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TMH7 Part3 1989 Code of Prac For The Des of High

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Bridge Besrgn Code.

Part 3
Hi', Pretoria, S u l h Alnca. 1981)
clions ................. ...
.. .... . ..... .. ,.. . . ... ... , ~ ..
" ... .. . ... . .. . ~ . . .~.. .~..... . . -....
~.... .. .. . ~ ~

General .................................... .... ..... .."......~ ~....... ~ . " .~. . . ......

. . ... ... ..... ........,...... ~

Ultimate limit stales .............................. . . ................ ................................

S ..................... . .............. . ...,. ..,*.... ....." . .....*........'.~ ~ '" ~

tion .......... ...... . . .... ... ... . .......... . .... ~~..~~.. . ..".. .......... .. ~ "...
Materials ...................................... .*....".,,,....-....." ~ ~~.~......~ ... . . . ..a . . , f~. " ..... ~ ~ . ~* . ~ ~ " .

eneral .................................. "..................,..*.........,.,.. .....................~ * ..... ~~ , ~ ~

............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . I . L . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . ~ ~ . ~ . . * ~

. . . . . alues
, .of y,. ..........................
. . . . . .-".".
tructures . . . . . .. ... ...... ........ . . . ... . . . .. ... . .. . . .. . .~."."..~... ... . .... ,. . ~. .
, *. ,

eneral .............. . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . L . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; I . . . ..........."...,........ ~ . .

.L ~

ltimate limit stat _,........ I " . . . ,.~. . . I . . . . I . . I ............. .._. . . , . . . I . . . . . . . . . . .... .....
...L....I_.I. ~ ~

limit states ... .............. .......... ... ..... . ..... ... . . .... . . . . " . .. . ~... ~.. " ,,
, $ . ~

eflection ................................... .
......,..... .... ~ " ,~ "..,~ "...".""........
. . ~ . ."."".......

CtS ............................ ............,.... ~'....,.......
eneral ............................. . . . ........ ~ ."........"...'..".
. ~ ~.~"..."..."~ . ,".. ~ ~. .~... "....*-
"- ~~ ~
ures .............................. ...*.... .... ..... ...-....~."..."
".".,*.a ~ ......~.
" ~ "

nalysis of sections ........ . .... . . . ..... .... . .. ......... ...... .. . . ., . . ..~. ~...~., " ~
. . ... ~.. . ~ ~" .~, . ~

CRETE ......................~ " , ~ .

.I. " . " I I . . . . . " " . . . . ~ " . . " I " L . . I r . , O . " I I I , . O . . , . . ~ . . . . " * " " . . / . . " . ' * " O I . . * I . 1 "

S .................................. "..'.b. ~~"..~~*~*.~.~..~"~


......~ . . , , _ * . . l O . . L . . , ..l.,..I. ...I r D " . . / j . . . i l . , . -" " i_.....

itudinal shear ...................~.*, ~ s ~ " ~ ' . , " *~ o,.",....,-.......,,
s ~ ~~ ~ " . ~ ~ ~ ...",~ . . " ~ . *
ction in beams .............. . ....... ...... .
.. ,.....
.... ~ .,... ~ - . * " ~ ~ . - . ~ . , " * -~. . ~. . ~~. . "

. . . . . . .....
Crack control. .in. .beams . . .,,..,..........
........ ..",~ " ~,"... . . ~ ~ ~ . ~
abs ............................ .
.............~ ~ ~..... ~. ~,..,.. . ~~.......
- .~ .. " ~~ ~ ....~"..*.,"....
~ . . ~ . . . ~~ . . ~

oments and shear forces in slabs ..,..,.............. . ..... . . ........, ~ . * ~ .... ~. ~~ .~. ,~ . ~
. . I " I ' . . ",,....
" l..,l. ".".."... .... . r . - - ...........
" . Y . l . "...i.. ll..l..ll

. . I j j , . . . , I" I . I " "

,....I) '..,." ..,.. "..'".......-......) " I * . " . * . . _ . I
"..,.~.." .,,. ' ~ . ~ ~ . . . " ~ .....
. . ' . "....
. ~.....
.~~ " ~, . , . ~ , ~ . " . . ~ < " " " ~ " . . . . ~" ~

. . . " " ~ . " " . * . . " . ~ . ....

~,r..." ".,.."~
...... + .....a. I .......I... ....<....~.
I.... ,...'._.." . " " " " ".... I ." ................ I . . . r . . . . . . I . . . 9 ......I "..

Columns " " ~ * ~ .... ~ " .~ " .

. > ~ . ~ ~"~ ..""

General .............................
...........**..... .....,".." .....* ~ ~ . . ~-.............
- ~ . ~~. ~."-...
. .~~ . ~ ~ ~

. ~ " . . ~ . . ~ . . , . . . . " ~ . . ' n D _ ~ . I . . ' . . ~ . . , . . _ . . . . I . ~ . . , . . . I " . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . I . ~ . I . . . . . ~ . ~ ~

auh rectangular or circular cross-section ...............

S ................................*..~*9.. a . . ~ . . S . * . " . . . " " ~.....
. . .. . . I . . . I ..' . . O . . . , . , . . . I '...".."I . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.., . . . . . . . I . . . f " ......",..
aEls ...........................................-..'..*.". ~ .....
. " .'..... ~

eneral ....................
.............. ~ ~ ,"".... . , ..-.,.. ~ . ....* ~ ~ ~. ....'.. " ~. ~ ~.........
~ , ~ .~ ......"". ~ ~~ ~

concrete wails .................................... .....

mosraerats and axial forces ............................
" . * I . . " .......... '..".,.. .........."........
. . l . . L I . . , I . " I . . " . . .

wails .,....... ............ ~. .*.....~ . .....................

. ""."* ~~

. . I . . . . . . . . . . . . I . i . . " ..... ' ........" ....._.......,.,.*..*...'...

S ...... ............................' ..............' ......"".*.."*.,.'

S) ...,~ . ~ " " ~ " . ...... ~.... . ~ ".." .~. . ~ . .' "~. ~~. . .~' ~*...."
. .~" ~.....'.
.. .~. ~~ ~
S ......................> ." . ".......................................... . ....* . . .-..........
in bases .. ..................
......... .. . . . ~ ~ ~ . . "". . .".."*,."...".,.
. ~~ " ~
. , . . . . . . . . . r . . l . l _ , , . . .r I I ; ~ I ' . , ' " 1 . " * " . ~ ~ . . l . I " . r . . . 1 , j . . . " . " " . " " ~ ~ f ' , ~ . . " . " . . . . l . . t . ~ " . . ~ . l .

S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ~ . ~ . a . . * . , ,"
. . " . " . . . . , . " . - . "~~~~
.a- ' . . ~~ ........""
" . .~ . . . .. .
erations affecting Desige-a Details ...................
......... ..... . .-. "....~" ~ " ~ . . ~ .
_j.I,l.I..I. ........
.lI"..."j.Ir.jr* .... "..."..l. s C . . ~ r . _ I I . . . . " " ' < ~ ~ ~ . "

oncrete cover ...,, I,.,".._.~". I.l,II "..'......I . I . . . . . I _ L . _ . . l . I L I _

rations ........................... ., ......., ~.~....~ ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ . .

scenleni in members ..,.. . .... .. .... ..... . . . . ..... . . ~ "... .......~.

of reinforcement in frrembers ........ .. . ...... ' * , ~ * ~,~ . ~. ~.. " e * .~ " "

earing stress .................... . . . . 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 9 9 , . 9 9 9 . 9 . . ~ ~ ~

rage of reinforcernerrt ........... .. ....... . . . ....,. . * ~ . * ". .~".," .~~.

S .............................................................................
ams ..........................
. - . . .. ..........
. . ..
and laps ........................ .................................

CRETE ..................................................
concrete ........................................~,.. ..
at Frames .................................................................
res .....................................................................................
nts ................................................................#.............
ry moments ..................................................................
xure ....................................................................

ts ............................................................................
ther than friction losses ..................... . ........................
ers ............................ . . . ..........
erations affecting Desi n Details ....................., . ...............................
eneral ...........................................................................................................
...................................................................... 11 1

ams ............................................................. 1
.............................................*............................. 1

rat ....................
............ ..............................................*.....................1
. . . ...............................%.
. . . . . uction . . . . . . . a . . 1
n ......................
........ .
........ . . 1$2

Structural Connection een U%$S

.......................................................... 117
General ..................... ........................................................................... 157
Continuity of reinforc .........................................................................
Connections usin ser-ts ......................................................
Other types of co ....................... . . . . ...................................... 120

.......................................................... 1
................................................................ 12
butmenis ......................... ......... ........... 12
butmeilt ............................................ 1
or abln"ln?ents .....................S................... 1
.............................................................. 1
....... ..............
uamerits ........................
................ 12
ma\ effects ..................... . ...............a. 1
it states ............................... . . ........ 1



ETE ....................
.................... 134


................................................................... "1 47

Bridge Design Code. P m 3

viii .
TMH7. Pretoria South Africa. !
........................................................ 11
imil state ...................................... .

acteristic stress for


in beams .............................................................. 35

............................................................................... 36
stress ..................................................................... 43
umns ...................................................................... 5
............................................................................ 56
ment under particular conditions of exposure ...... 6
S ....................................................................... -7
tresses ................................................................. 73
e perimeter of a group of bars ............................ 73
shear stress, vc, in concrete beams containing low-density
te .......................................................................................................W1
Maximum value of shear stresses in concrete beams containing low-density
............................. 81

........................... 82
........................... 85
........................... 86
onventional) ....... 87
nd ...................... 87
.........r ................. 87
tes .................... 8
.......................... 9

.......................... 91
curve for concret of normal derlsiey ........... 20
cume for steel reinforcement ....................... 2'1
Paw-relaxation steel
................................ ................. 21
curve $01'as-dra t3" steel wife and
alues of kV .....................,.. ............................
. ................................ 34
bearing ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
efinitiow of dimer?sioi~av at a flexible bearirlg ........................ .....S.......... 35
......................a...... .... ................. 37
.......................................................... 411
tinn of csbrnpressiva Forces .......... 4.1
B salid section .....................
................ 43
ararneters for shear in salid sHabs under concea\$ratedtoads ................... ... 48
............................. ............. ........................ 49
................................................................... 55
gy ...................................................... 63
................................................................. 41'7
....................... .
........................... 122
itions) for creep ..................
. . . ............... "636
y j at the time of ic~ading]............................ 137
concrete) ................................................... "138
) for creep ............................................... 738
Goefficieni k,(variation as a function of time) .............................................. "i40
CaefFicient k, (environmental co ditiansj for shrinkage ................................. 141
thickness) tor shrir~kage.....................
........ ........ 142
Relaxation coefficient, q ............................................................... .
............... 143

Coefficient Q, ....................... .
- 144
Coefficient $, (a)R 8 ,40) ........................................................................... 145
oefficier~t4,(aJh - 0,45) ........................... ............................................... 145
recast concrete members.

Effective thickness
Thickness of Ils
Thickness of

orneult diagram
Bridge Dosrgn Code,P m 3
TMH7* P:e!cria, ,%uEh A l n c ~ 1989
( b ) Prestressed concrete: Prestressed c

lassification requirements.

restress: no tensile stress

prestress: tensile stresses

r the tensile face.

Bridge Design C d e , P m 3
H7, Pretoria, South Alnca, 1989
Interior surfaces of

erstructures or cellular
ents or piers on
nsation is unlike1

oncrete permanently under


e deck soffits and

arts of structures in

I_-.-- h -1
in extreme environments o
limitations are summarized in I

Lower values of stress are given for ssed concrete "Ihan

ole concrete cross-sect~onis norm
of excessive cre
r values may be

e Des~gnCO&, P u t 3
TM1.47. PrePwia, W t h Africa, 1080
T ns for the servicea

Interpolate ate
between n
050 fCu

and and
0,38 f c U 0 3 0 feu

sections of approximately
uniform breadth to those


Not e

.a$ for limiting flexural stresses in joints for post-tension

The characteristic values of acti
tions) are given in
the lack of statistical data.

combinations 1 to 3 shoui e cor-2sjderecl.

ivsn in 2.1.2. hod

nsaty may be taken from

nalysis o f structures: Ts determine t f permanent and trans~en:

loading, use the appropriate value t tr?zr,to dalerrnine the
or the calculation of deflectians, m
hat grven in Table 3 and l;i?if ihaevatiie

eater than Pt-iai ~ I V ~ E ' I

le 34 Appendix 3 B)
e anaiysir; iscarrred
termediate betflser~

s dl-ieto the e f f e c ~ r
O ~ S US@
, an appw-
haif that valide as

that %heeffect of
ng half "ake values given E i t

ects of creep
under short-term loadin

dvltegicanlate Interpolate
between eEween
t25 and
l ,33 1.67


rrifsrrn or near-uniform 1,33

Tension Not 1,25

applicable retensigned


the values of y, are sum

le to the characteristic
rcernent and prestre

f y, applicable to the
for reinforcement is 1,OO.

istribution of forces

ars, the effectiv P

aclie=tissfor the klCti~nats
ese may be refined, and
esul ts or specialist literature

" 0,6"i"takes mto account the ratio eWeen the characterrslic cube strength and khe bendceq
strength in a fiexural member.

n a y be taken as


$S 5896 ( 1 9 8 0 1 , REFER SPECIFICALLY T O
S E C T I O N 2 , SWSSECTIOPd I 3 ( b ) A N D T F i B L U 4 ,
1 7 5 GPe F O R C o L D W O R K E D H i G i l T E N S I L E
R L L O Y S T E E L B C R S COMPLYING W l T H BS 4 4 8 6
( 1 9 6 9 ) AND F 3 R T R E A T E D IS+-WIRE S T E E L S T R A N D
C O M P L . Y I N G W I T H B S 4 7 5 7 (1971 1 , S F G T I O N 3
ol analysis s h
lexural stiffness
ers sr itnit widt

entire crass-section of the n?emberi


(c) Me! transfoia~~cdser:Cigun: The area of the cross-section $ha$is trr cornpression,
ther with the tensile rernforcemanl transformed on the basts sf t-nodrda;

nt approach shoui the dIfPsrs17r b s h wows of the various parts

re. Axial, wrsio ~stants,when required by

qe Design Code, P,WI 5

1-MM7, Preruria. 9 u t h Afnca, 1989
box beams, if

se the effects of the most severe

analysis of th structure. For
uthoritative technical liter

he requirements of

B! DeSign C 3
7 . Prsloria. ca. 1989
TMt-7, Pretoria. W t h 1989
the ultimate and serviceabililry limit states.
esign of reinforced c verrred by the tiitirnate
e limitations on crac licabie, stresses at "re
rnit state given in
lastic method or redistr
t the ultimate limit stat
subjected to the "extreme" or "very
e governed by the serviceabili

iven on the miraimum cover to rein-

forcement that shoul ensure durabili

not make rec-

ad effects, including the effects of

of Pap% l) far the bsltirn
actions" or 'biiitimate loads" and

f the "ultimate actions" or "ultima'ce loa "sewice a c t ~ ~ t lor

rt 2 and 2 2 07ii this
As above

ructural Frames

ccaadanee with the rec

moments abtatnecf h y rlgoroid.; elastic a

rricd mrt, providcd It-le follswirlg cm
st be made to rasknre thaf there is a
ere m?omerr%s e reduced, r ~ ~ a k i n g

sence OF a special Er~vestigation,"c12plastic ro"aaQisncapacity may he

ss than 0,0or r n x e !haat Q,O"I 5

hose calculated either

rnbers or elements considere

roportionally reduc
ess appropriate te

ed or continuous

where d is the effective depth rweasured from the centr
the extreme compression fibre
For cantilevers with lateral restraint prtrvided snfy at the s
from the end of the cantilever to the face OF the sup
100bz/d, whichever is the smaller.

(a) Plane sections are assu lane when the str

concrete in compression the strains !n the reinforceme ether in tensior?
or compression is being
(b) The stresses in the concrete in eornpressron can
strain curve in Figure 1 with ym = 1,s
(c) The tensile strength of the concrete can
(d) The stresses in the reinlorc mei% can be
igure 2 with ym = 1, f 5.
Alternative procedures may be adopted, namely
either (i) The ultimate morne f resistance is
concrete strain at t utermosi: cam
the ul'r~matemame resistance is
the section shouid b
the tenslie reirrirrrce
f rectangular section
the neutral axis li

trains in the concrete the reinforcement c y the appiica- V

. The calculat in at the outer-

l: compression fibre concrete should not excee
tion, the section sho proporlioned such that the
of the tensile reinforcement is not less than

except where the requirements for the calculated strain in the concrete,
e to the application of 1 . l 5 times the ultimate loads, can be satisfied.
f a cross-section of a beam that has to resist a small axial thrust,
ltimate force may be ignore if the force does not excee

ms are define !:h ratio of less

3 for continuous beams or 2 for simply supporte
sumption that plane sectio
ing does not hold for dee
this Code are not accurate. The transition
-to-depth ratios is gradual an
hods of calculating the non-lin
in distributions, and for adequate detailing of the reinforce-
loads is significant, especially with large

charts that form Parts 2 an

tensile reinforcement.

f the elastic ultimate

Equation l , may Icuiated From @

1"he uktrmate m e taker?as the lesser a!'

re by is the rhlcianess of "reflange
where V is th ue to ultimate loads
the minimum breadth of the secti ithin the effective depth d)
d beam, should be take inirnurn rib breadth. If t
ontains bars with diameters 9,greater than b/8, b should be

is the effective depth to tension reinforcement.

m of links, or links combined with bent-u
th the followin

minimum reinforcement re uirernents, it is assume

link or a composite

for v 5 5,vc to
ultimate shear stress,
within a distarn

used, the main reii2torceme ec%ionconsider

ort and be pravid
can adequately resist the
ompvessive forces
e shear stress, wc, in
-1 able 8 is derive from the foilowtny relatrunsirip

ttdinal tens~onreinf rcemenl lhat

nce equal tu the
on reinfoicem
f contrallexkire
mated with the

eriding mamenrs shoriid be considered

used, the area of additional effectivcty
rovided in the tensile zone* (additlanal
and axial zerisde lorcesj should be

Gy are as defined above

charactsrrstic str-engkih of tPe longitudirsal relirforceiner7t whici"~
not be taken ;S greater t n m 450 !Aka
for special cases, in particular

r shear reinforcement, not more

tension members of o

ny bar should be t ear resistance at

Id be taken as the sum of the vertical corn onents of the
n forces at the section, which is equivalent to usin
tion values. Bars should be checked for
bearing stress (see 3.
The axial com
load factors corresp
For a member subjecte F vc shall bs zero.

reater than 0.12 q U

or cm a series
The axial tensil
partial ioad factors correspondi

For the determination al' the

e depth, "the carTlpsnerlts oE the
parallel to the shear sh
c c w n t however,

hers the ts:siwnai resrstarlce c: srbffness ot

sections (box-sections)are ta
ns of members, torsional design may be carried out as a check, after the
esign. This is particularly relev nt to some members in which the maximum
torsionat moment does not occur under the same loading as the maximum flexural
mornent. In such circumstances, reinforcement in excess of that required for flexure
r forces may b ed as part of the torsion reinforcement, if r
moments c a m the restraint of angular rotati~n
are not necessary for equilibrium, may be neglecte timate limit state
t experience or analysis has shown that torsion will play

shear stress should be calc

The lollowing stress limits must comply wi:h the requirements of for combined
ional shear stress, v,,
e provided. In no cas
ven in Table 9 and B, is defin

lygonal links effectively

I. The closed links

that the closed links and

Bridge Design Code. P

PMW7. Prstwia. South Africa, 1989
(X, + y,) cot20,. . . . ................ ' ......... ... ...... ..... ("l 2)

where AS, is the crass-sectisr-i l area of one leg of a closed link provided ar
section 10 resist torsion

S+ is the spacing of ahe !inks

y, cs the larger centre-line d~mensisnof the links

Bridge 6asgt-7 Go&, Parf 3

TX4l-i 7, Pretoria, %u%hAlnca, 1989

reater than 450

IS t h e eross-s ilcioseti by the m
The reinforcement derwe ualions I I and 12 for i than-wailed box
sections may, however', ai is actually requ
Equat~~ras 1 l an

here kv, varies linearly from I ,

to cj,o tor ve 1

where klo = perimeter of Ao.

The dstaiiing req~iiremen"iof 3 3 4 5 shoiil still be observed
See 3 3 4 6 for &hecomb~nedeffects of "coilon arid shear m flarl
of bax-beams
sections %h& cannot be efficiently
divrded into cam gies can be treated as equrvalent hallow sections
with an etfectrve wall tl~ickgless

where de, ISthe es%circle that car? be canbained within U,,

Ue, is the length mean polygonal pzrlrneter which is defined by
01 the
ian Iincs of the eEective wails and encloses a cross-
Lsrialtudinai re~nfarcemeiatshaft be pkssit~o

each corner at the tnl9rsection of the median lines, on

erinleter of the cross-seclioi~alarea Apfl provided thal mintinurn
cover of closed lrnks 1s maintained
" af

nd .12a apply where

Ultimate torsional shear stress


Br~dgeDesign Code, P m 3.
TMW7. Pretoria, %ufh Africa. 1989
for rectangular sections, OP

far other sections, remains ~jnchange

where the ex n $hegsometrj of the cr n, the percent-

location of $he steel, ai
suall)~less than 2 but
taken as i trnkss reliable data skippofling
higher val~ieare available

concrete on1

, C v 5 vmaxsin
shear reinforcem
ded together the
ments of Equation 13 need apply only to the ultimate,
torsional and shear resistances of the concret
for the relevant sectional properties and th
allowed shear stresses v," and vmaxrespe
3.1.3for definitions.)

dinal shear resistance

d in accordant

provisions of Section 2

1 M W . Pretoria, &uth Afr~ca.1989

The ultimate resis

be made for the f

In voided slabs, the stresse erse flexural r orcement due da

transverse shear effects s h by means of a pr-opriate analysis
(eg an analysis base ectisn acts as a
Vierendeel frame).

t~on04' in-plane

can be made by calculatrng the required Forces in "r?edirectiof~sof re~nfearcemenf,

that adequate strength is provided in all d ~ r e c ~ i o n s

rap The shear stress, v, a$any

is the shear force ue to ijltrmate ioa

~ i n d e consideration
d is the effectiv
o shear reinforcement is re d when %hestress, v, ss less than <.;vc, ~$dher'e has
is obta~nedfrmn Table 7. rr eni-u:.,sncement Ew shear
strength may be allowed fa rsns within a d~stancea,d 2d from $he face of ,-I
j The si-searstress, v , in a solid slab bess than 20

Brldqe Design Code, Pxii 3

'i-Uiii-7,PImm, South Africa. 1949
maximum shear stress,
,75MPa, whichever is th
!st calculating shear stresses in slabs, any
breadth being considered should
lues due to lateral spreading of concentrated or non-uniform loads may be
account, provided the assclmptions made are supported by a theoretical
erirnental test results. Ths dispersal of wheel
taken only to the to surface of the concrete sla

of the loaded area, as shown in Figure 1 3, case

ve depths to the f l axural
u rensile reinforcement in

a cantilever sla

re of equal area.
shear force,

Bridge Design C d e , P m 3
TMH7. Pretoria. South Africa. 1989
where ZA,, IS the
fYV is the characteristicsnrer ear reinforcement
t4 a s not greater $ha

Values for sh r stress sh~wlcdbe c ulated on perimete

away f r c m Ihe critical perimeter an



B r i d p Desrqn Code, Part 3

TMtQ', Pretoria. South Wfnsa. 1389
ance with the provisiens of Secti

ed in accordarice with 3.

assumptions, for a
columns with sym
circular shapes The methods m
case being considered rowided the effective height isd
surate accuracy.
These rnetho S are generally conservative s n d the aaa"ysis may be
refined by usmg more ccurale ~netho based on fiirdarneni~lprinc
I I relevant act~onsan effects into ac r ~ tSum refii?en7eniswoukl
in the case of columns that d a r10"icompiy wiEh ail the assurnpiions of these clauses,
and In the case of c o l ~ ~ m nwith
s neat-r-syrnmclr1~3E cross-secbuns or ti;lrq~!17y(nor;-
rismatic) shapes.
here I, is th

: The effective height, Le, in a

is the clear height be
le 10 are base assumptions
rotational restraint is at least 4(
, (El), being the flex
oducls of the equivalent modul
he moment of inertia of the

rotational rigidity of elastometric bearin

here a more accurat evaluation of the effective h
ffness values are le
from first principles.
movements und
tcuiation chosen fo
for the columns
using engineeri
s, arliculation systems,

Bridge Design Code. Part 3

TMH7. Pretoria, South Africa. 19



-- -
F U 1- L"








T 6P h0ME




£38l- T O M F IJLi.. F U L I.. *



+'A S S L I M E 0 VALUE iSEE 3 . 5 L.2
ed for the ultimate limit stat

lumn cross-section to de-

ssumed to remain plane hen the strain distri

te in compression and the compressive an tensile strains in the

the above assumptions, m

TMM7. Pretotia. South Africa, 1989

f C cl is the characteristic cube strength of the concrete

adC is the assume epth of concrete in corn ression, subject to a

minimum vaiu

is the area ef cornpressiori reii~fsrcernef~t

in the more i i i g l ~ l y
compressed face
is the stress in the r inforcement t r r the other tace, derived "irorn
Figure 2 and taken as negative if lerisile
is the eross-sectional area of reir~forr:e!r?ent in the other face
be eurrs~deredas being
ji) in compression

s the resultant eccei;"ricity of inacl irucreases and dc decreases

from h to 2d"
h rs the depth of the section in ths plane of bending
d" th from the surface to Ihe rernfor-ceme~tin the more
highly compressed face



ltant eccentrici
ot exceed 0,45fcub(h - 2e), only nominal reinforce-
see for minimum pro ion of longitudinal reinforce-

are as defin of tension reinforcement

vide resistant ent must be re

Bridge Dsagn Code, P

TMH7, Pretwm. South Africa, 1989
nd My are the

MLIxand MYY apr x-x axis and

where ffcUand %YC

A a of concrete

ther caiumn sections, desi

Bridge Design Code, Pa-i 3

TMI-4SqPreawia, Smdi Afrtca, 1989
lender column of con-
signed for its ultimate

M,, is the initial moment due to ultimate loads, but may not be less than
esponding to the nominal allowance for construction tolerances given

h%is the overall epth of the cross-section in the piane of bending M Y

e effective height either in the plane of bending or in the plane at right
hichever is greater.
ends where no transverse loads occur
may be reduced to:

M, is the smaller initial en te loads (assumed to be

nt in double cuwature)
ultimate loads (assume

In $I ken as less th

hen the overall de

dth hx, a slender column bent
ltimate axial load,

Bridge Design Code. Part 3

T M H 7 , Pretoria. S a u t h Africa. 1989
where N is the esltiiriate axial b a d
average value in th

o ultimate loads sho

ate shear stress, vc,

e cross-sectional ntire concrete secti

eccentricity of an column that results in ze
(decompression) at an
for a rectangular co
is the eccentricity of the

Bridge Design Code, Par( 3

'TMQI7, Pretoria, South Africa, 1989
60 ultimate lrzla s for the X - x axis

ss a beam For the purpcsse oferat:k

t l rs a vertical (or near-veflical) load-

bearing concrete mernbe l dirncns~enis rnore "ran four limes
ifs lesser lateral e reinforcement is taken into account

y counted-inrts,sr as
cantilevers supported ce with 3 4 In oeher
cases, the clauses rven below apply
Rernlorcement must cornply with the conditions given in 3 reinforced wall
should be considered as either sho or slender Simiidrly to columns, a wall of
constant lhrckness may be cor-isidere here the ratio f its effecrive height
does not exceed "1 lit. shoui thewise be considered 2s slender For w a l k with a
ore fa~ndamental reach may be necessary

ess The slenderness ralio is the ralih; of the

effective height of the wall to its thickness. The effective height should he
From Table 10 her? tne wall is restrained in posr'r~onat b3tk ends
reinforcement c3mpliei; with the requirerneri;; OF 3 & 4,the ;Iend?iness r a m sm?uIci
not exceed 40, unless I-are 'ban 1
slenderness ratio may be up 60 45 hen the wall is not restrained in
tio should nor exceed 30

Bricigi3 Design Code, Part aruj

TM117, Frs?ori;e,South A E n a , 1989
ments induced by deflection
axial and horizontal forces along a
rmined by analysis and their
ation of the bearings. For
by elastic analysis.
moment per unit length in the direction about an axis
e plane of a wall) should be taken as ere nw is the
w?timateaxial load per unit length and is the thickness of the wall. Moments in the
all (ie about an axis normal to a wall) shoul be calculated for the most
relevant loads.
is non-uniform, consider
effects" and the
be necessary to consider the maximum and minimum ratios
I load in designing reinforcement areas and concret

S-sections of the various port

priate ultimate axial load a
d in accordance ith 3.6.2. The assurnpti
(see apply and ar
t bending only in the plane
jected to significant bending both in the plane of the wall
ngles to it, consideration should be iven first to bending the plane of t
r to establish a distribution of tension and com ression along the length of the
ension and com ion should then be combined
ultimate axial loa

Bridge Besign Code, Part 3

HI, Pretoria, South Africa, 1989
is lamifs if the

rack width should a caEcuEated in

b a d s and moments
accurate methods, eg by an elastic analysis of a pi1 r by the application of
principles of soil mechanics, the faliowi
ase is axially Ioa ions "l oltirnate is
to be uniformly distributed
(b) when the base is eccentr~caliyloaded, the reactions may be assume
linearly across the ase For c o ! i ~ m r ~an
s wails res"rrair?ed i
movement at the ba , the mlamen"rtransfer d "i the base shou
from 3.5.
The cr~ticalsection in the desrgn of the bottom r ~ ~ i l f ~ ~ c e r rofe eann tisolated base may
e taken as bemg at a d~stanceof 0,15times eke d mension of rhe ceiur-nn or wall,
endicularly inwards From &heface of %h$>C C O I U ~ F I oi" wall
The moment at any verlicat sectioi-1 ing ccsalpieteiy across a base should be
taken as that reactions on an

rea, in wPi;cll case th

The shear strength of the more sever

escribed below.
(a) Shear along an

flexural reinfor

where av is the f the column or

d is the effective eri is ion reinforcement,
een the lace o f t h e colid


revisions of 3
rnent in bases. The critical secticasls for local boisding are.
(a) those descr~be
(b) sections at which the depth charges or any reinforcemei~"rstops,and
hose in the vicinity of piles, in reinforh;ement ieqkired
to resist the pile reaction should be continued pile centre line and bo
provided with an anchorage the centre line of 30 bar diameters.

The deflection of bases need no"ikie eonside:e bu:: the eefects G; c%ifferentir?i
settlement on the structure as whole or in part shall hc taken rnlo ac-sisna

s appropriate, dependrr.19on the type a!

.pa!pads aq lnoqs s!yl 'paJ!nbal S! sa3l24 iiu!o[ aql 40 uo!]
jepads $1 .sassa~ls~ a q l opue eays aql jo lunome anp aye4 plnoqs pue
aqljo uo!pa~jp ay101sal6ue 1q6!1je aq Alle~aua6plnoqs slu!o! uo!lm~lsuo=)
u a ~ ! aq
6 pjnoys uogeJ ~ e e uo ~ slu!o!
p uo!l
essa3au S! t! uay
over to reinforcement S ould also be governed
under the envisaged conditions of exposure. Table
dense natural-aggregate concrete which shoula be p
includ~nglinks, when using the indicated grade of c
tions of exposure, but subject also to the a
it may be necessary to spec~fythe concret
required durability, such as specifying t
concrete subject to sulphate attack.
For factory-made precast components, the cover dimensio
be reduced by 5 mm, but should not be less than 20 mm,
where the cover should not be less than 30 mm. For compo
or footings cast dry in contactwith soil, the cover dimension
be increased by 25 mm; if ey are cast und
and if they are cast under ater against ca
cover of in situ components cast in contac
40 mm.
here a surface treatment such as bush hammerir!
concrete, the expected depth of the treatment should ta the nominal
Special care should be exercised in conditions of extrenl
concrete of low density or porous aggregates are used (see

fied otherwise in these clauses, the rec

.l ars: Subject to the reduction in

arranged as pairs in contact or in bundles of hree or four in contact.
Bars in a bundle sh at different points, with the ends at least 40times
the bar size apart, for bundles stop
one bar at a time i dle of three, but t
cross-section ther more than four
les shc~uldnot
reinforcement (gr

,should be taken as th

imum effective reiniorcemerit in

F the gross section,
less than that cement. For other sl

etion in specific cases in

uantities of reinforce

number of longitudinal bars provide in a column should be four in

lar columns and six in circular columns, and their size or diamete
S than 12 mm. The total cross-sectionzl area of these bars shod
% of the cross-section of the colu ver is the lesser,
e ultimate axial loa

efinition a wall cannot be consider as a reinforce concrete wall i

entage of vertical reinforcement provi is less than 0,4 % of the gross concret
SS-sectionalarea, in which case it sha considered to be a plain concrete wa
S ) .In reinforced concrete walls the verlical reinforcement may be in on
on the forces acting on the wall.
rticular eondi!ions of exposure

Surfaces sl-&leered 50 45 40 30 25

ie slab suffiis, beam

agalnsh alternate sides and softits 017
w h i c ! ~condensat!on

and sea-spray.

by vwater.pruofing or
formwork that will
not weather or

interior surfaces of

piers and colidmm

on which condensa-
tion is unlikely.

Concrete surfaces
permanently satu- nently tindei water
by water with
aggressiveness*" to

All extemal Concrete 50 45 41 35

surfaces nor grade r w l
rain or aitemate sheltered cr permitted
drying and weltirg prc!ec led Pwn i ain,
by water With
negligible aggres- bridge-deck soffits
siveness"* to and interr'rhl
concrete. surfaces on iwkrich
condensation is
Buried parts of
structure or sur-
faces in contact
with backfill.

Concrete perma-
nently under flowin
ater, ie abutment
alls and founda-
tions and sub-
merged piers in

oncrete parapets, Concrete 5

alls, all exposed grade not
surfaces of super- permi
structures and sub-

arts of structures Concrete 6 5

contact with se
ter, industrially


ESridge Design Code. P

IMW7, Pretoria, South Africa, 19
In beams or slabs where the depth of the side face excee
reinforcement having an area of at least 0,05 of b,d should be provide
face, with a spacing not exceeding 300 mm. However, in flat
need not exceed 0,05 O/O of d2.
In a voided slab, the amount of transverse reinforcement sh
of the following:
(a) in the bottom, or predominantly tensile, flange, either 1 500 rnrrr?/rn
the minimum flange section;
(b) in the top, or predominantly compressive, flange, e~ther1 000 mm2/mor
of the minimum flange section.
The above-mentioned minimum flange ections required far calculatin
verse secondary reinforcement shall be taken to
the webs.
dditional reinforcement may be required in earns, slabs an
shrinkage an thermal crackin

links: When, in a beam or column, part or all OF the

main reinforcement resists compression, links or ties at least one-quarter of th
of the largest compression bars should be provided at a maximum spacing
times the size of the smallest compression bar. Links should be so arrange
every corner and every alternate bar or group of bars in an outer layer of reinlorce-
ment is supported by a link passing around the bar and having an included an
not more than 135". All other bars or groups within a compression zone sho
within 150 mm of a tied bar. For circular columns, where the longitudinal rei
ment is located around the periphery of a circle, adequate lateral support is p
by a circular tie passing around the bars or groups.
hen the designed percentage of reinforcement in the compression face of
lab exceeds 1 %, links of at least 6 mm or one-quarter of the size of the I
compression bar, whichever is the greater, should be provided through the thi
of the member. The spacing f these links should not exce
thickness in either of the
of the gross cros

vertical reinforcement should not exceed

e concr'ete.

isted bar or a plain chamfered square

ter than 18 times the nominal size of the bar.
r with transverse ribs at a substantial1 uniform spacing not greater
continuous helical ribs where present). The bar shall have a
of ribs (per unit length) beyond its core (they are b ected on a plane
rmal to the axis of the bar) of not less than 0 , I w mm2/
inal diameter) of the bar. The included angle of t
the bar shall be at least 45".
be classified as the results of erformance tests.
the test is to S rs, claimed to e equal to those
the classification, will possess the specified characteristic strength in a
st. The criterion of comparison is that the free-end slip of the equivalent bar
an that of the geometrically defined bar. Tests shall be conducte
h SABS 920, Section 6.5.
considered du

se ent increases
numerically in t s the effective

Stress $1
e considered to

manufacturer of the bar.

Ultimate anchora e bond stresses

( e ) any other met

bars lapped.
The length of
of the smaller
the size of th

s section as it is inten
(ii) the clear
150 m m ;

ws (ij and jiiij occur, t

ss should the radius of any ben
nteed by the manu cturer of the bar and, in
ient to ensure th the bearing stress at th

ntre-to-centre distance behve

the plane of the bend; for a ba
) if the shear capaci

ich the reinfor

ne or more of these con m

load considered.

of the following:

the centre line of

tive anchorag

S: These recom
related to bar sizes, but when a bar exceeds the maximum s
by more than 5 mm, a clear spacing smaller than th
e avoided. A pair of bars in contact or a bundle of th
ontact should be considered as a single bar of equivalent area wh
The spacing of bars should be suitable for the proper compaction of
n internal vibrator is likely to be used, sufficient S ce should be le
reinforcement to enable the vibrator to be inserted. nimum reinforc
is best determined by experience or proper work titsts but, in the ab
information, the following recommendations may be used as a guide.
) individual bars: Except where bars form art of a pair or
below), the clear distance between bar hould be not
where haggis the maximum size of the coarse aggregate.
or more rows:
(i) the gaps between corres ars in each ro e in a h e and
(ii) the clear distance except for
recast members

B Design Code. P m 3
TMHY. Pretoria. South Afrim, i489
s forming the pair are place
be not less than happ+ 5 mm.
en rows of b

ere the depth of the side face

t shall be provide
shall be distributed in
00 mm. Likewise, in the flanges
f the main tensio
ffective flange w
rectangular sections, the webs of
without re-entrant angles, the design crack width a
bers in tension (or, where the cover to the oute
on a surface at a distance cnom fr
d from the foll wing equation:

is the distance from the poin

the nearest longitudinal bar
norn is the required nominal cover to the tensile reinforcemen
12 (where the cover shown on the drawing i
iven in Table 12, the latter value ma
here E, is the cal

is the breadth

is the moment at th
E, is the calcul
stiffening effect of th
Mg is the moment a
service loads


is the cross-sectis
a, is the angle
and the direction of
rnt is applied in diMerent direclicsns

m is the number

Bridge D e ~ i g iC
ic&, Pan 3
TMW7, Preroa~a.*South Africa, 3989
, is obtaine
al and local effects are calculate
obtained by algebraic addition
The design crack width should then e calculated in accord
may, in the case of a deck slab, where a global compression i
ith a local moment, be obtaine using (a), calculating
cal moment on1
nsverse bars in slabs ith circular void
um flange thickness.

ein e
vent excessive cracking due to shrinkage and thermai movement, reinforce-
rrlenf should be provided in the direction of any restraint to such movements. For full
nt, the area of reinforcement, calculated as a ercentage of the
section at right an irection of each restraint, should be not less than 0,5

50) reinforcement, or ,6 O h for Type

e minimum percentages of reinforcement are caiculated for cross-sections

irnensions exceeding 500 mm in both directions, half the area of the core of the
ion more than 250 mm away from all concrete surfaces should be
d. In slabs and walls, the reinforcement should be placed near the
urface in both directions wi adequate concrete cover, or distributed
een the two surfaces as require Reinforcement that is present for other
into account for the purpose of this clause.
partial, the reinforcement may be reduced accordingly, but shall comply
other minimum einforcement requirements an ill be subject to the approval
the responsible idge authority. rrnanent bending moments
use eccentric stress distributions temperature reinforcement
distributed uniformly arou
not more than 300 mm.

1 General: ln
shear stress, vc, in concrete beams containing low-densi
ivlssr U750 in Equations 2 1,23,24and

rage Dcild x d iap,

~d messes and lap lengths
actions" or "sewice loadswrespectively.
te actions" or "ulti

th of a section is

iven to the construction sequence an

restress (but refer also to 2.2).

Bridge Design Code, Par1 3

H7, Pretoria, South
es should be used only if it has been demon
the materials to be u s e
Specified characteristic strengtlls of restressing wire

&ridge Design Code, P* 3

TMHT, Pretoria, South A f n ~ a ,I983
mina1 wire size

tic strengths of 7-H

m ---

ion o S

rtical slings, type sB corlnecti

sections remain

necessary to calculate only the stresses

en In Part 2 , immediately afterthe transfer0
prestress have occurred;in both cases the
oads on the strain and force in the tendons may be d
tical cracking stresses given in Table 26.

ses in the concrete u n

her stresses are
site construcli

T stresses in concrete for sewiceability limit states

Part 3
th Africa. 1989
lar or near-trian
ion of prestress

(W ressive stresses in the concc


nts of cracked

bel:avibur of concrete under

ie wl~enc017creteis subjected ro conlpres
biaxial or triaxial stress corld~ki~)i"i~
skength 1s reduced 18 "ihe directions perpend~cularto rise

Plane sections ar
concrete in comp
any additional r

all losses.
The stresses in the concr te in can~yressioncan be
strain curve given in w e 1 with ym = I ,5.
The tensile strength of the concrete can be

nal reinforcerr-re

rcernent in F i g u r ~2.
t failure is given

irement for the calcul
* The neutral axis depth in these casss is too tow to provide the elongation iven in
It is essential, therefore, that the slren rovided should exceed that prescribe

Values for fpb and X may be deriv for pretensicsned me

post-tensioned members with ell
provided that the effective prestress after all losses is not less
itional reinfcafscem
ken using this method.

ave additional
walysed using t h

lculations for shear are required only for the ultimate !imit
ses apply to Class 7 , Class

ear resistance of

&idge Design C&e. P a t lj

t ten Ul

al tensile stress,

t itiv

g3rovided that is taken as not less than Vd,

is %heeffectwe prestress in a t e n d ~ nafter all iosses h
the appropriate values at (see 2 2 2) Far the
1s equation, tpe s h o ~ ! dhe not greater than 0,6ipu

7 ) shoijld be taken as knc cross-sectional

area of steel in !ha tension zone, irrzspective of its ci7aracteristic
is the distance from the Z C ~ ~ I ? I ~ ~ ~ S S I O Iface
I 10 file ceritroid ofthe steel

oment ilecessary rs praduce zero siress (decompressionj

rrcrete a%the d
cteristic stren th of the tensione

ristic strength of the untensione
e taken as not less than 0.1b d c .
t is th tks as defined
centre line of $he
: In post-tensioned s
ltimate loads should not b

factor for the rce, to be taken as

is the horizontal corn force after all losses
deflections and/or stresse cialist literature sha

hen prestressing steel is used sverse torsional steel, in accor
Equations 11 and 1 1 (a),or as long in accordance with Eqknat
) , the stress assumed in desig the lesser af 450M
The compressive stress rn the concr to prestress sl?
account separately in accordanc
(v + v,), for comparison with v," in Table 9,v sha

rades above 40, the value iven in Table may be increased

t may not be greater than

str~rsturethat is to e constructed in
nal torsional steel is necessary, in

Bridge Dosign Cobe, Pan 3

TM W 4,Pr~loria,South Africa, 1989
i TP as:
Design bursting tensile forces in en
, th rin
itional reinforcement for resistin

S 45" for links

the sum of the cross-secti S of the inclin

racteristic stren th of the incline
rcement taken into account should intersect the

face of the beams,

tension face of the

' h
< the anchorage bond stress,
us is the sum of the effective perimeters of the reinforcement
ht reinforcement ond the intersecfi
sured to the ben
,I h C L I N E 9 L I N K S

(v) Most connections re


stability of the structure

ecial materials; and

cified in full - here weld sym
under the steel se
composite se

The longitudinal shea

site construction are
contact surface of the co in the precast m ri as
e the concrete

surface of the precast u

f," . .............................................................................. i\
here is the curv

etlection at X .
obtained directly Iron this equation
p:----M, + M b
-- *c
end deflectian


f o o d a7 e n d K, -0,333
concrete. It is, ho

lasticity substa

nvenient to use the dynamic in an

value for the static secant mo

ate concrete
s of the static m
is the density of
lion nor the values relatin
are applicable to concret

Elastic moduli
tical methods.
itr UC@

- f c 0B, (t-t). ] .................................................................


d a coefficient for
etric ratio of longitudinal reinf
S a function, \,

age values of k, c

concrete), the sa e c~efficientsmay

ef~nilioraof effective "rickn


apply to pla~n(unreinfsrcedj ie m e m b z r ~ r--t 3 ~

m can

1 3 7 14 2 8
A G E AT F i 4 S T LOADING, j i , DAY


t the level of th

ue to relaxation of the steel must


the relaxation th
time of transfer.
The above approach assumes constant value
the concrete from the time of
of the same form as the c
re not reasonable, a step-by-step
restressed reinforcement shou
the effects of shrinka
Ithe non-prestress

he elastic and creep r

ep reduction coefficie
ilers or spaces ar
entrats the radial

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