Annotated Lesson Plan - Science
Annotated Lesson Plan - Science
Annotated Lesson Plan - Science
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professor Name
Date of Submission
Subject: Science
Goal: students will be able to understand and define the sequence of the stages
Objectives: When the lesson is ended, the children will be able to:
Use prior knowledge, brainstorming, visuals and native language to define the
Build on the knowledge and understanding of what the students already have
Cultural Affirmations by asking the children to translate some of the terms into
Basic vocabulary
Document camera
Homework handout
Individual stage pictures for the frog, butterfly and mouse life cycle
Sample assignment
Introduction (5 minutes)
Let the children join you in the study environment. Show them the caterpillar and
butterfly stuffed animals. Then, ask them some questions about the animals such as:
Disclose the adult and child figurines and repeat the questions above.
Introduce the goal of the study at this stage. Inform them that today, they are
also that they you are going to define the term lifecycle such that everyone knows what it
is. Then inform them that they you are going to use the animals they just interacted with
to show how lifecycle occurs in different animals. Lastly, tell them that you are going to
ask some questions at the end of the lesson and that whoever gets them right there will
be a present.
Introduce the new words in writing and pronounce each of them with absolute
clarity. After pronouncing the words for like three to four times, make the children
pronounce the words repeatedly. Then construct several sentences using the words so
that the students understand what contexts they can use them.
Put the students in groups and tell them that for the study, they are going to
become different stages of life cycle in frog. Inform them that you are going to discuss
how different life cycles take place in different animals. After this, tell them to head back
At this stage, show the students the posters about the life cycles in a frog,
Tell the students that the life cycle is made up of different stages
Ask the students if they are aware of any stages involved in the lifecycle of any of
- Show them stages pictures and explain to them that a frog and a
- Ask them about any animals that they know begins with an egg
Tell the students that they are going to watch a video clip on how the life cycle
Play the clips, pausing at each stage and asking the students to note down and say
After they have watched the video clips, tell them to discuss among themselves
the life cycle stages in butterfly. (Tips for discussion: the changes that occurred in the
This point is meant to check the understanding of the students by asking some
What differences they noted in the life cycles stages for the three animals
Make them sit in groups and give them the sample assignment to discuss.
Move around while evaluating how they handle the questions in the assignment.
After they are done, ask them to return to their own seats.
Homework (3 – 5 minutes)
Tell them to use animals they find in their environment to fill the handout
Inform them that they can consult with their parents at home
Closure (5 – 7 minutes)
Tell them that the next day you shall try to understand the contrast and
comparison among the stages in the life cycles they have just evaluated