Use of Tools in PC Hardware Servicing: Instructional Plan (Iplan)
Use of Tools in PC Hardware Servicing: Instructional Plan (Iplan)
Use of Tools in PC Hardware Servicing: Instructional Plan (Iplan)
Lesson No. 2 Use of Tools in PC Hardware Servicing Duration (minutes / hours) 120 mins.
This outlines the key concepts, -Do the components play an important role in the
important skills that should be
enhanced, and the proper computer system? Explain your answer.
attitude that should be
emphasized. This is organized
as a lecturette that
summarizes the learning
emphasized from the activity,
analysis and new inputs in this
part of the lesson.
Practice Application Direction: Draw and label the different hardware of a
- What practice This part is structured to computer. After drawing and labeling the hardware
ensure the commitment of the
exercises/application activities will I components, group them into Input Devices, Output
learners to do something to
give to the learners? apply their new learning in Devices and Storage Devices.
(Answering practice exercise their own environment.
- Applying learning in other situations/actual
situations/real-life situations
- Expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, opinions,
beliefs through artwork, songs, dances, sports
- Performing musical numbers/dances,
manipulative activities, etc.)
Assess-ment Assessment Matrix
Levels of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?
(Refer to DepED Knowledge Make 20 Item 1 point each
Order No. 73, s. (refers to the substantive content of the test
curriculum, facts and information that the
2012 for the student acquires)
examples) What do we want students to know?
(relevance and adequacy)
How do we want students to express or
provide evidence of what they know
Process or Skills Perform 10 points Highest
(refers to skills or cognitive operations that Transfer Activity possible score
the student performs on facts and
information for the purpose of
constructing meanings or understandings.)
Skills as evidenced by student’s ability to
process and make sense of information,
and may be assessed in the following
criteria: understanding of content and
critical thinking
(refers to enduring big ideas, principles
and generalizations inherent to the
discipline, which may be assessed using
the facets of understanding or other
indicators of understanding which may be
specific to the discipline
(Transfer of Understanding)
(refer to the real-life application of
understanding as evidenced by student’s
performance of authentic tasks)
Reinforcing the day’s