Flow-Based Network Traffic Generation Using Generative Adversarial Networks

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Flow-based Network Traffic Generation using

Generative Adversarial Networks

Markus Ringa,∗, Daniel Schlörb , Dieter Landesa , Andreas Hothob

a Facultyof Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Coburg University of Applied Sciences,
96450 Coburg, Germany
b Data Mining and Information Retrieval Group, University of Würzburg, 97074 Würzburg,
arXiv:1810.07795v1 [cs.NI] 27 Sep 2018



Flow-based data sets are necessary for evaluating network-based intrusion de-
tection systems (NIDS). In this work, we propose a novel methodology for gener-
ating realistic flow-based network traffic. Our approach is based on Generative
Adversarial Networks (GANs) which achieve good results for image generation.
A major challenge lies in the fact that GANs can only process continuous at-
tributes. However, flow-based data inevitably contain categorical attributes
such as IP addresses or port numbers. Therefore, we propose three different
preprocessing approaches for flow-based data in order to transform them into
continuous values. Further, we present a new method for evaluating the gener-
ated flow-based network traffic which uses domain knowledge to define quality
tests. We use the three approaches for generating flow-based network traffic
based on the CIDDS-001 data set. Experiments indicate that two of the three
approaches are able to generate high quality data.
Keywords: GANs, TTUR WGAN-GP, NetFlow, Generation, IDS

∗ Corresponding author
Email addresses: markus.ring@hs-coburg.de (Markus Ring),
daniel.schloer@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de (Daniel Schlör),
dieter.landes@hs-coburg.de (Dieter Landes), hotho@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de
(Andreas Hotho)

Preprint submitted to Computer & Security October 19, 2018

1. Introduction

Detecting attacks within network-based traffic has been of great interest in

the data mining community over decades. Recently, Buczak and Guven [1] pre-
sented an overview of the community effort with regard to this issue. However,
there are still open challenges (e.g. the high cost of false-positives or the lack
of labeled data sets which are publicly available) for the successful use of data
mining algorithms for anomaly-based intrusion detection [2, 3]. In this work,
we focus on a specific challenge within that setting.
Problem Statement. For network-based intrusion detection (NIDS), few
labeled data sets are publicly available which contain realistic user behavior and
up-to-date attack scenarios. Available data sets are often outdated or suffer from
other shortcomings. Using real network traffic is also problematic due to the
missing ground truth. Since flow-based data sets contain millions up to billions
of flows, manual labeling of real network traffic is difficult even for security
experts and extremely time-consuming. As another disadvantage, real network
traffic often cannot be shared within the community due to privacy concerns.
However, labeled data sets are necessary for training supervised data mining
methods (e.g. classification algorithms) and provide the basis for evaluating the
performance of supervised as well as unsupervised data mining algorithms.
Objective. Large training data sets with high variance can increase the
robustness of anomaly-based intrusion detection methods. Therefore, we intend
to build a generative model which allows us to generate realistic flow-based
network traffic. The generated data can be used to improve the training of
anomaly-based intrusion detection methods as well as for their evaluation. To
that end, we propose an approach that is able to learn the characteristics of
collected network traffic and generates new flow-based network traffic with the
same underlying characteristics.
Approach and Contributions. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [4]
are a popular method to generate synthetic data by learning from a given set
of input data. GANs consist of two networks, a generator network G and a

discriminator network D. The generator network G is trained to generate syn-
thetic data from noise. The discriminator network D is trained to distinguish
generated synthetic data from real world data. The generator network G is
trained by the output signal gradient of the discriminator network D. G and D
are trained iteratively until the generator network G is able to fool the discrim-
inator network D. GANs achieve remarkably good results in image generation
[5, 6, 7, 8]. Furthermore, GANs have also been used for generating text [9] or
molecules [10].
This work uses GANs to generate complete flow-based network traffic with
all typical attributes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that
uses GANs for this purpose. GANs can only process continuous input attributes.
This poses a major challenge since flow-based network data consist of continu-
ous and categorical attributes. Consequently, we analyze different preprocess-
ing strategies to transform categorical attributes of flow-based network data
into continuous attributes. The first method simply treats attributes like IP
addresses and ports as numerical values. The second method creates binary at-
tributes from categorical attributes. The third method uses IP2Vec [11] to learn
meaningful vector representations of categorical attributes. After preprocessing,
we use Improved Wasserstein GANs (WGAN-GP) [12] with the two time-scale
update rule (TTUR) proposed by Heusel et al. [13] to generate new flow-based
network data based on the public CIDDS-001 [14] data set. Then, we evaluate
the quality of the generated data with several evaluation measures.
The paper has several contributions. The main contribution is the generation
of flow-based network data using GANs. We propose three different preprocess-
ing approaches and a new evaluation method which uses domain knowledge to
evaluate the quality of generated data. In addition to that, we extend IP2Vec
[11] such that IP2Vec is able to learn similarities between the flow attributes:
bytes, packets and duration.
Structure. The next section of the paper describes flow-based network
traffic, GANs, and IP2Vec in more detail. In section 3, we present three dif-
ferent approaches for transforming flow-based network data. An experimental

evaluation of these approaches is given in section 4 and the results are discussed
in section 5. Section 6 analyzes related work on network traffic generators for
flow-based data. A summary and outlook on future work concludes the paper.

2. Foundations

This section starts with analyzing the underlying flow-based network traffic.
Then, GANs are explained in more detail. Finally, we explain IP2Vec [11] which
is the basis of our third data transformation approach.

2.1. Flow-based Network Traffic

We focus on flow-based network traffic in unidirectional NetFlow format [15].
Flows contain header information about network connections between two end-
point devices like servers, workstation computers or mobile phones. Each flow
is an aggregation of transmitted network packets which share some proper-
ties [16]. Typically, all transmitted network packets with the same source IP
address, source port, destination IP address, destination port and transport pro-
tocol within a time window are aggregated into one flow. NetFlow [15] aggre-
gates all network packets which share these five properties into one flow until an
active or inactive timeout is reached. In order to consolidate contiguous streams
the aggregation of network packets stops if no further packet is received within
a time window of α second (inactive timeout). The active timeout stops the
aggregation of network packets after β seconds, even if further network packets
are observed to avoid unlikely long entries.
Table 1 shows the typical attributes of unidirectional NetFlow [15] data. As
shown in Table 1, NetFlow are heterogeneous data which consists of continuous,
numeric, categorical and binary attributes. Most attributes like IP addresses
and ports are categorical. Further, there is a timestamp attribute (date first
seen), a continuous attribute (duration) and numeric attributes like bytes or
packets. We defined the type of TCP flags as binary/categorical. TCP flags
can be either interpreted as six binary attributes (e.g. isSYN flag, isACK flag,
etc.) or as one categorical value.

Table 1: Overview of typical attributes in flow-based data like NetFlow [15] or IPFIX [16].
The third column provides the type of the attributes and the last column shows exemplary
values for these attributes.

# Attribute Type Example

1 date first seen timestamp 2018-03-13 12:32:30.383
2 duration continuous 0.212
3 transport protocol categorical TCP
4 source IP address categorical
5 source port categorical 52128
6 destination IP address categorical
7 destination port categorical 80
8 bytes numeric 2391
9 packets numeric 12
10 TCP flags binar/categorical .A..S.

2.2. GANs

Discriminative models classify objects into predefined classes [17] and are
often used for intrusion detection (e.g. in [18], [19] or [20]). In contrast to
discriminative models, generative models are used to generate data like flow-
based network traffic. Many generative models build on likelihood maximiza-
tion for a parametric probability distribution. As the likelihood function is often
unknown or the likelihood gradient is computationally intractable, some mod-
els like Deep Boltzmann Machines [21] use approximations to solve this prob-
lem. Other models avoid this problem by not explicitly representing likelihood.
Generative Stochastic Networks for example learn the transition operation of
a Markov chain whose stationary distribution estimates the data distribution.
GANs avoid Markov chains estimating the data distribution by a game-theoretic
approach: The generator network G tries to mimic samples from the data distri-
bution, while the discriminator network D has to differentiate real and generated
samples. Both networks are trained iteratively until the discriminator D can’t
distinguish real samples from generated samples any more. Beside computa-

Figure 1: Architecture of GANs.

tional advantages, the generator G is never updated with real samples. Instead,
the generator network G is fed with an input vector of noise z. The genera-
tor is trained using only the discriminator’s gradients through backpropagation.
Therefore, it is less likely to overfit the generator G by memorization and re-
production of real samples. Figure 1 illustrates the generation process.
Goodfellow et al. say that: ”another advantage of adversarial networks is
that they can represent very sharp, even degenerate distributions” [4] which is
the case for some NetFlow attributes. However, (the original) vanilla GANs [4]
require the visible units to be differentiable, which is not the case for categorical
attributes like IP addresses in NetFlow data. Gulrajani et al. [12] show that
Wasserstein GANs (WGANs), besides other advantages, are capable of modeling
discrete distributions over a continuous latent space. In contrast to vanilla
GANs, WGANs [8] use the Earth Mover (EM) distance as a value function
replacing the classifying discriminator network with a critic network estimating

the EM distance. While the original WGAN approach uses weight clipping
to guarantee differentiability almost everywhere, Gulrajani et al. [12] improve
training of WGANs by using gradient penalty as soft constrain to enforce the
Lipschitz constraint. One research frontier in the area of GANs is to solve the
issue of non-convergence [22]. Heusel et al. [13] propose a two time-scale update
rule (TTUR) for training GANs with arbitrary loss functions. The authors
prove that TTUR converges under mild assumptions to a stationary local Nash
For those reasons, we use Improved Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Net-
works (WGAN-GP) [12] with the two time-scale update rule (TTUR) from [13]
in our work.

2.3. IP2Vec

IP2Vec [11] is inspired by Word2Vec [23, 24] and aims at transforming IP

addresses into a continuous feature space Rm such that standard similarity
measures can be applied. For this transformation, IP2Vec extracts available
context information from flow-based network traffic. IP addresses which appear
frequently in similar contexts will be close to each other in the feature space Rm .
More precisely, similar contexts imply to IP2Vec that the devices associated to
these IP addresses establish similar network connections. Figure 2 illustrates
the basic idea.

Figure 2: Idea of IP2Vec.

Arrows in Figure 2 denote network connections from three IP addresses,
namely,, and Colors indicate different
services. Consequently, IP2Vec leads to the following result:

sim(, > sim(,, (1)

where sim(X, Y ) is an arbitrary similarity function (e.g. cosine similarity) be-

tween the IP addresses X and Y . IPVec considers IP addresses
and as more similar than and because
the IP addresses and refer to the same targets and
use the same services. In contrast to that, the IP address targets
different servers and uses different services (SSH-Connections).

2.3.1. Model
IP2Vec is based upon a fully connected neural network with a single hidden
layer (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Architecture of the neural network used by IP2Vec.

The features extracted from flow-based network traffic constitute the neural
network’s input. These features (IP addresses, destination ports and transport
protocols) define the input vocabulary which contains all IP addresses, destina-
tion ports and transport protocols that appear in the flow-based data set. Since
neural networks cannot be fed with categorical attributes, each value of our in-
put vocabulary is represented as a one-hot vector the length of which equals the

size of the vocabulary. Each neuron in the input and output layer is assigned a
specific value of the vocabulary (see Figure 3).
Let us assume the training data set contains 100,000 different IP addresses,
20,000 different destination ports and 3 different transport protocols. Then, the
size of the one-hot vector is 120,003 and only one component is 1, while all others
are 0. Input and output layers comprise exactly the same number of neurons
which is equal to the size of the vocabulary. The output layer uses a softmax
classifier which indicates the probabilities for each value of the vocabulary that
it appears in the same flow (context) as the input value to the neural network.
The softmax classifier [25] normalizes the output of all output neurons such that
the sum of the outputs is 1. The number of neurons in the hidden layer is much
smaller than the number of neurons in the input layer.

2.3.2. Training
The neural network is trained using captured flow-based network traffic.
IP2Vec uses only the source IP address, destination IP address, destination port
and transport protocol of flows. Figure 4 outlines the generation of training

Figure 4: Generation of training samples in IP2Vec [11]. Input values are highlighted in blue
color and expected output values are highlighted in black frames with white background.

IP2Vec generates five training samples from each flow. Each training sample
consists of an input value and an expected output value. In the first step, IP2Vec

selects an input value for the training sample. The selected input value is high-
lighted in blue in Figure 4. The expected output values for the corresponding
input value are highlighted through black frames with white background. In
Figure 4 can be seen that IP2Vec generates three training samples where the
source IP address is the input value, one training sample where the destination
port is the input value and one training sample where the transport protocol is
the input value.
In the training process, the neural network is fed with the input value and
tries to predict the probabilities of the other values from the vocabulary. For
training samples, the probability of the concrete output value is 1 and 0 for all
other values. In general, the output layer indicates the probabilities for each
value of the input vocabulary that it appears in the same flow as the given input
The network uses back-propagation for learning. This kind of training, how-
ever, could take a lot of time. Let us assume that the hidden layer comprises 32
neurons and the training data set encompasses one million different IP addresses
and ports. This results in 32 million weights in each layer of the network. Con-
sequently, training such a large neural network is going to be slow. To make
things worse, a huge amount of training flows is required for adjusting that
many weights and for avoiding over-fitting. Consequently, we have to update
millions of weights for millions of training samples. Therefore, IP2Vec attempts
to reduce the training time by using Negative Sampling in a similar way as
Word2Vec does [23]. In Negative Sampling, each training sample modifies only
a small percentage of the weights, rather than all of them. More details on
Negative Sampling may be found in [11] and [24].

2.3.3. Continuous Representation of IP Addresses

After training the neural network, IP2Vec does not use the neural network
for the task it was trained on. Instead, IP2Vec uses the weights of the hidden
layer as m-dimensional vector representation of the IP addresses. That means, a
32 dimensional continuous representation of each IP address, transport protocol

and port is obtained if the hidden layer comprises 32 neurons.
Intuition. Why does this approach work? If two IP addresses refer to similar
destination IP addresses, destination ports, and transport protocols, then the
neural network needs to output similar results for these IP addresses. One way
for the neural network to learn similar output values for different input values
is to learn similar weights in the hidden layer of the network. Consequently, if
two IP addresses exhibit similar network behavior, IP2Vec attempts to learn
similar weights (which are the vectors of the target feature space Rm ) in the
hidden layer.

3. Transformation Approaches

This section describes three different methods to transform the heteroge-

neous NetFlow data such that they may be processed by Improved Wasserstein
Generative Adversarial Networks (WGAN-GP).

3.1. Preliminaries

In general, we use in all three methods the same preprocessing steps for the
attributes date first seen, transport protocol, and TCP flags (see Table 1).
Usually, the concrete timestamp is marginal for generating realistic flow-
based network data. Instead, many intrusion detection systems derive additional
information from the timestamp like ”is today a working day or weekend day”
or ”does the event occur during typical working hours or at night”. Therefore,
we do not generate timestamps. Instead, we create two attributes weekday
and daytime. To be precise, we extract the weekday information of flows and
generate seven binary attributes isMonday, isTuesday and so on. Then, we
interpret the daytime as seconds [0, 86400) and normalize them to the interval
[0, 1]. We transform the transport protocol (see #3 in Table 1) to three binary
attributes, namely isTCP, isUDP, and isICMP. The same procedure is followed
for TCP flags (see #10 in Table 1) which are transformed to six binary attributes
isURG, isACK, isPUS, isSYN, isRES, and isFIN.

3.2. Method 1 - Numeric Transformation

Although IP addresses and ports look like real numbers, they are actually
categorical. Yet, the simplest approach is to interpret them as numbers af-
ter all and treat them as continuous attributes. We refer to this method as
Numeric-based Improved Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (short:
N-WGAN-GP). This method transforms each octet of an IP address to the in-
terval [0,1], e.g. is transformed to four continuous attributes:
(ip 1) 192/255 = 0.7529, (ip 2) 168/255 = 0.6588, (ip 3) 220/255 = 0.8627 and
(ip 4) 14/255 = 0.0549. We do a similar procedure for ports by dividing them
through the highest port number, e.g. the source port = 80 will be transformed
to one continuous attribute 80/65535 = 0.00122.
The attributes duration, bytes and packets (see attributes #2, #8 and #9
in Table 1) are normalized to the interval [0, 1]. Table 2 provides examples and
compares the three transformation methods.

3.3. Method 2 - Binary Transformation

The second method creates several binary attributes for IP addresses, ports,
bytes, and packets. We refer to this method as Binary-based Improved Wasser-
stein Generative Adversarial Networks (short: B-WGAN-GP). Each octet of
an IP address is mapped to it’s 8-bit binary representation. Consequently,
IP addresses are transformed into 32 binary attributes, e.g. is
transformed to 11000000 10101000 11011100 00001110. Ports are converted to
their 16-bit binary representation, e.g. the source port 80 is transformed to
00000000 01010000. For representing bytes and packets, we transform them to
a binary representation as well and limit their length to 32 bit. The attribute
duration is normalized to the interval [0, 1]. Table 2 shows an example for this
transformation procedure.

3.4. Method 3 - Embedding Transformation

The third method transforms IP addresses, ports, duration, bytes, and pack-
ets into so-called embeddings in a m-dimensional continuous feature space Rm

Table 2: Preprocessing of flow-based data. The first column provides the original flow
attributes and examplarly values, the other columns show the extracted features (column
Attr.) and the corresponding values (column Value)) for each of preprocessing method.
Attribute / Value Attr. Value Attr. Value Attr. Value
date first seen isMonday 1 isMonday 1 isMonday 1
2018-05-28 11:39:23 isTuesday 0 isTuesday 0 isTuesday 0
isWednesday 0 isWednesday 0 isWednesday 0
isThursday 0 isThursday 0 isThursday 0
isFriday 0 isFriday 0 isFriday 0
isSaturday 0 isSaturday 0 isSaturday 0
isSunday 0 isSunday 0 isSunday 0
41963 41963 41963
daytime 86400 = 0.485 daytime 86400 = 0.485 daytime 86400 =0.485

1.503−durmin 1.503−durmin
duration norm dur durmax −durmin norm dur durmax −durmin dur 1 e1
 
 
1.503 ...  ... 
 
dur m em
transport protocol isTCP 1 isTCP 1 isTCP 1
TCP isUDP 0 isUDP 0 isUDP 0
isICMP 0 isICMP 0 isICMP 0
 
IP address ip 1 = 0.7529 ip 1 to ip 8 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 ip 1 e
255  1 
168   ip 2 255 = 0.6588 ip 9 to ip 16 1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0 ...  ... 
 
ip 3 255 = 0.8627 ip 17 to ip 24 1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0 ip m em
ip 4 255 = 0.0196 ip 25 to ip 32 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1
 
port pt = 0.8220 pt 1 to pt 8 1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0 pt 1 e
65535  1 
 
53872 pt 9 to pt 16 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 ...  ... 
 
pt m e
 m 
bytes norm byt byt 1 to byt 8 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 byt 1 e
bytmax −bytmin  1 
 
144 byt 9 to byt 16 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ...  ... 
 
byt 17 to byt 24 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 byt m em
byt 25 to byt 32 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0
 
packets norm pck pck 1 to pck 8 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 pck 1 e
pckmax −pckmin  1 
 
1 pck 9 to pck 16 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ...  ... 
 
pck 17 to pck 24 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 pck m em
pck 25 to pck 32 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
TCP flags isURG 0 isURG 0 isURG 0
.A..S. isACK 1 isACK 1 isACK 1
isPSH 0 isPSH 0 isPSH 0
isRES 0 isRES 0 isRES 0
isSYN 1 isSYN 1 isSYN 1
isFIN 0 isFIN 0 isFIN 0

Figure 5: Extended generation of training samples in IP2Vec. Input values are highlighted in
blue color and expected output values are highlighted in black frames with white background.

following the ideas in Section 2.3. We refer to this method as Embedding-based

Improved Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (short: E-WGAN-GP).
E-WGAN-GP extends IP2Vec (see Section 2.3) for learning embeddings not
only for IP addresses, ports, and transport protocols, but also for the attributes
duration, bytes, and packets. To that end, the input vocabulary of IP2Vec is
extended by the values of the latter three attributes and additional training
pairs are extracted from each flow. Figure 5 presents the extended training
sample generation.
Each flow produces 13 training samples each of which consists of an input
and an output value. The input values are highlighted in blue in Figure 5.
The expected output values for the corresponding input value are highlighted
through black frames on white background. Our adapted training sample gen-
eration extracts further training samples for the attributes bytes, packets and
duration. Further, we also create training pairs with the destination IP address
as input. Ring et al. [11] argue that it is not necessary to extract training
samples with destination IP addresses as input when working on unidirectional
flows. Yet, in this case, IP2Vec does not learn meaningful representation for
multi- and broadcast IP addresses, which only appear as destination IP ad-

dresses in flow-based network traffic. Table 2 shows the result of an exemplary
E-WGAN-GP maps flows to embeddings which need to be re-transformed
to the original space after generation. To that end, values are replaced by
the closest embeddings generated by IP2Vec. For instance, we calculate the
cosine similarity between the generated output for the source IP address and
all existing IP address embeddings generated by IP2Vec. Then, we replace the
output with the IP address with the highest similarity.

4. Experiments

This section provides an experimental evaluation of our three approaches N-

WGAN-GP, B-WGAN-GP and E-WGAN-GP for synthetic flow-based network
traffic generation.

4.1. Data Set

We use the publicly available CIDDS-001 data set [14] which contains uni-
directional flow-based network traffic as well as detailed information about the
networks and IP addresses within the data set. Figure 6 shows an overview of
the emulated business environment of the CIDDS-001 data set. In essence, the
CIDDS-001 data set contains four internal subnets which can be identified by
their IP address ranges: a developer subnet (dev ) with exclusively Linux clients,
an office subnet (off ) with exclusively Windows clients, a management subnet
(mgt) with mixed clients, and a server subnet (srv ). Additional knowledge
facilitates the evaluation of the generated data (see Section 4.3).
The CIDDS-001 data set contains four weeks of network traffic. We consider
only the network traffic which was captured at the network device within the
OpenStack environment (see Figure 6) and divide the network traffic in two
parts: week1 and week2-4. The first two weeks contain normal user behavior
and attacks, whereas week3 and week4 contain only normal user behavior and
no attacks. We use this kind of splitting in order to obtain a large training data

Figure 6: Overview of the simulated network environment from the CIDDS-001 data set [14].

set week2-4 for our generative models and simultaneously provide a reference
data set week1 which contains normal and malicious network behavior. Overall,
week2-4 contains around 22 million flows and week1 contains around 8.5 million
flows. We consider only the TCP, UDP and ICMP flows and remove the 895
IGMP flows from the data set.

4.2. Definition of a Baseline

As baseline for our experiments, we build a generative model which creates

new flows based on the empirical probability distribution of the input data. The
baseline estimates the probability distribution for each attribute by counting
from the input data. New flows are generated by drawing from the empirical
probability distributions. Each attribute is drawn independently from other

4.3. Evaluation Methodology

Evaluation of generative models is challenging and an open research topic:

Borji [26] analyzed different evaluation measures for GANs. Images generated
with GANs are often presented to human judges and evaluated by visual com-
parison. Another well-known evaluation measure for images is the Inception
Score (IS) [27]. IS classifies generated images in 1000 different classes using the
Inception Net v3 [28]. IS, however, is not applicable in our scenario since the
Inception Net v3 can only classify images, but no flow-based network traffic.
In the IT security domain, there is neither consensus on how to evaluate
network traffic generators, nor a standardized methodology [29]. Stiborek et
al. [30] use an anomaly score to evaluate their generated data. Siska et al. [31]
and Iannucci et al. [32] build graphs and evaluate the diversity of the generated
traffic by comparing the number of nodes and edges between generated and
real network traffic. Other flow-based network traffic generators often focus on
specific aspects in their evaluation, e.g. distributions of bytes or packets are
compared with real NetFlow data in [33] and [34].

Since there is no single widely accepted evaluation methodology, we use
several evaluation approaches to assess the quality of the generated data from
different views. To evaluate the diversity and distribution of the generated data,
we visualize attributes (see Section 4.4.2) and compute the Euclidean distances
between generated and real flow-based network data (see Section 4.4.3). To
evaluate the quality of the content and relationships between attributes within
a flow, we introduce domain knowledge checks (see Section 4.4.4) as a new
evaluation method.

4.4. Generation of Flow-based Network Data

Now, we evaluate the quality of the generated data by the baseline (see
Section 4.2), N-WGAN-GP, B-WGAN-GP, and E-WGAN-GP (see Section 3).

4.4.1. Parameter Configuration

For all four approaches, we use week2-4 of the CIDDS-001 data set as train-
ing input and generate 8.5 million flows for each approach.
We configured N-WGAN-GP, B-WGAN-GP and E-WGAN-GP to use a
feed-forward neural network as generator and discriminator. Furthermore, we
used the default parameter configuration of [13] and trained the networks for
5 epochs. An epoch is one training iteration over the complete training data
set [25]. Consequently, we used each flow of the training data set five times for
training the neuronal networks. We observed that a higher number of epochs
neither leads to increasing quality nor reduces the loss values of the GANs.
For identifying the number of neurons in each hidden layer, we set up a small
parameter study in which we varied to number of neurons from 8 to 192. We
found that 80 neurons in each hidden layer were sufficient for B-WGAN-GP and
E-WGAN-GP. For N-WGAN-GP, we set the number of neurons in the hidden
layer to 24 since the numerical representation of flows is much smaller than for
Additionally, we have to learn embeddings for E-WGAN-GP in a previous
step. Therefore, we configured IP2Vec to use 20 neurons in the hidden layer

Figure 7: Temporal distribution of flows per hour.

and trained the network like Ring et al. [11] for 10 epochs.

4.4.2. Visualization
Figure 7 shows the temporal distribution of the generated flows and reference
week week1. The y-axis shows the flows per hour as a percentage of total traffic
and the three lines represent the reference week (week1 ), the generated data of
the baseline (baseline), and the generated data of the E-WGAN-GP approach
(E-WGAN-GP ). Since all three transformation approaches process the attribute
date first seen in the same way, only (E-WGAN-GP ) is included for the sake
of brevity. E-WGAN-GP reflects the essential temporal distribution of flows.
In the CIDDS-001 data set, the simulated users exhibit common behavior in-
cluding lunch breaks and offline work which results in temporal limited network
activities and a jagged curve (e.g. around 12:00 on working days). However, the
curve of E-WGAN-GP is smoother than the curve of the original traffic week1.
In the following, we use different visualization plots in order to get a deeper
understanding of the generated data. Figure 8 shows the real distributions (first
row) sampled from week1 respectively generated distributions by our maximum
likelihood estimator baseline (second row) and generated distributions by our

Figure 8: Distribution of source port (left) and destination IP address (right) for the subnets.
The rows show in order: (1) data sampled from real data (week 1) and data generated by (2)
baseline, (3) N-WGAN-GP, (4) E-WGAN-GP and (5) B-WGAN-GP.

WGAN-GP models using different data representations for each row (third to
fifth row). Each violin plot shows the data distribution of the attribute source
port (left) respectively the attribute destination IP address (right) for the differ-
ent source IP addresses grouped by their subnet (see Section 4.1). IP addresses
from different subnets come along with different network behavior. For instance,
IP addresses from the mgt subnet are typically clients which use services while
IP addresses from the srv subnet are servers which offer services. This knowl-

edge was not explicitly modeled during data generation.
We will now briefly discuss the conditional distribution of source ports (left
column). In the first row, we can clearly distinguish typical client-port (dev,
mgt, off ) and server-port (ext, srv ) distributions. As expected, the maximum
likelihood baseline is not able to capture the differences of the distributions
depending on the subnet of the source IP address and models a distribution
which is a combination of all six subnets from the input data. In contrast, the B-
WGAN-GP and E-WGAN-GP capture the conditional probability distributions
for the source port given the subnet of the source IP address very well.
N-WGAN-GP is incapable of representing the distributions properly: Note
that only flows with external source IP addresses are generated in the selected
samples. In-depth analysis of the generated data suggests that numeric repre-
sentations fail to match the designated subnets exactly. As all generated data is
assigned to the ext subnet, it comes as no surprise that the distribution repre-
sents a combination of all six subnets from the input data for both source ports
(left) and destination IP addresses (right).
For the attribute destination IP address, the distribution is a mixture of
external and internal IP addresses for dev, mgt and off subnets (see reference
week week1 ). This matches the user roles, surfing on the internet (external)
as well as accessing internal services (e.g. printers). For external subnets, the
destination IP address has to be within the internal IP address range. Traffic
from external sources to external targets does not run through the simulated
network environment of the CIDDS-001 data set. Consequently, there is no flow
within the CIDDS-001 data set which has a source IP address and a destination
IP address from the ext subnet. This fact can be seen for week1 in Figure 8
where flows which have their origin in the ext subnet only address a small range
of destination IP addresses which reflect the range of internal IP addresses. E-
WGAN-GP and B-WGAN-GP capture this property very well while the baseline
and N-WGAN-GP fail to capture this property.

Table 3: Euclidian distances between the training data (week2-4 ) and the generated flow-
based network traffic in each attribute.


ine AN AN AN 1
sel WG WG WG ek
Attribute Ba N- B- E- we
duration 0.0002 0.4764 0.4764 0.0525 0.0347
transport protocol 0.0001 0.0014 0.0042 0.0015 0.0223
source IP address 0.0003 0.1679 0.0773 0.0988 0.1409
source port 0.0003 0.5658 0.0453 0.0352 0.0436
destination IP address 0.0003 0.1655 0.0632 0.1272 0.1357
destination port 0.0003 0.5682 0.0421 0.0327 0.0437
bytes 0.0002 0.5858 0.0391 0.0278 0.0452
packets 0.0004 1.0416 0.0578 0.0251 0.0437
TCP flags 0.0003 0.0217 0.0618 0.0082 0.0687

4.4.3. Euclidean Distances

The second evaluation compares the distribution of the generated and real
flow-based network data in each attribute independently. Therefore, we calcu-
late Euclidean distances between the probability distributions of the generated
data and the input flow-based network data (week2-4 ) in each attribute. We
choose the Euclidean distance over the Kullback-Leibler divergence in order to
avoid calculation problems where the probability of generated data is zero. Ta-
ble 3 highlights the results. We refrain from calculating the Euclidean distance
for the attribute date first seen since exact matches of timestamps (considering
seconds and milliseconds) do not make sense. At this point, we refer to Figure 7
which analyzes the temporal distribution of the generated timestamps.
Network traffic is subject to concept drift and exact reproduction of prob-
ability distributions is not desirable. This fact can be seen in Table 3 where
the Euclidean distances between the probability distributions from week1 and
week2-4 of the CIDDS-001 data set are between 0.02 and 0.14. Consequently,
generated network traffic should have similar Euclidean distances to the training

data like the reference week week1. However, it should be mentioned that there
is no perfect distance value x which indicates the correct amount of concept
drift. The generated data of E-WGAN-GP tends to have similar distances to
the training data (week2-4 ) like the reference data set week1. Table 3 shows that
the baseline has the lowest distance to the training data in each attribute. The
generated data of N-WGAN-GP differs considerably from the training data set
in some attributes. This is because N-WGAN-GP often does not generate the
exact values but a large number of new values. The binary approach B-WGAN-
GP has small distances in most attributes (except for attribute Duration). This
may be caused by the distribution of Duration in the training data as most flows
in the training data set have very small values in this attribute. Further, the
normalization of the duration to interval [0, 1] entails that almost all flows have
very low values in this attribute. N-WGAN-GP and B-WGAN-GP tend to
generate the smallest possible duration (0.000 seconds) for all flows.

4.4.4. Domain Knowledge Checks

We use domain knowledge checks to evaluate the intrinsic quality of the
generated data. To that end, we derive several properties that generated flow-
based network data need to fulfill in order to be realistic. We use the following
seven heuristics as sanity checks:

• Test 1: If the transport protocol is UDP, then the flow must not have any
TCP flags.

• Test 2: The CIDDS-001 data set is captured within an emulated com-

pany network. Therefore, at least one IP address (source IP address
or destination IP address) of each flow must be internal (starting with

• Test 3: If the flow describes normal user behavior and the source port
or destination port is 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS), the transport protocol
must be TCP.

• Test 4: If the flow describes normal user behavior and the source port or
destination port is 53 (DNS), the transport protocol must be UDP.

• Test 5: If a multi- or broadcast IP address appears in the flow, it must be

the destination IP address.

• Test 6: If the flow represents a netbios message (destination port is 137

or 138), the source IP addresses must be internal (192.168.XXX.XXX) and
the destination IP address must be an internal broadcast (192.168.XXX.255).

• Test 7: TCP, UDP and ICMP packets have a minimum and maximum
packet size. Therefore, we check the relationship between bytes and pack-
ets in each flow according to the following rule:

42 ∗ packets ≤ bytes ≤ 65.535 ∗ packets

Table 4 shows the results of checking the generated data against these rules.

Table 4: Results of the domain knowledge checks in percentage. Higher values indicate better

N -G N -G N-G
lin GA GA GA 1
B ase N - W
B - W
E - W

Test 1 14.08 96.46 97.88 99.77 100.0

Test 2 81.26 0.61 98.90 99.98 100.0
Test 3 86.90 95.45 99.97 99.97 100.0
Test 4 15.08 7.14 99.90 99.84 100.0
Test 5 100.0 25.79 47.13 99.80 100.0
Test 6 0.07 0.00 40.19 92.57 100.0
Test 7 71.26 100.0 85.32 99.49 100.0

The reference data set week1 achieves 100 percent in each test which is not
surprising since the data is real flow-based network traffic which is captured in
the same environment as the training data set. The baseline approach does not
capture dependencies between flow attributes and achieves worse results. This

can be especially observed in Tests 1, 4, and 6. Since multi- and broadcast
IP addresses appear only in the attribute destination IP address, the baseline
cannot fail Test 5 and achieves 100 percent.
For our generative models, E-WGAN-GP achieves the best results on av-
erage. The usage of embeddings leads to more meaningful similarities within
categorical attributes and facilitates the learning of interrelationships. Embed-
dings, however, also reduce the possible resulting space since no new values can
be generated. B-WGAN-GP generates flows which achieve high accuracy in
Tests 1 to 4. However, this approach shows weaknesses in Tests 5 and 6 where
several internal relationships must be considered. The numerical approach N-
WGAN-GP has the lowest accuracy in the tests. In particular, Test 4 shows
that normalization of source port or destination port to a single continuous at-
tribute is inappropriate. Straightforward mapping of 216 different port values
to one continuous attribute leads to too many values for a good reconstruction.
In contrast to that, the binary representation of B-WGAN-GP leads to better
results in that test.

5. Discussion

Flow-based network traffic consists of heterogeneous data and GANs can

only process continuous input values. To solve this problem, we analyze three
methods to transform categorical to continuous attributes. The advantages and
disadvantages of these approaches are discussed in the following.
N-WGAN-GP is a straightforward numeric method but leads to unwanted
similarities between categorical values which are not similar considering real
data. For instance, this transformation approach assesses the IP addresses and as highly similar although the first IP ad-
dress is private and the second IP Address is
public. Hence, the two addresses should be ranked as fairly dissimilar. Obvi-
ously, even small errors in the generation process can cause significant errors.
This effect can be observed in Test 2 (see Table 4) where N-WGAN-GP has

problems with the generation of private IP addresses. Instead, this approach
often generates non-private IP addresses such as 191.168.X.X or 192.167.X.X.
In image generation, the original application domain of GANs, small errors do
not have serious consequences. A brightness 191 instead of 192 in a generated
pixel has nearly no effect on the image and the error is (normally) not visible
for human eyes. Further, N-WGAN-GP normalizes the numeric attributes bytes
and packets to the interval [0, 1]. The generated data are then de-normalized
using the original training data. Here, we can observe that real flows often have
typical byte sizes like 66 bytes which are also not exactly matched. This results
in higher Euclidean distances in these attributes (see Table 3). Overall, the
first method N-GAN-WP does not seem to be suitable for generating realistic
flow-based network traffic.
B-WGAN-GP extracts binary attributes from categorical attributes and
converts numerical attributes to their binary representation. Using this trans-
formation, additional structural information (e.g. subnet information) of IP ad-
dresses can be maintained. Further, B-WGAN-GP assigns larger value ranges
to categorical values in the transformed space than N-WGAN-GP. While N-
WGAN-GP uses a single continuous attribute to represent a source port, B-
WGAN-GP uses 16 binary attributes for representation. These two aspects
support B-WGAN-GP in generating better categorical values of a flow as can
be observed in the results of the domain knowledge checks (see e.g. Test 2 and
Test 4 in Table 4). Further, Figure 8 indicates that B-WGAN-GP captures the
internal structure of the traffic very well even though it is less restricted than
E-WGAN-GP with respect to the treatment of previously unseen values.
E-WGAN-GP learns embeddings for IP addresses, ports, bytes, packets, and
duration. These embeddings are continuous vector representations and take
contextual information into account. As a consequence, the generation of flows
is less error-prone as small variations in the embedding space generally do not
change the outcome in input space much. For instance, if a GAN introduces
a small error in IP address generation, it could find the embedding of the IP
address as nearest neighbor instead of the embedding of the ex-

pected IP address Since both IP addresses are internal clients,
the error has nearly no effect. As a consequence, E-WGAN-GP achieves the
best results of the generative models in the evaluation. Yet, this approach (in
contrast to N-WGAN-GP and B-WGAN-GP ) cannot generate previously un-
seen values due to the embedding translation. This is not a problem for the
attributes bytes, packets and duration. Given enough training data, embed-
dings for all (important) values of bytes, duration and packets are available. For
example, consider the attribute bytes. We assume that the available embedding
values b1 , b2 , b3 , ..., bk−1 , bk sufficiently cover the possible value range of the at-
tribute bytes. As specific byte-values have no particular meaning, we are only
interested in the magnitude of the attribute. Therefore, non existing values bx
can be replaced with available embedding values without adversely affecting the
The situation may be different for IP addresses and ports. IP addresses
represent hosts with a distinct complex network behavior, for instance as a web
server, printer, or Linux client. Generating new IP addresses goes along with
the invention of a new host with new network behavior. To answer the question
whether the generation of new IP addresses is necessary, the purpose needs to
be considered in which the generated data shall be used later. If the training set
comprises more than 10,000 or 100,000 different IP addresses, there is probably
no need to generate new IP addresses for an IDS evaluation data set. However,
this does not hold generally. Instead, one should ask the following two questions:
(1) are there enough different IP addresses in the training data set and (2) is
there a need to generate previously unseen IP addresses? If previously unseen IP
addresses are required, E-WGAN-GP is not suitable as transformation method,
otherwise E-WGAN-GP will generate better flows than all other approaches.
The situation for ports is similar to IP addresses. Generally, there are 65536
different ports and most of these ports should appear in the training data set.
Generating new port values is also associated with generating new behavior. If
the training data set comprises SSH connections (Port 22) and HTTP connec-
tions (Port 80), but no FTP connections (Port 20 and 21), generators are not

able to produce realistic FTP connections if they have never seen such connec-
tions. Since the network behavior of FTP differs greatly from SSH and HTTP,
it does not make much sense to generate unseen service ports. However, the
situation is different for typical client ports.
Generally, GANs capture the implicit conditional probability distributions
very well, given that a proper data representation is chosen which is the case
for E-WGAN-GP and B-WGAN-GP (see Figure 8). While the visual differ-
ences between binary and embedded data representations are subtle, the do-
main knowledge checks show larger quality differences. Overall, this analysis
suggests that E-WGAN-GP and B-WGAN-GP are able to generate good flow-
based network traffic. While E-WGAN-GP achieves better evaluation results,
B-WGAN-GP is not limited in the value range and is able to generate previously
unseen values for example for IP addresses or ports.

6. Related Work

Molnár et al. [29] give a comprehensive overview of network traffic gen-

erators, categorize them with respect to their purposes, and analyze the used
validation measures. The authors conclude that there is no consensus on how
to validate network traffic generators. Since the proposed approach aims to
generate flow-based network traffic, the following overview considers primar-
ily flow-based network traffic generators. Neither approaches which emulate
computer networks and capture their network traffic like [14] or [35], nor static
intrusion detection data sets like DARPA 98 or KDD CUP 99 will be considered
in the following. We categorize flow-based network traffic generators into (I) Re-
play Engines, (II) Maximum Throughput Generators, (III) Attack Generators,
and (IV) High-Level Generators.

Category (I). As the name suggests, Replay Engines use previously captured
network traffic and replay the packets from it. Often, the aim of Replay Engines
is to consider the original inter packet time (IPT) behavior between the network
packets. TCPReplay [36] and TCPivo [37] are well-known representatives of

this category. Since network traffic is subject to concept drift, replaying already
known network traffic only makes limited sense for generating IDS evaluation
data sets. Instead, a good network traffic generator should be able to generate
new synthetic flow-based network traffic.

Category (II). Maximum Throughput Generators usually aim to test end-to-

end network performance [29]. Iperf [38] is such a generator and can be used
for testing bandwidth, delay jitter, and loss ratio characteristics. Consequently,
methods from this category primarily aim at evaluating network (bandwidth)

Category (III). Attack Generators use real network traffic as input and combine
it with synthetically created attacks. FLAME [39] is a generator for malicious
network traffic. The authors use rule-based approaches to inject e.g. port scan
attacks or denial of service attacks. Vasilomanolakis et al. [40] present ID2T, a
similar approach which combines real network traffic with synthetically created
malicious network traffic. For creating malicious network traffic, the authors
use rule-based scripts or manipulate parameters of the input network traffic.
Sperotto et al. [41] analyze ssh brute force attacks on flow level and use a
Hidden Markov Model to model the characteristics of them. However, their
model generates only the number of bytes, packets and flows during a typical
attack scenario and does not generate complete flow-based data.

Category (IV). High-Level Generators aim to generate new synthetic network

traffic which contains realistic network connections. Stiborek et al. [30] propose
three statistical methods to model host-based behavior on flow-based network
level. The authors use real network traffic as input and extract typical inter-
and intra-flow relations of host behavior. New flow-based data is generated
based on a time variant joint probability model which considers the extracted
user behavior. Siska et al. [31] propose a graph-based method to generate
flow-based network traffic. The authors use real network traffic as input and
extract traffic templates. Traffic templates are extracted for each service port

(e.g. port 80 (HTTP) or 53 (DNS)) and contain structural properties as well as
the value distributions of flow attributes (e.g. log-normal distribution of trans-
mitted bytes). These traffic templates can be combined with user-defined traffic
templates. A flow generator selects flow attributes from the traffic templates
and generates new network traffic. Iannucci et al. [32] propose PGPBA and
PGSK, two synthetic flow-based network traffic generators. Their generators
are based on the graph generation algorithms Barabasi-Albert (PGPBA) and
Kronecker (PGSK). The authors initialize their graph-based approaches with
network traffic in packet-based format. When generating new traffic, the au-
thors first compute the probability of the attribute bytes. All other attributes
of flow-based data are calculated based on the conditional probability of the
attribute bytes. To evaluate the quality of their generated traffic, Iannucci et
al. [32] analyze the degree and pagerank distribution of their graphs to show
the veracity of the generated data.
Besides from that, GANs were recently introduced in the IT security do-
main. Yin et al. [42] propose Bot-GAN, a framework which generates synthetic
network data in order to improve botnet detection methods. However, their
framework does not consider the generation of categorical attributes like IP ad-
dresses and ports which is one of the key contributions of our work. Hu and
Tan [43] present a GAN based approach named MalGAN in order to generate
synthetic malware examples which are able to bypass anomaly-based detec-
tion methods. Malware examples are represented as 160-dimensional binary
attributes. Similarly, Rigaki and Garcia [44] use a GAN based approach to
adapt malware communication to avoid detection. However, they consider only
three continuous attributes of the underlying network traffic in their approach.
The approach presented here does not simply replay existing network traffic
like category (I). In fact, traffic generators from the first two categories have a
different objective. Our approach belongs to category (IV) and generates new
synthetic network traffic and is not limited to generating only malicious network
traffic like category (III). While Siska et al. [31] and Iannucci et al. [32] use do-
main knowledge to generate flows by defining conditional dependencies between

flow attributes, we use GAN-based approaches which learn all dependencies
between the flow attributes inherently.

7. Summary

Labeled flow-based data sets are necessary for evaluating and comparing
anomaly-based intrusion detection methods. Evaluation data sets like DARPA 98
and KDD Cup 99 cover several attack scenarios as well as normal user behavior.
These data sets, however, were captured at some point in time such that con-
cept drift of network traffic causes static data sets to become obsolete sooner or
In this paper, we proposed three synthetic flow-based network traffic gener-
ators which are based on Improved Wasserstein GANs (WGAN-GP) [12] using
the two time scale update rule from [13]. Our generators are initialized with real
network traffic and then generate new flow-based network traffic. In contrast
to previous high-level generators, our GAN-based approaches learn all internal
dependencies between attributes inherently and no additional knowledge has
to be modeled. Flow-based network traffic consists of heterogeneous data, but
GANs can only process continuous input data. To overcome this challenge, we
proposed three different methods to handle flow-based network data. In the
first approach N-WGAN-GP, we interpreted IP addresses and ports as contin-
uous input values and normalized numeric attributes like bytes and packets to
the interval [0, 1]. In the second approach B-WGAN-GP, we created binary at-
tributes from categorical and numerical attributes. For instance, we converted
ports to their 16-bit binary representation and extracted 16 binary attributes.
B-WGAN-GP is able to maintain more information (e.g. subnet information of
IP addresses) from the categorical input data. The third approach E-WGAN-
GP learns meaningful continuous representations of categorical attributes like
IP addresses using IP2Vec [11]. The preprocessing of E-WGAN-GP is inspired
from the text mining domain which also has to deal with non-continuous input
values. Then, we generated new flow-based network traffic based on the CIDDS-

001 data set [14] in an experimental evaluation. Our experiments indicate that
especially E-WGAN-GP is able to generate realistic data which achieves good
evaluation results. B-WGAN-GP achieves similarly good results and is able to
create new (unseen) values in contrast to E-WGAN-GP. The quality of net-
work data generated by N-WGAN-GP is less convincing, which indicates that
straight forward numeric transformation is not appropriate.
Our research indicates that GANs are well suited for generating flow-based
network traffic. We plan to extend our approach in order to generate sequences
of flows instead of single flows. In addition, we want to work on the development
of further evaluation methods.


M.R. was supported by the BayWISS Consortium Digitization. We grate-

fully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the
Titan Xp GPU used for this research.



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