The Avodah of Yom Kippur

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The Avodah of Yom Kippur

Activities of the Cohen Gadol include the usual daily actions in the Bais HaMikdash and the special
activities for Yom Kipur as related in VaYikra 16


The morning Tamid (Shechitah, Kabalah, Holacha, Zerikah)
Ketores; Burning the Tamid on the Mizabach; Minchas Chavitim, Nissuch haMayim


First Vidui on the bull (VaYikra 16,6) Sprinkling the bull’s blood on the Paroches (16,16)
Lottery of the goats (one for the Bais HaMikdash Sprinkling the goat’s blood on the Paroches (16,16)
and one for Azazel) (16,7-10) Mixing the bloods of the goat and the bull (16,18)
Second Vidui on the bull (16,11) Putting the mixed bloods on the corners of the
Shechitah of the bull (16,11) inner Mizbeach and sprinkling on the top (16,18)
Burning of the Ketores in the Kodesh Vidui on the goat for Azazel (16,21)
haKedoshim (16,12-13) Sending the goat to Azazel (16,21-22)
Sprinkling the bull’s blood in the Kodesh Removing the parts of the bull and the goat to be
haKedoshim (16,14) burned on the outer Mizbeach
Shechitah of the goat (16,15) Sending the remainder of the bull and goat to be
Sprinkling the goat’s blood in the Kodesh burned outside of Yerushalayim by a Cohen
haKedoshim (16,15) Reading the Torah


Bringing the Cohen Gadol’s ram as an Olah (16,24)
Bringing the people’s ram as an Olah (16,24)
Bringing some of the Korbanos Mussaf
Bringing the parts of the bull and the goat to be burned on the outer Mizbeach (16,25)


Removal of the Kaf and the shovel from the Kodesh haKedoshim (16,23 per Chaza”l, cited by Rashi)


Bringing the remainder of the Korbanos Mussaf
The evening Tamid (Shechitah, Kabalah, Holacha, Zerikah)
Ketores; Burning the Tamid on the Mizabach; lighting the Menorah; Minchas Nesachim; Minchas
Chavitim, Nissuch haMayim

The Cohen Gadol washed his hands and feet (Kiddush Yadayim u’Regalayim) before removal of one
set of garments and after donning another set. Thus, he washed ten times on the day of Yom
Kippur. During each change of garments the Cohen Gadol immersed (tevillah) in the Mikvah for a
total of five Tevillos.
Kiddush (1) Kiddush (3) Kiddush (5) Kiddush (7) Kiddush (9)
Tevillah (1) Tevillah (2) Tevillah (3) Tevillah (4) Tevillah (5)
Outer Avodah Outer Avodah Outer Avodah Outer Avodah Outer Avodah
Kiddush (2) Kiddush (4) Kiddush (6) Kiddush (8) Kiddush (10)

Chazal and Rashi explain that the action of verse 23 is out of order. This change enables a third
change into the Gold garments. Thus, Chaza”l were able to fulfill the Oral tradition that the Cohen
Gadol would have five immersions and 10 Kiddushin of his hands and feet.
Services of the Cohen Gadol specific to Yom Kippur are listed in VaYikra 16 except for the
removal of the Kaf and the shovel from the Kodesh haKedoshim.
(‫ כג‬,‫ובא אהרן אל אהל מועד ופשט את בגדי הבד אשר לבש בבאו אל הקדש והניחם שם )ויקרא טו‬
And Aharon shall come into the tent of meeting, and shall take off the linen garments, which he put on
when he went into the holy place, and shall leave them there
Chaza”l (Yoma 32a) ask “For what did he (the Cohen Gadol) come?” since he had already finished
the service that was performed in the Kodesh haKodeshim wearing the White garments. What
purpose could there be in leaving the clothing there to rot?
It could only be that the Cohen Gadol entered to perform some service, which could only be so
obvious that it need not be mentioned. This could only be the removal of the ladle and the shovel
that were left earlier. Thus verse 23 should read “and Aharon shall enter is an unfinished sentence
leaving unsaid the removal of the ladle and shovel. The rest of the verse (take off the white
garments) is done where all other changes of clothing take place, the site of immersion.
Therefore, in terms of sequence, verse 23 is out of order. The Sages teach that the task of removing
the ladle and shovel enable the Cohen Gadol to switch to the White garments a second time.
Therefore, the Oral tradition was fulfilled of five immersions and 10 washings.
Why is this service taken out of sequence?
Vilna Gaon suggests an ingenious answer to this question. Every Cohen Gadol is allowed to enter the
Kodesh haKedoshim only on Yom Kippur and on the condition to follow the prescribed service
(involving five immersions and 10 washings). However, Aharon himself was allowed to enter
whenever he wished, provided he would follow the procedure listed in VaYikra 16 (including only 3
immersions and 6 washings).
Why was Aharon able to enter at any time (if he followed the procedures) and all other Cohen
Gedolim were limited to one time a year (Yom Kippur)?
The Torah tells us (Shmos 40,38) that the entire time in the desert the clouds were upon the Mishkan.
The clouds reflect the Divine Presence. Thus, during the time of the Mishkan of the desert, every
day had the potential situation like Yom Kippur, allowing the opportunity for the entrance of Aharon
to enter the Kodesh haKedoshim (Meschech Chochmah).
What then is the intent of the verse “and he shall leave them (the white garments) there”?
Rashi (based on a Medrash) says the verse means that those garments worn on that Yom Kippur by the
Cohen Gadol required genizah and could not be worn the next Yom Kippur nor could they be worn
by a regular Cohen during the year.
Rabenu Bachaye states this can be derived from the early verse (16,4) that uses the word ‫( ולבשם‬he
should wear them), who’s letters can be rearranged and read ‫ ובלו שם‬that the clothes became a state
of being “worn out” and not usable anymore.
Rabenu Bahaye also says the value of the garments should be expensive like 18 maneh. The word
‫ והינחם‬can be rearranged to read 18) ‫ יח מנה‬maneh).
The Lubavitcher Rebbe states the purpose of Yom Kippur is bring a person to do Teshuvah and have
one’s sins forgiven. A true Baal Teshuvah becomes like a different person. It could then be
understood that the Cohen Gadol also reaches to a level that he becomes like a different person so
that the next Yom Kippur he can not wear the same clothes that he worn the previous year.
The Chasam Sofer interprets this portion of the verse as follows: The Cohen Gadol has just gone
through a seven-day separation period, when he was elevated spiritually to a singular position with
HaKodesh Baruch Hu. This leaves him somewhat disconnected from the people. Although this is
needed to accomplish the unique purpose of Yom Kippur (forgiveness for the Jews), now that this
service is completed, he needs to remove the clothing of separation (“bod” = “l’vod”) and once
again engage directly the Jews to continue his service of teaching and drawing Jews close to

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