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Technoware comprises a material transformation

subsystem and an information processing
Understanding Technology The material transformation subsystem performs
desired mechanical operations that the technoware
has been designed to perform.
Components of Manufacturing The information processing subsystem collects
Technology information regarding the status of operations,
analyzes it, and based on conclusions drawn,
develops and transmits responses to ensure that
desired objectives are attained.
MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Search for a Comprehensive Definition Technoware

The simplest information processing subsystem of
An examination of the four perspectives of
technoware is the human operator.
technology suggests that , in order to open up the
“technology black-box”, it may be useful to start off The information processing subsystem consist of a
with the embodiment forms approach. control sequence, namely sensing, analysis and
The four component classification namely, When the human operator does all three steps,
Technoware, Humanware, Inforware and Orgaware technoware could be considered to be of a low
appears to be more practical because it provides a sophistication. The degree of sophistication of
useful mean to use technology for decision making technoware increases as these capabilities are built
especially in manufacturing systems. into it.
MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Search for a Comprehensive Definition Humanware

Humanware consists of the skills needed to realize
It appears that while the existing elaboration of the
the potential of technoware and consists of “contact
four component definition is conceptually attractive,
humanware” and “support humanware”.
it is not sufficiently detailed to enable practicing
managers in the manufacturing sector to use it. Contact humanware refers to the operators of the
technoware, operators of related ancillary technoware
This section attempts to critically examine these such as materials handling equipment and shop floor
four components with a view towards obtaining a supervisors.
better understanding of their nature and interactions Support humanware refers to the maintenance crew,
and develop a basis for formulating a more production planning and control staff, software
comprehensive definition of manufacturing specialists in a CNC environment, quality assurance
technology. MN5226: Managing Technology for staff etc. MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Humanware Orgaware
The type of humanware needed to mange Orgaware refers to effective organizational practices,
technoware would depend on the characteristics of linkages, and related arrangements needed to make the
the job to be carried out. Jobs can classified in best use of technoware and humanware. It may be said
terms of five core characteristics: that the effective use of technoware and humanware
really depends on the virtuosity of orgaware used by a
1. Skill Variety
The effectiveness of orgaware may be assessed in
The degree to which a job requires a variety of terms of how well this institution embodied form of
different activities in carrying out the work and technology reduces agency costs by facilitating the
involves the use of number of different skills and effective use of technoware by humanware in order
talents of the individual. to meet the organizational objectives.
MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Humanware Orgaware
2. Task Identity Orgaware can be looked at in terms of five
The degree to which the job requires completion of a components:
“whole” and identifiable piece of work; ie. one that
1. Work Conventions
involves doing a job from the beginning to end with a
visible outcome. Work Conventions refer to the value creating and
corporate culture defining philosophies adopted by
3. Task Significance the management of the firm. This sets the stage
The degree to which the job has a substantial against which other four components, namely Work
impact on the work of other people elsewhere in the Organization, Work Facilitation, Work Evaluation
organization or in the external environment. and Work Modification can take place.
MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Humanware Orgaware
4. Autonomy
2. Work Organization
The degree to which the job gives the individual
substantial freedom, independence, and discretion in Work organization refers to the role that each
scheduling the work and in determining the member of an enterprise is expected to perform and
procedures to be used in carrying it out. the relations between the members so that their
5. Feedback combined effort will lead to the most effective use of
The degree to which carrying out the work activities the available technoware by the humanware.
required by the job results in the individual obtaining
direct and clear information on the results of his or Work organization can range from the highly
her performance. centralized to divisionalized form types characterized
The higher the degrees of these core characteristics, the by layers of management and formal procedures, to
greater will be the skill level required and the enrichment more democratic and less hierarchical, and finally to
of the job. MN5226: Managing Technology for
the highly team oriented type.
MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Orgaware Inforware

3. Work Facilitation Inforware represents the accumulated knowledge

Work facilitation refers to the practices that may be needed to realize the full potential of the technoware,
regarded as supportive measures. Five critical humanware and orgaware.
elements of work facilitation are: communication,
information sharing, skill development, incentives Inforware could be considered in terms of three
and rules. categories, namely: technoware specific inforware,
humanware specific inforware and orgaware
specific inforware.

MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for

Competitiveness Competitiveness

Orgaware Technoware-specific Inforware

Technoware-specific infoware [TSI] refers to
4. Work Evaluation infoware that is needed to operate, maintain, and
improve the technoware in a manufacturing system. It
Work evaluation refers to the practices used to
could be said to consist of five components:
verify whether work organization has led to
desired results, and the taking of necessary action 1. Technoware Attribute Inforware [tai]
to correct deviations. “tai” refers to information pertaining to the technical
There is usually a tendency to concentrate on specifications of technoware. For instance, for a
measures such as costs, physical inputs and outputs. machining center, tai would refer to the type of
It is also necessary to pay attention to sources of spindle, the spindle speeds, horse power, type of
long term revenue enhancements such as quality, machine bed and sensing and monitoring attachments
service and flexibility. available.
MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Orgaware Technoware-specific Inforware

2. Technoware-operating Inforware [toi]
5. Work Modification
“toi” refers basically to standard operating
Any business organization is facing an procedures and software that are needed to activate
unprecedented amount of turmoil due to geopolitical the technoware.
developments, technological advancements,
increased competition and rapid changes in In older forms of technoware , the humanware
customer requirements and preferences. The performed all the necessary steps in accordance
orgaware should have the capacity to adapt and with standard operating procedures. Today, with
modify its work organization, work facilitation and the increasing use of computer controlled
work evaluation practices to suit these changing operations, toi also includes the relevant software.
requirements. MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Technoware-specific Inforware Humanware-specific Inforware

3.Technoware-maintenance Inforware [tmi]

Humanware-specific Inforware [HIS] is the
“tmi” is the information needed to maintain not only inforware needed by the humanware to plan the
the physical facilities but also the software that is effective utilization of technoware in a
needed to operate the physical facilities. manufacturing system.
“tmi” needed to maintain the physical facilities
includes maintenance manuals, trouble shooting It may be considered in terms of two categories,
checklists, part lists and repair history files. namely; humanware foundation inforware, and
Software maintenance involves maintaining and humanware backup inforware.
updating that has either being supplied by a vendor
or developed in-house.
MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Technoware-specific Inforware Humanware-specific Inforware

4.Technoware performance-enhancing Inforware
1. Humanware-foundation Inforware[hfi]
“tpi” refers to inforware which may be called
“hfi” would consist of : information that provide
heuristic knowledge; the knowledge that
insights into the functional requirements of a
constitutes the “the rules of good judgement” and
manufacturing system, the knowledge of the
the “art of good guessing”. It refers to the
possibilities, limitations and manipulability of
knowledge of how to solve problems efficiently
various natural processes and structures.
and how to improve performance, that is usually
gained through experience. This type of inforware resides in skilled humanware
Expert systems attempt to incorporate this with formal training in the relevant fields and in
reference manuals, journal articles conference
component of inforware which is usually not found
proceedings etc.
in tai, toi and tmi.MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Technoware-specific Inforware Humanware-specific Inforware

2.Humanware-backup Inforware[hbi]
5. Technoware-design Inforware[tdi] “hbi” refers to a wide range of organized technical
information that is needed by the industry. It refers
“tdi” is not made available when an item of to information such as tables of engineering data
technoware is purchased. It refers to the engineering and functions, documentary standards, standardized
drawings of the technoware, design specifications measurements and calibration methods.
and the design calculations.
The above shows that even if a firm recruits skilled
This information is usually protected by patent laws.
humanware, it is necessary to provide them with
Reverse engineering is one way to reproduce tdi and
adequate inforware to enhance their performance.
this has become a contentious issue especially with
Continuos training is one way to assure continued
technologically advancing Asian nations.
MN5226: Managing Technology for access to updated and
MN5226:relevant HIS.
Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Orgaware-specific Inforware Reference

Orgaware-specific inforware[OSI] is the

• Ramanathan, K., The Polytrophic Components
inforware needed by a firm to ensure that timely of Manufacturing Technology, Technology
interventions and interactions occur between Forecasting and Social Change 46, P221-
technoware and humanware which would lead to 258(1994)
desired value addition activities.

It may be considered in terms of two categories,

namely; orgaware-backup inforware and
orgaware-enhancing inforware.

MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for

Competitiveness Competitiveness

Orgaware-specific Inforware Exercises

1.Orgaware back-up Inforware[obi] 1. When a firm purchases plant and equipment
“obi” refers to the range of information needed to from a seller, identify the components of
plan and control value addition activities and technology which are transferred to the
translate them into technoware, humanware, buyer.
material, and if necessary subcontracting
requirements for the implementation of such
2. Repeat the exercise for a “turnkey contract”
activities. for a specialized plant.
Some examples of obi are demand forecasts,
customer specifications, on-hand inventories, order
status, replenishment rules, plant and labour
capacities and extent of machine downtime.
MN5226: Managing Technology for MN5226: Managing Technology for
Competitiveness Competitiveness

Orgaware-specific Inforware

2. Orgaware-enhancing Inforware[oei]
“oei” refers to the information and software that
enhances the planning and control of value
addition activities.

Examples includes various mathematical

programming models, simulation approaches,
inventory models and systems such as Material
Resource Planning.
MN5226: Managing Technology for

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