4-Phase Adiabatic Logic Design Using VHDL: End Semester Presentation
4-Phase Adiabatic Logic Design Using VHDL: End Semester Presentation
4-Phase Adiabatic Logic Design Using VHDL: End Semester Presentation
Mtech, Microelectronics and VLSI, NIT Silchar
To learn about the 4-phase Adiabatic Logic Circuits, their advantages and
disadvantages over static CMOS circuits, study the methodology and
implementation in VHDL, as performed in the reference paper [1].
Static CMOS Logic Circuits
Analogy - both in thermodynamic systems and our logic circuits, the energy is transferred
to the environment in the form of heat.
‘Adiabatic Logic Circuits’ - circuits which do not transfer any energy to the environment in
the form of heat.
Conventional Charging
Fig 3 : (a) Circuit for Conventional Charging; (b) Change in current and charge with respect to time (current decreases and charge increases)
Adiabatic Charging
Fig 5 : Applied voltage rising with different T values; here T1is greater than T2
Realization of Adiabatic Logic Circuits
We apply the pulse power supply instead of constant Vdd supply as we did in static CMOS.
Fig 7 : (a) Static CMOS logic implementation; (b) Adiabatic logic implementation
PFAL - Positive Feedback Adiabatic Circuits : A technique to realize Partially Adiabatic Logic Circuits (PALC)
Fig 9(b): PFAL inverter logic circuit; phi(t)is the pulsed power
We can notice that the input nMOS network is connected in parallel with the pMOS transistors. 11
Disadvantages of Adiabatic Circuits
● the complexity of the circuit increases and the number of transistors increases
● number of transistors increases, so they require more area than the Static- CMOS
4-Phase Adiabatic Logic Circuit
The adiabatic circuit operates in 4 phases as shown in Fig 10.
These phases are namely the Evaluation(E), Hold(H), Recovery(R) and Idle(I).
Paper - VHDL-based Modelling Approach for the Digital Simulation of 4-phase Adiabatic
Logic Design
Sachin Maheshwari, Viv A. Bartlett and Izzet Kale
28th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation,
Costa Brava, Spain, 2 to 4 July 2018.
VHDL-based Modelling Approach for the Digital Simulation of 4-phase Adiabatic Logic Design
● The paper proposes a VHDL-based modelling approach for the design and verification of the
4-phase adiabatic logic systems
● The proposed approach includes the modelling of the dual rail input and output signals
● A new approach for modelling 4-phase adiabatic logic circuits using VHDL is presented
● The exact behaviour of the trapezoidal power clock is represented by modelling all the four
periods distinctively
The steps are as follows, with regard to the reference paper:
1. How to implement the pulsed power signal?
Two types of modeling: voltage level event based modeling and multi level event based modeling.
Paper implements the latter.
2. Conversion of the dual rail pulse input to adiabatic inputs
An equivalent dual-rail adiabatic outputs (A, Ab) are generated from the dual-rail pulse
signals (IN, INb).
3. Gate Level Modelling:
VHDL modelling for an adiabatic NOT/BUF gate is done using the power clock generator,
pulse input to adiabatic input (multi-level) conversion and the package defining the four
periods of the power clock.
Fig. 16(b) : Waveform results for PFAL NOT/BUF gate (b) SPICE [1].
[1] VHDL-based Modelling Approach for the Digital Simulation of 4-phase Adiabatic Logic Design,
Sachin Maheshwari, Viv A. Bartlett and Izzet Kale - 28th International Symposium on Power and Timing
Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, Costa Brava, Spain, 2 to 4 July 2018.
[2] https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105034/ - NPTEL course, CSE, Low Power VLSI CIrcuits and
Systems, Lec-36 - Adiabatic Logic Circuits by Prof. Ajit Pal, IIT Kharagpur.
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