Impact of E-Banking Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction
Impact of E-Banking Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction
Impact of E-Banking Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction
The banking industry has been continuously upgrading its IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
operation by making use of technology. With the
advancement of this technology, banks have implemented 4.1 Reliability Analysis
various systems to carry banking transactions easily and To achieve predetermined objectives of the research the
quickly. In a developing country like India, where customers descriptive study is conducted. Relevant and thorough
possess a varied form of needs and desires it becomes literature has been reviewed to find out the various
legitimate for the banks and service providers to offer significant and applicable factors.
quality services speedily and efficiently to meet the
customer’s expectation. Table 1. Result of KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity
Service quality aims to serve the customers in a better way
such that customer need is satisfied besides customer to
attain complete satisfaction while using a particular service.
The customer has a certain set of attributes in his mind with
respect to a product or service. As the customers use the
service he compares it with the attributes which already
exists in his mind. This comparison is basically the
measurement of service quality. A customer tries to match
his expectation from the services with already existing
attributes in his mind. If the service quality is better than
expected the customer is fully satisfied.
It has been found that the forty two variables have been
reduced to nine factors by using factor analysis.
The factor identified has been named as communication,
reliability, credibility, tangibility, security, competence,
responsiveness, understanding, and access. These factors
Revised Manuscript Received on January 15, 2020
Jyotsna Sharma, Faculty of Management, Asian Educational Institute, can be termed as service quality dimensions also.
Punjab, India Multiple Linear Regression models are being used to study
Jagdeep Singh, Dean, GNA Business School, GNA University Punjab out the impact on satisfaction
Amandeep Singh, Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University,
Punjab, India.
which is dependent variable with respect to the different table R=.8147, R2= .660 and adjusted R square =.616 with
variable i.e. independent variables. These independent standard error 0.86 implies that nine independent service
variables are service quality dimension i.e. communication, quality dimensions explained 66% variance over the
reliability, credibility, tangibility, security, competence, dependent variable i.e. customer satisfaction. It leads to
responsiveness, understanding, access. They have no role in verify regression fit as mentioned below.
measuring customer satisfaction. Table 3 :ANOVA Showing F-value and Sig value of the
So null hypothesis is framed. impact of Service quality
Ho: Service quality dimensions have no significant impact Mea
on customer satisfaction. Sum of
Ha: Service quality dimensions have a significant impact on Model Square Df F Sig.
customer satisfaction. s
Customers are satisfied with one service quality factor or Regressio 109.01 12.11 16.26 .000
more than one at a time. So the various factors are 9 b
n 7 3 5
summarized into nine dimensions named communication, 365.66 49
reliability, credibility, tangibility, security, competence, 1 Residual .745
0 1
responsiveness, understanding, access. The multiple linear
474.67 50
regression model to test the hypothesis. Multiple Linear Total
8 0
Regression models are applied to know the quantum of each
dimension have on customer satisfaction. The service
quality dimensions are taken as independent variables and It is identified that the value of F-stat is 16.265 and p =
overall satisfaction of the customers as the dependent 0.000 is significant at the level of significance 5% (p< 0.05).
variable in the regression model. The basic assumption of This indicates that the overall model was a reasonable fit
the regression model is that there exists a linear relationship and there was a statistically significant association between
between the dependent variable and the independent service quality dimension and customer satisfaction. So the
variables. With context to present study, it is assumed that null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is
there is a linear relationship between the dependent variable accepted. Hence it can be concluded that service quality
i.e. customer satisfaction and the independent variables dimensions have a significant impact on customer
which are service quality dimension namely communication, satisfaction. It shows that the regression fit is pretty good &
reliability, credibility, tangibility, security, competence, the dimensions used are able to predict the customer
responsiveness, understanding, access. The second satisfaction to a good extent.
assumption is that there is the absence of multi-colinearity in Table 4: Table indicating value for Unstandardized and
the model. It means that the independent variables i.e. standardized Coefficients
service quality dimensions are not too highly correlated. Stand
4.2 Multiple Linear Regressions Measuring Customer Un ardize
Satisfaction standardized d
Coefficients Coeffi can
To analyse the impact of the individual dimensions of cients ce
service quality on customer satisfaction, multiple regression val
models using the following model is run. The resultant B Beta β ue.
output will be in the form:
Y= A+B1(X1) +B2(X2) +B3(X3)+B4(X4)+………. 1.1 1.9 .05
Constant .598
Here Y is s customer satisfaction i.e. dependent variable. 65 47 2
B1, B2, B3…..B9 are predictors i.e. independent variables .43 3.9 .00
Tangibility .109 .245
like Credibility, Understanding, Responsiveness, 3 79 0*
Tangibility, Security, Competence, Communication, Access, .26 2.2 .02
Credibility .118 .231
Reliability. A is a constant value. 5 53 5*
Table 2:Table indicating R and R square value .12 1.0 .00
Security .111 .263
Mod R Adjusted R Std. 1 97 2*
R - -
el Square Square error Communic .00
.76 .124 -.440 6.1
.8147a .660 .616 .86297 ation 0*
8 71
• Predictors: (Constant), Credibility, Competenc .15 1.3 .18
Understanding, Responsiveness, Tangibility, .118 .107
e 9 39 1
Security, Competence, Communication, Access,
.12 1.5 .11
Reliability Reliability .078 .162
2 62 9
Responsive .17 1.7 .00
.099 .204
Satisfaction is dependent variable and Credibility, ness 4 49 1*
Understanding, Responsiveness, Tangibility, Security, .10 .83 .40
Access .130 .081
Competence, Communication, Access, Reliability are 9 2 6
Independent variable. Above table shows that coefficient Understand .03 .32 .74
.120 .030
determination is .66, therefore about 66% of the variation in ing 9 7 4
satisfaction is explained by independent variables. The
regression equation appears to be very useful for making
predictions since the value of r2 is .660. From the above
Published By:
Retrieval Number: E5841018520/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
2297 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020
From the above mentioned statistical table the estimated that reliability has no significant impact on
regression equation is: satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction= 1.165 (constant) + .433 (Tangibilty) The regression coefficient for responsiveness
+ .265 (Credibility) + .121(Security)-.768 (Communication) (B7)=.174 %which implies that one percent change
+.159 (Competence) + .122 (Relaibilty) + .174 in Responsiveness will lead to approx 17% increase
(Responsiveness) + .109 (Access) + .039 (Understanding) in customer satisfaction if other variables are kept
The above table shows that since sig value for tangibility is constant. The sig value is p= 0.01 which is
(p=0.00), credibility (p=0.25), communication (p=0.00), significant because of p<0.05. It implies that
security (p=0.002) and responsiveness (p=0.001) is less than responsiveness has a significant impact on
0.05 at 5% confidence level. It proves that these dimensions satisfaction.
have has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Hence The regression coefficient for Access (B8)=.109
null hypothesis is rejected. We accept the alternate which implies that one percent change in access
hypothesis that service quality dimensions have a significant will lead to approx 11% increase in customer
impact on customer satisfaction. On the basis of the satisfaction if other variables are kept constant. The
regression equation following inference is drawn. sig value .406 which is not significant at a 5%
significance level because it is greater than p>.005.
In the above table, the regression coefficient for It implies that access has no significant impact on
tangibility (B1)=.433, which implies that one satisfaction
percent change tangibility will lead to approx 43% The regression coefficient for understanding (B9)
increase in customer satisfaction if other variables =.039which implies that one percent change will
are kept constant. The significance value for lead to approx 4% increase in customer satisfaction
tangibility is p=0.00 which is significant at if other variables are kept constant. The sig value
significance 5% level (p<.005). It implies that p=0.744 which is not significant at the 5%
tangibility has a significant impact on satisfaction. significance level since the value of p is greater
The regression coefficient for credibility than 0.05. It implies that understanding has no
(B2)=.265 which implies that one percent change significant impact on satisfaction.
in credibility will lead to approx 27% increase in 4.3 Model Summary: In nut shell
customer satisfaction if other variables are kept In the present research nine important service quality
constant. The sig value p=0.025 which is dimension impacting the service quality of E-Banking
significant at a 5% significance level (p<.005). It services have been identified. The forty-two variables
implies that credulity has a significant impact on impacting the E-Banking service quality were considered.
satisfaction. With the help of factors analysis, the highly correlated
For security the regression coefficient for security variables have been clubbed together. Finally, the forty-two
(B3)=.121 which implies that one percent change variables have been summed into nine factors impacting the
in security will lead to approx 12% increase in service quality. These factors can be named as service
customer satisfaction if other variables are kept quality dimensions. It is assumed that these nine factors are
constant. The sig value 0.002 which is significant equally important for the customers. By using independent
at a 5% confidence level because significance value T-test it was found that these factors hold huge importance
is less than p<.005. It implies that security has a but the priority of the factors change from a customer to
significant impact on satisfaction. other. Thereafter Multiple Linear regression is used to
The regression coefficient for Communication predict the impact of E-Banking service quality on customer
(B4)= -.768 which implies that one percent change satisfaction. This model is used to assess the impact of
in communication will lead to approx 77% service quality dimension extracted by factor analysis. It is
decrease in customer satisfaction if other variables found that the value of R=.8147, R2= .660 and adjusted R
are kept constant. The sig value p=0.00 which is square =.616 with standard error 0.86 implies that nine
significant at a 5% confidence level because of independent service quality dimensions explained 66%
p<0.05. It implies that communication has a variance over the dependent variable i.e. customer
significant impact on satisfaction satisfaction. From the ANOVA table it is identified that the
For competence, the regression coefficient is value of F-stat is 16.265 and p = 0.000 is significant at the
(B5)=.159which implies that one percent change level of significance 5% (p< 0.05).
incompetence will lead to approx 16% increase in This indicates that the overall model was a reasonable fit
customer satisfaction if other variables are kept and there was a statistically significant association between
constant. The sig value is 0.181 which is not service quality dimension and customer satisfaction. Hence
significant because the significance level is less it is concluded that service quality dimensions have a
than p>.005. It implies that competence has no significant impact on customer satisfaction. Regression fit is
significant impact on satisfaction able to predict the customer satisfaction to a good extent.
The regression coefficient for reliability Out of the nine dimension predicting customer satisfaction
(B6)=.122which implies that one percent change in significance value for tangibility is (p=0.00), credibility
reliability will lead to approx 12% increase in (p=0.25), communication (p=0.00), security (p=0.002) and
customer satisfaction if other variables are kept responsiveness (p=0.001) is less than 0.05 at 5% confidence
constant. The sig value p= 0.19 which is not level.
significant at a 5 % significance level. It implies
It proves that these dimensions have has a significant effect which are trying to assess the effect on customer
on customer satisfaction. satisfaction. Since the relative strength of each service
4.4 Measuring Relative Strength of Service Quality quality dimension has been measured. It becomes easy to
Dimension On Customer Satisfaction identify the most important dimensions on the basis of the
Beta value. The standardized regression coefficient having
Service quality is an assessment of the delivered service to
the highest magnitude value is ranked as the top most
the customers. It measures how well the services meet the
important variable among other variables under the study.
customer expectations. The service quality is the level of
The standardized coefficients are used as rank predictors. It
discrepancy between customer expectation from the service
depicts the relative strength of the independent factors. It
and the actual performance of the services. A customer uses
provides the absolute ranking to the factors as per their
a service. The experience of customer results in broader
magnitude. The important variable will have maximum
evaluations of services. Since the service industry is
absolute value. A standardized coefficient compares the
customer driven. The customer’s word of mouth is the
strength of the effect of each independent variable taken up
biggest marketing of services. So the service providers pay
for study. Highest the magnitude value of the beta, strongest
huge attention to the dimension satisfying the customers.
is the relationship of the variable with the dependent
With the context of a developing country like India,
variable. Standardized coefficient uses standard deviation as
customers are moving towards the electronic means of
their unit. The standardized coefficient may be referred to as
availing services. It can be banking, shopping, travel
Betas, Beta Coefficients, Beta weights or Standardized
bookings, online food ordering etc. So it is extremely
regression coefficients.
important for the service providers to concentrate on
customers changing taste and habits and create their services
as per their needs.
The main use of the regression model is to find out that how It is crucial for the service providers to identify the relevant
much the dependent variable will change with respect to a dimension affecting the service quality. The banks or service
unit change in an independent variable. Secondly, it helps to providers can identify the flaws in the offered services. They
predict trends and forecast the effect of the change. Thirdly can plan and devise the strategy for improvising the service
it measures the strength of the effect of independent quality to satisfy their customers. With the dawn of
variables on the dependent variable. In other words, it technological innovations, the banking industry has taken up
provides us the magnitude value of the degree of effect. various smart moves to conduct banking practices. Also, the
In Multiple Linear Regression analysis, the standardized usage of E-Banking services is increasing day by day. It
coefficients are expressed in form of Beta, β. All the becomes relevant to identify most excellent service quality
variables in standardized coefficients are converted into a dimensions offered by any bank or E-Banking service
single metric i.e. standard deviation unit. Then it represents providers. Also, the focus is to identify the weak areas of
each variable in form of β. The beta magnitude of each business operation where the service providers can work
variable can be compared easily. The variables which have upon to make the service better and improvised. The
the highest value are considered to have a strong regression model is applied to find the degree of effect of
relationship with the dependent variable. Standardized dimensions i.e. service quality variables on the dependent
coefficients from the multiple linear regression models variable i.e. customer satisfaction.
provide an estimate of the variables. It tells us which of the The results of multiple linear regression models
independent variables have the highest association with the concluded that communication has the highest
dependent variable. Standardized coefficients are also absolute beta value.-440. So it is ranked number
termed as standardized regression coefficients It has been 1st. The negative sign indicates that it has a
concluded that communication has a strong relationship with negative relationship with the customer
customer satisfaction. Since, it has the highest Beta value - satisfaction.
.440. The negative sign indicates there exists the inverse The second rank is assigned to security.
relationship between customer satisfaction and A third rank is assigned to tangibility.
communication dimension. One percent changes in The fourth rank goes to credibility.
communication decrease the customer satisfaction by 44%. A 5th rank is assigned to responsiveness.
The second dimension is security with beta value β=. 263. A 6th rank is given to reliability.
There exists a positive relationship of security dimension
Competence holds 7th rank.
with customer satisfaction. The Beta value for Tangibility
Access is assigned 8th rank.
dimension is .245. It is the third most correlated dimension
with customer satisfaction. Next is Credibility with beta 9th rank is assigned to understanding.
value .231. Responsiveness has the beta value of .204 which
makes it fifth most associated dimension with satisfaction. β VI. CONCLUSION
value for Reliability dimension is .162 which represent the It is found that the value of R=.8147, R2= .660 and adjusted
association between reliability and customer satisfaction is R square =.616 with standard error 0.86 implies that nine
16%. Similarly, Competence has beta value.107, Access has independent service quality dimensions explained 66%
Beta value β=. 0.81, understanding β=.030 which ranks variance over the dependent variable i.e. customer
them seventh, eighth and ninth associated dimensions. satisfaction.
4.5. Assigning Ranks to Service Quality Dimension
Standardized coefficients are useful while comparing effects
across different measures. In the context of present study
service quality dimensions are the measuring variables
Published By:
Retrieval Number: E5841018520/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
2299 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020
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Hence from the results of the study it has been concluded Dr Jyotsna Sharma,
that tangibility, credibility, responsiveness, security and Dr. Jyotsna Sharma is working as Assistant
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