Expressing Colostrum Antenatally: Defrosting and Using Expressed Breast Milk

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Defrosting and Using Expressed • Frozen expressed breast milk can be thawed Expressing

Breast Milk in the refrigerator overnight and will only

Guidelines for storing expressed breast milk

last for 24hrs. Or by placing the container in
warm water until the milk has thawed this
Storage Storage Comments
Conditions Time
will last for a maximum of 4hrs at room
temperature (thawed breast milk cannot be Antenatally
Room 4 hours Cover
temperature containers and
• Expressed breast milk should not be
(< 26ºC) keep them as
thawed or heated using a microwave
cool as
because: microwaving destroys some of the
milk’s immunological components there is a
risk of uneven heating and scalding.
Refrigerated – 48 hours Store milk in
fridges should the back of the
• Before feeding your baby, you should swirl
operate at 2-4 main body of
the container of milk to mix the fat portion
°C the fridge
back in and distribute the heat evenly.
Frozen Store milk
Freezer box in toward the • You should test the temperature of the milk
refrigerator 2 weeks back of the by shaking a few drops on the inside of your
freezer, where wrist. It should feel comfortably warm to
the the touch before being given to the infant.
Separate door 3-6 temperature is
fridge/freezer months most constant References
Separate deep- 6-12 Sue Cox
freeze months Expressing and Storing Colostrum Antenatally
for Use in the Newborn Period. Issues 17 (1)
Dr Jane Morton
andExpression.html Women’s Health,
NZ Ministry of Health Auckland District Health Board
Guidelines for Storage of Breastmilk.
Welcome Haere Mai | Respect Manaaki
Thanks to Otago maternity for the use of this document. Together Tūhono | Aim High Angamua

Thanks to Otago maternity for the use of this document.

Purpose Some women have Storage of Expressed Breast Milk
To prepare for your baby’s arrival. little colostrum,
For situations such as an expected early (EBM)
some have lots.
birth, medical condition or previous Make sure the EBM is clearly dated/timed so
Don’t give up – it
breastfeeding difficulties. often gets easier the oldest is used first.
If you have diabetes in pregnancy. the closer to term.
Your baby may be at risk of low blood sugars Freezing: Over the course of 2 days, you can
immediately after birth. Your colostrum keep adding to the current container in your
along with breastfeeding will help baby zip-lock bag , give the fresh milk time to cool
1. Draw colostrum up in a syringe either before adding and if not being used at that
maintain blood sugar levels.
directly from the nipple or a spoon and time it must be put in the freezer.
Colostrum provides human antibodies.
store in the fridge Note: Adding expressed breast milk to frozen
This protects baby’s digestive system and is
2. Add to syringe over the next 2 days milk can cause the milk to thaw and then
the most important first food for all babies.
3. Label each syringe with date and freeze in a refreeze, which increases the risk of bacterial
Although it is available in small amounts, it
named zip lock bag within 48 hours of growth in the milk.
is a powerful food!
4. Bring frozen syringes to hospital in a cool Ice packs: If you only need to store breast milk
How to hand express pack to keep frozen a short time, and don’t have access to a fridge
5. Store on Ward 96 in the appropriate freezer. or freezer, you can use an insulated cooler bag
• Start at 36-40 weeks 6. If baby is unable to breastfeed at birth, give with ice packs.
• Remember to clean your hands and the 2mls of colostrum every 3-4hrs over the Don’t use this method to store milk for more
receiver next 24hrs. than 24 hours.
• Aim to express by hand for 3-5 mins
each side, 3-4 times per day Hand expressing should never hurt. If it hurts, Transport of Expressed Breast Milk
perhaps your fingers are too close to the nipple. • Ask your Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) to
Your midwife will show you how to hand Avoid squeezing, pulling or sliding. advise the hospital that you will be bringing
express to collect your colostrum. in your EBM so they are aware that it will be keywords: Hand If you develop any abdominal pains while available for use if needed.
Expressing Milk - to view a how-to video expressing, you should stop. Labour is not • Use an insulated cooler bag with ice packs
usually triggered by this process unless your to transport the EBM and place it in the
With clean hands gently massage your uterus is very sensitive and ready for birthing. freezer on Ward 96 (staff will assist you with
breast(s) first. Press your fingers and thumb this).
inwards towards your ribs. Press your breast
together, compress and then release,
Which milk to use? • You can access the freezer at any time, even
Straight from mother is always best, followed by if you are on Tamaki Ward for your postnatal
slowing getting into a rhythm to produce a stay.
fresh and lastly previously frozen colostrum.
flow. Press well away from the nipple.

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