Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

* 4 6 7 3 6 3 0 8 7 3 *


Paper 3 Resistant Materials May/June 2017
1 hour
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Section A
Answer all questions in this section.

Section B
Answer one question in this section.

You may use a calculator.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The total of the marks for this paper is 50.

This document consists of 15 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Section A

Answer all questions in this section.

1 Fig. 1 shows two pieces of hardwood that have been glued together.

Fig. 1

From the list below circle the type of glue that would provide the strongest joint.

contact adhesive hot melt glue gun PVA [1]

2 Complete the drawing below to show odd leg calipers.


3 Complete the statement by adding the correct term from the list below.

lightweight recycled smart dense

A thermochromic material changes colour with changes in temperature.

This is an example of a .................................................. material. [1]

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4 Fig. 2 shows the end of a length of wood.

Draw on Fig. 2 to show a groove and a rebate.

Fig. 2 [2]

5 Fig. 3 shows four items used to fasten materials together.


Fig. 3

Name each of the items A, B, C and D shown in Fig. 3.

A .......................................................................................................................................................

B .......................................................................................................................................................

C .......................................................................................................................................................

D ...................................................................................................................................................[4]

6 Fig. 4 shows three layers of a sheet of plywood.

Fig. 4

Complete Fig. 4 by drawing the grain direction on layers 2 and 3 to show how plywood is
constructed. [1]

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7 The table below shows products made mainly from plastic.

Complete the table by naming a suitable plastic for each product.

Product Name of plastic

electric plug body


plastic blister packaging

knife handle


8 Fig. 5 shows a manufactured board.

Fig. 5

(a) Name the manufactured board.


(b) Describe briefly how the manufactured board shown in Fig. 5 is made.




(c) The manufactured board shown in Fig. 5 is widely used in the production of mass-produced
From the list below circle the most important benefit of using this manufactured board.

weight appearance cost strength [1]

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9 Fig. 6 shows a mild steel bracket for a hanging basket.



Fig. 6

(a) State a suitable thickness of mild steel strip for the bracket.


(b) Give two methods of joining the brace to the bracket permanently.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................[2]

10 Fig. 7 shows a toast rack made from metal.


Fig. 7

(a) (i) Name a suitable ferrous metal for the toast rack.


(ii) Name a suitable non-ferrous metal for the toast rack.


(b) Give two reasons why a base has been fitted to the toast rack.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................[2]
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Section B

Answer one question from this section.

11 Fig. 8 shows views of an artist’s drawing board.

storage unit: 1.5 thick plastic

ledge: 10×10 hardwood

support: Ø8 metal rod
board: 15 thick manufactured board

Fig. 8

(a) Describe two good design features of the artist’s drawing board.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................[2]

(b) Complete the parts list below by naming a specific material for each of the parts of the drawing

Part Length × Width × Thickness Specific material
board 1 650 × 450 × 15
storage unit 1 300 × 100 × 1.5
ledge 1 400 × 10 × 10
support 1 750 × Ø8

(c) (i) Name a portable power saw that could be used to cut out the shape of the drawing board
from a large sheet of manufactured board.


(ii) Give one safety precaution, other than wearing eye protection, that must be taken when
using portable power tools.


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(d) The storage unit that will fit into the drawing board is produced by vacuum forming.

(i) Describe two important features of the design of the former used to vacuum form the
storage unit.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................................................................[2]

(ii) Explain why it is important to heat the plastic to the correct temperature when vacuum



(e) Fig. 9 shows the ends of the support fixed into hardwood blocks.

hardwood blocks glued to

underside of board

Fig. 9

(i) Explain why the designer has used hardwood blocks for the ends of the support to fit into
rather than drilling holes directly into the drawing board.




(ii) The support will be made by bending one length of Ø8 metal rod to shape.
Use sketches and notes to show how the Ø8 metal rod could be bent to shape.
Name the tools and equipment used.


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(f) Use sketches and notes to show a different method of supporting the drawing board to that
shown in Fig. 8.
Include details of all materials and constructions used.


(g) Give two benefits of using a portable power sander to prepare the surface of the drawing
board before a finish is applied.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................[2]

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12 Fig. 10 shows a bird feeder made from wood and plastic.

roof: 4 thick clear acrylic

end: 12 thick plywood


base: 12 thick plywood

12 20

Fig. 10

(a) Give two reasons why acrylic is a good choice of material for the roof of the bird feeder.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................[2]

(b) Fig. 11 shows a tool that could be used to produce the Ø50 holes in the base of the bird

Fig. 11

Name the tool shown in Fig. 11.


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(c) Fig. 12 shows one end of the bird feeder marked out ready to be cut to shape.

outside curve

inside curve

Fig. 12

(i) Name a machine saw that could be used to cut out the shape.


(ii) Name a tool that could be used to finish the inside curve.


(iii) Give one safety precaution you would take when using a disc sander to finish the outside


(d) Use sketches and notes to show how the base and ends could be joined together permanently.


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(e) Fig. 13 shows the roof of the bird feeder marked out on a sheet of acrylic.

roof shape


0 Fig. 13

(i) Name two ways of marking lines on the surface of acrylic.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................................................................[2]

(ii) When sawing acrylic there is a possibility that it could crack.

Describe how this could be prevented.




(f) Use sketches and notes to show how the curved shape of the roof could be produced.


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(g) Two plastic bowls are needed to fit into the holes in the base of the bird feeder.
Fig. 14 shows the former that will be used to vacuum form the plastic bowls.

Fig. 14

(i) Describe two features of the design of the former that will allow the plastic bowls to be
released from the former when vacuum formed.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................................................................[2]

(ii) Use sketches and notes to show how one plastic bowl could be produced by vacuum


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13 Fig. 15 shows views of a computer desk manufactured as flat-pack for self-assembly.

The end frames, back rail and supports are made from hardwood.


back rail 25×25
end frame


Fig. 15

(a) The computer desk top will be made from manufactured board.

(i) Name a suitable manufactured board for the desk top.


(ii) Give a reason for your choice of manufactured board.


(b) (i) Sketch and name a permanent joint that could be used at corner A in Fig. 15.


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(ii) Fig. 16 shows an exploded view of a support and an end frame.

Use sketches and notes to show how the support could be joined to the end frame using
a temporary fixing in the space below.

support 25×25

end frame

Fig. 16

(c) The hardwood parts of the computer desk will be finished with polyurethane varnish.

(i) Describe how each of the items listed below could be used to prepare the surfaces of the
hardwood parts before a polyurethane varnish finish is applied.

Medium grade glasspaper


Fine grade glasspaper


Damp cloth


Cork block


(ii) Give two reasons why polyurethane varnish is a suitable finish for the computer desk.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................................................................[2]

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(d) Explain how the designer has decided on the measurements of:

(i) the length and width of the computer desktop;


(ii) the height of the computer desk top above the ground.


(e) Fig. 17 shows details of a drawer that will be supported below the computer desk top.

sides 15 thick


Fig. 17

Use sketches and notes to show how the drawer could be supported below the computer
desk top and made to slide in and out as shown in Fig. 15.
Include details of materials, constructions and two important sizes.


(f) Many items of furniture are designed for self-assembly.

Give two drawbacks of self-assembly furniture.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................[2]
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