Contraception I

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Reproductive and Sexual Health 4.

Obtain the information needed

to make responsible sexual
A.. Concept of Unitive and decisions
Procreative Health
Ignorance of sexuality or lack
Unitive - Union of two of information about your body
individuals that is mutually can also cause disappointments
agreed to become one and inability to give and
Procreative - Create and produce receive sexual pleasure
another life ● Our body is a gift from God
Thus, unitive, and procreative | it is something to be
are sacred appreciated and should not
Marriage - Man and woman unite be ashamed of
as one flesh (sex is unitive)
Needs to be open to possibility Human sexuality is defined as
of having children (sex is the characteristics that make a
procreative) man, a man, or a woman, a woman
● Include the man or woman’s
HAS TWO PURPOSES feelings and behavior
● Strengthen the couple and ● Includes his or her total
allow them to express their personality (personality
love in a powerful way encompasses individuals’
(unitive) characteristics
● Leads to the creation of
new life (procreation) Human sexuality is complex, it
goes beyond mere physical
B.. Female and Reproductive expressions and sexual organs
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1. BIOLOGICAL SEX – this
pertains to being a male or
C..Human Sexuality female;
● includes biological
SEXUALITY | the whole you concerns on reproductive
● the totality of each anatomy and physiology
individual’s personhood ● Humans have 2 sexes – male
● encompasses the and female
individual’s total ● Men’s sperm has 2 types of
personality, way of chromosomes (X and Y) that
thinking, behaving, loving, determine the sex of the
and relating with God and baby
other individuals XX– female; XY – male


HONESTLY ABOUT SEXUALITY WILL: preference of an individual with
regards to the sex of a person
1. Help us sort out our feelings he/she is attracted to or the
2. Develop our sexual standards sex of his/ her partner in a
3. Enable us to understand sexual relationship
others’ point of view 1. sexual orientation is shaped
for most people at an early age
through complex interactions of 1. Excitement: Occurs with
biological, psychological, and physical and psychological
social factors (3 interacts with stimulation
each other to shape one’s sexual
orientation thus early age is a For females:
critical age) a. Clitoris increases in size
b. Mucoid fluid appears on
3. SEXUAL IDENTITY (body image) vaginal walls as lubrication
– this pertains to a person’s c. Vagina widens in diameter and
feelings about the body and increases in length
being a man or woman d. Nipples become erect
•It includes concerns on For male:
relationships and intimacy, a. Penile erection scrotal
sexual response, sexual thickening
awakening b. Elevation of testes
•Two major questions associated For both sexes – increase in
with sexual identity heart and respiratory rates and
a. Who am I sexually? blood pressure
b. How do I relate to
others as a sexual partner?
2. Plateau: Is reached before
psychological sense of being For female
male or female, and personal and a. Clitoris is drawn forward and
or social norms for feminine or retracts under the clitoral
masculine behavior prepuce
a. Is about an individual’s sex b. Lower part of vagina becomes
roles –social norms and values extremely congested
that develop the relative power, c. Increase nipple elevation
responsibilities, and behavior For male
of women and men a. Distention of the penis
b. Prescribed gender roles, b. Heart rate increases to 100
however, can be influenced and to 175 beats per minute
changed c. RR 40 per minute

5. VALUES AND ATTITUDES, 3. Orgasm (shortest stage):

FEELINGS, AND EMOTIONS – about Usually experienced as intense
life, love, and people each life pleasure affecting the whole
has touched body
-highly personal experience -
Sexual experience is unique to descriptions of orgasms vary
each individual but sexual greatly from person to person
physiology has common features • Occurs when stimulation
proceeds through the plateau
The sexual response cycle is one stage at which the body suddenly
model of physical and emotional discharges accumulated sexual
changes that happen when you are tension
participating in sexual • Vigorous contraction of
activity. muscles in the pelvic area;
expels or dissipates blood and
4 phases in this cycle fluid from the area of
For female: average number of
contractions: 8 to 15 at
intervals of 1 q 0.8 seconds
For male: muscle contraction
surrounding the seminal vessels
and prostate project semen
followed by 3 to 7 propulsive
ejaculatory contractions

4. Resolution: The period during

which the external and internal
genital organs return to an
unaroused state
For female
a. Do not go through this
refractory period;
-possible for women who are
interested and properly
stimulated to have additional
orgasms immediately after the
For male
a. Refractory period occurs
during which further orgasm is
Here, both men and women have a
30-minute resolution period

D.. Responsible Parenthood

Responsible parenthood is the

will and ability of parent(s) to
respond to the needs and
aspirations of the family and
● It is the shared
responsibility of parents
to determine and achieve
the desired number and
timing of their children
according to their

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