VESC6 CAN CommandsTelemetry

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VESC 6 CAN Formats

Version 0.1
• CAN Frame Definitions
• Standard frames have 11 bit
• Extended frame have 29 bit
• CRCs are usually calculated
in hardware for many
• VESC6 commands use
extended frames
• Looks like an error in
extended data frame (non
remote) SRR should be 0
Command Formats Extracted from VESC6 SW
typedef struct { typedef struct {
struct { struct {
uint8_t DLC:4; /**< @brief Data length. */ uint8_t FMI; /**< @brief Filter id. */
uint8_t RTR:1; /**< @brief Frame type. */ uint16_t TIME; /**< @brief Time stamp. */
uint8_t IDE:1; /**< @brief Identifier type. */ };
}; struct {
union { uint8_t DLC:4; /**< @brief Data length. */
struct { uint8_t RTR:1; /**< @brief Frame type. */
uint32_t SID:11; /**< @brief Standard identifier.*/ uint8_t IDE:1; /**< @brief Identifier type. */
}; };
struct { union {
uint32_t EID:29; /**< @brief Extended identifier.*/ struct {
}; uint32_t SID:11; /**< @brief Standard identifier.*/
}; };
union { struct {
uint8_t data8[8]; /**< @brief Frame data. */ uint32_t EID:29; /**< @brief Extended identifier.*/
uint16_t data16[4]; /**< @brief Frame data. */ };
uint32_t data32[2]; /**< @brief Frame data. */ };
}; union {
} CANTxFrame; uint8_t data8[8]; /**< @brief Frame data. */
uint16_t data16[4]; /**< @brief Frame data. */
uint32_t data32[2]; /**< @brief Frame data. */
} CANRxFrame;
List of Command Numbers
CAN_PACKET_SET_POS = 4, • These command numbers are
CAN_PACKET_FILL_RX_BUFFER_LONG = 6, put in the second byte of the 29
CAN_PACKET_PROCESS_SHORT_BUFFER = 8, bit ID for the extended CAN
frame. You need an extended
frame (29 bits) vs. standard
frame (11 bits) since bits 0-7 are
reserved for numbering the
individual speed controllers (0-
CAN_PACKET_CONF_CURRENT_LIMITS = 21, 255). With only 3 bits left, only 8
CAN_PACKET_CONF_CURRENT_LIMITS_IN = 23, commands would be available if
CAN_PACKET_CONF_FOC_ERPMS = 25, you used a standard frame.
Command Duty Cycle (-1 to 1)
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottome 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 SET_DUTY=0 0-255 Unit ID 0 4 0 0 0 0 Duty Cycle * 100000
Int 32

• Command a duty cycle from -1 (-100%) to 1 (100%)

• This is direct command of MOSFET PWM modulation
• Is this limited by temperature and current limits?
Command Set Current
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottome 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 SET_CURRENT=1 0-255 Unit ID 0 4 0 0 0 0 Current * 1000
Int 32

• Command a current in milliamps (any level up to +/-2e6 amps)

• This is direct command of the current control loops
• Is this limited by temperature and current limits?
Command Set Current Brake
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottome 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 SET_CURRENT_BRAKE =2 0-255 Unit ID 0 4 0 0 0 0 Current * 1000
Int 32

• Command a current brake in milliamps (any level up to +/-2e6 amps)

• This is direct command of the current control loops
• Is this limited by temperature and current limits?
Command Set RPM
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottome 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 SET_RPM = 3 0-255 Unit ID 0 4 0 0 0 0 RPM
Int 32

• Command angular velocity in rpm

• This is command of the closed loop PID angular velocity
• How is this limited by temperature and current limits?
Command Set POS
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottome 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 SET_POS = 4 0-255 Unit ID 0 4 0 0 0 0 Pos
Int 32

• Command position
• This is command of the closed loop PID position, but what are the units?
Encoder steps? Hall sensor steps?
• How is this limited by temperature and current limits? Are the gains backed
off or is the torque limited?
Command Relative Current (-1 to 1)
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottome 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 SET_CURRENT_RELATIVE = 10 0-255 Unit ID 0 4 0 0 0 0 Ratio (-1 to 1) * 100000
Int 32

• Command a relative current from -1 (-100%) to 1 (100%)

• -1 is equal to the lower current limit, +1 is equal to the upper current limit
• NOTE that if the upper and lower current limits are not symmetric, sending 0
will NOT result in 0 current.
• Is this limited by temperature?
Command Relative Brake Current (-1 to 1)
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottome 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 SET_CURRENT_RELATIVE_BRAKE = 11 0-255 Unit ID 0 4 0 0 0 0 Ratio (-1 to 1) * 100000
Int 32

• Command a relative brake current from -1 (-100%) to 1 (100%)

• -1 is equal to the lower current limit, +1 is equal to the upper current limit
• NOTE that if the upper and lower current limits are not symmetric, sending 0
should NOT result in 0 current.
• Is this limited by temperature?
Set Current Limits
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottom 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 CAN_PACKET_CONF_CURRENT_LIMITS = 21 0-255 Unit ID 0 8 Max Current Limit * 1000 Min Current Limit * 1000
Int 32 Int 32

Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottom 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 CAN_PACKET_CONF_STORE_CURRENT_LIMITS = 22 0-255 Unit ID 0 8 Max Current Limit * 1000 Min Current Limit * 1000
Int 32 Int 32

• Command a set of current limits

• There are two versions of this command, command 21 sets the operating
current limits, command 22 sets the operating current limits and sends them
Set Input Current Limits
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottom 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 CAN_PACKET_CONF_CURRENT_LIMITS_IN = 23 0-255 Unit ID 0 8 Max Current Limit * 1000 Min Current Limit * 1000
Int 32 Int 32

Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottom 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 CAN_PACKET_CONF_STORE_CURRENT_LIMITS_IN = 24 0-255 Unit ID 0 8 Max Current Limit * 1000 Min Current Limit * 1000
Int 32 Int 32

• Command a set of input current limits

• There are two versions of this command, command 23 sets the operating
current limits, command 24 sets the operating current limits and sends them
Telemetry Data Structures On Microprocessor
typedef struct {
float v_in;
• There are up to five different
float temp_mos1;
float temp_mos2;
telemetry messages that are
float temp_mos3; available from the unit
float temp_mos4;
float temp_mos5; • You can chose 1, 1&2,
float temp_mos6;
float temp_pcb; 1&2&3, 1&2&3&4, and all
float current_motor;
float current_in;
float rpm;
float duty_now;
float amp_hours;
float amp_hours_charged;
float watt_hours;
float watt_hours_charged;
int tachometer;
int tachometer_abs;
mc_fault_code fault_code;
} mc_values;
Status Message 1
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottom 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 CAN_PACKET_STATUS = 9 0-255 Unit ID 0 8 Duty Cycle * 1000 Toal Current * 10 rpm
Int 16 Int 16 Int 32

• Automatically sent telemetry message #1

• Three states are packed in this message
• RPM – 32 bits probably because int16 is +/- 32k which may be less than needed for some
high speed motors
• Total Current – Current in all units summed together with a scale factor of 10 – assumed
• Duty cycle – latest duty cycle (-1 to 1) multiplied by 1000
Status Message 2
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottom 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 CAN_PACKET_STATUS_2 = 14 0-255 Unit ID 0 8 Amp Hours Charged * 10000 Amp Hours * 10000
Int 32 Int 32

• Automatically sent telemetry message #2

• Two states are packed in this message
• Amp hours – total amp hours consumed by unit
• Amp hours charged – total regenerative amp hours put back in battery
Status Message 3
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottom 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 CAN_PACKET_STATUS_3 = 15 0-255 Unit ID 0 8 Watt Hours Charged * 10000 Watt Hours * 10000
Int 32 Int 32

• Automatically sent telemetry message #3

• Two states are packed in this message
• Watt hours – total watt hours consumed by unit
• Watt hours charged – total regenerative watt hours put back in battery
Status Message 4
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottom 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 CAN_PACKET_STATUS _4 = 16 0-255 Unit ID 0 8 PID Pos * 50 Toal Current In* 10 Motor Temp * 10 FET Temp *10
Int 16 Int 16 Int 16 Int16

• Automatically sent telemetry message #4

• Four states are packed in this message
• MOSFET temperature * 10 – assumed deg C?
• Motor temperature *10 – assumed deg C?
• Total input current *10 – assumed amps
• Current PID Position – not sure about units
Status Message 5
Start Top 11 Bits Of ID SRR Frame Type Bottom 18 Bits Remote Spare Data Length Data Field
1 bit bits 26-28 bits 18-25 1 bit 1 bit bits 16-17 bits 8-15 bits 0-7 1 bit 2 bits 4 bits data 7 data 6 data 5 data 4 data 3 data 2 data 1 data 0
0 0 0 1 0 CAN_PACKET_STATUS_5 = 27 0-255 Unit ID 0 8 Reserved Input Voltage * 10 Tachometer value
Int 16 Int 16 Int 32

• Automatically sent telemetry message #5

• Three states are packed in this message
• Tachometer – assumed rpm?
• Input Voltage * 10
• Reserved

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