Universal Gravitation

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m1 m2
 Force of gravitation
F  m1m2
 Newton's law of gravitation (for a given pair of particles)
 Earth's gravitational force F
(for a given separation between

 Variation in the value of the particles)

gravitational acceleration (g) m1m 2
So F
 Mass & weight
m1m 2
or FG
 Equation of motion for freely r2
falling object Here G is a constant known as the universal
constant of gravitation. G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2
 G is independent of the masses of the bodies
and the distance between them.
 FORCE OF GRAVITATION  Newton's law of gravitation is applicable for
everybody in the universe.
Any two particles in the universe attract each
other. This force is called the force of Note : The force between any two bodies in
gravitation. the universe is called the force of gravitation
 This concept was given by Newton. while the force with which earth attracts a
body is called the force of gravity.
 Some Scientific Phenomenon Based on
According to newton, "Any two bodies in Gravitational Force :
 The gravitational force between the sun and
universe attract each other with a force
the earth keeps the earth moving around the
directly proportional to the product of their
masses and inversely proportional to the
 The gravitational force b/w the earth and the
square of the distance between them."
moon keeps the moon moving around the
 Mathematical expression
Lat A and B be two particle of mass m1 and
 Existence of our solar system is due to
m2 respectively. Let the distance AB = r.
gravitational force.
By the law of gravitational, the particle A
attracts the particle B with a force F such that.
Gravitation force of the sun and the moon on Distance between them is to be taken equal to
the earth's water surface is responsible for the the radius of earth.
tides in sea.  r = 6.4 × 106 m
 Atmosphere above the earth is held due to Substituting these values, we get
gravitational force of the earth. 6.67  10 11  6 10 24  50
F= = 488.5 N
 Gravitational force between the sun and (6.4 10 6 ) 2
planet keeps the planet moving around the Ex. 3 Compare the gravitational forces exerted by
sun. the sun and the moon on earth. Which exerts
 Gravitational force is responsible for a greater force on earth ?
providing the centripetal force required by the (Given : mass of sun, Ms = 4 × 1031 kg; mass of
planets. moon, Mm = 6.3 × 1022 kg; distance between
The attractive force of the earth is responsible 12
sun and earth, rse=1.3 × 10 m and the distance
for providing the centripetal force required by
between moon and earth, rme= 4.5 × 108m)
Sol. If mass of sun is Ms and mass of earth is Me
 Newton's Third Law of Motion and Law of
and distance between the sun and earth is rse,
Gravitation :
then force exerted by the sun on earth is
 Newton's third law of motion is applicable to
GM s M e
gravitation also. Fs = ...(1)
(rse ) 2
Ex. if the earth exerts a force of attraction on
a body, the body also exerts an equal and Similarly, if mass of moon is Mm, mass of
earth is Me, the distance between moon and
opposite force of attraction on the earth.
earth is rme, then force exerted by moon on
 As a = F/m
the earth is
mass of the body is larger, acceleration
GM m M e
produced will be smaller and vice versa. Fm = ...(2)
(rme ) 2
Ex. 1 Calculate the force between two masses of
100 kg and 1000 kg separated by a distance Dividing equation (1) by equation (2), we get
of 10 m (G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2). Fs GM s M e rme
= ×
Sol. According to Newton's law of gravitation, Fm (rse ) 2 GM m M e
force of attraction between two bodies is Ms (r ) 2
= × me 2
Gm1m 2 Mm (rse )
r2 2
4  10 31  4.5 108 
Here, m1 = 100 kg; m2 = 1000 kg ; = ×   = 76.07
12 
6.3  10 22  1. 3  10 
r = 10 m ; G = 6.67 × 10–11Nm2/kg2
The force exerted by the sun on earth is
6.67  10 11  100  1000
 F= about 76 times the force exerted by the moon
(10) 2
on earth.
= 6.67 × 10–8 N Ex. 4 If mass and radius of earth is 6.0 × 1024 kg
Ex. 2 Given mass of earth = 6 × 1024 kg, radius of
and 6.4 × 106 m respectively, calculate the
earth = 6.4 × 106 m. Calculate the force of
force exerted by earth on a body of mass
attraction experienced by a man of mass 50 kg.
1 kg. Also, calculate :
Sol. Force of gravitation is given by the
(i) acceleration produced in the body of mass
Gm1m 2
expression, F= 1 kg, and
(ii) acceleration produced in the earth
Here, mass of earth, m1 = 6 × 1024 kg;
mass of man, m2 = 50 kg
Sol. From Newton's law of gravitation, we know Due to this force, a body released from some
that the force of attraction between two height on the earth's surface falls towards the
bodies is given by earth with its velocity increasing at a constant
Gm1m 2 rate.
r2  Acceleration due to Gravity :
Here, m1 = mass of earth = 6.0 × 1024 kg;  The acceleration produced in a body due to

m2 = mass of body = 1 kg attraction of earth is called the acceleration

r = distance between the two bodies due to gravity and is denoted by 'g'.
= radius of earth = 6.4 × 106 m g  9.8 m/s2
G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2
near the earth surface
6.67  10 11  6.0 10 24  1
 F = = 9.8 N g e 9 .8
(6.4  10 6 ) 2 g on moon   m/s2
6 6
This shows that earth exerts a force of 9.8 N  A body moving upwards with some initial
on a body of mass of 1 kg. The body will velocity, experiences a retardation of
exert an equal force of attraction of 9.8 N on 9.8 m/s2 & its velocity decreases continuously
earth. unless it becomes zero.
(i) Acceleration produced in the body of mass  After this, it again starts falling towards the
1kg earth with the same acceleration of 9.8 m/s2.
Force = mass × acceleration  The value of g is minimum at equator and
F 9 .8 maximum at poles.
 Acceleration, a = = = 9.8 m/s2
m 1 The value of g does not depend upon the
Thus, the acceleration produced in a body of mass of the body falling towards the earth.
mass 1 kg due to attraction of earth is
9.8 m/s2, which is quite large. Thus, when a VARIATION IN THE VALUE OF
body is released, it falls towards the earth  GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION (g)
with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, which can be
(A) Variation with altitude or height :
easily observed.
 When a body moves above the earth's surface
(ii) Acceleration produced in the earth
the distance of the body from the centre of
Similarly, acceleration of earth is given by
earth increases there by decreasing the force
Force 9.8
= = of attraction.
Mass of earth 6.0  10 24
= 1.63 × 10–24 m/s2  g= ; at the earth's surface.
This shows that the acceleration produced in
the earth by a body of mass 1 kg is  g= ; at a height h above the earth's
(R  h ) 2
1.63 × 10–24 m/s2 which is very small and
cannot be observed.
 As we go above the earth's surface the value

EARTH'S GRAVITATIONAL FORCE of g goes on decreasing.

 The force which earth exerts on a body is h

called 'force of gravity'. i.e. F = MR
R2 Earth
Where M = mass of the earth, R = radius of
the earth.
(B) Variation with depth d : value of acceleration due to gravity (g) on the
 As we go deeper inside the earth, the body surface of the earth.
gets attracted by the core of the earth which is Sol. The formula for the acceleration due to
smaller in mass. gravity is given by
d GM
R R2
R-d Here, G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2;
M = mass of earth = 6 × 1024 kg;
R = radius of earth = 6.4 × 106 m
 As we go inside the earth, the value of g
6.67  10 11  6  10 24
decreases. g= = 9.8 m/s2
(6.4  10 6 ) 2
 Force of attraction decreases and thus
decreasing the value of g and becoming zero Ex. 6 Calculate the value of acceleration due to
at the centre. gravity on a planet whose mass is 4 times as
that of the earth and radius is 3 times as that
(C) Variation due to rotation of the earth : of the earth.
Due to the rotation of the earth, the weight of Sol. If M is the mass of the earth and R is the
a body is maximum at the poles and radius of earth, the value of acceleration due
minimum at the equator. to gravity on the earth (ge) is given by
ge= ...(1)
Let us consider a planet such that mass of the
Mass Weight
planet is equal to 4 times the mass of earth.
Mp = 4M
1. Mass of a body Weight of a body is the
Radius of the planet is equal to 3 times the
is defined as force with which it is
radius of earth.
the quantity of attracted towards the
Re = 3R
matter centre of the earth.
Then, acceleration due to gravity on this
contained in it. W = mg
planet(gp) is
2. Mass of a body Weight of a body
G  ( 4M ) 4 GM
remains changes from place to gp = 2
= . ...(2)
(3R ) 9 R2
constant and place. It depends upon
does not the value of g. Weight Dividing equation (2) by equation (1), we get
change from of a body on another 4 GM
gp  2 gp
place to place. planet will be different. 4
= 9 R or =
3. Mass is Weight is measured by ge GM ge 9
measured by a a spring balance. R2
pan balance. 4
or gp = (ge)
4. Unit of mass is Unit of weight is 9
kg. newton or kg-wt. Since ge = 9.8 m/s2
5. Mass of a body Weight of a body can be 4
 gp = × 9.8 = 4.35 m/s2
cannot be zero. zero. 5
Ex. astronauts experience Thus, acceleration due to gravity on the given
weightlessness in planet is 4.35 m/s2.
spaceships. Ex. 7 Given the mass of the moon = 7.35 × 1022 kg
6. Mass is a Weight is a vector and the radius of the moon = 1740 km.
scalar quantity. quantity. Calculate the acceleration experienced by a
particle on the surface of the moon due to the
Ex. 5 Given mass of earth is 6 × 1024 kg and mean gravitational force of the moon. Find the ratio
of this acceleration to that experienced by the
radius of earth is 6.4 × 106 m. Calculate the
same particle on the surface of the earth.
Sol. If Mm is the mass of the moon and Rm is its Now acceleration due to gravity on Mars,
radius, then the acceleration experienced by a GM m
body on its surface is given by gm =
R 2m
GM m
a= Here, Mm = 6 × 1023 kg; Rm = 4.3 × 106m
R 2m
6.67 10 11  6  10 23
Here, Mm = 7.3 × 1022 kg;  gm = 6 2
= 2.17 m/s2
Rm = 1740 km = 1.74 × 106 m (4.3 10 )
6.67  10 11
 7.3 10 22 Now, weight of the man on Mars will be
 a = = 1.57 m/s2 Wm = m × gm = 60 × 2.17 = 130.2 N
(1.74  10 6 ) 2
While the acceleration due to gravity on the
surface of the earth, is given by
GM e 6.67 10 11  6  10 24  FREELY FALLING OBJECT
ge = = = 9.8 m/s2 
R e2 (6.4 10 6 ) 2
Comparing acceleration due to gravity on Since the freely falling bodies fall with
moon to that on the earth is uniformly accelerated motion, the three
a 1.57 equations of motion derived earlier for bodies
= = 0.16
g 9.8 under uniform acceleration can be applied to
Ex. 8 At what height above the earth's surface the the motion of freely falling bodies. For freely
value of g will be half of that on the earth's falling bodies, the acceleration due to gravity
surface ? is 'g', so we replace the acceleration 'a' of the
Sol. We know that the value of g at earth's surface equations by 'g' and since the vertical distance
is of the freely falling bodies is known as height
GM 'h', we replace the distance 's' in our equations
g= ...(1) by the height 'h'. This gives us the following
R2 modified equations for the motion of freely
While the value of g at a height h above the falling bodies.
earth's surface is given by
GM Equations of
g´ = ...(2)
(R  h ) 2 motion for
General equation of motion
Dividing equation (2) by equation (1), we get freely falling
2 2 bodies
g'  R   R 
=  or g´ = g   (i) v = u + at changes to v = u + gt
g Rh Rh 1 1
(ii) s  ut  at 2 changes to h  ut  gt 2
Here, g´ = 2 2
g  R  (iii) v2 = u2 + 2 as changes to v2 = u2 + 2gh
 =g  
2 Rh
We shall use these modified equations to
Rh solve numerical problems. Before we do that,
or = 2
R we should remember the following important
or R+h= 2R points for the motion of freely falling bodies.
or h = ( 2 – 1)R (i) When a body is dropped freely from a height,
or h = (1.41 – 1) × 6400 = 0.41 × 6400 its initial velocity 'u' becomes zero
= 2624 km (ii) When a body is thrown vertically upwards, its
Ex. 9 Given mass of the planet Mars is 6 × 1023 kg final velocity 'v' becomes zero
and radius is 4.3 × 106 m. Calculate the (iii) The time taken by body to rise to the highest
weight of a man whose weight on earth is 600 point is equal to the time it takes to fall from
N. (Given g on earth = 10 m/s2) the same height.
Sol. Weight of the man on earth, W = mg (iv) The distance travelled by a freely falling body
or 600 = m × 10 or m = 60 kg is directly proportional to the square of time
So the mass of the man is 60 kg which will of fall.
remain the same everywhere.

A. Very Short Answer Type Questions B.  Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1 Give the formula to calculate the gravitational Q.16 How does the gravitational force change
force of attraction. between two objects when the distance
between them is doubled ?
Q.2 What is the value of gravitational constant ?
Q.17 Why two stones do not come closer, even if
Q.3 What is the unit of gravitational constant ? there is gravitational force of attraction
between them ?
Q.4 Does the gravitational force between two
bodies change, if some other material body is Q.18 Under what conditions our weight becomes
placed between them ? zero? Give examples.
Q.19 An astronaut inside a spaceship orbiting
Q.5 What is the approximate value of acceleration round the earth feels weightlessness. Explain.
due to gravity on the surface of earth ?
Q.20 The weight of a body is less inside the earth
Q.6 What is the unit of acceleration due to than on the surface. Why?
Q.21 For two bodies of different masses,
Q.7 State the relation between g and G on earth. acceleration due to gravity is same or
different? Explain.
Q.8 What is the effect of altitude on the value of g ?
Q.22 Newton's law of gravitation states that there is
Q.9 What is the weight of a body at a height equal to a force of attraction between two bodies. Why
the radius of earth above the earth's surface ? do we not observe the motion of two stones
lying on the floor moving towards each other ?
Q.10 Is the weight of body more at the equator or /

at poles ? Q.23 Calculate the force of attraction between two

bodies of masses 100 kg and 60 kg
Q.11 Which force is responsible for the earth respectively separated by a distance of 5 m
revolving round the sun ? from each other.
Q.12 A stone is released from some height, it Q.24 If the distance between two bodies is
moves towards the earth. Does the earth also decreased by a factor of 4, by what factor the
move towards the stone ? force of attraction will change ?
Q.13 A light and a heavy body, both are dropped Q.25 Calculate force of attraction on a body of
simultaneously from the same height. Which mass 50 kg lying on the surface of earth.
will strike the ground earlier ? Given that the mass of earth = 6 × 1024 kg
Q.14 As we go inside the earth, what is the effect radius of the earth = 6.4 × 106 m and
on the value of g ? G = 6.67 × 10–11Nm2/kg2.

Q.15 What is the value of g at the centre of earth? Q.26 What happens to the weight of a body when it
is falling freely under gravity ?
Q.27 Although, the value of G is very small, but all
the objects near the surface of earth fall
towards the earth. Why ?

Q.28 Calculate the force of gravitation between

two bodies each of mass 80 kg and placed
16 cm apart. (Take G = 6.67 × 10–11

Q.29 The mass of Mars is th and its radius is
half of that of the earth. Calculate value of g
on the surface of Mars.

Q.30 What is the weight of a body whose mass is

25 kg ?

C.  Long Answer Type Questions

Q.31 Discuss the terms gravitation and gravity with
suitable examples.

Q.32 State Newton's law of gravitation. State the

unit and value of gravitational constant.

Q.33 Discuss the various factors on which the

value of g depends.

Q.34 Compare the gravitational attraction on the

earth due to the attraction of sun due to
attraction of moon. Given mass of sun = 2 ×
1030 kg, mass of moon = 7.35 × 1022 kg,
distance of sun from earth = 1.5 × 1011 m,
distance of moon from earth = 3.84 × 108m.

Q.35 A body weighs 160 N on the surface of the

earth. Calculate his weight at a height of
3.6 × 106 m from the surface of the earth.
Radius of earth = 6.4 × 106 m.

Single correct answer type questions Q.8. The value of G in year 1900 was
6.673 × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2, The value of G in the
Q.1 When an apple falls from a tree: year 2007 will be :
(A) only earth attracts the apple (A) 6.673 × 10–9 Nm2 kg–2
(B) only apple attracts the earth (B) 6.673 × 10–10 Nm2 kg–2
(C) both the earth and the apple attract each (C) 6.673 × 10–2 Nm2 kg–2
other (D) 6.673 × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2
(D) none attracts each other
Q.9 Value of G on surface of earth is
Q.2 Force of attraction between two bodies does
6.673 × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2, then value of G on
not depend upon :
surface of Jupiter is :
(A) the shape of bodies
(B) the distance between their centres (A) 12 × 6.673 × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2
(C) the magnitude of their masses 6.673
(B) × 1 0–11 Nm2 kg–2
(D) the gravitational constant 12
(C) 6.673 × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2
Q.3 When the medium between two bodies 6.673
(D) × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2
changes, force of gravitation between them : 6
(A) will increase
(B) will decrease Q.10 The earth attracts the moon with a
(C) will change according to the environment gravitational force of 1020 N. Then the moon
(D) remains same
attracts the earth with a gravitational force of:
(A) 10–20 N (B) 102 N
Q.4 S.I. unit of G is :
(C) 1020 N (D) 1010 N
(A) Nm2 kg–2 (B) Nm kg–2
(C) N kg2M–2 (D) Nkg m–2
Q.11 The orbits of planets around the sun are:
Q.5 The value of universal gravitational constant: (A) circular (B) parabolic
(A) changes with change of place (C) elliptical (C) straight
(B) does not change from place to place
(C) becomes more at night Q.12 Law of gravitation is applicable for:
(D) becomes more during the day (A) heavy bodies only
(B) medium sized bodies only
Q.6 The value of G in S.I. unit is : (C) small sized bodies only
(A) 6.67 × 10–9 (B) 6.67 × 10–10
(D) bodies of any size
(C) 6.67 × 10–11 (D) 6.67 x 10–12

Q.13 The universal law of gravitation was

Q.7 The gravitational force between two bodies
varies with distance r as : proposed by :
(A) 1/r (B) 1/r2 (A) Copernicus (B) Newton
(C) r (D) r2 (C) Galileo (D) Archimedes
Q.14 Choose the correct statement : (B) is in the same direction as the direction of
(A) All bodies repel each other in the its motion
universe. (C) increases as it comes down
(B) Our earth does not behave like a magnet. (D) become zero at the highest point.
(C) Acceleration due to gravity is 8.9 ms–2
(D) All bodies fall at the same rate in Q.21 The acceleration due to gravity on the moon's
vacuum. surface is:
(A) approximately equal to that near the
Q.15 The value of acceleration due to gravity (g) earth's surface
on earth's surface is : (B) approximately six times that near the
(A) 6.67 x 10–11 Nm2 kg2 earth's surface
(B) 8.9 m/sec2 (C) approximately one-sixth of that near the
(C) 9.8 m/sec2 earth's surface
(D) none of these (D) slightly greater than that near the earth's
Q.16 The acceleration due to gravity:
(A) has the same value everywhere in space Q.22 The force acting on a ball due to earth has a
(B) has the same value everywhere on the magnitude Fb and that acting on the earth due
earth to the ball has a magnitude Fe Then :
(C) varies with the latitude on the earth (A) Fb = Fe (B) Fb > Fe
(D) is greater on moon because it has smaller (C) Fb < Fe (D) Fe = 0

Q.23 Force of gravitation between two bodies of

Q.17 When a space ship is at a distance of two
mass 1 kg each kept at a distance of 1 m is :
earths radius from the centre of the earth, the
gravitational acceleration is : (A) 6.67 N (B) 6.67 × 10–9 N
(A) 19.6 ms–2 (B) 9.8 m/s–2 (C) 6.67 × 10–11 N (D) 6.67 × 10–7 N
(C) 4.9 m/s (D) 2.45 ms–2
Q.24 The force of gravitation between two bodies
Q.18 If planet existed whose mass and radius were does not depend on:
both half of the earth, the acceleration due to (A) their separation
gravity at the surface would be : (B) the product of their masses
(A) 19.6 m/sec2 (B) 9.8 m/s2 (C) the sum of their masses
(C) 4.9 ms–2 (D) 2.45 m/s2 (D) the gravitational constant

Q.19 A stone is dropped from the top of a tower.

Q.25 The ratio of the value of g on the surface of
Its velocity after it has fallen 20 m is
moon to that on the earth's surface is :
[Take g = 10 ms–2] :
(A) 5 ms–1 (B) 10 m s–1 (A) 6 (B) 6
(C) 15 m s–1 (D) 20 m s–1 1 1
(C) (D)
6 6
Q.20 A ball is thrown vertically upwards. The
acceleration due to gravity: Q.26 Order of magnitude of G in S.I. unit is :
(A) is in the direction opposite to the (A) 10–11 (B) 1011
direction of its motion (C) 10 –7
(D) 107
Q.27 The S.I. unit of g is : Q.34 The weight of an object is :
(A) m2/s (B) m/s2 (A) the quantity of matter it contains
(C) s/m (D) m/s (B) refers to its inertia
Q.28 If the distance between two masses be (C) same as its mass but is expressed in
doubled then the force between them will different units
become : (D) the force with which it is attracted
towards the earth
(A) times (B) 4 times
1 Q.35 Weight of an object depends on :
(C) times (D) 2 times
2 (A) temperature of the place
(B) atmosphere of the place
Q.29 The type of force which exists between (C) mass of an object
charged bodies is (D) none of these
(A) only gravitational
(B) neither gravitational nor electrical Q.36 The mass of body is measured to be 12 kg on
(C) only electrical the earth. Its mass on moon will be :
(D) both electrical and gravitational (A) 12 kg (B) 6 kg
(C) 2 kg (D) 72 kg
Q.30 The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2
(A) Much above the earth's surface Q.37 A heavy stone falls:
(B) Near the earth's surface (A) faster than a light stone
(C) Deep inside the earth (B) slower than a light stone
(D) At the centre of the earth (C) with same acceleration as light stone
(D) none of these
Q.31 A particle is taken to a height R above the
earth's surface, where R is the radius of the Q.38 A stone is dropped from the roof of a building
earth. The acceleration due to gravity there is - takes 4s to reach the ground. The height of
(A) 2.45 m/s2 (B) 4.9 m/s2 the building is :
(C) 9.8 m/s2 (D) 19.6 m/s2 (A) 19.6m (B) 39.2 m
(C) 156.8 m (D) 78.4 m
Q.32 When a body is thrown up, the force of
gravity is : Q.39 A ball is thrown up and attains a maximum
(A) in upward direction height of 19.6 m. Its initial speed was:
(B) in downward direction (A) 9.8 ms–1 (B) 44.3 ms–1
(C) zero (C) 19.6 ms–1 (D) 98 ms–1
(D) in horizontal direction
Q.40 The value of g at pole is :
Q. 33 Mass of an object is : (A) greater than the value at the equator
(A) amount of matter present in the object (B) less than the value at the equator
(B) same as weight of an object (C) equal to the value at the equator
(C) measure of gravitational pull (D) none of these
(D) none of these
Q.41 Two bodies A and B of mass 500 g and 200 g Q.43 The weight of a body is 120 N on the earth. If
respectively are dropped near the earth's it is taken to the moon, its weight will be
surface. Let the acceleration of A and B be aA about:
and aB respectively, then: (A) 120 N (B) 60 N
(A) aA = aB (B) aA > aB (C) 20 N (D) 720 N

(C) aA< aB (D) aA aB

Q.44 Two iron and wooden balls identical in size
are released from the same height in vacuum.
Q.42 A body is thrown up with a velocity of
The time taken by them to reach the ground
20 m/s. The maximum height attained by it is
(A) not equal (B) exactly equal
(A) 80 m (B) 60 m
(C) regularly equal (D) zero
(C) 40 m (D) 20 m


1. F = G m1 m2 /r2 2. 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2 3. Nm2/kg2

4. No 5. 9.8 m/s2 6. m/s2 7. g =
8. Decreases 9. mg/4 10. poles
11. Gravitational force 13. Both 14. decreases 15. zero
23. 1.6 × 10–8 N 24. 16 times 25. 490 N 28. 1. 6675 × 10–5N
29. 3.92 m/s2 30. 245 N 34. 1800 : 1 35. 81.9 N


Ques 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans C A D A B C B D C C C D B D C
Ques 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans C D A D A C A C C C A B A D B
Ques 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Ans A B A D C A C D C A A D C B

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