Hydatid Cyst
Hydatid Cyst
Hydatid Cyst
Taha T. Bekçi
discovered accidentally during radiographic examination, Table 1. Clinical future of hydatid diseases
body scanning, surgery, or for other clinical reasons (16). Liver
Physical findings are hepatomegaly, a palpable mass if on Hepatomegaly
the surface of the liver or other organs, and abdominal
Biliary colic–like symptoms
distention. If cysts in the lung rupture into the bronchi, Cholangitis
intense cough may develop, followed by vomiting of hy- Pancreatitis
Liver abscess
datid material and cystic membranes (17).
Portal hypertension
Inferior vena cava compression or thrombosis
The combination of imaging and serology usually enables Budd-Chiari syndrome
Cyst rupture, peritoneal spread, and peritonitis
diagnosis. The standard diagnostic approach for cystic Hemobilia
echinococcosis involves imaging techniques, predomi- Biliary fistula (skin, bronchial system, gastrointestinal tract)
nantly ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), X-ray Lungs
Tumor of chest
examinations, and confirmation by detection of specific Chest pain
serum antibodies by immunodiagnostic tests. Enzyme- Chronic cough, expectoration, and dyspnea
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test using hydatid Pneumothorax
Eosinophilic pneumonitis
cyst fluid has a high sensitivity (>95%) but its specificity Pleural effusion
is often unsatisfactory. Finding a cyst using ultrasound, Parasitic lung embolism
X-ray, or CT is typically expected in Echinococcus infec- Hemoptysis
tion (18). Heart
Laboratory and special investigations Pericardial effusion
Serological tests are commonly employed to supplement
Breast - Masses that must be differentiated from neoplasms
the radiological data in the diagnosis of hydatid cyst. The Spine - Mass with neurologic symptoms
current gold standard serology test for echinococcosis de- Brain - Mass with neurologic symptoms.
tects IgG antibodies to hydatid cyst fluid-derive native or
recombinant antigen B subunits. This is performed using
ELISA or immunoblot formats (19). The lipoproteins an- bronchioles, air enters the potential space between peri-
tigen B (AgB) and antigen 5 (Ag5) are the major compo- cyst and endocyst, and appears as a thin, lucent crescent
nents of hydatid cyst fluid and are the most widely used (crescent or meniscus sign) (11). When the endocyst com-
antigens in current assays for immunodiagnosis of cystic pletely separates, it collapses internally and can be seen
echinococcosis (20). General consensus states that the floating freely on the cyst fluid (“water-lily” or “iceberg”
ELISA test with crude hydatid cyst fluid has a high sensi- sign) (11). Other classically described CT appearances are
tivity of 95%; however, its specificity is low at 61.7% (21). Cumbo sign (air-fluid level in the endocyst capped with
Imaging air between the pericyst and endocyst) and “signet ring”
sign (bleb of air dissecting into the wall of the cyst) (25).
The most valuable diagnostic method in pulmonary hyda- CT scanning can elucidate the cystic nature of the lung
tid disease is the plain chest radiograph (22). mass and provide accurate localisation for planning of
Radiography surgical treatment of complicated cysts (26).
Figure 1. Cystic lesion with visible in right middle Figure 2. Cystic lesion in left lower lobe
cysts containing viable protoscolices. CE3 has been sub- and small- to medium-sized centrally located cysts can
divided into CE3a (detached endocyst) and CE3b (pre- be excised without sacrificing lung parenchyma. Standard
dominantly solid with daughter cysts). This subdivision radical procedures are wedge resection of lung paren-
is supported by a recent work that used high-field 1 H chyma of less than one segment, and for liver and lung
magnetic resonance spectroscopy to evaluate ex vivo cysts, segmentectomy and lobectomy. Conservative pro-
the metabolic profiles of cyst contents (28). The mag- cedures aim at sterilization and evacuation of cyst con-
netic resonance signal characteristics of a hydatid cyst tent, including the hydatid membrane (hydatidectomy),
may differ depending on the developmental phase, i.e. and partial removal of the cyst. The evacuation and the
whether it is uni- or multilocular and whether the cyst is hydatidectomy consists of puncture of the cyst and aspi-
viable, infected or dead. Information regarding reactive ration of part of the content, to permit introduction of
changes in the host tissue, capsule and signal intensity of the scolicidal agent, and total aspiration thereafter (30).
parent and daughter cysts is also obtained. On magnetic
Percutaneous treatment
resonance imaging (MRI), cysts show low signal intensity
on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2- Historically, the first percutaneous treatment used was
weighted images (29). to puncture the cyst, aspirate cyst fluid, inject a scoli-
cidal agent, and re-aspirate the cyst content (PAIR). The
classic PAIR technique is widely known (33, 34). Khuroo
CE is difficult to treat and, even more so, to cure for a and others found PAIR combined with peri-intervention-
number of reasons. The disease is complex and dynamic al benzimidazole derivatives to be as effective as open
with an evolving phase and quietly growing cysts (30). surgical drainage with fewer complications and less cost
Clinical management of hepatic cysts includes albenda- (35). A single-center report from Turkey, experience com-
zole or mebendazole therapy in combination with either paring surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and percutaneous
surgical resection or the PAIR procedure. Larger cysts (di- treatments in 355 patients over a period of 10 years and
ameter >10 cm) preferably undergo surgical resection(31, concluded that PAIR is an effective and safe option (36).
32). Safety and efficacy of percutaneous treatments is also
related to the anatomical site of the cyst. Percutaneous
treatment is mostly used in liver and extrahepatic ab-
Surgical procedures range from simple puncture and aspi- dominal cysts, including peritoneal (30).
ration of cyst content to partial resection of the affected
Other Percuteanous Treatment
organ. The most commonly used procedures can be divid-
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