Green Internet of Things For Smart World

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Green Internet of Things for Smart World

Article in IEEE Access · January 2015

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2497312


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4 authors, including:

Chunsheng Zhu Victor C. M. Leung

University of British Columbia - Vancouver University of British Columbia - Vancouver


Edith Ngai
Uppsala University


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Received October 9, 2015, accepted October 17, 2015, date of publication November 3, 2015,
date of current version November 16, 2015.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2497312

Green Internet of Things for Smart World

CHUNSHENG ZHU1 , (Student Member, IEEE), VICTOR C. M. LEUNG1 , (Fellow, IEEE),
LEI SHU2 , (Member, IEEE), AND EDITH C.-H. NGAI3 , (Senior Member, IEEE)
1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
2 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Petrochemical Equipment Fault Diagnosis, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,
Maoming 525000, China
3 Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala 751 05, Sweden

Corresponding author: C. Zhu (

This work was supported in part by a Four-Year Doctoral Fellowship through The University of British Columbia, in part by the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under Grant CRDPJ 434659-12, in part by the ICICS/TELUS People and Planet
Friendly Home Initiative at The University of British Columbia, in part by TELUS, and in part by other industry partners. The work of
L. Shu was supported in part by the 2013 Special Fund of Guangdong Higher School Talent Recruitment, Educational Commission of
Guangdong Province, China, under Project 2013KJCX0131, in part by the Guangdong High-Tech Development Fund under
Grant 2013B010401035, in part by the 2013 Top-Level Talents Project in Sailing Plan of Guangdong Province, in part by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61401107, and in part by the 2014 Guangdong Province Outstanding Young Professor
Project. The work of E. C.-H. Ngai was supported in part by the SSF ProFuN Project and in part by the Vinnova GreenIoT Project
in Sweden.

ABSTRACT Smart world is envisioned as an era in which objects (e.g., watches, mobile phones, computers,
cars, buses, and trains) can automatically and intelligently serve people in a collaborative manner. Paving the
way for smart world, Internet of Things (IoT) connects everything in the smart world. Motivated by achieving
a sustainable smart world, this paper discusses various technologies and issues regarding green IoT, which
further reduces the energy consumption of IoT. Particularly, an overview regarding IoT and green IoT is
performed first. Then, the hot green information and communications technologies (ICTs) (e.g., green radio-
frequency identification, green wireless sensor network, green cloud computing, green machine to machine,
and green data center) enabling green IoT are studied, and general green ICT principles are summarized.
Furthermore, the latest developments and future vision about sensor cloud, which is a novel paradigm in
green IoT, are reviewed and introduced, respectively. Finally, future research directions and open problems
about green IoT are presented. Our work targets to be an enlightening and latest guidance for research with
respect to green IoT and smart world.

INDEX TERMS Smart world, Internet of Things, green, radio-frequency identification, wireless sensor
network, cloud computing, machine to machine, data center, sensor-cloud.

I. INTRODUCTION aspects regarding people’s cyber, physical, social and mental

A. SMART WORLD world will be interconnected and intelligent in smart world.
With the rapid development of science and technology, the As the next important stage in human history, smart world
world is becoming ‘‘smart’’. Living in such a smart world [1], is receiving numerous attention from academia, industry,
people will be automatically and collaboratively served by government, etc.
the smart devices (e.g., watches, mobile phones, computers),
smart transportation (e.g., cars, buses, trains), smart environ- B. RESEARCH MOTIVATION
ments (e.g., homes, offices, factories), etc. For example, using Our world is consisted of various ‘‘things’’. As one of the
a global positioning system (GPS), a person’s location can enablers of smart world, internet of things (IoT) [2]–[7]
be continuously uploaded to a server that instantly returns targets to connect various objects (e.g., mobile phones, com-
the best route to the person’s travel destination, keeping the puters, cars, appliances) with unique addresses, to enable
person from getting stuck in traffic. In addition, the audio them interacting with each other and with the world. Further,
sensor inside a person’s mobile phone can automatically green IoT targets at a sustainable smart world, by reducing
detect and send any abnormality in a person’s voice to a server the energy consumption of IoT.
that compares the abnormality with a series of voiceprints to In this paper, aiming at fulfilling a sustainable smart
determine whether the person has some illness. Eventually, all world, we position our focus on green IoT and study various

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C. Zhu et al.: Green IoT for Smart World

technologies towards green IoT. Specifically, an overview Definition of IERC: ‘‘A dynamic global network infrastruc-
about IoT and green IoT is performed first. Then the hot ture with self-configuring capabilities based on standard
green information and communications technologies (ICT) and interoperable communication protocols where physical
(e.g., green radio-frequency identification (RFID) [8], green and virtual ‘‘things’’ have identities, physical attributes, and
wireless sensor network (WSN) [9], green cloud comput- virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are
ing (CC) [10], green machine to machine (M2M) [11], green seamlessly integrated into the information network.’’
data center (DC) [12]) enabling green IoT are discussed, In short, as shown in Fig. 1, the basic idea of IoT is
followed with the summary of general green ICT principles. that everything (e.g., from small rooms to large buildings,
With that, towards green IoT, we review the latest develop- from everyday appliances to sophisticated embedded sys-
ments in sensor-cloud [13], [14] which is a novel paradigm tems, from man-made artifacts to natural objects) around us
in green IoT, and further envision the future sensor-cloud. could be connected, sense and cooperatively communicate
Eventually, future research directions and open problems over the Internet.
about green IoT are shown. To the best of our knowledge,
this work is the first that discusses the realization of smart 2) ELEMENTS
world from the view of green IoT. We hope this work could be The elements in IoT [6] are presented in Fig. 2. Specifically,
an enlightening and latest guidance for research concerning there are six elements in IoT, i.e., identification, sensing,
green IoT and smart world. communication technologies, computation, services and
Identification plays a crucial role in naming and match-
The main contributions of this paper are shown as follows. ing services with their demand. Examples of identification
• Enabling green IoT, this paper discusses the hot green
methods used for the IoT are electronic product codes (EPC),
ICT (e.g., green RIFD, green WSN, green CC, green
ubiquitous codes (uCode), etc. Sensing is for collecting vari-
M2M and green DC) and further summarizes the general
ous data from related objects and sending it to a database, data
green ICT principles.
warehouse, data center, etc. The gathered data is further ana-
• Towards green IoT, this paper reviews the recent
lyzed to perform specific actions based on required services.
developments about sensor-cloud and envisions the
The sensors can be humidity sensors, temperature sensors,
future sensor-cloud. In addition, this paper presents the
wearable sensing devices, mobile phones, etc. Communica-
future research directions and open problems regarding
tion technologies connect heterogeneous objects together to
green IoT.
offer specific services. The communication protocols avail-
D. ORGANIZATION able for the IoT are: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4,
For the rest part of this paper, Section II briefly describes Z-wave, LTE-Advanced, Near Field Communication (NFC),
IoT and green IoT. Section III discusses and summarizes ultra-wide bandwidth (UWB), etc.
the green ICT enabling green IoT. The latest research about About computation, the hardware processing units
sensor-cloud and future sensor-cloud towards green IoT are (e.g., microcontrollers, microprocessors, system on
shown in Section IV. Section V presents the future research chips (SoCs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)) and
directions and open problems with respect to green IoT. software applications perform this task. Many hardware plat-
Section VI concludes this paper. forms (e.g., Arduino, UDOO, FriendlyARM, Intel Galileo,
Raspberry PI, Gadgeteer) are developed and various software
II. OVERVIEW OF IoT AND GREEN IoT platforms (e.g., TinyOS, LiteOS, Riot OS) are utilized. Cloud
A. IoT platform is a particular important computational part of IoT,
1) DEFINITION since it is very powerful in processing various data in real-
There are various deifications regarding IoT [2]–[7]. We list time and extracting all kinds of valuable information from
two examples by ITU-T (International Telecommunication the gathered data. The services in IoT can be categorized
Union (ITU) Telecommunication Standardization Sector) into four classes: identity-related services, information aggre-
and IERC (IoT European Research Cluster), respectively. gation services, collaborative-aware services and ubiquitous
Definition of ITU-T: ‘‘In a broad perspective, the IoT can services. Identity-related services lay the foundation for other
be perceived as a vision with technological and societal types of services, since every application mapping real world
implications. From the perspective of technical standardiza- objects into the virtual world needs to identify the objects
tion, IoT can be viewed as a global infrastructure for the first. Information aggregation services, gather and summarize
information society, enabling advanced services by inter- the raw information which need to be processed and reported.
connecting (physical and virtual) things based on, existing The obtained data are further utilized by the collaborative-
and evolving, interoperable information and communica- aware services to make decisions and react accordingly.
tion technologies. Through the exploitation of identification, Ubiquitous services, are for offering the collaborative-aware
data capture, processing and communication capabilities, the services to anyone on demand, anytime and anywhere.
IoT makes full use of things to offer services to all kinds Semantic means the ability to extract knowledge intelligently
of applications, while maintaining the required privacy.’’ so as to provide the required services. This process

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FIGURE 1. An example of IoT.

FIGURE 2. Elements in IoT.

usually includes: discovering resources, utilizing resources, In addition, driven by the growing interest and adoption from
modeling information, recognizing and analyzing data. The various organizations, the energy demand will further greatly
commonly used semantic technologies are: resource descrip- increase.
tion framework (RDF), web ontology language (OWL), All these make green IoT which focuses on reducing the
efficient XML interchange (EXI), etc. energy consumption of IoT a necessity, in terms of fulfilling
the smart world with sustainability. Considering the energy
B. GREEN IoT efficiency as the key during the design and development
Enabling the smart world, IoT is included by the of IoT, green IoT can be defined as follows [7].
NIC (National Intelligence Council) of U.S. among six ‘‘The energy efficient procedures (hardware or software)
‘‘Innovative Civil Technologies’’ that will impact U.S. power adopted by IoT either to facilitate reducing the greenhouse
grids. It is foreseen by NIC that ‘‘by 2025, internet nodes may effect of existing applications and services or to reduce the
reside in everyday things, i.e., food packages, furniture, paper impact of greenhouse effect of IoT itself. In the earlier case,
documents, and more.’’ However, to enable a sustainable the use of IoT will help reduce the greenhouse effect, whereas
smart world, the IoT should be characterized by energy effi- in the later case further optimization of IoT greenhouse
ciency [15]. Particularly, since all devices in the smart world footprint will be taken care. The entire life cycle of green
are supposed to be equipped with additional sensory and IoT should focus on green design, green production, green
communication add-ons so that they can sense the world and utilization and finally green disposal/recycling to have no or
communicate with each other, they will require more energy. very small impact on the environment.’’

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C. APPLICATION enabling users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate

With respect to IoT and green IoT, there are a lot of applica- a variety of information. In this paper, we list the fol-
tions [2]–[7]. We list some application scenarios as follows. lowing ICT, regarding identification, sensing, communica-
Smart Home: Personal life-style at home is enhanced, by tion and computation which are IoT elements introduced
making it more convenient and easier to monitor and operate in Section II.
home appliances and systems (e.g., microwave, oven, air • RFID (radio-frequency identification) [16]: a small
conditioner, heating systems, etc.) remotely. For instance, electronic device that consists of a small chip and an
based on the weather forecast information, a smart home antenna, automatically identifying and tracking tags
can automatically lower the blinds of windows and close the attached to objects.
windows. • WSN (wireless sensor network) [17]: a network con-
Industrial Automation: With a minimal human involve- sisting of spatially distributed autonomous sensors that
ment, robotic devices are computerized to finish manufac- cooperatively monitor the physical or environmental
turing tasks. The machines’ operations, functionalities, and conditions (e.g., temperature, sound, vibration, pressure,
productivity rates are automatically controlled and moni- motion, etc.).
tored. For example, if there is a sudden issue about a machine, • WPAN (wireless personal area network) [18]:
the system will immediately deliver a maintenance request a low-range wireless network for interconnect-
to the maintenance department for handling the problem. ing devices centered around an individual person’s
In addition, the productivity is improved, by analyzing pro- workspace.
duction data, timing and causes of production issues. • WBAN (wireless body area network) [19]: a wireless
Smart Healthcare: Performance of healthcare applications network consisting of wearable or portable computing
is improved, by embedding sensors and actuators in patients devices (e.g., sensors, actuators) situated on or in the
and their medicine for monitoring and tracking patients. For body.
instance, by gathering and analyzing patients’ body data with • HAN (home area network) [20]: a type of local area
sensors and further delivering analyzed data to a processing networks (LANs), connecting digital devices present
center, the clinical care could monitor physiological statuses inside or within the close vicinity of a home.
of patients in real-time and make suitable actions when • NAN (neighborhood area network) [21]: an
necessary. offshoot of Wi-Fi hotspots and wireless local area
Smart Grid: Power suppliers are assisted to control and networks (WLANs), enabling users to connect to the
manage resources so that power can be offered proportionally internet quickly and at very little expense.
to the population growth. Therefore, the energy consumption • M2M (machine to machine) [22]: a technology that
of houses and buildings could be enhanced. For example, the allows both wireless and wired devices to communicate
meters of buildings could be connected to the network of with other devices of the same type.
energy providers. Then the energy providers could enhance • CC (cloud computing) [23]: a novel computing model
their services, by collecting, analyzing, controlling, moni- for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to
toring, and managing energy consumption. Meanwhile, the a shared pool of configurable resources (e.g., networks,
potential failures could be reduced. servers, storage, applications, services). Integrating
Smart City: Quality of life in the city is ameliorated, by CC into a mobile environment, mobile cloud comput-
making it more convenient and easier for the residents to ing (MCC) can further offload much of the data process-
obtain information of interest. For instance, according to ing and storage tasks from mobile devices (e.g., smart
people’s needs, various interconnected systems intelligently phones, tablets, etc.) to the cloud.
offer the desirable services (e.g., transportation, utilities, • DC (data center) [24]: a repository (physical or virtual)
health, etc.) to people. for the storage, management, and dissemination of data
and information.
In this section, we first present an overview of ICT. Then five
RFID includes several RFID tags and a very small subset of
hot green ICT (i.e., green RFID, green WSN, green M2M,
tag readers. Enclosed in an adhesive sticker, the RFID tag is
green CC and green DC) enabling green IoT are discussed,
a small microchip attached to a radio (utilized for receiving
followed with the general principles of green ICT.
and transmitting the signal), with a unique identifier. The
purpose of RFID tags is storing information regarding the
A. OVERVIEW OF ICT objects to which they are attached. The basic process is that
ICT is an umbrella term that relates to any facility, the information flow is triggered by RFID tag readers through
technology, application (e.g., radio, television, cellular transmitting a query signal, followed with the responses
phones, computers, machines, networks, hardware, software, of nearby RFID tags. Generally, the transmission range of
middleware, storage, satellite systems, videoconferencing, RFID systems is very low (i.e., a few meters). Furthermore,
distance learning) regarding information and communication, various bands (i.e., from low frequencies at 124-135 kHz up

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to ultrahigh frequencies at 860-960 MHz) are used to perform are consumed, resulting in more environmental issues and
transmission. Two kinds of RFID tags (i.e., active tags and CO2 emissions.
passive tags) exist. Active tags have batteries powering the With respect to green CC, potential solutions are shown
signal transmissions and increasing the transmission ranges, as follows [7], [10], [31]–[34]. 1) Adoption of hardware
while the passive tags are without onboard batteries and need and software that decrease energy consumption. In this
to harvest energy from the reader signal with the principle of regard, hardware solutions should target at designing and
induction. manufacturing devices which consume less energy. Software
For green RFID [7], [8], [25]–[28], 1) Reducing the sizes solutions should try to offer efficient software designs con-
of RFID tags should be considered to decrease the amount suming less energy with minimum resource utilization;
of nondegradable material used in their manufacturing 2) Power-saving virtual machine (VM) techniques
(e.g., biodegradable RFID tags, printable RFID tags, paper- (e.g., VM consolidation, VM migration, VM placement,
based RFID tags), because the tags themselves are diffi- VM allocation); 3) Various energy-efficient resource allo-
cult to recycle generally; 2) Energy-efficient algorithms and cation mechanisms (e.g., auction-based resource alloca-
protocols should be used to optimize tag estimation, adjust tion, gossip-based resource allocation) and related task
transmission power level dynamically, avoid tag collision, scheduling mechanisms; 4) Effective and accurate models
avoid overhearing, etc. and evaluation approaches regarding energy-saving policies;
5) Green CC schemes based on cloud supporting technologies
C. GREEN WSN (e.g., networks, communications, etc.).
A WSN usually consists of a certain number of sensor nodes
and a base station (BS) (i.e., sink node). The sensor nodes E. GREEN M2M
are with low processing, limited power, and storage capac- In terms of M2M communications, massive M2M nodes
ity, while the BS is very powerful. Sensor nodes equipped which intelligently gather the monitored data are deployed
with multiple on-board sensors, take readings (e.g., tem- in M2M domain. In network domain, the wired/wireless
perature, humidity, acceleration, etc.) from the surroundings network relays the gathered data to the BS. The BS further
first. Then they cooperate with each other and deliver the supports various M2M applications over network in the appli-
sensory data to the BS in an ad hoc manner generally. cation domain.
A commonly used commercial WSN solution is based on the Concerning green M2M, with the massive machines
IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which covers the physical and involved in M2M communications, it will consume a lot of
medium access control (MAC) layers for low-power and low- energy, particularly in M2M domain. The following methods
bit-rate communications. might be used to increase energy efficiency [11], [35]–[38]:
Regarding green WSN, the following techniques should be 1) Intelligently adjust the transmission power (e.g., to the
adopted [7], [9], [29], [30]: 1) Make sensor nodes only work minimal necessary level); 2) Design efficient communication
when necessary, while spending the rest of their lifetime in a protocols (e.g., routing protocols) with the application of
sleep mode to save energy consumption; 2) Energy depletion algorithmic and distributed computing techniques; 3) Activ-
(e.g., wireless charging, utilizing energy harvesting mecha- ity scheduling, in which the objective is to switch some nodes
nisms which generate power from the environment (e.g., sun, to low-power operation (‘‘sleeping’’) mode so that only a
kinetic energy, vibration, temperature differentials, etc.)); subset of connected nodes remain active while keeping the
3) Radio optimization techniques (e.g., transmission power functionality (e.g., data gathering) of the original network;
control, modulation optimization, cooperative commu- 4) Joint energy-saving mechanisms (e.g., with overload pro-
nication, directional antennas, energy-efficient cognitive tection and resources allocation); 5) Employ energy harvest-
radio (CR)); 4) Data reduction mechanisms (e.g., aggre- ing and the advantages (e.g., spectrum sensing, spectrum
gation, adaptive sampling, compression, network coding); management, interference mitigation, power optimization)
5) Energy-efficient routing techniques (e.g., cluster archi- of CR.
tectures, energy as a routing metric, multipath routing, relay
node placement, node mobility). F. GREEN DC
The main job of DCs is to store, manage, process and dis-
D. GREEN CC seminate various data and applications, created by users,
In CC, resources are treated as services, i.e., IaaS things, systems, etc. Generally, dealing with various data and
(Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) applications, DCs consume huge amounts of energy with high
and SaaS (Software as a Service). Based on users’ demands, operational costs and large CO2 footprints. Furthermore, with
CC elastically offers various resources (e.g., high-performance the increasing generation of huge amounts of data by vari-
computing resources and high-capacity storage) to users. ous pervasive and ubiquitous things or objects (e.g., mobile
Rather than owning and managing their own resources, phones, sensors, etc.) on the way to smart world, the energy
users share a large and managed pool of resources, with efficiency for DCs becomes more pressing.
convenient access. With growing applications moved to About green DC, possible techniques to improve
cloud, more resources need to be deployed and more power energy efficiency can be achieved from the following

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TABLE 1. A summary of green ICT enabling green IoT.

aspects [12], [24], [39]–[41]. 1) Use renewable or green However, if the facilities are only turned on when nec-
sources of energy (e.g., wind, water, solar energy, heat essary, the energy consumption will be reduced. For
pumps, etc.); 2) Utilize efficient dynamic power-management example, sleep scheduling [42] is one of the widely
technologies (e.g., Turboboost, vSphere); 3) Design more used techniques for saving the energy consumption in
energy-efficient hardware (e.g., exploiting the advantages of WSNs, by making sensor nodes dynamically awake
DVFS (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling) techniques and asleep.
and VOVO (vary-on/vary-off) techniques); 4) Design novel 2) Send only data that are needed. Data (e.g., large sized
energy-efficient data center architectures (e.g., nano data cen- multimedia data) transmission consumes quite a lot of
ters) to achieve power conservation; 5) Design energy-aware energy consumption. Sending the data that are only
routing algorithms to consolidate traffic flows to a subset needed by users, can significantly save the energy con-
of the network and power off the idle devices; 6) Construct sumption. Predictive data delivery (e.g., [43]) based
effective and accurate data center power models; 7) Draw on user behavior analysis, is one possible method to
support from communication and computing techniques provide only required data to users.
(e.g., optical communication, virtual machine migration, 3) Minimize length of data path. This is also a straightfor-
placement optimization, etc.). ward method to reduce energy consumption. Routing
schemes (e.g., [44]) considering the length of cho-
G. GREEN ICT PRINCIPLES sen data path could be energy-efficient. In addition,
With the above introductions about green ICT enabling green network working mechanisms (e.g., [45]) which cater
IoT, we present the following general principles regarding to the routing requirement, are also potential ways to
green ICT and summarize all of them in Table 1. achieve much shorter data path.
1) Turn off facilities that are not needed. If the facilities 4) Minimize length of wireless data path. Regarding min-
are always working, it will consume much energy. imizing length of wireless data path, energy-efficient

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architectural designs (e.g., [46]) for wireless communi- powerful cloud computing technologies to provide excellent
cation systems could be considered. Moreover, cooper- data scalability, rapid visualization, and user programmable
ative relaying [47] for wireless communications is also analysis’’ [13], [14].
promising in energy efficiency, by using relay nodes
to overhear the transmission and relay the signal to
the destination node, resulting in significant diversity
5) Trade off processing for communications. Combining
data from multiple sources, data fusion [48] decreases
the transmissions of similar data values, while trans-
mitting more accurate data. Thus the energy efficiency
is improved. As a new way of sensing the signal
with a much lower number of linear measurements
provided that the underlying signal is sparse, com-
pressive sensing [49] is also able to enhance energy
6) Advanced communication techniques. Towards green
communications, advanced communication techniques
are emerging. For example, employed at both
FIGURE 3. An example of sensor-cloud.
the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx), multiple-
input multiple-output (MIMO) communication tech-
niques [50] demonstrate improved spectral efficiencies Attracting increasing interest from both academic and
in multipath fading environments, relative to their industrial communities, sensor-cloud [13], [14], [53] is actu-
single-input single-output (SISO) counterparts. ally a new paradigm, motivated by complementing 1) the
In addition, a cognitive-radio (CR) system [51] which ubiquitous data sensing and data gathering capabilities of
is aware of its environment and can change its modes WSNs as well as 2) the powerful data storage and data
of operation (operating frequency, modulation scheme, processing abilities of CC. Particularly, as presented in Fig. 3,
waveform, transmitting power, etc.) via software and the basic application model of sensor-cloud is to use the
hardware manipulation, is able to improve spectrum- ubiquitous sensors (e.g., static sensors, mobile sensors, video
usage efficiency and minimize the problem of spectrum sensors, etc.) offered by the SNP (sensor network provider)
over-crowdedness. to collect various sensory data (e.g., temperature, humid-
7) Renewable green power sources. Different from tradi- ity, traffic, house surveillance, etc.) about the surrounding
tional resources, a renewable resource (e.g., oxygen, environment. Then the sensory data is further transmitted to
fresh water, solar energy, timber, and biomass) is a the cloud provided by the CSP (cloud service provider) for
resource which is replaced naturally and can be uti- storage and further processing. After the cloud stores and
lized again. Therefore, utilizing renewable green power processes the sensory data with data centers, the processed
sources will have a fundamental impact on minimizing sensory data are delivered to the CSU (cloud service user) on
the dependence on oil and the emission of CO2 [52]. demand. In this whole process, SNPs act as the data sources
for CSPs. CSUs are the data requesters for CSPs.
IV. SENSOR-CLOUD TOWARDS GREEN IoT With sensor-cloud integration, there are many favorable
In this section, towards green IoT, we first present the advantages [13], [14], benefiting the users and the WSN as
overview of sensor-cloud. With that, recent developments well as the cloud. For instance, users can have access to their
regarding sensor-cloud are shown and the future sensor-cloud required sensory data from cloud anytime and anywhere if
is envisioned. there is network connection, instead of being stick to their
desks. The utility of WSN can be increased, by enabling it to
A. OVERVIEW OF SENSOR-CLOUD serve multiple applications. The services cloud provides can
Defined by IntelliSys,1 sensor-cloud is ‘‘an infrastructure be greatly enriched, by being able to offer the services that
that allows truly pervasive computation using sensors as WSN provides (e.g., healthcare monitoring, environmental
an interface between physical and cyber worlds, the data- monitoring, forest fire detection, landslide detection, etc.).
compute clusters as the cyber backbone and the internet In particular, enhancing the performance (e.g., data pro-
as the communication medium’’ [13], [14]. According to cessing speed, response time, visualization) of WSN with
MicroStrains,2 sensor-cloud is ‘‘a unique sensor data storage, immense storage and processing capability of cloud, analyti-
visualization and remote management platform that leverages cal results have shown that sensor-cloud could outperform a
traditional WSN, by increasing the sensor’s lifetime by 3.25%
1 and decreasing the energy consumption by 36.68%. All these
2 are very desirable for smart world and green IoT.

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B. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS OF SENSOR-CLOUD the following two critical security issues. Issue 1: Genuine
With respect to the sensor-cloud framework, [54] proposes a CSPs and genuine SNPs could be impersonated by vicious
novel sensory data processing framework (named as NSDPF attackers to perform communications with CSUs and CSPs,
in this paper) to integrate WSN with mobile cloud. The prob- respectively. As a result, any service cannot be obtained by
lem researched is sensory data processing in sensor-cloud. CSUs and CSPs from the fake CSPs and SNPs, while the trust
The aim of NSDPF is to deliver desirable sensory data to and reputation of the authentic CSPs and SNPs are strongly
the mobile users fast, reliably, and securely. Particularly, the decreased by these fake CSPs and SNPs. Issue 2: Lacking
sensor gateway and the cloud gateway are with data traffic trust and reputation calculation and management of CSPs
monitoring, filtering, prediction, compression, and decom- and SNPs, CSU may easily choose an untrustworthy CSP
pression capabilities. For offering data recommendation and CSP probably easily selects an untrustworthy SNP. Then
capability, the strong processing capacity of the cloud is the delivery of the service (from CSP to CSU, from SNP
adopted. For improving capacity, data encryption and decryp- to CSP) owns an unacceptable large latency, or cannot be
tion techniques are applied in the cloud, mobile devices, delivered successfully quite often, or could only be offered
and sensor and cloud gateways. Analytical and experimental for a very short time period unexpectedly. To solve these
results are provided regarding the proposed NSDPF, in terms two issues (i.e., authentication of CSPs and SNPs, trust and
of enhancing the performance of sensor-cloud (e.g., enhanc- reputation calculation and management of CSPs and SNPs),
ing the network lifetime, enhancing the storage require- they are with analysis first. With that, ATRCM is proposed,
ment, enhancing the security and monitoring performance considering (i) CSP’s authenticity and SNP’s authenticity;
of WSNs, enhancing the security of the transmitted sensory (ii) CSU’s attribute requirement and CSP’s attribute require-
data, reducing the traffic and bandwidth required for sensory ment; (iii) the cost, trust and reputation regarding CSP’s
data transmissions, reducing the cloud storage and processing service and SNP’s service. With detailed analysis and design
overhead). as well as functionality evaluation results about ATRCM, it
About the energy efficiency of sensor-cloud, two novel is presented that ATRCM is able to 1) assist CSU in selecting
collaborative location-based sleep scheduling (CLSS) mech- authentic and appropriate CSP; 2) help CSP choose authentic
anisms are shown in [55] for WSNs integrated with MCC. and desirable SNP.
Specifically, the focus of CLSS is enhancing the WSN Discussing job scheduling in sensor-cloud, [58] is inter-
lifetime, while still catering mobile users’ data requests in ested in job scheduling for CC integrated with WSN, which is
sensor-cloud. For decreasing the integrated WSN’s energy an unexplored topic. Particularly, the features of job schedul-
consumption, the detailed technique is dynamically changing ing about sensor-cloud are analyzed first and two popular
the awake or asleep state of every sensor node, based on the and traditional job scheduling methods (i.e., Min-Min and
mobile users’ locations. CLSS1 targets at maximizing the Max-Min) are studied. Then two novel job scheduling meth-
integrated WSN’s energy consumption saving, while CLSS2 ods (i.e., PTMM (priority-based two phase Min-Min) and
also takes into account the integrated WSN’s scalability PTAM (priority-based two phase Max-Min)) are put forward
and robustness. Theoretical and simulation results are both for CC integrated with WSN. Compared with Min-Min and
performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed Max-Min, extensive experimental results about PTMM and
CLSS mechanisms. PTAM exhibit that they obtain shorter expected completion
Concerning the sensory data transmission in sensor-cloud, time (ECT) for CC integrated with WSN.
a scheme named TPSS is designed in [56], aiming at reliably With the purpose to enhance the quality of service (QoS)
offering more useful data to mobile cloud from WSN. of sensor-cloud about achieving sensory data from the cloud
Particularly, the key issues that affect sensory data’s useful- by users, TASC (trust-assisted sensor-cloud) is proposed
ness and WSN’s reliability are identified first. Then TPSS in [59]. In TASC, trusted sensors (i.e., sensors with trust
which consists of two main parts is introduced. Consider- values that exceed a threshold) in WSN gather and transmit
ing the time and priority features regarding mobile users’ sensory data to the cloud. Meanwhile, trusted data centers
data requests, Part 1) is time and priority-based selective (i.e., data centers with trust values that exceed a threshold)
data transmission (TPSDT), for WSN gateway to selectively in cloud store, process and further on demand deliver the
deliver more useful sensory data to the cloud. Part 2) is sensory data to users. Extensive simulation results present
priority-based sleep scheduling (PSS) algorithm, for WSN that TASC is able to greatly enhance the throughput and
to save energy consumption so that sensory data can be response time that users achieve sensory data from the cloud,
collected and delivered more reliably. Analytical and experi- in contrast to SCWTA (sensor-cloud without trust assistance).
mental results show the effectiveness of TPSS about enhanc- With special attention to sensor-cloud pricing which
ing sensory data’s usefulness and WSN’s reliability for is barely explored, five sensor-cloud pricing models
sensor-cloud. (i.e., SCPM1, SCPM2, SCPM3, SCPM4 and SCPM5) are
Regarding the security of sensor-cloud, a novel authen- introduced in [60]. In particular, a sensor-cloud user is
ticated trust and reputation calculation and manage- charged, considering 1) user’s lease period; 2) needed
ment (ATRCM) system is presented in [57], motivated by working time of SC; 3) SC resources used by the user;

2158 VOLUME 3, 2015

C. Zhu et al.: Green IoT for Smart World

4) sensory data’s volume achieved by the user; 5) SC path

delivering sensory data to the user from the WSN, respec-
tively. To discuss and demonstrate the performance of the
proposed SCPMs, further analysis is also shown. The pricing
schemes and conducted analysis in this work could be a very
valuable guidance for future research concerning pricing in

A straightforward comparison of the above recent research
regarding sensor-cloud is shown in Table 2. From exploring
these recent developments about sensor-cloud, it is observed
that the research regarding sensor-cloud is still at its infancy,
although sensor-cloud for green IoT is very promising.
More interesting research regarding this area are expected to

TABLE 2. A summary of recent developments about sensor-cloud.

FIGURE 4. A vision of future sensor-cloud.


Regarding the future sensor-cloud, we envision that The following future research directions and open problems
the future sensor-cloud will evolve into social-sensor- concerning green IoT, are observed.
cloud (SSC), in which social networks (SNs) [61], [62], WSN 1) The design of green IoT, should be tackled from
and cloud connect and complement each other, as shown an overall system energy consumption perspective,
in Fig. 4. In social-cloud, integrating SNs and CC, there are subject to satisfying service objectives and achiev-
already much research (e.g., [63]–[66]), in which the key ing acceptable performance, QoS or quality of expe-
idea is to share the cloud resources and services utilizing the rience (QoE).
relationships established between members of a SN. In SSC, 2) Characteristics of different IoT applications and ser-
leveraging SNs, not only will the sensor-cloud resources and vice requirements for these applications, need to be
services be shared, but also the SNs could be used to achieve better understood.
better energy efficiency for sensor-cloud in the following 3) Realistic energy consumption models of different parts
ways. of IoT systems (e.g., WSN, core network, embedded
• Sharing the sensor-cloud resources and services to other system, CC, etc.), are needed.
users with SNs, will substantially reduce the resources 4) With pervasive deployment of sensors, a virtualized
and services requested by the sensor-cloud users. As a sensor as a service (SNaaS) may be envisioned, in
result, the energy consumption of sensor-cloud can be which users have access and control to their virtually
decreased dramatically. private IoT.
• The massive user behavior information in SNs, could 5) Within the context of SNaaS, it is of interest to investi-
be collected and analyzed as well as further utilized to gate a) energy efficient system architecture; b) energy
enhance the energy usage in sensor-cloud (e.g., opti- efficient service composition strategies; c) situation
mize the data gathering and data transmission in WSN, and context awareness regarding users and applica-
improve the data storage and data processing in cloud, tions (e.g., learn and predict); d) energy efficient WSN
etc.). In return, users’ needs will also be better satisfied. management; e) energy efficient cloud management.
• Based on the amount of resource consumption and ser-
vice usages created by a variety of users in SNs, the VI. CONCLUSION
deployment of resources could be optimized and the As an inspiring and latest guidance for research concerning
waste of resources could be reduced in sensor-cloud. smart world, this paper has discussed various technologies
In other words, the attendance of SNs could greatly help and issues with respect to green IoT, which plays a significant
sensor-cloud fulfill green IoT. role in achieving a sustainable smart world. Specifically, the

VOLUME 3, 2015 2159

C. Zhu et al.: Green IoT for Smart World

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[45] C. Zhu, L. T. Yang, L. Shu, V. C. M. Leung, J. J. P. C. Rodrigues, CHUNSHENG ZHU (S’12) received the
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[46] S. Tombaz, A. Vastberg, and J. Zander, ‘‘Energy- and cost-efficient ultra- Francis Xavier University, Canada, in 2012.
high-capacity wireless access,’’ IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 18, no. 5, He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree
pp. 18–24, Oct. 2011. with the Department of Electrical and Computer
[47] Z. Sheng, J. Fan, C. H. Liu, V. C. M. Leung, X. Liu, and K. K. Leung,
Engineering, The University of British Columbia,
‘‘Energy-efficient relay selection for cooperative relaying in wireless
Canada. He has authored over 50 papers published
multimedia networks,’’ IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 64, no. 3,
pp. 1156–1170, Mar. 2015. or accepted by refereed international journals
[48] K. Choi, M.-H. Kim, K.-J. Chae, J.-J. Park, and S.-S. Joo, ‘‘An efficient data (e.g., the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, the IEEE
fusion and assurance mechanism using temporal and spatial correlations TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION
for home automation networks,’’ IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 55, FORENSICS AND SECURITY, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TOPICS IN
no. 3, pp. 1330–1336, Aug. 2009. COMPUTING, and the IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL) and conferences (e.g., the IEEE
[49] C. Karakus, A. C. Gurbuz, and B. Tavli, ‘‘Analysis of energy efficiency Globecom and the IEEE ICC). His current research interests are mainly in
of compressive sensing in wireless sensor networks,’’ IEEE Sensors J., the areas of wireless sensor networks and cloud computing.
vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1999–2008, May 2013.
[50] J. Chen and T. G. Pratt, ‘‘Energy efficiency of space and polarization
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[51] Y. Tawk, J. Costantine, and C. G. Christodoulou, ‘‘Cognitive-radio and
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[52] S. Rahman, ‘‘Green power: What is it and where can we find it?’’ IEEE
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[53] C. Zhu, X. Li, H. Ji, and V. C. M. Leung, ‘‘Towards integration of wireless
sensor networks and cloud computing,’’ in Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. Cloud
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[54] C. Zhu, H. Wang, X. Liu, L. Shu, L. T. Yang, and V. C. M. Leung,
‘‘A novel sensory data processing framework to integrate sensor networks
with mobile cloud,’’ IEEE Syst. J., to be published.
[55] C. Zhu, V. C. M. Leung, L. T. Yang, and L. Shu, ‘‘Collaborative location-
based sleep scheduling for wireless sensor networks integrated with mobile
cloud computing,’’ IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 1844–1856,
Jul. 2015. VICTOR C. M. LEUNG (S’75–M’89–SM’97–
[56] C. Zhu, Z. Sheng, V. C. M. Leung, L. Shu, and L. T. Yang, ‘‘Toward F’03) received the B.A.Sc. (Hons.) degree in elec-
offering more useful data reliably to mobile cloud from wireless sensor trical engineering from The University of British
network,’’ IEEE Trans. Emerg. Topics Comput., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 84–94, Columbia (UBC), in 1977, and was awarded the
Mar. 2015. APEBC Gold Medal as the Head of the graduat-
[57] C. Zhu, H. Nicanfar, V. C. M. Leung, and L. T. Yang, ‘‘An authenticated ing class in the Faculty of Applied Science. He
trust and reputation calculation and management system for cloud and attended graduate school at UBC on a Natural
sensor networks integration,’’ IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 10, Sciences and Engineering Research Council Post-
no. 1, pp. 118–131, Jan. 2015. Graduate Scholarship and completed the Ph.D.
[58] C. Zhu, X. Li, V. C. M. Leung, X. Hu, and L. T. Yang, ‘‘Job scheduling for degree in electrical engineering in 1981.
cloud computing integrated with wireless sensor network,’’ in Proc. 6th He was a Senior Member of the Technical Staff and Satellite System
IEEE Int. Conf. Cloud Comput. Technol. Sci., Dec. 2014, pp. 62–69. Specialist with MPR Teltech Ltd., Canada, from 1981 to 1987. In 1988, he
[59] C. Zhu, V. C. M. Leung, L. T. Yang, L. Shu, J. J. P. C. Rodrigues, and X. Li, was a Lecturer with the Department of Electronics, Chinese University of
‘‘Trust assistance in sensor-cloud,’’ in Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Commun.
Hong Kong. He returned to UBC as a Faculty Member in 1989, where he is
Workshops, Apr./May 2015, pp. 342–347.
currently a Professor and the TELUS Mobility Research Chair in Advanced
[60] C. Zhu, V. C. M. Leung, E. C.-H. Ngai, L. T. Yang, L. Shu, and X. Li,
‘‘Pricing models for sensor-cloud,’’ in Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. Cloud Telecommunications Engineering with the Department of Electrical and
Comput. Technol. Sci., Nov./Dec. 2015. Computer Engineering. He has co-authored over 700 technical papers in
[61] Y. Jiang and J. C. Jiang, ‘‘Understanding social networks from a international journals and conference proceedings, 29 book chapters, and
multiagent perspective,’’ IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., vol. 25, co-edited eight book titles. His research interests are in the areas of wireless
no. 10, pp. 2743–2759, Oct. 2014. networks and mobile systems. Several of his papers had been selected for
[62] F. Hao, G. Min, Z. Pei, D.-S. Park, and L. T. Yang, ‘‘K -clique community best paper awards.
detection in social networks based on formal concept analysis,’’ IEEE Dr. Leung is a Registered Professional Engineer in the province of British
Syst. J., to be published. Columbia, Canada. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the
[63] K. Chard, K. Bubendorfer, S. Caton, and O. F. Rana, ‘‘Social cloud Engineering Institute of Canada, and the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
computing: A vision for socially motivated resource sharing,’’ IEEE Trans. He was a recipient of the IEEE Vancouver Section Centennial Award and
Services Comput., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 551–563, Jun. 2012. the 2012 UBC Killam Research Prize. He was a Distinguished Lecturer of
[64] C. Zhu, H. Wang, V. C. M. Leung, L. Shu, and L. T. Yang, ‘‘An evaluation the IEEE Communications Society. He is a member of the Editorial
of user importance when integrating social networks and mobile Boards of the IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Computer Com-
cloud computing,’’ in Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf., Dec. 2014,
munications, and several other journals. He served on the Editorial
pp. 2935–2940.
[65] F. Hao et al., ‘‘An optimized computational model for multi-community-
cloud social collaboration,’’ IEEE Trans. Services Comput., vol. 7, no. 3, WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SERIES, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS
[66] S. Caton, C. Haas, K. Chard, K. Bubendorfer, and O. F. Rana, ‘‘A social IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, and the Journal of Communications and
compute cloud: Allocating and sharing infrastructure resources via social Networks. He has guest-edited many journal special issues, and contributed
networks,’’ IEEE Trans. Services Comput., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 359–372, to the organizing committees and technical program committees of numerous
Jul./Sep. 2014. conferences and workshops.

VOLUME 3, 2015 2161

C. Zhu et al.: Green IoT for Smart World

LEI SHU (M’07) received the B.Sc. degree in EDITH C.-H. NGAI (M’01–SM’15) received the
computer science from South Central University Ph.D. degree from The Chinese University of
for Nationalities, China, in 2002, the M.Sc. degree Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2007.
in computer engineering from Kyung Hee Univer- She held a post-doctoral position with Impe-
sity, Korea, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree from rial College London, London, U.K., from
the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National 2007 to 2008. She has conducted research with
University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, in 2010. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada,
He was a Specially Assigned Research Fellow Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and the Uni-
with the Department of Multimedia Engineering, versity of California at Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Graduate School of Information Science and Tech- She is currently an Associate Professor with
nology, Osaka University, Japan. He is currently a Full Professor with the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
the College of Electronic Information and Computer, Guangdong Univer- Sweden. Her research interests include wireless sensor and mobile networks,
sity of Petrochemical Technology, China, and also the Vice Director of Internet of Things, network security and privacy, smart city, and e-health
the Guangdong Petrochemical Equipment Fault Diagnosis Key Laboratory. applications.
He has authored over 200 papers in related conferences, journals, and books. Dr. Ngai was a VINNMER Fellow (2009) awarded by VINNOVA,
His research interests include wireless sensor network, sensor network mid- Sweden. Her co-authored papers have received best paper runner-up awards
dleware, multimedia communication, and security. He is a member of ACM. at IWQoS 2010 and IPSN 2013. She has served as a TPC Member of the
He received the Globecom 2010 and ICC 2013 Best Paper Award. He serves IEEE ICDCS, the IEEE ICC, the IEEE Globecom, the IEEE/ACM IWQoS,
as the Editor-in-Chief of EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks the IEEE DCOSS, and the IEEE LCN. She served as a TPC Co-Chair
and Intelligent Systems. He has served as an Editor and a Guest Editor of of the Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop (2012) and
more than 20 international journals. He has served as the Co-Chair of more QShine (2014). She is a Program Co-Chair of ACM womENcourage 2015,
than 50 various international conferences/workshops, e.g., IWCMC, ICC, and the TPC Co-Chair of SmartCity 2015 and ISSNIP 2015.
and ISCC, and a TPC Member of more than 150 conferences, e.g., ICC,
Globecom, ICCCN, WCNC, and ISCC. He has served as a Reviewer of more
than 50 journals.

2162 VOLUME 3, 2015

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