Ias Syllabus
Ias Syllabus
Ias Syllabus
Course Description This course is concerned with the Asian history: Its importance, physical and social
environment, diverse culture, religion, language, and norms. It focuses more on the
details of the Historical events of different Asian countries.
Course Objectives At the end of this semester, the students will be able to:
• Attain enormous knowledge about Asian History
• Realize the importance of learning Asian History
• Understand Asian characteristics as the product of their experiences
• Appreciate all Asian countries people with the vast knowledge about their
Methods of Instruction Face to face classes, Private facebook group chat and PPT
Teaching Philosophies “No significant learning occurs without significant relationship.”
Course Textbooks Asian History & Civilization 2007 Edition
Course Requirements Midterm: Make an advertisement video persuading other people to travel to Korea.
Be Creative. (Minimum of 5 minutes)
Course Grading:
Midterm Grade
Class participation/ Attendance/ Assignment 30%
Quizzes 20%
Midterm requirement 20%
Midterm Examination 30%
Total 100%
Final term Grade
Class participation/ Attendance/ Assignment 30%
Quizzes 20%
Final term requirement 20%
Final term Examination 30%
Total 100%
Course Outline:
Sessions Course Contents Assessment Task
1st Class Orientation *Exercises
Presentation of Syllabus *Make an informative essay about the
significance of studying Asian History.
(Minimum of 200 words)
2nd The People, Environment and Geography of Asia Activity
3rd The Early People of Asia Quiz
4th Ancient Asian Civilization Pop-up
Group Activity
5th Leading Ancient States Activity
6th Leading Ancient States Create a poem (Poem must be written in
8th Muslim and Mongol Ascendancy Pop-up
9th The Spread of Colonialism Reporting
A. The Yuan Dynasty Quiz
B. The Ming Dynasty
C. The Eunuchs
Course Policy:
1. All the students should pass the given task on time required by the teacher. There will be a deduction
of one point each day of late submission.