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Project appraisal guidelines for DDU-GKY projects, including Himayat and

Roshni projects

1. Prerequisite and preparedness

1.1 Before applying for a project, the PIA applicant should identify applicable
Project, Score card, Question sheet and prepare accordingly. PIA may prepare all
requisite documents and conduct self-assessment before applying. Information
available in the application form and evidences submitted during application will also
be scrutinized at the time of qualitative appraisal. PIA is advised to furnish information
in the application only after its management team is satisfied.

1.2 Prior to filling an application online PIA should refer to standard templates/
forms to be uploaded. As some of the questions in appraisal process require related
documents which do not have any standard formats, PIA may submit the documents
in the form of process flow chart, diagram, tables, etc. However, financial, legal and
statutory documents have to be submitted as per norms specified by concerned
nodal/department/ministry. A PIA will not be able to submit the application on the
system unless all mandatory documents are uploaded.

1.3 Other general instructions for filling an application form

1.3.1 Document upload:

a) Information contained in the scanned documents should be legible; it should

not be blurred or washed out.
b) The scan should be preferably of the original document and not photocopied
c) If user find that the documents scanned by user are more than 5 MB, resize
them using appropriate software.

1.3.2 If user have any issue/ query/ suggestion user can raise a ticket on online
platform and in case it is not resolved, a follow-up email can be sent to with required ticket details.

2. Project Appraisal and Sanction process
Project Appraisal and Sanction process in DDU-GKY is process of assessing and
evaluating the application in a structured way, before resources are committed, as
defined in the steps below. The appraisal and sanction process is categorized into
major stages.
 PRN Registration
 Project Application Submission
 Initial Screening
 Qualitative Appraisal
Projects which qualify the Qualitative Appraisal shall be placed before State PAC/ EC
of NRLM for Approval
2.1 Obtaining Permanent Registration Number
For PRN registration, PIAs shall apply in the eForm for a Permanent Registration
Number (PRN) on DDU-GKY website. For this a PIA shall need the following:

a. Visit to DDUGKY website (

b. Familiarity with DDU-GKY Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures
c. Click on the PRN Registration link provided
d. Registration or Incorporation Certificate of Applicant Organisation
e. PAN of Applicant Organisation
f. TAN of Applicant Organisation
g. Building Photo of Head Office of the Applicant Organisation
h. Photo and CV of Authorized Person
i. PAN, Voters ID/ Aadhar Card and Driving License/ Passport of Authorized
Person and Director/ Owner
j. Organisation website, live with organisation details on it.
k. Organisation website, live with organisation details on it.
l. NITI Aayog registration details in case organisation is in NGO category i.e.
Trusts/ Society / Cooperatives Societies

Note: Supporting document to be uploaded only in jpg or pdf format, subject to a

maximum size of 300 kb per file.

2.1.2 After submission of PRN application form through the website, a PIA will receive
a 5 (Five) digit Temporary Registration Number (TRN) by email from DDU-GKY as

proof of submission of the PRN application form. This TRN has to be referred to in all
PIA communication till a PRN is allocated.

2.1.3 After a verification and validation process by DDU-GKY, a PIA will receive PRN
on email of authorized person mentioned in the PRN application.

2.1.4 After receiving PRN, PIA may file an Application for new DDU-GKY project after
72 hours, including Himayat and Roshni, on DDU-GKY portal.

2.1.5 A hand-holding support is provided to PIAs through email at for any queries and further information on PRN application.

2. 2 Project application filing process

2.2.1 A project application for DDU-GKY project, including Himayat and Roshni
project, has to be filed only on designated portal ( User name for a
PIA is PRN allotted to the organization and the initial Password is p326@MORD,
which has to be changed mandatorily once immediately after first time login. Once the
user changes the password, the revised password can be used in future. In case a
PIA is applying for a project as Single entity, Module 1 and 2 are required to be filed
up. In case of a Consortium, PIA has to fill up details in module 3 additionally.
i. Module 1 gathers the details of the organization profile.
ii. Module 2 gathers the details of the proposed project details.
iii. Module 3 gathers the consent of consortium member for the proposed
project application form
2.2.2 A PIA is required to fill all the details and upload all documents for both Initial
Screening and Qualitative Appraisal stage at the time of submitting application. For
Initial Screening PIA has to furnish the mandatory 19 documents (as applicable). For
Qualitative Appraisal PIA shall upload 32 documents as per Scorecard 1 or 22
Documents as per Scorecard 2 (as applicable). Details of documents are at Annexure
2.2.3 In case of application filed by Champion Employer or for a project for Industrial
Internship, filing of documents for Qualitative Appraisal shall not be required since
Qualitative Appraisal is not necessary.
2.2.4 A PIA will be able to submit the online application only after paying a non-
refundable application fee of Rs.25000 per application through RTGS to the

SRLM/SSM/State account (as given in Annexure II) and uploading the transaction ID
in application. After submission of application, PIA can view the score obtained by the
2.2.5 In case of any claims relating to application processing fee charged for project
application for sanction of a project in an YP state, an appeal shall primarily lie with
Joint Secretary(skills), MoRD, GOI, New Delhi, whose decision is final. In case of AP
state, an appeal shall primarily lie with Appellate Authority notified by the concerned
State Government, whose decision is final. Where an appellate authority has not been
notified , Secretary(RD) in the state government shall be deemed Appellate authority.
2.3 Application Submission by Project /implementation Agencies
2.3.1 Information to be uploaded under each of the Modules is mentioned below.
Module 1-Organization Module 2-Project Proposal Module 3- Project
Profile Application approval by
Consortium Partner
Organization Details, Basic Details, Applicant For an application filed as
Organization Member Organization Profile, a consortium, the
details, Organization Other Consortium Member consortium partner has to
Details, Financial Details, Organization Profile, give concurrence online
Previous Skills/ Training Category (project category on the system.
Experience Details, and Fund Eligibility), Project
Consent for Consortium Physical Targets, Welfare
Cost, Project Budget,
Funding Pattern, Manpower
Arrangement, Outsourcing of
Project Activity, Verification
of submitted information &
Proposal payment

2.4 Project Appraisal Process- Overview

2.4.1 Project appraisal in DDU-GKY is a three stage process as below:
Stage To be undertaken Process Outcome Timelines for
by completion of
Initial (i) MoRD or its Initial screening Successful Decision to be
Screening designated Project involves checking an applications communicated
Appraisal Agency application which has shall be to PIAs within
(in case of projects scored a minimum of 10 recommended 10 days after a
in YP States) marks in Technical for Qualitative PIA files
(ii) SRLMs/SSM’s score on: Appraisal. In all application
or its designated (a) verification of other cases the
Project Appraisal Transaction ID for application
Agency (in case of payment of non- shall be

Stage To be undertaken Process Outcome Timelines for
by completion of
projects in AP refundable application rejected, PIA
States) fees of Rs.25000. informed and
(b) documents information
furnished by a PIA in placed before
validation of the Priority PAC.
score and Technical
(c) eligibility criteria of
PIA in terms of
(d) Blacklisting of the

Qualitative (i) MoRD or its Detailed evaluation of A detailed 30 days from

Appraisal designated Project PIA and project report shall be the day an
Appraisal Agency application on basis of 5 placed before application has
(in case of projects parameters- Financials; the PAC for a been
in YP States) Organization; decision on recommended
(ii) SRLMs/SSM’s Placements; Quality disposal. In in Initial
or its designated Assurance and Training case of projects screening
Project Appraisal Infrastructure and filed by
Agency (in case of Delivery. Champion
projects in AP Appraisal shall be Employers and
States) undertaken as per projects for
prescribed toolkit as Industrial
below: Internships,
(i) Applicants that have only a feedback
conducted MES/QP- on PIAs (if the
NOS/NSQF compliant PIA has
courses for at least 1 undertaken
year will be evaluated DDU-GKY
using Scorecard 1. projects) shall
(ii) Applicants that have be prepared.
NOT conducted
compliant courses for at
least 1 year will be
evaluated using Score
card 2.
In case of DDU-GKY
PIAs, SRLM shall take a
feedback on PIA
performance through
the Ministry designated
system (till such a
system is made
available, SRLMs shall
take inputs from CTSAs

Stage To be undertaken Process Outcome Timelines for
by completion of
In case of projects filed
by Champion
Employers and projects
for Industrial
Internships, Qualitative
Appraisal may not be
required, and only a
feedback on PIAs
(which have undertaken
DDU-GKY project in
past) shall be
A PIA undergoing
Qualitative Appraisal
shall be required to pay
a non-refundable
appraisal fees as
notified by the State.
Approval of (i) Empowered Consideration and Disposal of Within one
project Committee for disposal of application application month of
NRLM in MoRD (in means completion of
case of projects in rejection or Qualitative
YP States) approval of Appraisal
(ii) Project Approval project.
Committee (in case
of projects in AP

2.4.2 An application, for which Initial Screening is not completed in 10 days and
Qualitative Appraisal is not completed in 30 days, shall be deemed to be lapsed, and
the SRLM or its designated Project Appraisal Agency shall refund the entire project
application fees/ Appraisal fees (as applicable) to the PIA, and/or a penalty upto 10%
of Application fees/Appraisal fees (as applicable). Imposition and recovery of penal
dues shall be the responsibility of State.
2.4.3 There will be no last date for PIA’s to apply for new projects. The online
application module shall be open 24 X 7 for filling new applications. However for the
purpose of PAC, States may notify a cut-off date for considering applications. Any
application filed after the cut-off date may be considered by the State in its subsequent
PAC, subject to availability of targets.

2.5 Weights and criteria for appraisal of project application

2.5.1. Criteria and Weights for Prioritizing Project Application in Initial
screening It is to be noted that in terms of section 5.12 of the DDU-GKY guidelines all
applications of eligible PIAs shall be scored on the basis of criteria and weights, which
has been approved by Empowered Committee for NRLM as below. There shall be two-step scoring in Initial Screening stage to determine inter-se
priority of projects, i.e a Priority score for all projects within their category, and a
Technical score of a Project Implementing Agency (PIA). A summation of these two
scores shall be the final score considered for ranking PIAs, which have qualified
Qualitative Appraisals, for consideration by EC/PAC. However, in case of projects by
Champion Employers and projects for Industry Internships, qualifying in Qualitative
Appraisals is not necessary. Priority Score- Section 4.7 of DDU-GKY Guidelines classifies all PIAs in three
categories- A, B, or C on the basis of their past experience and ability to undertake
quality placements. Further, prioritization of PIAs is done within the categories A, B
and C based on the DDU-GKY project proposal submitted, so that a PIA in Category
A will be prioritized above Category B, and Category B PIA prioritized above Category
C. Accordingly, project proposals by PIAs shall be given Technical score: Weights for Scoring a Project Proposal on Technical

Grounds will be done using criteria given in Annexure IV.

2.5.2. Criteria and Weights for Qualitative Appraisal Qualitative Appraisal is based on two score cards and corresponding question
sheet for each. Score card 1 and Question sheet 1 is applicable to the PIA applicant, who has
conducted courses compliant to NCVT’s MES or SSCs’ QP-NOS or NSQF for at least
1 year. These may include programs that were placement linked or otherwise. Scoring
will be confined to placement linked program(s) only. Score card 1 is given at
Annexure V. Question Sheet 1 is given at Annexure VII. Score card 2 and Question sheet 2 is applicable to the PIA applicant, who has
no experience in skilling at all or may have conducted skilling not compliant with

NCVT’s MES or SSCs’ QP-NOS or NSQF, or may have conducted courses compliant
to NCVT’s MES or SSCs’ QP-NOS or NSQF for less than 1 year or may have provided
only placements to candidates but not skilling. Score card 2 is given at Annexure VI.
Question Sheet 2 is given at Annexure VIII. Each scorecard has five parameters which consists of Questions and carry
10 marks each, as below:
Parameter No of Refer Questions in No of Refer Questions in
questions sheet 1 questions sheet 2
Organization 2 RQ2:SQ1 3 SQ1 ;SQ2;AQ3
Training 5 SQ18;RQ14;SQ20;SQ2 3 SQ4;AQ16;AQ20
infrastructure and 4;SQ25
Placements 5 SQ6;SQ9;SQ11;SQ14;S 4 RQ5;AQ7;SQ7;AQ1
Q17 0
Quality 3 SQ2;RQ12;RQ18 2 AQ19;RQ7
Financials 5 RQ5;SQ21;SQ22;RQ8; 5 RQ2;SQ10;RQ3;SQ
RQ9 11;RQ4 Score for a parameter will be calculated based on average of scores obtained
in the questions in the parameter. PIA applicant will be evaluated based on such
scores obtained in a parameter. Scores obtained in a parameter are graded with a
color code as below:

Green (scores 8-10), Yellow (scores 4-7), Red (scores 1-3). Where a PIA scores two red grades, then the proposal shall not be
recommended for approval to the PAC/EC. In case the color code is ‘Red’ in two or more parameters, a proposal may still
be recommended by the project appraisal agency for consideration with detailed
explanation and reasons for recommendation by project appraisal agency in cases

(i) The project is innovative; or

(ii) There is no risk to the mission and objectives of DDU-GKY due to nature of the PIA
applicant as an organization, their business or their industry, or on strength of the PIA
in implementing DDU-GKY project in the State.

Process for Project appraisal

2.6 Initial Screening process
2.6.1 The application system allows for the process to score applications based on
inter se priority based on category of applicant and the project design (up to a
maximum score of 1400) and technical criteria (up to a maximum score for 99). This
score is calculated by the system software as soon as the application is submitted on
the system. As soon as the PIA submits the application form, the score is accounted
for irrespective of the quality of the supporting evidence provided. Initial screening
involves checking the documents to validate the scores. The minimum technical score
required for the application to be considered for initial screening is 10 out of 99.
2.6.2 Details of the process to be followed in Initial Screening are given below:
(i) In the first instance, an application shall be checked on whether PIA has paid
non-refundable application fees, and the transaction ID furnished by PIA shall be
validated. In case it is found that the Transaction ID is incorrect, or has been
duplicated, or insufficient funds have been paid as application fees, the application is
liable to be rejected.
(ii) All applications where transaction ID is confirmed, the application shall be
checked for correctness of the documents furnished for initial screening stage, i.e 19
documents as applicable. Documents submitted for Qualitative Appraisal shall not be
checked at this stage. In case documents for Initial Screening are found incorrect, or
blank documents have been submitted, or documents are illegible, the application
shall be liable to be rejected.
(iii) Eligibility of the PIA on the criteria given in DDU-GKY Guidelines shall be
checked. This includes check on the PIA’s legal status, number of years in operation,
Turnover, and Financial Networth. Similar check shall be done for consortium partner
also. In case of consortium, while considering Turnover and Networth, the data and
documents furnished for Lead Partner shall be considered. Where a PIA does not
satisfy the eligibility norms, application is liable to be rejected.

(iv) A check shall be undertaken to assess whether a PIA or the consortium partner
has been blacklisted in the country, as per information available on State may decide to reject such application.
(v) All applications which are not rejected on reasons above, shall qualify for
Qualitative Appraisal.
(vi) In case an application has qualified for Qualitative Appraisal, intimation shall be
sent to the PIA to pay the Appraisal fees within 15 days or period specified by State in
the Bank Account as notified by the State concerned, whichever is earlier. The State
may notify the rate of Appraisal fees, or may follow the rates(s) notified by MoRD.
(vii) In case of rejected applications, intimation shall be sent to the PIA concerned
at the Authorised email, and information on rejection shall be placed before the PAC
at the earliest.
(viii) In case of Champion Employers and projects for Industrial Internships, the initial
screening qualified applications shall be sent for a feedback on PIAs (in case the PIA
has undertaken a DDU-GKY project in the past). In case a Champion Employer or a
PIA who has applied for a Industrial Internship project has not undertaken a DDU-GKY
project in the past, the qualified application shall be placed before the PAC/EC, as the
case may be.

2.7 Qualitative Appraisal process

2.7.1 Qualitative appraisal requires the appraiser to assess the project on five
parameters as detailed below:

(i) Organization Strength: This parameter is about getting to know the

organization and to understand the experience of the directors in running an
organizations. The responsibilities of the team to ensure quality training and
placements for the candidates. Includes verification of experience of promoters
& management team and accountabilities defines for various KPIs.
(ii) Training Delivery & Infrastructure: This parameter is to assess the training
capability and training delivery. Aspects assessed will be Assessment of past
experience or approach of the proposed sector/trade, alignment of courses
curriculum; Engagement with Employers ;Quality of trainers and Training-of-
Trainer process

(iii) Placement: DDU-GKY is a scheme about gainful employment of youth below
Poverty level to alleviate poverty and ensure they get placed and gainfully
employed. To check this aspect the appraiser will validate the claims on the
a. Robustness of Pre-Placement and Post-Placement Support process
b. Tie-ups with employers for proposed project and mapping with skill gap
assessment for the state & trades proposed
c. Assessment of past placement records for the PIAs
d. Employer feedback process
(iv) Quality Assurance: The Quality Assurance process followed by the PIA will
be assessed for compliance to processes and learnings from mistakes.
Collection and Storage of data and how it is used to assess the quality of
training by reviewing the performance indicators.
(v) Financial Strength: Appraise the financials status of the organization. Check
the compliance of the organization to various government statutory payments,
net worth debt servicing history and CIBIL scores of the directors.

2.7.2 Qualitative Appraisal shall be taken as per steps given below:

(i) It will be checked whether PIA has deposited the appraisal fees in the Bank
account as notified by State. Where the PIA has not paid the appraisal fees within the
time specified or has paid insufficient fees, the application is liable to be rejected.
(ii) Where appraisal fees has been received, Qualitative Appraisal shall be
commenced with verification of documents.
(iii) A document may not be discarded only on the grounds that documents are not
formatted, or are not written in proper language, etc. Relevant information available in
the document to the extent possible may be used for appraisal.

(iv) In case of PIAs which have not implemented DDU-GKY projects in the past, a
Head Office visit during appraisal is mandatory. Further, for such PIAs sample
verification of placed candidates may be undertaken by tele-calling. In case of
applicants implementing DDU-GKY projects, only desk assessment of performance
shall be undertaken on the basis of CTSA feedback. During verification necessary
evidences to be collected/captured.

(v) Score to be awarded and report to be finalized based on documents submitted

by PIA applicants, Desk scrutiny, visits and other mode of verifications, evidences

collected/captures. Scores to questions need to be necessarily based on available
evidence as below:

a. Evidence can include documentation of tasks performed, letters, emails,

reports, physical checks, reports generated manually or by ERP system,
affirmation by third parties like candidates and employers.

b. Consistency of oral statements by staff, i.e. processes being explained

similarly by PIA applicant staff can also be counted as evidence. This would be
the situation in those cases where documentation might be sparse but
processes are well understood and applied.

c. Lack of evidence is indicated by information being absent, information being

anecdotal at best, or when inconsistent information is provided by different
sources in PIA applicant.

(vi) Using the average of aggregate score of each parameter score will be colored
as per the code specified. For example, in Scorecard 1, for the parameter ‘Placement’,
if 5 questions are scored as 4, 6, 4, 6 and 10 respectively, the aggregate score will be
30. Hence, average score of five questions is 6. The parameter would thus get the
color coded as ‘Yellow’.

(vii) In case the Average score of a parameter is not an integer, no upwards

rounding off should be done. Any score with non zero decimal points must be rounded
down to an integer. For example, if the score of a parameter is 3.7, the score should
not be considered as 4. In this example, the score should be considered 3 for the
purpose of scoring the parameter, and that parameter should be graded with the color

(viii) Calculation of normalized score in Question Sheet 1, those PIA applicants that
have conducted courses compliant to NCVT’s MES or SSCs’ QP-NOS or NSQF for
more than 1 year, but have only worked in those skilling programs that are not
placement linked, In such case they will not be assessed on the placement parameter
and if they have 2 reds in the balance 4 parameters they will be filtered out.

(ix) If the answers to any question based on appraisal findings do not squarely fit
within any of the options in the scoring schema, the score can be given on the basis
of option from the scoring schema that appraisal finding is closest to. If the appraisal
team is unsure about choosing a score between two options, it is advised to look at
the option for higher score first, and if the evidence available falls short of satisfying
the conditions for that score, the score must be given from the lower scoring options,
with reasons supported by evidence.

(x) While the scoring for SQ6, SQ9, SQ11, SQ14 and SQ17 of Scorecard 1 under
parameter ‘Placement’ needs to be done on an aggregate basis for all trades that are
included in the analysis, any exceptional deviances noticed in specific trades or
courses that PIA applicant has applied for should be noted separately with any risks
identified. For instance, it is possible that on the basis of placement data of three
different trades, the average placement is found to be 72%. However, if placement
data for one of the trades is 55%, this should be noted separately, even though the
score for SQ9 should still be given on the basis of aggregate data of three trades.

Example 1: SQ1 of Scorecard 1 asks: Who is accountable for various KPIs at middle
and senior management level in the organization? If, in a given PIA applicant,
accountability is defined for some KPIs but not all KPIs, the PIA applicant will receive
a score of 4 in SQ1..

Example 2: SQ18 of Scorecard 1 asks: How is interaction between the candidates and
employers facilitated? Are any guest lectures, campus visits, site visits for students
organized? If, in a given PIA applicant, each batch verified has met two employers
through campus visits or site visits, the PIA applicant will get a score of 6.

(xi) Where a PIA already has a sanctioned DDU-GKY project, where CTSA/SRLM
has conducted placement verification as per DDU-GKY SOP for atleast 30 candidates,
need not be conducted placement verification for SQ9 and other applicable questions
of Scorecard 1. In such case, PAA may enclose the placement verification report for
30 candidates as evidence and take decision based on it. However, PAA has the
discretionary power to decide on it.

(xii) At any point of time of appraisal, if the appraisers identify risks that have not
been covered in the qualitative appraisal toolkit, the appraisal team should cover these
in their report as well.

(xiii) The score obtained from project appraisal must be entered online by
SRLM/State Skill Mission (in case of AP states) or the CTSA (in case of YP states).

2.7.3 Once Qualitative Appraisal conducted for a Project application by a PIA
applicant in a State under the DDU-GKY/Roshni/Himayat, other applications by the
same applicant in other States may or need not undergone through Qualitative
Appraisal again. However, it would be conducted if State/Ministry intended to do so,
the reason could be like PIA applicant proposes to conduct training under the trades
which is not appraised through Qualitative Appraisal for that PIA applicant in the past;
State identified risks including fiduciary risks, risk in achieving project outcomes,
provide quality employment opportunities and quality training to DDU-GKY candidates
of the State.

2.7.4 Project application submitted by Champion employer, and projects for Industrial
internship need not undergo Qualitative appraisal process. However, State may
decide to conduct it on either all applications of an applicant or in specific case specific.

2.7.5 Measure of capability: The project appraisal tool gives a measure of PIA
applicant’s current capability, its fit to undertake and run a successful, criteria and rule
based operations. It does not give a measure of a PIA applicant’s performance on
DDU-GKY Guidelines or SOP, if it has not already worked with DDU-GKY. It is not
expected at the appraisal stage that PIA applicant’s processes are in compliance with
that of DDU-GKY guidelines and SOP. Therefore, absence of past implementation of
DDU-GKY SOPs does not have to be a constraint.

2.7.6 Function over form: Throughout the toolkit, terms have been used to capture
the essence of what they represent, and these terms are not restrictive. For instance,
the candidate feedback might be known by another name, but this should not deflect
or distract the appraisal team. Similarly, the project head might be known by another
name, but she should be asked all the questions that the appraisal team would
otherwise ask someone who heads skilling projects for the PIA applicant. KPIs (key
performance indicators) may not be called KPIs, but may be called, say, results
parameters. In other words, the objectives and spirit of the qualitative appraisal is more
important than differences in use of language.

2.7.7 In case the PIA applicant plans to outsource any of the activities to a partner
organization or if the application is made as a consortium, the relevant functions of the
partner organizations need be appraised as if they were a part of the PIA applicant.
For instance, if placement services are outsourced, the interviews of placement

officers of the partner organization will be conducted as if they were a part of the PIA
applicant. If there is a consortium where one partner commits to provide bridge funding
between tranches, the same should be considered for scoring based on working
capital cover.

2.7.8 Sampling of candidates for placement verification through tele-calling should

be random, and a record of the randomization should be kept. A randomization
software can be used, or a function in a spreadsheet software can also be used.

2.7.9 Based on findings of the placement verification, the placement percentage

claimed by the PIA applicant may need to be adjusted. For example, if an PIA applicant
claims to have placed 800 candidates out of 1000 that they have trained, and in the
course of physical verification of 30 randomly selected candidates only 27 are found
to have been placed, this difference should be extrapolated to the rest of the data set.
This would mean that for the purpose of scoring SQ9 of Scorecard 1, number of placed
candidates would be considered to be 800 x 27/30, i.e. 720. Thus, the placement
percentage for the purpose of SQ9 of Scorecard 1 would be 72%.

2.7.10 Filing, storing of records relating to Qualitative Apprasial, and archiving of

records would be governed by records management procedures of Government of
India, and require storage until otherwise specified by MoRD. These records would be
fully subject to audit by Government of India.

3. Appraisal Report

3.1 The report for project appraisal should have following sections, in the given
order. Additions can be made to this by the appraisers, but none of the sections should
be dropped.

(i) Executive summary and Final Recommendation

(ii) Score card (as applicable)

(iii) Brief overview of project application, vision and mission of the organization,
organizational background, description of previous experience, description of
promoters, directors and senior management team, industry analysis and skills gap

(iv) Detailed Findings as per the Questions Sheets.

(v) Annexures to be attached-

Annexure 1 – Technical Score
Annexure 2 – Priority Score
Annexure 3 – Project Application and results of desk verification.
Annexure 4 – Additional information and evidence collected. All the
evidence should be labelled /coded/numbered and referenced in the scoring
matrices, and saved with that label/code/number.
(vi) Report should be sent to SRLM (in case of AP state) or MoRD (in case of YP
(vii) In case of YP states, SRLM’s /SSM’s will be required to commit their share at
the beginning of financial year based on the training target allocated to each of
the states. The yearly commitment of state share funds will provide a plan of
action for the year and also expedite the process of fund disbursement
subsequently. Further, in case of YP project, if the State Government does not
recommend the project, the application shall be rejected and information placed
before EC.

4. Application disposal
4.1 An application:
(i) Which has completed Qualitative Appraisal, or
(ii) has been rejected in Qualitative appraisal (due to non-furnishing of
appraisal fees or documents), or
(iii) in case of Champion Employer and project for Industry Internship has
cleared Initial screening, or
(iv) has been rejected in Initial screening,
shall be placed before the Empowered Committee for NRLM (in case of projects
in YP States) and Project Approval Committee (PAC) (in case of AP state) for
disposal. In case an application has been rejected in Initial screening, the same
shall be placed before EC/PAC only for information. Disposal means either
approval or rejection of a project application.
4.2 EC/PAC may be held once in a month and frequency could be increased as
per requirement to dispose as many applications. Project appraisal reports shall
be ready prior to EC/PAC.

Annexure I
List of Mandatory documents to be uploaded for Initial Screening (as

Sl.No Annexure Name of the Annexure Document accepted

1 P1 Copy of MoU with MoRD as Only a copy of a valid MoU on
Champion employer date of application, signed
between applicant PIA with
Ministry of Rural Development
shall be accepted
2 P2 Self-certification for training SFP2 as given in Appendix I
3 P3 Copy of letter of Documentary evidence
accreditation from NAAC regarding CGPA score awarded
by NAAC to PIA in last two
4 P4 Copy of agreement with A valid MoU document or any
NSDC and applicant other formal document and
organization for equity or amendment thereof issued by
loan or non-funding NSDC which shows partnership
partnership with PIA applicant
5 P6 Copy of Letter of Affiliation Letter or any other document
to University showing affiliation granted to the
PIA by a University, duly created
by Legislature having
6 P7 Sanction letter from UGC A letter or any other document
for grants showing receipt of funds from
UGC in the last two years
7 P8 Sanction letters From A letter or any other document
AICTE for grants showing receipt of funds from
AICTE in the last two years
8 P9 Copy of Certification of a A copy of certificate issued by
trained candidate by DGT/ DGT/ SSC/ NSQF aligned
SSC agency to candidate trained by
applicant PIA.
9 P15 Manual detailing Standard PIAs manual to be uploaded
operating procedure for
training activities
10 P17 Proof for ITR ITR acknowledgement given by
acknowledgement Income Tax Department for
latest three Assessment Years

AY ( in case of consortium for
11 P18 CA Certificate of Statutory SFP18 as given in Appendix
Auditor/ Annual Auditor, II, for latest three years (in case
supported by Balance sheet of consortium for both)
and Profit and Loss account
12 P20 Copies of Sanction order for Sanction order/ letter of work
previous skills and training order issued to PIA in last five
projects years
13 P21 Client Certificate for SFP21 as given in Appendix III,
previous skills and training. or any other formal document
Project closure certificate issued by Client substantiating
for closed/ fore closed the same a
projects. payment sanction order issued
by the client. Previous includes
Ongoing projects.
14 P22 Employer Certificate for SFP22 as given in Appendix IV
Overseas Placement
15 P23 Certificate for captive SFP23 as given in Appendix V
16 A13 Scanned copy or the Legible and clear copy with
Screen-shot of the transaction id and amount
NEFT/RTGS transaction details
made for application fee
17 A1 Letter of Intent from SFA1 as given in Appendix VI
Potential Employer (s)
18 A2.1 MoU between Outsourcing Only a copy of a valid MoU
Partner and the applicant between PIA and Outsourcing
Organization agency on date of application
19 A2.2 Registration Certificate as Valid Legal certificate issued by
Legal entity of the concerned authority
Outsourcing Partner

Annexure II
Bank Details for States /SRLM /SSM’s *
Account Holder
Sr.No State Bank Name Bank Account No IFSC Address Agency Name
Andhra Joint Chief Executive GENERATION
1 Andhra Bank 053310100055548 ANDB0000533 Saifabad, Hyderabad
Pradesh Officer AND MARKETING
Patna Secretariat Bihar Rural
Chief Executive State Bank Of
2 Bihar 34256239692 SBIN0000153 Sinchai Bhawan Livelihoods
Officer India
Branch Promotion Society
Gujarat Livelihood
Sector 22,
3 Gujarat Managing Director Dena Bank 030810030453 BKDN0130308 Promotion
Gandhinagar Gujarat
4 Karnataka Executive Director Canara Bank 0431101206814 CNRB0000431 Cunningham LIVELIHOOD
road,19/7 (CBS) PROMOTION
Micro Finance Branch,
5 Kerala Executive Director Canara Bank 3343101003140 CNRB0003343 Paruthippara,
Kokan Bhavan, Groun
Maharashtra State
Maharasht State Bank Of Floor, South wing,
6 Mission Director 35155678694 SBIN0006240 Rural Livelihoods
ra India CIDCO Bhavan,CBD
Belapur, Navi Mumbai
7 Odisha Executive Director Axis Bank 911010056173590 UTIB0001409 Branch,Khandagiri
ICICI Bank, Sector Punjab Skill
8 Punjab Mission Director ICICI Bank 360701000133 ICIC0003607 10D, Sector 10D, Development
Chandigarh Mission Society
Rajasthan Skill and
State Bank Of
Jhalana Doongari, Livelihoods
9 Rajasthan Mission Director Bikaner and 61217318560 SBBJ0011014
Jaipur Development
Chief Executive I.O.B Valluvar Kottam TNVRC Skill and
10 Tamilnadu Overseas 227401000005555 IOBA0002274
Officer Branch Placement Cell
11 Telangana Andhra Bank 110310100021222 ANDB0001103
Uttar Bank Of Secretariat Branch,
12 Mission Director 6840100023680 BARB0NISHAT DEVELOPMENT
Pradesh Baroda UP Civil Sectetariat
Deen Dayal Jammu and
Jammu & Upadhya-Gramin Kashmir State
13 J&K Bank 1237010200000013 JAKA0TRCSGR Branch TRC, Srinagar
Kashmir Kaushalya Rural Livelihoods
Yojana(Himayat), Mission
Chief Executive United Bank of Tripura Rural
14 Tripura 0258010520478 UTBI0AGT201 Agartala
Officer India Livelihood Mission
Assam Gramin Vikash Assam State Rural
State Mission Assam Gramin
15 Assam 7291010034663 UTBI0RRBAGB Bank, Panjabari Livelihood Mission
Directoer Vikash Bank
Branch Society
HPMC Building, 2nd
Himachal Chief Executive
16 UCO Bank 09810110038390 UCBA0000981 floor, Nigam Vihar HP SRLM
Pradesh Officer
Director, State Barapani, P O State Institute of
Meghalay Institute of Rural Umaiam, 793103 Ri Rural
17 SBI 35870338017 SBIN0002010
a Development (DDU- Bhoi District Development,
GKY) Meghalaya, Meghalaya
Paschim Banga
West Chief Executive Bhowanipore Branch,
18 ICICI Bank 627501215752 ICICI0006275 Society for Skill
Bengal Officer Kolkata, Branch
Chief Executive State Bank Of
19 Mizoram 36458443355 SBIN0016361 DEPTT BUILDG Rural Livelihood
Officer India
Madhya Punjab Bhopal Branch, EPCO
20 CEO 6310000100004230 PUNB0631000 MPRAF
Pradesh National Bank SHAHPURA-631000
Chief Executive
21 Jharkhand Bank of India 499810110001606 BKID0004998 Secretariat, Ranchi JSLPS

Account Holder
Sr.No State Bank Name Bank Account No IFSC Address Agency Name
Chattisgar Chief Executive Union Bank of Telibandha Branch,
22 727402010000174 UBIN0572748 CGASS
h Officer India G.E.Road, Raipur,

Deen Dayal
Upadhaya Gramin M.G. Road, Gangtok,
23 Sikkim Axis Bank 916010023833459 UTIB0000112 Sikkim SRLM
Kaushal Yojna Sikkim

Nagaland State
State Bank of Branch-Nagaland
24 Nagaland NSRLM,DDU-GKY 36609481959 SBIN0010671 Rural Livelihoods
India Secretariat Branch
Kangla Park Road,
Manipur State Rural Manipur State
Bank of Imphal Municipal
25 Manipur Livelihoods Mission 60270826020 MAHB0001640 Rural Livelihoods
Maharashtra Office, Imphal West,
DDUGKY Funds Mission
Department of
Uttrakhan Chief Executive Bank of 65, RAJPUT ROAD Rural
26 88010001716 BARBODEHRA
d Officer Baroda DEHRADUN Development,

* All the above account details have been taken from PFMS as submitted by respective

Annexure III
Criteria for Priority Scoring

S. Project Proposal Types Proposal Score

No. (based on PIA


1 A project in which the PIA commits to provide 500 or more 1400 500 200
overseas jobs annually at a minimum salary of USD500 or
more per month or minimum wages as applicable in that
country, whichever is higher

2 A project by a Champion Employer 1300 NA NA

3 A project by a Captive employer providing placements in 500 1200 400 100

or more jobs to candidates annually in own or subsidiary
agencies/ companies

4 A project for Industrial Internship for a minimum of 500 or 1100 300 0

more candidates for a period of 12 months with subsequent
placement for at least 75% of such interns

5 A project for a minimum of 100 or more candidates which 1000 300 0

provides a long-term course of more than 12 months duration,
where Government funds the cost for 12 months and the PIA
bears the remaining cost of the course

6 A project by an eligible Educational Institute of high repute 900 NA NA

with a minimum score of 3.50 on CGPA out of 4.00 in NAAC
grading or is a Community College receiving funding from
UGC or AICTE in the last two years

7 A project by a PIA who has completed three or more projects 800 NA NA

under Aajeevika Skills (or SGSY-SP) in the last 5 years

8 A project by a PIA who has given training to 20000 700 NA NA
beneficiaries and has provided placement to 75% trainees
during the previous 5 years

9 Any other project by a Category A PIA 600 NA NA

10 A project which provides assured foreign placements for 200 600 500 200
or more candidates annually at a minimum salary of USD500
or more per month or minimum wages as applicable in that
country, whichever is higher

11 A project by a captive employer providing placements in 200 600 400 100

or more jobs to candidates annually in own or subsidiary
agencies/ companies

12 Any Project by a Category B PIA NA 300 NA

13 Any Project by a Category C PIA NA NA 0

2. However, subject to above priority scoring the minimum score that can be
obtained by a PIA is as below:

Category Minimum Marks

Category A 600
Category B 300
Category C 0

Annexure IV
Weights allocated to various criteria for Technical scores

Main Criteria Weight Sub-Criteria Weight Parameters Weight for

for main for sub- parameters
criteria criteria

Financial 21% Financial 63% Average Annual 100%

profile Turnover for Financial turnover of
Applicant/Conso Applicant/Financial
rtium partners Lead Partner in last 3
Financial 37% Average Annual 40%
Networth for Financial Networth of
Applicant/Conso Applicant/Financial
rtium partners Lead Partner
The number of FYs 30%
Lead partner has
negative networth in
Last 3 FYs
Does 30%
Lead partner have
negative networth in
any of last 3 FY
Proposal 40% Proposed 15% No. of Candidates 50%
Overseas proposed for
Placements Overseas Placement
Minimum Salary 50%
assured for Foreign
Placements (in USD)
Proposed 15% No. of Candidates 50%
Captive proposed for Captive
Placements Placement
Minimum Salary 50%
assured for Captive
Placements (in INR)
Proposed 60% No of candidates 33%
Training and proposed for training
Percentage of 34%
placement assured
Minimum Salary 33%
assured for
placement (in INR)
10% Average Course 40%

Main Criteria Weight Sub-Criteria Weight Parameters Weight for
for main for sub- parameters
criteria criteria

Proposed Percentage of 40%

Training candidates to be
Course(s) trained in residential
Will trained 20%
candidates be
receiving an
certification approved
by MoRD?
Previous Skill 37% Overseas 22% No of Overseas 50%
Experience Placements Placements done in
last 2 years by
Applicant partner
Minimum Salary for 50%
placed candidates by
Applicant partner
Captive 22% No of Captive 100%
placements Placements done in
last 2 years by
Applicant partner
Training and 54% No of candidates 40%
Placement trained by applicant
Experience PIA in last 5 years
No of candidates 20%
placed by applicant
PIA out of trained (in
Percentage of 20%
candidates placed out
of those trained (in
section D3.2)
No of candidates 10%
trained in applied
state by applicant PIA
No of candidate 10%
trained in applied
trade(s) by applicant
Certification and 2% Has the 100%
Assessment applicant/consortium
trained any
candidates certified
aligned ?

Main Criteria Weight Sub-Criteria Weight Parameters Weight for
for main for sub- parameters
criteria criteria

Training 2% Policy Manuals 100% Does the applicant 100%

Infrastructure PIA have a manual
detailing standards
operating procedure
for training activities?

Total 100%

Basis the weights assigned above, the maximum possible score for each criterion
under technical scoring of the project proposal under DDU-GKY is detailed below:

Maximum weightage
Sr. No. Criteria / Sub-criteria Possible within
Marks Section/Sub-
A Financial Profile 21.08 21%

A1 Financial Turnover for Applicant/Consortium partners 13.18 63%

Average Annual Financial turnover of

A1.1 13.18 100%
Applicant/Financial Lead Partner in last 3 FYs

A2 Financial Networth for Applicant/Consortium partners 7.90 37%

Average Annual Financial Networth of

A2.1 3.16 40%
Applicant/Financial Lead Partner

The number of FYs Applicant/Financial Lead partner

A2.2 2.37 30%
has negative networth in Last 3 FYs

Does Applicant/Financial Lead partner have negative

A2.3 2.37 30%
networth in any of last 3 FY
B Proposal 39.56 40%
B1 Proposed Overseas Placements 5.94 15%

B1.1 No. of Candidates proposed for Overseas Placement 2.97 50%

Minimum Salary assured for Foreign Placements (in

B1.2 2.97 50%
B2 Proposed Captive Placements 5.94 15%

B2.1 No. of Candidates proposed for Captive Placement 2.97 50%

Minimum Salary assured for Captive Placements (in

B2.2 2.97 50%

Maximum weightage
Sr. No. Criteria / Sub-criteria Possible within
Marks Section/Sub-
B3 Proposed Training and Placement Target 23.73 60%

B3.1 No of candidates proposed for training 7.83 33%

B3.2 Percentage of placement assured 8.07 34%

B3.3 Minimum Salary assured for placement (in INR) 7.83 33%

B4 Proposed Training Course(s) 3.95 10%

B4.1 Average Course Duration (per Proposed Candidate) 1.58 40%

Percentage of candidates to be trained in residential

B4.2 1.58 40%

Will trained candidates be receiving an international

B4.3 0.79 20%
certification approved by MoRD?

C Previous Skill Experience 36.38 37%

C1 Overseas Placements 7.90 22%
No of Overseas Placements done in last 2 years by
C1.1 3.95 50%
Applicant partner
Minimum Salary for placed candidates by Applicant
C1.2 3.95 50%
C2 Captive placements 7.91 22%
No of Captive Placements done in last 2 years by
C2.1 7.91 100%
Applicant partner
C3 Training and Placement Experience 19.77 54%
No of candidates trained by applicant PIA in last 5
C3.1 7.91 40%
No of candidates placed by applicant PIA out of
C3.2 3.95 20%
trained (in D3.2)
Percentage of candidates placed out of those trained
C3.3 3.95 20%
(in section D3.2)
No of candidates trained in applied state by applicant
C3.4 1.98 10%
No of candidate trained in applied trade(s) by
C3.5 1.98 10%
applicant PIA
C4 Certification and Assessment 0.80 2%

Maximum weightage
Sr. No. Criteria / Sub-criteria Possible within
Marks Section/Sub-
Has the applicant/consortium trained any candidates
C4.1 0.8 100%
certified by NCVT/SSC/NSQF aligned ?
D Training Infrastructure 1.98 2%
D1 Policy Manuals** 1.98 100%

Does the applicant PIA have a manual detailing

D1.1 1.98 100%
standards operating procedure for training activities?

**In the case of Consortium this will be evaluated only

for Applicant PIA

Annexure V
PIA applicant has already conducted for at least 1 year, courses compliant to
NCVT’s MES or SSCs’ QP-NOS or NSQF. These may include programs that were
placement linked or otherwise.
Applicable for
Max Score applicants that Score as
Parameter Sub Parameter (Minimum have not worked per the
score is 0) Score
in placement appraisal
linked programs
RQ2: Experience of Promoters
Organization 10
and Management Team
SQ1: Accountability for KPIs 10
SQ18: Employer Engagement:
Interaction with Candidates
RQ14: Arrangements with
Training potential employers
Delivery and SQ20 : Teaching and Learning
Infrastructure Material: Usefulness of teaching 10
and learning material
SQ24: Training of Trainers 10
SQ25: Salaries of Trainers 10
SQ6: Placement Team 10 NA
SQ9: Process Results:
10 NA
Placement Percentages
Placement SQ11: Process Results:
10 NA
Candidates Salaries
SQ14: Process of Placement
10 NA
SQ17: Employer's Feedback 10 NA
SQ2: Internal Audit 10
RQ12: Review of Performance
Quality in DDU-GKY/ Other skilling 10
Assurance projects
RQ 18: Management
Information System (MIS)
RQ5: CIBIL Score 10
SQ21: Net Working Capital 10
RQ8: Auditor Comments in
Financial 10
Audited financial statements
SQ22: Debt Servicing Capability 10
RQ9: Statutory Payments and

Annexure VI
PIA applicant has no experience in skilling at all, or may have conducted some form
of skilling not compliant with NCVT’s MES or SSCs’ QP-NOS or NSQF, or may have
conducted courses compliant to NCVT’s MES or SSCs’ QP-NOS or NSQF for less
than 1 year, or may have provided only placements to candidates but not skilling.
Max Score as
Parameter Sub Parameter Score per the
(Minimum Score
score is 0) appraisal
SQ1: Experience of Investors and
SQ2: Experience of Top Management 10
AQ3: Approach : Accountability for
SQ4: Internal In-service training
AQ16: Arrangements with potential
Delivery and 10
AQ20: Training of trainers 10

RQ 5:Review data of past


AQ7: Approach: Placement Team 10

SQ7: Quality of Jobs 10

AQ10: Approach: Placement Support 10

AQ19: Management Information

Quality System (MIS)
Assurance RQ7: Quality Assurance & Internal
Audit Mechanism

RQ2: CIBIL Score 10

SQ10: Networking Capital 10

Financial RQ3: Auditor Comments in Audited

Strength financial statements

SQ11: Debt Servicing Capability 10

RQ4 : Statutory Payments and


Appendix I: SFP2: Self-certification for training institution

< LETTER HEAD of the Applicant Organization >

Date: ______


This is to certify that our Organization, ___________ <Organization name> with

headquarters ________________ <Address> has been engaged in the business of
skilling and vocational training of the following trades’


Signature of authorized person:

Seal of the company:
Date: _____________
Place: ____________

Appendix II : ** Important note on financial details :

Audited Financials Include: Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account and all
Annexures as per schedule VI of Companies Act, 2013
1. If user’s organization is not a NSDC partner, user has to mandatorily fill minimum
three years of audited financial year details. If user’s organization is a NSDC partner,
user has to mandatorily fill one year of audited financial year details.
2. The latest three financial years audited details (wherever available) will be used for
calculating the eligibility conditions of PIA prescribed in guidelines
3. It is to be noted that the Financial Details of previous years become due by 30 th
September of the subsequent year
4. In case the online proposal is submitted after 30th of June, the financials should be
submitted for the 3 financial years immediately preceding the year of submission
Eg.1. Non-NSDC Partner : If a proposal is filed on 1st Aug 2017, the audited financials
to be submitted for FY:
2016-2017 , 2015-2016 , 2014-2015
NSDC Partner: If a proposal is filed on 1st Aug 2017, the audited financials to be
submitted for FY-XXXX-XXXX
In case the proposal is submitted on or before 30 th of June the financials should be
submitted for 3 financial year excluding the immediately preceding financial year
Eg.2. Non-NSDC Partner : If a proposal is made on 30th April 2017, the audited
financials will be required for FY:
2015-2016 , 2014-2015 ,2013-2014
NSDC Partner: If a proposal is made on 30th April 2017, the audited financials will be
required for FY:XXXX-XXXX

Appendix II : SFP18: CA Certificate of Statutory Auditor/ Annual Auditor

<LETTER HEAD of the CA firm >

Date: ______


Based on the books of Accounts, Audited Financial Statements and other information
for the financial years mentioned below, provided by the management, this is to certify
that year wise details for turnover and net worth for ___________ <Organization
name> are as below:

Financial Years Turnover (in Rs.) Net worth (in Rs.)


Charted Accountant Firm

Name of the CA (Partner) : ___________________

Membership No :______________________
Firm Registration No. (FRN) :______________________

Date: _____________
Place: ____________

Appendix III: SFP21: Client certificate / Project Closure Report (whichever is

<LETTER HEAD of Client>

Date: ______

The Client certificate should preferably contain the following information

1. Name of the applicant Organization
2. Project cost sanctioned
3. Project start date
4. Project Duration
5. Number of candidates trained
6. Number of candidates placed domestic
7. Minimum salary (in Rs.)
8. Project closure date, if any

Signature of competent authority:

Seal of the company:
Date: _____________
Place: ____________

Appendix IV: SFP22: Employer Certificate for Overseas Placement

<LETTER HEAD of the Employer>

Date: ______

Employer certificate should preferably contain the following information for each of
the last two financial years.
1. Name of the applicant Organization
2. Country wise number of candidates employed (via applicant Organization)
3. Minimum Salary (in USD)
4. Local salary
5. Details of the candidates placed
6. Contact details of the employer

Signature of competent authority:

Seal of the company:

Date: _____________
Place: ____________

Appendix V: SFP23: Certificate for Captive Placement

<LETTER HEAD of the Applicant Organization or its subsidiary >

Date: ______
Captive Placement Certificate should preferably contain the following information for
each of the last two financial years.
1. Name of Applicant Organization or its subsidiary
2. Number of People Employed
3. Minimum Salary (in Rs.)
4. Details of the candidates placed
5. Contact details of the employer / Subsidiary

Signature of competent authority:

Seal of the company:
Date: _____________
Place: ____________

Appendix VI: SFA1: Letter of Intent from prospective employers
<LETTER HEAD of the Employer >

Date: ______
The letter of intent (LOI) should preferably contain the following information
1. Name of the Applicant Organization
2. Validity of LOI
3. Preferred Sector
4. Proposed designations
5. Proposed Number to be employed
6. Proposed Gross Salary or CTC (in Rs.) at entry level

Signature of competent person:

Seal of the company:
Date: _____________
Place: ____________

Annexure VII
Question Sheet 1: For PIA applicants that have conducted MES/QP-NOS/NSQF compliant courses for at least 1 year
Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.

Organisation Strength

The promoters
/ Directors /
The promoters/
Directors / Chief The promoters /
The promoters / executives
Whether at least one of the executives have Directors / Chief
Directors / Chief have more
promoters, directors, or more than 5 executives have more
executives have than 5 years of
chief executives have more The promoters years of than 5 years of
more than 5 years experience
than 5 years overall DOC2: Description of / Directors / experience experience heading a
of experience heading a
experience and at least 2 experience of promoters, Chief heading a business venture and
heading a business
years in either providing directors, and chief executives business have experience of
business venture venture and
RQ skilling / training or executives and their have less than venture and two years or more in
1 and have no have
2 placements in captive experience in providing 5 years of have experience either providing
experience in experience of
employment or otherwise? skilling / training or experience of less than 2 skilling / training or
either providing 2 years or
Does the applicant placements in captive heading a years in either placements in captive
skilling / training more in either
demonstrate effective employment or otherwise. business providing employment or
or placements in providing
experience or have access to venture. skilling / training otherwise (including
captive skilling /
experience parallel to or placements experience of working
employment or training or
project with DDU-GKY? in captive under DDU-GKY
otherwise. placements in
employment or umbrella).
or otherwise.

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
DOC8: Organisation chart
with names (if available),
designations and KPIs that Accountability is
Who is accountable for Accountability is Accountability is
each person is responsible defined for some
various KPIs at middle and defined for defined for all Accountability is
for, with respect to skilling KPIs but not for
senior management level in No clarity on some KPIs, with KPIs with job defined for all KPIs
operations. Description of all.
the organisation? accountability job description, description, but with job description,
what standards or bands Job description is
for KPIs and but not all and specific with specific
SQ have been defined for each not provided for
2 Note: Are the job job description specific standards / standards / bands/
1 KPI. trainers, project
Descriptions defined for of senior standards/Mea Measurable Measurable
manager, training
trainers, project manager, management/ surable parameters Parameters having
Note: Document 8 should centre in charge,
training center in charge, trainers. parameters have not been been defined for all
include Job descriptions of mobilisation head
mobilisation head, having been defined for all KPIs.
trainers, project managers at and placement
placement head defined KPIs.
PIA HQ, training center in head.
charge, mobilisation head
and placement head.

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.

Training Infra & Delivery

How is interaction between

the candidates and
Some interaction
employers facilitated? Are
has been
any guest lectures, campus
organised over
visits, site visits for students DOC46: Description of
the last few
organised? processes for engagement
months but not
with employers on for
for every batch.
Additionally: During the facilitating interaction of Each batch Each batch
appraisal, cross check by candidates and employers. No evidence verified has met verified has met Each batch verified
Note: Default
verifying whether guest or at least two at least three has met at least four
SQ score of 4 for
3 lectures have been included DOC47: Please quote specific confirmation employers employers employers through
18 those
in the session plan or not. examples of events for interaction through campus through campus campus visits or site
organisations that
Also ask the candidates of organised and reference is found. visits or site visits or site visits.
have not worked
current batches if sessions them with dates, which visits. visits.
in placement
have been conducted or not batches did the employers
linked programs,
for their batches. If no meet, and names of
if the
current batches are running, employers' representatives.
obtain information of
proposes an
interaction for last 3
batches, and confirm with

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
Which are the employers DOC48: Details of
a. Proof of tie-ups
that will hire the DDU-GKY prospective employers of
with potential
candidates? Are there DDU-GKY candidates, if a. No proof of
a. Proof of tie- employers and the
arrangements in place with already identified (along tie-ups with
ups with agreements are
those employers for with written agreements potential
a. Details of tie- potential signed in last month
potential recruitment? with prospective employers employers
ups with potential employers and and complete
if the arrangement is have been
employers or the agreements analysis have bend
Additionally: During the documented, and contact found in place
internal a. Proof of tie- have been on projections of
appraisal, cross verify details).
workforce ups with signed in past 6 employment as per
arrangements with potential b. No credible
requirement is potential months. recent analysis.
employers. Check if the DOC49: Skills gap and skill gap
provided; employers Internal
additional supply that DDU- industry analysis for the analysis
however, the though workforce Note: Internal
GKY creates can be proposed trades and conducted by
written agreements are requirement is workforce
absorbed, does it replace geographies. The analysis applicant PIA.
agreement does aged. Internal done with requirement in case
RQ another skilling operation, or should make a case for why
4 not exist. workforce forecast on of captive
14 is there fresh demand. Check the PIA applicant wants to c. The
Requirement future employment, is after
if there are adequate conduct training in a given potential
Note: In case of claims are done requirements sound analysis by the
potential recruiters for DDU- trade and the given state, employer has
captive post consulting based on recent organisation and the
GKY candidates, so that each reason for entry in the state not been
employment, the demands past. HR after referring to
candidate will be offered at if the PIA applicant has not involved in the
business and projected business
least two jobs. skilled people in the state development
projections have requirements of b. Skills gap and for the year.
before, demand for those of training
not been referred HR in the past. industry analysis
In case of captive employers, skills, current scenario and program,
to while making for the b. Skills gap and
please consider their current supply of skills, future course
claims of proposed trades industry analysis for
and projected revenue and growth, economic factors, content or
employment and geographies the proposed trades
workforce strength to assess industry changes, teaching
have been and geographies
if they will be able to absorb technological shifts, risks etc. learning
conducted have been
the skilled candidates, as material
proposed. DOC40: Description of
employers that have been

Have the employers been involved in development of c. The potential
involved in the development training program, course employer has been
of training program, course content or teaching learning involved in the
content or teaching learning material, or OJTs that have development of
material or have given their been arranged in the past, training program,
assent to it in its current and the number of people course content or
form? that these employers have teaching learning
hired in the past 1 year. material
Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
Note: OJT should be counted
towards employers'
involvement in development
of training program and
course content.

Additionally: During the

appraisal, check if there are
any instances where changes
in course content have been
based on employers'
feedback. Cross check with

DOC53: Copies of 1. Syllabus,
2. Activity cum lesson
planner with session plans
A. Is there complete batch
for trades for which the PIA
schedule with daily activity
has applied, 3. Trainer's
cum lesson planner with
guide (domain specific), 4.
clear break up of theory
Facilitator's guide (general
sessions, practical sessions,
training guidance), and 5.
mock exercises and OJT for
Trainee Guide.
courses proposed?
DOC54: Confirmation of
B. Is the curriculum and No questions Two questions
SQ whether the curriculum and One question is All three questions
5 teaching learning material are answered N/A are answered
20 teaching and learning answered Yes are answered Yes
for all proposed courses is Yes Yes
material is ratified by the
ratified by the respective
respective SSC/NCVT.
DOC55: Confirmation
C. Is the bilingual training
regarding languages in which
content and TLM available
teaching and learning
for all proposed courses,
material is available in for
including IT, English,
proposed courses, including
Numeracy and Soft skills?
domain skills, Information
Technology, English,
Numeracy and Soft Skills.

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
All hired
trainers have
DOC68: Description of undergone TOT All hired trainers
processes for training-the- program at have undergone TOT
Is there a standardised programs
trainers in the PIA, and least once, but program at least
internal or an external have been
SQ details of any training there is no once, and there is
6 training-of-trainer program conducted for N/A N/A
24 programs conducted that dedicated dedicated approach
for capacity building and any of the
the trainers currently with approach for for continuous
certification of trainers? domain and
PIA applicant have gone continuous capacity building of
other trainers.
through. capacity trainers.
building of
vii. Average
i. Data not
gross monthly
available, or iii. Average gross
salary for a ix. Average gross
average gross monthly salary of v. Average gross
trainer is Rs. monthly salary for a
monthly salary all full time monthly salary
27,000, Lead trainer is 40,000,
What are the proposed for trainers is trainers is Rs. of full time
trainers are Lead trainer is Rs.
salaries of domain trainers less than Rs. 12,000-14,999 (3 trainer is Rs.
DOC69: Details of salaries paid 33,000- paid 50,000-59,999
(for technical skills, other 8,000 (1 point) points) 21,000-26,999
paid to current domain 39,999 (7 (9 points)
SQ than English, IT, soft skills (5 points)
7 trainers and other trainers, points)
25 and numeracy) and are they ii. Average iv. Average gross
and proposed salaries for x. Average gross
considered appropriate to gross monthly monthly salary of vi. Average
DDU-GKY trainers. viii Average monthly salary for a
attract good talent in the salary for all trainer full gross monthly
gross salary for trainer is above
market? trainers is Rs. time and part salary is Rs.
trainer is 33000. 40000, Lead trainer
8,000-11,999 time is Rs. 27,000-32,999
Lead trainer is above Rs. 60,000 (10
(2 points) 15,000-18,999 (4 (6 points)
paid Rs. 40,000- points)
49,999 (8

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.


DOC21: Description of
process of staying in touch
with placed candidates and
obtaining their feedback and
Does the placement team
pain areas, and approach to
contact placed candidates
providing post placement
regularly to identify their
support and being in touch
pain areas/obtain their There is no A team contacts A team contacts
with candidates to ensure
feedback, and coordinates team that A team contacts placed placed candidates
better retention of
provision of requisite contacts placed candidates candidates consistently as per a
candidates after placement.
support? placed infrequently and consistently as defined schedule,
SQ Details of team members
8 Additionally: During the candidates coordinates N/A per a defined and obtains
6 who contact placed
appraisal, specifically check and requisite support, schedule and information on
candidates including details
the evidence and record for coordinates or support is coordinates specific parameters
regarding Email ID or
scheduled and structured requisite inadequate. requisite and coordinates
helpline number is also
implementation of a defined support. support. requisite support.
required. Telephone records
approach to contacting
substantiating calls made to
candidates. Confirm with
candidate numbers in last 3
past trainees.
months and details of PIA
hotline (email/ helpline
number) should also be

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
What is the average DOC27: Candidate wise data
placement percentage for current/past projects
(percent of trained students with names, phone numbers,
that found employment) for initial employers names,
the batches that finished employer address, latest
training in last 1 year in known employer name,
placement linked programs? starting salaries, latest
known salary, whether
Note: For the placement appeared for assessment or
percentage to be calculated, not, permanent/family
use the number of people address of the candidate,
who found employment as result in external i. Data not
numerator, and number of assessments - across the available, or
iii. Placed 41-49% v. Placed 56- vii. Placed 66- ix. Placed 81-90% (9
people who were trained country. placed less
(3 points) 60% (5 points) 70% (7 points) points)
SQ after batch freezing as a Notes: 1. These data should than 30% (1
9 denominator. During the be for those candidates that point)
iv. Placed 50-55% vi. Placed 61- viii. Placed 71- x. Placed 91-100%
appraisal, appraisal team to enrolled in the training
(4 points) 65% (6 points) 80% (8 points) (10 points)
contact 30 randomly program and did not drop ii. Placed 31-
selected candidates from out before batch freeze. 40% (2 points)
placement data provided, 2. If possible, these data
and confirm the authenticity should be for placement-
of the information of linked training programs
employment and salaries. only.
(This can include meeting 3. These data should be
the candidates, their provided for those
families, employers.) sectors/trades with those
duration of courses (3
Qs for candidates should month, 6 month etc.) in
include: which the PIA applicant has
proposed projects, and if the

1. Who was your employer? proposed projects are in
2. What was your salary different trade or of a
immediately after different duration than those
employment? 3. How long that the PIA applicant has
did you stay with your first experience in, data from the
employer? 4. What is your courses that best match the
current salary? 5. What are courses of proposed project
the benefits you receive? 6. should be used, and this
Feedback on training, should be noted in the risk
residential services, areas.
placement services, 4. These data may be
grievance redressal, obtained for batches that
responsiveness of trainers finished training 14 to 2
months before date of
project application, to allow
for job search period.

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
What is the average starting
salary for the batches that
finished training in last 1
year in placement linked

Note: Please use the figure

of cost to company for this
purpose. This may include
i. Data not
benefits like subsidized iii. Average vii. Average
available, or v. Average
meals, transport, residential starting salary is starting salary is
average starting salary is
services, and contributions Rs. Rs. 5,000- Rs. 12,000- ix. Average starting
starting salary Rs. 7,500-8999
to funds that can be 5,999 (3 points) 14,999 (7 salary is Rs. 20,000-
is less than Rs. (5 points)
encashed by the employee points) 24,999 (9 points)
SQ DOC27: Refer to the same 4,000 (1 point)
10 not conditional upon iv. Average
11 document asked for SQ9 vi. Average
duration of service. starting salary is viii. Average x. Average starting
ii. average starting salary is
Rs. 6,000-7499, (4 starting salary is salary is above Rs.
starting salary Rs. 9,000-
Note: Please note that points) Rs. 15,000- 25,000 (10 points)
is Rs. 4,000- 11,999 (6
you're likely to receive the 19,999 (8
4,999 (2 points)
cost-to-company points)
information from the PIA
applicant, whereas the
candidates are more likely to
give you the take-home
amount. This should not be
considered an inconsistency,
and both these data points
should be noted in the
appraisal report.

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
There is a
placement team
What has been PIAs
that sources
approach to provide
jobs for
placement support to There is a credible
There is a candidates, and Adequate
candidates in the past? pipeline of jobs
designated undertakes efforts are
clearly identified for
placement team efforts to source undertaken for
Additionally: During the There is no each batch at the
that sources jobs jobs, however, each batch
appraisal, verify the DOC35: Description of mechanism in time that the batch
for candidates, specific efforts during the
SQ description of these resources, processes and place to starts. PIA has clear
11 and undertakes for each batch training to
14 processes with actual their frequency to provide provide approaches to find
efforts to source are found source jobs,
activities that have been placement support. placement jobs better suited
jobs, however, lacking. e.g.: job melas,
conducted for the latest 3 support. based on candidates'
specific efforts for However, there OJTs with
batches (including current profile, location,
each batch are are some potential
batches that are running) by training, and
found lacking. 'repeat' employers etc.
interviewing participants experience.
employers that
claimed to be involved
have been
(employers, candidates etc.)
hiring from the
PIA for more
than 1 year.

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
What is the system of
recording the feedback of
the employers where
trained candidates are
DOC41: Description of
i) Feedback is i) Feedback is
Additionally: During the processes for taking
obtained for obtained for i) Feedback is
appraisal, obtain supporting employers' feedback on
each batch from each batch from obtained for each
evidence (Employer candidates hired and on i) Feedback has
No feedback is employers that employers that batch from
feedback in form of letter, e- training centers etc. been obtained
obtained from in aggregate in aggregate employers that in
SQ mail correspondence etc.) DOC44: Mention which for some batches
12 employers have employed have employed aggregate have
17 Cross check with employers employers have shared from some
over the last 1 more than 20% more than 30% employed more than
in case of lack of positive/negative feedback employers over
year. of candidates of candidates 50% of candidates
documentation. Check in past one year, and the the last 1 year.
placed by the placed by the placed by the PIA in
whether number of people these
PIA in last 1 PIA in last 1 last 1 year.
i) Metrics on employer employers have hired in the
year. year.
satisfaction are tracked for past 1 year.
last one year; and whether
ii) Ready documentation,
aggregation and analysis of
all the feedback received is

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.

Quality Assurance
1. Skilling
operations are
subject to
DOC10: Process of internal internal audit
or quality audit for skilling conducted by a
operations. Please mention team within the
Is there a process of name of the organisation organisation,
1. There is no 1. Internal audit is 1. Skilling operations
independent internal or that conducts internal audit, but
process of non-independent are subject to
quality audit for existing and names of current independent of
internal or (i.e. conducted by independent internal
SQ skilling operations? During internal auditors, their the operations
13 quality audit those involved in NA audit conducted by a
2 the appraisal, obtain designations, and other tasks team.
for skilling the skilling team independent of
supporting evidence for that they handle in the
operations. operations) the PIA applicant.
independence of auditors. organisation. Note: For
existing DDU-
DOC11: Please submit the GKY PIAs, Q-
last internal audit report team would be
submitted by the auditors. an equivalent of
internal audit.

14 DOC29: For an existing PIA, For active For active For active For active For active projects,
Review of performance of
Performance report, includes projects projects Training projects, projects, There Applicant has
RQ PIA in DDU-GKY or other
Data on number of Training not initiated for less Shortfall of less is shortfall of achieved training
12 skilling projects, if it's
candidates trained and initiated after than 10% of than 10% as per less than 5% as and placement
already an existing PIA.
placed versus target in the 2 months of target till date agreed per agreed target as per agreed

sanction order to be disbursement and or placement prospective prospective prospective work
submitted by applicant. of first is less than 50% work schedule work schedule schedule
DOC30: Self declaration by instalment of the trained for training and for training and
the CEO/ COO/ Head of batch placement placement For projects more
Skilling Operations if any For projects target target than 3years old
DDU-GKY projects or other more than 3 For projects more Project targets
government skilling projects years old. than 3 years old For project allocated are
that have been foreclosed, Project targets Project targets more than 3 For projects achieved and
of any instances of were reduced were reduced and years old. more than 3 completion report
blacklisting, and until what by half but not yet 50% of the Project targets years old submitted (75% of
date is the blacklisting achieved allocated projects allocated were Project targets the projects
effective, and of any awaiting closure. achieved and allocated are awarded) and/or
bankruptcy proceedings completion achieved and project closure
initiated against the report completion certificate received
applicant. submitted for report
25% of the submitted for
projects 50% of the
Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
What is the information DOC58: Description of the Retrievable and
Retrievable and
system in place for skilling information system(s) or ERP readily traceable
Manual data is readily
operations, and what kind of in place for managing data is maintained
No maintained with traceable data is
information is maintained in operations and maintaining manually or on fully
information help of book maintained
its ambit? Is there a data across life cycle of the functional ERP
RQ system or ERP keeping or simple manually for
15 functional ERP available? training program. N/A system for
18 in place for excel sheets The candidates,
candidates, trainers
skilling data is restricted trainers training
Additionally: During the Refer to the exhaustive list training delivery and
operations to rudimentary delivery and
appraisal, check whether to check if the required data other aspects
candidate data other aspects
i. Individual files for is maintained: efficiently and
candidates, trainers, effectively. The

employers have been Exhaustive list: evidence of this can
maintained or not. i. Enrolment percentage of be provided
each batch, accurately for past
ii. Files for operational ii. Drop out percentage, two years of
performance and reports iii. Attendance of candidates functioning.
submitted to PIA HQ are and trainers,
maintained or not. iv. Performance of
candidates in formative
iii. For all management and assessments,
reporting throughout the v. Status of OJT conducted
skilling operations, is there for each student,
an ERP used, or are there vi. Performance of
independent systems used candidates in summative
by various functions, and assessments,
various locations? vii. Conversion rate from
candidates trained to
candidates taking
assessment tests,
Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
viii. Salaries of candidates,
ix. Placement percentages,
x. Candidate retention
duration with employers,
xi. Proportion of repeat
employers of the PIA's
xii. Placement status for up
to one year after candidates
have finished training,
xiii. Adherence to lesson plan
and training calendar,

xiv. Performance in projects
against targets and annual
action plan,
xv. Candidate satisfaction
and dissatisfaction


If one of the
promoter /
What are the CIBIL Scores of
director (WTD) If one of the
directors and promoters
of the promoter / WTD
during the last 6 months?
applicant has a of the applicant
Are there any scored lower
CIBIL score of has a CIBIL score If none of the
than 700, which would be an
DOC5: CIBIL scores of less than 650 in the range of promoter / WTD
indicator of risk?
directors and promoters. and if overall 650-700 and the of the applicant
average is less average score of has a CIBIL score If none of the If none of the
Note: CIBIL score of NA (Not
CIBIL SCORES for only Whole than 700 promoter / WTD less than 700 promoter / WTD promoter / WTD of
Available) or NH (No History)
time Directors & Promoters is 700-725 and the average of the applicant the applicant has a
RQ indicates that no risks have
16 required. If more than score is 700-725 has a CIBIL score CIBIL score less than
5 been identified. As per CIBIL
In case, there are more than 50% of If less than 50% less than 700 700 and the average
website, 79% of the loans
1 full time director or promoters / of promoters / If any promoter and the average score is more than
approved are for individuals
promoter, than an average WTD have a WTD have a score / WTD of the score is 725-750 750
with a score greater than
of the CIBIL score can be score of -1 or of -1 or 0 applicant has a
750. Where credit history is
rated 0 CIBIL score of 4
less than 6 months old, the
If any promoter / or 5
score is given between 1-5.
If any WTD of the
Here, a score of 3 denotes a
promoter / applicant has a
medium risk and score of 1-2
WTD of the CIBIL score of 3
denote high risk.
applicant has a
CIBIL score of
1 or 2

Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
What is the net working DOC59: CA certified Free
capital available, to sustain fund flow statement for last
gaps in releases of tranches? three years.
Given a tentative
prospective project work DOC60: PIA's projected free
schedule, please estimate fund flow statement for next
for how long is the net three years, reflecting
working capital cover quarterly or monthly balance
Available for Available for Available for
available to cover project of working capital.
less than 1 Available for less less than 5 less than 7 Available for less
expenses (after deducting
month (1 than 3 months (3 months (5 months (7 than 9 months (9
any adjustments to be made DOC61: Projected DDU-GKY
point) points) points) points) points)
SQ for negative cash flow as per project cash flow based on a
21 the projected cash flow tentative prospective project
Available for Available for less Available for Available for Available for more
statement), after the funds work schedule and release of
less than 2 than 4 months (4 less than 6 less than 8 than 9 months (10
given in first tranche under instalments (PPWS) for the
months (2 points) months (6 months (8 points)
DDU-GKY get exhausted and concerned project only.
points) points) points)
the physical and financial
eligibility for second tranche DOC60 and DOC61 to be
has been met, and before accompanied by a chartered
second instalment is accountant's statement
released. For the purpose of issued in line with SAE 3400
this calculation, the (AAS 35), “The Examination
projected working capital of Prospective Financial
figures can be used. Information”, issued by the

ICAI. (Available at
Note: Are there long term
debtors that affect the 15410Link45_3400SAE-
working capital? In your risk AAS35.pdf)
assessment, please calculate
the duration for which
working capital cover is
available, excluding debts
Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
owed to PIA applicant that
are older than 6 months.
During the appraisal, check
whether the PIA's free cash
flow of last three years lead
naturally to PIA's projected
cash flow? If not, how does
the PIA explain the projected
cash flow?
If the audit
report has
If the audit report
DOC12: Audited financial 'emphasis of
has qualified
statements for the last three If the audit matter' opinion
How frequent are the opinion in any of
fiscal years, along with, report has in any of the last If unqualified reports
adverse auditor comments the last three
RQ auditor’s opinion and all adverse three years and are given by the
18 in audited financial years and no NA
8 footnotes (if not already opinion in any no adverse auditor in all of the
statements of last three adverse opinion is
submitted as part of the of the last opinion or last three years.
years? given in any of
application), schedule and three years. qualified report
the last three
ageing of debtors. is given in any of
the last three

DOC62: A Company Credit
Debt servicing history, to
Report (CCR) or a Of total
reduce risk of expropriation
Commercial Credit 'assets', assets Of total 'assets', Of total 'assets', Of total 'assets',
of DDU-GKY funds to debt Of total 'assets',
Information Report issued by classified as assets classified assets classified assets classified
servicing: How well does the assets classified as
CIBIL within 6 months prior Substandard, as Substandard, as Substandard, as Substandard,
PIA applicant service its long Substandard,
to date of project Doubtful, or Doubtful, or Loss Doubtful, or Doubtful, or
and short term debt, Doubtful, or Loss
application. Loss is over is over 8% (3 Loss is over 6% Loss is over 4%
including repayment of both, over 2% (9 points)
Specimen: 10% (1 point) points) (5 points) (7 points)
SQ interest and principal
22 amount as per the debt Of total 'assets',
default/files/pdf/understand Of total Of total 'assets', Of total 'assets', Of total 'assets',
contracts? Please refer to assets classified as
-your-cibil-company-credit- 'assets', assets assets classified assets classified assets classified
the CCR, and notice any Substandard,
report.pdf classified as as Substandard, as Substandard, as Substandard,
'assets' classified as Doubtful, or Loss is
Substandard, Doubtful, or Loss Doubtful, or Doubtful, or
Substandard, Doubtful, or less than 2%. (10
DOC63: If not already clearly Doubtful, or is over 7% (4 Loss is over 5% Loss is over 3%
Loss. points)
stated in the audited Loss is over 9% points) (6 points) (8 points)
financial statements, a (2 points)
declaration from the PIA
Documents/Information Scoring Scheme
Sl. No. Questions to be obtained before the
1 point 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
appraisal begins.
Note: This information applicant's statutory
should be obtained for all auditors declaring the
organisations in the contingent liabilities not
consortium. reflected in the audited
financial statements, or a
Note: If the credit statement that there are no
information is not available contingent liabilities,
from CIBIL for any reasons including guarantees or
beyond the control of PIA assurances provided to third
applicants, applicants should parties or an affiliated
provide the credit company, unused
information report from the encashable leaves of
bankers that they have taken employees, insufficient or

credits or loans from, as non-payment of employee
reflected in the latest social insurance and taxes,
balance sheets. possible litigation risks
caused by violation of the
laws and regulations.
DOC13: Self-declaration by
CEO/ CFO of which statutory
payments is the organisation
required to make and which
statutory returns is the
Whether Income Tax
organisation required to file,
Returns, Service Tax Returns,
and whether these payments
and annual filings with ROC
and returns have been filed
(say, in case of companies),
on time.
RQ ETDS, VAT, PF, ESI and other
9 applicable returns for the
DOC14: Statutory payments
last three years have been
and returns--Income Tax
timely, and payments of
Returns, Service Tax Returns,
respective dues have been
and annual filings with ROC
on time?
(say, in case of companies),
ETDS, VAT, PF, ESI and other
applicable returns--may be
provided for review during
the appraisal.

Reference Templates Question Sheet 1

PA/ DOC2-01
RQ2/Doc 2 Description of experience of promoters, directors, and chief executives and their experience in providing skilling/training or placements in captive

Name Organisation Type of organisation Designation Detail of roles Duration of work

employment or otherwise.

In case more than 2 years in an organisation kindly share details of all roles held during the duration of work.

PA/ DOC58-01

RQ18/Doc 58 Description of the information system(s) or ERP in place for managing operations and maintaining data across life cycle of the training

Refer to the exhaustive list to check if the required data is maintained.

Sno. List of Data Points Documents for Maker-Primary Checker- Reviewer/ Data for 3 batches to be filled by PIA in last Remarks
reference* Secondary Approver 1 year by
As per DDU-GKY SOP 1 2 3 Appraiser
1. Enrolment percentage of each SF 6.3A2-Enrolment Centre manager Operations CEO
batch summary of the batch head
2. Drop out percentage SF 6.3A2- Enrolment
summary of the batch
3. Attendance of candidates and SF 5.1I(Candidate) & SF
Trainers 5,1J(Trainers)
4. Performance of candidates in SF 5.1M- Summary of
formative assessments evaluation & Assessment

5. Status of OJT conducted for SF 4.6A- OJT plan for the
each student batch
6. Performance of candidates in SF 5.1M- Summary of
summative assessments evaluation & Assessment
7. Conversion rate from
candidates trained to
candidates taking assessment
8. Salaries of candidates 7.1 B1-Tracking form
9. Placement percentages
10. Candidate retention duration SF 9.4A: Grading of
with employers placement quality of a
11. Proportion of repeat
employers of the PIA's
12. Placement status for up to SF 9.4A: Grading of
one year after candidates placement quality of a
have finished training project
13. Adherence to lesson plan and SF 9.3A: Grading of batch
training calendar training quality
14. Performance in projects
against targets and annual
action plan
15. Candidate satisfaction and SF 5.1L1-Candidate
dissatisfaction Feedback form & SF 5.1L2
Summary of evaluation

PA/ DOC8-01
SQ1/DOC8: Organization chart with names (if available), designations and KPIs that each person is responsible for, with respect to skilling operations.

Sno. KPI Responsibility- primary Responsibility secondary Reviewer

1. Enrolment percentage of each batch Centre manager Operations head CEO
2. Drop out percentage
3. Attendance of candidates and Trainers
4. Performance of candidates in formative
5. Status of OJT conducted for each student
6. Performance of candidates in summative
7. Conversion rate from candidates trained to
candidates taking assessment tests
8. Salaries of candidates
9. Placement percentages
10. Candidate retention duration with employers
11. Proportion of repeat employers of the PIA's
12. Placement status for up to one year after
candidates have finished training
13. Adherence to lesson plan and training
14. Performance in projects against targets and
annual action plan
15. Candidate satisfaction and dissatisfaction

PA/ DOC47-01
SQ18/Doc 47 Please quote specific examples of events organized and reference them with dates, which batches did the employers meet, and names of
employers' representatives.

S. No. Organization name Employer Representative Name & Contact Batch no. & Date of interaction Evidence of Interaction*

*Evidence of Interaction may include, Activity lesson planner/Batch scheduler, Videos, Photographs, Feedback Email sent out by Employer, or Feedback
written on the employer letter head. Appraiser may cross verify the same by contacting employer.

PA/FM/ DOC69-01
SQ25/Doc 69 Details of salaries paid to current domain trainers and other trainers, and proposed salaries for DDU-GKY trainers..

S.No. Name of the Trainer Domain/Non-Domain(Soft Skill, Part-time/Full Time Salary(INR) Evidence Attached*
English , IT, Numeracy, Other)/Lead

Kindly provide the list of current domain trainers and other trainers with, part-time/full-time, subject, number of batches, salary slips (with organisation
stamp and signature) and Bank account statements/Passbook Entry reflecting transfer of salary. Proposed salary structure for DDU-GKY trainers

Annexure VIII

Question Sheet 2: For PIA applicants that have NOT conducted MES/QP-NOS/NSQF compliant courses for at least 1 year
Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema
S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points
Organization Strength
One or two Three to five Multiple investors
What is experience of investors or The investors or investors or investors or or promoters have
promoters with more than 5% DOC101: Profiles of investors and promoters have no promoters have a promoters have a a track record of
equity stake in the organization in promoters. Letter from Company track record of track record of track record of having founded or
1 SQ 1 having founded or invested in Secretary/Chartered Accountant. having founded or having founded having founded or invested in multiple
successful companies, and having Board membership document for invested in or invested in invested in successful
remained an investor for at least PIA applicant. successful successful successful organizations for
two years? organizations. organizations, organizations for more than 10
over last 5 years. more than 5 years. years.
The top Almost all
One or two More than two
management team members of the
What is the work experience of members of the members of the
of the PIA applicant top management
top management team in leading DOC102: CVs of top management top management top management
2 SQ 2 has no track record team of the PIA
successful organizations in top team. team have led a team have led a
of having led applicant have led
management positions? successful successful
successful a successful
organization. organization.
organizations. organization.
DOC107: Proposed organization No clarity on Accountability is Accountability is
Is there a clear approach for who Accountability is
chart with names (if available), accountability for defined for all KPIs defined for all KPIs
3 AQ 3 will be accountable for various defined for some
designations and KPIs that each KPIs and job with job with job
KPIs at middle and senior KPIs but not all.
person will be responsible for, description of description, but description, with

management level in the with respect to skilling senior specific standards specific
organization? operations. Description of what management/ Job description is /Measurable standards/bands/
standards or bands have been trainers not provided for parameters have Measurable
defined for each KPI, and if not, trainers, project not been defined Parameters having
what is the approach for defining manager, training for all KPIs. been defined for all
those standards or bands. centre in charge, KPIs.
mobilisation head
and placement

Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema

S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points
Note: Document 107 should
include Job descriptions of
trainers, project managers at PIA
HQ, training centre in charge,
mobilization head, and placement
Training Infrastructure & Delivery
The PIA applicant
There is an existing
has no internal There is an
DOC113: In-service training There is an existing structured and
training existing
details conducted in last 3 years. structured and consistently
experience, or structured and
Details to include course/training consistently implemented
What is the PIA applicant's internal there is an internal consistently
name, topics covered, impact on implemented training program
in-service training experience? training or implemented
4 SQ 4 candidate e.g. promotion, training program, with well develop
This could be conducted internally orientation training program,
placement, certificate issued, etc. with up to 5,000 content that is
or by hiring external agents. program in place with up to 1,000
length of training, objectives of people having regularly updated,
that does not people having
training, sample copies of content been trained under learning objectives,
require domain been trained
used, and profiles of trainers. it. and assessment
experts or under it.
mechanism, with
practitioners, or

the internal more than 5,000
training and people trained.
program is
delivered with poor
quality material, or
no material.

Which are the employers that DOC138: Details of prospective Proof of tie-ups Proof of tie-ups Proof of tie-ups
No proof of tie-ups
will hire the DDU-GKY employers of DDU-GKY with potential with potential with potential
with potential
candidates? Are there candidates, if already identified employers or employers or employers or
employers have
5 AQ 16 arrangements in place with those (along with written agreements internal internal workforce internal workforce
been found in
employers for potential with prospective employers if the workforce requirement in requirement in
place and no
recruitment? arrangement is documented, and requirement in case of captive case of captive
credible skill gap
contact details). case of captive employment, employment,
Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema
S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points
Cross-verify arrangements with DOC124 : Skills gap analysis analysis conducted employment, catering to more catering to more
potential employers. Check if the by applicant PIA. catering to less than 70%, but less than 100% of the
additional supply that DDU-GKY than 50% of the than 100% of the proposed target.
creates can be absorbed, does it proposed target proposed target So that each
replace another skilling operation, candidate is
or is there fresh demand. Check if offered at least
there are adequate potential two jobs
recruiters for DDU-GKY
candidates, so that each
candidate will be offered at least
two jobs.

In case of captive employers,
please consider their current and
projected revenue and workforce
strength to assess if they will be
able to absorb the skilled
candidates, as proposed.

If possible, find out what is the

retention duration of rural youth
hired by employer in the past.
There is a
There is a dedicated
DOC157: Proposed processes for There is no dedicated approach and
Is there a proposed standardized
training-the-trainers in the PIA, proposed process approach and process for TOT
internal or an external training-of-
and details of any training in place for TOT process proposed and continuous
6 AQ20 trainer program for capacity
programs conducted that the and capacity for TOT and capacity building of
building and certification of
trainers currently with PIA building of the continuous trainers. All
applicant have gone through. trainers capacity building of trainers currently
trainers. in the organization
have undergone

Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema
S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points
TOT program at
least once.
Based on past employment in the
PIA applicant, review: 1. Whether
retention rates are high (at least 3 DOC114: Data on existing
months after joining), especially workforce for those job roles for
for migrant rural youth, 2. which skilling is proposed in the
The learners have
Whether working conditions proposed employment network
been placed and
across the proposed employment (PIA applicant and its proposed
The learners have have worked for
network are good, 3. Whether employers), and career The learners have
been placed and minimum three
feedback from people whom they progression paths available for been placed
No recorded proofs have worked for months. The
have placed or employed in the skilled candidates that take up however
of employees for minimum three working conditions
7 RQ5 past is positive, 4. Whether those job roles. Aggregate retention rates
the retention months. The have been fairly
opportunities for career numbers would be sufficient, and for more than a
period working conditions good. The
progression are clearly laid out actual names of employees are month are not
need not be always employers are
and accessible. Also review past not required at this stage. good
good happy and have
employment in those (Feedback from current
continued to place
organizations in the network employees in the network,
where the PIA applicant has retention rates, and working
proposed to place DDU-GKY conditions to be understood
candidates. This is to understand through field visits.)
how effective employment has
been in the past.-
Is there a clear approach for a DOC119: Description of proposed No Clarity in the Clearly defined Dedicated
proposed placement team to process of staying in touch with proposed process process to obtain Placement Team in
8 AQ7 contact placed candidates placed candidates and obtaining to obtain candidates place, along with
regularly to identify their pain their feedback and pain areas, candidate's feedback clearly defined
areas/obtain their feedback, and parameters on which feedback feedback regularly including process to obtain

coordinates provision of requisite will be obtained, schedule and schedule and candidates
support? frequency of contact frequency of feedback including
contact, Review schedule and
mechanism not frequency of
Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema
S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points
DOC120: Approach to providing defined, contact, and review
post placement support and Placement team mechanism.
being in touch with candidates to yet to be hired
ensure better retention of
candidates after placement.
DOC124 :Skill Gap analysis (listed
Average starting Average starting Average starting
above).- Average starting
Quality of jobs proposed salaries proposed salary proposed is salary proposed is
9 SQ 7 salary proposed is
Based on Skill gap analysis for candidates is between Rs. between Rs. 7500-
Average Starting Salaries Rs. 15,000 or more
below Rs. 6000 6000-Rs.7499 Rs.14,999
Clearly defined
process and There is a
metrics to dedicated
provide Placement team in
placement place and process
There is no
DOC129: Proposed support to the proposed to
What will be PIAs approach to proposed process
processes/activities and their candidates provide placement
10 AQ 10 provide placement support to in place to provide
frequency to provide placement including support has clearly
candidates? placement support
support to candidates. frequency defined activities,
to candidates
,Review timelines and
mechanism not responsibility,
defined, along with review
Placement team mechanism
yet to be hired

Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema
S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points
Quality Assurance
Have planned to
adapt or replicate
Plan to maintain the current data
Has current
What is the information Manual data with management
DOC146: Description of the system of fully
system/ERP that is proposed to No information the help of book systems. This
information system(s) or ERP in functional ERP
be put in place for skilling system or ERP in keeping or simple management
11 AQ 19 place for managing operations intends to extend
operations, and what kind of place for skilling excel sheets. The system is
and maintaining data across life or adapt it to the
information is maintained in its operations data is restricted Retrievable and
cycle of the training program. requirements of
ambit? to rudimentary readily traceable
the skilling
candidate data however the data is
Does the PIA applicant have
A designated
quality assurance and internal Internal audit is Skilling/Non Skilling
There is no process internal position
audit mechanisms for its existing non-independent operations are
DOC162: Description of current in place for quality (Quality team) with
operations? Are these processes (i.e. conducted by subject to internal
quality assurance and internal assurance and clearly defined
12 RQ 7 found to be adequate and those involved in audit conducted by
audit processes for existing (non- internal audit Quality Assurance
effective? Is there a specifically the skilling/non a team
skilling and skilling) operations. mechanism for and internal audit
designated position to drive skilling independent of the
existing operations processes are in
quality assurance and internal operations) PIA applicant.

Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema
S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points
If one of the
If one of the
promoter/ Whole-
What are the CIBIL Scores of promoter/ WTD
time director
directors and promoters during the of the applicant
(WTD) of the
last 6 months? Are there any has a CIBIL score
applicant has a
scored lower than 700, which in the range of
DOC105: CIBIL scores of CIBIL score of less
would be an indicator of risk? 650-700 and the
directors and promoters. than 650 and if
average score of If none of the If none of the
overall average is
Note: CIBIL score of NA (Not promoter/ WTD is promoter/ WTD of promoter/ WTD of
CIBIL SCORES for only Whole less than 700
Available) or NH (No History) 700-725 the applicant has a the applicant has a
time Directors & Promoters
13 RQ2 indicates that no risks have been CIBIL score less CIBIL score less
required. If more than 50%
identified. As per CIBIL website, If less than 50% than 700 and the than 700 and the
In case there are more than 1 of promoters/ WTD
79% of the loans approved are for of promoters/ average score is average score is
full time director or promoter, have a score of -1
individuals with a score greater WTD have a score 725-750 more than 750
than an average of the CIBIL or 0
than 750. Where credit history is of -1 or 0
score can be rated
less than 6 months old, the score is
If any promoter/
given between 1-5. Here, a score of If any promoter/
WTD of the
3 denotes a medium risk and score WTD of the
applicant has a
of 1-2 denote high risk. applicant has a
CIBIL score of 1 or
CIBIL score of 3

Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema
S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points

What is the net working capital DOC147: CA certified Free fund

available to sustain gaps in releases flow statement for last three
of tranches? Given a tentative years.
prospective project work schedule,
please estimate for how long is the DOC148: PIA's projected free
net working capital cover available fund flow statement for next
to cover project expenses (after three years, reflecting quarterly
deducting any adjustments to be or monthly balance of working Available for less
Available for less
made for negative cash flow as per capital. than 6 months (6
than 1 month (1
the projected cash flow statement), points)
point) Available for less
after the funds given in first DOC149: Projected DDU-GKY
Available for less than 9 months (9
tranche under DDU-GKY get project cash flow based on a Available for less
Available for less than 4 months (4 points)
exhausted and the physical and tentative prospective project than 7 months (7
14 SQ 10 than 2 months (2 points)
financial eligibility for second work schedule and release of points)
points) Available for more
tranche has been met, and before instalments (PPWS).
Available for less than 9 months (10
second instalment is released. For
Available for less than 5 months (5 points)
the purpose of this calculation, the DOC148 & DOC149 to be Available for less
than 3 months (3 points)
projected working capital figures accompanied by a chartered than 8 months (8
can be used. Note: Are there long accountant's statement issued points)
term debtors that affect the in line with SAE 3400 (AAS 35),
working capital? In your risk “The Examination of
assessment, please calculate the Prospective Financial
duration for which working capital Information”, issued by the ICAI.
cover is available, excluding debts (Available at
owed to PIA applicant that are
older than 6 months. 10Link45_3400SAE-AAS35.pdf)

Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema
S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points
DOC109: Audited financial If the audit report If the audit report
statements for each of the has qualified has 'emphasis of
applicants for the last three If the audit report opinion in any of matter' opinion in If unqualified
How frequent are the adverse
fiscal years, along with, has adverse the last three any of the last reports are given
auditor comments in audited
15 RQ3 auditor’s opinion and all opinion in any of years and no three years and no by the auditor in all
financial statements of last three
footnotes (if not already the last three adverse opinion is adverse opinion or of the last three
submitted as part of the years. given in any of qualified report is years.
application), schedule and the last three given in any of the
ageing of debtors. years. last three years.
Debt servicing history, to reduce DOC150: A Company Credit
Of total 'assets',
risk of expropriation of DDU-GKY Report (CCR) or a Commercial
assets classified
funds to debt servicing: How well Credit Information Report Of total 'assets',
as Substandard,
does the PIA applicant service its issued by CIBIL within 6 months assets classified as
Doubtful, or Loss
long and short term debt, including prior to date of project Substandard,
is over 7% (4 Of total 'assets',
repayment of both, interest and application. Doubtful, or Loss is Of total 'assets',
points) assets classified as
principal amount as per the debt Specimen: over 10% (1 point) assets classified as
contracts? Please refer to the CCR, Substandard,
Of total 'assets', Doubtful, or Loss
and notice any 'assets' classified as ault/files/pdf/understand-your- Of total 'assets', Doubtful, or Loss is
assets classified over 2% (9 points)
Substandard, Doubtful, or Loss. cibil-company-credit-report.pdf assets classified as over 4% (7 points)
as Substandard,
16 SQ 11 Substandard,
Doubtful, or Loss Of total 'assets',
Note: This information should be DOC151: If not already clearly Doubtful, or Loss is Of total 'assets',
is over 6% (5 assets classified as
obtained for all organizations in the stated in the audited financial over 9% (2 points) assets classified as
points) Substandard,
consortium. statements, a declaration from Substandard,
Doubtful, or Loss is
the PIA applicant's statutory Of total 'assets', Doubtful, or Loss is
Of total 'assets', less than 2%. (10
Note: If the credit information is auditors declaring the assets classified as over 3% (8 points)
assets classified points)
not available from CIBIL for any contingent liabilities not Substandard,
as Substandard,
reasons beyond the control of PIA reflected in the audited Doubtful, or Loss is
Doubtful, or Loss
applicants, applicants should financial statements, or a over 8% (3 points)
is over 5% (6
provide the credit information statement that there are no
report from the bankers that they contingent liabilities, including

have taken credits or loans from, as guarantees or assurances
reflected in the latest balance provided to third parties or an
sheets. affiliated company, unused
Documents/Information to be Scoring Schema
S.No. Questions obtained before the appraisal
1 point 4 points 8 points 10 points
encashable leaves of
employees, insufficient or non-
payment of employee social
insurance and taxes, possible
litigation risks caused by
violation of the laws and
DOC110: Self-declaration of
which statutory payments is the
organization required to make
and which statutory returns is
the organization required to
Whether Income Tax Returns, file, and whether these
Service Tax Returns, and annual payments and returns have
filings with ROC (say, in case of been filed on time.
companies), ETDS, VAT, PF, ESI and
other applicable returns for the last DOC111: Statutory payments
three years have been timely, and and returns--Income Tax
payments of respective dues have Returns, Service Tax Returns,
been on time? and annual filings with ROC
(say, in case of companies),
ETDS, VAT, PF, ESI and other
applicable returns--may be
provided for review during the

Reference Templates Question Sheet 2

PA/ DOC101-02
SQ1/DOC101: Profiles of investors and promoters. Letter from Company Secretary/Chartered Accountant. Board membership document for PIA applicant.. Name Company Role %age of stake in Years of Association Evidence*
Name (Investor/Promoter) the company

1. From:

2. From:

3. From:

4. From:

5. From:

*Letter from Company Secretary/Chartered Accountant. Board membership document for PIA applicant

PA/ DOC102-02
SQ2/DOC102: Work experience of top management team in leading successful organizations in top management positions. Name Organization Position Description of role Years of Evidence*

Name Held Association

1. From:

2. From:

3. From:

4. From:

5. From:

*CVs of Top Management team(Company Stamp)

PA/ DOC113-02
SQ4/DOC113: In-service training details conducted in last 3 years. Details to include course/training name, topics covered, impact on candidate e.g.
promotion, placement, certificate issued etc, length of training, objectives of training, sample copies of content used, and profiles of trainers.
Sno. Objective of training Topics covered Duration(in Hrs) Impact on the candidate(s) Evidence*













*Sample copies of content used and Profile of Trainer(s)

AQ3/DOC107: Organization chart with names (if available), approach for who will accountable for various KPIs at middle and senior management level in
the organization.
Sno. KPI Responsibility- primary Responsibility secondary Reviewer
1. Enrolment percentage of each batch Centre manager Operations head CEO
2. Drop out percentage
3. Attendance of candidates and Trainers
4. Performance of candidates in formative
5. Status of OJT conducted for each student
6. Performance of candidates in summative
7. Conversion rate from candidates trained to
candidates taking assessment tests
8. Salaries of candidates
9. Placement percentages
10. Candidate retention duration with employers
11. Proportion of repeat employers of the PIA's
12. Placement status for up to one year after
candidates have finished training
13. Adherence to lesson plan and training
14. Performance in projects against targets and
annual action plan
15. Candidate satisfaction and dissatisfaction

AQ19/Doc 146 Description of the information system(s) or ERP in place for managing operations and maintaining data across life cycle of the training

Refer to the exhaustive to see the information system/ERP that is proposed to be put in place for skilling operations

Sno. List of Data Points Documents for Maker-Primary Checker- Reviewer/ Data for 3 batches to be filled by PIA in last Remarks
reference* Secondary Approver 1 year by
As per DDU-GKY SOP 1 2 3 Appraiser
1. Enrolment percentage of each SF 6.3A2-Enrolment Centre manager Operations CEO
batch summary of the batch head
2. Drop out percentage SF 6.3A2- Enrolment
summary of the batch
3. Attendance of candidates and SF 5.1I(Candidate) & SF
Trainers 5,1J(Trainers)
4. Performance of candidates in SF 5.1M- Summary of
formative assessments evaluation & Assessment
5. Status of OJT conducted for SF 4.6A- OJT plan for the
each student batch
6. Performance of candidates in SF 5.1M- Summary of
summative assessments evaluation & Assessment
7. Conversion rate from
candidates trained to
candidates taking assessment
8. Salaries of candidates 7.1 B1-Tracking form
9. Placement percentages
10. Candidate retention duration SF 9.4A: Grading of
with employers placement quality of a
11. Proportion of repeat
employers of the PIA's

12. Placement status for up to SF 9.4A: Grading of
one year after candidates placement quality of a
have finished training project
13. Adherence to lesson plan and SF 9.3A: Grading of batch
training calendar training quality
14. Performance in projects
against targets and annual
action plan
15. Candidate satisfaction and SF 5.1L1-Candidate
dissatisfaction Feedback form & SF 5.1L2
Summary of evaluation


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