37.bioclimatic Chart

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 A bioclimatic chart is a preliminary analysis tool used during the early planning stages of a
building project. Known as bioclimatic architecture, an architect uses the bioclimatic chart
to design buildings that include the most efficient passive cooling and heating strategies
based on the climate and location of a building site.
 Accumulating Chart Data
In order to create a bioclimatic chart, monthly statistical data is collected. The chart is used
to plot the average maximum and minimum temperature and the average maximum and
minimum relative humidity. The think. Green website recommends using a meteorology
website to collect the information. You can also obtain the information from weather reports
kept by local airports.
 Plotting the Chart
To create a bioclimatic chart two points are plotted for each month. The first plot point is
used to indicate the minimum temperature and maximum relative humidity, also known as
RH. The second plot point is used to indicate maximum temperature along with the
minimum RH. The two points are connected with a line. Each line on the bioclimatic chart
represents an average day’s changes in temperature and humidity. To be effective, the chart
is developed over a one-year period.
 Strategies
A completed bioclimatic chart will indicate the boundaries for different types of passive
design strategies. Passive solar heating can be assessed using the chart as well as passive
cooling strategies. Additionally, the chart can indicate a comfort zone where no cooling or
heating is required to maintain thermal comfort. An architect will then use the chart to start
planning the type of project best suited for a particular climatic location. Doing so creates
energy-efficient bioclimatic buildings that enhance the quality of life for its users.
 Benefits
The building sector accounts for nearly 40 percent of national final energy consumption,
according to the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving. This type of energy
consumption, using mostly oil as well as electricity, causes the major atmospheric pollution
responsible for the greenhouse effect and climatic change. Energy consumption is also a
major economic burden. Using a bioclimatic chart helps an architect use simple building
techniques and methods that reduce energy consumption, such as incorporating a passive
solar heating system, natural cooling systems and techniques, as well as natural lighting
systems and techniques.


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