrating and transcending
standard. the physical
● For the Roman Catholic Church, marriage is 1. Vulva – encompasses all female external
purely for intercourse and procreation. genital structures – the hairs, fold of skin, and the
urinary and vaginal openings.
Development of Secondary Sex Characteristics and
Reproductive System a. Mons Veneris – a triangular mound over the
● This part is understanding the sexual self in pubic bone above the vulva. b. Labia majora –
Biological manner. the outer lips of the vulva.
● There are two kinds of reproduction: asexual and
sexual. Many biochemical events must occur
c. Labia minora – the inner lips of the vulva, one
before an organism can reproduce either way. on each side of the vaginal opening. d. Prepuce
– the foreskin or fold of skin over the clitoris.
1. Asexual reproduction
The simplest form of reproduction that e. Clitoris – a highly sensitive structure of the
literally means without sex. A single celled female external genitals, the only function of
animal grows to a certain stage or size and which is sexual pleasure.
divides into two identical organisms.
Multi-celled asexual organisms have f. Shaft – the length of the clitoris between the
developed several unique reproductive glans and the body.
g. Glans – the head of the clitoris; richly endowed
2. Sexual reproduction
with nerve endings.
This also involves reproductive cells,
including a female ovum (egg) and a
h. Cruca – the innermost tips of the cavernous
male‘s sperm.
bodies that connect to the pubic bones. i.
Vestibule – the area of the vulva inside the labia
● The male reproductive system essential parts
are as follows:
1. Penis – a male sexual organ consisting of the
j. Urethra – the tube through which urine passes
internal root and external shaft and glans.
from the bladder to outside the body.
2. Root – the portion of the penis that extends
internally into the pelvic cavity. 3. Shaft – the
length of the penis between the glans and the 2. Internal Structure
a. Vagina – a stretchable canal in the female that
4. Glans – the head of the penis; richly endowed opens at the vulva and extends about four inches
into the pelvis.
with nerve endings.
5. Cavernous bodies – the structures in the shaft b. Rugae – the folds of tissue in the vagina.
of the penis that engorge with blood during
sexual arousal. c. Cervix – the small end of the uterus, located at
the back of the vagina.
6. Foreskin – a covering of skin over the penile
glans. d. Uterus – a pear shaped organ inside the
female pelvis, within which the fetus develops. e.
Fallopian tubes – two tubes in which the egg and
7. Corona – the rim of the penile glans.
sperm travel, extending from the sides of the
8. Frenulum – a highly sensitive, thin strip ofskin
f. Ovaries – female gonads that produce ova and
that connects the glansto the shaft on the
sex hormones.
underside of the penis.
The primary and secondary
● The female reproductive system essential
characteristics refer to specific physical
parts are as follows:
differentiate males and females in 5. Genital stage, where the erogenous zone is
sexually dimorphic species. again the genitals. At this time, the sexual
attraction is directed towards others, usually one
Primary characteristics - are there from birth (for of opposite sex.
example, penises and vaginas)
Secondary sexual characteristics - emerge at
puberty (such as low voices and beards in men, According to Freud, a fetish is an inappropriate
and high voices and no facial hair in women). object (a shoe for example) that is substituted for
a woman and used for sexual gratification.
can also be known as some of the first
changes in a boy are the growth of his An erogenous zone is a body part (a foot, for
and growth of pubic hair. instance) that arouses sexual curiosity and draws
a man's attention to the whole female body.
Puberty is the stage of physical maturation in
which an individual becomes physiologically Fetishism is an individual personality disorder,
capable of sexual reproduction. while erogenous zones are sexual preferences
The prepubertal uterus - is tear-drop shaped, shared by most men at a given time or place.
with the neck and isthmus accounting for up to
two thirds of the uterine volume. Understanding Human Sexual Response
1. Oral stage, the child erogenous zone is the It is characterized by an increase in heart
mouth which receives gratification through eating rate and blood pressure as well as
and sucking. heightened muscle tone.
4. Latency stage, sexual impulses lie dormant as This is characterized by waves of intense
the child is occupied by social activities such as pleasure (climax), often associated with
going to school and playing.
vaginal contractions in females and
ejaculation in males.
Performance Orientation. It refers to the degree Differences in Social Identity. Social identity
to which excellence is recognized and being theory was proposed by psychologist, Henri
rewarded. Innovation and competitiveness are Tajfel. He defined social identity as a person’s
encouraged in countries with high performance sense of who they are based on their group
orientation. They appreciate excellent membership.
performance thus, they value the training and
Power Differentials. Power often comes from reward and punishment systems. These are
status and expertise of an individual. When one implemented in the entire organization and
seems to be of higher level than the other, say in attempts to create a company image behaving
terms of knowledge and skills, he or she may ethically.
gain individual power. This actually makes no
problem when ethical behavior is considered by External Environment. These forces include
those people in power. political, legal, economic and international
developments as well.
Poor Organizational Design and Structural
Integration. This also ensures an effective
organizational structure. Structural integration
likewise shows how men and women are Module 3 LEARNING AND PERCEPTION
represented in the positions in the organization.
- reflects what is being coined in organizational THEORIES
behavior as glass ceiling. This term refers to the
barriers that hinder minorities and women from Learning is part of everyone’s human life.
reaching their career aspirations. Everyday, people get to learn as they go along
their journey.
Communication Barriers and Resistance to
Change. Miscommunication and resistance to Definition and Nature of Learning
change have also hindered the achievement of
diversity. Learning can be defined as a process of
changing one’s behavior as a result of a
Diversity management on the other hand previously encountered positive or negative
responds to the needs of individuals and groups situation. Learning is evident only if one exhibits
in terms of fostering a greater inclusion in the change of behavior.
workplace regardless of different backgrounds.
While classical conditioning is dependent on the Reward is based from the set or fixed number of
development of associations between situations times that a behavior is done
(stimulus-response bond), learning that occurs
from the consequences of behavior is the idea of 4.Variable ratio
operant conditioning (response-stimulus bond).
In operant conditioning, there must be a positive Reward is based on the performance of the
response in a given situation to lead to a reward. desired behavior an unpredictable number of
Positive reinforcement. It is a reinforcement
contingency whereby a behavior in a particular
situation is followed by a positive consequence,
thus, strengthening the probability that the Social Learning Theory, developed by
behavior will be repeated. Psychologist Albert Bandura, suggests that
individuals learns through observations as they
Negative reinforcement is another reinforcement interact with others.
contingency in which a behavior is followed by
the prevention or withdrawal of a previously This theory argues that the learning
encountered negative consequence, thus, process does not require one to
strengthening the probability that the behavior experience a given situation for them to
will be repeated. learn and change his behavior.
Senge suggests that since there One of the most known theories on learning
is a need for the individuals to styles was developed by Davis Kolb. He
develop their personal mastery, suggests that learning is a cycle having four
management must take part in stages. He likewise proposes four independent
empowering them to create and learning styles.
explore what they can and what
they want. Kolb’s Learning Cycle
Senge defined mental models as Concrete Experience. This is the first stage in
the process of challenging one’s which it involves having a new experience is
personal assumptions about the introduced or encountered by the individual. It
others. could also be a reinterpretation of an existing
In the process of developing
personal mastery, it goes hand Reflective Observation. This stage is the
in hand with organizations using beginning of one’s reflection of his experience to
mental models to provide have a greater understanding.
individuals the opportunity to
assume more responsibility in Abstract Conceptualization. After reviewing the
decision making. encountered experience, the individual
concludes and eventually comes up with a new
Building a shared vision. idea or concept. This stage is known as abstract
Senge believes that paying
attention to a well established Active Experimentation. This stage involves the
and clear vision is part of application or practice of the new concept. The
creating a learning organization. outcomes are then observed and tested.
This corresponds to the second and third Individuals prefer to learn through the use of
stages of learning. People with assimilating reasoning and logic.
learning styles are logical. They prefer to
learn through lectures, reading and Skills Learned: Problem solving, drawing logical
analyzing. This learning style is significant to conclusions, doing mathematical calculations,
the field of science. experimenting
The Memletic Learning Styles Inventory by Sean Individuals prefer to learn through sensing and
Whiteley includes seven learning styles and thus relating with others, and seeing things in multiple
more popularly known as The Seven Learning perspectives.
Skills Learned: Good public relations, listening,
1. Visual (Spatial) conflict resolution, empathy, communication
Skills Learned: Drawing, painting, designing, Skills Learned: Self analysis and awareness,
sense of direction evaluating one’s thoughts
Reflectors. These individuals learn by watching Thus, it leads to what a person opt to
others. They are keen observers and gather learn and remember. A person who
enough information before arriving into watches a demonstration does not mind
conclusions. Reflectors prefer coaching the noise of people chatting around nor
sessions, observations, self-analysis and paired the sound of the vehicles passing by.
This process then allows individuals to
Theorists. These are logical individuals and have direct and focus their attention to achieve
the tendency of being perfectionists. They value target learning.
rationality and objectivity and they enjoy
assimilating disparate facts into coherent It also suggests that the limited capacity
theories. They prefer models, theories, statistics, of people to focus their attention can be
storytelling, quotes and systems thinking. conceptualized as a bottleneck that
restricts the flow of information.
Pragmatists. These learners prefer to try new
experiments and apply the learning into practice Factors Affecting Perception
as they want to see things put in actions and
know if they work in the real world. Pragmatists The way an individual perceives is affected by
act quickly on ideas, however, they easily get several factors. Even if there is one and the
bored in long-term discussions. same stimulus, people may perceive it differently.