Agenda Studio in Autonomia Nome: - Antonio Catania - Corso Di Laurea: Ingegneria Gestionale - Matricola - 231032

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Nome:_Antonio Catania___
Corso di Laurea: Ingegneria Gestionale___________________
Matricola ____231032__________

Tipo di attività Riflessioni sui risultati e

Commenti sulle attività
Data Ore Siti web usati (e.g. ascolto, Dettaglio attività svolta nuove competenze
e sulle risorse utilizzate
lettura, lessico) acquisite

10/11/2021 2 CLA studio in Listening -Idioms Among the songs that I This activity is very
autonomia comprehension - Completion the phrases after listened to, some were easy, useful for improving
( / listening to the song others a bit difficult but this your listening skills and
CLA studio in activity has increased my for enriching your
autonomia listening skills vocabulary.
2 CLA studio in Reading -Reading a text and next The text was not easy to I think that this type of
11/11/2021 autonomia comprehension carrying out some understand, but going exercises is very useful
( / comprehension exercises forward I began to to enrich your
CLA studio in understand terms unknown vocabulary with new
autonomia to me terms
( /
CLA studio in

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