GGSC Happiness Calendar January 2022

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January 2022 This month, find your motivation and purpose.

Happiness Calendar Keep up with the latest on the science of connection, compassion, and happiness
by subscribing to our newsletters.


1 Slow down
to savor happy
moments with loved ones.

2 Give yourself 3 Reflect on 4 Take photos 5 Start a good 6
Skip the small 7 Find ways to 8
How forgiving
warmth and something you’re of things that are book, like one of talk and connect support the young are you? Take our
understanding grateful for today. meaningful to you. our favorite science more deeply with people in your life quiz to find out.
when you’re books of 2021! strangers. as they grow.

9 Consider what 10 To find your 11

Perform a 12 Get the Greater 13
Cultivate a craft 14
Identify a 15
Help your child
lessons you’ve purpose, think about random act of Good Toolkit with or hobby that gives larger goal you get motivated by
learned during the what your strengths kindness. 30 practices for you a sense of flow. want to pursue as tapping into their
and passions are. well-being this year. part of a group or inner superhero.
community this year.

16 Share the 17 Think about 18

Try our one- 19
Reflect on 20 Pay more 21
Struggling as 22
Watch a
positivity: Post ways you could month Pathway the values that are attention to how a parent? Get some play, musical, or
online about diversify your to Happiness important to you. you communicate expert advice. inspiring movie.
something that went social network. program. with others.
well for you today.

23 Enjoy some 24 Make sure to 25 Try to limit 26

Be open to 27
Recommit to 28
Don’t believe 29
Take a nap!
nature with your get up and move multitasking to learning from your New Year’s everything you
family. your body today. feel less exhausted. friends who are resolutions. read online.
different from you.

30 Cultivate a 31 Take our Science

spiritual practice
(whatever that
means to you).
of Happiness at
Work courses to be
happier on the job.
Happy 2 22!

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