Play Test Weird Wizard MasterPathv18

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Conqueror You crush your enemies and drive them

Master Paths
before you.
Cyromancer You master cold magic.
Dawnbringer You have been chosen by Mother Sun to
bring light to darkness.
Your final path begins when you reach level 7 and it Death Dealer You make mountains of the dead.
leads you through the final and most powerful Death Knight You belong to an order of knights
stages of your character’s development. As with charged with hunting down and
your expert path, your choice could enhance the destroying those who would defy Lord
Death his due.
decisions you made previously or could open a
Defender You protect the people around you.
door to entirely new opportunities such as granting Diplomat You exemplify the ideals of civilization as
you access to magic or your enlistment in the realized by following the tenets of
service of a deity. By the time you finish your Urbanus.
master path, you become one of the great figures Disciple of the
and personalities in the known world, famed across Four Winds You master the Four Winds fighting style.
the New Lands and beyond. Diviner You anticipate what is to come.
Dragon Fury Adept You master the Dragon Fury fighting
You can choose any master path from the options
included here and paths 0ffer the same kinds of Dread Hunter You become an incarnation of the Horned
benefits described in the chapter #. Lord.
Duelist You excel at fighting foes you challenge.
MASTER PATHS Dynamo You discover the secrets of lightning and
Path Description can now command its powers.
Abjurer You use magic to entrap and banish your Earth Dragon You become a servant of Draconus.
foes. Elementalist You study and wield the forces that
Academician You a great scholar, schooled in a number underpin reality.
of different subjects. Enervator You drain life force from other creatures.
Alienist You seize magic from beyond reality’s Enforcer You attack fast and with overwhelming
bounds. force.
Antimage You devise new ways to thwart magic. Executioner You know how to kill with a single blow.
Apocalyptist You study forbidden magic. Fatespinner The Fates chose you to be their servant.
Arcanist You are a scholar of magic. Flamekin You cause fires to start around you.
Artificer You create magic items. Friar You swore a vow of poverty.
Avatar A supernatural force makes you into a Genius You always have an angle.
mighty warrior. Ghost Walker You travel between the lands of the living
Avenger You hunt down those who have and the dead.
persecuted followers of your faith. Giant Killer You know how to defeat massive
Beguiler You know how to twist people’s minds enemies.
into knots. Golem Maker You construct a powerful golem to serve
Blackguard You enhance your fighting ability with you.
dark arts. Graven Warrior You etch magic into your armor to
Blade You fight with small, sharp weapons. protect you in battle.
Blighter You bring darkness and plagues to your Gunslinger You master firearms.
foes through your service to Pestilence. Gunsmith You build superior firearms.
Blood Mage You draw magical energy from spilling Herald of the Storm Service to the Sky Father makes you an
your own blood. incarnation of storms.
Brawler You fight with your hands, feet, head, and Hermit You turned your back on civilization to
teeth. become one with nature.
Brute You are strong and tough. Hierophant You discover the druids’ most guarded
Butcher You fight with worrisome recklessness. secrets.
Campaigner You lead your allies to fight in the name Infiltrator You know how to bypass the toughest
of your god. security.
Cantor You sing hymns in praise of your patron Inquisitor You unmask evil actors and destroy them.
god and that blast your enemies. Ironclad You specialize in wearing heavy armor.
Catastrophist You master the dark art of Death magic. Justiciar You dispense justice in the name of Blind.
Cavalier You call a magical steed to aid you in your Keeper You master protective magic.
adventures. Knave You rely on luck and trickery to succeed.
Celestial You master light magic. Magister You join the secret society of magicians
Champion You have sworn vows to fight for a charged with monitoring the use of
particular cause. magic.
Chaotician You wield chaotic magic. Marauder You take what you want by force.
Chronomancer You master time magic. Mariner You master the seas and sailing on them.
Clockmaker You make useful clockwork servants. Master Thief You have no peers when it comes to
Conjurer You conjure something from nothing. crime.

Metallurgist You use magic to transform your body
into living iron.
Mindbender You hone your telepathic powers into
deadly weapons.
Mind Warrior Your thoughts make weapons of pure
mental force.
Miracle Worker You master healing magic.
Myrmidon You are an honorable warrior who
specializes in specific weapons.
Mystic You shrug off the limits of the physical
form to live a transcendent existence.
Namer You master words of power.
Nightshade You use poison and toxins to do your
dirty work.
Onieromancer You master the magic of dreams and
Outlander You blaze trails through the wild places.
Pit Fighter You excel at fighting in close quarters.
Rakehell You take any risk to succeed.
Ravager You have a taste for killing.
Reaper You harvest souls for Lord Death.
Reveler You are Revel’s disciple.
Rogue You are always scheming.
Ruinwright You spread destruction and ruin
wherever you go.
Saint The gods exalt you.
Sapper You are a skilled bomb-maker.
Seeker You serve the druids as their champion.
Sentinel You have keen senses and use them to
ferret out enemies.
Shadowblade You use secret, magical methods to
defeat your enemies.
Shapeshifter You can transform into a beast.
Skald You chant in battle to bolster your allies.
Slayer You excel at killing monsters.
Spellguard You use magic to protect yourself in
Stone Fist You master the Way of the Stone Fist.
Stone Sentinel You become a guardian of the world.
Stormborn You master weather magic.
Summoner You summon monsters to fight for you.
Tattooed Warrior You cover your body with magical
Templar You protect places you deem holy.
Thaumaturge You serve the god of magic.
Toxophilite You are a master archer.
Trapsmith You build insidious traps to capture,
delay, and harm your foes.
Traveler Nothing can stop you.
Twin Striker You master the technique of fighting with
two weapons at once.
Umbramancer You master magic of shadow and
War Machine You construct a mechanized battle suit.
Warden You become a champion of nature and
Grandfather Tree.
Warlord You get the upper hand in battle.
Weapon Master You specialize in fighting with a particular
Witch Hunter You hunt down those who use magic for
evil ends.
Zealot You are a fanatical believer.

on a Will roll with 1 bane or teleport to an open space on
Abjurer a solid surface you can see.
Alien entities slip through the cracks in reality and ENSNARING DIAGRAM
wreak havoc. You study a form of magic designed to Target one diagram you created and imbue it with magic
contain these threats and rid them from the world. that lasts for 24 hours or until anything disturbs the
As effective as your spells can be on outsiders such diagram. The diagram becomes invisible. The next time a
as demons and their ilk, you find your spells can creature moves onto the invisible diagram, it becomes
visible and emits bright light from its edges. The
dismiss even those who belong in your plane of triggering creature cannot move off the diagram by
existence. walking, flying, or other natural means.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. The air darkens around one creature you can see within
Health +2 two areas. In that darkness strange forms move. Roll 20d6
Abjurer Spells You learn anathematic diagram and dismiss. + the target’s damage total. If the sum equals or exceeds
Abjurer Spell Castings You have a number of abjurer the target’s Health score, the darkness encloses the target
spell castings equal to the number of abjurer spells you and shrinks until it disappears with a faint popping noise
know. You can expend an abjurer casting to cast any into the Void. If the sum is less than the target’s Health
spell you have learned. You regain expended abjurer score, roll 3d6. If you rolled an 18, a hostile demon of a
castings when you finish an 8-hour rest. random type appears in an open space in the target’s area
Diagram You can use an occultist’s kit to draw a diagram of the Sage’s choosing. Otherwise, nothing happens.
on a surface you can reach. It takes one hour to draw
the diagram and it remains until it’s cleared away.
Entrapping Pattern Use an action to create a pattern of
arcane symbols around one creature you can see
within an adjacent or closer area. The pattern remains
in place for 1 round. If the target creature moves
through the pattern, the symbols flare, forcing the
creature to roll Will. On a failure, the creature takes
6d6 damage.
Health +2
Abjurer Spell You learn ensnaring diagram.
Instinctive Banishment When a creature you can see
within an adjacent or closer area attacks you, but
before the roll is made, you can use a reaction to cast
dismiss on the triggering creature.
Health +2
Abjurer Spell You learn exile.
Dimension Lock For as long as you are conscious,
creatures cannot teleport into your area. Creatures can
teleport and be teleported out of this area, however.

Abjurer Spells
Your spells interfere with creatures’ freedom to
move, by trapping them or banishing them from
your presence.
Target one diagram you created and imbue it with magic
that lasts for 24 hours or until anything disturbs the
diagram. Name one type of creature such as faerie,
demon, or human. Creatures of the type named cannot
move across the diagram’s edge or directly affect the
Weird lights to dapple up to three creatures you choose
within the area surrounding you. A target must succeed

Scholar, historian, intellectual, teacher: you are all
these things and more. No matter what paths you
have taken to reach this point, you have always
maintained in interest in growing your knowledge
and filling your mind with any and all information
you can find. Becoming an academician rewards
you for the work and offers you ways to use your
vast stores of information in ways to help yourself
and your companions as they embark on the most
difficult adventures ahead.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Cunning Assessment Use an action to examine any
creature you can see and roll Intellect. On a success,
you reveal the target’s weakness to anyone who can
hear you. For 1 minute, you impose 2 banes on rolls the
target makes to attack and whenever a creature can
hear you would deal damage to the target, the creature
deals 3d6 extra damage. You can use this talent a
number of times equal to half your level and you
regain expended uses when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Decipher Script You can read any script you can see. You
automatically succeed on Intellect rolls made to cast
spells from inscriptions.
Esoteric Knowledge You can ask the Sage a question
related to a creature, object, place, or event that
pertains to your current adventure and that can be
answered with a yes or a no. The Sage must answer you
truthfully, but you then lose this talent until you
complete a rest.
Health +2
Educated You make Intellect rolls with 1 boon.
Timely Guidance Use an action to grant one creature
within the surrounding area that can understand what
you say guidance. The target must roll Intellect. On a
success, the target makes all attribute rolls with 3 boons
for 1 minute. The target can expend 2 boons granted by
this use of the talent to deal 1d6 extra damage on an
attack it makes.
Health +2
Always Learning Once per round, when you fail an
attribute roll, you can roll luck and replace the failure
with the result of the luck roll.
Outwit When a creature attacks you, but before the roll is
made, roll Intellect. On a success, you impose 3 banes
on the triggering attacker’s roll. If the attack succeeds,
you lose this talent for 1 minute.

1 bane or gain 1 madness token that remain until the spell
Alienist ends. The effects of accumulated madness are detailed on
the following table.
Occultists have long theorized that a place exists
beyond the mortal realm, a place apart from all Tokens Effects
realities, a vast, maddening, nightmarish space of 1 The target takes 1d6 damage.
impossible vistas and infested with slobbering 2 The target takes 2d6 damage and becomes
horrors the gibber and howl as they race about the sickened.
3 The target takes 3d6 damage and becomes sickened
undulating landscape. Some think this place to be and frightened.
the prison into which the gods flung the Ancient 4 The target takes 4d6 damage and becomes
Ones, while others suggest that the dreams of the sickened, frightened, and slowed.
unspeakable one dwelling in the Void manifest it 5 The target takes 5d6 damage and becomes
into reality. Whatever its origins or purpose, you sickened, frightened, slowed, and stunned.
made a study of it and learned to apprehend the 6 The target takes 6d6 damage and becomes
strange forces emanating from it. The cost to your unconscious.
sanity and body have been high, but you believe GNASHING OF TEETH
this place to be the source of all magic in the world Horrid slobbering mouths open on surfaces throughout
and with it there is nothing you cannot do. one area within two areas and remain for 1 minute. The
mouths fill the area and each adjacent with weird singing
LEVEL 7 that causes creatures in the affected areas to become
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. impaired and slowed for as long as they remain there. In
Health +2 addition, during each upkeep until the spell ends, each
Alienist Spells You learn two alienist spells. creature in the area must succeed on an Agility roll with 1
Alienist Spell Castings You have a number of alienist bane or be bitten by the mouths and take 4d6 damage.
spell castings equal to the number of alienist spells you
know. You can expend an alienist casting to cast any STAR OF DARKNESS
spell you have learned. You regain expended alienist A spot of darkness appears on a point you choose within
castings when you finish an 8-hour rest. two areas and grows until it becomes a sphere with a 6-
Fray Reality You gain one fray token each time you cast foot diameter. The sphere remains for 1 minute. During
an alienist spell and the Sage secretly rolls a d6. If the each upkeep, a creature within two areas of the sphere
number rolled is equal to or less than the number of must succeed on a Strength roll or be pulled one area
fray tokens you possess, discard all fray tokens to closer to it or, if the creature is in the sphere’s area, is
release a horror into an open space inside the area pulled inside of it. Any creature pulled inside the sphere
surrounding you. The horror treats all creatures as disappears without a trace. When the spell ends, the
enemies and takes the next available turn. sphere collapses in on itself with a faint popping noise.
For each creature that disappeared into the sphere, roll
LEVEL 8 luck. On a success, the creature reappears, prone and
Health +2 covered in foul slime and with a penalty to Health equal
Alienist Spell You learn one alienist spell. to twice its level. On a failure, the creature is never seen
Erratic Thoughts Whenever you would become again, having been swallowed by the Void, the Other
frightened or stunned, you can use a reaction to roll Realm, or something else.
Will. On a success, you do not become frightened or
A lemon-yellow beam flies from your fingertip and
LEVEL 10 warbles as it streaks toward one creature within two
Health +2 areas. Roll Intellect against the target’s Agility. On a
Alienist Spell You learn one alienist spell. success, the beam strikes the target. Roll 16d6. If the sum
Controlled Horror When you release a horror from your of the dice equals or exceeds the target’s Health score, the
Fray Reality talent, you can use a reaction to roll Will beam transforms it into a horror. Roll Will against the
against the horror’s Will. On a success, the horror horror’s Will. On a success, the horror becomes
becomes controlled for 1d6 + 1 rounds. controlled for 1d6 + 1 rounds.
Alienist Spells Sickening green-gray dim light fills up to three adjacent
You discover spells from your studies of the areas within four areas of you and remains for 1 hour.
forbidden that let you call upon otherworldly Any creature in a target area when the light appears or
forces for ruinous ends. that moves into it must roll Strength. A creature takes 8d6
damage and becomes sickened on a failure, or just takes
BELLS OF THE ANCIENT ONES half the damage on a success. A creature sickened by this
An eerie ringing noise sounds from your area and can be spell must, at the end of each round, succeed on a
heard from two areas away. The ringing of the bells Strength roll or take a 1d6 penalty to its Health. A
continues for 1 minute. During each upkeep, any creature creature whose Health score drops to 0 or becomes
that can hear the ringing must succeed on a Will roll with

incapacitated while it has a penalty to Health from this
spell dissolves into a foul-smelling pool of jelly.
You rip a hole in reality that looks out onto the
maddening unreality that is the Other Realm. The hole
appears on a point you choose within an adjacent or
closer area and remains for 1d6 + 1 rounds. Each creature
within the surrounding area of the hole sees through it
and must roll Will with 1 bane. The creature becomes
frightened for 1 minute on a failure and, while frightened
in this way, becomes stunned. On a success, the creature
becomes impaired for as long as it remains within the
area surrounding the hole.

You can use this talent once and regain the
Antimage expended use when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Magic makes no ethical demands on its users.
Individuals might cast spells for good and noble
reasons, or they might use magic for selfish ends
and wicked purposes. Without constraints, magic
poses a grave danger to ordinary people. Perhaps
you suffered from a spell effect or bore a curse for a
time. Or, maybe you have just gained a taste for
hunting down magic-users. Whatever your reasons,
you have become an antimage, an individual armed
with the tools needed to unravel spells and other
magical effects.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Thwart Magic When a creature you can see casts a spell,
you can use a reaction to roll Intellect against the
triggering creature’s Intellect. On a success, the
creature expends the casting but the spell has no effect.
Health +4
Magic Resistance You impose 1 bane on rolls made to
affect you with magic and you make rolls to resist
magic with 1 boon.
Turn Spell If the creature triggering the use of your
Thwart Magic talent targeted you with the spell and
you succeed on the Intellect roll, rather than use the
talent’s normal effect, you can switch the target from
you to the caster. The caster then resolves the spell on
Health +4
Resist Spell You take half damage from spells.
Spell Slayer When you deal damage to a creature that
has at least one casting of a spell, you deal 1d6 extra
Suppress Magic A deep rumble sounds from up to four
areas you choose within four areas of you. Each target
area must be adjacent to at least one other target area.
You still all magical energies in each target area,
causing every ongoing effect created by magic to cease
for 8 hours.
You suppress all magical effects in the target areas or
that are affecting creatures or objects in the target
areas for as long as they remain. A suppressed magical
effect ceases to function, but time spent suppressed
counts against the effect’s duration.
If a creature or object under a magical effect leaves a
target area, the magic effect ceases to be suppressed
and resumes its normal effect.
New magical effects cannot originate from within a
target area or reach into it. A creature that consumes a
substance, for example, would experience no effect
from the substance until the creature leaves the area.
Spells and other magic effects created from outside the
area but that would target creatures, objects, or spaces
in the area have no effect once the effect reaches the
area’s border.

Apocalyptist Health +2
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
In the darkest places you sought the secrets of Horrifying Magic Whenever you use Dark Magic, each
magic power. You have sought out the research of creature that can see you must succeed on a Will roll
vile monsters, dread necromancers, individuals with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature becomes
who made pacts with infernals, and those whose frightened for 1 minute. If the total of the roll was 0 or
souls the demons devoured. Such villains leave less, the creature also becomes stunned for as long as it
records of their achievements in scroll and tome, a remains frightened. At the end of each round, an
legacy of their hate and evil. From these texts you affected creature can repeat the roll and removes the
have grown your ability but at a cost you have yet to affliction from itself on a success.
fully understand. You feel the call of darkness, the
temptation to plumb the depths and learn even
greater secrets. Whether or not you answer this call
remains to be seen.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Mage Spells You learn two mage spells.
Mage Spell Castings You have a number of mage spell
castings equal to 1 + half your level. If you already have
mage castings, increase the number by two. You
expend mage castings to cast any mage spell you know.
You regain expended $name castings when you finish
an 8-hour rest.
Forbidden Knowledge You know things about demons,
the Void, infernals, Perdition, spirits, and undead,
faeries, and dark magic. You make rolls to attack
demons, faeries, infernals, spirits, and undead with 1
boon and such creatures make rolls to resist your
attacks with 1 bane.
Dark Temptation Once per round, when you fail a roll,
you can use this talent to discard the result of that roll
and roll again. If the new roll is a success, you gain 1
corruption token. If the new roll is a failure, you
become stunned for 1 round. You retain all corruption
tokens earned from this talent and other talents until
the Sage spends them or you finish an 8-hour rest.
Weight of Wickedness At any time you fail a roll, the
Sage can spend 1 of your corruption tokens. You must
roll Will with 1 bane. On a failure, you become stunned
for 1 minute. During the upkeep, you can roll luck and
remove the stunned affliction from yourself on a
Health +2
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Dark Magic Whenever you cast a spell or read an
inscription that deals damage or bestows an affliction,
you can choose to use dark magic to enhance it. The
spell deals 4d6 extra damage if it affects a single target
or 2d6 extra damage if it affects multiple targets. If the
damage would cause the target to become injured, it
takes 3d6 extra damage. If the effect bestows an
affliction, the target must succeed on a Will roll or also
become frightened for 1 minute. If the effect causes the
target to become incapacitated, it dies in a spectacular
and messy fashion as determined by the Sage. Once
you use Dark Magic, you gain 1 corruption token.

The spells available to mages represent the
foundation of all magical theory and practice. In
them, one finds the fundamental aspects of magic
in all forms. As an arcanist, you delve into these
spells more deeply, exploring their various forms
and discover ways to manipulate them and
empower them. Becoming an arcanist could reflect
a sudden interest in learning magic or reflect a life-
long interest in mage spells.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Mage Spells You learn two mage spells.
Mage Spell Castings You have a number of mage spell
castings equal to 1 + your level. If you already have
mage spell castings, instead increase your number of
mage spell castings by two. You can expend a mage
casting to cast any mage spell you have learned. You
regain expended mage castings when you finish an 8-
hour rest.
Mage Craft When you cast a mage spell, you can choose
one of the following:

• If the spell would target something within your

reach, it now targets something in your area.
• If the spell targets something between your area
and four areas, you increase the maximum
range by two.
• If the spell targets two or more creatures or
objects, you increase the number of targets by
• If the spell targets one creature or object, you
make the roll with 1 boon.
• If the spell allows a roll to mitigate its effects,
you impose 1 bane on the roll.
• If the spell deals damage, the spell now deals
2d6 extra damage if it targets one creature or
1d6 extra damage if it targets multiple creatures.
Health +2
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Improved Mage Craft When you use Mage Craft to
modify a spell’s effects, you can choose two different
Health +2
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Mage Craft Mastery On your turn, you can use a reaction
to cast a mage spell you have learned. Once you use
this talent, you must wait 1 minute before you can use it

Artificer Health +2
Master Artificer When you use Enchant Item, you can
Most effects magic creates exist for a short time expend 3 gp worth of exotic ingredients to make the
before fading away. Magic introduces chaos into the effect permanent.
natural order of things, altering reality in a way that Forge Trinket You can forge a trinket of your choice. To
nature opposes and thus magic cannot persist do so, you must have a tool kit, exotic ingredients worth
before reality reasserts itself. Still, there are ways to half the trinket’s price, work for 4 hours, and then
make permanent magical effects by anchoring expend two uses of Enchant Item. When you finish,
them to physical objects in the world. You learn you create the trinket.
these techniques by becoming an artificer and you
can bind magic to ordinary objects to give them
lasting power.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Identify Magic You can use an action to study one object
under the effect of magic or created by magic. You
identify the magic affecting the object and any
properties that magic bestows.
Enchant Item You can bestow minor magical properties
on items. You can use this talent a number of times
equal to half your level and you regain expended uses
when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Use an action to touch one weapon, suit of armor, or
other object you can reach and grant it a property that
lasts for 1 hour.
For a weapon, choose one of the following:

• Grant the weapon the Brutal, Concussing,

Disarming, Exploding, Finesse, Keen, Martial,
Piercing, Precise, Shattering, Swift, or Vicious
property (see Chapter @: Equipment).
• Grant 1 boon on rolls made to attack with the
• Remove the Slow or Unreliable property from
the weapon.

For armor, the armor’s granted Defense increases by

For all other objects, you grant 1 boon on rolls made
to use the item. You also generally improve the efficacy
of the object, such that containers hold twice their
normal capacity, the object doubles its Health, or has
some other minor magical property with the Sage’s
permission. A property granted in this way cannot
harm, distract, or otherwise hinder a creature or object
in any way.
Health +2
Forge Implement You can create implements. You must
have a tool kit, exotic ingredients worth half the
implement’s price, work for 1 hour, and then expend a
use of Enchant Item. When you finish, you create the
Improved Enchanted Armor and Weapons When you
cast enchant item on a suit of armor, the bonus to
Defense increases to +2. When you cast enchant item on
a weapon, attacks with the weapon deal 1d6 extra

Revel: Your face twists into that of a grinning lunatic while
faeries dance around you, music fills the air, and the grapevines
sprout from the earth all around.
When the gods act in the mortal world, they do so Blind: Your eyes become hollow sockets and your body
through people. No one becomes an avatar by becomes as stone.
choice. Rather, the gods, using criteria known only Pestilence: You waste away until your skin clings to your
to themselves, single out mortals to become their bones. Maggots, beetles, and other vermin spill from your
agents, willing or not. One avatar might have been
Abraxus: You become a being of pure and scintillating color.
godsworn from the beginning and another could be Abaddon: Darkness sheathes you entirely and screams
a dastardly crook who has a habit of indulging sound from your gloom.
every possible vice. Once chosen, the choice is ever Oceanus: You become a green, scaled beast, with fins
lasting until death final claims them. emerging from your limbs and from your spine.
Anyone looking at you would never know that a Honored Dead: You become a being comprised of countless
god or gods singled you out from among all the rest spirits, merged together into an enormous humanoid form.
Lord and Lady: Your face divides into two, with one side
to become vessel for the divine. In fact, you catch
becoming that of light, love, and joy and the other wrath,
yourself doubting this new reality from time to violence and hatred.
time. Being an avatar doesn’t mean you walk Other: Work with the Sage to determine your incarnated
around wearing the divine mantle; rather, it makes form.
your body available to the god to take charge
whenever it wishes and for whatever purpose it LEVEL 7
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
When the god possesses you, the weight of the Divine Manifestation During the upkeep in combat, if
divinity radically transforms your body, reshaping you are not under the effects of Divine Manifestation,
your existing material into something that looks roll a d6. If you roll a 6, you assume the form of the
like the being inside you. You retain some measure avatar (see below) until you become incapacitated or
of control, but if you make a mistake, the god grows you rest for 1 hour.
frustrated and takes control away from you. So, Throes of Divinity During each period of downtime, roll
strive to succeed and you should be all right. a d6 to see what happens. On a 1, you died, but the god
What happens between your adventures resurrected you. Start your next adventure with a 1d6
becomes more and more of a mystery to you, penalty to your Health score. On a 2 to 4, you did
something but have no memory of what happened.
though you are certain to hear stories of some You derive no benefits for that period of downtime. On
gigantic being striding across the world, smiting a 5 or 6, the god left you in peace and you can perform
folks with lightning bolts and letting loose plagues some other downtime activity of your choice.
and earthquakes and worse. How you feel about the
god taking control is up to you, but regardless, your AVATAR TRAITS
life has become anything but dull. Size Increase your size by 1. If you become size 2, reduce
your Defense by 2. If you become larger than size 2,
reduce your Defense by 1.
Divine Aspects Attributes Your attribute scores all become 14 if they are
Your deity uses your body to manifest in the world and so you not greater than 14.
assume a likeness of that your patron. Common deities follow. Health You gain a +20 bonus to Health.
You can embellish these forms in any way you like. Attack Dice +1
High One: You become a gleaming, androgynous being of Awe When a creature sees you in this form, it must
golden radiance.
succeed on a Will roll with 1 bane or become
Lord Death: You head becomes a crowned skull with a ball
frightened for as long as it can see you. On a roll of 0 or
of guttering blue flames suspended above and between the
less, it also falls prone.
Divine Might You make Strength and Agility rolls with 1
Mother Sun: You assume a womanly shape made from
blinding light.
Draconus: You become a dragon of earth and stone.
Divine Wrath You can use an action to unleash the wrath
Fates: Your aspect cycles through three forms, that of a of your divinity. A wave of destructive energy rushes
beautiful young maiden, a noble matron, and a hideous crone. out from you out and into each adjacent area. The
Sky Father: You become a bearded figure with eyes that energy deals 4d6 damage to everything in an affected
bleed lightning, voice that sounds of thunder, body surrounded area other than you. A creature can roll luck and takes
by a swirling storm. half the damage on a success.
Grandfather Tree: You become an enormous animate tree Divine Frustration If you fail any roll or become injured,
with a face appearing in the midst of your trunk. you become controlled by the god. During the upkeep,
The Horned One: Horns emerge from the sides of your head, you can attempt to regain control by rolling Will with 1
while fur covers your lower extremities. bane. On a success, you remove the controlled
Urbanus: You become a perfect physical specimen of your affliction from yourself.
ancestry, combining both masculine and feminine traits.

Health +4
Divine Invocation When you roll to see if you become
the avatar from your Divine Manifestation talent, you
can roll an additional d6.
Divine Interest When not under the effects of your
Divine Manifestation talent, you make luck rolls with 1
Health +4
Divine Fury When you become the avatar from your
Divine Manifestation talent, you heal all damage. You
must then use Divine Wrath immediately, but without
having to use an action to do so. Finally, increase the
number of Attack Dice gained from Divine
Manifestation to 2.

You give no quarter to those who have harmed the
members of your faith, the congregations of your
god, and those places sacred to your patron. If
enemies sack your temples, plunder them of their
relics, you go on the hunt and do not relent until
you bring them all to justice. You might have
chosen this path after some disaster struck or you
might have been groomed for this path, trained to
become an avenging angel. Bolstered by your belief,
dedicated to the causes for which you fight, you set
out to mete justice on those who earn your enmity.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Vengeful Vow When a creature attacks you or another
creature within your area, you can swear a vow of
vengeance against the attacking creature. For 1d6 + 3
rounds, you make rolls to attack the target with 1 boon
and your attacks against it deal 2d6 extra damage. If
you use an action to do anything other than attack the
target while under the effect of this talent, you break
your vow and must wait 1 minute before you can use
this talent again.
Health +4
Relentless During the upkeep, if the creature against
whom you have sworn your Vengeful Vow is no longer
in your area, you gain a move and can use it
immediately to move toward that creature.
Health +4
Vengeful Strike When you roll to attack the target of
your Vengeful Vow, you can roll two additional dice
and use the highest number rolled. For each 20 you
roll on the die, the attack deals 2d6 extra damage.

delusions, and hallucinations. Each target must roll Will.
Beguiler A creature makes the roll with 3 banes if it was the only
target, 2 banes if it was one of only two targets, or 1 bane if
People are locks and you are the key. You know one of only three targets. On a failed roll, the target
what people want, what they desire, what controls becomes confused for 1 minute. When a confused target
them and how to use magic to bend them to your takes a turn, it must succeed on a luck roll or become
will. Your spells wriggle into their minds, awaken stunned until the upkeep.
their deepest desires and make of them your thralls.
You could exploit your control over others, but you You invade the mind of one creature of level 10 or lower
most likely employ others as means to a very that you can see within an adjacent or closer area. Roll
particular end. You need an invitation to a party? Intellect against the target’s Will. If the target is charmed
You can get it. You need information from a by you, you make the roll with 2 boons. If the target is
prisoner? No problem. Yours is a subtle magic, but level 5 or less, you make the roll with 2 boons. If the target
of a kind few can withstand. is level 7 or higher, you make the roll with 2 banes. On a
success, the target becomes controlled for 1 minute. If the
LEVEL 7 target takes damage, it can roll Will and removes the
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. controlled affliction from itself on a success.
Health +2
Beguiler Spells You learn the bewitch spell.
Beguiler Spell Castings You have a number of beguiler
spell castings equal to the number of beguiler spells
you know. You can expend a beguiler casting to cast
any spell you have learned. You regain expended
beguiler castings when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Silver-Tongued Devil When interacting socially with
another creature, you can improve or worsen its
disposition toward you or another creature by one step,
such as indifferent to friendly or unfriendly. The
change in disposition lasts until circumstances would
alter it naturally.
Health +2
Beguiler Spell You learn the confusion spell.
Everyone’s Friend During the upkeep, you can impose 1
bane on rolls made to attack you for 1 round. If a
creature deals damage to you, it becomes immune to
this talent for 24 hours.
Health +2
Beguiler Spells You learn the compulsion spell.
Persistent Charm When a creature you can see within an
adjacent or closer area that you charmed, controlled,
or frightened would remove the affliction, roll luck. On
a success, the creature becomes charmed for 1 minute.

Mage Spells
Your spells confound foes and recruit them to your
You bend the minds of up to five creatures you can see
within an adjacent or closer area. Targets of level 3 or
lower become charmed for 4 hours. Targets of levels
higher than 3 must roll Will, making the roll with 1 boon
for each level it is higher than 4. A target becomes
charmed for 4 hours on a failure. Targets charmed by this
spell do not recall being charmed when it ends.
You attack the minds of up to five creatures within an
adjacent or closer area. You afflict them with paranoia,

Bargaining with dark powers gives you dread power
on the battlefield. A true warrior of darkness, you
show the signs of your pact in your body. You bear a
wound that will never heal, your pallor is sickly,
and black veins spiderweb your body. But the price
you paid is worth it to gain the strength you need to
secure the victory you so desperately crave.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +5; Attack Dice +1
Corrupted Weapon Darkness stains one melee weapon
you wield. Whenever a creature takes damage from an
attack you make with this weapon, the target must
succeed on a Strength roll or become sickened until it
finishes an 8-hour rest. While sickened in this way, the
creature takes a 1d6 penalty to its Health each time it
takes damage from your corrupted weapon.
Health +5; Attacks +1
Close in for the Kill When you take your turn and you
cannot reach an enemy, you can move up to two areas
toward the enemy nearest to you.
Unholy Presence Creatures within your reach are
sickened for as long as they remain there.
Health +5; Attack Dice +1
Unholy Strike When the total of your roll to attack is a 20
or higher, ribbons of darkness and booming laughter
fill the air around you. Each enemy within the
surrounding area must succeed on a Will roll or
become frightened for 1 round.

You master a fighting style that focuses on the use
of small, sharp, edged weapons such as knives and
daggers. You close the distance between yourself
and your foe, ducking inside their reach, and slice
them up with your blades. Such proximity makes it
difficult for targets wielding larger weapons to
strike back at you, so you can keep on stabbing
until they run out of vital fluids or figure out that
you’re not one to fight.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Bleeding Wound When you deal damage to an injured
creature of flesh and blood with a knife, the target also
takes a 1d6 penalty to its Health. While it has this
penalty, the target takes 1d6 damage during each
upkeep. A creature that can reach the target uses an
action to stanch the wound and ends this effect.
Knife Mastery In your hands, you add your Strength or
Agility modifier to damage rolls made from a knife
attack you make.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Close Quarters Fighting When you are not wielding
medium or large weapons, you impose 1 bane on rolls
made to attack you by enemies you can reach and that
wield medium or large weapons.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Blade Mastery You make rolls to attack with small
weapons with 1 boon, knives and daggers you wield
have the Keen property, and you increase the range of
the knife’s Thrown property 2.

Many people pray to Pestilence, beseeching her for
mercy, but few serve her outright as many see her as
a frightening, threatening deity, one who must be
appeased rather than praised. Pestilence brings
suffering to the lands, for certain, but she also
carries out a vital role in clearing away the old to
make room for the new. You belong to her small,
but fervent, priesthood, and spread her message of
sickness wherever you go.
You win the goddess’s favor and begin to
resemble her. You lose weight and color until you
are nothing more than skin and bones, with bruises
under your eyes and a rattle deep in your lungs.
Although you show every sign of being plagued,
you suffer none of the infirmities of sickness.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Spread the Disease You can use an action to infect one
creature you can see within the surrounding area with
a virulent disease. The target becomes sickened.
During each upkeep, the target, while sickened in this
way, must succeed on a Strength roll or take a 1d6
penalty to its Health from the rotting of its body. If the
target succeeds three times before dying, the target
removes the sickened affliction from itself.
Health +4
Purge Disease You can use an action to remove the
sickened affliction from any creature you can reach.
When you remove the affliction, you also rid the target
of its source, such as a disease or parasites.
Sickening Strike When you deal damage to a creature,
the creature becomes sickened and takes 1d6 damage
from the decay of its body during each upkeep it is
within your surrounding area. If the creature is two
areas from you or further during the upkeep, the
creature removes the sickened affliction from itself.
Health +4
Baleful Presence During the upkeep, each sickened
creature within your area takes 3d6 damage from the
infection ravaging their bodies.

Blood Mage
The potential for power magic offers leads many to
seek its mastery by a great many different routes,
some from toiling in libraries others from
bargaining with sinister figures. You, though, chose
a different route. You long suspected your use of
magic and exposure to it has tainted your blood
with its occult energies. By releasing the blood from
your body, you can harness even greater sums of
magical energy with which you can defeat your
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Mage Spells You learn two mage spells.
Mage Spell Castings You have a number of castings for
mage spells equal to 1 + half your level. If you already
have mage spell castings, instead increase your
number of mage spell castings by 2. You expend mage
castings to cast mage spells you know. You regain
expended castings when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Subtle Cut If you are not injured when you would cast a
spell, but before you resolve its effects, you can choose
to take a 1d6 penalty to your Health by cutting into
your flesh to cast the spell without expending a
Health +4
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Skin Scribe You can use a knife or similar object to carve
a spell into your skin for later use. It takes 1 hour to cut
the words into your flesh and, when you finish, you
expend the casting and take a 1d6 penalty to your
Health. While you have a penalty to your Health and
the spell carved into your skin, you can cast the spell
without expending a casting. However, once you
resolve the spell’s effects, roll luck. On a failure, the
spell disappears from your skin, though the penalty
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Blood Seeks Blood You make rolls against creatures of
flesh and blood as a result of casting a spell with 1 boon
and the spell deals 1d6 extra damage. If you roll a 6 on
the extra damage, you can also teleport from your
space and step forth from the target’s body, which
causes the target to become sickened for 1 minute.
Blood Control You can use an action and expend a
casting of a spell to reduce the penalty to your Health
by 5 (minimum 0). In addition, while you are
incapacitated, you make luck rolls with 1 boon.

Your scarred knuckles, the bruises and abrasions
covering your body tell the story of your brawling.
You’ve been fighting with your bare hands for so
long, you prefer them to using other weapons. Sure,
a sword is nice, but you can attack twice as fast and
almost as hard. You know how to hit, but you also
can use your entire body as a weapon and drag your
enemies to the ground and crack them open.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Unarmed Expertise Your unarmed strike has Martial
property if it doesn’t have it already.
Brawling Focus When you make a brawling attack, you
make the roll with 2 boons. In addition, when you
successfully wrestle a target, you can gouge its eyes,
causing it to become blinded for 1 round.
Brutal Shove Whenever you successfully shove a
creature and roll a 15 or higher, the target also falls
Health +6; Attacks +1
Rabbit Punch Once per round, when you make an
unarmed strike and roll a 15 or higher on the die, you
gain an action and can use it immediately to make an
unarmed strike against the same target, but you make
the attack with half your normal Attack Dice.
Crushing Grip When you successfully wrestle a target
you have grabbed and would have the target take
damage, it takes 2d6 extra damage.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Impromptu Shield While you have a creature grabbed
and you are attacked by a creature you can see, you can
use a reaction to roll Strength. On a success, you switch
the target from yourself to the creature you have
Snap the Neck Whenever you deal damage to a creature
from an unarmed strike or brawl attack and the
damage causes the target to become injured, the target
must succeed on a luck roll or you snap its neck, killing
it instantly. Targets that lack necks or physical bodies
are immune to this effect.

At the peak of physical fitness, thick muscles cord
your body and you have vast reserves of stamina on
which you can draw to fight through pain and
adversity. You can take a beating and rely on your
endurance to outlast your enemy.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +8; Attack Dice +1
Feat of Strength If you are not fatigued when you make a
Strength roll, you can use this talent to make the roll
with 3 boons. If you fail the roll, you become fatigued
for 1 minute. Once you use this talent, you must wait 1
hour before you can use it again.
Health +8; Attacks +1
Incredible Stamina You can use an action to heal
damage equal to twice your level. Once you use this
talent, you must finish an 8-hour rest before you can
use it again.
Health +8; Attack Dice +1
Toppling Strike When a creature takes damage from
your melee attack, it must succeed on a Strength roll or
fall prone. If the target is smaller than you, it makes the
roll with 1 bane.

You fight with reckless abandon. You throw yourself
at your enemies, laying about you with all the fury
you can muster. You are a killing machine,
chopping, slashing away at your foes until they all
lay dead or dying.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +5; Attack Dice +1
Bloodlust In battle, your appetite for destruction grows.
Whenever you deal damage, you gain one bloodlust
token, which remains until you spend it or the combat
ends. Once per round, you can spend one token when
you succeed on a roll to attack to deal 1d6 extra damage
or you can spend three tokens on your turn to use
another action.
Health +5; Attacks +1
Strength from Hate While you have at least one
bloodlust token, you make Strength rolls with 1 boon.
Health +5; Attack Dice +1
Spill the Blood When you become injured, you
immediately gain three bloodlust tokens. Once you use
Spill the Blood, you must wait 1 hour before you can
use it again.


Campaigner Each target makes rolls to attack with 1 boon or
2 boons against demons, faeries, monsters,
spirits, and undead.
Blood spilled from religious wars stains history’s • Each target gains a +10 bonus to Health.
pages. Often, conflict arise from schisms within a • Each target increases its Attack Dice by 2.
particular institution and might see the orthodox
faith work to wipe out the breakaway faction or two
sides form over disputes concerning dogma,
translation, or interpretation of the holy texts. Such
conflicts rarely improve the world or the religions
who fight them, but the need to be correct, to
punish those who would challenge the faith, can
prompt all kinds of dreadful action.
You have seen enough evil in the world to know
that a genuine danger threatens the followers of
your faith. The enemy might be filthy heretics who
would twist the gospel for their own dark purposes,
the fiends and their thralls who infiltrate all
positions of power to wreak havoc on the lands, or
the unhinged cultists who would awaken the
Ancient Ones to usher in the end of all things. You
cannot permit such foes to live and thus take up
arms and lead the charge to purge the world of this
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Call to Arms Use an action to shout a battle cry. Each ally
in your area and in each adjacent area that can hear
you can use a reaction to either make an attack or heal
3d6 damage. Once you use this talent, you must wait 1
hour before you can use it again.
Health +4
Enemy of the Faith Use an action to declare one enemy
you can see within two areas to be the enemy of your
faith. For 1 minute or until you use this talent again,
once each round when the target takes damage, it also
takes a 1d6 penalty to its Health.
From the Ashes of Defeat If at least one ally you can see
within your area is injured or incapacitated, you can
use an action to pray for strength. Roll luck. On a
success, you and each ally in your area heal 6d6
damage, remove the frightened affliction, and make
attribute rolls with 1 boon for 1 minute. On a failure,
you heal 6d6 damage and remove the frightened
affliction from yourself. In either case, you must finish
an 8-hour rest before you can use this talent again.
Health +4
Heaven’s Help You can use an action to call upon you
patron deity for help. You and each creature you
choose within your surrounding area gain the
following benefits for 1 minute. Once you use this
talent, you must finish an 8-hour rest before you can
use it again.

When you begin the hymn and during each upkeep until
Cantor the effect ends, you and each ally within your
surrounding area heals 1d6 damage.
You have learned songs, hymns, that invoke
attention from the gods who reward your devotion HYMN OF HOPE
by lending you a measure of their power. Whenever You fill your allies with hope and vitality. You and each
you raise your voice in song, others hear your ally that can hear you cannot be charmed, controlled, or
singing echoed by a heavenly choir that suffuses frightened, or stunned and you make luck rolls with 2
your surroundings. Your hymns might embolden
your companions or unnerve your foes, who HYMN OF JUDGMENT
understand through your music they are fighting When you begin the hymn and during each upkeep, each
the champions of the divine. enemy that can hear you must succeed on a Will roll or
You can serve any deity and become a cantor, fall prone and become slowed for 1 round.
though most cantors belong to the Church of the
High One. You likely keep on your person
numerous hymnals and other songbooks, and,
when not venturing off on some important errand,
you might lead choirs in a local temple, put on
performances for common folk, or go on
pilgrimages to test your faith.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Hymns You can use an action to sing a hymn to invite
supernatural forces to aid and uplift you and your
allies. You can use this talent a number of times equal
to half your level and you regain expended uses when
you finish an 8-hour rest. Each time you use this talent,
choose a hymn from the one’s presented below. The
hymn’s effects last for 1 minute or until you stop
singing. You stop singing when you would speak, cast a
spell, speak a prayer, or become unconscious.
Health +4
Joyful Song While you sing a hymn, each ally that can
hear you makes attribute rolls with 1 boon. Each
enemy that can hear you makes attribute rolls with 1
bane. If an enemy is a demon, faerie, infernal, spirit, or
undead, the number of banes increases to 2.
Health +4
Angelic Choir During the upkeep, if you are performing
a hymn, each enemy that can hear you must succeed
on a Will roll or take 1d6 damage. If the total of the roll
is 5 or less, the enemy also becomes stunned for 1

Divine power flows through your voice to carry out
the will of the divine through song.
When you begin the hymn and during each upkeep until
the effect ends, you and each ally within your
surrounding area gain +1 Attack Die.

You tapped into the heart of the Underworld and
gained power over life and death. You can kill with
a touch, snuffing out life with a gesture, but such
abilities come at a terrible price, one that shows in
your form. Gradually your head becomes more
skull like until all the flesh has fallen away, your
eyes have vanished into dark pools, and lips draw
back to expose your teeth.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +1
Shadow of Death Whenever you touch an ordinary
plant, it withers and dies.
One Foot in the Grave You make all Strength and Agility
rolls with 1 bane.
Touch of Death Use an action to reach toward one
creature you can reach. Roll Strength or Agility against
the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 4d6 + 3
damage. On a failure, you make your next roll to use
Touch of Death within 1 round with 3 boons.
Health +1
Call of the Grave Injured creatures within your area
become fatigued for as long as they are within this
area. In addition, you can use an action to force each
injured creature to roll Strength and fall prone and be
unable to stand for 1 round on a failure.
Health +1
Lethal Presence During the upkeep, each injured enemy
within your surrounding area must roll Strength. The
enemy takes a 1d6 penalty to its Health on a failure, or
becomes immune to your Lethal Presence for 24 hours
on a success.
Lethal Touch Your Touch of Death deals 3d6 extra

In the time since your last adventure, you found a
steed from the Spirit World who sought your aid.
Upon giving it, the steed returns the favor and
henceforth answers your call by galloping out of
the mists to bear you as a rider. You and the steed
have bonded and maintain a strong partnership.
Together, there is no challenge you cannot
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Bonded Steed You bonded with a magical warhorse that
dwells in the Spirit World. You can use an action to call
your steed a number of times per day equal to half
your level and regain expended uses when you finish
an 8-hour rest.
When you call your steed, mists appear at a place
within your surrounding area and part as your steed
gallops toward you. The steed is a war steed (see @)
under your control. It takes its turn when you do and
you decide what it does on each of its turns. It has
whatever armor and equipment you give to it. If your
steed dies, you can bond with a new steed 24 hours
Health +6; Attacks +1
Superior Steed Your war steed has a +10 bonus to Health.
True Bond When you and your steed are in the same
area when your steed takes damage, you can choose to
take some or all of the damage on the steed’s behalf.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Winged Steed Your bonded steed now has wings that let
it fly 90 miles per hour. Also, your steed’s bonus to
Health increases to 20, and its attack deals 1d6 extra

takes 8d6 damage, or 2d6 damage on a failure. A target
Celestial that takes 10 damage or more also catches fire.
The rosy fingers of dawn reach out over the world LASTING LIGHT
each dawn, burning away the darkness for another You emit dim light for 8 hours. Until the spell ends, you
day. From this brightening light you draw your can use an action to bright light to shine from a point you
magic, learning how to absorb the sun’s rays and choose within two areas of you. This created light
release them to burn away the shadows and those become dim light after 12 hours and then goes out 12
hours after that.
things that creep in them. Since your magic directly
deals with the sun, you cannot abide long stretches NOVA
in darkness, for it leaves you weakened and puts out The explosion of light from your chest throws back your
of reach the magic you wield. arms and causes your back to arch. The light deals 10d6
damage to everything in your area and 5d6 damage to
LEVEL 7 everything in each adjacent area. A creature that takes
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. this damage can roll Strength and takes half the damage
Health +2 on a success. Any creature injured by the damage
Celestial Spells You learn the burning radiance spell. becomes blinded for 24 hours.
Celestial Spell Castings You have a number of celestial
spell castings equal to the number of celestial spells
you know. You can expend a celestial casting to cast
any spell you have learned. You regain expended
celestial castings when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Seize the Light If you are in an area of dim or bright
light, you can use an action to draw the light into you,
which causes you to emit bright light for 1 hour or until
you dismiss this effect (requires no action).
While you emit this light, you can use an action to
focus the radiance and send as a blazing beam toward
one creature or object within four areas of you. Roll
Intellect against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
beam hit and deals 3d6 + 3 damage. If the target takes
10 damage or more, it also catches fire.
Hateful Darkness You are impaired while in areas of no
Health +2
Celestial Spells You learn the lasting light spell.
Harness Sunlight If you spend 1 hour in direct sunlight,
all light created by your Celestial spells for the next 24
hours count as sunlight.
Health +2
Celestial Spells You learn the nova spell.
Blinding Flash When you are under the effects of Seize
the Light, you can use an action to end the effect with a
brilliant flash. Each creature in each adjacent and
closer area must succeed on a luck roll or become
blinded for 1 minute. During each upkeep, a blinded
creature can roll Strength and removes the blinded
affliction from itself on a success. Once you use this
talent, you must wait 1 hour before you can use Seize
the Light again.

Celestial Spells
You learn spells that let you create light and
intensify it to burn your foes.
You send a ray of scorching light from your body at up to
five creatures or objects you choose within two areas. For
each target, roll Intellect against its Agility. The target

You swore a solemn oath to fight for a particular
cause, a person, or nation. The cause to which you
are pledged drives you to fight against tyranny, to
defend the interests of your land, or to advance
your regent’s goals. Failing to live up to your oath
means dishonor and that is a fate worse than death.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Champion’s Fury When you take the initiative, you make
rolls to attack with 1 boon.
Never Give Up When damage would cause you to
become incapacitated, immediately heal damage equal
to your level. Once you use this talent, you must wait 1
minute before you can use it again.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Never Surrender Whenever you gain an affliction, you
immediately roll Will. On a success, you remove the
affliction from yourself.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Desperate Strike If you are injured, you can use an
action to make a desperate effort. Your damage total
drops to your Health minus 1 and you then make an
attack. You make the roll with 3 boons and the attack
deals 6d6 extra damage. Once you use Desperate
Strike, you must finish an 8-hour rest before you can
use it again.
Driven When you roll a 5 or less on a roll of a d20 to
make an attack, you can add 10 to your roll. If the
attack results in a failure, you lose this talent until you
finish an 8-hour rest.

Chaotician Health +4
Ruinous Surge When you use Chaos Strike, you can
No one knows what created the Devastation, but choose to deal 4d6 extra damage, but you must decide
many claim the reckless use of magic by the before you roll. After resolving the roll, roll a d6. If the
spellcasters of that realm might have been number of rolled is higher than the uses you have
responsible. Legend tells of the chaoticians, strange remaining, you trigger Chaos Surge.
people whose grip on reality and the magic they
used had frayed to the point that ruin followed CHAOS MAGIC
d20 Effect
wherever they went. When the Exarchs of the
1 You vanish. After 1d6 rounds, you reappear at a spot
Empire were not warring against each other, they inside the area that you left. Roll a d6. On a 3 or less,
kept these people bound and blindfolded in secure you have a 2d6 penalty to Health. On a 4 or more,
vaults where they could do no harm until such time you heal 2d6 damage.
they were deployed to destroy their enemies. 2 You lose 1 casting of your choice. If you have no
The original chaoticians might be long gone, but castings to lose, you instead become stunned for 1
a new generation of reckless magicians have arisen round.
3 Weird, flashing lights and eerie music spreads
in the time since the Old Country’s fall. You could
through your area, dealing 2d6 damage to each
have come by these talents after suffering some creature in it.
trauma that makes it hard to control your magic or 4 You cannot use an action during your next turn.
from a willful descent into the uncertainty of chaos 5 You swap positions with a randomly determined
magic. Each time you cast a spell, the magic creature in an adjacent or closer area.
threatens to break free in burst potent enough to 6 You transform into an object of the Sage’s choice
blow apart bystanders and send buildings toppling. and remain in that form for 1 round.
7 You transform into a toad (see page $#) and remain
You have found this unspooling of control
in that form for 1 minute.
occurring within you and fear the day when your 8 A high-pitched whine fills the air in your area,
magic finally takes everything from you. causing all creatures in it to become deafened for 1
LEVEL 7 9 The area you are in trades places with an adjacent
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. area. The effect is permanent.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1 10 Brilliant light floods your area, causing every sighted
Harness Chaos When you take a turn, you can choose to creature in it to become blinded for 1 round.
harness chaos magic (no action required). Roll Will. 11 You become frightened for 1 minute after seeing
On a success, you generate a number of uses of chaos something to terrifying you will be haunted for the
magic equal to your level. On a failure, you generate rest of your life.
half as much. You retain the chaos magic until you 12 You teleport to a place of your choice within 1d6
expend it or you lose it. You spend chaos magic to use areas of you.
your Chaos Strike talent. 13 You feel a surge of strength flow through. For 1
You can use Harness Chaos a number of times equal round, you make attribute rolls with 1 boon.
to half your level and regain expended uses when you 14 You gain an action and must use it immediately or
finish an 8-hour rest. it’s lost.
Chaos Surge Each time you take damage or gain an 15 Liquid energy fountains from your hands toward up
affliction while you have at least one use of chaos to three creatures or objects that can reach each
magic, you must succeed on a Will roll or lose one use other and are within an adjacent or closer area. The
of chaos magic and then roll on the Chaos Magic table, energy deals 3d6 damage.
presented below. 16 A copy of one enemy of the Sage’s choice appears in
Chaos Strike You can use an action and expend a use of your area and remains until it dies.
chaos magic to release a multicolored blast at one 17 One creature or object of your choice in your area
creature or object within two areas. Roll Will against teleports onto a solid surface elsewhere in your
the target’s Agility. On a success, the energy hits and environment. The Sage chooses the destination.
deals 6d6 damage. If you rolled an odd number on the 18 You and each creature and flammable object in your
area catches fire.
die got the Intellect roll, however, you lose one
19 One creature of the Sage’s choice becomes
additional use of chaos magic, with the effects as
controlled by you for 1 minute. The target can roll
described above. On a failure, the target takes 2d6
Will during each upkeep and removes the affliction
damage from being grazed by the effect. from itself on a success.
LEVEL 8 20 Appearing in your area are 1d6 horrors. The horrors
are enemies to you and your allies and remain until
Health +4
Explosive Surge Any creature that takes damage from
your Chaos Surge moves one area away from you and
falls prone. In addition, the ground within your
surrounding area becomes challenging terrain from
the magic shattering and breaking up its surface.

Decelerate The target becomes slowed for 1 minute.
Chronomancer The target cannot retreat or run. And the target makes
attribute rolls with 1 bane and grants 1 boon on attribute
People who study time magic have a way of rolls made against it. When the effect ends, the target
vanishing, slipping away into other place or time, makes attribute rolls with 2 boons for 1 round.
never to be seen again. And yet, for all the perils the
tradition promises, it has never lacked for students TIME TRAVEL
eager to solve the mysteries of time travel. In You step forward in time to any point you choose. The
effect causes you to disappear until time catches up to
becoming a chronomancer, you see the you, at which point you seem to reappear in the space
opportunities afforded by manipulating time’s you left. If something occupies that space, you must
passage and begin the hard work of mastering its succeed on an Intellect roll or take 20d6 damage.
spells. You learn how to speed time up, slow it
LEVEL 7 You must expend three chronomancer castings to cast
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. this spell.
Health +2 You cause time to stop in your area until you use an
Chronomancer Spells You learn time warp. action to cause time to resume. Everything in the target
Chronomancer Spell Castings You have a number of area, other than you, freezes in place until the spell ends.
chronomancer spell castings equal to the number of Creatures in the area become insensate and take no
chronomancer spells you know. You can expend a turns. They cannot use actions, reactions, or moves. Any
chronomancer casting to cast any spell you have ongoing effect affecting a creature becomes suppressed
learned. You regain expended chronomancer castings until time resume and rounds spent in the area of
when you finish an 8-hour rest. stopped time do not count against the duration.
Stolen Moments Whenever you cast a spell, roll luck. On Objects in the area are affected as creatures.
a success, you gain a time token, which you keep until The area of stopped time prevents anything from
you spend it or you finish an 8-hour rest. You spend moving into the area from outside it. Anything that would
time tokens to use chronomancer talents. You can have enter the area stops upon reaching the edge and remains
a maximum number of time tokens equal to half your there until this spell ends, at which point they resume
level. their movement into the area. A creature that uses magic
Precognition When you roll a d6 or a d20, you can spend to enter the area, such as teleportation, appears where it
a time token to roll an extra die of its kind and use chooses, but then becomes subject to the spell’s effect.
either result. You can freely enter and exit the target area. You can
attempt to move creatures and objects in the area but you
LEVEL 8 must use an action to do so and succeed on a Strength
Health +2 roll. The Sage might impose 1 or more banes on the roll
Chronomancer Spell You learn time travel. depending on the target’s size and material composition.
Seize Moment You can spend a time token in place of Creatures and objects in the area, however, are immune
giving up a move or action to take the initiative. to damage while they remain in the area. If you push a
creature or object outside the area, the creature can act
LEVEL 10 freely.
Chronomancer Spell You learn stop time. Resumed Time Once the spell ends, time moves faster
Paradox Use an action and expend three time tokens to in the area it affected until it resumes the normal flow of
create a snarl in time. One creature you choose within time. Two rounds pass inside the area for every round
an adjacent or closer area must succeed on an Intellect that elapses outside it until time again flows the same in
roll with 1 bane or disappear for 1 minute. When the both places. If the spell lasted for 3 rounds, for instance,
effect ends, the target returns to the place it left or a then the accelerated time lasts for 3 rounds. Each of the
place nearest to it. extra rounds that elapses inside the area occurs between
each pair of rounds that elapse outside it. Any creature in
Chronomancer Spells the area during one of these extra rounds can take a turn.
You learn spells to manipulate time’s passage. But if a creature leaves the area on its turn during one of
these extra rounds, the creature enters normal time, and
TIME WARP its turn immediately ends as it does so.
You warp time for up to three creatures you can see Attacks and other effects originating from inside the
within adjacent or closer. For each target, choose one of area that would affect targets or areas outside it are
the following effects. resolved during the upkeep of the extra round. In
Accelerate You speed up the target for 1 minute. The addition, creatures inside the area make rolls against
spell increases the number of moves and actions the targets outside the area with 3 boons, while targets
target can use on each turn. In addition, the target makes outside the area make rolls to resist harmful effects with 3
attribute rolls against other creatures with 1 boon and banes.
imposes 1 bane on attribute rolls made against it. When
the effect ends, the target must succeed on a Will roll or
become stunned for 1 round.


Clockmaker Combat Programming. Make rolls to attack
with the automaton’s fist with 1 boon and the
attack deals 1d6 extra damage.
You build clockwork engines to animate objects.
Serving you are two mechanical manikins powered LEVEL 10
by these devices. You continually tinker with them, Health +2
making improvements on the engine and their Extra Automaton You now have four automatons.
capabilities. Clockwork Enhancements For each automaton, increase
its level to 4 and choose two more upgrades granted by
LEVEL 7 your level 8 benefits.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Clockwork Repair When you use spare parts to remove
damage from an object, you remove 1d6 extra damage.
Clockwork Automaton You have two clockwork
automatons. They accompany you and obey your
commands. Your automatons can have any appearance
you choose: humanoid, centauroid, insectoid, or
something else. Rules for using them follow. When you
take a turn, so do your automatons. If an automaton
takes damage, you can use spare parts to repair it. If the
automaton is destroyed, you can build a replacement
as one downtime activity, up to your maximum of two.
Size 1 animated object
Defense Strength Agility Intellect Will Health

10 12
Clockwork Motor Somewhere on automaton’s body in a
place it cannot reach is a large key. The key stops
turning when it becomes unconscious, at which point
it loses the animated object trait. A creature that can
reach the automaton can use an action to wind the key.
During the upkeep, roll luck. The automaton regains
the animated object trait on a success, or takes 1d6
penalty to its Health and remains an object on a
Fist (melee) Strength (+2) against Defense: 1d6 damage
Health +2
Extra Automaton You now have three automatons.
Clockwork Upgrades For each of your automatons,
increase its level to 3 and choose two upgrades:

• Armored Plating. Increase the automaton’s

Defense by 3.
• Piston Assemblies. Increase the automaton’s
Strength by 2.
• Lightweight Materials. Increase the automaton’s
Agility by 2.
• Reinforced Chassis. Increase the automaton’s
Health by 12.
• Low-Light Lenses. The automaton gains night
• Wings. The automaton can fly up to 30 mph.
• Weapon Programming. Replace the
automaton’s weapon with one of your choice for
which it meets the requirements.

You specialize in magic that lets you produce
something from nothing. The conjure spell starts
you on the journey, but as you work with the spell,
testing its limits, you find there is almost nothing
you cannot create with a word and gesture.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Mage Spells You learn conjure. If you know this mage
spell already, you can learn a different mage spell.
Mage Spell Castings You have a number of mage spell
castings equal to 1 + your level. If you already have
mage spell castings, increase the number of castings
available to you by two. You can expend a mage casting
to cast any mage spell you know. You regain expended
mage castings when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Concealing Smoke At any time, you can use a reaction
and expend a mage casting to produce a cloud of
smoke to spread out from between your feet and
remain for 1 minute. The smoke creates obscurement
in your area.
Improved Conjuration When you cast the conjure spell,
you can choose an object with a price of 25 gp or less.
Health +2
Conjure Energy Use an action and expend a mage
casting to produce destructive energy that remains
until you expend it. You measure this energy in d6s, of
which you have five. When you cast this spell or when
you use an action to do so, you can expend some or all
of this energy by hurling it at a creature or object
within two areas. Expend any number of energy dice
and then roll Intellect against the target’s Agility. On a
success, the energy hits and deals 1d6 damage per die
of energy expended plus 1 damage for each die you
expended. On a failure, you regain half of the energy
dice you expended.
Greater Conjuration When you cast the conjure spell, the
object conjured remains for 24 hours. In addition, you
can expend one extra casting to choose an object worth
100 gp.
Health +2
Master of Conjuration When you cast conjure, you can
expend three extra castings to produce a structure in
up to four adjacent areas you choose within four areas.
The structure can be a tower with up to ten floors, a
house with up to ten rooms, a bridge, staircase, or
towering wall made from rock, iron, or some other
material you choose. Alternatively, you can conjure a
wagon large enough to hold ten size 1 passengers or a
ship large enough to accommodate twenty such
people. You make all decisions about the structure or
vehicle’s appearance.
Alternatively, objects you conjure can have a worth
of up to 1,000 gp

The battlefield calls and you answer with an
eagerness that might make others question your
sanity. But for you, combat represents the ultimate
test of your mettle and you measure your worth in
the bodies of the dead that stack up around you.
You crush your enemies and drive them before you.
And in your violence, your allies take heart and can
seize upon the opportunities you give them.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Kill Them All When you attack, you can shout threats at
your enemies. Before you resolve the attack, each
creature you choose within an adjacent or closer area
and that can hear you must succeed on a Will roll with
1 bane or become frightened for 1 minute or until that
creature deals damage to you. A creature frightened in
this way can repeat the Will roll at the end of each
round and removes the affliction from itself on a
success. Once you use Kill Them All you must wait 1
minute before you can use it again.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Like Wheat to the Scythe You and each ally within your
surrounding area of you make rolls to attack frightened
creatures with 1 boon.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Drive Them Before You Whenever two or more allies
deal damage in the same round, you can force up three
creatures that you choose to roll Will. On a failure, the
creature becomes frightened for 1 round. While
frightened in this way, the creature must run away
from you by the safest available route before it uses an
action, if it can use an action.
Imminent Victory Each time you or an ally causes an
enemy to become incapacitated, you gain a victory die.
You retain victory dice until you expend them, the
combat ends, or a member of your group becomes
incapacitated. Whenever a creature you can see would
make an attribute roll and you are conscious and able
to use actions, you can spend a victory die to grant that
creature 2 boons on its roll.

before being destroyed. Destroying the ice removes the
Cyromancer restrained affliction from the creature. A restrained
creature can also use an action to roll Strength with 1
Cold, ice, snow: you crave these things. You belong bane and removes the restrained affliction from itself on
to the winter and the magic you wield lets you a success.
plunge the temperatures around you and assail When a creature that isn’t restrained takes a turn in the
your foes with all of winter’s weapons. From your area or moves into it, the creature must succeed on an
study of cold magic, your body becomes as cold as a Agility roll or fall prone.
corpse and your eyes become blue-white. The surfaces of pools and other large bodies of water
in the area freeze solid, but remain slippery. The ice can
LEVEL 7 be broken and has Health 10.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. Finally, fire touched to ice causes it to melt, but the
Health +2 magic prevents fire from raising the overall temperature
Cyromancer Spells You learn the freezing ray spell. in the area. Any magic fire, however, released into the
Cyromancer Spell Castings You have a number of area ends the effect immediately.
cyromancer spell castings equal to the number of When the spell ends, the temperature gradually
cyromancer spells you know. You can expend a returns to normal with predictable results—frozen
cyromancer casting to cast any spell you have learned. liquids melt, for example.
You regain expended cyromancer castings when you
finish an 8-hour rest. FLASH FREEZE
Cold Resistance You take half damage from cold and you Lethal cold washes through one adjacent or closer area.
suffer no effects from cold exposure. Each creature of flesh and blood in the area takes 6d6
Ice Blade You can form a dagger or sword from ice that damage. A creature can roll Strength and takes half the
remains until you drop it. Your make rolls to attack damage on a success, or becomes impaired for 1 round on
with the weapon with 1 boon and your attacks with it a failure.
deal 2d6 extra damage from the cold it radiates. FREEZING RAY
LEVEL 8 A magical blue beam streaks from your outstretched
finger toward one creature or object within four areas.
Health +2
Roll Intellect against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
Cyromancer Spells You learn the flash freeze spell.
beam hits and the target takes 12d6 damage and freezes. A
Freezing Presence When you cast a spell, you can choose
to drop the temperature of the air within your frozen target is restrained and takes 1d6 damage during
each upkeep. The target remains frozen until it takes
surrounding area to far below freezing for 1 round.
damage from fire or until it uses an action to roll Strength
Each creature of flesh and blood in the area must
succeed on a Strength roll or become impaired for 1 and succeeds on that roll.
Health +2
Name Spells You learn the arctic blast spell.
Ice Mastery You can use an action armor your body in ice
that lasts until you dismiss it or take damage from fire.
The ice grants you a +3 bonus to Defense, halves any
damage you would take from fire, makes you immune
to damage from cold, and increase the extra damage
from your Ice Blade talent to 3d6.

Cyromancer Spells
You wield winter’s might as your weapon. Your
spells plunge the temperatures around you to
Hideous cracking noises sound from each of six adjacent
areas you choose within two areas as the temperature in
drops away. Flakes of ice swirl in the air and breaths
plume. All liquids in the area freeze solid and a thin layer
of ice covers all surfaces creating challenging terrain.
Each creature in the area when you cast the spell must
roll Strength, taking 4d6 damage and becoming
restrained from being covered in ice until the spell ends
on a failure, or just taking half the damage on a success.
The ice covering a restrained creature can take 5 damage

Mother Sun chose you to be her champion, to carry
her light into the dark places. You show her gifts in
the changes of your form, for the person you were
has sloughed away until only light remains. The
radiance constituting your form leaves only the
shape of you and your possessions. You have
become living light.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Radiant Form You retain your shape, but appear to be
made from light. You retain your physical substance,
but you always shed light. On your turn, you can
decide how much light to shed: faint, dim, or bright.
Faint light illuminates everything within 3 feet of you.
While you emit bright light, you impose 1 bane on rolls
made to attack you by creatures you can reach.
Solar Flare Use an action to hurl a tongue of fire at one
creature or object within two areas. Roll Will against
the target’s Agility. On a success, the flames hit and
deal 4d6 damage and the target must succeed on a luck
roll or catch fire. The damage increases to 5d6 at level 8
and 7d6 at level 10. If you roll a 20 on the die, the
flames deal 2d6 extra damage.
Health +4
Radiant Heat While you emit bright light from Radiance,
during the upkeep, each creature within your
surrounding area must succeed on a Strength roll or
take 2d6 damage.
Health +4
Sunburst Use an action to release a burst of intense light
that blasts from you in a straight line out to a distance
of four areas. Everything in each affected area takes
10d6 damage. A creature must roll Strength, taking half
the damage on a success, or becoming blinded for 1
minute on a failure. Once you use this talent, you only
emit faint light from Radiance and you cannot use
Solar Flare or Sunburst for 1 hour.

Death Dealer
You fight with shocking ferocity. It is nothing you to
hack your enemies apart for you are the dealer of
death, the bringer of endings, and woe to anyone
who dares stand in your way.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Wild Swing Use an action to swing a medium or large
weapon you wield around your body in a deadly arc.
Each creature within your reach must succeed on an
Agility roll or take 3d6 damage.
Brutality All weapons in your hands count as having the
Brutal property.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Hack and Hew All weapons you wield have the Swift
property if they don’t have it already.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Make Mountains of the Dead Whenever use an action to
attack or use Wild Swing, each level creature or object
of level 1/2 or lower within your reach takes damage
equal to its Health.
Revel in the Slaughter Whenever you cause a creature to
become incapacitated, you impose 1 bane on rolls
made to attack you until the next round’s upkeep.

Death Knight
Mortals must heed Lord Death when he calls. To
refuse invites the dark one’s wrath. The death
knights serve their humorless patron by hunting
down and killing those who refuse to move on.
They scrape necromancers into their graves, toss
undead into the pyres, and send spirits howling
from them.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Death Warded You impose 1 bane on rolls made to attack
you by spirits and undead. In addition, you take half
damage from attacks from spirit and undead.
Deathly Presence Once per round, when an enemy in
your area takes damage, it takes 1d6 extra damage.
Health +4
Call the Dead When you see a spirit or undead with two
areas, you can use a reaction to roll Will against the
target’s Will. On a success, you pull the target into your
Wrath of the Death Lord Spirits and undead take double
damage from your attacks.
Health +4
Death’s Judgment When you succeed on a roll to attack,
you can roll luck. On a success, each creature you
choose within your surrounding area takes 3d6
damage. Spirits and undead take double this damage.
Once you use this talent, you must wait 1 minute before
you can use it again. You can use this talent a number
of times equal to half your level and you regain
expended uses when you finish an 8-hour rest.

You protect the people around you. This calling
might come from obligation, a debt owed to your
companions, or a responsibility you have assumed
in accordance with your beliefs. In battle, you draw
attention to yourself and destroy anyone who dares
to ignore you.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Defense +1; Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Defender’s Stance You can move into the Defender’s
Stance and stay in this position until you move or
cannot use actions. While in this stance, you impose 1
bane on rolls made to attack any creatures you choose
within your surrounding area. In addition, if you are
on a solid, stable surface, you cannot be moved against
your will or knocked prone.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Retributive Strike When a creature you can reach
attacks another creature you can reach, but before the
dice are rolled, use a reaction to attack the triggering
creature using all of your Attack Dice.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Peerless Defender The number of banes imposed on
rolls to attack from your Defender’s Stance talent,
increases to 2. Also, when you use Retributive Strike,
you make the roll to attack with 2 boons.

Urbanus taught mortals to use the gift of reason
revealed to them by the Adversary and showed
them how to put their minds to the work of
building cities and, by extension, civilization.
Through service to Urbanus, you become a patron
of the arts, a student of philosophy, and expert in
navigating the laws of any land. You are an
accomplished peace-maker, a diplomat without
peer. You cultivate civilization and help people
realize a lasting peace.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Decree of Peace You can use an action to issue a decree
of peace. Each creature within your area and each
adjacent area that can hear you must succeed on a Will
roll with 1 bane or become peace-bound for 1 hour or
until you end the effect using an action. While peace-
bound, a creature makes rolls to attack with 2 banes. If
a peace-bound creature takes any damage, it ends the
peace-bound effect on itself. You can use this talent a
number of times equal to half your level and you
regain expended uses when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Diplomacy You can use an action to make peace with one
creature that can see and hear you. Roll Will against
the target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes
charmed for 24 hours. If the target takes damage or
gains an affliction from you or one of your allies, the
effect ends. On a failed roll, the target becomes
immune to your Diplomacy for 24 hours.
Health +4
Stay the Hand When a creature succeeds on a roll to
attack you, you can a reaction to roll Will against the
attacking creature’s Will. On a success, you turn the
success into a failure and the attacking creature
becomes charmed by you for 1 minute or until it takes
damage. On a failure, you lose this talent until you
finish an 8-hour rest.
Urge for Calm When a creature would deal damage to
another creature, you can use a reaction to reduce the
damage dealt by 2d6 (minimum 0).
Health +4
Calm and Reason Use an action to remove any of the
following afflictions from one creature within your
surrounding area that can see and hear you: charmed,
controlled, frightened, or stunned.
Unexpected Alliances When you succeed on the roll to
use Stay the Hand, the target becomes controlled for as
long as it remains charmed.

Disciple of the Four
You became a disciple of the Four Winds, an
ancient philosophy whose teaching were preserved
in a Monastery hidden among the peaks of the
Titans, a range of mountains marching across the
center of the New Lands. From your training, you
learned how to harness the wind and make it your
ally, to free yourself from material obligations, and
live in harmony with the natural world.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Wind Fury Strike Your melee attacks gain the Reach
property, as the winds emanating from your
movements let you strike from afar.
Light Step You can walk and run up vertical surfaces and
across liquid surfaces, but you must end your
movement on a solid surface or you fall or sink. You
can stand up without having to use a move to do so,
provided you are capable of moving. Finally, you can
balance on any solid surface, even those normally
incapable of bearing your weight such as a tiny branch
or even a leaf.
Health +4
Catch Missile You impose 2 banes on rolls made to attack
you with ranged weapons. In addition, whenever a roll
to attack you with a such a weapon succeeds, you can
roll luck. On a success you catch the weapon or
projectile before it deals damage to you.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Hurricane Strike When you roll a 15 or higher to make a
melee attack, your attack deals 2d6 extra damage and
the target must succeed on a Strength roll or fly one
area away from you and fall prone.
Walk the Sky When you move, you can move in any
direction, including up or down and remain there even
if there is no solid surface on which to stand.

information or not. Once you use this talent, you must
Diviner rest for 8 hours before you can use it again.
There are some who believe the future has already
been written, that all choices have been weighed
and made before the eyes of the gods. Mortal
existence is one grand drama that plays out in a
manner preordained. Your gifts as a diviner might
give some proof to these speculations since you
peer into future happenings and see likely
outcomes based on the actions choose in the
present. More often than not, the future you witness
comes to pass, and perhaps there is no such thing
as free will at all.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Divinatory Insights When you finish an 8-hour rest, you
gain a number of insights equal to half your level,
which remain until you finish another 8-hour rest or
you spend them. Whenever you would make an
attribute roll or luck roll or when an attribute roll is
made against you, you can expend an insight and
either make your roll with 3 boons or impose 3 banes
on the roll made against you.
Health +4
Future Glimpse Use an action to peer 1 minute into the
immediate future. Roll Intellect. On a success, for 1
minute, you impose 1 bane on rolls made to attack you,
make rolls to resist harmful effects with 1 boon, and
movement does not count as moving out of peril. On a
failure, you must rest for 1 hour before you can use this
talent again.
Foretelling You can spend 10 minutes using implements
of divination such as notched sticks, tea leaves, cards,
or simply the palm of a creature’s hand to divine the
creature’s future. If you finish, you give the creature
insights into its future. The creature gains an insight
die, which is a d6, and retains that die until it
completes a rest. Whenever a roll is made for the
creature or a creature rolls against, the creature rolls
the insight die and can add or subtract the die from the
result of the roll. At any time when presented with a
choice of directions, the creature can sacrifice the die
and force the Sage to reveal if a direction will have
good results, bad results, or uncertain results. Once
you use this talent, you must complete a rest before
you can use it again.
Health +4
Divination You can use divinatory tools to receive an
answer to a question. The question you pose can be no
longer than 20 words. It takes 1d20 minutes to receive
an answer and, at the end of this time, roll luck. On a
success, the Sage must answer truthfully, giving as
much or as little information as suited to the question.
On a failure, the sage can answer truthfully or not,
leaving it up to you to decide whether you have true

Dragon Fury Adept
The master who founded the Dragon Fury fighting
style did so after observing a dragon fighting for its
life in battle. The master developed moves, strikes,
and poses that emulate the dragon’s claw strikes
and snapping fangs. You set out to learn the style
and trained to master its swift strikes and raw
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Dragon Fury Style Your unarmed attacks gain the Brutal
and Martial properties. In addition, while you wear no
armor and are conscious, add your Strength modifier
to your Defense.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Dragon’s Fury Whenever you succeed on a roll for an
unarmed attack, you gain a Dragon’s Fury die. You
retain this die for 1 minute, until you expend it, or until
you become unconscious. When you attack, you can
expend any number of Dragon’s Fury dice to add them
to the Attack Dice for your attack.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Dragon Wrath You can use an action and expend one
Dragon’s Fury die to make a flurry of attacks against
each creature you can reach. Each target must roll
Agility with 1 bane, taking 6d6 damage on a failure, or
half the damage on a success. A target injured by this
damage also takes a penalty to its Health equal to the
damage dealt.
Might of the Dragon Your unarmed attacks gain the
Exploding property.

Fury of the Horned One When you take the initiative
Dread Hunter and use an action to attack, you make the roll with 2
boons and your attacks deal 1d6 extra damage.
As with more relationships between the divine and
the beings inhabiting the mortal world, the Horned
Lord decides who serves, singling one in the
teeming mass to become his representative. While
you might consider it an honor to serve, the
experience of being chosen might have left you
traumatized, having endured countless nights in
nightmares where a great, horned thing stalked you
through an interminable forest, its eyes blazing, its
roars sending the thrill of fear through your breast.
When the hunter finally captures you, tearing you
apart with its bare hands, it symbolically ends your
own life so you can begin anew as a dread hunter.
Upon waking, you found yourself changed by the
god. Traces of your original form remain, but you
become larger, stronger, tougher, with antlers
reaching out from your brow. Your facial features
undergo a similar change such that where you once
had a mouth, you now have a snout filled with
sharp teeth. Your eyes gleam and you hunger for
raw meat at all times. What memories you have of
the life you lived before fade in the fever dream of
your present servitude.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Horned One’s Beast You now resemble the Horned One,
the Lord of Beasts, and Master of the Wild Places. You
gain the following benefits and drawbacks.

• Increase your size to 2 if it’s not 2 already. If your

size becomes 2, reduce your Defense by 2.
• You have a +10 bonus to Health.
• You have sharp horns extending out from the
sides of your head. Your unarmed attacks gain
the Brutal and Martial properties.
• You make Strength rolls with 1 boon and you
impose 1 bane on rolls made against your
• You cannot be slowed.
Health +4
Roar of the Hunter Use an action to roar. Each enemy
within two areas that can hear you must succeed on a
Will roll or become frightened of you for 1 minute.
Savage Strike When you use an action to attack, you can
make an unarmed attack as part of that attack,
provided you can assign at least 1 Attack Die to assign
to that attack. You the roll for this attack with 1 boon
and it deals 1d6 extra damage.
Health +4
Kill the Weak You make rolls to attack frightened targets
with 2 boons.

You can fight, but you’re at your best when fighting
one foe at a time. You learn how to isolate enemies
in battle, steering them onto dangerous terrain
where you can dispatch them before moving onto
the next opponent. Your methods involve
interposing your body between the target and your
allies, keeping your opponent so busy that it never
has time to think about anything else.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Challenge Whenever you take the initiative, you can
choose one creature that can see and hear you and
challenge it. The target must succeed on a Will roll
with 1 bane or accept your challenge and remain
challenged until you use this talent again, you become
unconscious, or the target becomes unconscious. A
target that succeeds on the roll becomes immune to
your use of Challenge for 24 hours.
A challenged target must use its an action on its next
turn to attack you and, henceforth, if the target attacks
a target other than you, before the dice are rolled, you
can use a reaction to attack the triggering creature
using one Attack Die.
Steal Attention You impose 1 bane on all attribute rolls
made by enemies within your reach to attack targets
other than you.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Riposte Whenever a target you have challenged rolls to
attack you, you can use a reaction to impose 1 bane on
its roll. If the triggering roll fails, you make your next
roll to attack the target before the end of your next turn
with 2 boons. If the triggering roll succeeds, you lose
this talent for 2 rounds.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Mounting Frustration Each time a target you have
challenged fails a roll to attack you, it gains 1
frustration token. The creature makes rolls to attack
you with a number of banes equal to the frustration
tokens it has. A creature can use an action to roll Will
and removes all frustration tokens on a success. Or, a
creature removes 1 frustration token when it succeeds
on a roll to attack you.

the primary target and 4d6 damage to the secondary
Dynamo target.
You discovered the secret lightning after extensive
study of electricity in nature. You built a dynamo to
capture this energy from your environment and
store it for later use. You then built several tools to
exploit the energy you harvest from lights to rods
that deliver explosive shocks.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Generator You build a device to draw secret electricity
from your environment. You can use an action to turn
it on or off. For each hour it runs, it gains one charge,
up to a maximum of eight charges. You can expend
charges from the generator to use other devices you
construct. The generator has a Defense 0, but uses
your Defense when you wear it on your back, and has a
Health 20.
Electric Torch You have an electric torch that’s powered
by your generator. You can use an action to expend one
charge from the generator and cause light to shine
from the torch out to a range if two areas from you for 4
Shock Wand You have a copper wand fitted with rubber
handle. A cable runs from the handle to the generator.
You can use an action to attack one creature or object
you can reach with the wand. Roll Strength or Agility
against the target’s Agility. If the target is wearing metal
armor or is made of metal, you make the roll with 2
boons. On a success, you can spend one charge from
the generator to deal 4d6 + 3 damage to the target. If
the damage causes the target to become injured, the
target also becomes stunned for 1 round.
Health +2
Improved Capacity Your generator can now hold up to
twelve charges.
Healing Electricity While your generator is on, you can
use an action to place two paddles on one creature you
can reach. Expend a charge. The target become
stunned for 1 round. During each upkeep for 1 minute,
the target heals 1d6 damage.
Lightning Arc While your generator is on, you can use
an action and expend one charge from the generator
hurl an arc of lightning at one creature or object within
two area. Roll Agility against the target’s Agility. If the
target is wearing metal armor or is made of metal, you
make the roll with 3 boons. On a success, the target
takes 6d6 damage and the lightning leaps from it to
another creature or object of your choice within the
target’s surrounding area. The second target must
succeed on an Agility roll, with 1 bane if it wears metal
armor or is made of metal, or take 3d6 damage.
Health +2
Maximum Capacity Your generator now holds up to
twenty-four charges.
Intense Lightning Your Shock Wand now deals 6d6 + 3
damage and your arc lightning deals 8d6 damage to

Earth Dragon
Draconus coils around the world and slumbers,
heedless of the beings that crawl across its back and
dig through its scales and chip away at its bones.
Draconus dreams as he sleeps and in his dreams he
sometimes finds mortals who show some promise,
some potential to serve. You were one such mortal
and you must bear the god’s dread attention as your
body transforms, adopting the shape of a mighty
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +8; Attack Dice +1
Dragon Traits You gain the following traits.

• You have the night vision trait and you can see
and hear twice as far as normal.
• Your nails lengthen into claws. Your unarmed
attack gains the Martial property.
• A mesh of fine emerald scales cover your body,
granting you a +1 bonus to Defense.

Fire Breath While you are in your normal form, you can
use an action to blow fire from your mouth at up to
three creatures or objects that can reach each other
and are in your area. The fire deals 4d6 damage. A
creature can roll luck or use a reaction to roll Agility
and takes half the damage on a success. Once you use
this trait, you must 1 minute before you can use it again
Health +8
Dragon Wings While you are in your normal form, you
have enormous wings sprouting from your back that
let you fly up to 30 miles per hour.
Health +8
Dragon Apotheosis Your transformation into a dragon is
complete. Over the next several centuries, you will
grow larger and larger, while your memories of the life
you lived before fade away. You gain the following
additional traits.

• Your size becomes 2, if it’s not 2 already.

• Your Strength becomes 17 if it is not already
higher than 17.
• If your Agility is 11 or higher, it drops to 10.
• The scales covering your body give you Defense
• You take no damage from fire.
• Your teeth lengthen into fangs that count as a
large weapon with the Martial property.
• Your Fire Breath deals 4d6 extra damage.

to which you are attuned. Once you use this talent, you
Elementalist must succeed on a Strength roll or take a 3d6 penalty to
Health and become fatigued for 24 hours. On a success
Occultists and cosmologist believe four elements— or a failure, you must wait 24 hours before you can use
air, earth, fire, and water—make up all substance. this talent again.
Different combinations of these elements confer
certain qualities to the substance. Humans and Elemental Attunement
other peoples combine all four elements, while air When you attune yourself to an element, you gain
and water make ice, fire and earth make soot and all the listed benefits for as long as you remain
cinder, and so on. A study of the elements through attuned to the element.
the lens of magic-use grants power over the
fundamental forces. AIR ATTUNEMENT
Becoming an elementalist reveals how to attune The wind picks up and blows into your area and for as
your body to one of the four elements that make up long as you remain attuned to this element.
your substance. Attunement allows the element to Lightning Strike Cracking electricity leaps from your
hands to strike up to three creatures you choose in your
attain dominance and grant you certain magical
area. Each target must succeed on an Agility roll or take
powers. Attuning takes energy and focus, so you 2d6 damage. A target automatically fails the roll if it is
have a limited ability to become attuned to start, made of metal or wears metal armor.
but your ability grows as you progress along this Blinding Dust When you take a turn, use a reaction to
path. cause each enemy you can reach to become blinded for 1
round. Once you use this effect, you must wait 1 minute
LEVEL 7 before you can use it again.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. Rune of Air Increase the number of moves you can
Health +2 make on your turn by one. In addition, during the
Elemental Attunement Use an action to become attuned upkeep, you remove the impaired or slowed affliction
to air, earth, fire, or water and gain the benefits from from yourself.
doing so. You remain attuned to this element for 1
minute or until you choose to return to your normal EARTH ATTUNEMENT
form on your turn (no action), you become The ground rumbles underfoot creating challenging
incapacitated, or you use this talent again. You can use terrain in your area for as long as you remain attuned to
Elemental Attunement a number of times equal to this element.
your level and you regain expended uses when you Stoning Strike You fling a boulder at one creature in
finish an 8-hour rest. your area. Roll Intellect against the target’s Agility. On a
success, the boulder hits and deals 4d6 damage. On a 20
LEVEL 8 or higher, the target also become impaired for 1 round.
Health +2 On a success or a failure, the boulder crumbles to dust.
Elemental Outburst When you use Elemental Crushing Earth When you take a turn, use a reaction
Attunement, you can also use this talent to produce a to cause one creature you can reach to become restrained
destructive effect. as rocks and earth envelop it. Once you use this effect,
If you attune yourself to air, wind blows in your area you must wait 1 minute before you can use it again.
for 1 minute and each creature of size 1 or smaller must Rune of Earth You have a +10 bonus to Health.
succeed on a Strength roll or fall prone.
If you attune yourself to earth, the ground in your FIRE ATTUNEMENT
area fractures and upheaves creating challenging Terrible heat comes off your body in waves for as long as
terrain. you remain attuned to this element. During the upkeep,
If you attune yourself to fire, flames burst from your each creature you can reach must succeed on a Strength
body, dealing 2d6 to everything in your area and roll or take 1d6 damage.
causing flammable objects in the area to catch fire. A Scorching Strike Liquid flame streaks from your hand
creature can roll luck and takes half the damage on a toward one creature or object in your area. Roll Intellect
success, or catches fire on a failure. against the target’s Agility. On a success, the flame hits
If you attune yourself to water, water rains down in and deals 4d6 damage. On a 20 or higher, the target also
your area, extinguishing all unprotected flames. You catches fire.
can then retreat and move into an adjacent area or Immolating Flames When you take a turn, use a
anywhere inside your area. reaction to cause each enemy you can reach to catch fire.
Once you use this effect, you must wait 1 minute before
LEVEL 10 you can use it again.
Health +2 Rune of Fire You treat any roll of a 17 or higher as if
Elemental Recovery Whenever you return to your you had rolled a 20.
normal form after using Elemental Attunement, you
heal all damage. WATER ATTUNEMENT
Elemental Apocalypse While you are attuned to an Mist fills your area to create obscurement in it for as long
element, you can release your element to a as you remain attuned to this element.
catastrophic effect. The effect depends on the element

Ice Strike You fling shards of ice at up to three moves up to two areas away from you. The wave picks up
creatures in your area. A target must succeed on an and moves unsecured objects of size 3 or smaller with it.
Agility roll with 1 bane or take 2d6 damage. Creatures in the wave’s path must make a Strength roll. A
Chilling Mist When you take a turn, use a reaction to creature smaller than size 1 makes the roll with 2 banes,
release a blast of chilling mist. Each enemy you can reach while creatures larger than size 2 make the roll with 2
takes 1d6 damage and becomes impaired for 1 round. boons. A creature takes 8d6 damage, moves with the
Each ally you can reach heals 1d6 damage. Once you use wave, and then falls prone on a failure, or just takes half
this effect, you must wait 1 minute before you can use it the damage on a success.
Rune of Water You make rolls to resist or end harmful WHIRLWIND
effects with 1 boon. You must be attuned to air. The air grows still in one area
you can see. A moment later a terrible wind blows into
the target area and forms into a twisting, writhing
Elemental Apocalypse column of air that remains for a number of rounds equal
When you use your Elemental Apocalypse talent, to half your level. When the whirlwind appears,
the effect depends on the element to which you are everything within the surrounding area takes 6d6
attuned. damage. Size 1 creatures and smaller must succeed on
Strength rolls with 1 bane or fly up to two areas in a
ERUPTION random direction, land prone, drop whatever they carry,
You must be attuned to earth. The ground in three areas and take 4d6 damage. Size 1 and smaller unsecured
that you can see, each of which must be adjacent to at objects fly into adjacent areas in random directions. A
least one other area, explodes upward in a spray of creature that takes this damage can roll luck and takes
rubble, lava, and toxic gases. The eruption deals 10d6 half the damage on a success.
damage to everything in the target areas and 4d6 damage During each upkeep, you can move the column into an
to everything within two areas of a target area from the adjacent area. When it stops moving, everything in its
raining debris. A creature that would take this damage new area is subject to the effects described above.
can roll luck or use a reaction to roll Agility and takes half When the spell ends, wind blows into the area that
the damage on a success. The spell also creates the contained the whirlwind and each area adjacent to it for 1
following effects. minute.
Tremors During each upkeep for 1 minute, roll a d6.
On a 6, the ground within six areas of each target area
suffers a shockwave, dealing 2d6 damage to everything in
contact with the ground. A creature that would take this
damage must roll luck and takes half the damage on a
success, or falls prone on a failure.
Lava The ground in the target areas disappears and
falls away into lava filled areas below. Anything that
enters the lava or takes its turn there takes 20d6 damage
and catches fire. In addition, heat from the lava radiates
out into adjacent areas. During the upkeep, each creature
in a space adjacent to the lava must succeed on a Strength
roll or take 1d6 damage and become fatigued for 1 round.
Toxic Smoke Boiling black clouds of poisonous smoke
creates obscurement in the target areas and spread,
during each upkeep, one area in all directions. Wind
disperses the smoke for 1 round and then the smoke
pours back into the space cleared. During the upkeep,
each creature in the area of toxic smoke must succeed on
a Strength roll or take 2d6 damage and become sickened
for as long as it remains in the smoke and 1 round
You must be attuned to fire. You call down fiery meteors
to rain down in up to four areas you can see. The meteors
deal 10d6 damage to everything in the area. A creature in
the area can roll luck with 1 bane or use a reaction to roll
Agility and takes half the damage on a success. Any
creature that becomes injured by this damage also
catches fire.
You must be attuned to water. You create and send
crashing away from you a heaving wall of water. The wall
moves in a straight line until it reaches a solid surface or

You steal life from others. In many ways, you have
become a parasite, preferring to sustain yourself off
others than use normal means to perpetuate your
own existence. Clearly, your methods can hardly be
described as good, but you might focus your
feeding on those who have earned you attentions.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Energy Drain Use an action to drain energy from one
creature you can see within your surrounding area. If
you are fatigued, you remove the affliction from
yourself and bestow it on the target where it remains
for the remaining duration. Otherwise, roll Intellect
against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target
becomes fatigued for 1 minute and you make attribute
rolls with 1 boon until the target is no longer fatigued.
Health +4
Life Eater When you use Energy Drain and succeed on
the roll, the target also takes a 4d6 penalty to its Health
and you gain a bonus to your Health equal to the
penalty. The penalty and bonus remain until you use
Energy Drain again or you finish an 8-hour rest.
Health +4
Suck them Dry When you use Energy Drain and succeed
on the roll, the penalty to the target’s Health increases
to 10d6. If the penalty drops the target to 0 Health, you
reduce your own penalty to Health, if any, to 0.
Horrid Visage Whenever you successfully use Energy
Drain, your features become monstrous and your eyes
glow for a few moments. One creature of your choice
that can see you and is within your surrounding area
must succeed on a Will roll or become frightened of
you for 1 round.

Hit first, hit hard, and your enemy never stands a
chance. Your methods are little better than that
used by goons brawling for their crime lords, but if
it works, who can blame you? Many of those small-
time crooks tend to be cowards at heart. Not you.
You can take a hit. And, more importantly, give it
back with a little extra.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Overwhelming Force Whenever you deal 10 damage or
more with an attack, the target must succeed on a
Strength roll or fall prone and drop whatever it is
Health +6; Attacks +1
Get Back Here When a creature you can reach moves,
roll luck. On a success, you can use a reaction to attack
the triggering creature using half your Attack Dice. On
a success, the triggering creature wastes the rest of its
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Beat them when They’re Down Your attacks against
prone targets deal 1d6 extra damage.
First in the Fray When you take the initiative, you can
use this talent to move and use an action. If you use the
action to attack with a melee weapon, you make the
roll with 1 boon.

You end lives. A killer, you know where to strike to
bring down your foes. You might be an assassin or
you could be someone who swing’s the headsman’s
axe to end the life of the convicted. Your skills come
in high demand for there’s always someone in need
of killing.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Exacting Strike When you succeed on a roll to attack
with a weapon, you can use this talent to deal
maximum damage with the attack. Once you use this
talent, you must wait 1 minute before you can use it
Health +4
Unerring Strike When you fail a roll to attack, you can
use this talent to turn the failure into a success, but you
grant 2 boons on rolls made to attack you for 1 round.
You can use this talent a number of times equal to half
your level and you regain expended uses when you
finish an 8-hour rest.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Execution When damage from your attack causes a
creature to become injured, you can use this talent to
force the target to make a Strength roll with 1 bane. On
a failure, the target takes damage equal to its Health

Through you the Fates manipulate events in the
world. The three-in-one goddess maintains the
threads of destiny, spinning out the cords,
measuring them, and snipping them when a life’s
purpose has been fulfilled. You become the divine’s
servant and can tug these strings to your advantage.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Destiny Nexus You and each ally in your area make luck
rolls with 1 boon. You impose 1 bane on luck rolls made
for enemies in the same area.
Fate Aspect During the upkeep, you can manifest an
aspect of the Fates for 1 minute. Roll a d6. You manifest
the maiden on a 1 or 2, the mother on a 3 or 4, or the
crone on a 5 or 6.
In the maiden aspect, you appear young, vibrant,
and full of life. You make all rolls with 1 boon.
In the mother aspect, you and each ally in your area
gains a +5 bonus to Health for the duration.
In the crone aspect, you appear wizened and
withered. Each enemy in your area takes a –5 penalty
to Health for the duration.
Health +4
Pull the Cord Use an action to pull any number of
creatures from an adjacent area into your area.
Snarled Cord Use an action to snarl the fate cord of one
creature you can see within an adjacent or closer area.
Roll four d20s and note the numbers rolled. For 1
minute, if the number rolled on a die on behalf of the
target comes up as a number you rolled, the target
takes 3d6 damage and becomes stunned for 1 round.
You can use this talent twice and regain expended uses
when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Health +4
Lengthen the Cord If you are in the aspect of the mother,
you can use a reaction at any time to cause one
creature you can see within an adjacent or closer area
to heal 3d6 damage.
Snip the Cord If you are in the aspect of the crone, you
can use a reaction at any time to cause one creature
you can see within an adjacent or closer area to take
3d6 damage. If the damage would cause the creature to
become injured, it takes 3d6 extra damage.
Spin the Cord If you are in the aspect of the maiden,
whenever the results of a roll are determined for a
creature you can see within an adjacent or closer area,
you can use a reaction to roll luck. On a success, you
turn a success into a failure or a failure into a success.

A fire burns in your breast, heating your emotions
to the point of madness. For too long, you have
banked these flames, but you can control them no
longer and when violence calls, you erupt in roiling
flames that reflect all your anger and your rage.
Your body gives of brilliant flames that do you no
harm, but scorch any who stand in your path.
Originally, the flamekin appeared among the
salamanders only, since those peoples can
withstand fire like no other, but the proliferation of
elemental magic has shown ways for individuals of
other ancestries to channel elemental fire through
their bodies and use it as a weapon. As you progress
along this path, you gain greater and greater control
over the fires loosed from your body and that
wreathe around your armor.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4
Inner Flame When you use an action to attack, you can
cause your body to erupt in flame that burns for 1
minute or until you become immersed in liquid. The
flames create bright light, but the smoke they generate
reduces the light to dim. The flames do no damage to
you or your possessions, but your melee attacks deal
an additional 1d6 damage and when an enemy touches
you or succeeds on a roll to attack you with a melee
weapon, the enemy must succeed on a luck roll or
catch fire.
Health +4
Flame Burst When you roll a 13 or higher for an attack
using a melee weapon, flames burst from your body to
deal 2d6 damage to everything you can reach. A
creature can roll luck or use a reaction to roll Agility
and takes no damage on a success.
Health +4
Immolating Strikes The flames wreathing your body
cause your melee attacks to deal an additional 2d6
damage instead of 1d6 and any creature you damage
with these flames catches fire.

You have become an itinerant priest, one who
eschews wealth and comfort to live off the charity
of others. In subjecting yourself to hardships, you
remove the last obstacles that stand between
yourself and the divine. In this way, you can better
minister to the faithful and inspire others to adopt
your faith.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Vow of Poverty You swore a vow of poverty. You depend
on the charity of others to make ends meet. Each time
you violate your vow, your god imposes 1 bane on all
attribute and luck rolls you make for 24 hours.
Violations include all of the following.

• Carrying or possessing coins or other valuables

in excess of 1 gp
• Owning property
• Wearing any armor
• Carrying or wielding a weapon other than a
club, hammer, hatchet, knife, quarterstaff, or

Charity While you are in an urban environment that has

followers of your religion, you do not have to pay for
food, drink, or lodgings for as long as you remain in
that environment.
Righteous Living While you lack banes from violating
your Vow of Poverty, you cannot become fatigued,
impaired, or sickened.
Health +4
Blessed Service If you have no banes from violating your
Vow of Poverty, you have a +3 bonus to Defense and
you ignore the Unreliable property of weapons you
Health +4
Holy Pilgrim When you would become grabbed,
restrained, or slowed, you can roll luck. On a success,
you are not grabbed, restrained, or slowed.
Holy Provisions If you have no banes from violating your
Vow of Poverty, you can use an action to provide food
and drink for a number of creatures equal to twice
your level. The food is simple fair, being bread and
fish, and the drink can be water, mead, ale, or wine.
Food and drink not consumed within 24 hours
disappears. Once you use Holy Provisions, you must
wait 24 hours before you can use it again.

You are brilliant. You see several steps ahead of the
people around you and can work out nearly any
eventuality. No puzzle is too difficult for the likes of
you and you have yet to find a challenge you cannot
overcome with through sheer brainpower.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Towering Intellect Increase your Intellect score by 3 (to a
maximum of 20).
Stratagems You have a number of stratagems equal to
your level and you retain them until expended. When
you finish an 8-hour rest, replenish your number of
stratagems up to your maximum. You can use your
stratagems to do any of the following:

• When a roll is made for a creature you can see,

you can expend 1 stratagem. Roll Intellect. On a
success, you grant 1 boon or impose 1 bane on
the roll.
• You can use an action and expend 1 stratagem.
Roll Intellect. On a success, you produce any
one item you can hold in one hand that’s worth
1 gp or less. The item remains for 1d6 hours and
then it becomes lost.
• At any time, you can expend 1 stratagem to ask
the Sage one question that can be answered
with a yes or a no. Roll Intellect. On a success,
the Sage must answer the question truthfully.
• On your turn, you can expend 1 stratagem to
allow one creature you can see to heal. Roll
Intellect. On a success, the target heals damage
equal to 1 + its level.
Health +4
Problem Solver When you would make an attribute roll
using an attribute other than Intellect, you can
substitute Intellect for that attribute, but you make the
roll with 1 bane.
Wicked Stratagem When you succeed on a roll to attack
a creature, you can expend 1 stratagem to deal 3d6 extra
damage on that attack.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Vast Intelligence Increase your Intellect by 2 (to a
maximum of 20). You make Intellect rolls with 1 boon
and you impose 1 bane on all rolls made against your

in the Spirit World can roll Intellect and, on a success,
Ghost Walker returns to the mortal world.
You breach the barrier between the mortal world
and the Spirit World. You can step free from the
lands of the living to walk amongst the dead in the
misty realms of the Ephemera. Such a violation of
the natural order leaves a mark upon you, however.
Your shadow no longer quite matches your
movements, you hear disembodied voices, and, on
occasion, see things others cannot see. And your
dreams take your mind into the land of the dead to
witness the strange and awful things that dwell
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Spectral Strike Your attacks against spirits count as if
they were magical.
Spectral Escape When you take damage, you can use a
reaction to step into the Spirit World where you
remain until the upkeep. You take half the damage
from the triggering attack. Until this effect ends, you
are invisible, cannot attack or interact with any
physical objects in the mortal world.
Health +4
Ghost Walk Use an action to step from the mortal world
into the Spirit World. You can remain in the Spirit
World for as long as you use an action to stay there.
While manifested in the Ephemera, you take half
damage from physical sources that are not magic or
affected by magic, and you are immune to all
afflictions that have physical sources. You ignore
challenging terrain, can move across open and liquid
surface, and can move into and through creatures and
objects. While inside another creature or object, you
have total cover for as long as you remain there. If you
become incapacitated while manifested, you must wait
24 hours before you can use Ghost Walk again. You can
use Ghost Walk a number of times equal to half your
level and you regain expended uses when you finish an
8-hour rest.
Spirit Sense You can see and hear spirits in the Spirit
World as if they were in the mortal world. If you have
this talent already, you can see and hear twice as far in
the Spirit World.
Health +4
Ghost Odyssey When you use your Ghost Walk talent,
you remain there without having to use an action and
you can leave the Spirit World by moving back to the
mortal world. In addition, while in the Ephemera, you
move at twice the normal rate.
Ghostly Abduction When a creature you can reach
triggers your Spectral Escape talent, you can drag that
creature with you into the Spirit World. The triggering
creature must succeed on an Agility roll with 1 bane or
enter the Spirit World with you, where it remains until
you release it. During each upkeep, a creature trapped

Giant Killer
Ordinary folks just don’t go out of their way to hunt
and fight giants, so you need a pretty good reason to
choose these enemies as your chosen foe. Giants
are big, dangerous, and they have little to fear from
creatures much smaller than them. But you decided
to take them on and with them a whole host of
other big things—dragons, trolls, you name it. You
have nothing to fear for you know that big things
fall hard and you are damned good at knocking
them down.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Giant Killer You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you by
creatures of size 3 and larger. If you are size 2 or
smaller, your attacks ignore the huge trait.
Lightning Reflexes You make Agility rolls to resist
harmful effects with 1 boon.
Health +6; Attacks +1
The Bigger They Are You make rolls against creatures of
size 3 or larger with 1 boon.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Climb the Mountain If you grab a size 3 creature or
larger, you can move onto its body. While on its body,
you can use a move on your turn to maintain the grab,
increase the number of banes imposed on rolls made
to attack you by 2, and you make rolls to attack the
creature with 1 boon.
The Harder They Fall When damage you deal to a size 3
or larger creature causes it to become injured and
when you deal damage to an injured creature of this
size, the target must succeed on an Agility roll or fall

Golem Protector While you are within the surrounding
Golem Maker area of the golem you control, it imposes 1 bane on
rolls made to attack you.
A lifetime spent researching, sculpting, and
shaping, you finally create your ultimate servant. LEVEL 10
But without a spirit to pilot it, the golem you create Health +2
remains an empty shell. Like the gods of creation, Mighty Golem Increase the golem’s level to 10, its Health
you placed a spirit inside the clay body to bring it to to 120, and its Attack Dice to 6.
life, or the semblance thereof and now your
creation, modelled in your image, exists to serve
your every command until, of course, it decides it
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Golem You fashion an enormous humanoid figure from
clay and bind to its body a spirit you stole from the
Spirit World. Your efforts give it the semblance of life.
You control the golem. It takes its turn when you do
and it obeys your spoken commands.
If the golem has 1 damage or more, you can attempt
to repair it. At the end of each full hour that you spend
using an occultist kit to work on its body, you can roll
Intellect. On a success, you remove damage equal to
1d6 + your level from its total. If the golem is destroyed,
you can construct a new one as one downtime activity.
If you die, the golem treats any creature it can see as
an enemy and reacts accordingly.
Size 2 animated object
Defens Strengt Agilit Intellec Wil Healt
e h y t l h

6 16
Magic Immunity The golem is immune to the effects of
all spells and damage from objects created by spells.
Durable When the golem takes damage, roll luck. On a
success, the golem takes half damage.
Unstoppable The golem cannot be restrained
Fist (melee) Strength (+8) with 1 boon against Defense:
4d6 damage or 24 damage to an object
Two Fists (melee) Strength (+8) with 1 boon against
Defense; 2d6 damage or 12 damage to an object per
Uncontrolled In combat, roll a d6. On a 1, the golem
becomes unstable. While unstable, the golem treats all
creatures it can see as enemies and takes the next
available turn to move toward and attack the nearest
enemy it can see. The golem’s creator can use an action
attempt to reassert control if within the golem’s
surrounding area by making a Will roll with 3 banes.
On a success, the golem is no longer uncontrolled.
Health +2

area. Once you use this talent, you must wait 1 minute
Graven Warrior before you can use it again.
The Order of the Graven Rune brought the graven
warriors out of the Desolation and into the Old
Country. The members vowed to protect the royal
line who had ruled in the Great Kingdom for eight
centuries and they stood among the finest warriors
known to the world. As the Kingdom fell, so did the
Order, and many of its members disgraced after
breaking their vows and taking up arms against the
throne, but their techniques escaped the chaos of
that land and have begun to appear in the New
Central to the graven warrior’s technique is the
etching of spells into their armor to shield
themselves from harm. Each warrior has a special
set of plate armor which has been prepared by a
master smith to accept the spells. In battle, the
graven warrior’s armor flashes and pulses to repel
strikes and lend power to its wearer.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Mage Spells You learn two mage spells.
Mage Spell Castings You have a number of mage spell
castings equal to 1 + half your level. If you already have
mage spell castings, you instead increase the number
of castings available to you by 2. You expend mage
castings to cast any mage spell you have learned. You
regain expended mage spell castings when you finish
an 8-hour rest.
Graven Armor You gain a suit of magical plate armor
that’s been engraved to hold and channel your spells.
The armor grants you Defense 16 and has no
requirements for wearing it. If you lose the armor, you
can replace it for free as one downtime activity.
Blinding Flare When a creature succeeds on a roll to
attack you while you wear Graven Armor, you can use
a reaction and expend one casting to cause your armor
to flare with sudden, brilliant light. The triggering
attacker must succeed on an Agility roll with 1 bane or
become blinded for 1 minute.
Health +4
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Arcane Might If you’re wearing Graven Armor and make
an attack with a melee weapon, you can expend one
casting to make the roll with 1 boon. On a success, the
target takes 2d6 extra damage, flies one area away from
you, and lands prone.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Arcane Outburst Use an action and expend one casting
while wearing Graven Armor to release arcane
energies from your armor that deals 5d6 damage to
each enemy in your area. An enemy can roll Strength
and takes half the damage on a success. You then
teleport to an open space within an adjacent or closer

You believe that in firearms lays the future of
warfare and for this reason you studied them to the
point of mastery. Some folks claim you have
gunpowder flowing in your veins, such is your skill
with these weapons. Whether you’re firing a hand
cannon or a harquebus, you shoot, reload, and
shoot again with such a fluid motion that you make
it look easy.
As good as you are at using firearms, you know
their technology remains crude and the current
examples are a fire cry from what they will most
likely be in a few years. You tinker with your
weapons, making small improvements to make
them more reliable and to extend their range.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Speed Loader In your hands, the hand cannon and
harquebus lose the Slow property.
Improvised Explosive You can use an action and expend
one use of powder and shot to construct a small
explosive. The explosive remains until detonated. You
detonate the explosive by lighting the powder which
catches and explodes during the upkeep, dealing 1d6
damage to everything that can reach it. Objects take 6
damage instead.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Trick Shot When you attack with a hand cannon or
harquebus, your attack ignores partial cover and you
increase the maximum range of these weapons by 1.
Reliable Arms Your attacks with hand cannon and
harquebuses ignore the misfire and explosion effects.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Steady Hand You make rolls to attack with hand cannons
and harquebuses with 1 boon.
Ricochet Once per round, when you fail a roll to attack
with a hand cannon or harquebus, one creature you
choose in the target’s area must succeed on an Agility
roll or take 2d6 damage.

A creature that would take this damage can roll luck
Gunsmith with 1 bane, or use a reaction to roll Agility. On a
success, the creature takes no damage.
The day of the sword and axe has come to its end; After using the machine gun, roll luck. Make the roll
in firearms lies the future. You have built enough with 3 banes if a long burst was used. On a failure, the
black powder weapons that you noticed the flaws in gun runs out of ammunition and a creature must use
the design and found opportunities for an action to reload it before it can be fired again. You
improvement. You put your mind and your can convert 10 sets of spare parts into a belt of
understanding of mechanics to good use as you ammunition by spending 4 hours using a tool kit.
take the next step toward revolutionizing the arms
race. As you progress along this path, you build
better and deadlier firearms.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Slug Thrower You construct a special firearm, which is a
small ranged weapon with the Exploding, Precise, and
Range 2 properties. The weapon has a cylinder that
can hold six specially-designed bullets. When you
empty the cylinder, you cannot fire the weapon again
until you use an action to reload it. You can spend 10
minutes working with a tool kit to turn one set of spare
parts into six bullets.
If you lose the slug thrower, you can make another
one during your next down time at a cost of 5 gp in
special materials. You can also produce an additional
slug thrower as one downtime activity for the same
Flash Powder Use an action and expend one use of
powder and shot to create a blinding burst. Each
creature you can reach must succeed on a luck roll
with 1 bane or become blinded for 1 round.
Health +4
Advanced Ammunition For each piece of ammunition
you create for your revolver and rifle, you can choose
one of the following options.

• Armor-Piercing. The weapon gains the Piercing

• Incendiary. A target that takes damage from
your revolver must succeed on a luck roll or
catch fire.
• Mushrooming. The weapon gains the Brutal
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Machine Gun You construct a machine gun, which is a
large object that counts as four objects for the purpose
of carrying it. Anyone holding the gun can use an
action to fire it, choosing a short burst or a long burst.
For a short burst, the gun sprays bullets into an
adjacent area and the area beyond it, dealing 3d6
damage to everything in the adjacent area and 1d6
damage everything in the area beyond it.
For a long burst, the gun sprays bullets into an
adjacent area and into the next two areas beyond it.
Everything in the first area takes 6d6 damage, in the
second takes 3d6 damage, and 1d6 damage in the third.

Herald of the Storm
The Sky Father chose you to be his champion. He
pours all his wrath, his hate, and his violence into
you, causing you to transform into the incarnation
of the storm. When you have need, you can raise
your weapon to the sky and catch a lightning bolt,
using it to become a weapon of your god and bane
to all your enemies. Wind whips around you,
blowing rain and hail before you, as each step
sounds like thunder, and each strike crackles with
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Incarnate the Storm Use an action to reach toward the
sky and ensnare a lightning bolt. You then transform
into the incarnation of the storm for 1 minute. You rise
into the air, clouds swirl around your body, and
electricity dances all over you. Each creature within
your surrounding area must succeed on a Strength roll
or become blinded and deafened until the upkeep. You
can use this talent three times and regain expended
uses when you complete a rest. While you are the
incarnation of the storm, you have the following

• You can fly.

• You take no damage from lightning.
• You can use an action to hurl lightning at one
creature or object within an adjacent or closer
area. Roll Will against the target’s Agility. On a
success, the lightning strikes and deals 46
damage. On a success or a failure, each creature
within the area surrounding the target must
succeed on a Strength roll or become deafened
for 1 minute.
Health +4
Heart of the Storm While you are under the effects of
Incarnate the Storm, wind blows through your area
and adjacent areas, while rain in those areas creates
obscurement in them.
Dazzling Lightning When you hurl lightning while
under the effects of Incarnate the Storm, each creature
in your area must succeed on a Will roll or become
blinded for 1 round.
Health +4
Sky Father’s Wrath While you are under the effects of
Incarnate the Storm, you can use an action to cause
wind, lightning, and bone-shaking thunder to assail
everything within two areas of you. Each creature
within range other than you must roll Strength with 1
bane. On a failure, a creature takes 4d6 damage, flies
one area in a direction you choose, and then falls
prone, becoming deafened and blinded for 1 round. On
a success, the creature just takes half the damage.

you only leave tracks in such environments if you
Hermit choose to do so.
You find refuge in the wild places, from the stink LEVEL 10
and crowding of the towns and cities. In your Health +2
isolation, you have found magic in the lands and Hermit Spells You learn one hermit spell.
use that magic to keep your isolation and to protect Bloom If you spend at least one hour in a natural,
nature from the despoilers. As much as you would wilderness environment during the spring or summer,
you cause the plants in that area to grow, shed any
remain apart, you find yourself called back by the blights, and become vibrant. The new growth offers
people you left behind, to take part in their partial cover to everything in the area and creatures,
struggles for the greater good of the world. other than you, attempting to move out of the area
must succeed on Strength or Agility rolls to pull free of
LEVEL 7 all the green, growing things.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Hermit Spells You learn one hermit spell. Hermit Spells
Hermit Spell Castings You have a number of hermit spell You learn spells to awaken the plants and make
castings equal to the number of hermit spells you them your allies.
know. You can expend a hermit casting to cast any spell
you have learned. You regain expended hermit spell AWAKEN TREE
castings when you finish an 8-hour rest. You must be level 9 or higher and expend three hermit
Magical Forage If you spend ten minutes collecting seeds castings to cast this spell.
and berries in a wilderness environment, you can You cause one tree you can see within two areas to pull
imbue them with magic that lasts for 12 hours or until itself from the ground and become your servant. The
expended. You find a number of berries and seeds awakened tree uses the following rules. It takes its turn
capable of bearing the enchantment equal to your when you do and you decide how it uses an action and
level. You can use this talent once and you regain moves.
expended uses when you finish an 8-hour rest. For If the tree becomes destroyed, it falls and forces up to
each seed or berry, choosing one of the following two creatures of your choice in its area to make luck rolls.
effects. On a failure, the creatures are struck by the falling tree,
Entangling Nut You quicken the life in this nut. A taking 2d6 damage and then falling prone. If not
creature holding it can expend it by throwing it a destroyed when the spell ends, the tree roots itself and
creature or object within an adjacent or closer area. loses the animated object trait.
The creature roll Strength or Agility against the target’s
Agility. On a success, the seed hits and covers the target AWAKENED TREE LEVEL 6
with vines that cause it to become restrained for 1 Size 4 animated object
Defense Strength Agility Intellect Will Health
minute. A creature can use an action to remove the
restrained affliction from the target by cutting the
vines away. The restrained target can use an action to
5 16

roll Strength with 2 banes. On a success, the creature
removes the restrained affliction from itself. Huge The awakened tree imposes 2 banes on rolls made
Fire Seed You imbue the seed with the spirit of fire. A against its Strength and makes Strength rolls with 2
creature holding the seed can expend it by throwing it boons. The awakened tree can make melee attacks
at a creature or object within an adjacent or closer against targets within its surrounding area. Finally, the
area. The seed catches fire as it flies through the air. awakened tree sentry takes half damage from attacks
The creature rolls Strength or Agility against the made by size 2 and smaller creatures.
target’s Agility. On a success, the seed hits and deals Fire Vulnerability When the awakened tree takes
3d6 damage. damage from fire, it takes 2d6 extra damage and roll
Healing Berry You imbue the berry with the spirit of luck. On a failure, the tree catches fire.
life. Any creature that consumes the berry expends it
and heals 2d6 damage. ATTACK OPTIONS
Stomp (melee) Strength (+6) with 2 boons against
LEVEL 8 Defense: 6d6 damage
Health +2 —or—
Hermit Spells You learn one hermit spell. Two Branches (melee) Strength (+6) with 2 boons against
Natural Restoration When you rest for at least 4 hours in Defense: 3d6 damage per attack
an aboveground wilderness environment, you heal all
damage, reduce a penalty to your Health by 1d6, and SPECIAL ACTIVITIES
regain all expended castings. Entangling Roots During the upkeep, each creature you
Wilderness Walk When moving through wilderness choose within the awakened tree’s surrounding area
environments, you ignore challenging terrain created must succeed on a luck roll or become restrained for 1
by normal plants and can move through underbrush, round.
brambles, and the like without difficulty. In addition, BRAMBLES

Woody growth covered in long thorns burst from the
ground in one area you can see within two areas until
they reach 6 feet tall throughout the target area. Any
creature in the area or that enters it becomes slowed for
as long as it remains in the area. In addition, each
creature in the area when the brambles appear must
succeed on a luck roll or take 10d6 damage and become
restrained. A creature can use an action to remove the
restrained affliction from itself.
The brambles deal 1d6 damage to anything that enters
the target area or that is in it during the upkeep. The
brambles can be attacked: Defense 5, Health 30.
Destroying the brambles clears them from the area.
A billowing, yellow cloud of pollen spreads through an
area within two areas, filling it with obscurement for 1
minute. Each creature in the area when the pollen
appears and during the upkeep must succeed on a
Strength roll or take 5d6 damage and become sickened
for 1 round.
You must be standing on the ground to cast this spell.
Vines, roots, brambles, and more rise up from the ground
in your area and each area adjacent to you for 1 minute.
The ground in the area becomes challenging terrain for
your enemies and the growth imposes 1 bane on rolls
made for creatures in the area to attack you or your allies.
During each upkeep, the growth attacks each creature
you choose in your area. The target must succeed on an
Agility roll with 1 bane or become restrained for 1 round.
If the target is already restrained by this effect, it takes
5d6 damage and is restrained for an additional round. A
target incapacitated by this damage is torn to pieces.

times equal to half your level and you regain expended
Hierophant uses when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Principle of Tongues You can communicate with any
The hierophants stand at the top of the druid creature that knows a language and read and write in
hierarchy and form an elite cabal of wisdoms who any language you choose.
have unlocked the deeper mysteries of existence. Principle of Secret Knowledge You make Intellect rolls
Hierophants guide their order in response to with 2 boons.
certain esoteric principles and interpret the deeper Principle of Hidden Vitality You have a +10 bonus to
mysteries of reality. Chiefly, they concern Health.
themselves with maintaining reality in its present Principle of Displacement You impose 2 banes on rolls
to attack your Defense and Agility by creatures that
form, which means directing efforts against those can see you.
who would disrupt the delicate balance. Like other Principle of Arcane Knowledge You learn two mage
druids, hierophants care nothing for matters of spells of your choice. You have a number of castings for
good or evil, rather they pit themselves against mage spells equal to 1 + half your level. If you already
forces of destruction, chaos, and unrest. They have mage spell castings, increase the number of mage
oppose users of the dark arts, demonologists, castings you have by 2. You expend mage castings to
cultists of elder gods, and other insidious forces. cast mage spells you know and you regain expended
castings when you finish an 8-hour rest.
LEVEL 7 Principle of Eternal War You ignore requirements for
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. wielding weapons and wearing armor. You make rolls
Health +4; Attack Dice +1 to attack with 1 boon and you gain 1 Attack Die.
Esoteric Principles You have a deep understanding of Principle of Salvation You make rolls to resist harmful
the fundamental nature of reality and acquire certain effects with 3 boons.
talents to reflect your knowledge. Choose two Principle of Secret Paths You can use a move to teleport
principles from those described below. to any open space within an adjacent or closer area.
Health +4
Impose Order Use an action to impose order on your
area. For 1 round, replace the die result of any attribute
roll or luck roll with a 10 and replace the number
rolled on dice for damage with 4. Once you use this
talent, you must finish an 8-hour rest before you can
use it again.
Purge Toxins Whenever you are sickened, you can use
an action to remove the sickened affliction from
yourself and end the source of that affliction. You
achieve this by isolating the harmful substance in your
body and neutralizing it.
Additional Principle You gain an additional principle.
Health +4
Outcome Foretold When you would make an attribute
roll, but before you roll the die, you can use this talent
to give yourself a +10 bonus. If the roll fails, though,
you become stunned for 1 minute. You can use this
talent five times and regain expended uses when you
finish an 8-hour rest.
Immortal You stop aging and grow younger physically
until you appear in the prime of your life. Short of
violence or mishap, you will live forever.
Additional Principle You gain an additional principle.

Esoteric Principles
Your order discovered many secrets of reality and
found ways to exploit them to their benefit. You can
choose each principle just once.

Principle of Magic Whenever you cast a spell, roll luck.

On a success, you regain the casting you expended to
cast that spell. You can use this talent a number of

People tend to overlook you, thanks to all the work
you have put in to make yourself forgettable. You
scraped away any distinguishing characteristics to
make yourself look more or less like everyone else.
You keep your posture nonthreatening and you
know where and how to move to avoid drawing
attention with yourself. When you speak, you have
an almost hypnotic effect on others, so that they
soon after forget ever talking to you. You have
developed these talents all so that you can move
freely into places that would normally be forbidden
to you.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Forgettable If you spend less than 1 minute socially
interacting with another creature, you make no
impression on that creature and the creature cannot
recall your appearance or what you said in the
conversation, though the creature might recall
speaking to someone, though not about what it was
speaking. After an hour, the creature cannot recall
anything about the interaction.
Vanish If you are in an area of obscurement or have at
least partial cover during the upkeep, you become
invisible until you move or use an action or socially
interact with another creature.
Health +4
Low Profile Creatures cannot attack you unless you first
attack them or you are the only enemy within range of
the attack.
Elusive You impose 1 bane on rolls made to attack you.
Surprise Attack Your attacks against targets from which
you are hidden deal 4d6 extra damage.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Faceless You can become hidden from creatures that are
observing you and you remain hidden until you use an
action or do something to reveal yourself.

Evil infects this world. It corrupts the innocent and
makes people act in a depraved and wicked
manner. Evil is craven for its hides its intentions
behind the masks of the good and virtuous, so it
falls to you to expose these fiends for what they are
and deliver swift, painful justice to them heads.
Each soul condemned to the purifying fires
safeguards the world from further corruption and
brings glory to your god.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +4
Eye of Judgment Use an action to study one creature you
can see within an adjacent or closer area. The target is
revealed until you use Eye of Judgment again. On a
failure, the target becomes immune to your use of this
talent for 24 hours.
You see through any disguise, mundane or magical,
worn by a revealed target and know the target’s true
form. In addition, if the target knowingly speaks a
falsehood, you know it.
Health +4
Flames of Perdition Use an action to cause one creature
within your surrounding area to catch fire. The target
must be one been revealed to you by your Eye of
Purge the Unclean You make rolls to attack the target
with 1 boon and your attacks against it deal 1d6 extra
Health +4
Iron Will You cannot be charmed, controlled, frightened,
or possessed.
Decree of Damnation Use an action to point at a
creature you can see on a solid surface within two areas
and cause a fiery crack to appear on the ground
underneath it. Roll 16d6 and add to it the creature’s
damage total. If the sum equals or exceeds the
creature’s Health score, the creature falls into the crack
and tumbles down to Perdition, where it finds
whatever fate it earned in life. Otherwise, the target
falls prone and must succeed on a Will roll with 1 bane
or become stunned for 1 round. You can use this talent
once and regain the use of it after you finish an 8-hour

Mastering heavy armors lets you maximize their
protective qualities so your foes find it almost
impossible to strike you. You realize your benefits
when you don the heaviest forms of armor. You
reinforce your armor with extra padding, mail and
scale components to protect your joints, and
replace leather components with those made from
more durable materials.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Armor Mastery When you wear half plate or full plate
armor, you have a +2 bonus to Defense.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Immovable While you are wearing half plate or full plate
and would be knocked prone or moved against your
will, you can choose to remain standing and not to
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Weapon Resistance While wearing half plate or full
plate armor, you take half damage from weapons.

You serve Blind, the goddess of justice and order,
and you, like other members of your faith, take it
upon yourselves to police the lands, enforce laws,
and mete justice to the law-breakers. Becoming a
justiciar requires you to undergo ritual blinding,
but as soon as you lose your eyes, you gain the
ability to see as your patron sees.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Sightless You can pinpoint the location of creatures and
objects within an adjacent or closer area. You are
effectively blinded in regard to areas beyond this range.
Mark of Justice Use an action to bestow a mark of justice
on one creature you can see in your area or an
adjacent. The mark remains for 1 minute, until you or
the target become unconscious, or until you use this
talent again. A creature bearing this mark cannot
become hidden from you.
Dispense Justice If a creature bearing your mark of
justice deals damage or bestows an affliction and the
marked creature is within four areas of you, you can
use a reaction to teleport to where you can reach the
creature and attack it with a melee weapon using half
of your Attack Dice. You make the roll to attack with 2
Health +4
Summon the Accused Use an action to target one
creature bearing your mark of justice. The target must
succeed on a Will roll or teleport to a space in your
reach and falls prone. Once you use this talent, you
must wait 1 minute before you can use it again.
Baleful Mark The Mark of Justice lasts for 1 hour instead
of 1 minute. In addition, the Mark grants all creatures 1
boon on rolls made to attack it for 1 round when the
creature deals damage or bestows an affliction.
Health +4
Blind Blessing When you cause a creature bearing the
Mark of Justice to become incapacitated, you and each
creature you choose within your surrounding area heal
4d6 damage.

roll is made for a creature in your area to attack another
Keeper creature, the effect ends immediately.
You protect those who cannot protect themselves.
The magic you learn shields others, keeping them
safe from flying arrows and exploding fireballs.
Your magic disallows those who would harm you
and your charges from coming too close and punish
those who overcome your wards.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Keeper Spells You learn the thwart enchantment and ward
Keeper Spell Castings You have a number of keeper spell
castings equal to the number of keeper spells you
know. You can expend a keeper casting to cast any spell
you have learned. You regain expended keeper castings
when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Shielding Presence When a creature in your area would
take damage, you can use a reaction to reduce the
damage by 2d6.
Health +2
Keeper Spells You learn the safe haven spell.
Spare from Death Incapacitated allies within your
surrounding area make luck rolls with 1 boon.
Health +2
Keeper Spells You learn the forbiddance spell.
Protecting Presence When you use Shielding Presence,
you reduce the damage by 4d6.

Keeper Spells
Your spells that protect others against attacks and
harmful effects.
You declare the area surrounding you a haven and create
a magical protection that lasts for 8 hours or until you
leave the target area. An opaque white field to appear
along the area’s edges. Creatures outside the target area
cannot see or hear into it by any means. Creatures resting
in the target area heal twice as much damage as normal.
Once you use this talent, you must finish an 8-hour rest
before you can use it again.
You touch one creature and rid it of a curse or one of the
following afflictions: blinded, charmed, controlled,
deafened, fatigued, frightened, impaired, or sickened.
You ward one creature you touch. For 1 minute, the target
takes half damage from all sources and imposes 1 bane on
rolls made to attack it or 3 banes if the target is injured.
Choose any number of creatures in your area. Each target
teleports to an open space in an adjacent area of your
choice. No enemy can enter your area for 24 hours. If a

Is it luck? Are you cheating? Maybe it’s one or the
other, but, most likely, it’s a bit of both. You have a
knack for coming out ahead from bad situations.
No matter how dire the circumstances, you find a
way to succeed.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Dumb Luck You make luck rolls with 1 boon.
Trickster You have a number of tricks equal to your level.
Once per round, when you make an attribute roll, you
can expend a trick to roll an additional d20 and use
either number rolled. If both dice come up as the same
number, you regain an expended trick. You replenish
your number of tricks when you rest for 8 hours.
Health +4
Uncanny Escape Whenever you succeed on a roll to
resist a harmful effect and would take half the damage,
you instead take no damage.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
The Devil’s Own Luck You only fail luck rolls if you roll a
total 5 or less on the die.
Lucky Strike Whenever you succeed on a roll to attack,
you can expend 1 trick to deal 2d6 extra damage. If you
roll the same number on both dice of extra damage,
you can roll another d6 and add it to the extra damage.

Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Magister Mantle of the Grand Magister You gain the Mantle of
the Grand Magister, which marks you as one of the
The Magisters act as the guardians of magic and most powerful members of your organization. The
keepers of the laws regarding its use. Membership Mantle can be any color you choose, but that color
in this august society requires a demonstration of becomes yours and yours alone. No other Grand
skill and a deep understanding of magic in both Magister can choose that color while you are alive.
theory and practice. Magisters identify one another While you wear the mantle, you take half damage from
by the presence of both a staff and ring. The rings all sources and you are not subject to the effects of
each boast a large gemstone that matches the color exposure or wind.
Magister Strike Use an action and expend any number
they choose for themselves, while their staffs of mage spell castings to send a scintillating beam of
assume a form reflective of the magic they wield. As arcane energy at one creature or object within four
serviceable as these items are for signaling areas. Roll Intellect with 2 boons against the target’s
membership, the items are prized for their magic- Agility. On a success, the energy strikes the target and
enhancing capabilities. deals 4d6 damage per casting expended. On a failure,
the target takes half the damage.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Mage Spells You learn two mage spells.
Mage Spell Castings You have a number of mage spell
castings equal to 1 + your level. If you already have
mage spell castings, increase the number of mage
castings you have by two. You can expend a mage
casting to cast any mage spell you know. You regain
expended mage castings when you finish an 8-hour
Ring of the Magister You acquire a magical ring that
bears a gemstone of a color and kind of your choice.
While wearing the ring, mage spells you cast that deal
damage to single targets deal 4d6 extra damage or 2d6
extra damage if the spell affects multiple targets.
When you would cast a mage spell while wearing
the ring, you can draw upon it to cast the spell without
having to expend a casting. Once used, it takes one
hour for the Ring to recharge. If you lose the Ring, you
can replace it as a downtime activity.
Health +2
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Staff of Power You construct a Staff of Power to serve as
your implement. The staff functions as a quarterstaff,
without the Unreliable property, but it grants you 2
boons on rolls you make to attack with it and attacks
with it deal 1d6 extra damage.
If you are attuned to the staff and hold it when you
cast a spell, the staff grants 2 boons on rolls made to
cast the spell and imposes 2 banes on rolls to resist the
Finally, you can use an action to break your Staff of
Power and release a blast of magical energy that
spreads one area out from you in all directions, dealing
20d6 damage to you and everything in each affected
area. A creature that would take this damage can roll
luck with 3 banes and takes half the damage on a
success. If you break the staff, you lose this talent
forever. If you otherwise lose the staff, you can replace
it during as a downtime activity and the original staff
loses all its magical properties.
Health +2

You adopt a brutal, aggressive fighting style that
grows from the idea that the strong take and the
weak gives. You kick down doors, rip weapons from
your enemies, and hack and hew, leave a trail of
dead behind you. Your methods might have come
from facing too many bullies over your career and
learning to adopt their tactics or from a violent
streak you have always had but has finally taken
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Rip Away When you use an action to attack, you can
sacrifice 1 Attack Die to steal as part of the attack.
Kick It Down You can use a move to kick down any door
you can reach.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Shove Away When you use an action to attack, you can
sacrifice 2 Attack Dice to shove everyone within your
reach away from either before or after you resolve the
attack. Each target must succeed on a Strength roll or
be pushed out of your reach and then fall prone.
Sniff it Out You can use an action to locate one creature
or object that hidden from you and that is within your
surrounding area.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Butchery You make rolls to attack prone targets with 2
boons and your attacks against prone targets deal 2d6
extra damage.

You have sailed the high seas, seen many strange
things, met people both familiar and strange,
visited unknown lands, and learned how to bargain
with the sea god to make a safe voyage. You become
a mariner, a master of sailing, and can chart a
course to almost any destination. The sea calls to
you and when you’re not adventuring, you’re likely
on board a ship, headed to some far-flung port or
other. As you proceed along this path, you acquire a
vessel of your own and with the right crew, there’s
nowhere you cannot go.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Close-Quarters Fighting You make rolls to attack targets
within the reach of at least one ally with 1 boon.
Marine If you wear leather or no armor, you have a +2
bonus to Defense and the swimmer trait.
Health +4
Appease the Sea God You know how to perform a special
ritual to secure good sailing conditions. It takes 1
minute to perform the ritual, which involves making
an offering of rum to the waters and reciting certain
words. When you finish, the Sage secretly rolls luck on
your behalf. On a success, you have clear sailing
conditions and good wind for the duration of the
Pressgang Strike When you roll a 17 or higher on a roll to
attack a creature, the target must succeed on a Will roll
or fall prone. If the target is half your level or less, it
becomes unconscious for 1d6 hours.
Ship Captain You acquire a galleon or similar watercraft
and it is docked at the port nearest to you. If you lose
this vessel, you can acquire another one as a downtime
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Hard Living When you would become fatigued,
impaired, or sickened, roll luck. On a success, you do
not gain the affliction.
Omens Everywhere You make luck rolls with 1 boon.
Master of Sails Any ship under your command uses your
Defense in place of its own. Also, you increase the
speed at which your ship moves by 25%, and each
member of your crew makes attribute rolls with 1 boon
while on board your ship.

Master Thief
Your exploits, your tricks, your heists, and your
shenanigans made you a legend. People whisper
your name the world over, telling tales of your most
outrageous adventures. Sure, they make up a few
stories and embellish others, but anything that adds
to your reputation is a good thing. You are the
grand master of thievery, after all, so what are a few
inventions when it comes to padding your resume?
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Untouchable You impose 1 bane on rolls made against
your Defense and attributes. You cannot be grabbed if
you can use actions. Finally, if you are restrained by
ropes, chains, or manacles, you can use an action to
remove the restrained affliction from yourself, causing
the restraints to fall away.
Health +4
Fast Hands You make attribute rolls to steal with 1 boon.
In addition, when you use an action to attack, you can
sacrifice any number of Attack Dice. For each Attack
Die sacrificed in this way, you can steal one object from
a creature within your reach.
Flee the Scene You can move one additional time on
each of your turns.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Steal Anything When you succeed on a roll to attack a
creature you can reach, you can steal something from
the target, choosing from the following options. You
many only apply each of the following to a target once
and the effects last until you or the creature become
incapacitated or until you rest for 1 hour.

• The target takes a –3 penalty to Defense and

you gain a +3 bonus to Defense
• The target takes a –10 penalty to Health and
you gain a +10 bonus to Health.
• The target makes rolls using an attribute of
your choice with 2 banes and you make rolls
using the same attribute with 2 boons.
• You take an object the target is wearing or
carrying, even if the object is in the target’s

Earth magic flows from the ground and into your
body, lending to you its might. Experimentation
with the element reveals ways to extract the metal
from earth to make what you need. All forms of
metal flows like water in your hands, taking
whatever shape you desire. Eventually, as your
mastery grows, you learn to take the metal into your
body and transform yourself into a being of living
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Shape Metal You can freely shape, bend, and mold any
metal object you hold in your hands. The object
retains its shape until you shape it into something else.
With this talent, you can turn metal melee weapon into
a different kind of melee weapon of the same size, such
as a sword into a mace.
Strengthen Metal You can use an action to infuse any
metal object you touch with elemental magic. The
effect double’s the object’s Health. If the object is metal
armor, the effect increases the armor’s Defense by 2. If
the object is a metal weapon, attacks with the weapon
deal 1d6 extra damage. The effect lasts until you use
this talent again.
Health +4
Iron Skin The material from which your body is made
turns gray and hardens to the consistency of iron,
though you can still move as if your body was
unchanged. Add your Strength modifier (minimum 1)
to your Defense and your unarmed strikes gain the
Martial property.
Spiked Hide When a creature within your reach deals
damage to you with a melee weapon, you can use a
reaction to cause spikes to sprout all over your body
and retract. The triggering attacker must succeed on an
Agility roll with 1 bane or take 1d6 + 3 damage.
Health +4
Living Statue The transformation becomes complete and
you are now a creature made from metal. You gain the
following benefits and drawbacks.

• Your Strength becomes 15 if it’s not already

higher than 15.
• Your Agility becomes 9 if it’s not already lower
than 9.
• You cannot take the initiative.
• You take half damage from all sources
• You cannot be moved against your will.
• Your melee attacks deal 1d6 extra damage.
• You no longer need to eat, drink, or breath and
you’re immune to infection, poison, venom,
suffocation, and exposure.
• You cannot swim. You sink to the bottom of any
liquid you enter.

creature attacks you, but before the dice are rolled, to
Mind Warrior use Combat Trance.
You learn to tap into the hidden reservoir of
magical energy your mind creates and use that
energy to solidify your thoughts into the physical
weaponry with which you fight. With a thought,
you encase your body in a sheathe of psychic plates
as strong as steel. You flick your eyes to your hand
and from it extends a blade made from solid force,
strong enough to punch through iron and hack
through solid rock. So long as you keep your mind
focused on your mind’s creations, you have the
materials you need to defeat almost any enemy.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Combat Trance You can use an action to place yourself
into a combat trance, which you use to create the force
armor protecting your body and the weapons you
wield. You remain in the combat trance until you
choose to end it (requires no action) or you become
incapacitated. If you become injured, while in your
Combat Trance, you must succeed on a Will roll or the
effect ends early.
While in the trance, you make Strength and Agility
rolls with 1 bane, but you can use your mind warrior
Thought Armor When you take a turn while under the
effects of your Combat Trance, you can, as a minor
activity, encase your body in a suit of armor made from
your thoughts. The armor grants you Defense 20 and it
halves damage you would take from cold, fire, and
lightning. The armor remains for as long as you
remain in your Combat Trance.
Thought Weapon When you take a turn while under the
effects of your Combat Trance, you can, as a minor
activity, create a thought weapon in your hand. The
weapon can have any appearance you choose, but is a
melee weapon with the following properties: Keen,
Piercing, and Thrown (range 4). In addition, you can
add the higher of your Intellect or Will modifier to
your damage rolls with this weapon. If you throw the
thought weapon, it disappears after you resolve the
attack and reappears in your hand.
Health +4
Forceful Thought When you roll a 20 on the die to attack
with your Thought Weapon, a wave of telekinetic force
rushes out from you, smashing into and dealing 4d6
damage to each creature and object you can reach. A
creature can roll Strength, taking half the damage on a
success, or falling prone and becoming impaired for 1
round on a failure.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Unconscious Focus While under the effects of Combat
Trance, you no longer make Strength and Agility rolls
with 1 bane. In addition, you can use a reaction when a

with this talent. For each point of psychic energy spent
Mindbender in this way, a target takes 2d6 extra damage. You can
use this talent once and regain the use when you finish
Your thoughts become as weapons. You can an 8-hour rest.
concentrate your ideas into attacks to tear apart
other’s minds, leaving your targets reeling, blood
spilling from nostrils and ears as they struggle to
make sense of what has happened to them, for you
give little or no physical sign of your part in creating
their suffering. Your capabilities might have been
with you all along, lying in wait for you to develop
them or they could be a new discovery realized
after suffering from some trauma or a mental attack
made against you.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Mental Assault As a minor activity on your turn, you can
assault the mind of one creature within an adjacent or
closer area. Roll Intellect against the target’s Will. On a
success, the target takes 6d6 damage and becomes
frightened for 1 round. If you rolled a 20 on the die, the
target takes 2d6 extra damage and becomes frightened
for 1 minute instead. You can use this talent a number
of times equal to half your level and you regain
expended uses when you finish an 8-hour rest.
If you have the Psychic Energy talent from the
psychic path, you can spend 1 psychic energy in place
of expending a use of this talent.
Health +4
Mental Defense While you are conscious, you protect
your mind from enemy attacks. If you would be
charmed, controlled, frightened, or possessed, you can
use a reaction to prevent gaining the affliction and
force the source of the effect to roll Will. On a failed
roll, the source becomes stunned for 1 round.
Psychic Static As a minor activity on your turn, you can
emit psychic static to spreads through your area and
into each adjacent area where it remains for 1 minute.
The static imposes 1 bane on Intellect and Will rolls.
You can use this talent a number of times equal to half
your level and regain expended uses when you finish
an 8-hour rest.
If you have the Psychic Energy talent from the
psychic path, you can spend 1 psychic energy in place
of expending a use of this talent.
Health +4
Psychic Scream When you would take damage or gain an
affliction, you can use a reaction to use this talent.
Jagged, broken thoughts erupt screaming from your
mind, assailing the thoughts of each enemy within two
areas of you. The target must roll Will. A target takes
8d6 damage and becomes impaired for 1 hour on a
failure, or takes just half the damage on a success. If
the damage would cause a target to become injured, it
takes 4d6 extra damage.
If you have the Psychic Energy talent, you can spend
any amount of psychic energy to deal extra damage

Miracle Worker
There’s no disease you cannot defeat. There’s no
place a parasite can hide from you, no illness to
severe, no wound too worrisome. You have
mastered the healing arts and even Lord Death
steers clear. You commit yourself to a life of serving
others, for religious reasons, for moral ones, or
because you have seen too much death and too
much suffering to no longer do nothing.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +2
Miracle Worker Spell You learn the miracle cure spell.
Miracle Worker Spell Castings You have a number of
miracle worker spell castings equal to the number of
miracle worker spells you know. You can expend a
miracle worker casting to cast any spell you have
learned. You regain expended miracle worker castings
when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Restorative Touch You can use an action to touch one
creature you can reach. The target heals 2d6 damage.
You can use this talent a number of times equal to half
your level and regain expended uses when you finish
an 8-hour rest.
Health +2
Miracle Worker Spell You learn the mass cure spell.
Restorative Presence Each creature that rests within
your area heals twice the normal amount of damage.
Health +2
Miracle Worker Spell You learn the miraculous revival
Preternatural Health You are immune to infection,
poison, and venom. In addition, you reduce a penalty
to your Health by 1d6 for every full two hours you rest.

Miracle Worker Spells

Your spells spare the living from pain and suffering.
Touch one creature you can reach. The target heals 8d6
damage. Any damage healed in excess of the target’s
damage total instead reduces the target’s Health penalty
by that amount. Alternatively, you can remove the
fatigued or sickened affliction and end the source of the
Each ally within your surrounding area heals 4d6
You touch the remains of one creature dead no longer
than 30 days. You restore the target to life, causing it to
become a creature once more. The target reduces the
penalty to its Health by 1d6, heals damage equal to its
level, and becomes fatigued for 24 hours.

You belong to a sect of noble warriors who prize
personal honor above all else. Obedience to one’s
betters and excellence at arms demonstrate
personal worth and so you never refuse an order
given to you by worthy to command you and you
hone your fighting techniques to become a master
of your weapons. Your combat style favors
longbows, swords, speed, and mobility. You have no
need for armor as your skill in battle keeps you safe
from your enemies’ attacks.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Myrmidon Arms You make rolls to attack with longbows,
swords, and long swords with 1 boon. In your hands, a
sword has the Swift property, while the long sword has
the Defense +2 property.
Myrmidon Defense If you wear no armor, you have a +3
bonus to Defense. You can use one additional reaction
per round. In addition, when a creature you can see
attacks you, you can use a reaction to increase the
bonus to your Defense, if you have one, to +6.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Decisive Cut You can use an action draw a melee weapon
and attack with it in one swift motion. If you make just
one attack with the weapon, you make the roll to attack
with 2 boons and the attack deals 2d6 extra damage.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Definitive Counterstrike When an enemy you can reach
fails a roll to attack you, you can use a reaction to
attack it with a melee weapon you are wielding using
half your Attack Dice.

You scoured the world for the secret of
enlightenment. You consulted the wisest
philosophers, coaxed the strange anchorites
perched atop poles in the desert around the
Forbidden City to reveal their secrets, you studied
with the astrologists, and sought out the keenest
minds the world has ever known. Each taught you
something, but you came to realize that the path
lies within you. You must merely follow it.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Perfect Balance While you are not injured, you weigh
nothing and can stand on any solid object, such as a
leaf, a blade of grass, or a slender twig. You ignore
challenging terrain. And, if you fall, you take no
damage on landing.
Leaf on the Wind Whenever you move, you impose 1
bane on rolls to attack you for 1 round.
Unbound When you move, you can move in any
direction though you must end your movement on a
solid surface.
Health +4; Attacks +1
Inner Harmony Neither disease nor parasites affect you.
You ignore poison and venom and you suffer no effects
from thirst, hunger, or sleep deprivation, though you
must eat and drink at least once every seven days or
lose this talent until you do. In addition, you can hold
your breath for up to 1 hour.
Restorative Trance You can use an action to clear your
mind and enter a trance that lasts until you end it any
time and without having to use an action. Time spent
in the trance counts as resting and you heal 1d6 extra
damage at the end of each hour spent in it.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Enlightenment You appear at the prime of your life. You
grow no older physically and you no longer have to
drink, eat, or sleep at all. You can use an action to heal
damage equal to your level or remove any affliction
from you.
Preternatural Moves You can move across and stand on
any surface, including liquids and vapors, such as
clouds. You can swim up waterfalls and fit through
opening wide enough to permit the passage of air.
Shed the Mortal Coil If you choose, you abandon your
physical body and free your soul to join that of the
cosmos, where you become one with all things. Your
character has attained perfection and enlightened and
the character’s story has come to an end.

success, you regain the casting you expended to cast this
Namer spell.
Names have power. By names, one doesn’t mean the WORD OF POWER
ordinary cognomens by which we are known to You speak a word of power at one creature within two
another, but, rather, these are secret names, the true areas. If the target can hear you, roll 16d6 plus the target’s
names that encapsulate all that we are, have been, damage total. If the sum equals or exceeds the target’s
and ever will be. You learn how to speak these Health score, the target becomes stunned for 1 minute. If
the sum exceeds the target’s Health by twice or more, the
words of power and use them to control others. target explodes, dying instantly.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. You speak the true name of one creature you can see
Health +2 within your surrounding area. If the target can hear you,
Namer Spells You learn the command spell. roll Intellect. If you are of a higher level, you make the
Namer Spell Castings You have a number of namer spell roll with a number of boons equal to the difference. If
castings equal to the number of namer spells you you are of a lower level, you make the roll with a number
know. You can expend a namer casting to cast any spell of banes equal to the difference. On a success, you name
you have learned. You regain expended namer castings the creature and gain power over it that lasts for 24 hours
when you finish an 8-hour rest. or until you cast this spell again. On a failure, you
Secret Name You are immune to the name the thing spell. become stunned for 1 minute and become fatigued for 24
In addition, you cannot be charmed, controlled, or hours.
frightened. While you have power over a target, the target is
LEVEL 8 controlled. If the target becomes injured or takes a
penalty to its Health, the target can roll Will and ends the
Health +2
effect on a success. In addition, you can use an action to
Namer Spells You learn the word of power spell.
True Language You understand all spoken and written speak aloud the target’s name and it teleports to an open
space you choose within your area.
languages. When you speak, you can choose to speak
in the true language so that anyone who hears what
you say understands you. However, anyone who hears
you speak the True Language must succeed on a Will
roll or become frightened of you for 1 minute. A
creature becomes immune to this aspect of the talent
for 24 hours on a success.
Health +2
Namer Spells You learn the true name spell.
Shout Use an action and expend any one spell casting to
release a magically amplified shout that can be heard
throughout your environment. Each creature and
object in your area takes 8d6 damage, each within an
adjacent area takes 4d6 damage, and each within two
areas takes 2d6 damage. A creature that takes this
damage can roll Strength. The creature takes half the
damage on a success, or becomes deafened for 1 hour
on a failure.

Namer Spells
Namer spells reflect your growing understanding of
true name and how their knowledge aids you.
Speak a command to one creature within two areas. If the
target can hear you, roll Intellect against the target’s Will.
If the target is a lower level than you, you make the roll
with a number of boons equal to the difference between
your levels. If the target is a higher level than you, you
make the roll with a number of banes equal to the
difference between your levels. On a success, the target
becomes controlled for 1 minute. On a failure, the target
becomes impaired and you can roll luck and, on a

People who say that there’s no honor in using
poison only have never been desperate enough,
never feared for their lives to the point that they
would do anything to escape their predicament.
The making of poisons, toxins, and other lethal
substances has become your business, but so has
their use against targets whom you are hired to
eliminate. It’s an underhanded, dirty trade, making
and using poisons, but you have a real talent. You
appreciate that poisons care not if they strike down
commoners or kings, wizards or monsters. They
sicken and kill, regardless of station, social class, or
profession. And that’s their enduring appeal to the
likes of you who study them, make them, and use
them without thinking twice.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Poison Mastery You are never at risk of exposing yourself
to poisons when using them and you make rolls to
resist the effects of poison and venoms with 1 boon.
Creatures make rolls to resist poisons you create with 1
bane. Finally, whenever you cause a sickened creature
to become sickened, the creature takes 2d6 damage.
Subtle Poison You can use an action to poison any
creature you can reach. Roll Agility against the target’s
Agility. On a success, the target becomes sickened for 1
minute. While sickened in this way, the target must roll
Strength during the upkeep or take 1d6 damage. If the
target succeeds on three Strength rolls to resist the
poison, it removes the sickened effect from itself.
Health +4
Toxic Strike Whenever you deal damage to a creature
with an attack, the target must succeed on a Strength
roll or take 1d6 damage from your poison and become
sickened for 1 minute. If the target is already sickened,
it takes 1d6 extra damage.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Toxic Plot Starting on the second round of combat, when
you use an action to perform any activity in combat,
you can choose one creature within an adjacent or
closer area. At some point, when no one was looking,
you exposed this creature to one of your poisons. The
target must succeed on a Strength roll with 2 banes or
take 1d6 damage from the poison and become sickened
for 1 minute. Once you use this talent, you must wait 1
round before you can use it again.

Secure Mind Your dreams are your own and you are
Onieromancer immune to any effect that would alter, control, or
manipulate your dreams.
You master the magic of dreams and nightmares.
You can enter the dreams of other creatures to
communicate with them or torment them as you
Onieromancy Spells
choose, you can conjure nightmares from the Your spells fool the senses.
waking minds of your enemies, and you can shape DREAM TRAVEL
reality to suit your needs. No mind is safe from your You and any number of allies in your area fall asleep and
magical meddling. remain asleep for 8 hours. Choose an area in your
environment. The area must be one you have seen before
LEVEL 7 at least once. When you waken, so too do your allies, and
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. you find yourself in the area you chose.
Health +2
Onieromancer Spells You learn one onieromancy spell. NIGHTMARE
Onieromancer Spell Castings You have a number of You conjure a nightmare from a creature’s mind to appear
onieromancy spell castings equal to the number of before it, remaining for 1 minute or until the target
onieromancy spells you know. You can expend an creature overcomes it. All other creatures see the
onieromancy casting to cast any spell you have nightmare as a shadowy figure, but the target believes the
learned. You regain expended illusion castings when image to be real. The nightmare follows the target
you finish an 8-hour rest. wherever it goes until the effect ends. When the
Dream Travel When you sleep, you can forgo deriving nightmare appears, the target must roll Will with 1 bane.
any benefit from resting while you travel to explore the On a failure, the target becomes frightened until the
dreams of a creature within 1 mile of you. You must effect ends and it must, on each of its turns, run away
have something from the creature in order to enter its from the nightmare by the safest available route. On a
dreams such as a lock of hair, a bit of nail or flesh, or a success, the target is not frightened, but remains
drop of blood. If you have the required substance, roll susceptible to the spell’s effects.
Intellect against the sleeper’s Will. If the target is a During each upkeep until the spell ends, the
higher level than you, you make the roll with a number nightmare torments the target, forcing the target to roll
of banes equal to the difference in levels. If of a lower Will. On a failure, the target takes a penalty to its Health
level than you, you make the roll with a number of equal to its level or twice its level if it is frightened. On a
boons equal to the difference. On a success, you enter success, nothing happens. If the target gets three
the target’s dreams and can remain there for as long as successes, it overcomes the nightmare.
you wish, or until the target wakes up.
While in a target’s dream, you can communicate WAKING DREAM
with the target as if you were together in person and You create an illusion inside up to three areas you can
the target recalls the conversation or not as you decide. see. The illusion remains for 4 hours.
You can also cast spells on the sleeping target as if it The illusion hides, alters, or replaces visual and
were within range. auditory effects as you choose in the target area. The
Finally, you can hide inside the target’s dreams, illusion has tactile and olfactory elements that impose 2
watching what happens and learning what might banes on rolls made to discern the illusion for what it is.
trouble the target, as the Sage decides. You can create hazardous components as part of the
Once you use this talent, you must wait 24 hours illusion that can harm creatures who believe these
before you can use it again. components to be real. An illusory curtain of fire sheds
light, heat, and burns anything that touches it. A creature
LEVEL 8 that would be harmed by the hazardous element can
Health +2 make an Intellect roll with 2 banes. On a failure, it takes a
Onieromancer Spells You learn one onieromancy spell. 3d6 penalty to its Health.
Tormenting Dreams When you use Dream Travel, you A creature interacting with the illusion can roll
can take control of the target’s dreams to make them Intellect and discerns it is an illusion on a success. The
nightmarish. The target derives no benefit from resting illusion’s appearance and sounds then appear faint and
and, when it wakens, it becomes fatigued for 24 hours. muted.
You can also have elements of the illusion appear and
LEVEL 10 disappear under particular conditions. For example, you
Health +2 might cause a mouth to appear and say something when
Onieromancer Spells You learn one onieromancy spell. a creature moves to a point with a few yards of a real or
Nightmarish Recall Use an action to force one creature illusory feature in the affected area before disappearing.
you can see to recall a terrifying nightmare. Roll
Intellect against the target’s Will. On a success, the
target takes a 1d6 penalty to its Health and becomes
frightened for 1 minute. On a roll of a 20 or higher, the
target also falls prone and drops whatever it is holding.

At no time are you happier than when you’re
ranging through the wilderness, exploring places
no one has ever seen or before imagined. You blaze
a trail through the trackless wilds, traveling far and
wide to see all that can be seen. From your
extensive travels and, most likely, your prior
experience, you know how to get along in the wild.
You can find shelter, forage and hunt for food,
douse for clean water, and handle wild animals.
You were made for the outdoors and there’s no
place you’d rather be.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Perseverance Whenever you would become fatigued,
impaired, or sickened, roll luck. On a success, remove
the affliction from yourself.
Overcome Obstacles When you climb and swim, you do
so at twice the normal rate. When you would make a
roll to move in any way, you make the roll with 1 boon.
Finally, you do not become slowed when in areas with
challenging terrain.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Success at Any Cost Whenever you roll a 5 or less on a
d20, you can another d20 and add half the number
rolled to your first roll.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Wild Might Whenever succeed on a roll to attack with a
weapon and the number rolled on the d20 is an even
number, your attack deals 1d6 extra damage.
Wild Friend In an aboveground, wilderness
environment, you are immune to the effects of hunger
and thirst as you can always find something safe to eat
or drink. You are also immune to the effects of

Pit Fighter
You know how to fight and when you find yourself
in combat, you’ll do anything to win. You rend the
flesh, gouge out eyes, and rip off ears. You maul
your foes with your bare hands, tearing them limb
from limb. Your body bears the scars of countless
conflicts and you wear each as a badge of honor.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Always Armed Your unarmed attacks gain the Brutal and
Martial properties.
Desperate Strike If you are injured, once per round,
when you fail a roll to attack another creature, you can
roll luck. On a success, you turn the failure into a
success, but you grant 2 boons on the next roll made to
attack you.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Maiming Strike Whenever an attack you make deals 15
damage or more, the target also becomes impaired for 1
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Surging Violence When you take the initiative, you make
your rolls to attack with 3 boons.
Kill or Be Killed When you take damage from an enemy,
you can use a reaction to roll Strength against the
triggering enemy’s Defense. On a success, you deal
damage equal to the damage you took. You then
become stunned for 1 round. Once you use this talent,
you must finish an 8-hour rest before you can use it

No matter the odds, no matter how high the stakes,
you’re in. An inveterate gambler, you win fortunes
and squander them. Your preoccupation with
gambling has created, undoubtedly, problems, but
it has also opened doors, offering opportunities you
might otherwise have never had. The same
sensibilities you have at the gaming table creep into
the rest of your life and you find yourself tempted
into risky actions that might put yourself and others
in danger for a chance at glory.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4
Desperate Efforts While the Sage has at least one debt
token from your Double Down talent, your attacks deal
1d6 extra damage.
Double Down Once per round, when you fail a roll, you
can choose to turn that failure into a success, but you
must give the Sage a debt token. The Sage can hold up
to three debt tokens and if the Sage has three debt
tokens, you cannot use this talent. While the Sage has
at least one debt token and a member of your group
succeeds on a roll, the Sage can return the debt token
to turn that success into a failure.
Health +4
Risk-Taker During the upkeep, you can roll luck roll. On
a success, you make all attribute rolls with 1 boon for 1
round, while on a failure, you make all attribute rolls
with 2 banes for 1 round.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
The Devil’s Own Luck Once per round, when a creature
rolls to attack you, you can give the Sage a debt token
to roll luck. If the number you rolled is lower than the
number rolled for the attacking creature, the creature
must use your number instead.
All In When you get a success on a roll to attack from
using your Double Down talent, your attack deals 1d6
extra damage.

It’s time to kill and you are ready. No stranger to
violence, you have found you have a thirst for
fighting. In fact, you love it so much, you seek out
conflict and provoke it when you can’t find it. Once
the fighting starts, your blood boils, you see red,
and the hatred takes over. You’ve left a heap of
corpses behind you and you know you’ll just be
adding more to the pile.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Bloodthirst During each upkeep in combat, roll a
bloodthirst die, which is a d6. When you roll Attack
Dice, you can replace one roll of an Attack Die with the
result of your bloodthirst die roll.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Reckless Strike When you attack with a melee weapon,
you can choose to grant 2 boons on all rolls made to
attack you for 1 round in order to deal 2d6 extra
damage with your attack.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Extreme Bloodthirst When you use Bloodthirst, you can
roll two additional bloodthirst dice.
Exultation in Death When your attack causes a creature
to become incapacitated, you make rolls to attack with
2 boons for 1 round.

Lord Death chose you to harvest the souls of the
recently dead. A great honor to be sure, but one
that sees you changed into a specter of death. You
become a living shadow, your face floating in the
midst of the roiling darkness that is your physical
form. Your patron arms you with a scythe for the
reaping and gives you access to the power of
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Death’s Scythe Use an action to call to hand the scythe of
Lord Death. The scythe remains for 1 minute or until it
leaves your hand, at which point it evaporates into
black smoke that then dissipates. When the scythe
appears and when you use an action to do so, you can
attack with it, making the roll with 1 boon. You can also
substitute Will for Strength. The scythe is a large melee
weapon with the following properties: Brutal, Keen,
and Martial.
Death’s Call When a creature within four areas of you
becomes incapacitated, you can use a reaction to
teleport to a space adjacent to the triggering creature.
Health +4
Pall of Death When you cause a creature to become
incapacitated, you can cause shadows to spread out
from you into your area and each adjacent area. The
shadows create obscurement in their area and thwart
magical and natural light. The shadows remain for 1
Life Sense You can pinpoint the exact location of each
creature within two areas of you. Such creatures
cannot be hidden from you.
Health +4
Decree of Death Use an action to single out one creature
you can see within two areas to die. Darkness gathers
around the target to steal away its life force. The target
must roll Strength with 1 bane, taking 8d6 damage on a
failure, or half the damage on a success. If the damage
causes the target to become injured, it takes 8d6 extra
damage. If this damage causes the target to become
incapacitated, it dies. Otherwise, the target becomes
cursed for 24 hours, making luck rolls with 1 bane and,
once per round, takes a 1d6 penalty to its Health when
it takes damage. Once you use this talent, you must
finish an 8-hour rest before you can use it again.

Being chosen by Revel frees you from all
obligations; you can pursue anything you desire. As
the god has done to you by making you his servant,
so do you do to others. You erode any sense of duty
and responsibility in people around you and excite
their senses until they go crazy with joy, desire, and
madness. Chaos follows you wherever you go.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Intoxicated You are impaired until you finish an 8-hour
rest, at which point you shed this affliction. You can
regain it by using substances to dull the senses and
lower your inhibitions, which takes about 1 hour.
Having the impaired affliction is necessary for many of
your talents.
Fool While you are impaired, you cannot be frightened,
take half damage from all sources, and you fall prone
whenever you fail a Strength or Agility roll.
Revelry If you are impaired, you can use an action to
intoxicate everyone around you. Each creature within
your area and each adjacent area must succeed on a
Will roll or become impaired for 1 hour. While
impaired in this way, the creature gains the Fool talent.
Health +4
Charm the Reveler If you are impaired, you can use an
action to roll Will with 1 boon against the Will of one
impaired creature within your surrounding area that
can see and hear you. On a success, the target becomes
charmed for as long as it remains impaired. On a
failure, the target removes the impaired affliction from
Unhinged Laughter Whenever you fall prone, each
impaired creature that can see you must succeed on a
Will roll or be overcome with laughter. While
overcome with laughter, the target is stunned. During
each upkeep, the target can roll luck and ends the
effect on itself on a success.
Health +4
Frenzy If you are impaired, you can use an action to
target up to three impaired creatures within your
surrounding area. Each target must roll Will. On a
failure, the creature becomes violent for 1 minute.
While violent, the creature must use an action on each
turn to attack. The creature treats all other creatures as
enemies. On a success, the creature removes the
impaired affliction from itself. Once you use this talent,
you must wait 1 hour before you can use it again.
Wild and Frenzied Dancing When a creature with the
Fool talent granted by your Revelry takes a turn, it
must succeed on a Will roll or take 1d6 damage and use
its action and move to dance.

No one should ever trust you. You wouldn’t trust
you. You’re always scheming. You always have an
angle. You do what you must to survive, even if it
means betraying your friends. You only live once,
after all.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Schemes You have a number of schemes equal to half
your level. You expend schemes to use rogue talents.
You regain all expended schemes when you finish an 8-
hour rest.
Borrowed Success When an ally you can see succeeds on
an attribute roll, you can expend a scheme to turn that
success into a failure. The next time you fail a roll
within the next 1 minute, you automatically turn that
failure into a success.
Consummate Survivor While you are in an area in which
there is at least one other member of your group, you
impose 1 bane on rolls made to attack you.
In addition, when a creature would attack you while
you can reach an ally, you can expend a scheme to
switch the target from you to that ally.
Health +4
Dastardly Opportunist When a creature you can reach
takes damage and you wield a weapon, you can expend
a scheme to deal 3d6 damage to that creature.
Mischief Maker When a creature you can see attacks an
ally, the creature grants you 1 boon on your rolls to
attack it until the upkeep.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Always Scheming When you expend a scheme, roll luck.
On a success, you regain the expended scheme. On a
failure, you make attribute rolls with 1 boon for 1
minute. Boons granted by this talent are cumulative.

You embrace magic’s ruinous potential and learn
how to channel it to eradicate everything in your
path. Nihilism could explain why you chose this or
maybe you just sought a simpler and more
destructive use for your magic. Whatever the cause,
you can shatter, blow apart, and otherwise destroy
anything that gets in your way.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Destruction Choose one creature or object within an
adjacent or closer area. A target creature takes 6d6
damage while a target object takes 36 damage. A
creature that takes 20 damage or more also becomes
impaired for 1 minute. The ground in the target’s area
fractures to become challenging terrain until cleared
away. You can use this magical talent three times and
regain expended uses when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Health +4
Marks of Ruin Your body pays the price of your use of
ruinous magic. You develop painful fissures in your
skin. Once per round, when you take damage, you take
a 1d6 penalty to your Health score.
Twinned Destruction You can choose up to two targets
when you use Destruction. In addition, the targets can
be up to two areas away from you.
Explosive Destruction When your use of Destruction
destroys spell destroys a target made from metal or
stone, it explodes, throwing shrapnel that deals 4d6
damage to everything in the target’s area. A creature
can roll luck and takes no damage on a success.
Health +4
Revel in Ruin You can use your Destruction talent more
than three times. Each time you use the talent after the
first, reduce the damage it deals by 6. So, the fourth
time you use it, it would deal 6d6 – 6 damage or 6d6 –
12 the fifth time you use it, and so on.
Annihilation When you use Destruction, you can
expend two or three uses at once. For each use
expended beyond the first, the target takes 6d6 extra


Saint •
One creature you can see within four areas
takes 20d6 damage.
You restore life to all dead creatures you choose
A pure heart and unblemished spirit elevate you within an adjacent or closer area. Each target
above the other divine servants. You demonstrate creature heals all damage and removes any
uncommon dedication to your beliefs and you penalty it has to its Health.
adhere to no purpose beyond that of obedience to • You and up to five creatures you touch
your god’s will. You stand out among other agents disappear and reappear in a site sacred to your
of the faith, an individual of unimpeachable faith anywhere in the world that you have
goodness who carries the favor of the divinities. previously visited or seen on a map.
Being a saint binds you serve your patron and • You cause enough food and drink to appear
any act that would put you at odds with your deity around you that you can sustain one hundred
strips you of all talents gained from this path until people for one day.
you spend time, as a downtime activity, at a site • You add or remove a feature to an area of your
deemed holy to your patron. At the end of this time, choice within four areas. Examples include
creating a bridge to span a chasm or removing a
you can roll luck. On a success, you successfully bridge. Opening a door in a solid wall, creating
atone and regain the talents you lost. On a failure, a shelter, or something of the kind. The Sage
you must spend another downtime activity to make interprets the nature of your request and
another luck roll. decides if it’s possible, possibly granting the
request or partially fulfilling it.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Holy One You must always speak the truth as you know it
and you may never cheat. You cannot take anything
that is not freely given. You cannot create forgeries, use
poisons or similar substances, and you cannot harm
any mortal creature that has not attacked you first.
Finally, you must always provide aid and service to
those who you deem genuinely need it and request it.
If you violate any of these prohibitions, you lose all
talents gained from this path.
Divine Protection You are immune to disease, parasites,
poison, and venom. You are also immune to hunger,
thirst, and sleep deprivation. Creatures that roll to
attack you discard all boons before making the roll.
Finally, you cannot be charmed, controlled, frightened,
or stunned.
Health +4
Halo Bright light shines from your head. Demons, devils,
faeries, spirits, and undead in this light are impaired.
Your allies in areas illuminated by this talent make
attribute and luck rolls with 1 boon.
Purifying Touch You remove all poisons, toxins,
diseases, and parasites from any creature, food, or
drink you touch.
Health +4
Divinely Favored You stop aging and, short of violence or
misadventure, can live forever. You can walk on liquid
surfaces as if they were solid, and you can use an action
to end the effects of infection. If you die, your body
never rots and cannot be turned into undead. If your
corpse is housed on ground holy to members of your
faith, you are restored to life, seven days later, with no
damage and no penalty to Health.
Miracle Use an action to perform a miracle. Choose one
of the following effects. Once you perform a miracle,
you must spend a downtime period in prayer before
you can use it again.

You know how to manufacture bombs and improve
on existing bomb designs. You’re the one best suited
for removing obstacles from your path as your
materials can collapse bridges, topple walls, and
turn ranks of foes into chunks of meat. You have
explosives hidden about your person, so you always
have something useful on hand.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Bomb-Builder You have a number of explosive bombs
equal to your level. You replenish your number of
bombs, up to your maximum, each time you finish an
8-hour rest, provided you have a tool kit. Finally, you
make luck rolls to avoid duds with 1 boon and
explosive bombs you use deal 1d6 extra damage.
Bomb Thrower When you use an action to attack, you
can light and throw bombs as part of the attack. You
can throw one lit bomb for every 2 Attack Dice you
Health +4
Varied Bombs You can swap out any number of explosive
bombs gained from your Bomb-Builder talent for gas
bombs or incandescent bombs.
Demolitionist Objects that take damage from your
explosive bombs take maximum damage.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Maximum Destruction You can make one bomb gained
from the Bomb-Builder talent high explosive. A high-
explosive bomb functions as a normal explosive bomb
but deals 12d6 damage to creatures and objects within
its area and each adjacent area. A creature that
becomes injured from taking this damage flies a one
area, lands prone, and becomes stunned for 1 round.

You joined a warrior society founded in ancient
times to protect the druids and advance their
interests in the world. Another seeker might have
recruited you or you could have bonded with a
druid, believing in the character’s mission.
Membership required you to undergo secret rites,
of which you remember little, but emerged from
the experience bearing intricate tattoos on your
face, especially around your eyes, and along your
arms. With these tattoos come a sharpening of your
equipment and a long, shimmering cloak that
identifies your allegiance to the druid and their
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Preternatural Senses You gain the night vision trait if
you don’t have it already. You can see twice as far as you
can normally hear and you double the distance away
from you that you can hear whispers.
Seeker Cloak Membership in the seekers grants you a
long, hooded cloak of a shimmering gray material. The
cloak changes colors to match its surroundings, such
that when you fully cover yourself, you become
invisible to creatures in areas adjacent to you and in
areas beyond them. If you lose this cloak, you can
acquire another one as a downtime activity.
Health +4
Death Mark When you succeed on a roll to attack a
target, you can choose to bestow a death mark on the
target, which appears to you and you only, as a faintly
glowing skull. The death mark remains until you finish
an 8-hour rest or you use this talent again.
While you have a death mark on a creature, you can
always pinpoint the target’s location regardless of how
far away the target is from you. In addition, you make
rolls to attack the target with 1 boon.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Inevitable Strike When you fail a roll to attack a target
bearing your death mark, you can end the death mark
effect early and repeat the roll to attack.
Secrets Revealed You can use an action to cast out your
senses. Name one creature or object. If the named
creature or object is within two areas, you know it and
its exact location. After you use this talent, you must
succeed on a Will roll or take a 1d6 penalty to your

Your senses have sharpened to the point that you
don’t miss details. You have an uncanny knack for
spotting things others might overlook. No enemy
can get the jump on you while you stand watch for
you never grow tired and you never shirk when it
comes to watching for danger.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Boundless Endurance You cannot become fatigued.
Perfect Perception You can see in darkness out to a range
of four areas. You can hear a whisper from two areas
away, speech from four, and shouts from eight. You can
pinpoint the location of each creature within two areas
of you and such creatures cannot surprise your group
while you are among them.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Blindsight If you are blinded, you can still pinpoint the
location of creatures and objects within your
surrounding area.
Expose Weakness You make rolls to attack targets you
can see with 1 boon. When you succeed on a roll to
attack, you grant 1 boon to the next roll made to attack
the target before the upkeep.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Piercing Gaze You can use an action to see through a
solid object for up to 1 minute. You can see through 1
inch of metal, 1 foot of stone, or 10 feet of wood.
Sleepless Watcher You no longer suffer the effects of
sleep deprivation and need not sleep.

In the ancient times of the Old Empire, nobles dealt
with their rivals by assassination. Several secret
societies formed to meet the needs of the society
and while the Black Fists, the Grim Brethren, and
others loom large in history, the Shadowblades
would become the most notorious. Hiring one of
these killers guaranteed the target’s death for
nothing and no one could stop them.
You uncovered ancient scrolls detailing the
methods the shadowblades used and have trained
to master them. You can fling glittering stars from
your hands, turn yourself into billowing clouds, of
smoke, scramble up nearly any surface, and slip
through walls. There’s nowhere you can’t go and no
one is safe from you.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Shadowblade Tricks You have a number of tricks equal
to your level. You expend these tricks to use talents
gained from this path. You regain expended tricks
when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Billowing Smoke When an enemy you can see attacks
you, but before the dice are rolled, you can use a
reaction and expend one trick to cause thick, choking
smoke to spread through the area and remain until the
upkeep. While the smoke remains, creatures in the
area are blinded. During the upkeep, each creature in
the area must also succeed on a Strength roll or
become sickened for 1 round. While sickened in this
way, the creature is slowed.
Impossible Leap When you take your turn, you can
expend 1 trick to gain the flier trait until the upkeep.
Health +4
Dark Stars Use an action and expend one trick to fling
from your hand spinning metal stars, the points of
which carry a deadly poison, at up to three creatures
that are next to each other. Each target must succeed
on an Agility roll with 1 bane or take a 1d6 penalty to
Health and become sickened for 1 minute. While
sickened, the creature is slowed and must succeed on a
Strength roll during each upkeep or take an additional
1d6 penalty to its Health.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Blinding Breath Use an action and expend 1 trick to
breath a toxic cloud at up to three creatures you can
reach. Each target becomes blinded for 1 round and
must roll Strength with 1 bane. On a failure, the target
takes a 1d6 penalty to its Health and becomes blinded
for 1 minute instead.
Passwall When you move, you can expend 1 trick to move
through a solid obstacle provided that obstacle is 3 feet
thick or less.

While not quite common, the ability to shed one’s
form and adopt another appears in many places
and among many different people. Druids can
switch forms, becoming birds, trees, or hulking
bears, while the skinchangers flow from one form
and back again with ease. You might have come
from a shapeshifting tradition or belong to a people
with the gift, but something else could have
triggered an awakening of this ability in you.
Perhaps you won a boon from a god, carry a
dreadful curse from a fey lord or lady to whom you
gave offense, or forged a bond with a beast and the
mingling of your blood as a pact made between you
confers on you the ability to become like it.
Whatever the reason might be, you can shift from
your normal form and adopt the shape of a hulking
beast. You decide what you look like. You could
become a bear, a wolf, an eagle, or something else.
But the form must be that of an animal.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Natural Weapons In your normal form, you can freely
lengthen your teeth into fangs and nails into claws and
keep them until you choose to lose them. While you
have natural weapons, your unarmed attacks gain the
Martial property.
Beast Forms When you move, you can also transform
yourself into an animal form. Regardless of the form
you chose, you use the rules for the beast form, which
are presented below. If you choose a form that can fly,
you gain the flier trait (60 miles per hour), but you lose
the bonus Attack Die. You remain in this form until
you change form again.
Size 2 animal
Defense Strength Agility Intellect Will Health

8 14
As base form

Attack Dice +1
Claws and Teeth (melee) Attacks 1: Strength (+3) with 1
boon against Defense
Health +4
Great Beast When you use Beast Forms, you can assume
the form of a huge animal. Your Defense becomes 7,
Strength becomes 15, and the bonus Attack Dice
increases to 2, or 1 if you have the flier trait.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Legendary Beast While you are under the effects of your
Beast Form talent, you make rolls to attack with 2
boons and your Claws and Teeth gain the Brutal and
Exploding properties.

You become a warrior-poet, one who chronicles the
deeds of mightiest heroes and recounts them in
verse to inspire others. No simple entertainer you.
You draw upon a deep well of knowledge, deepened
by years of research into the old tales, the histories
uncovered, and the stories you were told. Into your
labyrinthine mind you have placed this lore and
draw upon it when composing a new work or
spinning a yarn to inspire, delight, confound, or
insult those around you.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Battle Chant When you use an action to attack, you can
sacrifice one Attack Die begin a battle chant that lasts
until you stop speaking or use your voice for any other
purpose. Each ally that can hear your chant has a +5
bonus to Health and treats any roll of a 1 on an Attack
Die as if it were a 6. Once you use Battle Chant, you
must rest for at least 1 hour before you can use it again.
Confounding Kenning You can use an action to tell up to
five creatures you choose in your area a riddle. If the
target understands what you say, the target must
succeed on an Intellect roll with 1 bane. On a failure,
the target becomes impaired as it puzzles over the
riddle. If any target succeeds on this roll, it solves the
riddle, removes the impaired affliction imposed by this
talent, and the target becomes immune to your use of
Confounding Kenning for 24 hours. Any target
impaired by this talent can use an action to roll
Intellect with 1 bane and solves the riddle on a success.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Inspired Initiative When you take the initiative, one ally
who can see you can take the initiative as well without
having to give up a move or an action.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Tale of Tales You can spend 1 hour telling a tale of a great
hero to all allies that can hear you. If a target creature
listens to the full performance, the creature becomes
emboldened for 4 hours. An emboldened creature has
a +5 bonus to Health, makes attribute rolls with 1 boon,
and gains 1 Attack Die. When an emboldened target
fails a roll, it can end the emboldened effect on itself to
turn the failure into a success. Once you use Tale of
Tales, you must finish an 8-hour rest before you can
use it again.

A great many monsters infest the New Lands. Some
crawled out from the Weird Wizard’s laboratories,
others were born and look like ordinary folks, at
least until they do something terrible. You see it as
your duty to cleanse the world of these
monstrosities and your enthusiasm for killing
makes up for any shortfalls you might have in your
weapon training.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Accustomed to Violence If you become frightened, roll
luck and remove the frightened affliction from yourself
on a success.
Kill the Weak You make rolls to attack injured targets
with 1 boon and your attacks against such targets deal
1d6 extra damage.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Hard Target Whenever you succeed on a roll to attack a
creature, you impose 1 bane on the next roll made to
attack you before the upkeep.
Inured to Pain When you would become impaired or
sickened, roll luck. On a success, you do not become
impaired or sickened.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Reaping Strike Once per round, when damage from an
attack causes a creature to become injured, you can
choose to deal 4d6 extra damage. If the damage causes
the creature to become incapacitated, you regain the
use of this talent. Otherwise, you must wait 1 minute
before you can use it again.

You use magic to protect yourself in battle. You can
spin magical energy into spinning shields to deflect
attacks or to lift you out of dangerous situations.
Your magic offers no offense, but you have skill at
arms you need to see you through a fight.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Mage Spell Castings You have a number of magus spell
castings equal to 1 + half your level. You can expend a
magus spell casting to cast a magus or mage spell you
know. You regain expended castings when you finish
an 8-hour rest.
Invulnerable Glyph During the upkeep, you can use a
reaction and expend a mage spell casting to become
immune to damage for 1 round. Once you use this
talent, you must wait 1 hour before you can use it again.
Health +4
Spellguard Spell You learn one spellguard spell.
Sudden Escape When two or more enemies can reach
you, you can use a reaction and expend a casting of a
mage spell to teleport to an open space you can see
within two areas.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Spellguard Spell You learn one spellguard spell.
Mystic Circle When you expend a mage spell casting,
you can choose to surround yourself with a ring of
mystic symbols that remain for 1 minute. The symbols
move with you when you move. The symbols impose 1
bane on rolls made to attack you, halve any damage
you would take from magical sources, and give you the
ability to fly.

Stone Fist
You discovered the Way of the Stone Fist during
your travels. A rare fighting style, it reveals how to
harness the energy created from your soul and
release it through strikes you make with a closed
fist. So strong are these strikes that you can shatter
bone, send opponents flying, and even smash
through solid stone.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Stone Fist Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 extra damage or
2d6 extra damage to objects.
Mountain Might When you take damage, you can
choose to take half the damage. Once you use this
talent, you must wait 1 minute before you can use it
Health +4
Stunning Strike When you succeed on a roll to attack
with an unarmed strike, you can use this talent to force
the target to roll Will. If the target has a higher level
than you, it makes the roll with a number of boons
equal to the difference between your levels. If the
target has a level lower than you, it makes the roll with
a number of banes equal to the difference between the
levels. On a failure, the target becomes stunned for 1
minute and can, during the upkeep, repeat the Will
roll, removing the stunned affliction from itself on a
success. You can use this talent a number of times
equal to half your level, but you must wait 1 round
between each use. You regain expended uses when you
complete a rest.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Ultimate Strike When you succeed on a roll to attack
with an unarmed strike and you rolled a 15 or higher
on the die, the target takes 2d6 extra damage and must
succeed on a Strength roll or take 2d6 extra damage, fly
two areas from you, and land prone, where it becomes
stunned for 1 round. If the damage causes the target to
become incapacitated, it instead explodes, dying

Stone Sentinel
You tap into the vast reservoir of magical energy
contained within the earth and channel it into your
body. You direct its energies to flow through you, to
give you greater strength and to protect you from
harm. You learn how to use this force to shape the
earth and stone around you, to give commands to
your environment and make it serve your needs.
The more you learn, the more earth changes you.
Mineral growths appear on your body, while your
skin assumes the consistency of stone. The blood in
your veins solidifies until you become something
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Strength of Stone While you are in contact with a
surface made of earth, sand, or stone, you have a +1
bonus to Defense, and your unarmed strikes gain the
Concussing, Martial, and Shattering properties.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Tremor Strike When you use an action to attack with a
melee weapon, you can sacrifice one Attack Die to
cause the ground in your area to roll and heave before
you resolve the attack. Each creature on the ground
other than you must succeed on an Agility roll or fall
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Stone Apotheosis If you are not an animated object
already, you become one that’s made from stone, but
still as flexible as you were. You now weigh two tons if
size 1, one ton if size 1/2, or twelve tons if size 2. You
cannot fly or swim. You do not breathe, eat, or drink.
Infection, poisons, and venoms never affect you. You
count as a creature for the purpose of targeting you
with attacks and effects.
While conscious, able to use actions, and in contact
with a surface made from earth, sand, or stone, you
cannot be moved against your will or knocked prone.
Your bonus to Defense from Strength of Stone
increases to 2 and your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 extra
You derive no benefit from ingesting substances, but
you heal damage by resting if you are in contact with a
stone or earthen surface.

Stormborn Stormborn Spells
Casting stormborn spells lets you take control of
You study magic to give you control over the the weather.
weather. You can summon fog to spill across the
lands, call down storms to savage the lands below, CONTROL WEATHER
You must be outdoors to cast this spell. You take control
or turn aside the mightiest hurricane, thus sparing of the weather in your environment for 24 hours. When
innocents of suffering nature’s wrath. The might of you cast the spell, you decide the weather and the
the elements is yours to command. decision lasts until you use an action to change it again.
Many paths lead to the stormborn. The path When you establish the weather in an environment, you
could be a nature evolutionary step having must decide on all of the following aspects.
mastered elemental magic, such as Aeromancy, or it Temperature You can raise the temperature to
could reflect new gifts won from the small gods in scorching hot or lower it to far below freezing. Hot
your role as a guardian. You might be an ardent temperatures cause ice and snow to melt, which might
follower of the Sky Father or a witch who would result in flooding as the Sage decides. Freezing
temperatures cause liquids to freeze. Extreme cold or
tame the skies through ancient spells. heat subject unprotected creatures in the environment to
As a stormborn, you need not ever fear the exposure, while also damaging plants and wildlife in the
elements. Wind and rain never touch you unless environment.
you choose and natural lightning might strike the Wind You decide the direction and strength the wind
ground around you, but always steer clear from blows. You can still the wind, have a calm breeze, regular
you. When casting your stormborn spells, ghostly wind, or gale force gusts. Strong winds can damage
green flames dance all over you body, responding to structures, uproot trees, and, possibly, create tornados, as
the elemental forces you control. the Sage decides.
Clouds You can cause clouds to appear overhead or
LEVEL 7 dismiss them. You can also bring clouds to the ground or
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. fill the environment with fog to create obscurement
Health +2 throughout.
Stormborn Spells You learn one stormborn spell. Precipitation If you gather clouds overhead, you can
Stormborn Spell Castings You have a number of cause them to release mist, drizzle, rain, hail, or snow.
stormborn spell castings equal to the number of Precipitation creates obscurement.
stormborn spells you know. You can expend a Adjudicating the Spell Effect Since the spell affects
stormborn casting to cast any spell you have learned. such a large part of the setting, as any weather control
You regain expended stormborn castings when you ought, rain, snow, wind, and freezing temperatures in a
finish an 8-hour rest. region largely alter the environments atmosphere effect.
Lightning Strike Use an action to call down a bolt of This said, fog blanketing the lands around a villain’s
lightning to strike one creature or object within an tower could cover your approach, a wind storm could
adjacent or closer area. Roll Will against the target’s propel your ship at high speeds while delay or scattering
Agility. If the target wears metal armor or is made from pursuers. The Sage chapter includes additional advice for
metal, you succeed on the roll. On a success, the adjudicating the effects of weather on the environment
lightning deals 4d6 damage. If you roll a 20 or higher, and areas it contains.
the target also catches fire.
LEVEL 8 You must be outdoors to cast this spell. Giant hail stones
Health +2 rain down onto four adjacent areas you choose within
Stormborn Spells You learn one stormborn spell. four areas until the upkeep. The hailstones deal 8d6
Elemental Protection You take half damage from cold, damage to everything in the area and anything that
fire, lightning, and thunder. You ignore the effects of enters it. A creature that would take this damage can roll
exposure as well as challenging terrain and effects luck and takes half the damage on a success. When the
created by weather and wind. spell ends, the fallen hailstones create challenging terrain
in each affected area for 1 minute in warm temperatures
LEVEL 10 or until cleared away in cold temperatures.
Health +2
Stormborn Spells You learn one stormborn spell. LIGHTNING STORM
Dancing Lightning When you use the Lightning Strike You must be outdoors to cast this spell. You cause thick
talent and succeed or fail on the roll, the lightning black clouds to gather overhead and release a torrential
jumps from the target to a different creature or object downpour into up to six contiguous areas within four
within the target’s surrounding area. A creature must areas for 1 minute. The rain, or snow if the temperatures
succeed on a luck roll or be struck by the dancing are below freezing, creates obscurement in all affected
lightning, taking 2d6 damage. areas.
When you cast the spell and during each of your turns
until the spell ends, you can call down a bolt of lightning
to strike one creature or object you can see within range.
The lightning strikes the target and deals 4d6 damage to

it. A target can roll luck and takes half the damage on a
success. Thunder then booms in the area where the
lightning struck, forcing each creature in the area to roll
Strength. On a failure, the creature falls prone and
becomes deafened for 1 round. When the spell ends, the
clouds disperse and the precipitation abates.

Night Vision
When you call, a monster appears to do your Teeth (melee) Strength (+3) with 1 boon against Defense:
bidding. The monsters you summon things might 2d6 damage
hail from the dungeons of the Weird Wizard or —or—
Claws and Teeth (melee) Strength (+3) with 1 boon
from other realities beyond mortal knowledge. against Defense: 1d6 damage per attack
From wherever they come, they obey your
commands, fighting and dying for you. SUMMON MONSTER II
As raise your hands and speak the mystic words, bright
LEVEL 7 glowing lines creep out from a point you choose within
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. your surrounding area to form a size 2 shimmering
Health +2 bubble. During the upkeep, the bubble pops and reveals
Summoner Spells You learn the summon monster I spell. one large monster or two monsters. You decide the
Summoner Spell Castings You have a number of monsters’ appearance. Each summoned monster is your
summoner spell castings equal to the number of ally, takes its turn when you do, and you decide what it
summoner spells you know. You can expend a does on each of your turns. The monster remains for 1
summoner casting to cast any spell you have learned. hour or until it becomes incapacitated, at which point it
You regain expended summoner castings when you falls prone and dissolves into stinking sludge that dries
finish an 8-hour rest. and blows away in the next breeze. A large monster uses
Swift Transposition When you would be attacked while the following rules.
you have a monster summoned, but before the roll is
made, you can use a reaction to teleport to swap places LARGE MONSTER LEVEL 4
with the monster you have summoned. Size 2 monster
Defense Strength Agility Intellect Will Health
Health +2 8 15
Summoner Spells You learn the summon monster II spell.
Swift Summons When you cast a summon monster spell,
Night Vision
you can roll luck. On a success, the creature appears
when you cast the spell instead of during the upkeep ATTACK OPTIONS
and can immediately take a turn. Teeth (melee) Attacks 2: Strength (+5) with 1 boon against
Defense: 4d6 damage
LEVEL 10 —or—
Health +2 Claws and Teeth (melee) Strength (+5) with 1 boon
Summoner Spells You learn the summon monster III spell. against Defense: 2d6 damage per attack
Dread Summons Creatures you summon have a terrible,
disturbing appearance that imposes 1 bane on rolls SUMMON MONSTER III
made to attack them by creatures that can see them. As raise your hands and speak the mystic words, bright
glowing lines creep out from a point you choose within
Summoner Spells your surrounding area to form a size 3 shimmering
bubble. During the upkeep, the bubble pops and reveals
Your spells summon monsters to fight on your one huge monster, two large monsters, or four monsters.
behalf. You decide the monsters’ appearance. Each summoned
SUMMON MONSTER I monster is your ally, takes its turn when you do, and you
As raise your hands and speak the mystic words, bright decide what it does on each of your turns. The monster
glowing lines creep out from a point you choose within remains for 1 hour or until it becomes incapacitated, at
your surrounding area to form a size 1 shimmering which point it falls prone and dissolves into stinking
bubble. During the upkeep, the bubble pops and reveals sludge that dries and blows away in the next breeze. A
a monster of an appearance you choose. The monster is huge monster uses the following rules.
your ally, takes its turn when you do, and you decide HUGE MONSTER LEVEL 6
what it does on each of your turns. The monster remains Size 4 creature (monster)
for 1 hour or until it becomes incapacitated, at which Defense Strength Agility Intellect Will Health
point it falls prone and dissolves into stinking sludge that
dries and blows away in the next breeze. Regardless of its
appearance, the monster uses the following rules.
6 17
MONSTER LEVEL 3 Night Vision
Size 1 creature (monster) Huge The monster imposes 2 banes on rolls made
Defense Strength Agility Intellect Will Health against its Strength and makes Strength rolls to resist
10 13
36 effects with 2 boons. In addition, the monster can make
melee attacks against targets within its surrounding

Teeth (melee) Strength (+8) with 1 boon against Defense;
4d6 + 8 damage
Claws and Teeth (melee) Strength (+8) with 1 boon
against Defense; 2d6 + 4 damage per attack

Tattooed Warrior
Your body is a canvas your paint is ink. You tattoo
images and runes all over your body. More than
body art, these markings hold magic you call upon
to enhance your physical capabilities. You learned
the methods of flesh engraving from another and
have begun the process of illustrating every inch of
your body. If you have a body made from a material
other than flesh, you can etch or chisel these
markings on your body instead.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Tattoos You adorn your body with three tattoos chosen
from the options presented below. Whenever you use
an action, you can activate one of the tattoos before
you resolve the use of the action. The tattoo remains
activated for 1 minute. You can activate your tattoos a
number of times equal to your level and you regain
expended activations when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Health +4
Additional Tattoo Add one tattoo to your body.
Tattoo Resonance While you are under the effects of two
or more tattoos at the same time, you impose 2 banes
on rolls made against you.
Health +4
Additional Tattoo Add one tattoo to your body.
Strong Ink While under the effects of any tattoo, you
make attribute rolls with 2 boons.

The following tattoos represent those most
commonly used.

Tattoo of the Bear Your unarmed attack gains the

Martial properties.
Tattoo of the Crow You impose 1 bane on rolls made
against your Defense and Agility.
Tattoo of the Dragon You have a +3 bonus to Defense.
Tattoo of the Eagle You can move one additional time on
each turn and you ignore challenging terrain.
Tattoo of the Flame You take half damage from fire and,
once per round, your weapon attack deals 1d6 damage
from fire.
Tattoo of the Heart During each upkeep, you heal 1d6
Tattoo of the Mountain You have a +10 bonus to Health.
Tattoo of the Warrior You make rolls to attack with 1
Tattoo of the Tiger When you move, the next attack you
make before the upkeep deals 1d6 extra damage.
Tattoo of the Wave When you use an action to attack,
you can also stomp. Choose one creature on the
ground within your surrounding area. The target must
succeed on an Agility roll or fall prone.

You belong to a sacred order of knights founded to
protect the temples and relics associated with the
Church of the High One. You and your fellows
safeguard the roads taken by pilgrims and
sometimes accompany these travelers to protect
them on their journeys to holy ground. All
members of your holy order wield some degree of
divine power from your god and use it to make
secure your charges.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Temple of Faith Use an action to invest holy energy into
your area to create a temple that lasts for 1 minute or
until you leave the target area. The temple grants the
following benefits:

• You impose 1 bane on rolls made to attack you

and allies that are in the affected area.
• You make rolls to attack with 2 boons.
• Any creature that takes damage from your
attack becomes restrained by chains of holy
energy for 1 round.

You can use this talent three times and regain

expended uses when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Force Out the Enemy During the upkeep, you can force
each enemy inside the area affected by your Temple of
Faith to roll Strength. On a failure, the enemy takes 1d6
damage and is pushed outside the area.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Holy Ground When you use your Temple of Faith talent,
you and each creature you choose heals damage equal
to your level. In addition, attacks you make while in the
affected area deal 1d6 extra damage.

Abraxus, the father of magic, makes you his agent
in the mortal world and reveals to you the secrets of
magic. Your faith sustains your magic and
sometimes lets you cast spells freely. Your patron
compels you to seek out those who misuse magic
and destroy them.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Mage Spells You learn three mage spells.
Mage Spell Castings You have a number of castings for
mage spells equal to 1 + your level. If you already have
mage spell castings, increase the number of mage
castings you do have by 2. You expend a casting to cast
any mage spell you know. You regain expended
castings when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Thaumaturgy Whenever you cast a mage spell, roll a
thaumaturgy die, which is a d6. On a 6, you regain the
casting you expended to cast that spell.
Health +4
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Magical Blessing Spells you cast that deal or heal
damage now deal or heal 2d6 extra damage. In
addition, when you make an attribute roll as a result of
casting a spell, you make the roll with 1 boon and you
impose 1 bane on any rolls made to resist a spell you
Health +4
Mage Spell You learn one mage spell.
Gift of Abraxus When you use your Thaumaturgy talent,
you regain the casting on a roll of a 5 or a 6.
Fury of Abraxus Use an action and expend a casting to
send a blast of pure magic at one creature or object
within four area. Roll Intellect against the target’s
Agility. On a success, the target takes 20d6 damage and
becomes impaired for 1 hour. On a failure, the target
takes 4d6 damage instead. While a target is impaired, it
cannot cast spells. You can use this talent twice and
regain expended uses when you finish an 8-hour rest.

A combination of talent and training combined
with your enduring fascination with archery help
you attain mastery of bows and crossbows. You can
hit nearly any target. And you shoot with such
speed and precision that you mow down target after
target after target.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Perfect Shot When you use an action to attack with a
bow, crossbow, crossbow pistol, or longbow and you
make just one attack, you roll an additional d20 and
use the highest number rolled for the attack. If two
rolls of a d20 come up as the same number and you
succeed, the attack deals maximum damage. If two
rolls of a d20 come up as the same number and you
fail, the target still takes half the damage.
Health +4; Attacks +1
Reactive Shot When a creature moves out of cover, you
can use a reaction to make a ranged attack against the
triggering creature using half of your Attack Dice.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Unerring Shot When you fail a roll to attack with a bow,
crossbow, crossbow pistol, or longbow, you can use this
talent to turn the failure into a success. Once you use
this talent, you must wait 1 round before you can use it

You keep a few steps ahead of your enemies by
having a number of nasty devices on hand to
frustrate, delay, and kill those fools who come to
close to you. Given time, you can turn areas into
death traps for your foe, but, even when pressed,
you can usually pull out something to cover your
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Trapsmith If you have a tool kit, you can an action to
disarm any trap of which you are aware and can reach.
Trap Components In your tool kit, you carry trap
components. You have a number of components equal
to your level and you expend them to use trapsmith
talents. During an 8-hour rest, you can replenish your
tool kit with trap components, up to your maximum.
At any time, you can spend 1 hour working with a
tool kit to convert spare parts into a trap component.
Nasty Surprise When a creature you can reach attacks
you, but before the die roll is made, you can use a
reaction and expend one trap component to spring a
trap on the triggering creature. The creature takes 2d6
damage and becomes impaired for 1 round.
Set Trap You can use an action and expend 1 trap
component to set a trap in your area. The trap remains
for 24 hours or until triggered. When an enemy enters
the area or moves in area containing the trap, the
enemy must succeed on a luck roll or trigger the trap.
When triggered, the triggering enemy takes 4d6
Health +4
Trap Sense You make luck rolls with 3 boons to avoid
traps and hazards.
Afflicting Trap An enemy that triggers the trap created
by your Set Trap talent also becomes your choice of
impaired or slowed for 1 minute.
Vicious Surprise Your Nasty Surprise now deals 4d6
Health +4
Lethal Trap An enemy that triggers the trap created by
your Set Trap talent takes 8d6 damage or, if the total of
the luck roll is 5 or less, 12d6 damage.
Area Trap If you spend 1 hour working and expend 3 trap
components, you cause an entire area to become a
giant trap. When triggered, each enemy within the
triggering creature’s surrounding area, must succeed
on a luck roll with 1 bane or take half the trap’s

Nothing can hold you, bind you, trap you, or
restrain you. You move with ease through the
world, going where you will, slipping around and
through obstacles as if they were not even there.
You begin your journey by shrugging off chains and
flicking open locks, but as your knowledge grows
you find you can cross nearly any distance in an
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Far Traveler You have a pool of traveler points equal to
your level. You expend traveler points to use the talents
gained from this path. You replenish your supply of
traveler points when you finish an 8-hour rest. While
you have at least 1 traveler point, you can move one
additional time on each of your turns.
Unchained If you are grabbed, slowed, restrained, or
stunned when you take a turn, you can expend 1
traveler point (requires no action) to remove the
No Locks Use a move to cause anything that is locked
within your area to become unlocked.
Health +4
Countless Doors When you move, you can expend 1
traveler point to instead teleport to a space inside an
adjacent area. When you appear, you make rolls to
attack with 1 boon until the upkeep.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1
Phase Shift Use an action and expend five traveler points
to cause your body to fades until it becomes
transparent and insubstantial. The effect lasts for 8
hours or until you choose to end it.
While under the effects of this talent, you make
Strength rolls with 3 banes and your attacks deal half
damage. However, you take half damage from all
physical sources and cannot be grabbed, restrained,
slowed, or knocked prone. You ignore challenging
terrain and can freely move into and through other
creatures and objects. While inside another creature or
object, you cannot perceive anything, but you have
total cover.
If this effect ends and you are inside another
creature, you and the creature must roll luck. If you are
inside an object, a luck roll is made for it. You pop out
into the nearest open space with any success on the
roll, or becomes horridly fused with the creature or
object on a failure. You and the creature or object you
occupy both take damage equal to your Health. If the
creature does not become incapacitated or the object
avoids destruction, the target’s remains must be cut
away from the creature or object it occupied, while
anything of the target inside the creature or object
melds with it.

Twin Striker
Anyone with combat training can fight wielding
two weapons at the same time, but you elevate the
technique to something akin to an art form. Quick
and nimble, you move as if you were dancing, your
weapons whirling around you as you duck, weave,
and dive through your foes.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +5; Attack Dice +1
Dual Wielder You can wield medium weapons in your
Swift Strike When you are wielding two weapons, one in
each hand, increase your Attacks by 1.
Health +5; Attacks +1
Off-hand Parry When a creature you can reach attacks
you with a melee weapon and you are wielding a
weapon in each hand, but before the roll is made, you
can use a reaction to impose 1 bane on the roll for the
triggering attack.
Health +5; Attack Dice +1
Twin Strike When you attack with two weapons, you
make rolls to attack with 1 boon.
Storm of Strikes When you are wielding two weapons,
one in each hand, increase your Attacks by 1.

creature can roll luck or use a reaction to roll Agility and
Umbramancer takes half the damage on a success.
The Twilight Lands mirror the mortal world. A SHADOW MONSTERS
place of shadow and despair, all one might find in Magical darkness coalesces inside up to four spaces
the lands of the living finds its distorted refection in within two areas to each become a shadow monster
shadow. You tap into the dark magic flowing under your control. The monsters remain for the
through this hidden place and use it to call forth duration or until destroyed, at which point they
disappear. You decide the monsters’ appearance, though
shadows and weave them into useful, deadly forms. they are all ebony black, being made from solidified
LEVEL 7 darkness. The shadow monsters take their turns when
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. you do and you decide what they do on their turns.
Umbramancer Spells You learn one spell. Size 1 animated object
Umbramancer Spell Castings You have a number of Defense Strength Agility Intellect Will Health
umbramancer spell castings equal to the number of
umbramancer spells you know. You can expend an
umbramancer casting to cast any spell you have
12 13
learned. You regain expended umbramancer castings
when you finish an 8-hour rest. Deep Vision
See in Darkness You can see out to the range of your Shifting Shadows The shadow monster imposes 1 bane
vision without needing any light to see. on rolls made to attack it by creatures that cannot see
Weave Shadow Use an action to create magical darkness in darkness.
in any area or portion of an area you choose within an Darkening Demise When the shadow monster becomes
adjacent or closer area. The darkness thwarts all light incapacitated, it dissolves into darkness that fills its
and persists until you can no longer see the target area. area and thwarts all light for 1 minute.


Health +2 Natural Weapon (melee) Strength (+3) with 1 boon
Umbramancer Spells You learn one name spell. against Defense; 1d6 + 2 damage
Shadow Doors When you move, you can create a door of
darkness in front of you and a second door of darkness
anywhere you choose within four areas of you. The
doors connect, such that anyone entering one exits
from the other and vice versa. The doors appear as
two-dimensional rectangles of darkness large enough
to accommodate a size 2 or smaller creature. The doors
can have any orientation you choose. The doors
remain open until the upkeep. You can use this talent a
number of times equal to half your level and regain
expended uses when you finish an 8-hour rest.
Health +2
Umbramancer Spells You learn one name spell.
Shadowspawn You are invisible in darkness, even to
creatures that do not need light to see.

Umbramancer Spells
You learn spells that create and shape darkness.
Inky tendrils of magical darkness spread out from you
through your area and each adjacent area. The darkness
thwarts all light and defeats all special forms of vision
other than true vision. The darkness remains for 1 hour.
You can see clearly in this darkness as can any ally you
touch using an action to do so.
Long thin blades of solidified darkness fan out from you
to strike at any number of creatures or objects within two
areas of you. Each target takes 8d6 damage or 10d6
damage if the target is in an area of bright light. A

The pilot gets an automatic failure and takes 60
War Machine damage instead.
After years working with blueprints, you have ATTACK OPTIONS
finally created your masterpiece, a gigantic Fist (melee) Strength (+5) with 2 boons against Defense;
humanoid-shaped machine with an enormous 4d6 + 5 damage, and a target creature must succeed on
an Agility roll or fall prone.
sparking battery on the back and a glass and steel —or—
hatch in the front that opens onto the cockpit Two Fists (melee) Strength (+5) with 2 boons against
where you can sit and pilot what some would Defense; 2d6 damage per attack
describe as a mechanized battle suit. It’s more than
armor, though. It’s a weapon of war that you, or LEVEL 8
someone of about your size, operates from inside. Health +2
The war machine you create gives you a number Suit Upgrades You make a few improvements to the
battle suit.
of important advantages, from great strength to the
• Increase its Defense to 16.
armored plating that shields you against attacks.
• Replace night vision with deep vision trait.
However, as you progress along this path, you find
• Increase its Attack Dice to 5.
new ways to improve on your design until you reach
perfection. LEVEL 10
Health +2
LEVEL 7 Pinnacle of Design You make further improvements to
Health +2 perfect your design.
Mechanized Battle Suit You construct a Mechanized
Battle Suit. The device has a humanoid shape, but you
• Increase its Defense to 18.
decide its overall appearance. When not piloted, the
battle suit is an object with Defense 0 and its listed • Increase its Health to 100.
Health score. You can use a move to enter the battle • Increase its Attack Dice to 6.
suit and start it, or shut it off and exit from it. If the suit • Remove the erratic power source and slow
is destroyed, you can build a replacement as one traits.
downtime activity, but you can have just one battle suit • If the suit is destroyed, the pilot can eject from
at a time. it, landing safely in a space of its choice within
an adjacent or close area.
Size 3 object
Defense Strength Agility Intellect Will Health

7 15

Low-Light Lenses The battle suit bestows Night Vision to
its pilot.
Pilot A size 1 creature inside the cockpit becomes the
pilot and the battle suit becomes an animated object
under the creature’s control. The pilot has total cover
from everything outside the suit. While piloting the
suit, the pilot uses actions and moves to maneuver the
suit and perform activities with it.
Erratic Power Source In combat, whenever the pilot uses
an action to perform an activity with the suit, roll a d6.
On a 1, the suit loses the animated object trait for 1
round and the power source throws off crackling bolts
of lightning, forcing each creature within your
surrounding area to roll luck. On a failure, the creature
takes 1d6 damage.
Slow The pilot cannot take the initiative.
Repair A creature with a tool kit and that can reach the
battle suit can use an action and expend one set of
spare parts to remove 1d6 damage from it.
Explosive Demise If the battle suit become destroyed, its
power source explodes, dealing 10d6 damage to
everything within its surrounding area and in each
adjacent area. A creature that would take this damage
can roll luck and takes half the damage on a success.

Your tactical acumen serves you well on the
battlefield. You identify your enemies’ tactics and
devise ways to counter them, shutting down
apparent openings, and directing your allies to
where they can be most effect. You’re not above
taking risks, but bold action wins battles and,
hopefully, wars.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Battlefield Tactics During the upkeep of any round in
which you used an action, roll 2d6. If both dice come
up as the same number, you gain a bonus action and a
bonus move. You can grant either or both to any ally
within your surrounding area, or you can keep either
or both for yourself. Bonus actions and moves must be
used before the next upkeep or they are lost.
Counter Advantage When an enemy within your
surrounding area makes a roll against you or your
allies and that enemy has one or more boons on its roll,
you can use a reaction to turn the boons into banes.
Once you use this talent, you must wait 1 minute before
you can use it again.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Battlefield Cunning When you use Battlefield Tactics,
you can roll an extra die and keep two of your choice.
Formation Fighting If you have at least one ally within
your surrounding area, you impose 1 bane on rolls
made to attack you or any ally within your
surrounding area.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Daring Gamble When you use Battlefield Tactics, you
can choose to gamble. You must make the decision
before you roll the dice. If two dice come up as the
same number, you and each member of your company
deal 2d6 extra damage on the next attack they make
before the end of the next round. If both dice come up
as the same odd number, you lose the benefits of
Battlefield Tactics for 1 round and each creature that
attacks you or a member of your company makes the
attack with 1 boon.

talent three times and you regain expended uses when
Warden you finish an 8-hour rest.
Whether you served the Green Man, known as LEVEL 10
Grandfather Tree and the Old Man of the Woods, Health +4
or not, the ancient god chose you to become his Crushing Roots During the upkeep, each creature
champion and agent in the mortal world. The restrained by Grasping Growth Roots takes 2d6
selection triggered a transformation that stripped damage.
Avatar of the Green One If you are wearing leather or no
away your old form and remade you in the god’s armor, you can use an action to transform yourself into
image to become a being of bark and wood. Nature’s Champion and then attack with a weapon you
Service to Grandfather Tree requires you to wield. You become a larger version of yourself, with
safeguard the wild places from fire and axe. You great branches spreading out from your shoulders,
roam the woodlands and fields, climb the hills, and neck, and head, leaves unfurling from all. You remain
walk amongst the mountains, searching out the in this form for 1 hour or until you become
enemies of the land and destroying them. Your foes incapacitated. You can return to your normal form
include all things unnatural, those entities who early by using an action to do so. When you return to
have no place in the natural world and thus your normal form, you heal 3d6 damage. Once you use
this talent, you must finish an 8-hour rest before you
threaten it. Be they demon or monster, mechanical can use it again.
abomination or a horror, the god makes your While in this form, you have the following benefits
purpose clear and arms you with the weapons you and drawbacks.
need to accomplish your goals.
• Your size becomes 3.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1. • Your Defense becomes 16.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1 • You gain a +20 bonus to Health.
Body of Wood and Bark Grandfather Tree remade you. • You gain +2 Attack Dice
In this form you have the following traits: • You cannot take the initiative.

• Thick bark covers your body granting you a

Defense of 15 while you are not wearing armor.
However, you take double damage from fire and
you make rolls to resist catching fire with 1
• You no longer eat or drink. Instead, you can
derive all the nourishment you need by sinking
your feet into moist soil. If you can do this for 8
hours, during which time you rest, you become
immune to the effects of hunger and thirst for
72 hours.

Walker of the Woods You ignore challenging terrain

created by plants.
Plant Friend Plant creatures never attack you unless you
attack them first. In addition, you can use an action to
communicate with any plant you touch for 1 hour. The
plant communicates directly into your mind. It knows
only those things a plant could know.
Health +4
Grasping Growth When you use an action to attack, you
can invoke Grandfather Tree. Vines, grasses, roots, and
brambles erupt from the ground creating challenging
terrain in your surrounding area and in each adjacent
area for 1 minute. Each enemy on the affected ground
must succeed on a Strength roll or become restrained
by the new growth. During the upkeep, each creature
restrained by this effect takes 1d6 damage. A creature
restrained by this effect can use an action to roll
Strength or Agility and removes the restrained
affliction from itself on a success. You can use this

Weapon Master
You can fight with any weapon, but you have a
particular weapon that just feels right in your
hands. The weapon becomes an extension of you
and, in some ways, your partner in battle. Whether
you favor a sword or hammer, hand cannon or
sling, you master the use of the weapon and you
have no rivals in its use.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Weapon Specialization Choose one weapon for which
you meet the requirements, if any. You make rolls to
attack with 1 boon when using this weapon. In
addition, when you roll damage, you treat any roll of 1
or 2 as if you had rolled a 3.
Health +6; Attacks +1
Master Attacker You can add your Intellect bonus
(minimum +1) to your damage roll with the weapon
you chose for Weapon Specialization.
Wounding Strike If two or more Attack Dice come up as
6s, the target takes a 1d6 penalty to its Health.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Masterful Strike Whenever you roll to attack with the
weapon you chose for your Weapon Specialization
talent, you also roll a master die, which is a d6. You add
the number rolled on your master die to the roll of the

Witch Hunter
Anyone who practices magic faces the temptation
to use it for selfish ends. Certainly, many people
resist the urge to enrich themselves or harm
innocents with their enchantments, but far too
many see magic and its powers as licenses to
indulge their every desire. For too often
necromancers loose hideous undead to terrorize
the lands, while demonologists endanger all
through their reckless castings. Foul witches free
with their curses, evil warlocks enslaved to the
Adversary, along with all the other wicked and
dangerous magic-users who present a danger to
those around them earn your ire and when you find
them, you offer no quarter, no mercy. These fiends
must be stopped no matter the cost.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +5; Attack Dice +1
Spell Warded You take half damage from spells. You
impose 1 bane on rolls made against you using spells
and you make rolls to resist spells with 1 boon.
Health +5; Attacks +1
Foe of Magic Creatures that know at least one spell are
unfriendly to you.
Foil Illusion You recognize illusions you see for what
they are.
Health +5; Attack Dice +1
Sever the Source When you succeed on a roll to attack a
creature, the target must succeed on a Will roll or
become impaired for 1 minute. While impaired, the
creature cannot cast spells. The creature can use an
action on its turn to roll Will and removes the impaired
affliction from itself.
Drive out the Darkness When you succeed on a roll to
attack a possessed creature, the entity that has the
target possessed is forced out of its host and appears in
a space adjacent to it.

You have no doubt that the gods chose you to be
their servant. You feel it in your bones, in the very
core of your being. You set out with confidence that
the divine watches over you and aids you in your
times of need, provided you remain constant and
faithful in all your doings.
Your critics call you a fanatic and you’ve heard
deluded, misguided, and insane to boot. But you
make no apologies for your zeal. You believe in your
gods and they, in turn, believe in you. You have read
the scriptures and have heard the voice of the
divine thunder in your mind. Your purpose is clear
and no one will stand in your way.
Attributes Choose three attributes to increase by 1.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Righteous Wrath When you attack, you can make the
roll with 1 boon. On a success, the attack deals 1d6 extra
damage. On a failure, you become impaired for 1
round. While impaired in this way, you cannot use this
Health +6; Attacks +1
Unshakeable Faith You make Will rolls with 1 boon and
you impose 1 bane on rolls made against your Will.
Health +6; Attack Dice +1
Martyr When you take damage or gain an affliction, gain
one holy die, which is a d6. You can have a number of
holy dice equal to your level and you retain them for 1
hour or until you expend them. You can spend holy
dice in the following ways:

• Whenever you make an attribute or luck roll

and get a result you dislike, you can spend a
holy die to replace the number rolled on the die
with a 10.
• Whenever you roll Attack Dice, you can spend
one holy die to reroll any one Attack Die and
use the new result.
• You can roll the holy die at any time and take
the number rolled as damage to remove one
affliction from yourself.


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