Reservoir Engineering Lab REPORT SESSION/SEM: 20212022/1: Experiment No. Title Section Group No. Group Members
Reservoir Engineering Lab REPORT SESSION/SEM: 20212022/1: Experiment No. Title Section Group No. Group Members
Reservoir Engineering Lab REPORT SESSION/SEM: 20212022/1: Experiment No. Title Section Group No. Group Members
Chemical &
Experiment no. 6
Section 01
Group no. 2
Group members 1. NURIN IMAN BINTI ‘AIDIT
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 3
3.0 THEORY..................................................................................................................... 4
6.0 RESULTS.................................................................................................................... 7
APPENDIX 1 .................................................................................................................................... 11
Deciding the density, specific gravity and API of the fluid is very essential to clarify the fuel.
This experiment will tell us the best way to decide API gravity. Density is mass per unit volume
or density is a trademark property of a substance. The density of a substance is the connection
between the mass of the substance and how much space it takes up (volume).
Specific gravity is the proportion of the density of any substance to the density of a few other
substance taken as standard, water being the norm for fluids, solids and hydrogen. For
convenience, the general standard used for water is 39.2ºF and 60ºF; and for gases, the standard
is dried air at the same temperature and pressure as the gas for which the specific gravity is
sought. (API) hydrometers were developed for crude oils and are defined at 60 ºF. The specific
gravity (SG) also was defined at 60ºF as the density of a fluid at 60ºF referred to the density of
water at 60ºF. Thus, direct conversion between the API gravity and specific gravity is possible.
API gravity is used to quantify the quality of petroleum products and it has ranges that measures
the quality. And it depends on specific gravity, the higher S.G the lower API gravity.
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the API gravity of oil samples by using
hydrometer and pycnometer. The samples that we used in this experiment include crude oil,
distilled water, paraffin oil and diesel. During this experiment, API gravity value is obtained
by reading the hydrometer scale while density of samples is determined by taking the weight
of pycnometer which is fully filled with sample fluid without trapping any air bubbles in it.
API gravity is important in oil and gas industry because it helps to specify the quality of oil in
the reservoir and also a sign of the composition and the heat of combustion of oil samples. The
density or specific gravity of oil samples is important for the calculation of volume and weight
of the samples. The theoretical value for API gravity is obtained by using API gravity formula
and the density of the liquid is calculated using the density formula where mass divided by
volume. At the end of experiment, we are able to obtain that API gravity and the density
increases from crude oil, distilled water, paraffin oil and diesel.
The density or specific gravity of petroleum liquid must be determined in order to calculate the
volume and weight of the petroleum. Gravity is also used to assess the quality of crude oil
including the reflection of the composition and heat of combustion of a specific petroleum
A substance's density is defined as the ratio of its mass to its volume. While the ratio of a liquid
density to the density of water (density of dried air for gas determination), both measured at
the same pressure and temperature, is known as specific gravity.
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝜌 𝑜 (Equation 3.1)
1. The oil samples (diesel, distilled water, palm oil, paraffin oil, crude oil) are prepared in
separate graduated cylinders and a hydrometer is placed in each oil sample.
2. Each sample is stirred using the hydrometer. Then, the hydrometer is let floated.
3. The oil samples’ temperatures are measured and hydrometer reading for each oil sample
are taken when the hydrometer is in static condition.
4. To find the density of oil samples, the oil samples are prepared in beakers. The
pycnometer is first weighed.
5. Then, the paraffin oil sample is poured into the pycnometer until the pycnometer is
filled to the top.
6. A piece of cloth is placed underneath the filled pycnometer, then the pycnometer is
closed while ensuring that gas bubbles escape through the channel in the stopper cap.
7. The filled pycnometer is weighed, and the reading is recorded.
8. The paraffin oil sample is poured back into the beaker and the pycnometer is cleaned.
9. Steps 5-8 is repeated for diesel, distilled water, crude oil, and palm oil samples.
°API=141.5/𝛾0 -131.5
Weight of Weight of
Empty Pycnometer fill Weight of the Volume of the Density of the
Pycnometer with the liquid liquid (gm) liquid (cc) liquid (gm/cc)
(gm) (gm)
20 40 20 25 0.80
20 44 24 25 0.96
20 43 23 25 0.92
20 40 20 25 0.80
20 41 21 25 0.84
Table 2: API Gravity from pycnometer
1. Other than bubble problem, state other problems encountered during the measurement
which may lead to error in the measurement.
- Not accurate as not clear to record the temperature as the crude oil appear in dark
- Parallax error when the observer’s eyes are not perpendicular to the scale of
hydrometer and thermometer when record the reading.
The function API gravity is measured to determine the weight of oil that heavier or lighter than
water. In this experiment, API gravity was measured by using hydrometer and pycnometer. By
using the ASTM Table 3, we obtained the SG value by referring to API gravity from
hydrometer. As the result, the API gravity of each sample is different. The API gravity that
obtained from calculation, the first sample is diesel that is 43.7105, distilled water is 10.1984,
palm oil is 22,7066, paraffin oil is 39.7039 and crude oil is 36.9925. Some API values shows
a big different from a different sample. The API gravity has a greater value when the sample
has less density. This shown that the diesel has less density as the API gravity is the greatest
among the samples. Meanwhile, the distilled water has greatest density as the API gravity is
less than other samples.
In summary, from this report we learnt that the API gravity and density have a reciprocal
relationship which states that the lower the API gravity will result in higher density of liquid.
From our data results, diesel has the highest API gravity which is 43.7105 while distilled water
has the lowest API at 10.1984 from the hydrometer reading at approximately 79˚F temperature.
Vice versa for density, where distilled water has the highest density among other samples at
0.96 gm/cc and diesel and paraffin at 0.80 gm/cc being the lowest. This has proved that the
lower the API gravity will result in higher density of liquid.
Throughout the experiment, we learnt that there are few errors that might impact our
performance. During the measurement using hydrometer for instance when taking reading on
a hydrometer, parallax error may occur as our eyes are not perpendicular to the scale. To avoid
this from happening, taking reading multiple times is advisable to avoid reading error from
happening. Other difficulties when taking measurement also involve due to refraction of light
which may cause some error during taking the reading. Other than that, some error might occur
in our results data as our prepared sample was not 100 percent pure and might had some
impurities. Dust from surrounding might affect our weight sample and affect the density
calculation of the sample. Last thing that might cause inaccuracy when taking sample reading
is when pycnometer apparatus was not properly cleaned. To avoid this, make sure all apparatus
is thoroughly cleaned before starting the experiment.
3. Tiab, D., & Donaldson, E. (2004, 1). Density, Specific Gravity, and API Gravity.
Petrophysics, 773-776.
°API=141.5/0.8076 - 131.5 = 43.7105
Distilled Water:
°API=141.5/0.9986- 131.5 = 10.1984
Palm Oil:
°API=141.5/0.9176 - 131.5 = 22.7066
Paraffin Oil:
°API=141.5/0.8265 - 131.5 = 39.7039
Crude Oil:
°API=141.5/0.8398 - 131.5 = 36.9925