Course: Digital Business Innovation Project: Hamley'S
Course: Digital Business Innovation Project: Hamley'S
Course: Digital Business Innovation Project: Hamley'S
Your Answer Add the image of your business model canvas here
Your Answer Hamley’s has multiple options for innovation using various innovation
For example in the product category, post pandemic with more and more
emphasis on online learning, Hamley’s can shift their focus towards
edutainment toys and online gaming toys that work on multiple
platforms for various age groups.
Proof of Concept
During Q2 2020 Amazon generated its highest revenue of $ 88.91
Billion USD;
Based on Amazon’s statistics, more than 60% of the sales during the
pandemic have been through market place sources.
PwC also reported that 88% of the customers are willing to pay for same
day deliveries and are more confident on shopping on a payment and
delivery assured platform than registering to new sales and e-commerce
This has been tried by various partners successfully, example “The
Disney Store”.
Disney along with maintaining their own sales channels, tried to tap into
Amazon’s customer base while they are working on building their own
infrastructure to support the following eco-system of online sales
1. Inventory management and control
2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Merchandize
3. Mobile App
4. Same Day and 2-Day Delivery
5. Free Returns and
6. Enhanced customer service
Value Proposition of Hamley’s
Same exciting brand experience of visiting Hamley’s across various
Attractive visual merchandising on your preferred sales platforms
Type of Innovation
Sustaining- Innovation since we are suggesting Hamley to embark on the
market place trend.
3.1 Add the three metrics and reasoning behind selecting them here
a. Bounce rate shows that how many people continue to stay on the
website after visiting it and if it is increasing, it means that the
online engagement is working for the company. Average time
spent on site increasing month on month shows that customers
are more engaged than they were earlier and start browsing the
website more than they were earlier.
1. Conversion is growing which means the engagement is
increasing and is a good sign.
2. Average revenue was high in February and has been consistent
around 35 - 38 for remaining months.
3. The number of repeat transactions was also high in February than
other months and is consistent around 30% for all months.
February data would need a detail study to identify positive
effects and see if this can leveraged in long run.
4. The number of unique customers has also improved from January
but the number of repeat transactions remains the same which
means that more sales is from new customers and the company is
unable to generate loyal customers over the period. The company
needs to start a loyalty program, which could attract more-older