Grade 6 DLL English 6 q4 Week 3
Grade 6 DLL English 6 q4 Week 3
Grade 6 DLL English 6 q4 Week 3
4. Additional
Reference from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning downloaded workbook downloaded workbook
Resources p.166(5775Reverse the p.166(5775Reverse the
Education Crises) Education Crises)
A. Reviewing previous Pronunciation Exercises: /p/ Pronunciation Exercises: /p/ Checking of assignment What are the basis in Checking of assignment
lesson or presenting Initial /p/ final /p/ Initial /p/ final /p/ identifying sufficient evidences
the new lesson pot keep pot keep to justify a conclusions?
place trip place trip
paper group paper group
print clip print clip
plant skip plant skip
H. Making generalizations What are the basic steps in drawing a What are the basic steps in What are the basic steps in What are the basic steps in
and abstractions about conclusion? drawing a conclusion? drawing a conclusion? drawing a conclusion?
the lesson (analyzing and interpreting (analyzing and interpreting (analyzing and interpreting (analyzing and interpreting
I. Evaluating learning Read the information below: Here are generalization/ Lesson 88: Identifying sufficient Exercise B Passing of papers,
MasterCard, a payment company, conclusions. Choose the best evidences to justify a conclusion Directions: Write G beside each answering the test
conducted a consumer survey. It was a evidence that supports each. or generalization Exercise A sentence that is questions, checking the
study on the values and attitudes of Directions: Write G beside each a generalization / conclusion. answers and recording
consumers in the Asia Pacific Region 1.In a few years time our sentence that is Underline any the data
including the Philippines. forests will be gone. a generalization / conclusion. signal words that helped you
The question asked is: a.Illegal logging is still rampant. Underline any identify that
If you won a million US dollars in a lottery, b.The animals are dying. signal words that helped you generalization.
what would you do? c.The plants are destroyed. identify that generalization. 1. ___ The mystery show kept
A total of 405 Filipino respondents made 2.Global warming is 1. ___ In general, proper us all on the edge of our seats!
their choices. unavoidable. exercise can help people keep 2. ___Most of the students in
The results of the survey are shown below. a.People are careless in healthy. the class writes their homework
MasterCard International Philippine Survey disposing of their waste. 2. ___This is the best car our in pencil.
b.The hole in the ozone layer is family has ever had. 3. ___ Six students read their
40 getting bigger. 3. ___ Most members of the poems aloud.
20 c.Fewer trees are being school soccer team are strong 4. ___People who like to
0 planted. and fit. read tend to do better in school
3.Dogs are man’s best friends. 4. __Two songs on that tape are than people who don’t.
a.They bite and kill their new. 5. ___Many people have
victims. 5. __ January is usually the daily newspapers delivered to
b.They entertain people in coldest month in this region. their homes.
shows and circuses. 6. __ Those oranges look very 6. ___People generally take a
c.Their give up their lives to fresh. vacation in the middle of
protect their masters. 7. __The students handed in summer.
Which statements are true based on the
their book reports on Thursday. 7. ___Pizza with extra cheese
result of the survey? Write the letters in any
8. __Some insects are harmful to is the best!
food crops and other kinds of 8. ___Few students come to
1. Thriftiness is a common trait among
plants. class unprepared for a big test.
9. ___ The traffic is generally 9. ___ Most of the local TV
2. Most Filipinos want luxury.
heavier during commuting channels broadcast the late
c. Majority of the Filipino consumers who
hours. news at 10:00pm
answered the question are not afraid to take
10. __ Mike’s dog is a wonderful 10. ___Graduation ceremonies
risk in business.
pet. are usually held in late March.
J. Additional activities for Assignment:
application or Copy the letter of the
remediation conclusion that goes with the
information given.
1.Paeng sat down on the
bench. He put his fingers on
the keys. Then Paeng began to
play the new song he was
a. Paeng has a new piano.
b. Paeng is clever.
c. Paeng was practicing his
piano lesson.
2. After stepping up to the
plate, Maria wound up to
swimming. The ball flew
toward her. Maria swing
hard and hit the ball.
a. Maria’s team won the
b. Maria plays with the
softball team.
c. Maria is good at sports.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other