Email Marketing
Email Marketing
Email Marketing
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eMarketing Institute
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1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 11
About email marketing ............................................................................................................ 12
Email marketing statistics ........................................................................................................ 13
Mailing list update.................................................................................................................... 35
Things to avoid ......................................................................................................................... 36
Buying a mailing list ....................................................................................................................... 36
Color ............................................................................................................................................... 44
Position .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Compelling copy............................................................................................................................. 55
A strong CTA................................................................................................................................... 56
How to write a high-performing email?................................................................................... 58
Personalize email subject line and content ................................................................................... 58
Less reliable metrics ................................................................................................................. 72
Open rate ....................................................................................................................................... 72
Offer ............................................................................................................................................... 81
Personalization............................................................................................................................... 82
Localization .................................................................................................................................... 82
Be relevant ..................................................................................................................................... 88
Tracking conversions ................................................................................................................ 94
Using an email marketing tool ....................................................................................................... 95
Daily (Weekly) digest ................................................................................................................... 117
Influence of email mobile marketing ..................................................................................... 136
Changing the web design ............................................................................................................. 136
1. Introduction
Over the past two decades, a lot has changed. The technology has advanced so far, that it has
opened up completely new horizons. In terms of business, this means more opportunities and
more ways to reach consumers.
Online marketing is now a part of our reality, always included in the business plan, as a medium
of improving business and realizing goals. Its potential has been proven so many times, that it is
slowly taking over, leaving traditional marketing techniques far behind. It is estimated that
almost 40% of the world’s population use the internet, and with this in mind, it is natural to
think of the internet as a great place for advertising your business.
Online marketing includes several types of marketing, and some of those are the following:
The main distinction between these types is the medium used to reach customers. Additionally,
each type requires a set of strategies to be successfully implemented in a business plan. Best
practices and guidelines are also something to have in mind when planning a strategy.
Out of all the types of online marketing, email marketing delivers the highest ROI for marketers,
which is why it is so widely used.
This gives a high potential to reach online consumers. Email marketing should be a personalized
approach, where your goal is to directly communicate with the online users in order to achieve
something, such as generate a sale, get visitors, encourage downloads, etc. Even though an
email marketing campaign is, in essence, a promotional campaign, you should go beyond this
concept and use a more subtle approach to both reach and engage online users.
The goal of email marketing is to get the message to the consumer, but it is not enough to
simply send a message. You need to encourage open rates and you need to explore how the
consumers are interacting with your email, whether they forward it, click on the links, etc.
In this ebook, you will learn the basics of email marketing, optimization of an email campaign,
how to grow your mailing list and implement email marketing in your business, all for the
purpose of improving your business through this online marketing technique.
• A single person is sending and receiving over 200 emails a day on average. (Radicati)
• In 2015, the number of worldwide email users was nearly 2.6 billion. By the end of
2019, the number of worldwide email users will increase to over 2.9 billion.
• The total number of worldwide email accounts is expected to increase to over 4.3
billion accounts by year-end 2016. (Radicati)
• 35% of email recipients open email based on the subject line alone.
• The mobile market share is around 55% (Litmus, 2016). Additionally, 75% of Gmail
users open their emails on mobile devices. (Techcrunch, 2015)
• 30% of subscribers change email addresses annually. (Convince&Convert)
• 44% of email recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional
email. (Convince&Convert)
• Email marketing technology is used by 82% of B2B and B2C companies.(Ascend2)
• 74% of marketers say targeted personalization increases customer engagement.
• Segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue. (DMA)
• Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or
Twitter. (Campaign Monitor)
• For every $1 spent, email marketing generates $38 in ROI.(Campaign Monitor)
• 83% of B2B marketers use email newsletters for content marketing. (Content
Marketing Institute)
These statistics should support a couple of things:
Tools and analytics are two additional aspects you will need to implement into email marketing
strategy to complete the approach. Having this in mind, you can now understand how email
marketing can help your online business, how it can help you take your business to the next
Basics of Email
2. Basics of Email Marketing
To fully understand how email marketing can be used in your business, and how it can help
with achieving your goals, you need to start with the basics.
To make sure you are communicating successfully, your email message should be:
The process of communication between a business on one side and a customer on the other
goes like this. You have a message that you want to share. It can be a promotional message
about a sale in your online store. It may be the news about your latest ebook. It may be an
announcement for the event you will be hosting. The idea is to send a message that will
encourage the recipient to complete an action, such as purchase an item, fill out a form, etc.
The point is you have something to share with the subscribers. The next step is to write an
email. There are lots of things to have in mind here, which will be the topic of one of the
subsequent chapters. Finally, you send the message, wait and examine the results, in order to
find out both positive and negative outcomes of your email marketing campaign. That is the
email marketing process summarized in a nutshell.
One of the first obstacles every marketer faces is getting emails delivered and read. It is not an
easy task, especially if you have in mind that over 200 emails are sent and received per person
each day. As much as getting the attention through email marketing is lucrative (with huge
ROI), it is a very difficult job. There is a true combat over users’ attention and it has become a
real art to get under that spotlight. This is how email deliverability was introduced as the
process of analyzing and optimizing the performance of an email marketing campaign.
Gradually, this is how the field of email marketing evolved, to become a whole new segment of
online marketing, with its own best practices, strategies, and tools to use.
Email marketing on its own has a little chance of succeeding. The true potential of this
marketing is seen when it is integrated into the overall online marketing strategy. For example,
you have a new blog article (content marketing) and you want to share it with lots of online
users to get more traffic to your blog (SEO). You send out a newsletter (email marketing) where
you feature a summary of the article, inviting your subscribers to visit your blog to read the full
article. This way you combine all your efforts to get the most out of it and to have the best
chances for achieving your goals.
Set up goals
Like with any other campaign, if you want to reach success, you have to know what that success
is. Goals you want to achieve will dictate the campaign settings, writing style, target audience,
etc. They will also dictate the way you measure success. This is why the first step is setting up
goals. Sometimes you might have multiple goals. Either way, start by determining some of
them. Here are a couple of examples to get some ideas:
• I want to invite people to an event
• I would like to encourage people to donate
• I want to sell my product
These goals are a bit too general and vague. In order to measure success, you should try to
make them measurable. For example, avoid “I want to drive new signups for the service”, but
add a measurement “I want to drive 100 new signups for the service”. Or, instead of “I want to
sell my product” try “I want to increase sales by 20%”.
Having measurable goals will help you determine if what you have achieved through the
campaign is really in accordance with what you had planned. Not only will this determine
whether your campaign was a success or not, it will also help you realize what you need to
change to upgrade your performance.
You should also analyze the performance of the email campaigns in the past, to determine if
there was any particular day or period of the day that showed unusual rates, regardless if that
was the surprisingly high or low open rate.
There are also studies that have been analyzing the performance of email marketing
campaigns, in order to find out what would be the best time to send an email. Multiple types of
research have come to the conclusion that Tuesday is the best day for sending emails, while
morning, 10 am, in particular, was highlighted as the best time. (Source)
When it comes to your own business, you should not follow the statistics unquestionably. What
might be a general rule, might not be a perfect solution for your business. Therefore, make sure
you compare the data from the previous email campaigns to the recommended optimal times
for sending emails. If you have no prior experience, try to think about your target audience for a
second. In your opinion, when will they be able to read the email? After work? On a coffee
break? In the evening? Knowing as much as possible about your target group, their behavior,
habits, etc. will help you answer the questions and figure out what would be the best time to
send out emails. In both of these case, regardless if you do have prior experience or you do not,
testing is the key. Experiment with different times for sending emails and compare the metrics
to determine the ideal option.
In the end, consider the number of emails you send. Some people love getting the scoop every
day. Some prefer being updated occasionally, once a week or even monthly. To make sure all of
them are satisfied, you can do two things:
• Allow users to choose the pace at which they will receive emails.
• Send emails only when you have something worth sharing.
Establish a style/template
It is time to focus on the actual email. Since there is an entire chapter on how to write an email,
we will now only point out some of the most important things to consider.
• Consistency
Consistency in styling your emails means that you should choose a style and stick to it. This
refers to both the writing style (formal/informal) and to the visual style (using graphics, logo,
adding images, etc.). As much as the content of the email needs to be fresh, things that work
need not be changed. If you readers are accustomed to the way you write an email, this is what
they would expect, so you should not make any drastic changes that would affect your
• Accuracy
Speaking of credibility, here is another thing that could help you gain or lose credibility. Your
email needs to be accurate. Accuracy refers to both grammatically correct text, and to the
accuracy of the actual data. For example, if you are sharing some statistics or product prices,
make sure those are in fact accurate. Otherwise, you are at risk of recipients unsubscribing, or
even reporting you as spam.
• Professionalism
Building credibility and loyal readership is not an easy task, but what will help you along the
way is maintaining a professional relationship in your email marketing campaigns.
Professionalism refers to your entire approach, as it combines accuracy, consistency, sending
relevant emails and keeping up with the schedule. After all, you represent your company and
you need to think about the kind of image you want to create for your company through this
• Usability
Make sure the tool is user-friendly, as you do not want to spend hours studying how to set up
and manage a campaign. The interface that allows email campaign management needs to be
simplified and most tools use drag-and-drop method for this reason.
• Features
Determine the features you want and need to have, so that you can focus only on a selection of
tools. For example, you might want to have email automation functionality, as well as social
media integration. You might need a simple interface, or you might want an advanced
marketing solution.
• Costs
A lot of tools offer free trial period, which is a great way to test them first. Most platforms
determine their pricing based on the number of contacts you are allowed to have and based on
the number of emails you can send per month. There are both free and paid tools on the
market, and which one you will choose depends on:
• The size of your company – As the number of emails you send increases, so does the
payment plan you are going to select.
• The budget for the campaign – You will also need to plan the budget for the
campaign, so make sure the payment plan you choose fits that budget.
Although you will face a lot of challenges along the way, as with any other strategy, you need to
be patient. You need to be sure you are following the best practices and using the
recommended techniques to achieve your goals.
Types of Emails
3. Types of Emails
Companies send a lot of emails each day, about all sorts of different topics. Some may share the
latest blog update, some might announce huge discounts, etc. Of course, each of these emails
has a different purpose, which is how we can differentiate between several types of emails.
There is no a strict classification of emails. For example, some marketers choose to group
emails under the label transactional and non-transactional, while some choose to go beyond,
and have even more narrow groups, so they have a welcome email, a notification email, etc.
The first major division we could highlight is based on the number of emails you send in the
campaign, so we have one-to-many and one-to-one emails.
One-to-many email
The first group of emails is one-to-many emails, and it refers to the emails sent to the entire
mailing list or a certain targeted group within that list. The main benefit of these emails is that
they have a huge reach, thus the great potential to generate traffic, increase conversions, etc.
Even though you reach out to a huge number of subscribers, you will still be designing a single
email. This could also have a negative effect because your email might seem too general and it
might lack personalization. Narrow downing the mailing list based on the different criteria could
help you avoid this obstacle.
Within this large group of one-to-many emails, there are several types of emails:
A newsletter is one of the most popular types of emails. These generally contain information
from your blog or website that you have recently published. They could also feature the news
about your company, events, announcements, etc. By sending regular emails, you establish a
connection with the readers, you bring them back to your website in the attempt to engage and
convert them. On one hand, a newsletter is a very useful type of email as it allows you to
combine different types of content, such as new articles from the blog, the announcement of
the upcoming event, etc. Basically, you share any news related to your company. While this can
be considered a benefit, it can also be seen as a drawback, because due to this compilation of
information, your call-to-action button may be less in the focus. A newsletter email is usually
sent according to a certain schedule you have determined.
Digest email
This type of email is similar to the newsletter, but the design is much simpler and concise. In a
digest email, you share the most important pieces of content in a form of a short list with links.
This way you help your subscribers find your content easily, which is especially helpful for blogs
that publish a lot of content. The goal is the same as with the newsletter, you share
information, increase brand awareness, and generate traffic, but the design is what
differentiate these two. Digest emails are frequently automated so that the software simply
picks up the scoop from your blog and send it to the subscribers. This is a perfect way to keep
the subscribers informed if you have a lot of content published each day. Having a schedule for
sending a digest email could be helpful to your subscribers, as they will know when to expect
the new digest.
Dedicated email
As the name suggest, this email is dedicated to a certain offer. Instead of piling up content, like
with the previous two types, here you focus on one piece of information only. It can be an
announcement of an upcoming sale, an invitation for your latest conference, asking subscribers
to fill out a survey, etc. The main benefit of a dedicated email is the ability to highlight a single
event that is important to you. You will have a strong call-to-action button, which will have
much more impact on your campaign. Unlike newsletters, dedicated emails are usually sent
without any specific schedule.
Sponsorship email
Like with paid ads in search engine marketing, email marketing also allows getting promotion
through paid methods. With a sponsorship email, you pay to be included in a newsletter of
another website or company. This means a huge new lead potential, as you will be targeting an
entirely new community. Of course, to make sure you are getting quality leads, you need to
collaborate with companies that have the same target group as you. This kind of advertising will
be relevant to the recipients and this way you will be able to get visitors who are genuinely
interested in products and services you provide.
One-to-one email
This group of emails includes the types of emails that are sent to a single user. The focus of such
email campaign is not a huge reach because you will not be contacting the entire community.
On the contrary, you will be focused on one subscriber only. The goal of this approach is to
establish a connection with the subscriber, strengthen the relationship, and increase the
credibility of your brand. A large portion of one-to-one emails is automated. Obviously,
businesses will find it difficult to handle a huge scope of emails each day, which is why this
process is automated to a great extent.
The main benefit of these emails is that you can focus on one user as you introduce the user to
your brand and community. Usually, you will use the existing content to do so. When it comes
to sharing the new content, this might not be the perfect way to go, as in that case, one-to-
many type of an email would be a better choice.
The most common types of the one-to-one emails include:
Lead nurture
This is a type of an email that is supposed to establish a firm connection with your subscriber.
After someone signs up for your newsletter, sending out lead nurture emails can help them
discover more about your brand, obtain even more free resources, discover more great content
on your blog, etc. Since lead nurture emails are usually automated, your company will benefit
from them without any extra work once you have a new lead. Unlike other emails where you
reach out to the entire list of subscribers or a certain targeted group, the reach of lead nurture
email is much lower, because you only target new leads. However, the reach is not even the
goal here. The idea is to deepen your relationship with the subscriber and you will accomplish
that by focusing on their needs.
Notification emails
Notification emails are also known as alerts and auto-responders. They notify the recipient each
time something happens, and these actions are also known as triggers. The sender needs to
establish some criteria for an outgoing message, something that will be a trigger for notification
email to be sent. For example, a confirmation email about a successful online purchase,
congratulations on a subscription, a welcome email, a birthday email, etc. and many other
types of emails that are triggered by a specific action.
Although you do not really have access to user's email, nor could you use a software to
customize the email or track conversions, this could still be a good way to leverage the power
of an email campaign. This approach opens up new opportunities to grow your business. You
are able to reach the people who might not be completely familiar with your brand which is a
great way to gain new leads and potential customers.
The choice of the email type you are going to send depends on the goal you want to achieve.
Each type has its distinctive features and it fulfills a certain purpose. Understanding the
distinctions among them will help you make a better choice for the future campaigns.
Mailing List
4. Mailing List
We have mentioned a mailing list several times so far, and it is time to dive into this topic.
Although you probably know what a mailing list is, there are many things to know about it that
could help your campaign.
Best practices
There are general guidelines to follow when collecting emails. It is in your company’s interest to
make sure you follow these guidelines to create a list from which your company will benefit.
Gathering emails is not easy, but it is the effort that pays off. You need to entice online visitors
into giving you their email address, and you can do so by offering some value, quality that they
will need and appreciate, so much that they willingly provide their email address. There are
several methods to attract users to join your mailing list:
• Organize a competition – Organize an online promotion where providing an email
address would be a requirement
• Exclusive access – Allow exclusive or early access to subscribers only
Have a permission
You do not want to end up being an uninvited guest in someone's inbox. This way you are at
great risk of being marked as spam. Always make sure the subscribers grant you a permission to
contact them.
Make sure you keep your subscribers updated regularly. The relationship with them is nurtured
through email communication, sending updates, getting feedback, etc.
Having this in mind, you need to focus on a regular mailing list update, which includes reviewing
the contacts and removing the useless ones:
You could consider this as a sort of a digital spring cleaning. Get rid of all the contacts you do
not need, to reduce wasting your time, to minimize the bounce rate and increase open rate of
the email campaign.
Things to avoid
The success of your email campaign depends on your mailing list and how well it is gathered.
Besides the practices that help with getting the most out of it, there is a need to highlight the
list of things you should avoid as these can seriously jeopardize your email marketing campaign
and diminish any success you were supposed to achieve. Additionally, these practices can even
have a negative effect on all the subsequent email marketing campaigns.
When you buy a list, you do not have a permission to send emails to these contact, which is a
good enough reason for people to mark your email as spam without even considering it. And
the more your emails are marked as spam, the more of them will end up in the spam folder
automatically in the future.
The second reason why this practice is not recommended is the fact that you can never be sure
if this is really the list of contacts that could be interested in your business. Although it sounds
cool to get instant access to a database of 20 thousand subscribers, you will see no good from it
if those are the users who are not interested in your business and thus not your target group.
This could also lead to a huge unsubscribe rate and spam reports, which is no way to gain
credibility as a sender.
• Soft bounce
This is a temporary delivery failure. In this case, the email address of the recipient is recognized,
but the message was not delivered to the recipient's inbox. Numerous reasons can cause a soft
bounce, including a full mailbox of the recipient, the situation when receiving server is down,
the message is too large, etc.
• Hard bounce
Unlike a soft bounce, which is temporary, a hard bounce is a permanent delivery failure. This
means that the email address is no longer valid or in use. Invalid spelling can also be causing
this issue, as well as the fact that the recipient email server may have blocked delivery.
In both of these cases, you need to monitor your mailing list. If you notice a hard bounce, you
should remove the email address immediately from your list. If you notice a soft bounce, there
is a possibility that your email will be delivered (for example, once the recipient's inbox is
emptied). Make sure you keep an eye on addresses that soft bounce. In a case of temporary
failure, there will be several automatic attempts to send the email message again. If after
several attempts the message is still not being delivered, this soft bounce becomes a hard
bounce, meaning you need to remove this address from the mailing list.
List segmentation
List segmentation is the process of dividing subscribers into groups. By narrowing down the list
of people you target, you increase the chances of sending a relevant message and this
eventually leads to better results. Email marketing tools provide list segmentation feature as a
part of the tool. You will first have to import all the contacts.
Once you import contacts, use the option to segment the list.
You will then create a segment. Depending on the tools you use, you might see a different
layout or fields, but the common criteria for segmentation include:
• Language
• Location
• Date subscribed
• Campaign activity
• Age
• Gender
• Industry
• Past purchases
Each of these criteria has additional options for segmentation. For example, if you choose
campaign activity, you can segment the subscribers who have opened, click, did not open, etc.
If you choose the location, you could segment subscribers who are or are not in a specific
country, within a certain distance from a specific place, etc.
Better performance
Based on the numerous studies analyzing the email performance, segmented lists have higher
open and click rate, with lower bounce and unsubscribe rate. These metrics directly lead to a
better performance of the campaign, and they also help you build a reputation of a trusted
Subscribers are not all the same
Have in mind that although all subscribers have shown interest in your business by subscribing
to your newsletter, they still are not all the same. They might have different needs, they might
be at different points in the sales cycle, they might live in different locations, or they speak a
different language. All of these affect the kinds of emails you will be sending.
When you segment email contacts, you target the emails to a specific, narrow group, and your
email campaign becomes more engaging. You are able to truly address the users in a fully
personalized manner, in a way they are most likely to respond, either by clicking, sharing, etc.
The bottom line is – when you think about mailing list think about quality, rather than quantity.
A huge number of subscribers does not necessarily mean you are doing a great job. A mailing
list needs to include only those contacts that are genuinely interested in what you do, because
those could become your customers in the future. To make sure you get the most out of your
mailing list, take advantage of the segmentation techniques and make sure your update the list
How to Grow Your
Mailing List?
5. How to Grow Your Mailing List?
While managing a mailing list is a regular task, so is the process of growing the list. Due to a
mailing list decay each year, it is essential that you keep trying to grow your mailing list, to keep
the number of subscribers on the optimal level. And if you are only just starting out your
business, it will be even more important for you to explore different strategies that will help
you grow your mailing list.
Subscribe button
The first and perhaps the most common way to grow your mailing list is having a subscribe
button on your website or blog. Through this option, you offer an opportunity for your
subscribers to join the list in order to be updated about your new blog updates, latest
promotions, etc. The most common subscribe option includes two fields, a name and an email
address, but you could include additional fields if you find them to be relevant for your
When designing a subscribe button for your website, pay attention to the following:
Make sure the button is of the right size. This means that it needs to be quite big to be noticed,
but yet not too big to disrupt the user experience. Test the button on your website layout and
then find the perfect option to go for.
Using contrasting color makes the subscribe button look more highlighted. When you think
about the color, always have in mind that the button is a part of the website design, so make
sure the style matches the website.
Ideally, you would want to place a subscribe button near the top of the page. Since some users
never scroll down the entire page, the button should be near the top to increase the signup
rate. It also looks more prominent when placed in front of the text. A subscribe button used to
be commonly placed in a sidebar, next to the text, which is a great option to go for when you
think about desktop users. However, have in mind that approximately half (if not more) of your
visitors will now come from mobile devices. If the subscribe button is in a sidebar, they are
unlikely to see it, due to mobile-optimized web design which will show the sidebar below the
Additionally, a subscribe button can be featured as a popup. This can accompany the existing
subscribe button on the website. The purpose of a popup button is to attract the attention of
the website visitors and encourage them to subscribe. While visitors might or might not see the
subscribe button on the website, they will surely notice a popup.
Offer something in return
For this method of growing a mailing list, you will need to offer something for an email address.
Many website owners have noticed that the subscribe rate started to decrease over the past
years, and having a subscribe button on the website alone is a strategy that started to produce
low results. This is how they have come up with an idea to modify this approach a bit. The idea
is that the users subscribe to a blog or a website, and they get something in return. It has to be
something that potential subscribers will see worthy enough to leave their email address. Here
are a few ideas:
• A coupon – This option is particularly useful for stores, restaurants, cafes, etc.
• Early access – With this special offer your subscribers will first get the glimpse of
your new product or service, which is perfect for software release, subscription-
based websites, etc.
Ask subscribers to share
Another strategy that could help grow your mailing list is to use the existing subscribers to
reach their friends. When you send an email to your subscribers, you could politely ask them to
share the email if they believe one of their friends would benefit from it. Make sure you are not
too intrusive and leave this suggestion for the end of the message.
It also helps if you are able to provide a sort of encouragement for sharing. Here’s an example.
A company gives a bonus card and a discount for those who refer a friend:
Use social media
Social networks are a great way to reach new subscribers, and you can do so in two ways:
Share the opportunity for people to sign up for your newsletter as a regular status update. If
you want to boost the performance of this post, you could include a link to a lead page where
they would get something in exchange for their email address. It could be a free template, an
ebook, or a coupon. You could use all your social media accounts for this kind of promotion, as
it helps you reach a great number of users, you might not be able to reach otherwise. To go
even further, you could use a paid promotion for this social media post, and try to expand your
reach even beyond your own social media followers. This provides a huge reach potential thus
it is a great way to grow a mailing list.
Some social media websites, such as Facebook, offer a Signup button. This means that the
social media users can sign up to your blog directly from your Facebook page. Once they click
on it, they will be redirected to a landing page where they can subscribe. Again, it does help if
you have something useful to share, such as a free download.
Landing page, in general, is very important in the process of lead generation, which is why there
will be additional recommendations and suggestions on how to create a landing page that
converts (Chapter 11).
been a proven method that significantly increases a signup rate. Add this offer to the landing
• Google AdWords
• Bing Ads
• Facebook Ads
• Twitter Ads
• LinkedIn Ads
• YouTube Ads
• Pinterest Ads
• Advertising on other website or blogs
The best way to get optimal results is to use all of the approaches to a certain extent.
Depending on your business and the resources you have available for growing a mailing list,
make sure you define a strategy that will produce great results in the long run.
If possible, you could determine the exact cost of an email. For example, based on your prior
experience, you have concluded that 10 new email addresses equal to at least one sale, then
you could calculate the value of a new contact. This could help you with determining the
You should always monitor the process to make sure the subscription rate is at a certain level,
that there is nothing that has a negative influence on it (such as an invalid download link on the
landing page). Monitoring and the analysis of the process will only help you make your strategy
even more successful, as you will learn more about your subscribers, the way they interact with
your content, which channels they use to find your website, etc. And the more you get to know
your subscribers, the easier it will be for you to convert them.
How to Write an
6. How to Write an Email?
Now that you know about email marketing, types of emails and a mailing list, we reach the step
where you will proceed with writing your email. There are many things to think about here, and
many factors to have in mind to make sure the email is created in a way that will maximize
open and click-through rates.
Email design
Email design refers to the entire layout of your email. It includes everything from font size to
images. You have a couple of seconds to attract the attention of the email recipients once they
open your email, and the best way to do so is with a stunning email design. You should focus on
each element of the email and make sure you optimize it in a way to get the most out of it.
Elements of a good email
To help you design your first email, let us start with analyzing each element of an email, and
how those can be improved and optimized in a way that the campaign yields the best results
for your business.
Get straight to the point with the subject line. You have only a couple of words to attract the
attention of the user, so make good use out of them. Also, have in mind that a large percent of
your subscribers will be reading the email on their mobile devices, where the preview features
between three to six words on average. This is another reason to be concise.
Use the subject line to describe what is in the message. Provide a sort of a glimpse of what the
subscribers can find in the email, regardless if it is a discount code, the link to the new article,
etc. You should make sure that the title is also relevant to the message, so avoid using vague
phrases and metaphors. If your message is time-sensitive, due to an offer that expires soon,
you could include this information in the subject line.
• Be personal
Personalizing the subject line enables subscribers to identify with it. Some ways to personalize
the subject line include using subscriber's’ name, addressing them directly using you and your,
adding localization attribute (e.g. See you at London meetup), etc.
• Be engaging
The subject line should encourage the recipient to open the email. You will create an engaging
subject line by combining the above suggestions. Also, try to add some sort of a call to action,
or a question to encourage more opened emails.
• Test
Finally, to make sure how efficient a certain subject line is, test it. The best way to do so is with
A/B testing, which provides details about different variations of a subject line.
Words in the subject line you should avoid as they may trigger spam filters (Source):
• Discount
• Best price
• Check
• Passwords
• Lifetime
• Success
• Here
• Free
Compelling copy
Once you have the catchy subject line, you will need a relevant copy. Reaching the inbox of
your subscribers is one thing, but getting them to read is another one. Your email message
Try to directly address your subscribers. Imagine you are writing to one person, instead of the
entire list. They are your target group, which means you should be able to understand the way
they communicate, the needs they might have, the problems they have to resolve. Addressing
them personally, helps you establish a better relationship, which eventually increases
conversion rate.
You should send an email when you have something to say. Having this in mind, you do not
want to waste any words and beat around the bush. Get straight to the point. A concise and
relevant message is something your subscribers will appreciate, especially now when their
inbox is swamped with emails each day.
Formatting makes your message look nicer. As much as the quality of the text is important, you
need to pay attention to the way that text is presented. Here are a couple of things to consider
when formatting the text:
Not every email is the same. Nor is the message you are trying to convey. This is why you need
a custom layout for each email. This includes formatting, but it also includes adding images,
adding a logo, etc. All of this grabs the attention of the recipients, and what is more important,
makes your message recognizable.
Email marketing tools come with plenty of customization options, ready-made templates,
features to help you design your own templates, etc. If you want to get a full potential from
email marketing, you will need one of the tools to help you. With custom email design, your
email messages will look much more professional and engaging.
A strong CTA
A CTA (call to action) should be the central point of your email. It is the most important thing in
your email if you want recipients to take an action. For example, if the goal of your campaign is
to get subscribers to read your latest blog article, you will feature a CTA that invites them to do
that, with a clickable CTA that leads to the article you want to promote. In case you want to
promote a product in your online store, your CTA will be linked to that specific product.
You should consider a CTA as a sort of a bridge between the email recipient and your final goal.
The purpose of the CTA is to invite subscribers to go beyond the email, to interact with you by
watching your video, downloading a free guide, or simply visiting your website.
Email buttons are designed in two ways. You could either use HTML or insert predesigned
images. The good thing about HTML is that the button will be shown even if the recipient has
disabled images to be shown in the emails, which is something most email services do by
default. HTML buttons are also loaded faster. On the other hand, image buttons offer more
opportunity for customization, as you get access to a much wider range of visual elements.
• Actionable
• Visible
• Relevant
• Show now
• Order now
• Yes! I want one.
• Get 50% off
• Learn more
• Read more
• Watch now
Noticeable links
Links are usually a part of the email in the email marketing campaign. They can be placed in two
ways, as a button or as a link.
When a link is placed as a button, that is basically a CTA. It is very prominent, easily noticeable
and it is best to have only one such button in an email. So, a button should feature the most
crucial link. On the other hand, plain links are used for less important things. You can add a
couple of links in the email, but always make sure they are:
Since links tend to be less effective in grabbing attention than CTAs, instead of one word, your
link can feature a longer anchor text, which will make it more eye-catching. It will also be easier
to click on a longer link than on a single word, especially when it comes to mobile users.
An unsubscribe option
Unsubscribe link is usually included at the end of the email message. There is no need to
highlight it or make it prominent. In fact, unsubscribe link is usually rather small and in a lighter
color. However, it is still necessary to have one, because you need to allow people to make a
choice. It still is their own personal inbox, and for some reason, at one point, people may just
want to stop receiving your emails, and you need to make this possible for them. Otherwise,
they will most probably report your email in order to stop them coming.
Having people unsubscribe willingly can also benefit you because you will stop wasting time
and effort on subscribers that simply will not be engaged or converted by your campaign.
How to write a high-performing email?
The above tips are focused on optimizing elements of the actual email and email body, in order
to maximize its performance. When it comes to the content, these are the guidelines you
should follow:
For starters, when you want to personalize your emails, it is advisable to use segmentation to
separate subscribers in different groups. This is especially important if you have a lot of
subscribers. Having a narrower target group allows you to be more focused as you are able to
understand the subscribers better. As a result, your communication will be more on point.
Another great way to personalize an email is to address your subscribers by their name. Using a
tool for an email campaign can be very helpful in this case because you can use HTML option to
directly take the subscriber's name from the database and add it to the email template.
It is also important to sign the email off with your full name, a job title in the company, and
contact details. This also improves the personalization level.
Having your end users in mind is always a good approach to use when building a strategy
because your goal is to connect with those users. And the best way to do so is by knowing their
interest, needs, etc.
One way you could localize is to use a salutation in a subscriber’s native language, even if the
rest of the email is English. Also, try to segment the mailing list based on the location criteria
(country, region, city, etc.) to target only the relevant users. This is especially important for
local businesses.
The type of email will influence the way you approach the writing process because different
types require a different kind of language to be used as their focus is different. While you will
get all “salesy” in an email offering a special discount, which is completely natural because the
goal is to increase sales, this kind of style and language will not work for a regular newsletter.
On the contrary, when writing a newsletter, you will have other goals in mind which will help
you define both the tone and the content. For example, if you want to invite the subscribers to
read your latest posts, your newsletter content could be a sort of a summary of what they could
expect to find on your blog. If you want to encourage them to listen to your latest podcast, try
telling a bit more about the topic, what inspired you to choose this topic, will you be joined by a
special guest, etc.
Regardless the type, regardless the language, you always have to have a goal in mind. Guided
by this goal, you will be able to write a message that encourages actions that will fulfill that
goal. This kind of thinking will help you write an email that converts.
Other tips
Other tips to help you create better emails:
• Make recipients feel special by saving some exclusive content and giveaways for
email subscribers
• Make conversation a habit so that you keep nurture the relationship with the
• Ask for a feedback to further improve your email marketing
• Remind subscribers about the products and services you provide
• Integrate social media to aim at higher reach
• Say thanks to your subscribers to express appreciation for them following your email
• Hold a high standard to keep building your reputation
All of this together helps you create better emails, emails that are read, emails that convert.
When you first design these elements, you will rely on your prior experience (if you have any)
and on the best practices. In both cases, you should always look for ways to be even better, to
reach for higher conversion rate. This can be done by meticulous analysis of the performance,
detection of the potential issues and corrective actions.
Email Deliverability
7. Email Deliverability
What is email deliverability?
Email deliverability is the ability to deliver emails to subscribers’ inboxes. It basically is the
likelihood of your campaign reaching people (existing or potential customers) through email
As the most used method to reach online users, with a huge ROI and conversion rate, email
marketing offers a great potential for businesses. Due to its strong potential, email marketing
started to become widely used method, which resulted in some misuses of the approach. To
support this fact, we have the daily average number of emails, sent and received, reaching
more than 200. Of course, not all of those are worth reading. Nor do we have the time to do so.
This is how email services started to develop sophisticated filters. The main purpose of these
filters is to fight against those misuses, preventing emails that do not fulfill the requirements
from reaching the recipients. For online users this means that they will be spared of emails they
do not need nor do they deserve their attention.
On the other hand, for businesses this means that email deliverability has become another
obstacle in reaching their goals of converting online users into customers. Although it is an
obstacle, and as such, it is something online marketers need to dwell on in order to develop a
strategy, there are ways to overcome this obstacle.
What is spam?
Spam or junk mail is a form of unsolicited mail. Most spam emails include commercial
advertising. Sometimes, they are also used to spread computer viruses, that can even lead to
the recipient losing the computer data. A spam email is unwanted by the recipient, and the
recipient has not given the consent for his or her email to be used in such a way. Spammers
usually obtain the email addresses from publicly accessible sources.
On average, 1.8 emails are reported as spam each second (Source). This is a huge percent of
unwanted messages, so it is natural that email services are trying to fight them in order to
improve user experience.
Occasionally, a message may be marked as spam, even if the recipient has given the consent. In
fact, millions of emails that are not spam end up in the spam folder anyway each day. This
happens because spam filters have become very strict and any suspicious action may lead to
sending an email directly to the spam box instead to the inbox.
This has a negative influence on email deliverability, which is why you need to understand spam
filters, as well as explore other things that affect email deliverability.
Spam filters
Spam filters are in essence tools developed by email service providers to sort between wanted
and unwanted email messages. Since methods of deception used by spammers have grown
over the years, including hijacking users’ email account, using various server names and
domains, etc. the need to develop a more radical way to fight spam was imposed.
Spam filters are triggered by certain actions, as well as by specific words in the email. Learning
more about spam triggers should help you avoid them, so here are the most common spam
• Words in the subject line such as make money, get paid, free access, etc. may trigger
spam filters by default
• Subject line is all capitals
• Email body with little or no content at all
• High image to text ratio in the email body
• HTML and text parts are different
• Message only has text or HTML parts instead of both
Have permission
Always make sure you have permission to send an email, as this way you increase the likelihood
of getting your emails delivered and reduce the chance of being marked as spam.
IP address issues
The reputation is one of the factors analyzed by email service providers, and it may affect email
deliverability. An IP address gains reputation over time. It means that if the emails sent from a
certain IP address frequently end up in the spam folder, the reputation of this address is low. If
you are managing a large number of emails, perhaps it would be the time to consider getting
your own IP address. However, doing this will not improve your deliverability rate instantly,
because with a new IP address you are starting from scratch, which means you will have to
work hard to gain good reputation.
Avoid being marked as spam
It is very important to avoid being marked as spam in the first place, because this might lead to
the spam box automatically next time. Understanding spam filters and guidelines for writing a
better email will help you with this task.
To sum up, email deliverability is an important part of email marketing in general. The number
of delivered emails directly affects the performance of the campaign, which is why this should
be one of the high priorities in the process of planning and running an email campaign. Make
sure you follow these suggestions and avoid common traps, as this will be a good starting point
in getting your email message delivered.
Email Marketing
8. Email Marketing Metrics
An analysis is a part of any successful strategy. This process helps you spot both positive and
negative aspects of your campaign. Since your goal is to improve your business, to increase
conversions or sales, marketing metrics help you get the idea of how good you are doing and
how likely you are to achieve your goals.
With email marketing, you need to monitor the successful delivery, as well as the interaction
with the content you send through email marketing campaign. To analyze the campaign, you
will need an email marketing tool, which will provide an interface with all sorts of different
features to measure and track.
The metrics you need to keep an eye on are divided into two groups. First, there is a group of
the most important metrics, including the metrics that will help you analyze and improve your
email marketing campaign. These metrics can be calculated with a formula, and thus they make
it easier to compare the results of different campaigns. The second group consists of the
metrics that are considered as less reliable, due to certain limitations. As such, they are not as
helpful as the ones in the first group. They are still mentioned because they do offer some
insights into the campaign performance.
Click-through rate
A click-through rate (CTR) represents the number of people who clicked on one or several links
in your email. This metric is the first and the most important one to track.
It is calculated like this: (Total clicks or unique clicks ÷ Number of delivered emails) *
A click-through rate is important because it directly calculates the performance of the
campaign. It gives insights into the number of people you are successfully engaging with your
content or exclusive offers you send as a part of your email. Not only will a CTR help you
measure the performance of the campaign, but it will also help you learn more about your
brand, your content, etc. You can either use total click or unique clicks to track, but to make
sure your analysis is consistent, always use the one you choose as a preferred reference.
A good click-through rate varies depending on the industry. Your goal should be to determine
and improve the existing rate. Another thing that helps evaluating the worth of click-through
rate is the number of conversions.
Each conversion is a result of a click on an email link, but not every click will result in a
conversion. You should think about this as a funnel. The funnel is the widest at the beginning,
once you hit that send button. That is the largest number of contacts you can reach. The funnel
narrows down with click-through rate. From that point, the funnel narrows down even more,
and that is where we reach conversions.
Conversion rate
A conversion rate is the rate of those who clicked on a link in the email and completed an
action that was marked as a conversion, regardless if that was a purchase, a download, etc. In
order to be able to track conversions, and calculate the conversion rate, you will first need to
define a conversion. Many businesses can have different goals as conversions because they are
operating in different industries and they have different goals. The important thing is to
properly define conversions to be able to track them and thus evaluate the performance of the
email marketing campaign.
A conversion rate is calculated like this: (Number of people who completed the desired
action ÷ Number of delivered emails) * 100
To measure a conversion rate you will need:
• Web analytics integrated on your website to track the number and referrals of the
• To set up conversion value because this makes it much easier to incorporate and
compare this metric with overall business strategy.
Tracking conversions directly helps you evaluate the success. If you properly define a
conversion and set up its value, you can simply calculate ROI. It is also helpful to present the
campaign results in both qualitative and quantitative ways because this allows better
integration of email marketing in the business strategy, and it also provides valuable insights for
the future campaigns. For example, based on your prior conversion rates, you can estimate the
number of conversions for the upcoming email marketing campaign. This is a helpful part of
planning the future campaigns because it can help with planning the budget and it allows you
to determine estimates for the particular action you will be promoting through email
marketing, such as a product launch, an event, etc.
Bounce rate
A bounce rate represents the number of emails that cannot be successfully delivered due to a
temporary problem (soft bounce) or a permanent delivery failure (hard bounce).
To calculate the bounce rate, use this formula: (Number of bounced emails ÷ Number of
sent emails) * 100
A high bounce rate can be an indicator that something is wrong. It commonly signifies that your
mailing list is obsolete, which means that a lot of addresses are closed and no longer exist. If
this is the case, you need to act on it immediately. Completely analyze your mailing list to
detect all the email addresses that bounce and remove them permanently. Internet service
providers (ISPs) use the bounce rate as one of the factors that affect sender’s reputation which
is a good enough reason for you to prioritize this task.
This metric is mainly important because it helps you build sender’s reputation, but it also helps
you stay organized in your email marketing campaign. There is no need for you to waste time
and effort on 2000 subscribers if half of those emails will bounce. Detect the bounces, and
remove the hard ones to get a better mailing list, a list that is full of contacts you can actually
Like the previous two metrics, a bounce rate changes constantly, as old addresses become
invalid, or new ones are being added to your mailing list, so make sure you keep an eye on
these changes. Since studies show that more than 20% of your mailing list may become
obsolete within a year, make sure you revise your mailing list at least once a year, preferably
even more frequently.
Forward rate
A forward rate or an email sharing rate is the number of recipients who clicked on the forward
button (forward to a friend) or the share button (share email content on social media). This act
of sharing or forwarding indicates that the subscribers find value in your content, which is why
they use this option.
You can calculate this metric using the following formula: (Number of clicks on a
forward/share button ÷ Number of delivered emails) * 100
At first glance, this metric seems less important because it does not provide data about
conversions, which are in fact your goal. However, this metric shows an entirely different
aspect of your campaign. It shows you how you generate new contacts. Sharing or forwarding
an email is extremely helpful for generating new leads. It also shows you how you generate
those leads, through emails or social media.
Besides lead generation, a forward or share rate can help you identify the type of content that
gets the most exposure. Monitoring this metric from campaign to campaign can show you the
types of articles or offers that are most popular among your subscribers, as they are shared the
most. As a result, you can shape your content strategy based on the results you get from email
The formula to calculate subscriber list growth rate is this: (Number of new subscribers -
(Number of unsubscribes + email/spam complaints)) ÷ Total number of email
addresses on the list * 100
The importance of tracking this metric is in evaluating your lead generation strategy. You
should constantly be working on obtaining new subscribers, using different strategies, such as
content marketing, social media marketing, etc. Analyzing the list growth periodically helps you
• The strategy that gets best results (for example, when you announce a new ebook
that can be downloaded free, this may boost your list growth rate)
• The period of the year that is the most dynamic (you might notice an unusual peak
in decline or growth of the mailing list, which can help you determine the right time
to launch a certain strategy to generate new leads)
Having in mind the mailing list decay, keeping the list fresh and up-to-date with new email
addresses is especially important. Additionally, growing a mailing list is a way to expand your
reach, which results in a greater exposure for your company.
Return on investment (ROI) is another metric that reflects the performance of the campaign.
With this metric, you basically compare the total costs of the campaign to the total revenue.
What is unique about this metric is that there are several formulas for its calculation, which
depends on the type of business and industry.
Here is one formula to calculate ROI: ($ in additional sales made - $ invested in the
campaign) ÷ $ invested in the campaign * 100
You will need to set up a value for conversions to be able to calculate the ROI. That is easier
when a sale is your conversion because in that case, a sale value is equal to conversion value.
However, the situation with ROI calculation is not that simple. Sometimes, it might be a bit
more difficult to calculate ROI. For example, you acquire a certain number of sales, you
compare that value with the budget invested and you get ROI. In the long run, these sales might
lead to more sales, as you obtain some recurring customers. In this case, the sales value you
used to calculate ROI in the first place is not correct, thus the ROI for this calculation is wrong as
To make sure you get the results that are reliable as much as possible, you will need a deeper
understanding of your business and how certain actions affect its performance. For example,
try analyzing sales. Obtaining a new client means $100 revenue for you (i.e. sales value).
Noticing the past trends in your sales, you notice that having 10 new customers, means you get
one recurring customer. Therefore, 10 new customers generate income of $1000 (10 customers
X $100 sales value). But this revenue is not final because you will need to add that recurring
one. You need to analyze the trends for recurring customers as well, and let us say that each
generates two more sales on average. This means that $1000 has to be increased by $200 (one
recurring customer X 2 recurring sales). In this example, the total revenue would then be
$1200, which means that each new customer is worth $120, $20 more than the actual sales
This kind of analysis relies on your past experience and the ability to predict trends. As much as
it may seem complex when you have right insights and when you know your business to the
core, you will be able to get tangible results.
Open rate
An open rate is the percentage of those who opened your email.
It can be calculated like this: (Number of opened emails ÷ Number of delivered emails)
* 100
Although the metric seems to offer valuable insights into email marketing performance,
because it can show the influence of the subject line, an open rate is a bit misleading metric,
which is why it is considered less reliable and sometimes not even worth tracking.
An email is considered opened if the recipient also receives the images embedded in the
message. However, many email users have images blocked in their email accounts, which
means that even if they do open an email, this act of opening will not be included in the
statistics. An incorrect number of opened emails directly leads to an unreliable metric. Some
email clients open emails automatically, which can also result in misleading data in the analysis.
Despite the data being unreliable, and thus unable to show the level of success of the email
marketing campaign, the open rate still has its use in email marketing. It helps you learn more
about your emails and about your subscribers. Use this metric to compare the data of different
campaigns, to get a general idea:
• Which subject line works better (a personalized one, the one featuring the name of
the company, etc.)
• What is the best time to send an email (the open rate might be higher in a specific
period of the day or on a certain day of the week)
• What type of content inspires users to click (the open rate might vary depending on
whether you offer a free download or you are announcing a discount in your online
Since these insights help you improve certain aspects of your business strategy, the open rate is
still a metric worth tracking, but perhaps not as closely as those more reliable ones.
Unsubscribe rate
Unsubscribe rate shows the number of users who unsubscribe from your mailing list because
they no longer wish to receive email updates from you.
It can be calculated like this: (Number of those who unsubscribe ÷ Total number of
subscribers) * 100
The reasons for unsubscribing can be very different. Sometimes users are no longer interested
in your content. For example, you have a marketing blog, and the subscriber has changed
career and is no longer interested in industry news. On the other hand, there are situations
when you are responsible for users deciding to unsubscribe. It may be due to a lot of emails you
send, due to a huge number of promotional offers as opposed to quality resources, etc.
As much as it is helpful for your mailing list success that subscribers unsubscribe willingly, they
do not always do that. Even if they do not wish to receive any future email updates from you,
subscribers frequently do not want to go through the process of unsubscribing (too many
clicks), which is why they simply stop opening your emails instead. This is what makes this
metric unreliable.
However, monitoring the metric from time to time can indeed help you find out when the
recipients unsubscribe (for example, after your latest commercial campaign) or what is the
general unsubscribe rate per month (this affects mailing list growth).
The goal of analyzing all of these metrics is to improve your business. Each metric provides
insights into a certain aspect of email marketing campaign, and as such, it is an important part
of the progress and performance.
A/B Test of an Email
9. A/B Test of an Email Campaign
A/B testing, in general, is the concept of creating and testing two variations. This concept is
used in many parts of running a business, as it can provide a lot of valuable information about
the products and brands, by simply analyzing the feedback of two target groups. The process of
A/B testing can be as simple or as complex as you want and need it to be. It is a completely
personalized method of comparison, and as such it provides actionable results.
To begin with, you will need a tool. Email marketing platforms frequently offer A/B testing as
one of the features. The differences here may be in the dashboard layout and some
functionalities, but when a software includes A/B testing, you will find all features you need to
design, run and monitor this kind of campaign. The choice of a tool is entirely elective, based on
your personal preferences, budget, etc.
The next step is setting up goals and choosing the specific aspects of the email campaign you
want to test.
Subject line
A subject line has a great influence on the open rate, so it is worth investing time in finding out
which words or phrases in the subject line generate the highest open rate. Besides the open
rates, you could analyze other metrics as well, such as the click-through and conversion rate,
and how these metrics change when you alter the subject line.
Different aspects of the subject line you could test include:
Word count
It has been debatable how the length of the subject line affects email metrics, such as the open
rate. While some argue the fact that shorter subject line is more effective, for some industries a
longer, more descriptive one works better. The best way to make a choice is to analyze your
own business through A/B testing.
Word choice
Some words are simply more converting than others, and although there are some general
suggestions on best-converting words across different industries, this choice should be based
on your own experience. Try testing synonyms as well, because “20% off” might give better
results than “discount”.
Word order
Word order is the final thing that could be tested within a subject line. Having decided the right
length and word selection, all that is left to do is to experiment with word order and see if there
are noticeable differences. For example, there might be differences in engagement when you
say “Get your free ebook” in comparison to “Free ebook – get yours now”.
Call to action
Call to action, as the most prominent part of an email, surely deserves testing. The main
purpose of the call to action is to invite users to do something, and it is only fair to explore
different options and see what you can do to improve the number of conversions.
• Size
• Color
• Font
• Font color
• Text
• Position in the email
The information about these elements will help you define how you want your CTA to look like
and what you want it to say. For example, using a different color for the CTA button during the
testing might show that a certain color is more engaging than the other. It is not the same if the
text on the CTA button is “Get the coupon” or “I want the coupon”. The differences may be
subtle at first glimpse, but the results might surprise you.
Body text
Testing content also offers insights into the way you should be communicating with your
subscribers. Unlike a CTA or a subject line, where subtle differences are often the subject of A/B
testing, with body text variations are more obvious. Here are the ideas for testing the email
Text formatting
Formatting the text is a very important part of improving email performance, but it is also an
area offering so many variations. A general rule is to use paragraphs for different parts of the
text, to have a heading or a title, to use different colors, bold or italic to highlight the most
important parts of the text, links, etc. However, there are many possibilities to optimize an
email in such a way, so it is best to test different options and see how each of them performs.
Text length
It is commonly recommended that an email message should be short and concise. However,
this does not necessarily have to be true for your business. With this sort of testing, you explore
two emails with the same subject line, the same CTA and the message that is essentially the
same (an announcement, a blog update, etc.) but the way you share that message is what
differs. In one email, you will use fewer words and get straight to the point. In the second
version, try to be more descriptive and talkative.
Visual elements in the email design include:
When people open an email, they scan it for a couple of seconds, before they decide to either
keep reading or go back to the inbox folder. In this case, even if the email is opened, your
message might never reach the users, because they will disregard it too quickly without reading
it. To prevent this from happening, and to increase the level of engagement among the email
recipients, you could use visual elements. With this kind of testing, all of the email elements will
be the same, but the presentation would be different. One email could feature the text in one
column, while the other version would have two or three columns. The same goes for the use
of images and videos.
Announcing offers such as discounts, free resources, etc. might be a part of your online
business. If that is the case, you will need to find out how these offers affect your business. And
in case you are only in the phase of exploring the use of offers in your business, you will benefit
so much from A/B testing. Here is what you can test when it comes to offers:
something to the subscribers only, can make your offer even more exclusive. With A/B testing,
you will choose between these types and explore metrics to see how the type of the offer
affects the campaign performance. For example, you might notice that free images are more
interesting to your subscribers than free templates. These kinds of insights will help you create
better content in the future because you will focus on the content and offers your subscribers
find worthy the most.
Time limitations
Some offers are valid for only a short time, usually, a couple of days, while some may be
available for unlimited time. This can affect the engagement rate because time limitation can
urge the recipients to complete the action sooner than they have planned to. This is why an
offer with a time limit is something worth testing. For example, if you limit the time for
redeeming the coupon code, this might result in a higher conversion rate than a coupon code
with no time limitations, as the subscribers must hurry up if they want to take advantage of the
There is no doubt that personalization is important for better email deliverability, but to which
extent and how you personalize an email can also be a subject of A/B testing. For example,
using a subscriber’s name from the database may affect open rates, and since this part of the
text is shown in the preview of the email, try testing it to see how it affects the performance.
You could also test different writing styles, using formal or informal language, etc.
Localization can help you establish a better relationship with the local customers, it can drive
sales, etc. In fact, “56.2 percent of consumers say that the ability to obtain information in their
own language is more important than price” (Source).
A/B testing in terms of localization means testing the performance of email variations with
different localization elements including different language, announcements of local events,
sales that feature prices in the local currency, etc. With this approach, your goal is to test how
emails with and without localization elements perform, whether they bring more clicks,
conversions, etc.
test it entirely, meaning the subscribers will be divided into two groups and each group will be
receiving a different version of the email.
If you are in the process of testing an idea or a limited-time offer, you might want to reach out
to a certain number of subscribers only. For example, when testing a beta version of a new
feature, there is no need to send an email to the entire list of subscribers, because it is in your
interest to get feedback from a small group of people.
The success of A/B testing directly depends on what success is for your business. Alternation of
email elements to create two variations is used to allow you to examine how each of them
affects email marketing metrics. To make this process efficient and measurable start by setting
up goals. Do you want to increase the open rate with different subject lines? Do you want to
increase a click-through rate by testing different types of a CTA?
Also, make sure you keep an eye on the numbers. Create a file where you will monitor
comparison with quantifiable measures. Mark the metrics you want to experiment with and
add them values. For example, the open rate was 10%, the click-through rate was 8%, etc. Then
add the results of A/B testing to see how these change and what helped you improve the rates.
• Test simultaneously – Running two versions simultaneously will help you get
relevant results, and avoid discrepancies that might be time-based in which case
your analysis will not be much effective.
• Test large when possible – Reaching more subscribers means you will get a larger
sample to analyze, which can lead to more accurate results than testing a small
group. When possible, always go for a larger group.
• Test one thing at a time – The A/B testing results can only be accurate if you are
testing one email element at a time because otherwise, you can never be completely
sure which of the elements and its variation resulted in the increased rates. Testing
several things at once will make it more difficult to determine the winning
combination and the elements that generate the best performing email marketing
Finally, you should have in mind one thing. A/B testing is not always going to lead to increase in
rates. In fact, sometimes, there might not be any differences at all or the rates might just stand
still. This situation is completely normal, because A/B testing starts with the idea to explore the
efficiency of different variations of email elements. Occasionally, both variations can have the
same effect. Sometimes, the new version, you have previously considered an improvement,
might even cause the rates to drop. The important thing is to learn that email elements can
affect performance of the campaign, and through testing you are trying to figure out how to do
so, using testing options that are available to you.
You should always make a report with the initial data and the results after A/B testing, because
this will allow you to draw conclusions, and it would also serve as a good starting point for
email marketing testing you will do in the future.
Lead Nurturing
10. Lead Nurturing
Email marketing is so much more than sending email updates. The focus of email marketing is
and should always be communication with the subscribers. The goal should be to establish a
good relationship and to keep it fresh through regular communication.
In terms of online marketing and sales, a lead is a potential sale contact. That is the person (or
another business) with interest in the products or services you provide. Lead generation is the
process of gathering email addresses of those potential customers through various different
methods, including advertising, content marketing, networking, social media marketing, etc.
Obtaining new leads is an integral part of an online business strategy, but only a small percent
of those leads will be willing to make a purchase immediately. Others need a little bit of
Sales funnel
To begin with, let us focus on so-called sales funnel. A sale happens in several stages, which are
commonly known as phases or stages of a sales funnel. The word funnel is used for a reason.
The funnel is the widest at the top, meaning that the first stage of the sales funnel is where you
will reach the largest number of leads. The funnel gets narrow towards its end, and so does the
sales funnel. It gets more narrow with each sale stage until eventually it includes only a part of
those initial leads.
• Brand awareness – This is the point where the potential customers become aware of
your products and services.
• Interest in your brand or product – At this point, the potential customers shows
interest in your brand by registering for an event, commenting on your blog, signing
up for a newsletter, etc.
• Evaluation – Most internet buyers are not impulse buyers. Instead, for each
purchase, they go through the process of research and comparison during which
they evaluate your brand.
• Purchase – This is the final stage of the sales funnel, where the lead becomes your
From the first stage, brand awareness, until the final stage, purchase, the funnel tightens and
the number of leads drops. Each stage is where you either keep or lose a lead, which is why
lead nurturing process has become so important for email marketing. This process helps you
keep as many leads as possible in each sales funnel stage, so that you increase the number of
those who reach the final phase, i.e. purchase.
Imagine you own a company that provides small companies with email marketing software. A
subscriber downloads your free ebook and gets to become a member of your mailing list, your
new lead. He is still in the first phase. He might be wondering if he needs this tool and how it
can be used. To encourage the subscriber to go into the next phase, you will send an email with
resources on email marketing which can show different strategies for improving the business
This way, you were able to predict the state of mind your potential customer would be in.
Fulfilling this need is something that will help you build a relationship and take the potential
customer into the next phase of the sales funnel.
Be relevant
Lead nurturing is a delicate process in which an action can improve your client to customer
relationship, but it can just as easily cause you to lose a potential customer too soon. Always
make sure your message is relevant. Not only does lead nurturing have benefits on the
relationship with the recipients, but it also helps you establish your reputation as a respectable
sender. This means that you build an influence in a certain industry, which will gain you respect
and trust from your community. In return, this community will respond with loyalty. Therefore,
your email message should be relevant in terms of:
• Topic – You should not get off topic. The email needs to be about the topic which is
related to your business, as this is something that the recipient will find relevant.
You have your niche, so stay in it. That is what your subscribers are expecting.
• Time – Pay close attention to the timing, because some content might be time-
sensitive, which will influence email marketing as well. This especially refers to
limited-time offers, seasonal content, etc.
Targeted content
As much as your website visitors have one thing in common (following your brand), they also
have a lot of differences. The idea with this approach in lead nurturing is to create content that
is closely targeted at a specific group of subscribers. This way you make the connection with a
specific group much more personal and full of understanding. Getting to know your subscribers
shows a great level of care, which is a perfect way to ensure a high level of loyalty among them.
To be able to use targeted content as a tactic for lead nurturing, you will first need to learn
more about your subscribers. One of the best ways to do so is with online forms. Instead of
simply obtaining a subscriber’s email, using online forms allows you to gather more data about
each subscriber, the data that will help with segmenting your audience, identifying their needs
and targeting them through content that is specifically designed for them.
Besides using online forms on your website, you could also send email surveys or organize a
social media contest, but the concept stays the same. You need to learn more about your
subscribers in order to use this strategy.
For example, if you segment your subscribers based on the location, you will be able to send a
targeted announcement about your upcoming events in a specific city. There is no need to send
an email featuring an event in Boston, to someone who lives in Europe. The same goes for
other criteria. Promoting your latest small-business guide to large companies would also be a
futile strategy.
Lead scoring
The concept of lead scoring is this. You use a custom scale to rank leads based on the perceived
value each of those represents to your business. This idea is also based on the fact that not all
subscribers are alike, but instead of segmenting them based on different criteria, with lead
scoring you assign a score to each lead. This way you basically put a numeric value on a lead,
based on the fact how likely they are to become your customers. As a result, you can prioritize
the leads based on the lead score. Those with a high score are deeper in the sales funnel, closer
to purchase, meaning that the lead nurturing could help you successfully convert them.
Like with most lead nurturing tactics, for lead scoring, you will need to have a tool. Marketing
automation platforms allow you to get insights into the way the visitors interact with your
website, which helps with understanding the leads in a better way than simply viewing the
statistics in Google Analytics.
To start ranking and prioritizing leads, you will need to add numeric values to certain actions.
The choice of the actions is based on your own business and website because you know your
subscribers much better than anyone else. You know which actions are more likely to lead to
sales, and you also know how to score them. Here are a couple ideas:
• A visit to a specific page – If, for example, the statistics show that a visit to a
particular page of your website has 40% chance of resulting in a purchase, then you
will assign a high score to the leads who visit this page and prioritize communication
with those leads.
• Social media interaction – Certain actions on social media, such as commenting or
sharing your content may be an indicator that this lead should have a high score,
which is why you need to keep monitoring on social media as well.
• An event confirmation – This action can indicate that the person is interested in your
brand and wants to learn more on your seminar or webinar, which is also something
worth knowing in the process of lead scoring.
This part of lead nurturing is largely automated with marketing automation tools because it is
impossible to sit all day long and keep waiting for an opportunity to come up. Instead, use a
tool to set up criteria that will initiate a follow-up. For example, after visiting a certain page, the
subscriber can receive a follow-up with additional information.
It is believed that leads nurtured this way have much larger potential of being seen as sales
opportunities because through this approach you are targeting them based on the need they
have. This kind of approach has better chances of succeeding than a mass email or a monthly
newsletter you send on a regular basis to the entire list. This is because you are reaching the
subscribers just in the right time, at the moment they have a need or request that needs to be
met. If you manage to fulfill that request, you are going to be perceived as trustworthy and
helpful, which overall affects the level of loyalty. In case the subscriber had any doubts about
you, this way you will surely encourage him to go down the sales funnel.
Collaboration of sales and marketing
Another strategy that has been proven as quite effective in lead nurturing is a collaboration of
sales and marketing reports. The exchange of the data between the two is crucial for
recognizing and nurturing leads.
On one hand, there is a sales department. This department uses reporting and sales analysis to
identify the customer profile, highlighting the patterns and behavior. Understanding why users
become your customers, understanding what it is that finally gets them through the sales
funnel, is something you can take advantage of. This knowledge allows you to understand new
potential customers better and provide assistance as they go through the funnel more quickly.
On the other hand, we have marketing where this knowledge can be applied. This way you get
to design a marketing strategy to take full potential of your resources and increase the number
of generated sales. A sale is an opportunity, and to take this opportunity you need to have a
deeper understanding of the buying process. This allows you to create a more personalized and
more effective connection through lead nurturing.
The goal of both departments is increasing sales and continuous efforts in analyzing and
assisting the buying process. Measurable results from both ends will make this collaboration
work seamlessly.
Lead nurturing is one of those email strategies where the goal is to improve communication
with potential customers, and this can be achieved through a refined approach that focuses on
the customers and the needs or wants they might have. To make these strategies work and to
make the most out of lead nurturing, start by having a customer as the central point. Then, you
go on to develop an approach and use tactics that will still be focused on the customer as they
gradually lead the customer through the sales funnel, to the actual sale. With this kind of
thinking, you will be able to form a successful lead nurturing strategy. In the long run, not only
does this strategy help with immediate sales, but it improves business to customer relationship
and the level of loyalty the customers have.
Increasing Conversions
with Email Marketing
11. Increasing Conversions with Email
When you create an email marketing campaign, one of the main goals you will have is
increasing conversions. Regardless what those conversions are, regardless if it is a download, an
event RSVP, a sale, etc. the goal is to maximize the number of those. With this goal in mind, you
design, optimize, personalize and improve an email. As a final result, you expect more
Since conversions directly reflect the success of your business, your goal is to closely monitor
email marketing campaign in terms of conversions. Understanding the entire process, why
certain circumstances lead or do not lead to a conversion is going to help with redesigning an
email strategy and forming an approach that will maximize the conversion rate. For this to
happen, you need to define conversions first, and then closely monitor them.
Defining a conversion
Since a conversion is a desired action, this can be many different things for different businesses.
For some, it might be a sale. For others, it might be an event RSVP. Sometimes, it can be a visit,
simply reading the latest blog article. To think about conversions and to analyze them, you have
to define this desired action in your own terms.
You might have several conversions in mind, as all of those could help with achieving your goal.
This is completely natural, and in fact, each marketing section could have its own conversions.
For example, social media marketing can have its own conversion such as becoming a follower,
clicking on an ad, etc. When it comes to email marketing, it is important to have in mind that
one email campaign should only have one conversion.
Your email message should be concise and focused on that particular action. Even if you have a
new blog post, an event you are excited to announce and in the same time you want to offer a
discount to your subscribers, you should not even think about rolling this into one campaign. As
much as it is time-consuming, separate campaigns are necessary to get any results. Therefore,
make sure there is a focus of your campaign, which would be this one conversion you have
previously defined.
If possible, add a monetary value to the conversion. Due to the nature of this desired action, in
some cases, it is very difficult to assign a monetary value. However, advanced calculation and
business analysis can provide some estimates when it comes to conversion value. These
estimates are usually based on the prediction of the profit that could be obtained once this
conversion is achieved. Of course, these predictions are not based on a speculation or a hunch,
but on an analysis of the past business activity and conclusions that could be drawn from the
patterns noticed in the conversions occurring in the past.
Once you have completely defined a conversion, the next thing you will need to focus on is
tracking those conversions.
Tracking conversions
Tracking conversions is the process where you gather the data from a specific email campaign.
Email campaign on its own may or may not be a success. To measure this success, you need to
track conversions and determine the exact number of conversions you were able to generate.
Besides measuring success, this tells a lot about your email marketing strategy as a whole.
The best way to track conversions is to generate a custom report with conversion details you
have available. Those can include:
The data about the conversions can help with increasing them, which is why this kind of data
gathering can provide insights that could help with further optimization of the email campaign.
Besides gathering the data, make sure you analyze them and spot any patterns that might
influence your approach. For example, you might notice that emails sent in the evening have
better conversion rate than those sent in the morning. This information can be further analyzed
with A/B testing, which could help you define a perfect timing for sending emails.
The idea with tracking conversion is to go beyond the click (on CTA button in your email). The
scope of data goes further, as you want and need to analyze the way this conversion happened
after the recipient has clicked on the link in the email. You need to know how visitors behave
once they reach the landing page. Do they immediately hit that CTA and thus convert? Do they
navigate to the homepage first, and then the conversion happens there? What is the
abandonment rate, i.e. the percentage of those who visit the landing page, but leave without
being converted? All of this together helps you figure out how conversions happen, allowing
you to use this recipe to boost your business success.
You will need assistance for tracking the clicks and their path, as well as to compare rates
between several metrics, which is why you will need to use tools.
Most tools track opens and clicks. Those are two basic metrics that will help assess email
deliverability, but to focus on conversions, you will need more data. Email analytics available
with email marketing tools can also include:
With these options, you can fully explore the potential of email analytics and how the data
about the conversions allow you to design even more effective campaigns.
You should create an advanced segment to analyze the performance of email marketing. A
segment in Google Analytics dashboard is a portion of traffic filtered based on certain criteria.
You still get the full range of the data this tool provides, but with this segment, you only isolate
a portion of the data. In this case, since analysis of email marketing is the subject, you will need
a segment that isolates traffic coming from emails.
You will notice that there are some predefined segments, based on different criteria, such as
new users, mobile traffic, etc., but there is not one for email traffic. Then find the button + New
segment and click on it.
You will gain access to the numerous settings allowing you to segment traffic based on desired
criteria. Since you want to focus on email traffic, i.e. the traffic to your website that comes from
emails, use the option Traffic Sources. You will need to choose “exactly matches” for Medium
and then type the word “email”. As soon as you do this, you will see a quick summary of the
traffic and how the stats look like when this segment is applied. Before you save your settings,
make sure you add the segment name. This is especially useful in case you have several active
The new segment you have created will be visible at the top of Audience Overview, a default
page loaded when you log in to your Google Analytics. This allows easy access and it is also next
to the All User segment, which has no active criteria, meaning it shows the full scale of website
Add the website URL and the campaign sources in two mandatory fields. You could add other
information as well, even though the other fields are optional. For the campaign medium,
choose “email”.
Once you have this code, you will need to embed it into your email. Then, you will be able to
see the analytics data when someone click on this URL. This is very helpful for tracking
conversion and thus analyzing the influence of email marketing campaign.
Why is conversion tracking important?
It may be the communication with those that are already your customers or those interested in
becoming one. Your goal, as an influential sender is to establish a successful communication
with both groups and to keep nurturing this relationship.
Calculate ROI
Each business strives to gain profit through different marketing campaigns, which includes
email marketing as well. Tracking conversion allows you to measure the success of email
marketing and gather data that will show the impact of your efforts on your business. Your goal
should be to maximize ROI through email conversions because this way you maximize the profit
for your company.
Since conversions are trackable, and they can even have a monetary value, this makes ROI
calculation so much easier. You need to compare the outcome, i.e. the number of conversions
or conversions value, to the investment, i.e. the budget needed for the organization and
handling of the email campaign.
How to increase conversions?
When you think of a conversion, you think about desired actions you want users to perform.
Your goal with email marketing is to refine your strategy in order to maximize the number of
these desired actions being completed. Optimization of email design and A/B testing are things
that will help you with increasing conversions, and so are these.
Having your email opened is a path towards conversion. It is followed by stunning email
Landing page, or lead capture page, is where you want users to take action, i.e. convert. There
are many types of landing pages, depending on the industry, the type of audience or products,
the business goals, etc. This means that there are no universal instructions for creating a
perfect landing page, but there are things you need to consider when designing one, as those
impact the power the landing page has in terms of conversions.
Effective headline
A headline is at the top of the page, and it represents one of the essential aspects of the landing
page, together with the CTA. This is where you need to grab user’s attention. A good headline
should be descriptive, telling more about the offer, product, event, etc. An effective headline
also has to grab the attention of the reader. It should be something they can identify with, it
should be engaging, remarkable and attracting them to learn more. When we consider visual
aspect, formatting is also important for an effective headline. It should be easily noticeable,
which you can achieve with different color and large fonts.
Brief description
A reader’s attention span is short, especially nowadays, when people interact with too much
content on a daily basis. You literally have a couple of seconds to attract the attention of the
reader, so get straight to the point. There is no need for too many words. Instead, be concise,
but make sure you provide enough information. It is similar like with a headline. You need to be
persuasive and engaging to get readers interested. Unlike with headline, a description can be a
bit longer, but try to keep it simple and short as much as you can. The goal with the description
is to offer more information about the offer and a reason for the reader to click on that CTA.
Not understanding your headline or what you offer is might be a reason to lose lots of
customers, which is why this description should be composed in a way that appeals to your
target audience. In the same time, it has to be informative so that even the first-time visitors
can exactly understand what you offer.
Prominent CTA
The second thing on the landing page that deserves full attention is the CTA. This button is
where conversion happens, regardless if that is a download of a free material or signing up for a
membership on your website. This is why CTA needs to be prominent so that no visitor will miss
Impressive layout
The visual aspect of the landing page is very important. This has to be a beautifully designed
page, with a custom design for that particular page. It has to be well-organized, with each
section being carefully placed so that they do not overlap and thus disrupt the user experience.
It also has to be accessible and adjustable for all devices. The layout also refers to the use of
images, fonts, text bubbles, logo, etc. and anything that can help you provide necessary
information with an impressive design.
Boastful testimonials
This is not something you should highlight because you want to keep the description brief, so
leave the testimonials for the end of the page. However, feel free to include them, because
they can encourage those visitors who are a bit indecisive about clicking that CTA button. These
can include comments from the previous customers, the list of customers, etc. This kind of
recognition helps you build your own reputation, and thus it can help with conversions.
• Timing it right – Even though there is generally no perfect time to send an email,
analyzing past conversions might help you find that sweet spot, the time when you
are most likely to convert customers. It can be a specific day of the week, a
particular time of the day, or perhaps after a certain event. This can help with the
conversion rate, so make sure you explore email marketing statistics with this idea in
• Improve email design – Email design is a very important part of increasing
conversions, so you should explore different ways to optimize the email layout to
get the most out of it. (Chapter 6)
• Pay attention to other things to do and things to avoid – There are general things to
do and avoid if you want to improve the success of your campaign. These refer to
both email deliverability and conversions, so explore different suggestions to see if
your approach needs a bit of refinement. (Chapter 7)
Email Marketing Tools
12. Email Marketing Tools
There are a lot of email marketing apps and tools on the market. Some offer a simpler
dashboard with a limited number of options, which are a great solution for small companies,
personal blogs, etc. For e-commerce websites and larger companies, more advanced options
are necessary, in which case you should consider an advanced email marketing solution. A lot of
tools offer the most basic options for free, while advanced settings are a part of a payment
plan. Limitations, and thus distinctions between plans, are usually displayed through the
number of emails you can send per month and the number of email addresses you can add to
the mailing list managed through the software. Again, these factors are something that will
determine the solution you are going to choose.
This software is known for its simplicity. It is perfect for sending newsletter emails, updates and
similar emails, which is something smaller blogs would benefit from. This is not a solution for
businesses that want to go ahead with email marketing because advanced customization and
settings are not included. The software offers a custom background and a few options for
branding and customization. There are no templates or advanced settings.
With TinyLetter you can send unlimited number of emails per month to a list of 5000 email
addresses. The tool is free and there is no possibility to upgrade to a paid plan. In case you want
to upgrade, you can do so by signing up for one of the MailChimp’s plans, as the same company
owns both tools. The contacts are directly transferred from TinyLetter account when you
MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms. It offers a variety of tools,
suitable for both small companies to big websites. It is particularly useful for online stores,
because of e-commerce integrations, targeted campaigns, etc. Other features include campaign
tracking, segmentation, A/B testing, automation, integrations with WordPress, Facebook,
Twitter, etc. Advanced analytics is also available, with data about email deliverability and the
option to integrate Google Analytics and campaign URL tracking for even more insights. The
platform itself is quite straightforward with drag-and-drop features that help you design your
own email. Ready-made templates are also available making the email design quite quick and
easy, using the existing elements, as well as your own visual content, such as images, CTAs,
graphics, etc. to completely customized your email campaign.
The “New Business” plan is the basic plan perfect for new businesses. This plan is free and it
comes with the limit of 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month. This is everything you
need to get started and learn more about the platform. This way you can make sure that this
particular tool is something you will benefit from before you decide to go for a premium
version. If your business goes beyond these limits, you can choose “Growing Business” plan
(starting at $10 per month) or go for “Pro Marketer” plan (starting at $25 per month and
additional $199 for pro subscription).
GetResponse is an all-in-one platform, which combines email marketing features, with landing
page design and marketing automation. This kind of combination of tools makes it a great
starting point for businesses looking for ways to grow and expand their reach. The most
important features in terms of email marketing include email templates, auto-responders,
advanced segmentation and analytic, A/B testing, etc. List building program helps with growing
a mailing list with web forms and import feature. When it comes to email design, a drag-and-
drop method is used, apart from which, you also get access to the image editor, landing page
templates, etc. Real-time activity tracking, subscription statistics, goal tracking and other stats
will help you understand your subscribers and the success of your email campaigns.
There are four pricing options, starting from the basic one with 1,000 subscribers, email
marketing and marketing automation basic features and 1 user for $15 per month. “Pro” plan
comes with 5,000 subscribers and additional automation features for $49 per month. If your
business needs are even larger, choose “Max” plan, with 10,000 subscribers and advanced
features for $165 per month, or “Enterprise “option, starting from $799 per month, with all the
available features, 100,000+ subscribers and 10 users. There is a one-month free trial.
Campayn is an email marketing solution for small businesses. The software comes with email
design features, follow-up emails, detailed reporting with the ability to track responses and
clicks, sign-up forms to be embedded on your website, etc. The main reason why this is a small
business tool is because it lacks advanced tracking, segmentation, and analysis, which are
essential for large companies.
All of the features the tool offers are available with each pricing option, starting from the free
account, with a limit of 500 contacts and 20,000 emails, with one follow-up email and basic
reporting. The price of the software is determined by a number of contacts. Multi-user is also
available as a paid option, otherwise, the tool comes with a single user account.
SendLoop is a digital marketing platform combining email marketing, marketing automation
and email gateway in a simple-to-use platform. The most important features include email
templates and builder, email delivery infrastructure, reporting, mobile solution, marketing
automation, integrations, list management, etc.
There are multiple payment plans available with unlimited email delivery for each plan. The
price starts from $9 for 500 subscribers and it goes up as the number of subscribers increases.
Here is another tool that comes with a free limited account. This kind of tool is very useful for
newsletters, with its templates, auto-responders, and campaign scheduling. It also comes with
opportunities for A/B testing, transactional emails, etc. The combination of these features
allows you to grow your business through the interaction with subscribers. Email marketing
automation, Google Analytics integration, targeting, segmentation and personalization are also
features that make this tool quite handy in your everyday business.
For frequent senders, payment is based on the number of subscribers, with 500 subscribers and
2000 email per month being a limit for the free membership. Paid membership starts at $14 per
month with up to 1000 subscribers and unlimited sending. There is also a payment option
where you pay as you go, meaning you only pay when you send emails, which is suitable for
those that do not send emails on a regular basis. These plans start from $30 for 5000 emails.
Campaign Monitor
Creating custom and yet effective email campaigns is an essential part of email marketing, and
with Campaign Monitor you get access to hundreds of pre-designed templates, as well as a
drag-and-drop builder to customize them. Signup forms for your website are also available.
When it comes to analytics, you get access to real-time, interactive data for each campaign,
which allows you to evaluate their performance. Integrations with major e-commerce
platforms, CRM and websites are available.
Payment plans are generally divided into three groups, basic, unlimited and premier, starting at
$9 for 2,500 email limit and 500 contacts. However, each plan offers an opportunity to expand
the number of contacts you are reaching out to, which is additionally charged. It is free to
signup for the service and to design a campaign, you only pay once you decide to send your first
email, which is a great opportunity to test the tool and see if it would be a good addition to
your business strategy.
Here is another all-in-one marketing software, offering applications for marketing automation,
account-based marketing, email, mobile, social, digital ads, web, marketing analytics and
predictive content. Having such a tool that combines all the most important marketing tasks is
really helpful and makes the job a lot easier. Besides managing an email marketing campaign, a
set of all the features Marketo offers allows an opportunity to create and manage a complex
business strategy.
The packages are divided into bundles and the email marketing bundle includes email and
landing page creator, intelligent nurturing, A/B testing, audience segmentation, forms and
progressive profiling, automated workflow, etc. Unlike some other more simplified versions of
email marketing software, this one is surely enough to provide even the most experienced
marketers with a platform where they can explore the full potential of their business. There is
no clear pricing for the email marketing bundle, but it is based on the number of contacts in
your database. To learn more about the packaging and about the pricing, you will have to
contact their sales department.
Sendicate represents another simplified version of an email app, but it is quite enough for
regular email campaign. Along with the possibility to track results, manage and segment the
database of subscribers, this tool provides enough options for campaign management. The
interface is easy to use with a few predesigned templates, as well as a full set of tools to create
your own custom email layouts.
All of the features with 500 subscriber limit are available with a free account. This account also
comes with 1000 monthly limit for the number of sent emails. If you choose one of the paid
accounts, starting from $9 per month, you get unlimited number of emails per month, and the
number of subscribers increases with each plan.
Litmus is a web application that integrates with email providers such as MailChimp, Campaign
Monitor, etc. The purpose of this tool is to design, optimize and test emails using advanced
options. You get access to a code editor built for email, which basically allows you to create
your own custom email from scratch. Other features include checklists to monitor
performance, spam testing with major spam filters, email analytics, and community. With
instant email preview, you get to see a preview of the design across more than 50 apps, which
helps with optimizing email in a better way.
There are four payment plans, starting from “Freelancer” plan priced at $79 per month. Each
plan comes with a 7-day free trial and 200 email previews available during the trial period.
This platform is perhaps the most advanced tool of them all, as it comes with an impressive list
of features and tools that are particularly designed to help marketers in the management of
their tasks. When it comes to email marketing, you will need Hubspot’s marketing software
which includes features like content optimization, email marketing, custom workflow, goal-
based nurturing, marketing automation, A/B testing for CTAs and emails, event-based
segmentation, predictive lead scoring, etc. These kinds of features can really help you take your
business to a next level. Hubspot is generally recommended for medium to large business, due
to the type of features the platform offers, as well as due to the costs.
There are three payment plans, starting with “Basic”, available at $200 per month. All Hubspot
plans are billed annually and all include onboarding fee, starting at $600 for the “Basic” plan.
There are many more email marketing tools you can find online, and it is worth exploring them,
the features they offer and how your business can benefit from those features. The bottom line
is: a tool is something you use to assist your marketing efforts. It does not need to be advanced
or pricy if that is not what you need. You should adapt the tool to your business needs. Then
define the goals and the features you need an email marketing app to have for you to achieve
those goals. In the end, you could test the tool by watching a demo or a review, or you could
even sign up for a free trial if the platform offers this as a part of their service.
Email Marketing
13. Email Marketing Automation
There is no doubt that email marketing requires constant attention. You should keep
monitoring everything, even if the campaign is up and running. However, the process of
sending emails involves communication on two levels. First, we have a one-to-one
communication with a customer (or potential customer). It could be an inquiry about the
software, request for a refund, collaboration proposal, etc. These emails require you to devote
your time and address this specific issue. On the other hand, we have a communication on a
large scale, where a lot of tasks can be automated.
When you want to automate a certain task in email marketing, you will have to start with a
tool. Choose a platform you want to use and define the tasks you want to automate.
Have in mind that automation is based on triggers. Triggers are actions that lead to a certain
event. For example, when someone buys a product in your online store, they get a receipt to
their email. This is an automated email, which was triggered by the act of purchase.
Welcome email
A welcome email is triggered by a subscription to your blog. In this email, you take the
opportunity to thank the person for subscribing and to introduce yourself and your blog to the
recipient. Depending on the industry, you could offer instructions on how to find content on
your blog, how to participate in the community, etc.
Daily (Weekly) digest
This is also a type of email that can be successfully automated. You could set a specific time for
it to be sent and create an automated list of the latest blog updates. This solution is a good to
keep in touch with your subscribers on a regular basis.
Re-engagement email
The main trigger for this one would be an inactive subscriber. Your idea with email marketing
automation is to stay in touch with your audience through these messages, and if the inactivity
trigger is set (by a lengthy absence from activity, website submission, etc.) you could send an
automated message in an attempt to engage this subscriber.
Event email
When someone registers for an event you are organizing, this could trigger a set of event-
related emails to be sent. First, it could be a confirmation of attendance (or a printable ticket).
Then you could send the official schedule or perhaps instructions on how to get to the venue.
And finally, after the event is over, you could follow up with a request for feedback, comments,
suggestions, etc.
Upsell email
This email is for the previous customers and with this type of an email, you are trying to
recommend (or advertise) another product or service based on the previous purchases. It could
be the same product with a special discount, it could be a product related to the one they have
already purchased, etc.
Follow-up email
Follow-up email can be triggered by many different actions, such as a successful purchase or a
download, an event attendance, the act of completing a survey or finishing a stage in your
online course, etc. With this email, you confirm the action that happened and establish a
connection with the subscriber.
These are some of the most common types of emails and their triggers, but there are other
types and variations, that are mainly determined by the type of business you run. For example,
there can be an email triggered by someone visiting a particular page, reaching the bottom of
the sales funnel, based on the customer metrics, etc.
You should not consider all of them as a good way to go because the main purpose of the email
marketing automation is to automate emails you would otherwise send manually. There is no
need to use all of the ideas and set up numerous email templates and triggers because the
main point of this approach is to nurture leads and stay in touch with the subscribers.
The importance of email marketing automation
As a part of email marketing, automation has a great importance. In fact, email marketing is a
marketing sector that uses automation the most, and here is why.
It saves time
The main benefit of automation is the fact that it saves time. Emails are a necessary part of
doing business online, and you have to include them in your strategy. Just imagine how it would
be to send all those emails manually! If you had 10 subscribers, you would perhaps succeed,
but you would have to be online all the time and act as soon as you notice an action that
triggers a certain template.
The first two tasks are essential for your email marketing strategy, but they are done once.
Monitoring is something that requires constant supervision of how things are going, whether
the templates need improvements or if the triggers are working well. These refinements help
you improve your approach and design even more successful strategy. In the same time, you
are staying in touch with the subscribers, without any daily effort from your part. Since a good
relationship with the subscribers is a key to getting the most out of email marketing, you will
discover a lot of benefits of email automation.
With templates and triggers in place, you are sure that relevant emails are reaching your
subscribers, even if you are completely involved in something else. With marketing automation
tool, you keep everything organized, and once you are ready to focus on the email strategy, you
simply go over the data and analyze the effectiveness of your approach.
By keeping the subscribers informed about new content, events, promotions, etc. you keep
their interest in your business. This way you basically remind them about your company and
increase brand awareness. This is very important part of online marketing in general because
there will be other competitors on the market, so you want to do your best to keep your
subscribers engaged and happy just where they are. Building a successful relationship through
email communication is a good way to work on subscribers’ loyalty.
Automation can help with increasing sales, as it reinforces this business-to-customer bond, so it
is always great to have it as a part of your regular business activity. In terms of how email
marketing automation can be related to other types of marketing, we should mention website
traffic (SEO), content promotion (content marketing), and social promotion (social media
marketing). Again, combining all these benefits will have a huge impact on your business in
Additionally, automation can help you learn more about your business. Analyzing the data will
allow you to find out more about your subscribers, the way they react to your content,
products, etc. You will find out what kind of an approach works better and how regular
communication helps with building your online reputation.
Like with conversion, a goal is not the same for everybody, which is why you need to explore
your business and determine what kind of opportunities do you think you can have with email
automation. Eventually, the strategy should result in:
Once your goals are defined, you will need to start preparations for email automation. This
These are all tasks that have been further analyzed in separate chapters of this ebook, and they
naturally follow the stages of creating a good email campaign, in this case, with automation in
Finally, when everything is set, when the automation tool is on, a part of the work is done. As
much as it is tempting to sit back and watch the results, monitoring is not a passive phase in a
strategy design. In fact, monitoring is a stage where you need to keep an eye on the statistics,
email performance, website traffic, etc. To make sure your strategy is a success, you will need
to make sure the things are going as you have planned.
Besides evaluating automated emails, you should also evaluate the mailing list, and whether
the segmentation is done properly. Also, a tool you are using might or might not offer all the
features you need. As your company grows, so does the needs for handling your growing
mailing list. If you see missed opportunities and need some additional data and features that
could help you improve your strategy, perhaps it is time to think about switching to a new plan
or even completely changing the platform you are using for email automation.
Your subscribers are real people, and as such, they have real needs, request, doubts, etc.
Although, a part of automation is to predict these and to use skillfully designed triggers for this
purpose, sometimes it is difficult to predict everything.
When it comes to customer service, you might automate a certain portion of the email
correspondence, such as how to apply for a refund, how to cancel the service, etc. but when
you receive an email with an actual problem the subscriber has, you should not simply send a
template, thinking that will solve the problem.
Email communication is a communication with people, above everything. When you overuse
automation, you are going to start to seem like a robot, and this will completely destroy the
bond you were so trying to preserve. Certain situations demand that you do respond
personally, to take the time and write a custom answer to the subscriber, instead of going for
the pre-made templates. It is in situations like these that you will seize the opportunity to
improve your communication and establish a much deeper level of loyalty.
The bottom line is that email marketing automation represents a very useful addition to your
email marketing efforts. It can help obtain so many benefits by simply keeping a regular
connection with the subscribers. This connection is important for your business, because
keeping the subscribers engaged, means they are interested in interacting with you, and
eventually doing business with you.
Despite the fact that automation relies on the usage of templates for interaction, it should
never lack personalization. In fact, a lack of personalization can seriously harm the performance
of automation and thus lead to a futile strategy. Even though the emails are automated, make
sure you personalize them by:
• Addressing the subscribers personally, using their name from the database
• Segmenting the audience to send only relevant messages
• Finishing the email with your own name (signature, image, contact details, etc.)
Use these, as well as other tactics for designing better emails. This way, the subscribers will feel
special when they receive an email from you, even if the message is automated.
Email Mobile
14. Email Mobile Marketing
Mobile devices have completely changed the way we interact and find information. No longer
do people spend so much time on their computer, because mobile devices have developed in
such a way that everything one needs can be searched via a mobile device.
Furthermore, the development of numerous apps for instant messages has introduced this as a
new way of communication. This complete domination of mobile has taken us all aback, as the
statistics surged in the past few years, so much that the mobile market share has taken over in
the total internet traffic.
In such a reality, it is important to evaluate the influence of email mobile marketing. Some
predictions estimated that the power of the email as the number one way to reach online user
will slowly decline, with social media taking over. However, these predictions did not realize.
Email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools to reach online customers. In fact,
having a mobile device has made emails even closer to the people, with email open rates via
mobile growing.
“Mobile represents 55% of email opens. Apple iPhone holds the top spot with 33.84% of all
opens, with Gmail coming in a distant second at 17.63%.”
The process of adapting to this mobile reality is called mobile optimization, and it first started
with web optimization, which meant that web owners had to change their website design in
such a way that it becomes easily accessible via mobile devices. Even though at one point it was
a recommendation for improving the website performance, mobile optimization is now a
requirement, with Google taking this as one of the ranking factors.
When it comes to email, the situation is just the same. A mobile-optimized email is a necessary
part of your campaign. You have to have in mind the following. The subscribers use a certain
app for email opening on their mobile devices. Instead of a browser they use on a computer, on
mobile devices, having an app has become a more comfortable way to check emails.
When you think about how to optimize your email to increase conversions and email
deliverability, it is important to consider mobile optimization as one of the key factors that have
become an essential part of each email marketing campaign.
Mobile-friendly design
Mobile-friendly email design is a design that is easily accessible via mobile devices. Some emails
are coded in such a way that they are not displayed properly on mobile devices. This means
that the email width is the same as on the desktop, with the text so tiny that it is impossible to
read it.
320px width is often recommended for mobile devices as it is the width of a phone screen in
portrait orientation. Keeping your email width anywhere under 600px is a great way to make
sure that the email is properly displayed on mobile devices, with no need to zoom in.
Therefore, you need to allow email width adjusting based on the size it is displayed on. This
way, your email adapts to a specific device. Mobile users will see an email that is optimized for
a mobile device with a friendly design, and desktop users will see a version of the email that is
adapted to the desktop. Font size should also be something that you need to think about when
optimizing an email for mobile devices.
Single-column design
While multi-column design might be a nice way to organize a couple of segments in your email
campaign, you should avoid using it for mobile emails. To make sure your email is mobile-
friendly, switch to a single-column design, where each segment would follow the other.
The most important things at the top
Since single-column design is recommended, you should always include the most important
things at the top. For example, images or catchy titles are usually the first things the recipient
will see once the email is opened. Single column design helps you with three important goals:
Image optimization
Loading time has a huge influence on the open rate, and eventually on conversions, and images
are precisely the element that can increase the time needed to load an email. Additionally, a lot
of mobile users use 3G or even slower connection, which means the loading time can be
The ideal solution would be to use coding to allow smaller image loading for mobile devices and
larger ones for a desktop.
Since some ISPs automatically disable loading of images, it is always recommended that the
image has ALT attribute. This way, the text will be loaded if the image is not, and it could
provide more information about the image.
This means that if your audience is more prone to use a mobile device to check their email,
make sure you keep the subject line short. In this case, you would need to use the keywords in
the front to make sure they are seen as an inbox preview, even if the rest of the subject line
gets cut off.
Pre-header text
This is the text below the subject line, which displays a preview of the email body. Although it is
in a lighter color than the sender’s name and the subject line, making it less obvious, some
users still read it. Therefore, take this extra line of text to indicate more about your email, to
give a sort of a context to your message and eventually increase the chances of recipients
opening their email.
CTA button size
When you master the best practices of designing a CTA for your email campaign, regardless if
you choose an image CTA or a link, make sure the CTA is:
• Clearly noticeable even on the small screen of a mobile device. It is best to feature
the CTA near the top of the email to ensure most recipients see it.
• Big enough for people to tap on it.
• Isolated in a way that there is enough plain space around it so that one can easily
tap on it without accidentally tapping on a different link.
In general, there are a couple of practical guidelines to have in mind when it comes to mobile-
friendly design.
Avoid clustering several links together in your copy. It makes individual links
very difficult to access.”
Reader’s experience
Have in mind that reader’s experience is your top priority with email design. All of the
recommendations above are designed with one goal – think about the recipients. How do they
see the email? Why will they decide to click on the CTA? What might stop them?
Just as much as the user experience is an important part of web design and optimization,
thinking about the readers will help you create a better email. To make sure you are on the
right track, try conducting a survey, or an A/B testing campaign. The feedback from your own
readership can tell you a lot about your email campaign, including the ways you can improve it.
When it comes landing page optimization for mobile devices, follow these guidelines:
If you are using Google Analytics, take a look at the option Mobile, under Audience. The
Overview shows the comparison of traffic between desktop, mobile, and tablet. Besides the
number of sessions for each device, you can also compare bounce rate, average session
duration, and conversions.
For example, if you notice a high bounce rate on mobile in comparison to desktop, this could be
an indicator of a poor mobile optimization. This way you could also compare goal completion
rate, pages, and sessions, etc. The data about the devices used to access your website is the
second option available under Mobile.
In relation to an email campaign, the data needs to be segmented so that you only isolate the
traffic originating from the email campaign. This can be done in two ways:
• Adding a secondary dimension: Source/Medium
• Adding a new segment which will isolate email as a traffic source and mobile as
device category.
You will add an additional filter to include traffic from emails only:
Influence of email mobile marketing
When it comes to how mobile marketing influences the online businesses, this mainly depends
on the type of industry. Some businesses report a significant percentage of traffic coming from
mobile devices, including email traffic, while other businesses state that their traffic is still
mainly from desktop.
Either way, everyone has to agree that mobile marketing is a trend that is slowly, but surely,
taking over. Mobile, in general, has a major impact on how people communicate, exchange
information, etc. so the influence it has and will have on online marketing is undeniable.
Besides mobile optimization of the email campaign, which is important when it comes to
reaching mobile users, this also affects websites. Your website needs to be prepared for the
visits coming from mobile devices, which is done with a mobile-friendly design.
A mobile-friendly website:
• Uses a responsive template which adapts to the display based on the device
• Loads fast
• Is easy to navigate
Let personalization be your most powerful tool, to establish a connection with the subscribers
in a way that they keep opening your emails and keep clicking that CTA. Gradually, you will
build trust in your brand, and you as a sender will increase your credibility. Try to predict things
Even though this is only a prediction based on certain patterns or previous behavior, and you
do not have a way of really knowing the results upfront, it is a good strategy to help you
understand mobile users and eventually optimized your emails having their experience in mind.
The strategies can include:
These are some ideas to help you take advantage of mobile traffic on your website, but always
have in mind that you first need to generate this traffic with catchy, optimized email.
All of the suggestions above will help you design the email that is quickly loaded and properly
displayed on mobile devices. After all, having in mind the share of mobile traffic in the total
internet traffic, it is safe to say that mobile is here to stay and grow. As a business that wants to
grow as well, you need to embrace this trend and use it to your advantage.
Email Marketing
15. Email Marketing Glossary
1. Affiliate marketing – It is a type of marketing in which retailers pay the commission to
other websites that generate traffic, leads or sales for them. This is done through
sharing affiliate links, that contain a tracking code, which, in this case, is shared via an
email message.
2. ALT attributes – This is an alternative text for an image which is displayed when the
image cannot be displayed (because of a slow connection for example).
3. Automation – Automation represents the usage of software or platform for the purpose
of controlling and handling different tasks that are part of email marketing, such as
follow-up emails.
5. Average session duration – In analytics, the average session duration is the average time
the website visit lasts. It is calculated by dividing the total duration of all the sessions in
seconds with the number of sessions.
8. Blog – It is a regularly updated web page which is usually added to the official website of
the company to add more value and more content for the visitors.
9. Bounce – If an email bounces, it comes back to you, without being delivered to the
recipient. There are two types of bounce, soft and hard bounce.
10. Brand – It is a product, service or concept that is distinguished from other similar
products, services, and concepts. It is distinctive and creative. It is a recognizable name
which people associate with a certain business.
11. Brand awareness – This term can be defined as a level at which an online user is familiar
with the public image of the company or the brand. This familiarization results in online
users recognizing the brand easier and being more prone to work with the business
behind that brand.
13. Content marketing – Content marketing is a process of creating content which will be
used to reach, engage and eventually convert customers. In online marketing, content
has an important role, and it is integrated into other types of online marketing, including
email marketing.
14. Conversion – A conversion is a desired action, a goal, that you defined valuable for your
business. It happens as a response to CTA.
15. Copy – A copy is a piece of content primarily designed for advertising or marketing.
Copywriting represents creating a copy through which the business wants to influence
their target group in making a decision and to increase brand awareness.
16. CTA – A call to action is a button inviting people to click on it and complete a certain
action. It can be displayed as an image and as a text link.
17. CTR – A click-through rate is the number of clicks you revive divided by the number of
impressions. In email marketing, CTR is calculated by comparing the number of email
clicks to the total number of sent emails.
19. Email – An email, or electronic mail is the method of exchanging messages between
digital devices. The first ever email was sent in 1971, through a network of computers
which is a precursor of what we now know as the internet.
20. Email marketing – As a part of online marketing, email marketing is an approach aimed
towards improving your business and online reputation through email communication.
The goal is to establish a successful communication with the clients (or potential clients)
which will result in a conversion.
21. Engagement – Engagement refers to the ability to inspire online users to do a certain
action. In terms of email marketing, engagement is the power to encourage email opens
and clicks on the CTA in the email body.
22. Goal completion rate – This is the rate at which an activity set as a goal is completed.
23. HTML – Hypertext Markup Language is a standardized system for tagging text files.
Using HTML you can adjust font, color, graphics, etc. HTML can also help when designing
an email.
24. IP address – An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a set of numbers each device on the
internet has and uses for communication.
25. ISP – Internet service provider is an organization that provides services for accessing the
internet. Here we have access providers, mailbox providers, hosting ISP, etc.
26. Landing page – Also called lead capture page, this is the page where a conversion
happens. The CTA in the email links to this page, which presents an offer or a resource
for the email recipient. Since this is the page the email recipients see when they reach
your website, it is essential that it follows the best practice to maximize the conversion
27. Lead – In marketing, a lead is a contact that is potentially interested in becoming your
customers. Unlike regular subscribers, leads are potential sales contact because they
belong to the closely targeted audience.
28. Lead generation – Lead generation is the process of obtaining new leads through various
different strategies such as a sign-up button, an online competition, free downloads,
etc. The purpose of the lead generation is to generate new potential customers.
29. Lead nurturing – The process of developing a relationship with leads along phases of the
sales funnel is known as lead nurturing in email marketing.
30. Mailing list – The list of all the email addresses of those who subscribed to follow you is
called a mailing list.
31. Measurable goals – These goals are quantifiable, which means they can be measured
when achieved and thus easily compared to the planned goals.
33. Mobile optimization – The process of ensuring that the visitors accessing your website
from mobile devices have an optimized experience and are able to view your website
properly is called mobile optimization. In terms of email marketing, mobile optimization
is referred to adjusting email elements to load quickly and properly when opened on
mobile devices.
35. Optimization – Optimization is the act of improving something to achieve better results.
When an email is optimized, it means that it is improved according to the guidelines and
recommendations for the purpose of obtaining better results through an email
36. Performance – The performance represents the accomplishment of given tasks. It shows
how the work is done. In terms of an email campaign, the performance is expressed
through comparing the results of email marketing metrics.
37. Reach – This is the total number of people who have taken an action which include
views and clicks.
40. Sales funnel – This is a sales process that starts with an online user becoming aware of
your brand and ends with the purchase.
41. Search engine marketing – Search engine marketing (SEM) is a type of online marketing
aimed at advertising the website and improving overall business through search
engines. It includes paid reach (for example Google AdWords) and organic reach (SEO).
42. Search engine optimization – Search engine optimization (SEO) is a part of search engine
marketing (SEM), which uses search engines to reach online customers. In SEO, the goal
is to reach customers through organic reach, when your website is featured in the list of
links shown as a result to a search query.
of the target audience. The goal of segmentation in this sense is to provide better-
optimized email campaigns, by addressing the specific need or action of the recipients.
44. Session – When it comes to website usage, a user session, also known as a visit, is the
presence of a specific IP address. The number of sessions is measured as the website
45. Social media marketing – Social media marketing is a part of online marketing focused
on promoting a business through social media platforms. It is necessary to create social
media profiles (pages) through which these goals can be achieved. Besides promotion,
social media can be used for increasing sales, increasing traffic, generating leads,
increasing brand awareness, providing customer support, etc.
47. Strategy – A strategy is a plan of action designed to do something and to achieve certain
goals. In terms of online marketing, including email marketing, a strategy defines your
goals and how you want to achieve them through the use of different tools and
49. Subscriber – This is a person who willingly provides you with their email to receive email
updates from you.
50. Target – In online marketing, to target is usually referred to the process of designing
something especially for the group of users who are most likely to be interested in your
51. Target group – A target group is a group of people (customers and potential customers)
your business is trying to reach through different marketing efforts, including email
53. Trigger – A trigger is an action defined as relevant, which leads to a certain reaction. In
terms of email marketing, a trigger such as a visit to a page, a sign-up, a download, etc.
is an action that can trigger an automated email message to be sent.
54. Unsubscribe – When someone no longer wishes to receive updates via their email, they
unsubscribe from the list, in which case their email is removed from that list.
55. URL – A URL ( is the address of a web page.
56. Website form – It is a form that is provided by website owners for users to fill in. Filling
in can be optional or mandatory, and it usually results in a visitor gaining access to
something, such as a free download, exclusive content, etc.
57. Website submission – This is the process of submitting something through a website,
such as the act of filling in a form and then submitting it.
16. Questionnaire
1. Which of these types of marketing delivers the highest ROI?
a) Content marketing
b) Email marketing
c) Search engine marketing
d) Social media marketing
3. What is the first step when starting with email marketing campaign?
a) Set up goals
b) Generate leads
c) Sell products
d) Send an email
b) (Number of people who completed the desired action ÷ Number of delivered emails) * 100
5. What to avoid when conducting an A/B testing of a campaign?
c) List segmentation
d) Bounce rate
10. When there is a temporary delivery failure for an email address this is known as:
a) Blog update
b) Exclusive access
c) Soft bounce
d) Hard bounce
12. When designing a subscribe button for your website, you should pay attention to:
a) Size, color, and position
b) Size and color
c) Position
d) Segmentation
19. Why is the open rate considered a less reliable metric?
a) A/B testing
b) Brand awareness
c) Evaluation
d) Interest
c) To calculate email forward rate
a) Inspiring CTA
29. Which of the features are not provided by email marketing apps?
d) The process of sending one-to-many emails, such as a newsletter, a dedicated email, etc.
32. What can a bounce rate indicate?
a) That your CTA is not working
b) That your subject line is not effective
c) That your mailing list is outdated
d) That your emails take to long to load
a) Filters
b) Products
c) Triggers
d) CTAs
a) When someone adds products to the cart and completes the purchase
b) When someone adds products to the cart and does not complete the purchase
a) By a purchase
a) Short
d) Relevant
40. Some of the best practices for designing a mobile-friendly landing page include:
c) Using unusual formatting
a) A tool
b) Triggers
c) A filter
d) A blog
42. Which of these is not the main goal of email marketing automation?
d) Add a long subject line
45. Which stage of the sales funnel has the greatest number of users?
a) Brand awareness
b) Interest
c) Evaluation
d) Purchase
a) Click-through rate
b) Conversion rate
d) ROI
a) Localization
a) A strong CTA
b) Noticeable links
c) An unsubscribe option
49. Email CTA buttons are designed as:
50. What are some of the metrics you should monitor to evaluate the performance of the email
marketing campaign?
18. b 35. b
1. b
19. d 36. b
2. b
20. d 37. c
3. a
21. b 38. b
4. a
22. b 39. c
5. c
23. a 40. a
6. b
24. a 41. a
7. b
25. d 42. b
8. a
26. c 43. a
9. c
27. a 44. b
10. c
28. d 45. a
11. d
29. c 46. c
12. a
30. a 47. d
13. a
31. c 48. d
14. d
32. c 49. c
15. c
33. b 50. a
16. c
34. c
17. a
17. Conclusion
Whether email marketing is an approach you are already using or something completely new to
you, it still is one of the best ways to directly improve your business. As such, it is a type of
online marketing that deserves a special place in each business plan. It is something that you
should incorporate and use in your business. Let us summarize the entire process to show you
the whole picture.
Entering the next phase
However, hitting that Send button is only a part of the job done. Next comes monitoring.
Explore the influence of your campaign, track the progress and measure the results to make
sure your goals are achieved.
This is followed by A/B testing, as yet another method of making your email campaign better
and more effective. With this phase, you will also find guidelines to help you, but you should
not forget the tools. Even if you did not want to use them for campaign management, which is
actually something that could be holding you back, during the monitoring and testing you
absolutely need tools to handle everything.
You have started with a website, where the visitor was only starting to get to know you, then
you gain a subscriber and eventually a customer. Even though the cycle ends here, it is far from
over. First, you will need to repeat the cycle with each new visitor, and the more visitors you
have, the more successful your business will become. Secondly, having a one-time customer
does not mean it is all over. After this phase, you are entering the next phase where you are
gaining a recurring customer. Email marketing is once again a method to help you keep
recurring customers.
We have all witnessed the influence emails have on our daily life, and we all know this is the
medium that continuously gives results. Even if you tried and stumbled, make sure you refine
your approach, detect the obstacles that are holding you back, because email marketing is and
should be the best way to directly communicate with online users, and eventually turn them
into customers.