Game of Kobolds

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Game of Kobolds

Dungeon Module B2.1

A Political Fantasy Option for

“The Keep on the Borderlands” Adventure Module B2

Originally written by Gary Gygax

Additional Material by GagMen RPG Podcast

Cover Art by Seth Stephenson

Artwork by Corbett Kirkley, Tyler Davis, and public domain supplements

January 2014

Acknowledgments......................................................................................................................................... 4
What Came Before ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Recommended Materials for Play ................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction to Political Fantasy ................................................................................................................... 5
Through Eyes of Evil ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Layers aren’t just for Cakes (or Onions) ........................................................................................................ 6
Cut scenes ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Hamartia (Fatal Flaws) .................................................................................................................................. 8
Random Hamartia Table ....................................................................................................................... 9
Creating Political Factions ............................................................................................................................. 9
Talking and Fighting (When to do which) ..................................................................................................... 9
Proposed Sequence of Event ...................................................................................................................... 11
Reading along with “Keep on the Borderlands” ......................................................................................... 15
Starting at the Keep ................................................................................................................................ 16
1) Jim & Glen ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Random Intelligence Table.................................................................................................................. 17
15) Mike & Liz...................................................................................................................................... 17
17) Curate Huveran ............................................................................................................................. 18
26) Scribe ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Advisor ................................................................................................................................................ 20
27) Castellan........................................................................................................................................ 21
Wandering through the Swamp.............................................................................................................. 22
1) Lizard Men ...................................................................................................................................... 22
2) Spiders ............................................................................................................................................ 23
3) The Raiders ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Uric ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
4) The Mad Hermit .............................................................................................................................. 24
The Caves of Chaos ................................................................................................................................. 25
a) The Kobolds..................................................................................................................................... 25
5. KOBOLD CHIEFTAIN’S ROOM ...................................................................................................... 25
Ak-ak ............................................................................................................................................... 26

Dokeen ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Keeble ............................................................................................................................................. 27
Duke Mermee ................................................................................................................................. 27
Yarmsul ........................................................................................................................................... 28
b and c) Orcs ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Gajjab .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Gorp ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Umogra ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Zorfu ................................................................................................................................................ 30
d) Goblins ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Krench ............................................................................................................................................. 31
Nort ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Ralnad ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Skreeb ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Wambly ........................................................................................................................................... 33
e) Ogre ................................................................................................................................................ 33
f) Hobgoblins ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Kawkaw ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Gudoch ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Lenark.............................................................................................................................................. 34
g) Owlbears ......................................................................................................................................... 35
h) Bugbears ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Lormf ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Nannat............................................................................................................................................. 36
Sutram ............................................................................................................................................. 36
i) The Minotaur ................................................................................................................................... 37
j) Gnolls ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Garrrr .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Ragar ............................................................................................................................................... 39
Rraaw .............................................................................................................................................. 40
k) Cultists ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Hershal ............................................................................................................................................ 40

Lionel ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Quinn............................................................................................................................................... 41

This is monster of a module that lies before you was originally written on a dare issued to us by
the Save or Die Podcast (Wildgame Productions). A few months ago, Corbett Kirkley (of the Gagmen)
wrote in to Save or Die with an insane question: how could someone run a classic Dungeons & Dragons
adventure in the style of George R.R. Martins’ “Songs of Fire and Ice” series (more commonly known as
“Game of Thrones” series on HBO). The intrepid hosts of Save or Die gave Corbett a couple suggestions,
but they ultimately concluded that no one was crazy enough to try it before. It was then that they issued
their “dare” (whether they realized it or not): If Corbett really wanted a political fantasy D&D campaign, he
should write it himself.

After several weeks of trying to emulate Martin’s writing, Corbett became frustrated by just how
large the game world would be. The natural solution was to make the story smaller, or to ‘sandbox’ the
idea, to make it manageable as a campaign. While looking back at old game books, “B2 The Keep on the
Borderlands” (originally written for Basic D&D, by Gary Gygax) seemed like the perfect solution to his
‘sandbox’ idea. There were several factions in close proximity of each another, and the module was
originally written to allow the DM to add as much or as little extra story as needed.

What began as a small project soon blossomed into what would become the GagMen RPG
Podcast, a show dedicated to writing crazy ideas into RPG adventures. Understandably, the task of
founding a Podcast, creating associated web pages, assembling a cast, and writing episodes proved to be
mildly distracting, and as such the original task of a Game of Thrones D&D adventure was delayed. As
the GagMen are a group of writers putting out adventures every month, the natural solution was to
include this adventure in the show itself; and “Game of Kobolds” was born. All our thanks go out to Gary
Gygax, the Save or Die Podcast, and most importantly George R.R. Martin, for giving us something to rip-
off and make ridiculous so that it can be ignored by all.

What Came Before to proper use. Listening to GagMen
The Keep on the Borderlands was Episode 7 - “Game of Kobolds”, may
originally written in also help to give
1980 by Gary Gygax, insights into the
and was commonly thought process behind
distributed with the the game (copies can be
original boxed Basic found at,
Dungeons & Dragons iTunes, and
game set. The module rpgpodcasts). This
was one of the most adventure is merely an
iconic adventures addition, and will not
produced, thanks to have many monster or
both its distribution Non-Player Characters
with the starter set and (NPC) stats, as these
its deceivingly simple can be found in the
design. Gary Gygax intended that the module rulebook, and so that the levels
adventure be built upon and expanded and stats can be changed as
to create an entire campaign needed. In the interest of theatrical
world. This adaptation is not meant to role-playing, the Dungeon Master (DM)
take anything away from what the would be well advised to prepare any
original writer intended, but rather add props or costuming if desired.
to the story aspects of the game while
offering rules options that could be
Introduction to Political Fantasy
used in our readers in their home A political fantasy is similar to a
games. regular fantasy world, but with a focus
on the interactions between the

Recommended Materials for Play characters and their reactions to

A copy of the Dungeons & Dragons political situations and plot
Basic rules, a copy of B2 “The Keep on points. Commonly, this style of fantasy
the Borderlands”, dice (or chits or any has the characters at odds over which
random number generator), pencils & faction (or family) should take, or win, a
paper, and a few good friends will be position of power.
required to put this optional adventure

George R.R. Martin’s “Song of Fire and spread through the world. Most
Ice” series (more commonly known as sentient creatures spend the majority of
the HBO television series “Game of their day hunting, farming, reading,
Thrones”) illustrates this concept of playing games, living in their parents
factions vying for political control of basement, eating cheese puffs, and in
their world. general carry on in ways that may (or
may not) seem alien to player’s normal
A typical role-playing game focuses on
the story of the players, and thus the
game world revolves around Past interactions with
the player’s current monsters in module B2
situation. In a political should be reconsidered, and
fantasy, players will find the DM should emphasize
that world events continue that every creature the
to transpire around them players meet is more than
regardless of whether they just a pile of experience and
get involved. The players gold waiting to happen. A
and DM would be well simple way to help the
advised to create alternative players would be to allow all
characters in order to see monsters to speak in
different parts of the story common, however this should
that may not always be be treated as a local
accessible to regular phenomenon only (unless this
players’ characters. is conducive to your ongoing game
world). With communication open, the
DM can focus more on the political
story and character interactions.
Through Eyes of Evil
While the concept “Monsters are the
bad guys” is a foundational principle of
Layers aren’t just for Cakes (or
Dungeons & Dragons, this idea should
Political fantasy may start with a
be placed aside for this adventure. Not
simple rivalry between two
every orc will wake up each morning
factions/families, but it will often
and plan out the evil that they intend to
expand quickly. While the Montagues

and Capulets and their conflict were a Each NPC should have a goal or a
focal point of Romeo and Juliet, the mode of operation; for example, we can
Mayor and town guards were also key expect Mrs. Millet to make a pie, while
players, despite being in the we can usually expect Timmy to try and
background throughout most of the sneak a taste. Timmy may be stopped
play. Likewise, a political fantasy by the PC’s, or the players may decide
should branch out from a single conflict to steal the pie first. Most characters
and slowly begin to affect and change follow certain patterns. However, the
the world around it. more complicated the NPC, the more
involved they will be in the PC’s
To better understand, it may help to
adventures. Be careful, presuming that
imagine a small pond with several large
a character will always repeat the exact
rocks popping just over the surface of
same actions can be an easy trap to fall
the water. When a pebble is dropped in
into. Unlike a videogame, your
the pond, ripples will begin to spread,
characters can do much more than
eventually reaching all points in the
repeat the same mindless action
pond including those large
stones. Each of these stones can
represent different factions in your
world, while the pebble represents that
initial conflict presented at the
beginning of the story. At some point
each faction should feel the effects of
the initial conflict, even if only

Cut scenes players may become disinterested or
Telling the entire story to the players even annoyed. By preparing an events
will be difficult without ‘cut scenes’: list, the DM can better maintain a
scenes that the normal constant and steady pace,
player characters better allowing player’s
would not normally reactions and the DM’s quick
see, but are important responses to advance the
to the story. The story without wandering off
simplest way to involve topic.
players in these cut
scenes is to write the
scene as an optional
and playable mini- Hamartia (Fatal Flaws)
adventure in which the All well thought out

players portray the characters should have a

involved NPCs. This flaw; this brings humanity to

style of storytelling the story while elevating it to

gives the players the opportunity to a more emotional level. Characters

experience a part of the story that without flaws are usually heroes, and a

would normally be out of their reach, political fantasy thrives on the frailty of

while giving insight into some of the life and the folly of mortals. Each

non-player character’s motivation. character (NPC or other) should have

an imperfection, and the more basic the
Each cut scene should add to the flaw, the more captivating the character
story and build the world for the
players to enjoy; however a DM must be
careful to not reveal too much
information, as this could spoil the
story. Pacing is an important aspect of
the story and the game; the story must
maintain a certain cadence to avoid
boring the players. Likewise, if the
story dwells too long on one element, or
glosses over important points, the

will seem. For example, a character Creating Political Factions
with the flaw of pride should exhibit a A story without conflict will not
level of arrogance that leads often the progress very far, however making every
character into dangerous situations. If faction mortal enemies can limit
a character seeks revenge, he will interactions. Instead, start with an
ignore his own personal safety in order underlying mistrust between the
to secure it. factions, then slowly build tension
between them as the story
The table below randomly generates
unfolds. Create a minimum of two
hamartia for characters in your own
faction/families in the beginning, then
political fantasy campaigns, or for your
introduce new factions as the story
own player characters, and was
unfolds. A political fantasy should
inspired by the NPC Personalities list,
progress much like an avalanche,
from the Non-Player Characters section
starting with just a few small pebbles of
of “Keep on the Borderlands.”
trouble at first, but eventually growing
Random Hamartia Table in size and complexity as it rains down
1 Ambition 11 Independence problem after problem onto the
2 Cowardice 12 Love

3 Cruelty 13 Lust Talking and Fighting (When to do

4 Delusional 14 No Flaw The most natural reaction from
players in a role-playing game is to
5 Envy 15 Pettiness
attack as soon as possible, and this can
6 Gluttony 16 Pride be frustrating to deal with in any long
term story, luckily experienced
7 Greed 17 Revenge
campaign players are more likely to
look before they stab. There are several
8 Hatred 18 Selfishness
methods that the DM can use to stop
9 Hypocrisy 19 Selflessness the killing: playing down your NPC’s,
make NPC’s valuable, avoid NPC
10 Ignorance 20 Perfectionist
stereotypes, and/or simply catch the
PC’s off guard.

Playing has information
down the that they might
NPC is a be willing to
preferred share. Of course,
method, don’t give the
allowing the information away
players to immediately, but
presume rather dole out
that the NPC useful tips and
is a victim or advice over
time. Underplaying the importance of a
persecuted. This usually leads to the
character gives the DM the freedom to
NPC being invited into the party, if only
demonstrate the NPC’s personality and
for a short time. Gollum from Tolkiens’
“The Lord of the Rings” series achieved
this, as did Scorpius from Sci-Fi Stereotypes are difficult to avoid, and
Channels “Farscape”, or Medea (from even the best DM’s can’t always evade
Greek Legends) who joined with Jason this pitfall. In a normal adventure
to help him steal the Golden there are three to six characters that
Fleece. While these examples are need to be portrayed, and a talented
villains, they demonstrate that villains DM will use stereotypes to quickly
are characters, and should have just as convey the idea of a character. With
much depth as the PC’s, thus helping several NPCs in play, a DM could
the players to perceive them as equals accidentally mix up characters,
instead of experience and loot waiting thinking “is this old man the same as
to happen. the last old man?” Keep in mind that a
professional actor performing a one-
Making an NPC too valuable can lead
man-play can portray over twenty
to trouble. A common mistake DM’s
characters, which is not far off from
make is to give the NPC items that
how many characters the DM could
make them very valuable to the party.
play in this adventure. The best
But items can be stolen, destroyed, or
strategy is to plan ahead, think through
cut off. The best practice here is to
what the NPC would be like, and try
simply let the PC’s know that the NPC

your best to avoid repeating yourself would happen to them if the animal
with a stereotype. Preparing made a sudden turn. Important DM
personalized notes for reference may Note: Fear can be effective to remind
also help your performance. us not to mess with dangerous things,
but it is also a trigger mechanism for
Catching the PCs off guard or by
surprise is an effective tactic, but it can
be utterly humiliating to the players if
used too many times. If the DM Proposed Sequence of Event
1. The characters have been on the
decides to use this tactic, the simplest
road for several days when suddenly,
method is to ambush the players, and
just half a day from the keep, they are
very quickly establish that they are
attacked by a group of Lizard
surrounded and outnumbered, forcing
men. This will be the Character’s first
them to listen to whatever the NPC
conflict, so prepare a battle that they
needs to tell them. But remember,
are likely to win. If the characters are
such an event is forced, and a caged
still overwhelmed and close to defeat, a
animal will lash out at its captors. A
squad of patrolling guardsmen from the
trapped PC is less apt to listen to, or
keep may rush in to rescue the party
sympathize with, the NPC. Another
variation on this tactic is a show of
power. Some whimsical examples
include: a wizard appearing from
nowhere, a warrior riding up on an
impressive steed, or the ever popular
“something explodes and that guy did
it!” Impressing your PC’s could frighten
them however, and a frightened party
may start stabbing sooner. Imagine
standing next to an elephant; while the
and defeat the remaining Lizard
beast is enormous and commands
men. Either way the squad will appear;
respect by its size alone, a normal
once the battle has finished, the squad
person standing right beside such a
will escort the party to the keep.
behemoth may suddenly realize what

2. It is important that the PC’s are
aware that they were ordered by the
royal courts to discover why the Keep
has stopped sending the regular
shipments of Spider-Steel. Spider-Steel
is an elusive metal that is very strong
and when used in weapons can have
extra hardened sharp edges. The PC’s
gatehouse keepers, who will have lots to
will have a note from the courts
say about the town and what they have
showing their authority in the matter,
seen. They should also give the party
however on the walk back to the keep
directions around the castle areas and
the guards should complain of
give tips for dealing with the local
confusions from the castellan and how
anyone who butts in usually ends up
missing. This may discourage them 4. If the party makes known that they
from revealing themselves too early. As were sent as a royal inquest, the curate
the group approaches the keep, they will contact the Player characters and
should try to discover what has order them to clear out the swamp. If
changed, by talking with the guards or not, he may still seek them out as
even with other traveling NPC’s. swords for hire to clear out the swamps
Gathering clues from the Lizard men and surrounding forests, telling the
attacks could also help move the party party that the Lizard men attacks have
along. They will have a written been disrupting the keep’s trade
document from the courts to prove they connections with the caves.
were sent, however the Party has been
5. Once they are deep in the swamps,
advised to disclose this only if no one is
the characters should meet the mad
willing to talk or if they are refused
hermit. If they should talk to him, they
entrance to the keep.
may learn that he was a priest of the
3. The Player should take this time to chapel, or at least has priestly robes.
Talk with townsfolk and learn about the The hermit will appear similar to the
castellan’s unreasonable and original write up in “Keep on the
unrealistic demands on the people of Borderlands.”
the keep. Start with Jim & Glen, the

6 After their encounter with the kobolds. At first the kobolds will be
hermit, the Characters meet the Lizard threatened by the player characters
men. If they attempt to communicate, appearance, but the Minotaur will
the Lizard men will invite the Party assist the guards to bring the party into
back to the mound to meet the kobold chieftains’ room. While
Yarmsul. The Lizard there the party should
men will only learn about the
take the party general metals
to meet and spider-silk
Yarmsul used to make
if they Spider-Steel
agree to and the
surrender needed from
their the Goblins,
Hobgoblins, Orcs,
weapons. When
and Bugbears for the
the Party is brought
process. These materials are
before Yarmsul, she will explain the
then combined with the spider silk that
problems of the cave and claim that the
is ‘milked’ by the kobolds. Mermee will
humans in the keep cannot be trusted,
not react well if the party talks down to
especially those with a symbol of the
him or ignores his sovereignty. Mermee
should discourage the party from

7. When they have finished their visit contacting any of the other cave

to the lizard mound, the party will faction’s leaders, as he speaks for all.

march to the Caves of Chaos, a short

trip, to meet the new king of the

8. At this point in the
story, the players need to
decide who to side
with. Mermee will display
his power over the
Minotaur of the caves and
his intentions. If the
party doesn’t show
respect for Mermee, he
will imprison the
characters (shortly to be
freed by Ak-ak, with
hopes that they will fix
13. Lurking in the shadows the Gnolls
the problems of the caves). Ak-ak will
and Bugbears join in the battle,
then be caught and executed for his
followed shortly by the remaining racial
disregard for Mermee’s authority.
factions in the caves.
9. Kargle gets his curse removed, by
14. With the insanity in the caves
Gajjab, and the orcs start the plan to
coming to an end, Yarmsul and her
attack the Minotaur.
Lizard men will move in make the final
10. The orcs will unveil the plan to side blow against Mermee. Wamraze will
with the cultists, with the death of see the return of Yarmsul as the answer
Mash and the rise of Gajjab. Panic and to the Lizardmens prophecy. The war-
pressures should grip the community torn Minotaur will bow before his true
as different factions start joining sides queen. Yarmsul will unify the
and drawing lines. remaining factions and plan her attack
against the human cultists and the
11. Wamraze, after talking with Skreeb,
will begin feeling the change in tide and
strike against Mermee. 15. The cultist will make a deadly
sneak attack on Yarmsul in for the final
12. With the Minotaur siding with the
battle, this could possibly be foiled by
Goblins, Skreeb and his forces join in
the raiders (see Raiders). Uric will
the strike against the kobolds.
make the ultimate sacrifice and expose

the cultists sneak attack, only to be remorseless beast (at least, not
killed indirectly in the process. anymore). Duke Mermee deserves a
Yarmsul is reminded that all humans terrible end, but perhaps not at the
are not creatures of deceit, creating a hand of Yarmsul (possibly by Muzzy
possible moment of diplomacy with the (see Mike and Liz)) or Wamraze. Rraaw
keep. should definitely die, hopefully leaving
the leadership to Ragar. Gajjab should
16. How it all ends. What would be a
be assassinated by Umogra, over the
good resolution to the majority of these
death of Mash; possibly leaving Zorfu in
problems? Yarmsul gets her deserved
charge of the orcs. Most of the cultists
crown, the castellan getting rid of the
should be killed, sparing Lionel leaving
curate and discovering the scribes
a possible return villain and to show
betrayal, and Ragar releasing his
how much of a weasel he is.
golem, but helping secure Yarmsuls’
victory. All endings are possible and Reading along with “Keep on the
many, many more. Do not feel limited
on what can happen, but focus on the
message you would like to convey in All of the following numbers and letters
your game. are referenced in “B2 Keep on the
Boderlands”, starting on page 8
of the adventure. Most
characters are grouped
with their species or
creature type and
may not all be in the
specified. Any missing
areas will not change in
any notable way from the
original adventure. None of the
material from the original adventure
17. Everyone dies, what matters is how
has been added, so you will need to get
they live. The death of Wamraze, should
a copy to play along with this
have a point, he is not just a
supplement. The majority of the

following sections is to add one of the most unlikely of outposts
personalities and describe situations watching the main gate of the
that exist in this version of the story, keep. This is the story they would tell
we have purposely left out stats so you people openly, but truthfully the troupe
can tailor fit the adventure to your own impressed the king and was put into
desires. As a word of warning, there service as intelligence operatives for the
are several characters in play with this crown. Jim and Glen were strategically
story; this is a campaign and not an put in place at the gate to keep track of
adventure that would happen in one the coming and going of people in the
night. Expect to unravel parts of the keep. Should the players reveal they
story as needed, try to plan ahead, but are sent by the king, the two
remember to keep the drama high and guardsmen will tell the players at least
use action a tension release. two items from the Random Intelligence
Table. Otherwise, they will tell the
Starting at the Keep
party that the
1) Jim & Glen - The Gate
creatures in the
Guards - Both
Caves of Chaos were
guardsmen seem far
the main suppliers of
too old and oppositely
spider-steel, but
sized to be practical
since the death of the
soldiers. The duo often
kobold king relations
argues and picks at
with the caves has
one another as close
fallen apart. Also,
friends do. These two
since the death of the
were once performers
kobold king the Lizard men of the
in a widely acclaimed troupe that
swamps have been attacking anyone on
appeared before many heads of state,
the roads between the keep and the
until an untimely performance of a
satire about a tyrannical king put them
at odds with the real king. Having the
troupe put to death was melodramatic
even for the king, so he forced them
into military service. Jim and Glen
wound up in service as guardsmen at

1d8 T
Random Intelligence Table or

1 The castellan seems to make

sporadic and emotional T
decisions. He seems calm in
person and then excited or angry
when he puts out a decree. It is
like he is two different people.

2 “Bree-yark”, is not goblin for “we F

surrender!” It is goblin for, “Did
you bring the sandwiches!”

3 The Lizard men are only T

attacking caravans, not groups of
15) Mike & Liz - Owners of Ye’ Olde
4 There have been new art pieces T
appearing in the keep over the Whistling Kobold Tavern - The couple
last few months and they are
being made by someone inside
use to run the Save or Die Inn on the
the Caves of Chaos. road to the east far outside of town. Liz
5 The Lizard men are being led by T was one of the first humans to be
a kobold that cannot be killed.
contacted by Feeshe many years ago,
6 Liz in the tavern is a witch and F long before he was king. Mike taught
her cat is last husband.
him of the cultures and histories
7 A kobold named Ak-ak was T
buying pipe tobacco for the outside of the area. Soon Feeshe would
minotaur, every week, until he bring a special spider silk that the
stopped about a month ago. We
don’t know why. couple would discover when forged with

8 It looks like Elendil, the elven F the proper metals would make spider-
advisor, is misleading the steel, the strongest (non-magical) metal
castellan, because he has been
caught in a lie by the curate and ever known. Feeshe united the
he has no reason to lie.
different factions of the caves and with
the help of Mike and Liz was able to
open trade relations with the keep. Liz
became such good friends with King
Feeshe and his family that she became
an adopted mother of Yarmsul (see
Kobolds), upon the death of her
mother. Her maternal connection grew

over the last few years until the sudden Liz distrust anyone wearing a robe, or
death of Feeshe and summary symbol, of the temple of law, though
execution of Yarmsul by Duke they cannot tell you an exact reason
Mermee. To further sever ties with the why.
humans, Duke Mermee ordered
17) Curate Huveran - Chapel of Law
Wamraze to demolish the couples Inn,
Leader - An older, gaunt gentleman
which Wamraze did reluctantly and
even apologized after the task was
done. Despite Mike & Liz’s valiant
eyes, with
attempt to stand up to the Minotaur,
long, stringy,
the demonstrative act was done, and
left Mike blinded in its
silvered hair
wake. Recovering over the last year,
Mike and Liz opened the Whistling
with an
Kobold Tavern inside the keep
walls. Mike has found some enjoyment
collection of
in running the bar, listening to
facial hair resembling a beard. His
travelers stories, and all the while
kind eyes and quiet demeanor allows
writing a book about the events of the
him to get people to open up to him as
last few years. His blindness has only
the personable and friendly leader that
improved his hearing and can make out
he appears to be. He is the second only
the sound of coin values by sound
to the castellan, and widely accepted as
alone. Liz has felt the loss of Yarmsul,
a friend of the people of the
yet still feels that she may still be
keep. Curate Huveran constantly
alive. The two took in a fat, stray cat,
reminding the castellan of the threat of
that Liz named Muzzy. Muzzy is
outside countries and the creatures
actually a disguised four-thousand-
within the caves. Because of his long
year-old Sprite of good fortune, named
studies of law, he has learned the true
Twisk, but he doesn’t mind being called
power of the chaos, and exercised these
Muzzy. The cat gives off ambient
powers by starting a cult inside the
magical energy, making all the drink
caves. He quickly realized that the
and food at the tavern very filling and
unity of the creatures in the caves was
delightful to all who partake. Mike and
disturbing the powers of chaos that he

was attempting to summon. After a curate in the chapel of Law, and sits by
meeting with King Feeshes’ brother, he the side of the castellan keeping
planted a seed of jealousy into Mermee, records and passing information to the
and suggested he seek the power of the curate. The scribe enjoys the extra
briar throne. Since the collapse of the money that comes with his position at
cooperation of the races, the cult of the keep, mostly because of his love of
chaos has pushed further to cause food. A creature of habit, he can
friction between all sides and to help usually be found at the tavern
increase the paranoia of the castellan. devouring a fresh batch of treats in the
evenings. The scribe has been caught
Hamartia - Deception – Huveran is a
in several awkward positions over the
man of multiple lives, keeping the face
years due to his carelessness; most
of kindness, while the whole time
recently he was seen writing a letter
ordering hundreds to their deaths. He
using the castellans’ seal. The curate
has become very good at playing the
assured the castellan that it was only
kind old priest, so good it has become
for priority church business.
almost impossible for anyone to
associate him with the pure evil that he Hamartia - Careless - His lackadaisical
performs behind closed doors. If nature has often left himself and the
Huveran suspects that anyone would curate exposed; if it wasn’t for the
betray him, they usually are found importance of his position the scribe
dead within might have been dispatched long
the day. ago. While he feels that he is making
an effort to take his time and be
careful, these mistakes keep
26) Scribe - A happening. Usually, the scribe chooses
corpulent to blame his troubles on his luck.
priest, only
second to the

experiences show through, however,
revealing his simple wisdom. He has
suspected that the scribe may be up to
no good, and has ordered trusted
guards to follow the scribe when he
leaves the keep. He has shared his
concerns with the castellan and the
curate, yet both seemed to consider the
matter of little consequence and
dismissed the allegation.

Hamartia - inexperience - Because of

his age and race, most people presume
he has an obscene amount of life
experience, and to a certain level he
does. He spent most of the first five-
hundred years of his life in a library,
reading, studying, and generally
learning what life is all about. As such
Advisor - The elven advisor, Elendil, was
Elendil is filled with knowledge, but it
sent to help teach the inexperienced
has all been untried and untested. His
castellan the ways of running a keep
appointment has been a true baptism
and ruling people fairly. He tries to
by fire, and he tries to hide his lack of
respect the castellans decisions and
experience by speaking in short
reputation by disguising his ideas as
thoughts and placing his ideas in
interesting parables. More often than
stories he remembers.
not the castellan will ignore Elendil’s
stories and choose poorly, often ending
in failure. This has not discouraged
Elendil, has seen the keep make
significant progress in his time
there. Elendil is very old for an elf, but
has had little experience outside of a
library. His enthusiasm and life

paranoid and these worries cloud his
judgment, stalling many of his
decisions. With the death of the
kobold king, the regular trade of
minerals from the caves and spider silk
webbing has stopped. Without those
key elements, the keep is unable to
create spider-steel, which makes some
of the most powerful weapons and
armor in all the realm. This also
weighs on Bertams’ thoughts and
concerns of how he is perceived by the
27) Castellan - As a commissioned field courts.
officer during the last war, Bertram
Hamartia - Indecision - On the field of
proved his worth and in reward was
battle, life was so much easier for
granted full reign of the keep. His
Bertram, but now every decision will
trustworthy nature convinced the
affect people under his
courts that he would not pocket
protection. Though he would prefer to
anything that the crown is owed, and
make these choices at the point of a
his sense of honor indicated that he
sword, he is trapped behind his desk
would treat his subjects with the
and makes tactical moves with
respect due to citizens of the
realm. The job, however, has proved a
more trying task than originally
suspected. His trust of others has
shrunk considerably during his time as
castellan, he has even begun to
question if even his priest working on
against him. He is convinced that the
border must be protected, and that only
he stands between his homeland and
the chaos outside its borders. Bertram
worries that he is simply being

Wandering through the Swamp
1) Lizard Men
With new ears, will she hear,
The Lizard Men are a small tribe of with new hands will she feel,
creatures that should appear savage to walk anew on foot and heel.

and a definite threat to the Keep, as

Her blood will be tasted by tooth
they constantly attack the supply
and blade
but to take her life the
Many years
Gods forbade.
before, Garrr
(see Gnolls), She will Protect the scaly
gave the Lizard cruel;
men a prophecy She, who once was food,
of the coming of As Queen of lizards will she
a leader, on rule.”
who would give
them purpose What regular player
and make them characters may not
equal with all perceive is the leadership
other races. of Yarmsul (see The Kobolds, The Caves
of Chaos) directing the previously
Garrrs’ Prophecy:
mentioned attacks. Before Yarmsul

“To the Swamps A spearhead will arrived, the Lizard Men were hunted as
be reborn, animals by the villagers and keep
Forsaken from her womb of dwellers, and forced to scrounge out an
thorns. existence by hiding in the Baleful
Bogs. Yarmsul rose out of the hoard of
Her life protected by her foods that had been gathered earlier,
mother’s Love,
with regrown limbs that her dead
by her father’s diplomacy cast
carcass had been missing when
collected. Given new purpose by
Yarmsul, the Lizard Men attack in
Mistaken as food for all of you
To then arise packs using guerrilla tactics, making

from a mire of Blood and Sinew.

them a much more dangerous threat are treated as Vorpal Weapons
than the humans originally thought. (natural/unmodified 20 on a roll to hit
decapitates or severs the limb of an
2) Spiders – They make the primary
ingredient of spider-steel: spider silk
collected by the kobolds. The kobolds 3) The Raiders
are small enough that they are able to The raiders are a scouting party, led

milk the spiders of their tensile by Uric, to ascertain the defenses of the

liquid. Because of their usefulness, the keep and investigate the possibility of

humans have placed several warning the keep planning an invasion to the

signs outside the lair, to scare off any north. They have set aside their tunics

would-be adventurers from and banners that mark them as a

slaughtering the stock. northern army. Uric is a distant cousin

to the castellan and has a familiarity
Spider-Steel is created in a with the keep, making it easy for him to
forging process made possible by slip in and commit small
kobolds milking the spiders of their robberies. Uric has become more
precious, strong webbing. The different suspicious of the castellan as he has
creatures of the caves then mine the seen the keep’s interactions with the
four different metals it takes to process Lizard Men of the bog, and the secret
the steel. The entire forging process trading with the cultist in the Caves of
takes over a month per sword, and once Chaos. Typically, if the raiders attack
the weapon or armor is made it cannot anyone, they will spend less time rifling
be reheated, or even hammered, except through people goods for money and
by magical means. more time looking for documents and

This process was originally disarming the victims. It has been

perfected by King Feeshe as a young several months and the unit is under

kobold aided Mike and Liz, the owners constant threat and just tired of the

of the Save or Die Inn. Spider-Steel is assignment.

cool to the touch, even after lying in an Uric – Raiders Leader - was a natural
open flame. Any items made with leader, until he fell in love with his
Spider-Steel can resist all forms of commanders’ mistress. Uric quickly
natural damage and corrosion. The found himself going on long
hardened edges are so fine that they

reconnaissance missions to any distant The mad hermit was an acolyte from
kingdom he could be sent to. His the keep, but years ago he discovered
rugged looks will make heads turn, but the curate and scribe making plans to
his skill as a swordsman has gained the overthrow the castellan and eventually
respect of his men. He tries to keep a the king. The acolyte escaped with his
positive outlook and focus on the end of life, but his mind did not fare as
his mission, so that he may return to well. With years of hiding and
his love. seclusion he has slowly been driven
quite mad, likewise he has turned his
Hamartia – Survival – Uric thinks of
back on his clerical teaching and
himself as a victim, cheated out of what
adapted to thievery as a way of
should have been his. He intends to
life. The Mad Hermit still possesses his
live, no matter the cost, in order to
original vestments of the clergy, folded
return home. This may lead to the fatal
neatly and placed in a small trunk in
end of his own troop, though his strong
the corner of his hovel. Otherwise, the
drive to duty may conflict with this
mad hermit should appear and react
possibility. Do not underestimate him,
similarly as he would from the original
he will survive to the end.
4) The Mad Hermit

The Caves of Chaos sides, leading to the throne. Feeshe
King Feeshe opened up trade between
and Mermee were told by their father
the humans at the keep and the
that the throne was created by his
dwellers of the Caves. Long ago the
father to teach him that ruling others is
caves were unfurnished holes in the
pain, and to always remind him that
ground; now they are all filled with
others should always suffer more than
furniture and well-crafted amenities.
the king. Though Feeshe did rule from
The trade of Spider-Steel has made
the chieftain’s room, he never sat on
most of the inhabitants of the caves
the throne. Though Feeshe also feared
very wealthy.
removing it; thinking that his father

a) The Kobolds would return from the grave to haunt

5. KOBOLD CHIEFTAIN’S ROOM: This room him. Mermee now sits proudly on the
is the home to the Briar Throne. This throne, with his five concubines lashed
mangled mass of briars, painfully to the base of the trunk. Mermee
woven into a large seated throne, sits enjoys looking down on his subjects
atop a five-foot tree trunk. The trunk and wielding his power.
has stairs, roughly carved into the

Ak-ak - is a young open minded kobold such deep love. It has driven him to
who was deeply in love with Yarmsul. turn on his own people and leave his
Upon her apparent death he fasted and home. He is driven by his passions and
prayed for several days to achieve hopes that he will find someone to fill
insight into what he should do. He the void left by Yarmsul, as he still
could see that Mermee was not the feels utterly lost without her.
leader that the people needed, and felt
that he had to be removed from
power. To do this Ak-ak went to the Dokeen - The scroll bearer for the king,
first ally that King Feeshe talked with, and general historian to the legacy of
Wamraze the the crown. A chubby
Minotaur. Kobold, known for his
keen debate skills,
After a long
Dokeen has been the
discussion of the death
loyal servant to the
about King Feeshe and
crown for over twelve
his daughter, Wamraze
years and three
agreed to sever ties
kings. He is one of the
with the current kobold
most intelligent Kobolds
ruler; but He is still
both in written and spoken form. He
uncertain with whom to align with as
holds his duty on a sacred level; though
the new ruler of the caves. Ak-ak was
he may not agree with Duke Mermee
disheartened that Wamraze did not
seizing of the crown, Dokeen does not
lash out as Mermee, and so Ak-ak left
dispute Mermees’ right to claim the
the caves and met Uric (see the
crown. Dokeen is aware that Duke
Raiders). Ak-ak joined the raiders, as a
Mermee has been getting assistance
scout, with the hopes of toppling
from the cultists, but is uncertain how
Mermee from power. He is a very
to approach the subject with
passionate kobold and learned many of
Mermee. Usually, Dokeen can be found
his philosophies of life from King
with a large tome containing the history
of the Kobolds.
Hamartia - Love - Ak-ak loved Yarmsul,
Hamartia - Pride - Spending so many
and perhaps is completely ruined by
years dedicated to his duty, Dokeen has

become deluded about the difference Mermee to remove Yarmsul from any
between what is right and what the power because of her sympathies to the
king says. Duke Mermee has ordered humans.
terrible atrocities, and Dokeen has
Hamartia - Hatred - Keeble generally
blindly been carrying them out, without
dislikes all races and most people.
Many kobolds attribute Keebles’
attitude to his age but he is a generally
hateful creature. His vocal hatred of
Keeble - Keeble, at the ripe old age of
the neighboring species has helped
sixty-one, is one of the oldest of the
encourage the other kobolds to follow
Kobolds and still remembers what it
King Mermee blindly.
was like under the rule of the older
rulers. Keeble dislikes and distrusts
most races, so when Feeshe reached an
Duke Mermee – Mermee was always
agreement with the orcs, Keeble was
resentful of his older brother Feeshe.
terribly dissatisfied. He struck a deal
After his father was killed and eaten by
with Nort (see the Goblins) to have
the Minotaur of the caves, Feeshe was
Feeshe killed; unfortunately, while Nort
thrust into leadership of the Kobolds at
poisoned a glass that was supposed to
the young age of four. Feeshe, never
go to the king, it was intercepted by
learning the ways of hatred that his
Milliet, the kings’ wife. Keeble had
father had known, opened negotiations
hoped that this would shake up the
with the neighboring tribes and even
king enough to fall apart, but it only
made peace with the Minotaur that
strengthened the kings resolve. With
killed his father. This path to peace
the king working even harder to keep
began with his befriending of a human
the union of races together, Keeble felt
couple, Mike & Liz, at the Save or Die
there was no end in sight. Worse still,
Inn along the road, not long after he
after the failed assassination, Nort
was awarded the title of King by the
began blackmailing Keeble.
various races residing in the Caves of
After the death of King Feeshe, Chaos. The humans were wary of the
Keeble blamed the Goblins, which lead creatures allied in the caves to the
to friction between the goblins and west, but it wasn’t until Mermee
kobolds. He further pressed for approached Curate Huveran of the keep

that he was able to undermine his Yarmsul – She is the beloved and
brother’s new kingdom. Mermee gave beautiful daughter of King Feeshe, the
the curates’ cultists information and previous and revered ruler of the Caves
placed the king in a vulnerable of Chaos. She is lean and wears a
position, and the cultists did the copper band around her neck, a choker
rest. Mermee quickly seized the crown that belonged to her mother, a gift
and is currently outraged that the other created by Ragar (see Gnolls). After
races haven’t fallen in line. He still King Feeshe lost his wife, he spent most
calls upon the reluctant Wamraze to of his time settling disputes between
carry out his vindictive plans and keep the different inhabitants of the Caves of
control through fear. He destroys Chaos, leaving little time for his
anyone or anything that does not fit treasured Yarmsul. She spent most of
into his world. Now that he has caused her time with Liz, at the Save or Die Inn
the discord amongst the dwellers in the along the road to the keep. The death
caves, the cultist have no further of King Feeshe was sudden and
interest in helping Mermee. He is shocking to Yarmsul, but not to her
insistent that everyone refer to him as uncle Mermee, who quickly seized the
king, and will react violently if this crown. Yarmsul challenged Duke
doesn’t happen, however most kobolds Mermee, only to be betrayed by
still call him duke behind his back.

Hamartia - Cruelty - Duke Mermee was

only interested in claiming what he
believes he is ‘owed’. He is willing to
hurt or destroy anyone or anything in
his path to make this happen. He
would often pick on Yarmsul, when she
was a small child, and obviously acted
out his sick desires by removing her
hands, feet, and ears himself. He
should be considered a socially
disturbed individual with only malice in
his heart.

Keeble. The Duke himself cut off her Mash and make his move. If he is
hands, feet, and ordered that she be approached about his concerns over
thrown into the swamp; never to be Kargle, he will simply say, “Kargle is the
spoken about again. Left for dead, only strong defense the orcs have. We
Yarmsul awakened on a pile of dead must protect ourselves.”
animals, with her hands and feet
Hamartia - Envy - He sure that he
regrown. The Lizard men of the
should have been the one to take the
swamps believed Yarmsul was a
position of Chieftain, and that Mash is
messenger from their god to guide
wasting his power by bowing to the
them. Yarmsul had no idea thst the
Kobolds. He will never openly speak of
choker, her mother gift to her, was an
his feelings of Mash, and when talking
ogre’s ring of regeneration. She now
to the chieftain he will often pander to
resides in the swamp and plots revenge
the leader.
for her father’s death.

Hamartia - Independence - By losing

her mother at an early age and her Gorp – Mash’s head of the guard, a
father to his work, Yarmsul found position he holds with pride. Gorp does
strength in doing things alone, and love his gaming time with the other
surviving on self-reliance. She will guards, and can be found in his off
often push herself too hard or forget her time gambling with his fellow guards or
own basic needs. anyone who will play. Gorp is a fun
loving orc but struggles with his debts
which has forced him to sneak items
b and c) Orcs out of the chieftains’ treasury.
Gajjab – He has designs to overthrow
Mash and use Kargle to retake the Hamartia - Risk - Gorp has risked all in

Caves of Chaos as an orc order to get the thrill of success. The

stronghold. Gajjab knows that Kargle risk of losing his job, fealty, or even his

was cursed by the cultists and is using life is a thrill. He still fears that he will

orcs loyal to him to launch attacks get caught stealing from his chieftain,

against the cultists in order to find a despite the fact that he takes his job

way to remove the curse. Once Kargle very seriously. Gorp’s dichotomy may

is freed Gajjab will unleash him on

be puzzling, but he is resolved to his Umogra - The first wife of Mash, she is
dangerous life by honorable means. quick to judge and temperamental on
all things that matter to her. Umogra is
not a violent person, but can be
Mash - is the Chieftain of the Orcs, dangerous when she doesn’t get her
though other than the title, he has done way or what she desires. She held a
very little to live up to the rivalry with King Feeshes’ wife, which
lifestyle. Mash was dazzled by King led to her ordering Gorp to slay her; by
Feeshe and his plans to unite the the morning she was poisoned. Gorp
creatures of the Caves of never new why, but took the credit, no
Chaos. Chieftain Mash, since handing need to upset Umogra. She has been
over his leadership to Feeshe, has been growing angry with the small demand
simply lounging around ignoring his of the Goblins. She has no desire to
people’s problems. He will often defer side with Gajjab, thinking he is
to the “Kobold King”, with the pandering to get his way. Umogra will
expectation that others will take their turn to more brutal avenues by calling
problems to him. Over the years he has on the bugbears.
put on more and more weight and is
Hamartia - Pettiness - She is fickle over
now almost three times the size of a
many of her own choices, so it only
regular orc.
makes sense that she would be pickier
Hamartia - Selfishness - considers only of others. She will fly off the handle
his comforts and worries very little of with only the slightest indication of
others or their desires. His self-interest what her motivation may actually
has led him to leave complicated be. She is more likely to call for
decisions to the Kobolds; this has made someones head, before she even knows
many of his followers concerned. If why they have come to her.
Wamraze, the Minotaur, shows any
sign of wavering from the protection of
the Kobolds, Mash may fear for his own Zorfu - A powerful wizard for the orcs,
protection and turn to Gorp to double in his own mind. Zorfu is known for
guards and ensure his safety. having the most outlandish entrances,
usually by throwing loud explosions
when entering a room. Zorfu is not as

well versed in the arcane arts, but is a more malicious path if left to his own
quite versed in the art of devices. He is aware that Skreeb is
performance. He has learned the art of planning the assassination of the
sleight-of-hand to trick many observers Kargle the Cursed, in order to weaken
into believing in his truly awesome the Orc position.
powers. Over time he has become a
Hamartia - Hypocrisy - Krench often
believer in his own abilities, though he
describes himself as fair and honorable,
often only succeeds by sheer luck. He
but this is something he offers up to get
does carry a pocket full of half-used
his opponents to lower their guard. He
wands, lesser magic items, and potions
took his position by dueling the
to make his ruse complete.
previous leader of the guard, ending
Hamartia - Ignorance - Zorfu still has with Krench stabbing him in the back
small magical aptitude and if called before the count started.
upon, he will usually flim-flam his way
through the attempt. The real danger
is, on occasion he has attempted to use
scrolls beyond his ability or even
outside of his school of study, resulting
in catastrophe. Rather than reveal his
secret he would risk his own life in a
foolish attempt.

d) Goblins
Krench - The leader of the chieftains’
guard for Chief Skreeb, Krench has
Nort – He is considered the lowest of the
earned his place of honor. He stands
low by the other Goblins, so he worked
almost a head taller than most Goblins,
as a guard for King Feeshe, but was
and due to his size he is stronger as
quickly disillusioned by the union with
well. He is a fierce warrior, though he
the Orcs. Because of his close
often refers to himself as the knight of
connection with the Kobolds and
the Caves of Chaos. He clearly follows
military training, Nort was soon
the orders of Skreeb but will often take
approached by Keeble about the

benefits of the removal of the action so he doesn’t have to worry
king. With Keebles’ help he was able to about him anymore.
plan the king’s poisoning, unfortunately
Hamartia - Delusional - He believes his
a miscalculation caused the poisoned
uncle cares about him and wants to
cup to be drank by Milliet, the kings’
make him a hero in the eyes of the
wife. Nort put the blame squarely on
people. Ralnad is unable to see that
Keeble and swore that he betray him if
his uncle plans for him to die in the
Keeble did not pay his fees. Soon after
near future. Not that his uncle hates
King Feeshe’s death, ties with the
him, but he has no interest in handing
Goblins fell apart and Norts’ blackmail
over his crown to someone that he has
became useless.
no respect for.
Hamartia - Perfectionist - As a guard
Nort had a watchful eye, noticing even
the smallest detail, saving the kings life Skreeb - Chief of the Goblins that was
on several occasions. However, during one of the closest friends of King
the planning of the poisoning he spent Feeshe. He was the first to side with
several weeks longer than normal to the Kobolds under King Feeshe. Skreeb
act, and the delay put the queen in the was extremely suspicious of his friend’s
way of his target. Because of his detail sudden death, and feels entitled to take
oriented mindset, he tends to take the crown from Duke Mermee. He has
longer to act than others would. been in contact with the Castellan
about arming his people so that they
can do just that. With shipments being
Ralnad - Ralnad is one of the smaller disrupted by the Lizard men, Skreeb
goblins, with an abundance of has opened talks with
moxie. He earned his right to be in an Wamraze. Wamraze has become
elite scouting party, against his uncle disillusioned by the change from King
Skreeb’s wishes. He has spent several Feeshe and is willing to listen to new
weeks in deep cover and close proximity ways and ideas. Skreeb hopes to
to the Lizard men camp. Ralnad is not convince Wamraze to attack the Lizard
the most observant person; his uncle men and remove another obstacle from
has been trying to get him killed in his plans to overtake the
kobolds. Anytime he deals with Duke

Mermee, he will always remind him e) Ogre - Kargle the Cursed - ally to orcs -
that King Feeshe never did things that Kargle has been used as a physical
way, mostly just to spite Mermee. threat by the orcs for years. He is a
towering behemoth, though has become
Hamartia - Ambition - With the loss of
quite gaunt over the last two
King Feeshe, Skreeb has felt a void and
years. Favoring his cave, he only
begins to step up. He was never
comes out to hunt his prey at night.
interested in trying to lead the entirety
Sadly, Kargle was cursed by the scribe
of the caves, but now that he has seen
to the Castellan of the Keep, to always
it done, he wants that power.
cower in fear from an attack. Now even
the smallest creature making a motion
will cause Kargle to flinch in fear. He
Wambly - A lonely dreamer, Wamby has
will defend himself, but only while
found beauty in the eyes of Lenark (see
trying to escape. Kargle is one of the
Hobgoblins). He can be found following
key powers in the Caves of Chaos,
her around, and he knows much about
everyone knows and fears him. Should
her plans to attack human
anyone approach his cave or try to
settlements. He has become less and
enter it, they would be met with loud
less interested in the politics of the
roaring and smashing noises.
caves and spends more time gathering
supplies and stealing for his beloved Hamartia - Slave - realizing that Kargle
Lenark. She, however, has no idea of was a threat to the cultists moving into
his interest in her, and it’s probable the Caves of Chaos, the curate from the
that she would still treat him the same keep placed a curse on Kargle that he
way even if she knew. would not attack or harm a
human. This curse was performed
Hamartia - Love - Wambly has lost
under duress, causing the curse to
sight of all reason and rational, he has
affect all races. Kargle has long since
stolen from his own people and
taken to a vegetarian diet and is slowly
others. He will continue to try and
dwindling away. He stays in his cave,
prove his love to Lenark despite her
far back in the darkest of corners; he
general disinterest. He knows his love
hopes that Gajjab will be able to help
is wrong but cannot help himself.


Gudoch - Shorter than the average

hobgoblin, he finds himself seeing eye-
to-eye with normal goblins. He is fed
up with mining for metals only to hand
them over to the kobolds. His mining
skills have proved useful, as Gudoch
has been digging a tunnel into the back
f) Hobgoblins
Kawkaw - his brother, Yarik, was the of the Kobold treasure room to rob
only hobgoblin to stand up against coffers and use the ill-gotten gains to
Duke Mermee, when he took the Briar purchase land from the Castellan, so
Throne, and was executed for it. The that he can live in peace. He hates
lanky hobgoblin has only grown in hate living in the caverns, like an animal,
for the removal of Mermee since. He and wants the finer things in life for
cares very little who will sit on the himself.
Throne, and he will risk all to destroy
Hamartia - Selfish – He wants his own
the current ‘king’. KawKaw has formed
life, he’s tired of following Lenark, and
a friendship with Ak-ak against
just wants to live a simple existence
Mermee, but he feels that Ak-aks’ plan
farming out in the countryside. To
to enlist Wamraze will become more
achieve this he is willing to betray his
dangerous. So Kawkaw turns to the
king, his people, and even his
Gnolls for support, after meeting with
Garrr he is certain they will wipe out
the Kobolds.

Hamartia - Revenge - Mermee was Lenark - She has pushed and struggled
wrong in executing Kawkaws’ brother, to be the leader of the hobgoblins. They
but Kawkaw has not thought through had always been an amorphous
the damages he will cause upon collection of misfits before King Feeshe
succeeding. Kawkaw is blinding organized the caves. Lenark is young
himself to what the future can be and and strong, with a strong logical mind
will take any risk in order to end this to help her leadership. Through a
immediately. chance encounter, she started a

dialogue with the curate and keeps a caves. The Owlbears are savage
regular connection with the human creatures and stay in their cavern,
cultists in the highest caves. The except to hunt at night. Unless
priests deliver weapons, with promises adventurers enter this cave, the
of more, if they act against the orcs in Owlbears will not bother anyone,
the caves. She intends to open however the Gnolls have plans to
negotiations with the orcs, for fear that smoke out these beasts and corral
Kargle will strike if they make an them to the kobolds as part of a plan
aggressive move. Lenark has been between Kawkaw (see Hobgoblins) and
trying to contact the castellan, hoping Garrr (see Gnolls).
that he will provide more support than
his priest has. However, the cultists
have been intercepting all h) Bugbears
communications to the keep. Lenark is Lormf - is a pudgy and wasteful

alone and accepts it. creature. Often he is found sitting

around the main chambers, or napping
Hamartia - Ambition - Lenark saw the
in the back of his own chamber. As the
example that Feeshe made for the other cook, he prepares many of the meal
races of the caves and knew that she eaten by the bugbears, though he is
must set a similar example for her own often relieved when a raiding party
people. She can see that the goblins
brings back prepared food. He dislikes
are starting to fall away and is hoping
working, unless he absolutely has
to take them under her wing. She
to. He is patient and will wait for most
thinks in logical patterns and has of his problems to solve themselves. He
worked out many of the possible moves
has suggested that the bugbears move
left. She has plans that lead all the to a different area to Nannat, but these
way up to the Castelian, perhaps even
suggestions were ignored. Lormf has
further. grown frustrated with the continual
attacks that Nannat has ordered, and
has decided to slowly poison him. He
g) Owlbears - These poor creatures, as has been slipping a metal, shaved from
the original dwellers in the caves, have the cave walls, into his food. The
been forced into seclusion by the onset
of the other species moving into the

mineral is slowly killing Nannat, and any concerns about his health as a sign
eventually Lormf will be rid of him. of weakness. He has spent
considerable time attacking the
Hamartia - Sloth - Though Lormf is a
humans, but lately the Lizard men have
slob, his has honed patience to a fine
become the larger threat. The
art. There is no need to fish if they
lizardmen do not carry anything of
jump into the boat. He will wager on
value and they usually attack in
the fish always jumping into the boat,
force. He did take several captives, and
his sloth knows no bounds.
discovered from them that lizardmen
are being led by some type of godlike
kobold. He has presumed that this is
just exaggeration, but over time and
attack after attack, he has reconsidered
his opinion. Recently, he has agreed to
help Mermee crush the goblins into
submission, and in exchange he will
share in the goblin’s wealth.

Hamartia - Cruelty - Nannat is just a

mean person. He would hurt someone
just because he could. He will not
openly attack someone that he does not
have an advantage over, but when he
does have the advantage he will take it
without hesitation.

Nannat - is a braggart and a brute. He

Sutram - A puny bugbear, who is often
is the largest of the bugbears, in both
forgotten about and left behind on
height and mass, and is the considered
many raids. During one of the
leader of the bugbears by default. As
lizardman interrogations, he was left in
large and healthy as he may appear, he
the room with the victim and the two
still has a persistent cough, often
struck up a friendship. He released the
bringing up blood. Nannat will dismiss
sad and beaten Lizardman and told

Nannat that he finished the king he had eaten only days before.
job. Nannat spent the following hour The two spent the afternoon playing
performing the interrogation on and talking, and soon Wamraze found
Sutram, for stealing the thrill of the himself agreeing with the little morsel.
torture. It took several weeks to Seeing that Feeshe had a vision of what
recover, but from then after Sutram the caves could be like, he agreed to
would help the victims whenever help the kobolds, and in exchange they
possible. He spends most of his time would craft furniture and household
making sure that he doesn’t get noticed items for him. Now Wamraze is a
anymore, and never looks Nannat in domesticated beast, sometimes thrown
the eye. He has snuck out to the by fits of temper, but always searching
swamp to meet with the Lizard men for deeper meanings. Since his alliance
and has even met Yarmsul personally. he has become an avid reader, and will
often discuss ideas and philosophy with
Hamartia - Guilt - Sutram lives with
an opponent. One of the last things
constant fear that Nannat will discover
Feeshe gave him in friendship was a
that he has had dealt with and
stone, which he said contains a wish.
befriended the Lizard men. His guilt
Wamraze never told anyone about the
pushes him to hide more and keep
stone, nor has he used it until recently.
everything from any of his fellow
bugbears. When Duke Mermee took over,
he ordered Wamraze to destroy the
Human’s Inn and drive them away.
i) The Minotaur - Wamraze - Standing Wamraze hated doing this, but felt he
over ten-foot tall, Wamraze is muscular was honor bound to follow the wishes
and occasionally wears spectacles that
the kobolds fashioned for him so he can
read his books. Once a savage creature
one would expected to find in a cave,
one fateful day a young kobold found
him and challenged him to a contest.
Wamraze was intrigued and accepted.
The young kobold turned out to be
Feeshe, the child of the same kobold

of the king. In the process, Mike tried zealous in his beliefs and will be very
to defend the Inn and was thrown into resistant to any thoughts otherwise.
the blaze, causing him to lose his sight.
Wamraze has never forgiven himself,
and used the wish stone to summon a
spirit of good fortune to protect the
couple for the rest of their lives.
Wamraze has no idea if this “wish”
really worked, and has not seen the
couple since. Meanwhile, he acts as a
threat and enforcer for the kobold way
of life. When the players first meet
Duke Mermee, Wamraze should be
there. He is not always in the court of
the kobolds, but this will reinforce the
perception of the kobolds hold over
him. Wamraze, as of late, has become
j) Gnolls
impatient with Mermee. Wamraze finds
Garrrr - A seer, a child, and a
Mermees’ declarations and decrees
warlord. A young pup compared to the
needless and wasteful. When King
rest of the gnolls, Garrr is the most
Feeshe came to him years before, he
prophetic of his people or any other in
was impressed with his spirit and
the area. He foretold the fall of
ambition, and felt that under Feeshe’s
Feeshes’ reign and the death of his
plan the caves could only prosper.
daughter. He keeps close ties with the
Hamartia - Admiration - Before Feeshe, Lizard men, and told them of the rise of
Wamraze acted as a beast with no care their goddess from the wastes. His
or concern for others around powers of foretelling came from his
him. Feeshe explained his ideas and mother, who told of the taming of the
changed his entire life. Wamraze has Minotaur long before anyone even
been a firm believer in Feeshes’ way of knew. He mother was beheaded by his
life and is willing to fight and die for father, Rraaw, who leads the gnolls and
it. He even tolerates Mermee, thinking has no time for silly thoughts of the
that he is still on the right path. He is future. Garrr knows much of what has

happened and what will happen, that dwell there. He has written several
though he holds back information in a books of poetry that he had printed
vain attempt to prevent his own large especially for Wamraze. One of
death. Kawkaw has approached Garr his paintings even adorns the kobold
about convincing his father to throne room, as well as the office of the
overthrow the false kobold king, which Castilian of the keep. Rraaw dislikes
his father is more than happy to Ragars’ work and thinks that it gives
do. But Garrr has begged his father people too many ideas. Rraaw
not to attack the kobold, as it will bring destroyed a marble bust of himself,
ruin to everyone. Garr suggests to which Ragar made, declaring that,
Kawkaw to use the owlbears by “Gnolls follow flesh, not stone!” He
smoking them out and herding them spends most of his time working on a
into the kobolds area. new piece of art, fully expecting that it
will be destroyed, but hoping that
Hamartia - Responsibility - Since he
someone will see it. Ragar, secretly,
first saw the future and the death of his
uses magic in some of his works,
mother, he knew he was trapped in a
making them even more dangerous and
web of history that has yet to take
unaccepted by Rraaw. Learning these
place. He has learned to curb what he
dark arts has been difficult; Ragar has
knows and only give information that
been obtaining small insights into how
may help shape the future
to improve his art from the cultists, in
differently. He has been disappointed
exchange for information about the
time and time again, as people come to
caves and their inhabitants. He was
him wanting to know and leave wishing
the crafter of Yarmsul’s choker, which
they had never asked.

Ragar - The artist of

the gnolls, and widely
regarded throughout
the caves as one of the
most creative and
passionate creatures

cannot be removed without the to attack him. But Feeshe died long
permission of the wearer. before Rraaw could act and even if he
could he knew that he would then have
Hamartia - Revenge - He bites his
to fight every other species in the
tongue when around Rraaw, even when
caves. There is little thought that goes
he is destroying a new piece of art, or a
into his battle strategies, hit hard, hit
found piece of art from a raid. His
where it counts, and make sure they
hidden dislike of the gnoll leader has
stay down. Because of the gnolls
forced him to learn magic from the
breeding, they regroup and rebuild
cultist, secretly betraying the dwellers
their numbers quickly, Rraaw has used
in the caves. He has been teaching
this to his advantage.
himself how to make a golem, to use
against Rraaw. Hamartia - Hatred - Rraaw was born
under a bad sign. He hates for the
sake of hating. People are useless and
Rraaw - A haggard old gnoll, long in the in his way. In many cases he acts as a
tooth, and grizzled like meat left to wild animal and attacks without
cooking too long. He carries several warning, even in a polite
scars, from battles and marriages. He conversation. His actions have left the
has had several wives leaving him over gnolls isolated from the rest of the
sixty pups, of which he has only eaten communities, and they suffer because
half. Rraaw has little patience for of this.
magic and all its ilk. He killed Garrr’s
k) Cultists
mother and would kill him too except Hershal - As young man, single, with no
for his wife’s dying words, “Your son family ties, Hershal was a perfect
will save you.” He since has kept Garrr recruit. His small stature makes him
alive and nearby, but never speaks with innocuous to most people; however he
him and often wonders if she was wears his heart on his sleeve, and
tricking him into keeping Garrr usually displays the fear in his eyes up
alive. He despises all people, even his front. As an acolyte in the town chapel,
own, but because of his ferocity he is Hershal was pressed to join the cult of
accepted as the leader. He is one of the chaos out of sheer fear of what they
few leaders that did not agree to all of might do to him. Hershal secretly
King Feeshes ideas and even had plans

performs the rituals of his original good Ragar in some the lesser magical
god and asks for forgiveness in his powers that the cult uses in exchange
prayers. He understood the powers for information about the other
involved with the cult and expects no occupants of the caves. Once Ragar
good to come of any of the actions that has no use, he will put him to death or
the cult has taken. Still practicing the offer him as a sacrifice, as he has no
healing arts, he will often help wounded need for an artist.
adventurers, and will try to help anyone
Hamartia - Zealot - Lionel blindly
that has been placed in the torture
follows the teachings of the cult and
accepts his role as a false leader in
Hamartia - Cowardice - His fears have order to protect the curate and secure
trapped him in a terrible position, with his position beside the castellan. He is
no real way out. Everyone he could far removed from reality and would
turn to hates him because of the robes accept anything in order to please the
he now wears, which he feels is the only curate.
thing still protecting him.

Quinn - An older woman, Quinn lost her

Lionel - The closest aide and advisor to farm and husband during a raid by the
the curate in the keep, his loyalty has creatures in the swamp. She never had
kept the castellan in the dark about the children, and the cult took her in,
curate’s involvement with the cult. As giving her a place and a
far as the townsfolk, most will believe purpose. Chaos is the way of all things
that Lionel is the leader of the cult of in her eyes now. Now she sees that if
chaos. Because of his outward the caves become politically unstable,
representation, he may appear in the then the different factions can be used
keep from time to time, but surrounded against one another, possibly
by his cultists. Most people cower in destroying everything. Quinn is in
fear at the appearance of anyone in the talks with Gajjab to arm the orcs and
robes. The keep tolerates them, as the attack the kobolds, causing the power
cult has made no direct action against to shift back to the orcs, who the cult of
the humans and helps fend off Lizard evil chaos feels they can control more
men attacks. Lionel has been training easily. After the destruction of the

kobolds power over the caves, Quinn perhaps the most dangerous person in
has plans to get the orcs to follow her the caves of chaos.
and attack the Lizard men, exacting
revenge upon them.

Hamartia - Unstable - Quinn has never

fully dealt with her emotions over what
she has lost over the years. Because of
this, she is completely unbalanced and

“Keep on the Borderlands” and Dungeons & Dragons is copyright of Wizards of the
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